10th Grade World History Homework

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10th Grade World History 

Homework 1

1) What two events transition Europe from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age?

The Reformation and the religious conflicts sparked the rise of capitalism and modern nation states,
widespread witch hunts, and European colonization of the Americas were some of the more notable
trends and events of the early modern period.
2) Who writes about the ideal society?

Sir Thomas Moore

3) Who writes a realistic book about how to govern a nation?


4) What was the different emphasis during the renaissance between southern Europe and Northern

The art of the Italian Renaissance was characterized by a high degree of balance, symmetry, and
perspective. The northern renaissance was recognized for its concentration on finer details and a greater
interest in mathematics and science, whereas the Italian renaissance was known for its grasp of human
5) What Catholic practice (not very common today, though technically still around) caused Luther to
write the 95 theses?

6) What dynasty ruled China when Portugal established a trading port?

Ming Dynasty
7) What dynasty took over and ruled China through Most of the Modern period (and did the most trading
with European nations until 1900)

Qing Empire
8) Where was Columbus from?

Genova, Italy
9) Whose crew first sailed around the world?

Ferdinand Magellan who was a Portuguese explorer.

10) What was the name of the port that Portugal founded in China?

11) Where the 39 articles of the Anglican Church (Church of England) more in line with Catholic,
Lutheran, or Reformed (Calvinist) beliefs?

12) What were the French Protestants called who were massacred on St. Bartholemew's day?
French Huguenots.
13) Who declared that the Sun was the center of the universe and not the earth?

14) Who founded much of the physical we still use today and calculus? 

Issac Newton
15) What type of Christians were the people of Russia?
Russian Orthodox Church

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