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NUHIH AMEHIGAN EUITION | Maria Legionis tne vace crinetegion otmay Conversion is the work of works Philadelphia, PA TF Cearmoe eae eee ee ae Uperadin g ‘ep OFFICE OPEN TUESDAYS 108 4 42g No. 3 of 2017 ‘AUG SEPT OCT 2017 L = W rl q UPGRADING LEGION WORK - Frank Duff 3 egion ork PPC CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 2016 - Maria Keaveney 4 by The Servant of God, Frank Duff THE BREVIARY IN OUR LIFE - Phyllis VicGuinness 19 BEATIFICATION OF JOHN SULLIVAN SI - Fergus O'Keeffe SI 24 PRAISES OF MARY 30 EDEL IN USA, 31 CARMEL DUFF RIP 32 WORLD NEWS 34 BACK PAGE 40 Reamer eoleod ae fear or Cee een eae eo it geet: VicToRY THROUGH MARY 1e Apostles were to be recalled their ts abroad and the sation of the world cal tendency. We have precisely reversed | order in our apostolate jon position and that of ‘he first Christians. The Lord had to forth to convert. That set the pattern and priority. It placed the supreme work fiistasif there were no other. IFleftfo the uture the question of the other Church ‘occupations which would arise. That was the principle on which the Church started. The Legion Aspires to the Same Order ‘Things were different in regard to the Legior jurse was, circumstances. It began in a amid ci Protestants were ‘number, psychological represents and indeed astonishing mental break-through that the infant Legion bo relief programme It viewed as contained in that category the visit se who were in no peri needed spiritual ‘comforting and consoling, ‘That was the first mould and it for the original legionaries. Wherever Legion st ily as devel al_ incomplete wes supplemented accordingly. fen. years after the 1 Legion, mks undertaken by earlier aries continued to be imitated as if As those works lable membership, B0 om to the stage of raising their eyes to the elds ripe for conversion, a generally devoted to the preserving of the Faith and to less than that ~ to the works which of late we have been referring to under the somewhat belittling title of comforting and consoling. And as ficult to remain firm on a slippery slope, we have trouble even in diverting Jegionaries from humanism, FRANK DUFF Comforting Not Converting ‘The dismaying fact obtains tl countries, where the vast ma people are non-Cathol giving little a not even al ing those who in no need of being comforted or VicTORY THROUGH MARY all A Radical Remedy |i some confidence conversion should VICTORY THROUGH MARY goes even further and says that for | the high quar whole bodies of men God's message is | back the rep! bei jore clearly through their in question brought Churches in spite of the fact that some of them permit their members to ho tenets that are utterly alien to Cathol ‘morality. That suggestion of gle soul, and judge how out ne with them that awful Statement an equality is a of the | is. Church. If it be accepted, it would render or great effort towards com only be transferr \wrong classification in whi be receiving the message less clearly to that of ascendant the it has tumed off lusively as you A protest against that Statement sent to | would turn off electricity Downgrade the Church and Faith is Ruined prey to-ev conversion its ti ‘The crude fact is must see our own Catholic spirit is at e Church as the city set ke. It has to be toned up. We hurch its value, and then only doa: worthwhile, Manyin the Legio ngly and make big sact ‘makes life understandable and bearable. must be passed on to all. Ita FRANK DUFF at and down to the detai light of that we | Then on members wh and do insufficient work. Yet ly on the g that the praesidium could not stand hat halfaloatis better than no bread. It is not b account that such members are drawing others into th nferior ways: ancl the story of the end corrupted which are not being done at we must take them on. If done by grade 3 of le nai be waste to employ grade 1 on the barrelful of good ones y of time but in quality of work or organising power? Many legionaries doing ordinary work are capable of being pivots of vital new works Urging Members Higher The Handbook insists that one purpose of the Legion is to urge its members on. would not say is being aimed at generally. Before us are members e same simple works which they were given when they joined up devoted transaction, bi contain an element of accordingly. VICTORY THROUGH MARY | contradicts one of the special purposes Failure of Curiae | o A praesidium can be so immer: iS ones, ‘weekly routine a to forget that its path should be ever onward and upward, | Could it be presence Many ofthem do not seek to improve in | defects denotes an ageing of the Legion, any way. The Curiae exist for purpose of seeing that the pra ng by the Curiae ia. Ido not think there is any running fountain of Mn from tite Curiae, nor from to get over to all