Template Task 2 - Developing Ideas

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Task 2 – Developing Ideas

Design Specification

Consider appearance, style, colour, shape/form, texture, pattern, finish, layout.

Cost Is there a maximum cost? Is this a material cost/time cost/selling cost?

Customer Who it is for? What is the target user’s age, gender, socio-economic background?

Environmental Where will the solution be used? How will the design directly or indirectly affect the
considerations environment?

What it must do? What is its purpose? Where will the product be stored? How easily can it
be used/maintained?

Manufacturing What resources are available? Are there limitations as to how this can be created? How
much time is needed to create the design?

Materials What materials are available? What properties do the materials need to have?

Safety What safety factors need to be incorporated into the design?

Size Are there any specific sizes that need to be considered?

i. Design Specifications: (Fill in the below table. Replace the highlighted text.)

ii. Design Ideas


In this section you have to develop a number of designs (minimum of 2 for each scenario) for
your solution. These designs need to be explained and annotated so that they can be easily
understood by others. You can do these designs on computer, or draw your own designs on

Example Design:

iii. Select your chosen Design:


For this section you need to select the final designs that you have chosen and explain why you
have chosen these designs while referencing the design specification at the beginning of this


For scenario one I chose design number 2. The reason I chose this design is because it is very
clear and concise and is laid out professionally…..continue….In my design specifications I
stated that it should have 5 columns: Month, Deposit, Running total, Interest and total. This
design has all of these column and fulfils this requirement…..continue….

For scenario two I chose design number one because…..continue….


iv. Develop accurate drawings and outline requirements:

Take screenshots of your final design, you can put the screenshots in here as in section ii.

Requirements: (Enter what you require to complete your solution)

For this solution I will need to use:


I will also be required to calculate a number of different formulas for each scenario in order to
create a correct spreadsheet. I need to find how to do formulas in excel for:

Simple interest: I = PRT




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