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lnternational Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology

2021;6(3): I05-ll3
http ://www. sciencepublishinggroup. com/j/ij de
iui er.ruul§
doi: 1 0. 1 1 648/j .ijde.20210603.13 Science Publishing Group
ISSN: 2640-1363 @rint); ISSN: 2640-1371 (Online)

Active Vitamin Ds Protects Against Diabetic Kidney Disease

by Regulating the JNK Signal¡ng Pathway in Rats
Xiaoju Fanl't, Linlin Liu2't,-wenzhao zhat,Yumei zhaot,Haowei zhangt,Yang wu3, Jia Fu1,
Hongmin Lianga'*o Rui Hanl'*

of Diabetes, The FirstAffiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Kunming, People's Republic of China
of Forensic Medicine, Kunming Medical universi§, Kunming, People's Republic of china
of Endocrinology, The Second People's Hospital of Kunming, Kunming, People's Republic of China
of lIltrasound, The Fi¡st Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Kunming, People's Republic of China

Email address:
lü21§8961?ú] iXiaoju Fan¡. liull08l8{Sl?6.*om {Linlin Liu}, zhuwenzhuo8l l6@l63.rorn {Wenshuo Zhu},
ehaoyumci423@snhu.eom {Yumei Zha*) (Haowei Zhang}, {Yang Wu},
?146S093? {Ji¡ Fu}, kmlianghongrnin@lé3.ccrn {Hongnrin Liang}, hanruG0l30? {&ui ttan}
t Xiaoju Fan and Linlin Liu are co-first authors.

To cite this article:

Xiaoju Fan, Linlin Liu, Wenáuo Zfiu,YtmeiZhao, Haowei Zhang, Yang Wu, Jia Fu, Hongmin Liang, Rui Han. Active Vitamin D3 protects
Against Diabetic Kidney Disease by Regulating the JNK Signaling Pathway inRats. International Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology.
Vol. 6, No. 3,2021, pp. 105-113. doi: 10.11648/j.¡de.20210603.13

Received: July 27, 2021 ; Accepted: August 9, 2027; Putrlished: August I 3, 202 I

Abstract: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is an inflammatory disease caused by metabolic disorder. As an important signaling
pathway in the inflammatory resporse, the JNK signaling pathway plays an crucial role in kidney injury in DKD. Vitamin D3 can
reduce the inflamrnatory reaction and delay or even reverse DKD progression. Unfortunately, the mechanism by which vitamin
D3 regulates DKD pathogenesis is unclear. This research established a DKD rat model and ütamin D3 and irbesartan were used
as interventions. Then, urine and blood biochemistry; and inflammatory clokine (IL-l and IL-6), phosphorylated JNK pathway
protein (MEK-4 and JNK1/2/3) and downstream factor (AP-l and ATF-2) expression were assessed. We found that the DKD
group showed body weight and insulin secretion were significantly decreased; signif,rcantly increased FPG, HOMA-IR and
blood lipids; and significantly increased 24-hminary protein (UPro) compared with normal group. Additionally, the levels of
IL-l and IL-6 and phosphorylated JNK pathway proteins were significantly elevated. These changes were improved by vitamin
D3, especially at a low dosage. These results suggest that active vitamin D3 protects against DKD in rats by reducing IL-6 and
IL-1 release, downregulating the JNK inflammatory signaling pathway, and inhibiting downstream transcription factor Ap-l-
and AlF-2-mediated kidney damage. This research provides a new theoretical support for vitamin D3 treatment of diabetic

Keywords: Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD), Active Vitamin D3, IL-1, IL-6, JNK

1. Introduction insuffrciency are important characteristics of DKD. If left

untreated, DKD may eventually cause end-stage renal disease
Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is one of the most common (ESRD) [2-5]. With the increasing incidence of diabetes,
and serious complications of diabetes. According to statistical DKD has become the main cause of ESRD worldwide [6-8].
studies, the nurnber of diabetes patients worldwide will Because of its high morbidity and mortality and because it
increase to 366 million, and the number of DKD patients will severely impacts the qualify of life of patients, ESRD has
exceed 100 million by 2030. [1]. Glomerular hyperhophy, become a serious public-health issues.
glomerulosclerosis and interstitial fibrosis caused by The pathogenesis of DKD is multifaceted and mainly
extracellular matrix protein deposition and progressive renal includes environmental and genetic factors, glucose
lntemational Joumal of Diabelcs and Endocrinology 2021;6{3): 105-l13 106

