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1. Here is a downloaded image of a prisoner trying to get the bread instead of the
prison key. From the image, how would you describe the prisoner?
• The image show that the prisoner chooses the bread than the key. The bread representing the
temporary happiness the time he took it. While the key is representing the lifetime happiness when
he got his own freedom. When I will describe the prisoner, he is a blind person. His not blind
physically but blind in the reality. He chooses the bread than the key it because once he will get out
from the prison he will experience the worst reality and he will experience a worst hunger but when
he will stay in the prison he will save from the cruelty of the outside world and his life will more
simple. He did not choose to be free because he think that prison is better from the outside. In prison,
he has free food and shelter even though he didn’t have freedom. In other word he is still wise in
simple way.

2. Watch the video on the definition of traditional/conventional literacy. Kindly open

this video link. Give a short
reflection after watching.
• The video show and explain the traditional/conventional Literacy. It's crucial to understand that
conventional literacy does not imply simple reading and writing. Rather, it implies being able to
access textual work in such a way that you can gain a level of comprehension that allows you to think
critically. Traditional literacy, on the other hand, refers to writing in a style that both demonstrates
critical thinking and allows for a high level of audience comprehension. In fact, writing can aid in
the development of this type of thinking in pupils. They must grasp knowledge before they can
explain it, and they must organize information before they can present it. As a result, the importance
of writing in a chemistry classroom should not be overwhelmed by the used of reading abilities to
study from textbooks.

What does the word “LITERACY” mean as depicted in the

image given above and the video that you have seen?

• As seen in the movie and image, literacy is essential and powerful in

absorbing a scenario in reading and even writing. Having a strong
understanding of literacy makes it more difficult for us to make
judgments, innovate, and so on. The graphic also highlights the value
of literacy by demonstrating that we pupils comprehended the visuals
shown to us. That is why literacy is critical for us to be able to
comprehend, communicate, and compute while avoiding
misunderstandings in a variety of situations.

After reading Mrs. Santos’ essay, reflect on the following questions:

1. What are some of the changes in Philippine society described by Mrs.

- The Philippine society changes through times, according to Mrs. Santos she
described that some changes are slow while some are faster and drastic. The show
depends in each leadership of the country. The Philippine economy improved as a
result of the political upheaval, with a growth in the middle class and an increase in
the number of Filipinos working overseas. On the other side, these political and
economic shifts resulted in societal shifts. As family responsibilities evolve and
individual and family mobility grows, part of the societal changes is the changing
structure of the house. And the value also has change too, the Filipino’s were
influence by Western societies and the Filipinos was adapting in the modern way of
life. A lot of changes in Philippine society because of the changes of the leadership
in the government but the other factor is still the same. It may either positive or

2. What would be the possible effects of these changes on 21st century

education in the Philippines?
- The possible effects of these changes on 21st century education is the way of teaching
and we are using that now in the mid of pandemic. Because of the changes, the
technologies are become more a high tech one. It has a big effects but also it has
positive and negative, In positive effects of these changes on 21 st century education
are learners continue to study even in at home through the used of online flatform
but the negative effects are the learners are never learn and a lot of destruction while
in online classes. But because of the pandemic there are no other option but used the
online flatform to continue the learning process and the education of the Filipino

1. Given the traditional/conventional concept of literacy, how literate are


- Me as a student my knowledge and learning are still processing to grow, if I can scale
how literate I am to 1-10 I should tell that I’m in 7 which is I know how to write, read,
using materials, and understand a situation based on my knowledge. I can’t tell that I’m
100 percent I am full literate person because I’m still studying and continuing to
discover new things and gain more new knowledge so that complete me.

2. How deep is your level of comprehension?

- If I scale my level of comprehension in 1-10 it should be 9 because through reading, I

can understand and process the information that I’m reading. I can’t tell that I have a
deep of level of comprehension because sometimes there are times that I misconception
or misinterpret some information that I’ve read. So, in my opinion I have an average
deep level in comprehension.

3. As a pre-service teacher, what kind of written materials should you be able to

read and understand? Are you reading these materials? How well can you
understand them?

- As a pre-service teacher, the kind of materials that should be able to read and understand
is a reading textbooks, through reading and give time to understand the topics on the
textbooks, I merely understand what is it written all about but to have prior
understanding and patience to understand it. I would say that I can understand them and
by the help of browsing on the internet it helped me a lot to understand well.
Share your answers with a learning partner. Prepare a summary of
your shared ideas and submit it in our google classroom. Make sure
to write the name of your partner.

