Infertility and New Reproductive Technologies: Marriage As A Vacation

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5 Infertility and New Reproductive Technologies

Marriage as a Vacation Guidelines for Catholics on the Evaluation and Treatment
Resource Allocation of Infertility
Infertile couple
Therapeutic Options

Marriage as a Vacation 1. Artificial Insemination

• A gift and a mission - assisted method of reproduction in which sperm
• Ends of marriage: is directly inserted into woman’s cervix, fallopian
– Good of the spouses tubes or uterus
– Good of the children - can be used for many kinds of fertility problems
- provided by means of masturbation
“The children are considered the fruits of the conjugal love
and should not be taken as burden for the couple.” How is it done?
• Ovulation kits, ultrasound or blood tests
Resource allocation • Masturbation for the collection of semen
• In a country concerned about ever- increasing health • Seminal processing which involves washing and
care costs, unregulated infertility medicine = purification
expensive treatments for difficult pregnancies with • Insemination of the purified and segregated male
multiple fetuses— treatments that might have been germ cell into the cervix and uterine cavity
avoided by more conservative implantation practices Categories of Artificial Insemination
and by efforts to alleviate the conditions that give rise
a. Homologous Insemination
to infertility in the first place.
- artificial insemination by the husband
• Human reproductive cloning is unjustified and - insertion of the semen from the husband directly
unnatural for it offends human dignity and violates into the uterine cavity at the time of ovulation
the individual rights to genetic uniqueness
b. Heterologous Insemination
- insemination by donor
Infertile couple
- third party who serves as donor (not the
• Inability to conceive or give birth forces the couple to husband) produces sperm to be injected into the
re-evaluate the meaning of their relationship. body of husband’s wife
Effects on the Infertile Couple
c. Artificial Insemination outside Marriage
• Grief - takes place between unmarried man and
• Sadness and Frustrations woman who may not regard marriage act as the
• Anger only licit means of transmitting life
• Feeling of Loss
• Possible Indifferences Is artificial insemination moral?
• Divorce/Annulment/Separation ✘ Transgression of the will of God expressed in
of Nature
Therapeutic Options - arbitrary exclusion of the marital act from
For Women: procreation
• Stimulating ovulation with fertility drugs - distortion of the meaning and purpose of
• Intrauterine insemination (IUI) sexuality
• Surgery to restore fertility ✘ Usurpation of God’s creative power of
For Men: authorship over life
• Treating infections ✘ Against human dignity
• Treatments for sexual intercourse problems
• Hormone treatments and medications Surgery 2. In Vitro Fertilization & Embryo Transfer
• Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) - IVF = ‘fertilisation in glass’, test tube baby
- joining of a woman's egg and a man's sperm in a
• Fertility Drugs laboratory dish, where fertilization occurs
• Artificial Insemination1 - The resulting embryo or embryos is/are then
• Donor Sperm transferred to the woman's uterus to implant and
• In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)2 develop naturally.
• Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Donor Eggs3 - assisted method of reproduction in which sperm
• Surrogacy is directly inserted into woman’s cervix, fallopian
• Donor Embryos Reproductive Surgery Gamete tubes or uterus
• Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT)6 - can be used for many kinds of fertility problems
• Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT)6 - provided by means of masturbation
cont. In Vitro Fertilization & Embryo Transfer
- NTK: Louise Brown, born in England in 1978, was
the first baby to be conceived outside her
mother's womb.