metabolisrn disorders, microcirculatory disorders, cytokines inflarnmatory lactors to a certain extent and thus has a
and inflammatory factors [9]. Scveral studies have found that protective effect against DKD [.11]. Unfortunately, the
leukocytes, rnacrophages and monoc)tes are involvcd in the mechanism by which vitamin D3 regulates DKD developmcnt
process of DKD 12, 10-12) and that pro-inflammatory is not clear. Studies have shou,n that vitamin D3 can
cy,tokines and circulating inflammatory markers are closely significantly improve liver lesions in rat modcls of type 2
related to the risk ofcornpiications of diabetic [2, 13-15]. The diabetes by downregulating the JNK inflammatory pathway
activation of inflammatory signaling pathways, the release of and reducing downstream rnflammatory factor-mediated liver
inflammatory factors such as monocyte chemoattractant injury [42].
protein-1 (MCP-1), C-rcactive plotein, and interleukin, However, whethcr vitamin Dj can improve the renal
promote macrophagc inf,iltration, renal tubular fibrosis, and damage caused by DKD by downregulating the JNK
glon,erulosclerosis and ultin,ately accelerate renal injury in inflammatory pathway has not yet been reportcd. Therefore,
DKD [16, 17]. In contrast, immunosuppressive stratcgies can this research intended to observe the effects of vitamin D3 on
reduce the accumulation of megaphagocy,tes tn the kidney and tlie JNK pathway in the kidney tissue of DKD rats, to explore
attenuate the development of DKD [18, 19]. Therefore, DKD the protective effect and mechanism of vitamin D1 on renal
rnay be an inflammatory disease caused by rnetabolic tissues and to provide a new theoretical basis for the
disorders, and inflammatory leactior-rs are a impofiant facto¡ in prevention and treatment of DKD.
tlre development oIDKD 12, 16l.
The body of diabetes mellitus (DM) is oflen in a slate of
2. Materials and Methods
inflammation or oxidative stress, accompanied by increased
levels of inflammatory factors, acute phase reactants and other 2.1. DKD Modeling and Grouping
stress molecules, thus activating corresponding stress signal
pathways, for instance, the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) 70 fernale Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (6 weeks, 160-220 g)
signaling pathway [20]. The JNK pathway is an extremely were obtained from the Experimental Animal Center of
important signaling pathway of inflammatoly rcsponse. INK Kunming Medical University. After one week of acclimation,
signaling pathway can be signiflcantly activated in DM or they were fed a regular diet for one week and then randornly
high glucose environrlent and then participate in thc renal divided into DKD model group (n:60) and normal control
inflatnmatory response and oxidative stress injury [21]. group (n:10). The normal control group was kept on a
Moreover. the JNK pathway can be specifically activated by regular diet, while the DKD n.rodcl group was fed a high-fat
lL-1 l22l and IL-6 [23], and then influence biological diet (66.5% conventional feed. 207á sucrose, llYo lard,2.5oA
processes [24]. In the process of DM, phosphorylated JNK can cholesterol, i.0% cholate) [43]. After 10 weeks of consuming
prolnote glomerular rnesangial matrix expansion and type lV the high-fat diet, the model group received an intraperitoneal
collagen deposition in the kidney, leading to injection of freshly prepared 35 mg/kg body weight
glonreruloscle¡osis, renal fibrosis and tubula¡ tnj:ury 125-271; streptozotocin (STZ) (Sigma-A1drich, St. Louis, MO, USA)
furthermore, it can accelerate the injury and apoptosis of in pH 4.5, 0.1 mol/L citratc buffer; the control group receivcd
podocy4es in kidney tissue, damage the inlegrity of the an injection of the same dose of citrate buffer based on body
glomerular filtration barricr, and finally lead to proteinuria weight. Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) was rneasured on 3
consecutive days beginning 72 hours after the injection of
[28]. After treatment with drugs or JNK inhibitors, the
exprcssion of phosphorylated JNK plotein dccreased STZ. When FPG stabilized at 16.7 mnol /L, the diabetes
significantly, and thc above situation was significantly model was successfully established. After 8 weeks of
improved [29, 30]. Thcrefore, JNK plays an crucial role in the continuously feeding the diabetic rats, rats with 24-hour
process of DKD kidney injury and parlicipates in its urinary protein (24-h UPro) >20 mg and unne
pathogenesis [3i-33]. volume >150yo of the original urine volume were considcred
Increasing evidence shows that vitamin D deficiency is an to successfully model type 2 diabetic nephropathy $a, a5).
important risk factor for thc occurlence and development of The 50 rats that were successfully modeled were randomly
DKD [34]. Vitamin D deficiency is common in DKD patients. divided into the peanut oil group, positive control irbesartan
and 47 .01Y, of diabetic nephropathy patients have vitamin D3 group, low-dosage vitamin Dr group, mediurn-dosage
deficiency [35]. Studies have shown that vitan.rin D3 is vitamin D3 group, and high-dosage vitamrn D3 group with l0
correlated with the occrrrence and developrnent of rats in each group (Figure 1). The low-, medium- and
inflarnmatory diseases, and vitarnin D3 can inhibit the release high-vitamrn D3 dosages were 0.03 ¡tglkgld, 0.06 ¡rglkg/d
of IL-1, IL-6 and lL-S and reduce the inflarumatory reaction and 0.i2 ¡tglkgld calcitriol (Shanghai Roche Pharmaceutrcal
of calcitriol and other analogs Co,, Ltd., Shanghai, China) (dissolved in peanut oil) for 6
[36]. Oral administration
significantly reduced the levels of cytokines such as TNF-o., wceks; the peanut oil group was given the same amount of
IL-6 in serum and peripheral blood mononuclear cells [37] as peanut oil according to body weight, and the irbesartan group
well as urinary protein leve1s [38, 39], which significantly (Sanofi) was adrninistered 50 mg/kg/d irbesartan [46]. During
improved renal interstitial fibrosis and glomerulosclerosis rn this process, 2 rats in the peanut oil group died due to
mice [40]. Vitamin D3 can delay or even reverse the hyperglycemia, 2 died in the irbesartan group due to
progression of DKD by reducing the cxpression of hyperglycemia and infection, 2 died in the low-dosage
101 Xiaoju Fan cr a/.: Active Vitanrin D3 Prolects Against Diabetic Kidney Disease by
Regulating the .lNK Signaling Pathrvay in Rats

