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Columbia University: Arts & Sciences

Spring 2021

Course: ECONGU4500_001_2021_1-INTERNATIONALTRADE : Intl Trade - Spring 2021-ECONGU4500_001_2021_1 -

Instructor: Waseem Noor

1 - How did you experience the class this semester? Check off as many as apply:The answer to this question will generally be available in Vergil.
Response Option Weight Frequency Percentage Percent Responses Mean
In-person (1) 5 26.32%
Live online (2) 19 100.00%
Recorded (3) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 75 100

Response Rate
19/38 (50%)

2 - What did you learn - in terms of knowledge, skills, or perspectives - in this course?The answer to this question will generally be available in Vergil.

- I learned different economics models about international trade.

Updated global trade news
Why countries trade and how trade terms affect its welfare

- Trade models and real work applications

- Different models and assumptions of international trade while always looking to current events and repercussions

- We learned about different models of trade and how they can be applied in the real world.

- I learned a tremendous amount in this course despite experiencing it entirely online. First off, I gained general knowledge from the variety of presentations that were
made throughout the duration of class: everything from the specifics of the Suez Canal Crisis we just endured all the way to the trade war between the United States
and China. Furthermore, from lecture I learned about the various classical models, Ricardo, Specific Factors, Heckscher-Ohlin, etc., that govern the international trade
discipline. I learned about how specific policy choices, tariffs, subsidies, can affect both the domestic market of a country and the world market.

- Standard International Trade course, covering all of the important models. Taught from a very theoretical perspective.

- International trade models/ tools and their application in the current climate.

3 - What is your overall assessment of the course in the current modality?The answer to this question will generally be available in Vergil.
Response Option Weight Frequency Percentage Percent Responses Mean
Excellent (5) 12 63.16%
Very Good (4) 2 10.53%
Good (3) 5 26.32%
Fair (2) 0 0.00%
Poor (1) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 75 100 Question

Response Rate Mean STD Median

19/38 (50%) 4.37 0.90 5.00

4 - Would you recommend this course in its current modality to another student?The answer to this question will generally be available in Vergil.
Response Option Weight Frequency Percentage Percent Responses Mean
Definitely recommend (1) 8 42.11%
Probably recommend (2) 9 47.37%
I'm not sure I'd recommend (3) 2 10.53%
Probably not recommend (4) 0 0.00%
Definitely not recommend (5) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 75 100

Response Rate
19/38 (50%)

Columbia University: Arts & Sciences
Spring 2021

Course: ECONGU4500_001_2021_1-INTERNATIONALTRADE : Intl Trade - Spring 2021-ECONGU4500_001_2021_1 -

Instructor: Waseem Noor

5 - Please qualify your recommendations if you wish:The answer to this question will generally be available in Vergil.

- The professor is great and the lectures are very enjoyable. It is, however, a difficult course.

- This class belongs in the in person setting. Taking it online offered too many unnecessary hang-ups. So, if you're in the market for a trade course, just bide your time
until you can take this courser in person where you will get a the very full and excellent experience it has to offer.

6 - How does the workload in this course compare to Columbia courses with a similar structure (e.g. a lecture, seminar, laboratory, or language course)?The answer
to this question will generally be available in Vergil.
Response Option Weight Frequency Percentage Percent Responses Mean
Much heavier workload (1) 1 5.26%
Heavier workload (2) 13 68.42%
Similar workload (3) 5 26.32%
Lighter workload (4) 0 0.00%
Much lighter workload (5) 0 0.00%
No basis for comparison (6) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 75 100

Response Rate
19/38 (50%)

7 - How many hours a week did you devote to this course? (Note: Please include all time spent on this class including managing the technology of online instruction,
class time, discussion sections, readings, assignments, studying, etc.)The answer to this question will generally be available in Vergil.

- 7.5 hours a week.

3 hours lecture, 1.5 hours weekly assignment, 3 hours studying.
Problem set requires about 8 hours to finish

- 5-6

- difficult to quantify but maybe close to 5h

- It was quite unbalanced. Certain weeks only required class time (3+ hours per week) while others during which we had to work on exams or problem set were very
heavy (12+)

- On average I devoted roughly 6-8 hours per week, but when we had problem sets of tests that can go to the higher end of 20-30 hours. The problem sets are very
lengthy and not very easy.

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