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In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial resistance selection in Neisseria

George P. Allen∗, Kristina M. Deao, Stephanie A. Hill, Sandra M. Schipelliti, Thomas Tran
School of Pharmacy, Westbrook College of Health Professions, University of New England, 716 Stevens Avenue, Portland, ME 04103, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Gonococcal infections represent an urgent public-health threat as >50% of cases caused by Neisseria
Received 1 February 2021 gonorrhoeae strains display reduced susceptibility to at least one antimicrobial agent. We evaluated the
Accepted 6 August 2021
pharmacodynamics of a number of antimicrobials against N. gonorrhoeae in order to assess the likeli-
Available online xxx
hood of mutant selection by these agents. The mutant prevention concentration (MPC) and mutant selec-
Editor: Dr. Po-Ren Hsueh tion window (MSW) were determined for azithromycin, ceftriaxone, doxycycline, ertapenem, gentamicin,
ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and moxifloxacin against a wild-type strain of N. gonorrhoeae (ATCC 49226) and
Neisseria gonorrhoeae a gyrA mutant of ATCC 49226. Pharmacokinetic parameters, including peak concentration (Cmax ), half-life
Mutant prevention concentration (t1/2 ) and area under the plasma concentration–time curve over 24 h (AUC), associated with each agent
Mutant selection window were used to calculate the time within the MSW (TMSW , percentage of the dosing interval that antimicro-
bial concentrations fall within the MSW), Cmax /MPC ratio and AUC/MPC ratio for each antimicrobial agent.
Concentrations of ceftriaxone (500 mg), ertapenem, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and moxifloxacin surpass
the MPC for both strains. Results of pharmacodynamic analyses suggest that ertapenem, ciprofloxacin,
levofloxacin and moxifloxacin may be most likely to prevent mutant selection in N. gonorrhoeae. Use of
ceftriaxone, azithromycin, doxycycline or gentamicin for gonorrhoea is expected to lead to the ongoing
emergence of resistance to these agents. There is a clear need to develop novel treatment regimens for
gonococcal infections in order to limit the dissemination of resistance in N. gonorrhoeae.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd and International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction recent surveillance studies in the USA, Europe and Australia have
reported reduced susceptibility to azithromycin, and reduced sus-
Gonorrhoea is currently the second most commonly reported ceptibility to ceftriaxone was reported in the USA and Australia
sexually transmitted infection worldwide and rates of reported in- [4]. Thus, novel treatment approaches for gonorrhoea are clearly
fections continue to increase. In 2018, a total of 583 405 cases needed.
were reported by the US Centers for Disease Control and Preven- The standard measure of antimicrobial susceptibility is the min-
tion (CDC), reflecting an increase by 5% in 2017–2018, and rates imum inhibitory concentration (MIC). The mutant prevention con-
of reported cases have increased by 82.6% since a historically low centration (MPC) is the lowest antimicrobial concentration that in-
rate in 2009 [1]. The development of significant antimicrobial re- hibits the growth of mutants contained within a heterogeneous
sistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae has further impacted the treat- population of bacteria with varied levels of susceptibility and may
ment of gonorrhoea and has led to the removal of many previ- provide an alternative to the MIC that measures the potential for
ously recommended antimicrobials from current clinical practice resistance selection by antimicrobials more accurately [5]. The mu-
guidelines. Current treatment guidelines from the CDC for uncom- tant selection window (MSW) represents the range of antimicro-
plicated gonococcal infections recommend ceftriaxone as the pre- bial concentrations that falls between the MIC and the MPC; ev-
ferred first-line agent, whereas guidelines published by the World idence from in vitro and animal models suggests that antimicro-
Health Organization (WHO) recommend the combination of cef- bial concentrations that fall within the MSW promote the selection
triaxone or cefixime with azithromycin [2,3]. However, N. gonor- of mutants [5]. We used MPC and MSW testing, along with phar-
rhoeae displays reduced susceptibility to all recommended first- macodynamic analyses, to assess the likelihood of resistance selec-
line agents included in these treatment guidelines. For example, tion in two strains of N. gonorrhoeae by azithromycin, ceftriaxone,
doxycycline, ertapenem, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 207 221 4075; fax: +1 207 523 1927.
E-mail address: (G.P. Allen).
0924-8579/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd and International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: G.P. Allen, K.M. Deao, S.A. Hill et al., In vitro evaluation of antimicrobial resistance selection in Neisseria
gonorrhoeae, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents,
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;September 5, 2021;16:45]