vitamin D3 group due to hypoglycemia, 2 died in the experimental group contained 8 rats. The study was approved
medium-dosage vitamin D3 group, and 2 died in the by the animal ethics committee of Kunrning Mcdical
high-dosage vitamin D3 group dueto infection. The final University.
number of rats in the model groups was 40, and each

¡ni{r:!iJ rilfiL ¡<i{l inlü ,h{ rüi rfr:! l:rr¡l¡¡u

!irorl*rlt rJr llt J¡lr !¡til §&\r!h
i¡lill lh!$l \ rth Tllulnr t¡$l htr tl, $«lr
I ucfli ol lilllri!r l¡r41,fi*

I h$( *rr( I (, nrrr in 1l* 'l'a¡ rrli ¡il [l¡r rr!)r¡D.d I ll r¡¡¡ wr¡r !:rtc¡ ri!\ ln llr{ lr¡$.},JÍ{r$a
nr,nsrl Lid¡a¡l thqrf ¡r'nwr ri! Frorrl:
*r!* ?ll
i1l, {r¡i piff;¡ri\i 'Ihlr! $!rr \§rasrllll.i
6{l l:nli itr thr 1t) lilld*laú lrat{ llll*t lll ruh [r llw
ifillr{ir m{'(l(l lroill arli mirlllt rh"rur grrlr¡r

10 rnlr wtr* Sl!(il Itl rii¡< iu lhq !¡lulr({sr.

¡h* rrtr qrd¡ nrliB)tr| li'§!l ti4 * $(rÍi. tlt§r
uo¡rns ¡trhurn¡n r*dir¡ r¡tú t't1^[]ti nrJ
litc lllili rn¡¡l¡lr irr¡r iirrr.Jlilillv
ll:11:l{!:tIr¡* ns{l r¡É !il1H r'h,nB E§! ¡ S t{üar
l,rli!. thc lr{.

¡lli*¡ l{i *.:t'ks rxr I 1ri;dr-rla*,rr. hiplr-iirt

rrh [(1r intrir]icrf¡ilrrllr'lnt,ttrl $ith ¡ rull
rurf'x)rBor¡n. lI I;i'{j ill;?ñ}}úlil, t¡1.
p¡rlrlr *rr¡ corrtr*rtrrl snrrúrlirllr

Figure l, Scltemotit: diugrum of the experitilentol rut gt'ctup' untl DKD motlel e,stablí.¡hmant.