• Cherry and I have a quick brainstorming session about a summary of our

thoughts on our module 1 theme, which is literacy and how it changes over
time. We come up with the idea that the twenty-first century has a global
impact on literacy progress as we brainstorm. The use of technology is one
of the factors that has led to the rise of literacy in today's world. Every area
and job has been affected, from engineers to doctors to politicians.
Technology has progressed greatly throughout the years. Technology has
ushered in a transition from the analogue to the digital era in order to fit in
with the new reality. Technology has advanced at a breakneck pace,
presenting both opportunities and challenges in the classroom. When
teachers use technology to assist students in creating, they learn how to be
productive and literate. This form of technical literacy progress is driven by
students, which can be quite encouraging. Apps can be used by students to
think, plan, gather, create, and share information. Literacy development is
no longer limited to reading and writing skills. Technology is just one of
many factors that play a role in literacy levels rising and falling. We hope
that this increase in literacy will be more successful in assisting individuals
in becoming more knowledgeable. That was our idea all about.
1. Who among the following teachers are NOT in tune with 21st century education?

• Letter C

- I'll point out that the letter C is the only one of the four options that I didn't think fit into
any of the five categories. Where those categories, according to their definitions, say that
learning can take place outside of the classroom in the twenty-first century. Teaching in the
twenty-first century must adapt to the changing needs of our new generation of students,
especially when it comes to the use of technology as a learning medium. The availability
of new ICTs also encourages new types of learning interactions, such as teacher-learner,
teacher-teacher, learner-experts, and learners-computer.

2. The following situations exemplifies the new parameters of teaching and learning
in the 21st century. Select the situation that matches the new parameter of teaching
and learning. Take note that an item may have more than one correct match, since
the new parameters of teaching and learning in the 21st century are closely
interlinked with one another.
I. Mrs. Reyes observed that her students are very adept at using computers in
the classroom. Some of them are even more techno-savvy than she is.

• Letter D

- Our new generation of learners, who are technologically aware in terms of internet and
digital technology abilities and competencies, as well as their use of ICT as effective
learning tools, demands that the twenty-first century change and adapt to their changing
needs. As a result, my response letter is a D.

II. Ms. Duyen enrolled in an online course to complete her graduate degree in
education. This way, she gets professional development opportunities, even
without attending a regular, face-to-face class.

• Letter C

- Informal and non-formal learning can take many forms, including online learning, self-help
groups, and the use of multimedia and other ICT-mediated learning. It depicts a fresh
learning processes on light of our current situation.
III. Mr. Sing uses computer-based simulation games in his Social Science
class. This strategy enables his students to design various real-life
scenarios and experience them through games and realize various
possible results of different actions.

• Letter A

- These ICTs enable novel learning settings, allowing teachers and students to try
out different ways of delivering and receiving instruction. Rather than traditional
instruction taking place within the "four walls of the classroom," interactive
technology allow teachers and students from many schools to collaborate in "real
time." Then it makes logical that it was displaying a fresh learning environment.

4. Ms. Sheba brought her third grade class to a nearby zoo. Since their science lesson is
on mammals, she asked them to list all the mammals in the zoo. Beyond helping them
gain more knowledge about mammals, she facilitated the students’ learning on the
importance of protecting and preserving them.

• Letter E

- Because of the new spaces/dimensions of learning, learning may be studied

outside of the four walls of the classroom. While most traditional courses are
taught in a classroom environment, modern-day classes are now taught in areas
including parks, schoolyards, museums, businesses, homes, and other places to
provide students a more realistic experience. That was the circumstance we were
presented with.

5. Mr. Gam helped his students set up an e-group where they can collaborate on their
research project. The students share references and materials useful for their study by
uploading them in their e-group. Here, they also discuss questions and get feedback
from Mr. Gam.

• Letter C

- Teachers are now expected to engage their students in more dialogues and
conversations in order to help them grow their knowledge, skills, and attitudes. In
the twenty-first century, learning has shifted from rote learning to more teacher-
pupil, pupil-pupil interaction/dialogue, and collaborative team learning. As a
result, it is classified as one of the new learning categories.

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