G.P. Allen, K.M. Deao, S.A. Hill et al. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents xxx (xxxx) xxx

2. Materials and methods Table 1

Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and mutant prevention
concentration (MPC) values to various antimicrobial agents for two
2.1. Bacterial strains Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains

Antimicrobial ATCC 49226 m-49226

Neisseria gonorrhoeae ATCC 49226 was obtained from Microbio-
logics, Inc. (St. Cloud, MN, USA). A gyrA mutant (Ser91Phe) of ATCC MIC MPC MIC MPC
49226 (m-49226) was obtained by culturing 1010 CFU of ATCC Azithromycin 0.5 32 0.5 32
49226 on agar medium containing 0.0625 mg/L levofloxacin [6]. Ceftriaxone 0.03125 1 0.03125 1
Doxycycline 1 16 1 16
Ertapenem 0.015625 0.125 0.015625 0.125
2.2. Antimicrobial agents
Gentamicin 4 64 4 64
Ciprofloxacin 0.0078125 0.03125 0.125 0.5
All antimicrobials were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St Levofloxacin 0.0078125 0.125 0.125 0.5
Louis, MO, USA). Moxifloxacin 0.015625 0.0625 0.125 0.5

2.3. Medium
AUC/MPC ratio for each antimicrobial agent. For agents admin-
Gonococcal agar (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI, USA) supple- istered as single-dose therapy, a 24-h period was used in these
mented with 1% IsoVitaleXTM (Becton, Dickinson & Co., Franklin analyses. Pharmacokinetic parameters attained by azithromycin 2
Lakes, NJ, USA) was used for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. g orally × 1 (ƒCmax , 0.51 mg/L; t1/2 , 68 h; AUC, 5.59 mg•h/L), cef-
Bacterial inocula used in MPC testing were prepared using gono- triaxone 250 mg intramuscularly × 1 (ƒCmax , 0.95 mg/L; t1/2 , 8
coccal broth supplemented with 1% IsoVitaleXTM [7]. h; AUC, 16.75 mg•h/L), ceftriaxone 500 mg intramuscularly × 1
(ƒCmax , 1.9 mg/L; t1/2 , 8 h; AUC, 33.5 mg•h/L), doxycycline 100 mg
2.4. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing orally every 12 h (ƒCmax , 1.3 mg/L; t1/2 , 19.5 h; AUC, 7.24 mg•h/L),
ertapenem 1 g intramuscularly × 1 (ƒCmax , 3.53 mg/L; t1/2 , 4
MIC testing was performed by Etest (bioMérieux, AB Biodisk, h; AUC, 26.25 mg•h/L), gentamicin 240 mg intramuscularly × 1
Solna, Sweden) with an inoculum of 1 × 105 CFU/mL. MICs were (ƒCmax , 10.79 mg/L; t1/2 , 2.5 h; AUC, 47.34 mg•h/L), ciprofloxacin
determined following incubation for 18–24 h at 35°C in 5% CO2 . 500 mg orally × 1 (ƒCmax , 1.68 mg/L; t1/2 , 4 h; AUC, 8.12 mg•h/L),
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines were levofloxacin 500 mg orally × 1 (ƒCmax , 3.52 mg/L; t1/2 , 7 h; AUC,
used to interpret susceptibility testing results [8]. 33.05 mg•h/L) and moxifloxacin 400 mg orally × 1 (ƒCmax , 2.15
mg/L; t1/2 , 12 h; AUC, 19.56 mg•h/L) were used in all pharmacody-
2.5. Mutant prevention concentration (MPC) determination namic analyses.