2.2. Tissue Sampling sn¡l Preservation 2.4. ELISA

Upon completion of the 6-week treatment, the rats in each After the kidney tissue was collected, the tissue was
eToup were put into a clean metabolic cage one day bcfore the homogenized with a SCIENTZ-II D ultrasonic cell pulverize¡
end of the experiment. All rats were fasted and provided only and the supematant was extracted. Then, the conccnfations of
watcr, and 24-hour urine was collected. At the end, blood IL-1 and IL-6 rvere detected accordingto the ELISAinshuctions
samples were collected via cardiac puncturc after anesthetization, (Shan-ehai Baili Biological Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China).
centrifLrged at 1,000 r g for 10 min. and the serum was quickly
separated and frozen at -80oC
other for the analysis of 2. 5. Vl/estern Blottirtg
biochemical parameters. Immediately after blood sampling, the
After ultrasonic homogenization. tissue samples were lysed
rats were dissected. and the kidneys were taken for snbsequent
with RIPA bulTer. the supernatant was extracted after
centrifugation. protein concentration was measured by BCA
2. 3. B io cltemi ca I Analy sis method, and Westcm blotting was performed according to the
standard process. The marn antibodies included in the anaiysis
Then, 24-h UPro, total cholesterol (TC). triglyceridc (TG), were phospho-ATF-2. phospho-JNK1/2/3, phospho-AP, 1, and
and lorv-density lipoprotcin cholesterol (LDL-c) \\¡ere phospho-MEK-4 polyclonal antibodies (Wuhan Yi Lai Rui Te
measured according to urine protein and blood lipid kits Biotechnology Co.. Ltd., Wuhan, China); B-actin
(Nanjing Jrancheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Nanjing, China) (Sigma-Aldrich) as an intemai reference. A chemiluminescence
using a full-wavelcngth microplate reader (Molecular substrate rvas used to detect the antibodies. Each band was
Dcvices.). FPG was measured by a Roche blood glucose digitally imaged and the intensity of band was measured bying
meter, and insulin (Wuhan Yi Lai Rui Te Biotechnolog,v Co., Quantity One software (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.).
Ltd., Wuhan, China) and C peptide (Cp; Bio-Srvamp) wcre
detected by ELISA. The Homeostatic Model Assessment of 2. 6. Statistical Analysi s
lnsulin Resistance (HOMA-IR) was calculated by fasting
Data are expressed as the mean =t standard deviation (SD).
blood glucose (trmoUl-) multiplied by fasting plasma insulin
SPSS version 22.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) r.vas used
(uU/ml) and divided by 22.5. This mathematical model is
for statistical analyses. Differences were assessed using a
easy to test and highly reproducible and is widely used in the
t-test, and statistical significance was considered as p < 0.05.
evalrration of islet B-cell fr-rnction in clinical patients [47].
GraphPad Prism version 8 was used for graphical analyses.
Internatronal Joumal of Di abetes and Endoorinology 202 I ; 6(3 ): I 05 - I 1 3 t08

3. Results weight of DKD model group was decreased (Figure 2), fhe
fu¡ was dark yellow and dull. The response of rats in the
3.1. General Health of the Animals
DKD group was lower than that of the norrnal control group;
ln general, rats in the normal control group had a rnoderate rnoreover, their movement was slow; their appetite decreased
body shape, smooth and shiny fur, and good appetite and slightly; and their drinking water intake, urine volume and
were responsive. Compared with thc control group, the body feces volume increased signifi cantly.

A We¡ght B FPG c ?4hu

t ;

§§"+$ "r$§"S' .rofyS§"§'$*"

D fnsulín E Cp F HOtlA.lÉ

3 G
g E ?
; ;

§$§§§$. .,ar'""".*t.+§

t E
(9 J

."d:"":,§§.§.ps .+:;"C t*."s-.dt'

DJ gt"ottp. *p < 0.05, **p. A.0l ts tlte normul cotttrul group; #p < 0.05. #l¡t < 0.01 vs the ¡teunut oil grcup.