Why it’s done

• Advanced maternal age
• Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
- can be caused by pelvic inflammatory disease
or prior reproductive surgery How Many Embryos are Transferred?
• Endometriosis - related to age and embryo quality
• Male factor infertility Age # of Embryos
- including decreased sperm count and blockage >35 2
• Unexplained infertility 35-37 2-3
38 3-4
3. Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) >40 up to 5
- used to enhance the fertilization phase of in vitro
Church Teaching on In Vitro Fertilization
fertilization (IVF) by injecting a single sperm into a
mature egg. • A child has the right to be conceived in the marital
- used to treat severe male infertility, as when little or embrace of his parents. Human sexuality has two
no sperm are ejaculated in the semen. components, the unitive and procreative.
- Under high-power magnification, a glass tool o IVF separates these components and makes
(holding pipet) is used to hold an egg in place. A the procreative its only goal.
microscopic glass tube containing sperm (injection • It makes the child a commodity produced in a
pipet) is used to penetrate and deposit one sperm laboratory, and makes doctors, technicians, and
into the egg. even business people part of the conception
4. Assisted Hatching • The sperm used is usually obtained by
- a newer lab technique that was developed when masturbation, which the Church teaches is
fertility experts observed that embryos with a thin immoral.
zona pellucida had a higher rate of implantation • The sperm or eggs used may not come from the
during IVF couple desiring the child; because one of the
- An embryologist uses micromanipulation under a spouses may be infertile, it may be necessary to
microscope to create a small hole in the zona use the sperm or eggs from an outsider. (sanctity
pellucida. This happens on the 4th day of embryo of marriage?)
development when the embryos contain an average • Most of the embryos conceived—which the
of six to eight cells. Church holds should be respected new human
lives—die, are frozen indefinitely for later
5. Embryo Transfer implantation, are used for research, or are
- 2-3 days after the eggs are fertilised, the best quality discarded.
embryos are selected to be transferred to your
- The doctor or nurse doing the embryo transfer inserts
a speculum into your vagina. A fine tube (catheter) is
passed through the cervix, normally using ultrasound
guidance. The embryos are passed down the tube
into the womb.
6. Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT) Is GIFT morally acceptable: debatable
- Sperm and eggs are placed in a fallopian tube (via ✓ Procedure can only be performed for married couples
laparoscopy) to allow fertilization in the natural site. using only the gametes of the wife and husband.
- The woman must have at least one normal, open
✗ The husband’s semen cannot be collected by means of
fallopian tube.
✓ The semen must be collected as part of a conjugal act
in which a perforated Silastic sheath is used
✓ The ovum should be collected on the same day as the
conjugal act
✓ The husband’s sperm must be used within 72 hours of
its collection so that it is not used after its natural
✓ An AIR BUBBLE must separate the gametes as they
are transferred through the cathether so that if
fertilization occurs, it will occur at the natural site of the
fallopian tube

8. Surrogate Motherhood
- the procedure by which one woman is hired by
another to bear children that the first, for whatever
reason, was unable to conceive or carry.
- ZIFT: - surrogate mother: a woman who becomes pregnant
usually by artificial insemination or surgical
implantation of a fertilized egg for the purpose of
carrying the fetus to term for another woman
Types of Surrogacy
a. Traditional Surrogacy (Straight method)
- surrogate is pregnant with her own biological
child with the intention of relinquishing the
child to be raised by others
b. Gestational Surrogacy (Host method)
7. Tubal Ovum Transfer - surrogate becomes pregnant via embryo
- Eggs are aspirated from the ovary and placed in the transfer with a child of which she is not the
prepared semen sample. Fertilized embryos or biological mother
zygotes are transferred into the fallopian tube - gestational carrier
In Terms of Payment:
a. Altruistic Surrogacy
- surrogate receives no financial reward for her
pregnancy or the relinquishment of the child
b. Gestational Surrogacy (Host method)
- a gestational carrier is paid to carry a child to
maturity in her womb
Private Issues:
• Risk to the family
- Contracting couple may be ridiculed or
unsupported by their family
- Time and money spent
Bioethical Issues: - Health risk in egg harvesting
• Conception with human assistance - IVF: higher risk of birth defects
- Gamete intrafallopian transfer may stir some - How to tell this child about how it was
ethical debate over the fact that conception is created/born
only possible with human assistance • Risks to the family of the surrogate
- This may be seen as usurping God’s creative - They must bear with her and aid her through
power of authorship over life and an act against what may be a difficult pregnancy
the power of stewardship - other children of the surrogate
- The fetus’s life may be seen as ‘biological
property’ rather than a life of his/her own, thus
violating the dignity of the unborn child
cont. Surrogate Motherhood • Surrogate motherhood represents an objective
Social Issues: failure to meet the obligations of maternal love, of
• Commercialism of the Human Body and Body conjugal fidelity and of responsible motherhood;
Parts • it offends the dignity and the right of the child to
- service idea commonly been seen as analogous be conceived, carried in the womb, brought into
to prostitution the world and brought up by his own parents.
- child is purchased from the gestational mother
• Exploitation of the Surrogate Mother Guidelines for Catholics on the Evaluation and
- The combination of desperate infertile couples, Treatment of Infertility
low income surrogates, and surrogacy brokers Resources:
with varying degrees of moral scruples raises • Dignitatis Personae, Instruction on Bioethics, William
the prospect that the entire commercial Cardinal Levada as Prefect of the Congregation for the
enterprise can be EXPLOITATIVE Doctrine of the Faith
Legal Issues: • Donum Vitae (The Gift of Life), Instruction on Respect
• The legal status of surrogacy has not yet been for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of
settled. The 1987 Constitution has no outright Procreation: Replies to Certain Questions of the Day,
prohibition of surrogacy. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as Prefect of the
• The closest law the Philippines has regarding Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
surrogacy is in The Family Code of the Philippines. • Catechism of the Catholic Church

