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Gloss phobia or speech anxiety is the fear of public speaking or of

speaking in general. The word gloss phobia comes from the Greek word
glossa meaning tongue and phobos means fear or dread. Many people
have this fear.

Fear of public speaking ranks higher in most

people's minds than the fear of death.It is not necessary that there are
audiences of hundreds but giving presentations to class fellows or even
is a problem to most students. Here are some things you can do to
avoid your fear of presentation.

In front of a mirror
Before presentation day stand in front of
mirror. Stay alert as you are giving in present moment. See your image
it should convey a positive image to your class fellows. See your body
language .Rehearsal more than three times. It will increase your self-

Practice, more practice and most practice

Practice as much as you can in your room.
Visualize your teacher and class fellows’ faces. Visualize a successful
outcome. It will help you to deliver the words naturally; they will be
feeling coming from your heart rather than from your tongue. Move
around during your presentation. This will expend some of your
nervous energy.
If you are more uncertain about your
presentation then you will be more nervous. When you start talking,
stop, make eye contact, and smile. Make sure that you can see your
notes clearly at all times. Take a deep breath, try to smile! Everyone
suffers from tension when giving presentations.

Tone of voice
Speak loudly and clearly during your time.
If you are not used to doing this then practice at home. Do not talk too
quickly or do not deliver sound like it is coming from a robot but keep
you enthusiastic.

Be confident
It is horrible to sea of expectant faces all
looking at you .So arrives early in the room before everyone comes;
now it is your turn! Smile at your class fellows when they arrive, greet
and take control of their hearts.

Make your topic interesting

Make your material interesting and
memorable. You can include occasional questions to the audience to
encourage audience participation. This enhances the learning and gives
you a break. Remember that you can't cover everything you know in
your presentation. That would be long and boring, select the important
points from your topic. Use these key phrases in your slides.
Prepare handouts of topic
Prepare handouts of topic. Distribute it in
your fellows. It will help you to prepare responses to anticipated
questions. Try to think like that one person in the front row who always
tries to trip the presenter up. Get over your fear of giving a

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