3.2. Effects of Acfive l/itamin D j on Body Weight and high-dosagc showed signiticantly rcduced FPG and TC levels
Biochentical Pfir&meters (p<0.05). However, low-dose vitamin D3 significantly increased
the slmthesis of insulin and CP, dccreased HOMA-IR (p<0.05),
In ordcr to evaluate the effects of vitamin D3 on body rveigl.rt, and signiñcantly decreased FPG, 24-h [JPro, and dyslipiclemia
blood glucose, insulin secretion, renal function (24-h LIPro). and (TC, TG, and LDL-c) (p<0.05).
blood lipids (TC, TG, and LDL-c) in DKD rats. The blood and
urine biochemical parameters of rats with the different treatmcnt 3,3, Active Wtamin D j Partially Reverses DKD-associated
were measured. The results of the body weight and biochemical htcreases in IL-l und IL-6
parameter assessülents are summarized in Figure 2. The DKD Compared with normal group, the expression of lL-1
model group showed signilicantly increased FPG, HOMA-IR, and lL-6 in the DKD model groups were significantly
TC, TG and 24-h UPro (p<0.01), and LDL-c showcd a increased (p<0.05). Cornpared with peanut oil group, the
downward trend, compared with the normal group. Con-rpared expression of lL-1 in the irbesartan group and all 3
with peanut oil, the control drug irbesartan significantly reduccd vitamin D1 groups were significantly decreased (p<0.01).
24-1i UPro, TC, TG and LDL-c levels (p<0.05). Compared with The expression of lL-6 was similar to that of IL-1, but the
the peanut oil, middle-dosage vitamin D3 showed signifrcantly difference was not significant in the rnediurn-dosage
reduced FPG, 24-h LIPro and TC leve1s (p<0.05), and vitarnin D3 group (Figure 3).
109 Xtar>ju Fan et al.: Active Mtamin D3 Protects Against Diabetic Kidney Disease by
Regulating the JNK Signaling Pathway in Rats

A lL-r B

J )ts
.i I

.r$.."rko so'oa§oo'u'

< v,¡ tl¡e nonnol control group; #p < 0.t)5. ##p < 0.01 ys the peonut oil grottp.

A p-rttK-4




l{omal Feanut o¡l lrb€sarlan vD {t} vo (M} vo {H}
B p"ME(-{ C p-JNRt/e/3



-.:.*":"""t §.,§""§ *,.09^"*"*-.§

. "§§""t"
e"" .lo-
n trAP-1
E pAIr.2

§E ?

& I

"d":.".C.c"§§§ *§"^"-t"",§
qc- rr§'
Figure 4' The expression of p-MEK-4, p-JNK)/2/3, p-AP-1 antl p-ATF 2 proreín.s h leitlney tisxtes. (A) p-MEK-4, p-JNKl/2/3, p-Ap-t ond p-ATF-2 (letecrion

meon+SD.VD(L) low-dosagevitaminD1 grotq, I'D(M):mediundosagetitominD3group,VD(H):high-dosageyitcrmül D.tgroup,*p<0.05,**p<(.).01 vs

the nonndl control group; #¡t < 0.A5, ##p < 0.0t vs fhe pednlLt oil grotp.
Intemational Joumal ofDiabetes and Endocrinology 2021;6(3): 105-1 13 1t0