Art. 163. The filiation of children may be by nature How do I know when a reproductive technology is
or by adoption. Natural filiation may be legitimate morally right?
or illegitimate. Donum Vitae:
Art. 164. Children conceived or born during the • Any procedure which assists marital intercourse
marriage of the parents are legitimate. Children in reaching its procreative potential is moral.
conceived as a result of artificial insemination of • Any procedure which substitutes or suppresses a
the wife with the sperm of the husband or that of need for marital intercourse to engender life is
a donor or both are likewise legitimate children of immoral.
the husband and his wife, provided, that both of Reproductive Technologies in Disagreement with
them authorized or ratified such insemination in a Catholic Teachings:
written instrument executed and signed by them
before the birth of the child. The instrument shall ✗ Obtaining a semen sample by means of masturbation
be recorded in the civil registry together with the ✗ Artificial insemination using sperm from a donor (AID)
birth certificate of the child. or even the husband (AIH) if obtained by
Ethical Issues ✗ In-vitro fertilization (IVF), zygote intra-fallopian
- Based from Section 4: The Vatican Instruction on transfer (ZIFT), and intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Respect for Human Life in Its Origin and on the (ICSI), ovum donation, "surrogate" uterus
Dignity of Procreation (Donum Vitae)
Reproductive Technologies in Agreement with Catholic
Why is it wrong to generate human life outside the Teachings:
marital act?
✓ Observation of the naturally occuring sign(s) of fertility
✗ Techniques that entail the dissociation of
(Natural Family Planning). Time intercourse on the
husband and wife, by the intrusion of a person days of presumed (potential) fertility for at least six
other than the couple are gravely immoral. months before proceeding to medical interventions.
✗ These techniques infringe the child’s right to be ✓ General medical evaluation of both spouses for
born of father and mother known to him and infertility.
bound to each other by marriage. They betray
the spouses right to become a father and ✓ Post-coital test to assess sperm count and viability.
mother only through each other. ✓ Appropriate evaluation and treatment of male factor
✗ They dissociate the sexual act from the deficiency. Seminal fluid samples can be obtained
procreative act. from a non-lubricated, perforated condom after
- “under the moral aspect procreation is normal intercourse.
deprived of its proper perfection when it is ✓ Assessment of uterine and tubal structural
not willed as the fruit of the conjugal act...” competence by imaging techniques (e.g.,
Is it moral? ultrasound, hysterosalpingogram, etc. ).
• No, for it is contrary to the unity of marriage and ✓ Appropriate medical treatment of ovulatory and
to the dignity of the procreation of the human hormonal dysfunction.
person. ✓ Appropriate (usually surgical) correction of organic
problems underlying male or female infertility
Quick Summary
Human reproductive • human dignity
cloning • rights to genetic uniqueness
Artificial Insemination • God’s will
- marital act
- meaning & purpose of sexuality
• God’s creative power of authorship
of life
• human dignity
IVF • child’s right to be conceived
• components of sexuality
- separates unitive & procreative
components, with procreative
the only goal
• child = commodity
• use of sperm & gametes from an
respect for persons (embryo)
Conception with Human • God’s creative power of authorship
Assistance (in general) of life
- Artificial Insemination • Stewardship
- IVF & Embryo
- Tubal Ovum Transfer
- Assisted Hatching
GIFT Accepted EXCEPT if sperm is
collected through masturbation
Techniques that • Dissociation of husband and wife
generate human life • child’s right to be born of father &
outside the marital act mother known to him & bound to
- Surrogacy each other by marriage
- Heterologous • spouses’ right to become father &
Insemination other only through each other
- Artificial Insemination Dissociation of the sexual act from the
outside Marriage procreative act
PROBLEMATIC: ✗ masturbation
✗ ovum donation
✗ surrogacy

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