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NAME : Dela Cruz, Charlize Mc Laine


How many can you do in 100 seconds?

Directions: Perform the following skills mentioned above. Record your performances on the table given. Afterwards
answer the questions that follows.

Skill How many can you do

in 100 seconds?
Jumping Jacks 83
Sit-up 25
Toe-touches 17
Push-ups 16
Jump-rope 48
Curl-ups 23

B. Analysis

1. Cite your experience doing the skill.

- It's really hard because I don't do exercise always. I also observed that both of my legs hurt. And
it is hard for me also because I can't lift my body sometimes because of being fat.

2. Why is it important to perform this task?

- To promotes muscles and bones and also to improve our overall health. Especially, the
cardiovascular and respiratory health.
Directions: Put the necessary information asking in the table below.



Activities that may

Your Definition improve the skill (give
three examples)
Strength the capacity of an object or substance to Push-ups, sit-ups and
withstand great force or pressure. squats

Flexibility the quality of bending easily without breaking. Yoga, tai chi, and
Muscular to the ability of a given muscle to exert force, Plank, body weight
endurance consistently and repetitively, over a period of squats, and Walking
time. lunges

Body to the percentage of fat, bone, and muscle in your Cycling, swimming,
composition body. and aerobics

Cardiovascular a measure of how well you can do exercises that Walking, jogging, and
endurance involve your whole body at moderate to high running
intensity for an extended time.

Agility ability to move quickly and easily. Track and field,

basketball, and football
Speed something is able to move or operate. Volleyball, dodgeball,
and sipa
Reaction time the time needed to respond consciously to an Rugby, basketball, and
external stimulus. track and field
Balance the ability to maintain an upright position. Fencing, basketball,
and surfing
Power the ability to perform strength based movements Basketball, martial arts,
quickly. and rugby
Coordination the ability to select the right muscle at the right Jump rope, tennis, and
time with proper intensity to achieve proper skipping
Directions: The following are statements related to physical fitness. Write FIT if the statement
relates to the characteristic and indication of a physically fit individual and UNFIT, if the statement
is not. write your answer before each number.

FIT 1. Has toned muscles FIT 7. Has normal height

UNFIT 2. Easily gets tired FIT 8. Help do household chores
UNFIT 3. Hates to play sports UNFIT 9. Does not want to sweat
FIT 4. Love to eat vegetables FIT 10. Runs fast
FIT 5. Has normal weight UNFIT 11. Love drinking soda
FIT 6. Sleeps 8 hours a day FIT 12. Walk briskly

TEST I. Direction: Write an acrostic on how you will gain a physically fit body.

F Fine tone and shape of body

Increases inner and outer health status

Time, Type, Intensity, and Frequency is related
Nerves, bones, muscles and self in great condition
Enjoying physical activities
Staying physically fit
Sports play to challenge strength
TEST II. Answer the following questions.
1. How can you describe a totally fit individual?
- Able to perform schoolwork, meet home responsibilities, and still have enough energy to enjoy
sport and other leisure activities.

2. How can you achieve fitness?

- Exercise Daily
- Eat the Right Foods and Portion Each Meal
- Keep Track of Calories and Food Intake Per Day
- Be Sure to Get Sleep
- Stay Motivated

3. Why is it important to be physically fit?

- Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing several
diseases. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life.

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