3.4.Active Wtamin D3 Partially Silences the DKD-related function in DKD, and reduce tire production of cytokines and
Activated JNK Signaling Pathway inflarnmatory mediators. lt can bc used to treat DKD [48, 49].
The expression levels of p-MEK-4, p-JNKl/2/3, p-AP-1, Therefore, this study use irbesartan as a posilive control drug.
and p-ATF-2 were detected by Westem blot analysis. Irbesartan reversed many of thc negative changes in DKD rats
Compared with normal group, the expression 1eve1 in the to varying degrees, and the positive effect of irbesartan on
peanut oil group were signiflrcantly incrcased @<0.01) diabetic nephropathy was confirmed in this study. In addition,
(Figure 4). Compared with peanut oil group, the expression in DKD rats, vitamin D3 intervcntion, especially low-dose
level in the irbesartan and 1ow-dosage vitamin D3 group were vitan-rin D3, significantly inhibited 24i UPro. The contents of
signilrcantly decrcased (p<0.01), the levels of p-MEK-4, TC, TG and LDL-C were decreased, and dyslipidernia was
p-JNK1/2/3, and p-ATF-2 were significantly decreased in improvcd. The expression ofIL-1 and IL-6 was decreased.
medium-dosage vitamin D3 group, and p-MEK-4 was Dyslipidemia is closely associatcd with kidney discase [50],
significantly decreased in high-dosage vitamin D3 group which can lead to the deposition of lipoprotein in the
(Figure 4). glomerulus, resulting in damage to the glomerulus, renal
interstitiurn and renal tubules and increasing the excretion of
4. Discussion urinary protein. Dyslipidernia promotes the occurrence and
development of DKD, while DKD aggravates dyslipidemia
With the incidence rate of diabetes increasing yearly, DKD [5 1, 52]. High levels of TC, TG and LDL are considered to be
has become a serious public health problem [6-8]. DKD may risk factors for renal degeneration in type 2 diabetes patients
be an lnflammatory disease caused by rnetabolic disorder, and [53], and our DKD rat model also supports this point of vicw.
inllammatory reactions are the critical t-actor for the Lipid-lowering therapy can delay the progress ofrenal disease
developrnent of DKD was previousiy reporled [2, 16]. The and slow down the decline in renal function in DKD paticnts
JNK pathway is an imporlant signaling pathway in the [5 1]. Our results show that irbesartan and low-dose vitamin D¡
inflammatory response. It may play an imporlant role in the can reduce the TC, TG and LDL-c contents and improvc
process of DKD kidney injury and participate in the dyslipidernia. It was also found that vitarnin D.¡ can reduce
pathogenesis of DKD [3 1-33]. Vitamin D3 can inhibir the 24-h UPro, consistent lvith previous sftrdies. Major et al
release of lL-1 and IL-6, r'educe the inflammatory reaction, suggestcd that vitamin D3 supplernentation can reduce the
and delay or even l'everse the progress of DKD [41]. levels of TC and LDL-c and improve dyslipidernia [54].
Furthermore, vitamin D3 may protect the liver from diabetic Active vitamin D3 can regulate renal vascular endothelial
complications through the JNK pathrvay [42]. Unfortunately, function, inhibit renin expression, r'egulate the oxidative stress
whether vitamin Dr can improve the DKD process by response. and reduce urinary protein excretion, thus
regulating the JNK inflatnmatory pathway and its mechanism irrploving dtabetic neplrropatiry [55]. Timely and appropriate
remain unclear. This research established a DKD rat model, usc of lipid-loweling drugs and improvement of dyslipidernia
and different dosages of vitarnin D3 and irbesartan were used are irlportant for delaying the progression of DKD. Howevcr,
as the interventions. Then, the biochemical parameters of the detailed mechanism by which active vitamin D3 regulates
urine and blood; and the expression of inflammatory cy,tokines, blood lipid levels has not been olarif,red. Howcver, these
phosphorylated JNK pathway proteins (p-MEK-a and hndings support the possible use of vitarnin D,: to regulate
p-JNK1/2/3) and downstream factors (p-AP-1 and p-ATF-2) dyslipidernia and protect against DKD.
were further assesscd. Our study found that thc DKD group Effective control of blood glucose can hinder thc
showed significantly decreased bocly weiglrt and insulin progression of DKD. We found that vitamin D-¡¡ also increased
secretion; signiñcantly increased FPG, HOMA-IR and blood insulin content, decreased insulin resistance and improvcd
lipid indexes (TC and TG); and signifrcantly increased kidney blood glucose control in DKD rats, while irbcsartan had no
function indexes (24-h UPro). Additionally, the levels of IL- 1 positive effect in this respect. Previous studies have confirmed
and IL-6 inflammatory cytokines and phosphorylated .INK that vitan.rin D3 can improvc insulin resistance by plomoting
pathu'ay proteins were significantly elevated, Notably, these insulin synthesis and secretion [56], reduce the level of
changes rvere improved by vitamin D3, especially low-dosage insuln-degrading enzymes, and increase the phospl.rorylation
vitamin D3. of insr-rlin receptors [57]. In conclusion, vitamin D3 may have
We used a high-sugar and high-fat diet combined with more extensive positive eflects in the treatrnent of DKD than
1ow-dose streptozotocin (STZ) 143-45) to successftrlly irbe sartan, suggesting the potcntial value of vitamin D¡ in thc
conshuct afype2 DKD rat model with 24-h UPro >20 rng and treatment olDKD.
urine volume >150%. At the cnd of the experiment, compared A high-glucose environment can stimulate the cxpression of
with the no¡ma1 group, the body weight, insulin and Cp were lL-6 and other inllammatory mediators and then destroy renal
signiñcantly decreased and FPG, HOMA-IR, TC, TG and tubular epithelial cells, furlher aggravating renal disease [5t],
24-h UPro were increased, which also proves that we 591. Additionally, IL- 1 l22l and IL-6 123) can activate the JNK
successfully established the DKD model. Irbesartan is an signaling pathway. In a high-glucose or diabetes environment,
angiotensin receptor antagonist that can reduce the urinary the JNK signaling pathway can be signiflcantly activated,
protein excretion, improve blood lipid levels and renal regulate the expression ofrelated genes and protein synthesis,
111 Xiaoju Fan er a/.:Active Vitamin D3 Protects Against Diabetic Kidney Disease by
Regulating the JNK Signaling Pathrvay in Rats

