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Teachers Activity Students Activity

a. Warm up drills

Good morning class! Good morning sir!

Before we’re going to start our class!
Before we’re going to start, let’s pray first…
May I call on______ to lead a prayer?
B. Opening prayer
C. Greetings
Once again Good morning/afternoon
How are you doing today?

Once again Good morning/afternoon Great!

How are you doing today?

Btw, My name is Chrisdie Japon

You can call me sir Kris if you like or anything that Ok sir.
you’re comfortable with.

I hope that you are good condition right now. Very well sir!

D. Attendance

May I know who’s absent today?

Ok, I’ll be checking your attendance first so that we
will know who’s absent today.

When your name is called…

You’re going to state your last name first then you Ok sir
say “fighting” at the end. Very well sir!
Example: Japon, fighting…
Do you get me class?
Oh right!

D. Short conversation

Have you seen big things class? Yes sir, like buildings, houses, airplane, etc.
Oh right, good!

What if you see a creature you haven’t seen before?

What do you do? We will be scared.

Today we’re going to talk about A man who was

stranded somewhere because the ship was wrecked
due to a strong storm and he was stranded in Lilliput Of course we will run.
place where he was on that area.

B. Motivation
(Shows a sample picture for the student to describe it

(the student give their ideas base on the picture

shown by the teacher)

A. I have here a picture of the story and I want you

to give your thoughts and Ideas by looking at the

Clap your hands class.

B. Let us put it in the real situation

When you get bitten by an ant, what are you going to
do with the ant? (the students will answer orally)

All right, very good!

So our lesson for today is titled with Gulliver’s

Please listen to the story, because after this you
going to say something about the story.

At the end of the lesson, students will be able
A. To appreciate the Oral reading (Gullivers
Travel short story)
B. To determine the elements of the short story
D. Students will be able to share their opinions
and suggestions about the short stories that they
have read.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Oral reading of Gulliver Travel short


Materials: power point presentation

Sentence: As she gazed up at his face, she had
that giddy feeling again.
🔑Having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to
fall or stagger.

Sentence: Amusement twinkled in his eyes and
played with the corners of his mouth.
🔑The state or experience of finding something

Sentence: Her voiced broke and a tear slid down her
🔑Move along a smooth surface while maintaining
continuous contact with it.

Sentence: You know the Emperor spoke to him most
🔑A sovereign rules of great power and rank,
especially are ruling and empire.

Sentence: The principal mineral resource of Vermont
is its building and Monumental stone, including
marble and granite and a small amount of limestone.
🔑 Great in importance, extent, or size.


1. Who is Gulliver?
2. How did Gulliver ship get destroyed (The students will going to listen and
3. Who are Lilliputians? comprehend on the Oral reading of Gulliver’s
4. How do the Lilliputians treat Gulliver when Travel Short story)
they first encounter him?
5. If you are Gulliver, what would you do to
help the king of Lilliput?


Today we will going to read the Gulliver’s

Travels wrote by the Anglo-Irish author,
Jonathan Swift, a foremost prose satirist in the
English Language. He was born on November
30, 1667 in Dublin, Ireland and died on
October 19, 1745.

Are guys ready to listen and enjoy the story?


Gulliver’s Travel ( Short story/ Oral reading)

( teacher will going to read)
Yes we are!
One stormy night at sea, a ship was wrecked. All the
passengers on board drowned, except Lemuel Gulliver.
Gulliver was an excellent swimmer and swam for many
miles before he reached shore. Gulliver was very tired and
decided to sleep. He would look for food after he had had
sufficient rest.

Gulliver in the land of Lilliput Gulliver slept for a whole

day. When he woke up, the Sun was beating down upon (Students will listen to the teacher)
him. He tried to move, he could not. His hair, hands, legs
and body were tied to the ground. He saw little men running
all around him. Someone had got a tiny ladder and was
climbing up to him. The little man, no bigger than Gulliver's
thumb nail, came up to him ears and said, "You are in the
land of Lilliput; we are Lilliputians. We are taking you to
our Emperor, so please do not make any trouble. You will
be shot at." Gulliver almost laughed at this threat but

A huge wooden structure with wheels was brought. Gulliver

was slid on to it after much struggle. The wooden structure
was pulled through the streets of Lilliput with all the
Lilliputians lining up the streets.

It was a carnival atmosphere which the Lilliputians seemed

to be enjoying themselves, much to the amusement of
Gulliver. Finally, they arrived at the Emperor's palace. The
Emperor was there to receive Gulliver, "You are indeed a
strange sight. If you are to stay here you will have to be of
service to my people here," he said pointing to the crowd.
Gulliver said, "I agree to any condition but only if you untie

Gulliver was freed. He was provided with food and water, a

house was built for him. It was a monumental effort by the
Lilliputians, who were all out to serve Gulliver. Gulliver
stayed with the Lilliputians, helping them with many small

It so happened, that the neighboring kingdom of Bleuse

were not on very friendly relationship with Lilliput. The
King of Bleuse declared war on Lilliput. He took a hundred
ships to mount an attack.

