Ryan Thleiji - Career Internship Journal 1 3

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Ryan Thleiji

PM Cohort
What have you accomplished so far in your internship?
Along with the recent three weeks of working at Esporterz, I also worked three weeks

over the summer. Except instead of three different two hour shifts during the week, I worked

Monday through Friday for four hours per day. Over the summer, I helped with the summer

camp Esporterz had. It was definitely an interesting experience for me. It was the first job I had

ever gotten, and I had never really worked with kids before. The tasks I was usually given were

not too big. Since I usually arrived there at 11:30, my first task was to take the kids to get their

lunches. Most of the kids bought pizza from the place next door. After they all had food, I, along

with other counselors, would take them to Piper Park to eat lunch and play outdoor games. I was

actually impressed with how most of the kids were pretty well behaved, except there’s always a

few troublemakers. It got to the point that one time I even had to threaten to take away their ice

cream! They listened to me after that for sure. Once we returned, the kids would get back to

playing video games. My tasks at this point would be to either help coach any kids that needed it,

or to play with kids that didn’t have anyone to play with. The internship so far was pretty fun.

When I started my real internship for the past three

weeks, it started very well but it ended in me having to sadly

quit. Originally when I planned with my boss for what I was

going to do, I was planning to help with marketing and

management once the competitive leagues had started. My

first task was to create flyers/posters that she would be able to

give people at the open house. This was actually a fun project

that I enjoyed doing. I thought it was cool that something I

made would be shown to people and represent the company.

Why did you have to quit?

Once I was completed with my first project, however, my boss found that there weren't

many projects for marketing left for me to do without a large marketing budget. This along with

flexible scheduling (having to come in on Saturdays) and my boss planning to give me tasks that

were not related to what I wanted to learn were the main reasons I had to quit. Quitting was a lot

harder than I thought, especially telling it to your boss face-to-face. I had to think of what to say,

how to say it, and how to list all of the reasons that I could not stay at this internship. Luckily it

went well, and I’m actually very thankful that I had to go through this experience, because it’s

something that everyone will have to do eventually. It was a great learning experience for a very

important life skill.

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