and then participate in the renal inflammatory response andin short, ütamin D3 plays a positive protective role in DKD,
oxidative stress injury [21]. This leads to kidney injury and this research provides a new theoretical support for the
proteinuria [25-28l.In this study, we found that IL-l andIL-6 treatment of diabetic nephropathy with vitamin D3.
were significantly upregulated, the JNK signaling pathway
was highly activated, and the downstream factors AIF-2 and
AP-1 were also significantly activated in the kidneys of DKD
rats. Interestingly, increased expression of IL-l and IL-6 and Ethics Approtol and Consent to Participate
the hyperphosphorylation of JNK pathway proteins were
reversed by irbesartan and vitamin D3 intervention. Previous The study was approved by the animal ethics committee of
studies have shown that active ütamin D3 can inhibit the Kunming Medical University.
release of the IL-L, IL-6, and IL-S and reduce the Competing Interests
inflammatory response [36]. Based on these theo¡ies and
results, we hypothesized that activated vitamin D3 could The authors declare that tliey have no conflicts ofinterest.
inhibit the release of the IL-l and IL-6, reduce the activation
of JNK signaling pathway, and reduce the acfivation and Statement
expression ofdownstream transcription factors such as AP-1
The study was carried out in compliance with ARzuVE
and AIF-2, thereby affecting the transcription and expression
guidclines 2.0.
ofrelated genes and proteins and ultimately protecting renal
function. Funding
Although vitamin D3 plays an important role in the
protection of DKD, this effect is closely related to the This study was supported by the National Natural Science
concentration of vitamin D3. In our study, low-dosage vitamin Foundation of China (pXant no. 81960157), the Key Joint
D3 more effectively reversed the changes in biochemical Proiect of Yunnan Science and Technology Deparlment ancl
parameters, cytokines and the JNK signaling pathway in DKD Kunming Medical University (grant no. 2019FE001 (-006)),
rats than high-dosage vitamin D3, which may be because and the Yunnan Provincial Young and Middle-Aged
supplementation with high dosages of vitamin D3 can cause Acaden.ric and Technical Leader Reserve Talent Funding
extensive deposition in rat kidneytissues, especially glomeruli Project (grant no. 2017HB045).
and renal tubules, directly causing renal filtration and Autlt o rs' Co ntri butiotts
reabsorption dysfunction [60]. Thus, it is necessary to find the
optimal concentration of ütamin D3 in future research and RH and HLconceived and designed the study. XF,WZ,YZ,
clinical research is necessary. In addition, we previously HZ, YW, and JF completed the animal experiment and
confirmed that active vitamin D3 can reduce the expression of prepared materials. LL, XF and RH carried out data
the chemokine MCP-I and improve renal injury by acquisition and analysis. LL and XF drafted the manuscript.
downregulating the NF-kB signaling pathway [61]. Therefore, RH reviewed the manuscript. All authors read and approved
vitamin D3 participates in DKD regulation through multiple the final manuscript.
signaling pathways. To clarify the regulatory mechanism, it is
necessary to conduct additional research, such as evaluating
the effects of inhibitors of the corresponding signaling
pathways, for fi¡rther verification. We assessed renal function \Vc would also like to thank Dr. Jing Chen (Department of
by measuring only 24-h UPro. For a more reliable renal Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine, University
function assessment, creatinine, urea nifrogen and glomerular of Florida) for her assistance with manuscript preparation.
filtration rate should be included in future work.

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