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Reading Assignments

TOPIC Chapter & Pages

1 Bleeding Section 7: Hemorrhagic & Thrombotic Diseases
Ch 502 Hemostasis pp. 2589 - 2593
Ch 503 Hereditary Clotting Factor Deficiencies pp. 2594 - 2598
(Bleeding Disorders)
Ch 504 Von Willebrand Disease pp. 2599 - 2602
Ch 507 Postneonatal Vitamin K Deficiency
Ch 508 Liver Disease p. 2607
Ch 509 Acquired Inhibitors of Coagulation
Ch 510 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation pp. 2608 (2 pages)
Ch 511 Platelet and Blood Vessel Disorders pp. 2609-2618
Ch 497 Red Blood Cell Transfusions and pp. 2580-2582
Erythropoietin Therapy
Ch 498 Platelet Transfusions p. 2583
Ch 500 Plasma Transfusions p. 2585
Ch 501 Plasma Transfusions pp. 2586-2588
2 Anemia Ch 480 Physiologic Anemia of Infancy pp. 2516-2521
pp. 2522-2525

pp. 2527-2530
pp. 2554-2564
3 Malignancy pp. 2634-2637
pp. 2649-2702
pp. 2624-2625
pp. 2710-2711
pp. 2637-2643
pp. 2647-2648
pp. 2643-2647

4 Cholestasis and Abdominal ABDOMINAL PAIN

Pain pp. 1901-1912
pp. 1934-1938
pp. 1961-1964
pp. 1969-1986
pp. 2041-2047
pp. 2074-2080
pp. 2139-2140
pp. 2081-2118
5 Diarrhea pp. 1904-1905
pp. 2012-2013
pp. 2020-2032
all tables therein;
Fig 226.1 p. 1510
6 Generalities & Acyanotic Heart pp. 9258-9260
Disease pp. 9388- 9394
pp. 9361-9367
pp. 9377-9386
7 Cyanotic and Acquired Heart pp. 2395-2400
Disease pp. 2402-2402
pp. 2407-2414
pp. 1445-1450
Part 2:
Cardinal Manifestations and Presentation of Diseases
Section 6 Alterations in Gastrointestinal Function .
GI-PCD 1 Ch 40: Dysphagia …………………………………………………………….... pp. 249-253
Ch 41: Nausea, Vomiting, and Indigestion …………………………………... pp.
GI-PCD 2 Ch 42: Diarrhea and Constipation ………………………………….………... pp. 263-267
Ch 43: Unintentional Weight Loss ……………………………….…………... pp.
GI-GCD 1, 2 Ch 44: Gastrointestinal Bleeding ……………………………………...……... pp. 272-275
GI-PCD 5 Ch 45: Jaundice …………………………………………….……….……….… pp. 276-281
Ch 46: Abdominal Swelling and Ascites……………………………………... pp.

Part 4:
Oncology & Hematology
Section 1 Neoplastic Disorders .
Ch 65: Approach to the Patient with Cancer …………….……….………… pp. X
Ch 66: Prevention and Early Detection of Cancer …………...…….……… pp. X
HO-Lec3? Ch 67: Cancer Genetics ………………………………………...…….……… pp. 1265-1287
HO- Lec3? Ch 68: Cancer Cell Biology …………………………………...………………. pp. 1289-1320
HO- Lec3? Ch 69: Principles of Cancer Treatment………………………………...……. pp. 1321-1382
Ch 70: Infections in Patient with Cancer ……………………………….……. pp. X
HO- Lec2 Ch 71: Oncologic Emergencies ……………………………………...….…… pp. 1414-1436
Ch 72: Cancer of the Skin ……………………………………...……. ….. …. pp. X
Ch 73: Head and Neck Cancer ………………………………………...…….. pp. X
Ch 74: Neoplasms of the Lung ………………………………………...… ….. pp. X
Ch 75: Breast Cancer …………………………………………………...… …. pp. X
GI-PCD1, GCD2 Ch 76: Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Cancers ………………………...…….. pp. 566-570
GI-GCD2 Ch 77: Lower Gastrointestinal Cancers ……………………………….......... pp. 572-578
GI-PCD 4, 5 Ch 78: Tumors of the Liver and Biliary Tree ……………………………....... pp. 578-590
GI-PCD 5 Ch 79: Pancreatic Cancer …………………………………………….……..... pp. 591-595
Ch 80: Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Gastrointestinal and Pancreas ….. pp. X
Ch 81: Renal Cell Carcinoma …….………………………………………...… pp. X
Ch 82: Cancer of the Bladder and Urinary Tract …………………………… pp. X
Ch 83: Benign and Malignant Diseases of the Prostate ………………...… pp. X
Ch 84: Testicular Cancer …………………………………………...……. ….. pp. X
Ch 85: Gynecologic Malignancies ….……………………………………...… pp. X
Ch 86: Primary and Metastatic Tumors of the Nervous System ………..… pp. X
Ch 87: Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcomas and Bone Metastases ………..… pp. X
Ch 88: Carcinoma of Unknown Primary …………………………...……….. pp. X
Ch 89: Paraneoplastic Syndromes: Endocrinologic/Hematologic……...… pp. X
Ch 90: Paraneoplastic Syndromes: Neurologic Syndromes and
Autoimmune Encephalitis ………………………………………….… pp. X
HO- Lec4 Ch 91: Late Consequences of Cancer and Its Treatment ……………..… pp. 1787-1801
HOGC Module
1 Anemia
2 Bleeding Disorders in Children
3 Childhood Malignancies
4 Cholestasis
5 Abdominal Pain and Vomiting
6 Diarrhea
7 Generalities & Acyanotic Heart Disease
8 Cyanotic and Acquired Heart Disease