its praesidia. It feared that in many utmost being aimed a eificiency. Asa consequence meaning, which is not that of Il be in spite of the Curia Sometimes the Legion signposts are inevidence at Curia Re is the desire to amuse rather than to present the Legion. Dancing threatens to submerge everything else, and there has tobe an expensive meal. This latter I even to the infirm sections and that an appropriate task must be found for each a diminution of quality and ambition? I ddo not think tha contrary is proved by other are happer is the case. The ng before Conversion and new works are essayed fed out. Allover the deeds are being for souls. Many of the egionaries are ready to face up to | anything, but the mistake Mobilising All Even the Infirm and the Very Busy assembling of material but the finding of | the best use for each individual. Moreover this must be a continuing process by reason of the growing qi ;oung of ng legionaries, or to juniors. is to be emphasised tha legionary mobilisation must reach out FRANK DUFF ss must be reserved for them a fen to legionaries who are fitted ‘verse of Byron as to upl 1¢ club of Hercules to crush a but or brain a gnat. ordinary tradesman gains goes on. But more is at stake The Exploratio and Other Toning-Up Methods (hich may be translated as the Sunday Search for Souls). As a newcomer the explanation whieh proposes that should iue proportion of available, With the best of go« of legionaries wi propo i be in a position to undertake the Feregrinatio. The Exploratio the reach of al VicToRY THROUGH MARY | proceed to some suggestions as to works @ First and foremost is to be placed Conversion. Sufficient has already been said in regard to its key place. faith has always been with us. tude appears to be as good as another. people on the streets be easy and most fru expanded. This apostolate seems to require some premises on the spot to which contacts can be brought for more ensive interview, or even for and would appeal to difficult types who ‘would not goto a church Good legionaries should be thrown into dastime't could posi be employed | other legionary purposes, such as to s iterature, Rosaries, scapulars, would provide a under the care of the Jesuit Fathers. It the Preservation of the Faith. | recommendable under several heads. Drinking probably represet ‘Women and the young are caught up by ‘And once the habit i formed i be done. The Pioneers operates especial by way of prev me nibbles away reparation, and motive in evidence by the wearing of an emblem of the Sacted Heart @ Propagation of the Brown Scapul is 50 strongly recommended in the book. Every Legion centre should na periodic enrolment in the way that some of them are doing at the moment. Again, this could be used to lead on those contacted. ®) Despite manifest evidence of effectiveness, praesidia continue un: terested in the Patricians. One might enquire if the subject is ever recommended at Curia meetings. If it a nerveless reference demands inaction, something like the mention which is made of Matia Legionis? ‘The number of pages given to this movement inthe pages ofthe Handbook | shows the seriousness with which the Legion regards it. The assertion is made ligent, or what we might use of the Patricians a of branches ofthe Pleas whith sa tempeane oh diet ould be ot ensued the Faith but energised @The conducting of every Legon work Should embody the purpose of ecnting | wn age | proesdium te for spiritual approach to those of their I specify one case of a Catholicity suggests. that induced to take a succession of them — | just as one almost autornatically mounts | stairway. 1e can be @® Hospital and in: should be inspected with a view to seeing if it provides substa engaged on it. Asa work itis cet the lover bracket of need. Would it not be | an excellent way of providing for our jely members and for Intermediates? | 2} Are our praesidia,o It must be justified. There is n0| works, our Lt i jusifction forsomething which reaches | adequately used? “Each one ofthe above no higher than harmless little chats, the | should be analysed from this point of comforting and consoling which has | view o taken such a grip on the Legi @® Club work should be examined in order to determine ifitis repaying Legion | effort. Is it serving @ definite religious purpose: merely hum should be dropped. @ Book Barrows seem to have been dropped. Can a valid excuse be offered for | | of lesser consequence, leaving multitudes in real depeivation, ae igious, a reminder to the passerby that igion exists, a claiming of attention on ‘The juniors continue with us not as an + but as an unsolved problem, We are drawing proper dividends from them. We are using them on cecupations and this harms Ul Generally speaking, they should be used | >» Fab OG

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