The Lilliputians ran to Gulliver for help. The Emperor said,

"Don't let us down now Gulliver; we need your help."
Gulliver walked into the sea. He took long rope, tied all the
hundred ships together and dragged them in the water.
Gulliver pulled the ships the whole day, until the army of
Bleuse was giddy and in no position to fight.

The King of Bleuse came begging for peace between the

two kingdoms. The Emperor agreed. Gulliver was hailed as
the hero and lived in Lilliput for many years.

G. ANSWERING THE MOTIVE QUESTION (Students possible answer)

1. Who is Gulliver? Gulliver is the protagonist of the Gulliver’s
Travel and the narrator of the story. Gulliver was
an excellent swimmer and swam for many miles
before he reached shore
2. How did Gulliver ship get destroyed
- The ship was destroyed during a heavy
windstorm, and Gulliver is the only
survivor, he swims nearby island, Lilliput
3. Who are Lilliputians?
- The Lilliputians inhabit the first island
Gulliver visits. They all stand about six
inches tall, with proportionally tiny
buildings and trees and horses. The
Lilliputians are ruled by an Emperor
4. How do the Lilliputians treat Gulliver when
they first encounter him? - They fasten him in strings and put him on
a cart which driven by thousands of
miniature horses
5. If you are Gulliver, what would you do to
help the king of Lilliput - (students will show their opinion about
the story)


Gulliver’s travels is about a man who

Now that we have read the story we will able to enumerate The elements of a story is setting, character,
the elements of the Gulliver‘s story but first let us know the conflict, plot and theme.
elements of a story.

What are the elements of a Short story?

Very good!

The elements of a short story is the setting, character, plot,

conflict, and theme.

 The setting of a story talks about the location of the

action, and answer the question where and when.
 The character are the individuals present in the story,
the conflict is/are the problems in the story that need
to be solve.
 Plot is the chain of events that make up the story, In
the plot there are five parts the:
 introduction,
 rising action,
 climax,
 falling action,
 And resolution.
 The introduction is also called the exposition were it
introduce the characters, establish the setting.
 The rising action is the inciting event,
 The climax is the peak of tension of the story.
 The falling action is the time to start moving toward
a more satisfying conclusion, this the time to start
resolving the conflict.
 And the resolution is the end of the story, it can be a
happy or tragic ending.
 The last elements of a story is the theme or the main Lilliput.
idea of story.

So in the story of Gulliver’s Travels, where is the setting of

the story?

Very good the story happened in Lilliput, where people Lemuel Gulliver the narrator and the protagonist
living there are small. of the story, Lilliputians the queen, the emperor
of Lilliput and the king of Bleuse.
So who are characters of the story?
Lemuel Gulliver the narrator and the protagonist
of the story, Lilliputians the queen, the emperor
of Lilliput and the king of Bleuse.
Very good! The next element of the story is the conflict so
what is the conflict of the story, Gulliver’s Travels?
Student answer

Now, who can identify the plot of the story, the

introduction, rising action, climax, falling action and the
Student answer

And the last elements of a story is the theme, so based on

what you heard about the story of Gulliver’s travels what is
the theme of the story? ( The student listen to the teacher)

It is important to identify the elements of a story because

when a student can able to describe and identify the literary
elements, they are better able to understand the story and
they can easily interpret and respond to a text.

1. What is your moral values of the story (Possible answer to the students)
Gulliver’s Travel moral values in the “Gulliver’s
Travel” novel like : commitment to something
greater than oneself ; self-respect,
but with humbleness or respect to others, self-
discipline, and acceptance of
personal responsibility ; respect and caring for
others; caring for other living
2. How can you reflect Gulliver’s attitude? Things and environment; courage; and faith.
3. Do you believe that every one of us is a hero?
Why? (students will share their opinion)
(students will share their opinion)

Role play
Group yourselves in to 5 groups and you will make a role play relating to Gulliver’s Travel
which the 5 elements of a short story can be seen.

Criteria for Judging:

Judging Sheet (Role Play)

No. Name: (Group Names) School: Governor Alfonso D. Tan College (High School)

Title: Gulliver’s Travel

Rate Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior

Partial Total
Score Score
Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

English 3

Performance 4

Delivery 3
Judge's Comments (Role Play)

No. School: Title:

Pronunciation, Rhythm, Stress,
Pace, Phrasing, Grammar

Content, Acting, Well-Organized,
Teamwork, etc

Persuasion, Confidence, Voice,
Memory, Eye Contact, Gesture,

Judge’s Signature

The participants of these Lesson Planning are;

Ramonal, Gian C.
Japon , Chrisdie D.
Dacillo , Haydee Glen B.
Saquin , Joelyn R.
Maputi ,Kyle Apple
Galay ,Mondejie M.
Egos , Perfee C.

Be kind to one another and build each other up

-1 Thessalonians 5:11

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