HOGC Module
Day Topic Activity Reading Assignment
Aug Bleeding 8:00 - 9:00 Orientation pp. 2589-2591
12 9:00 -10:30 Lecture pp. 2591-2593
10:30 -10:45 Open forum pp. 2594-2602
pp. 2607-2618
pp. 2580-2588
Aug Anemia 8:00 - 8:25 PreQ: Anemia & Bleeding (20 pts) pp. 2517-2521
19 8:25 - 9:15 Lecture pp. 2522-2525
9:15 - 9:25 Open forum pp. 2527-2530
9:25 -10:30 CD 1: Anemia pp. 2554-2564
10:30 -10:40 Discussion of PreQ
10:40 -11:00 PosQ: Anemia & Bleeding (20 pts)
Aug Malignancy 8:00 - 8:15 PreQ: Malignancy (10 pts) pp. 2634-2637
26 8:15 - 9:00 Lecture pp. 2649-2702
9:00 - 9:10 Open forum pp. 2624-2625
9:10 -10:10 CD 2: Malignancy pp. 2710-2711
10:10 -10:20 Discussion of PreQ pp. 2637-2643
10:40 -10:35 PosQ: Malignancy (10 pts) pp. 2647-2648
10:35 -11:00 Discussion of PosQ on Anemia, Bleeding and pp. 2643-2647
Sept Cholestasis and 8:00 - 8:25 PreQ: Cholestasis and Abdominal Pain (20 pts) ABDOMINAL PAIN
2 Abdominal Pain 8:25 - 9:25 Lecture: Cholestasis pp. 1901-1912
9:25 - 9:30 Open forum pp. 1934-1938
9:30 -10:30 Lecture: Abdominal Pain pp. 1961-1964
10:30 -10:35 Open forum pp. 1969-1986
10:40 -11:00 PosQ: Cholestasis & Abdominal Pain (20 pts) pp. 2041-2047
pp. 2074-2080
pp. 2139-2140
pp. 2081-2118
Sept Diarrhea 8:00 - 8:15 PreQ: Diarrhea (10 pts) pp. 1904-1905
9 8:15 - 9:00 Lecture pp. 2012-2013
9:00 - 9:10 Open forum pp. 2020-2032
9:15 -10:25 CD 3: Diarrhea all tables therein;
10:25 -10:35 Discussion of PreQ Fig 226.1 p. 1510
10:35 -10:50 PosQ: Diarrhea (10 pts)
10:50 -11:00 Discussion of PosQ
Sept Generalities & 8:00 - 8:15 PreQ: Acyanotic (10 pts) pp. 9258-9260
16 Acyanotic Heart 8:15 - 9:00 Lecture pp. 9388- 9394
Disease 9:00 - 9:10 Open forum pp. 9361-9367
9:15 -10:30 CD 4: Acyanotic pp. 9377-9386
10:30 -10:40 Discussion of PreQ
10:40 -10:50 PosQ: Acyanotic (10 pts)
10:50 -11:00 Discussion of PosQ
8 Cyanotic and 8:00 - 8:15 PreQ: Cyanotic (10 pts) pp. 2395-2400
Acquired Heart 8:15 - 9:00 Lecture pp. 2402-2402
Disease 9:00 - 9:10 Open forum pp. 2407-2414
9:15 -10:30 CD 5: Cyanotic pp. 1445-1450
10:30 -10:40 Discussion of PreQ
10:40 -10:50 PosQ: Cyanotic (10 pts)
10:50 -11:00 Discussion of PosQ
Community Pediatrics
1 Community Pediatrics and the New Morbidities
2a Principles of Immunization and Vaccine Safety
2b Vaccine Hesitancy
3 Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)
4 Child Abuse and Neglect
5 Childhood Injuries
6 Environmental Health Hazards

Community Pediatrics
1 Community Pediatrics and the New Morbidities
2a Principles of Immunization and Vaccine Safety
2b Vaccine Hesitancy
3 Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)
4 Child Abuse and Neglect
5 Childhood Injuries
6 Environmental Health Hazards

Community Pediatrics
1 Community Pediatrics and the New Morbidities
2a Principles of Immunization and Vaccine Safety
2b Vaccine Hesitancy
3 Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)
4 Child Abuse and Neglect
5 Childhood Injuries
6 Environmental Health Hazards

Case Analysis (CA)

GI 1 GI Bleeding
GI 2 Abdominal Pain
GI 3 Abdominal Enlargement
GI Module
Activity Reading Assignment
1 7:00 - 8:00 Lec1: Dyspepsia
8:00 - 9:30 PCD1: Dysphagia Ch 40, pp. 249-253
- Esophageal CA Ch 76, pp. 566-567
- GERD and Benign Peptic Stricture Ch 316, pp. 2215-2217
9:30 - 11:30* GCD1: Upper GI bleeding Ch 44, pp. 272-274
*1hr grp work, - PUD & NSAID-induced diseases Ch 317, pp. 2220-2235
1hr plenary - Gastric CA Ch 76, pp. 567-570
11:30 - 12:00 Quiz: PCD1
2 7:00 - 8:00 Lec2: Constipation
8:00 - 9:30 PCD2: Chronic Diarrhea Ch 42, pp. 263-267
- IBD Ch 319, pp. 2258-2276
- Malabsorption Syndrome Ch 318, pp. 2244-2257
- IBS Ch 320, pp. 2276-2282
9:30 - 11:30* GCD2: Colon Cancer Ch 44, pp. 274-275
- Colorectal Cancer Ch 77, pp. 572-578
- Colonic diverticular disease Ch 321, pp. 2283-2284; Ch 121, pp. 2003-2007
11:30 - 12:00 Quiz: PCD2
3 7:00 - 8:00 Lec3: Chronic Viral Hepatitis Ch 334, pp. 2375-2396
8:00 - 9:30 PCD3: Transaminitis
- Overview of Liver Function Tests Ch 330, pp. 2338-2342
- Nonalcoholic Liver Disease Ch 336, pp. 2401-2405
- Drug induced liver injury Ch 333, pp. 2366-2374
9:30 - 11:30* GCD3: Cirrhosis and its Complications
- Alcoholic Liver Disease Ch 335, pp. 2399-2401
- Cirrhosis Ch 337, pp. 2405-2414
11:30 - 12:00 Quiz: PCD3
4 7:00 - 8:00 Lec4
8:00 - 9:30 PCD4: Space Occupying Lesions of the Liver
- Hepatocellular carcinoma Ch 78, pp. 578-587
- Liver Abscess Ch 127, pp. 956-957; Ch 218 pp. 1571-1573
9:30 - 11:30* GCD4: Gallstone Disease and its Complications
- Gallstones Ch 339, pp. 2423-2430
11:30 - 12:00 Quiz: PCD4
7:00 - 8:30 PCD5: Obstructive Jaundice Ch 45, pp. 276-281
5 - Choledocholithiasis Ch 339, pp. 2430-2431
- Benign Causes Ch 339, pp. 2431, Ch 70 pp. 1117-1118
- Malignant CBD Obstruction Ch 78, pp. 587-590, Ch 79, pp. 591-595
8:00 - 9:30** CA1: GI Bleeding **1hr grp work, 30min plenary
9:30 - 11:30* PCD6: Acute Abdomen
- Approach to Acute Abdominal Pain Ch 12, pp. 81-85, Ch 11 pp. 144-157
- Acute Pancreatitis Ch 341, pp. 2438-2444
- Acute Cholangitis Ch 339, pp. 2430, Ch 65 pp. 1044-1045
Quiz: PCD5
7:00 - 8:30 CA2: Abdominal Enlargement
5 8:00 - 9:30 CA3: Abdominal Pain
9:30 - 11:30 Abdominal PE Return Demo
Quiz: PCD6
*Sleisenger and Fordtran's

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