MPC determination was performed using a previously pub-

3. Results
lished adaptation of a methodology originally described by Blon-
deau et al. [6]. For each isolate, a suspension of the organism in
3.1. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing and mutant prevention
sterile 0.9% sodium chloride was prepared and 10 agar plates were
concentration (MPC) determination
inoculated with a sterile swab in order to form a confluent lawn
of growth on each plate. Following incubation for 24 h at 35°C in
MIC and MPC values are shown in Table 1. According to CLSI in-
5% CO2 , all resulting bacterial growth was collected and transferred
terpretive standards, both isolates are susceptible to azithromycin,
to 500 mL of broth medium and then incubated for an additional
ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin but non-susceptible to doxycycline.
24 h. The resulting suspension was centrifuged (50 0 0 × g for 15
Susceptibility breakpoints for ertapenem, gentamicin, levofloxacin
min), the supernatant was discarded and bacterial cells were re-
and moxifloxacin for N. gonorrhoeae have not been established.
suspended in broth medium to yield a final inoculum with a con-
centration of 1010 CFU/mL. Finally, 100 μL of this suspension was
applied to each of 10 agar plates containing known antimicrobial 3.2. Pharmacodynamic analyses
concentrations (2-fold increasing stepwise dilutions above the MIC
of each antimicrobial). Inoculated plates were incubated for 72 h Results of pharmacodynamic analyses (%T>MPC , %TMSW ,
and screened for growth. The lowest antimicrobial concentration Cmax /MPC and AUC/MPC) are shown in Table 2. Azithromycin
that inhibited all visible growth was deemed the MPC. MIC test- is the only tested antimicrobial that fails to achieve concentrations
ing of recovered colonies was performed to ensure the presence of above the MIC for either strain and thus concentrations fall below
resistance. the MSW for both strains. Concentrations of ceftriaxone following
administration of a 250 mg dose fall within the MSW for 100%
2.6. Pharmacodynamic analyses of the dosing interval for both isolates, whereas concentrations
achieved after the administration of a 500 mg dose fall within the
Pharmacokinetic parameters, including peak concentration MSW for 69.13% of the dosing interval. The only antimicrobials
(Cmax ), half-life (t1/2 ) and area under the plasma concentration– to attain concentrations above the MPC are ceftriaxone (only at
time curve over 24-h (AUC), achieved after dosing in adult pa- a dose of 500 mg), ertapenem, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and
tients were used to perform pharmacodynamic analyses [9–16]. moxifloxacin.
Free (unbound; f) Cmax and AUC values were calculated using pro-
tein binding values of 29% for azithromycin, 95% for ceftriaxone, 4. Discussion
90% for doxycycline, 95% for ertapenem, 7% for gentamicin, 30% for
ciprofloxacin, 31% for levofloxacin and 50% for moxifloxacin. These The ongoing dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in N. gon-
pharmacokinetic parameters were used to calculate the %T>MPC orrhoeae has resulted in limited treatment options for gonococcal
(percentage of the dosing interval during which concentrations ex- infections. Gonorrhoea may become an untreatable disease if cur-
ceed the MPC), %TMSW (percentage of the dosing interval during rent resistance trends persist, and novel antimicrobial therapies for
which concentrations fall within the MSW), Cmax /MPC ratio and this infection that display a minimal propensity to select resistant

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G.P. Allen, K.M. Deao, S.A. Hill et al. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Pharmacodynamic analyses for various antimicrobial agents for two Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains

Antimicrobial ATCC 49226 m-49226


Azithromycin 0 0 0.02 0.17 0 0 0.02 0.17

Ceftriaxone (250 mg) 0 100 0.95 16.75 0 100 0.95 16.75
Ceftriaxone (500 mg) 30.87 69.13 1.9 33.5 30.87 69.13 1.9 33.5
Doxycycline 0 61.25 0.08 0.45 0 61.25 0.08 0.45
Ertapenem 80.34 19.66 28.24 210 80.34 19.66 28.24 210
Gentamicin 0 14.9 0.17 0.74 0 14.9 0.17 0.74
Ciprofloxacin 95.83 4.17 53.76 259.84 29.15 70.85 3.36 16.24
Levofloxacin 100 0 28.16 264.4 82.14 17.86 7.04 66.1
Moxifloxacin 100 0 137.6 312.96 100 0 4.3 39.12

%T>MPC , percentage of the dosing interval during which concentrations exceed the MPC; MPC, mutant prevention concen-
tration; %TMSW , percentage of the dosing interval during which concentrations fall within the mutant section window;
Cmax , peak concentration; AUC, area under the plasma concentration–time curve over 24 h.

mutants are needed. We evaluated the risk of resistance induction mouse model of gonococcal infection, bacterial clearance of a
in N. gonorrhoeae by a number of antimicrobial agents. cephalosporin-susceptible strain was achieved by cefixime or cef-
Reduced susceptibility to azithromycin in N. gonorrhoeae has triaxone doses that achieved a T>MIC of 20–24 h [25]. In ani-
been increasingly reported. The first N. gonorrhoeae isolate in the mal model studies of the cephalosporin cefquinome, doses that
USA with high-level azithromycin resistance was identified in 2011, achieved a %T>MPC that was less than 50% of the dosing interval
and dissemination of strains with high-level azithromycin resis- were associated with mutant enrichment in Escherichia coli [26].
tance has been reported [17,18]. In the USA, the percentage of iso- We predict increased resistance selection with the continued use
lates with reduced azithromycin susceptibility increased from 0.6% of ceftriaxone to treat N. gonorrhoeae. The higher dose (500 mg)
in 2013 to 4.6% in 2018, and reduced susceptibility has been asso- that is now recommended by the CDC results in more favourable
ciated with azithromycin exposure [1]. pharmacodynamics and may limit the selection of resistance, al-
The AUC/MIC ratio is the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic though ceftriaxone doses as high as 1 g may achieve suboptimal
parameter that correlates with the antibacterial activity of pharmacodynamics against isolates with MICs of ≥0.125 mg/L [27].
azithromycin. The pharmacodynamics of azithromycin relative to Meropenem dosage regimens that achieved T>MIC values of
the MPC and/or MSW has not been thoroughly studied and ≥85% or Cmin /MIC values of ≥3.8 prevented the emergence of re-
it is unknown whether a target AUC/MPC threshold that pre- sistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae, re-
vents the growth of mutants exists. In Streptococcus pneumoniae, spectively [24]. The relationship between carbapenem concentra-
azithromycin exposures that achieved AUC/MIC values of 23 and tions, the MPC and/or MSW, and the emergence of resistance has
45 resulted in the enrichment of mutants and it was hypothe- not been studied. Nonetheless, the fact that ertapenem achieves a
sised that azithromycin-resistant S. pneumoniae mutants were se- %T>MPC that is greater than 80% of the dosing interval is potentially
lected because azithromycin concentrations never exceeded the a promising finding. Ertapenem was used to successfully treat a
MPC90 [19]. The low AUC/MIC and AUC/MPC values attained by patient infected with N. gonorrhoeae with high-level resistance to
azithromycin against N. gonorrhoeae ATCC 49226 and m-49226 azithromycin and resistance to ceftriaxone who experienced treat-
(and the failure of azithromycin to exceed the MPC for either ment failure after the administration of the combination of ceftri-
strain) suggest that resistance to azithromycin in N. gonorrhoeae axone and azithromycin, later followed by a single dose of specti-
will continue to emerge with continued use. nomycin [28].
Reduced susceptibility in N. gonorrhoeae to extended-spectrum Current WHO treatment guidelines include azithromycin, rather
cephalosporins (ESCs) has been increasingly reported. From 2009– than doxycycline, as a preferred component of the first-line
2015, the WHO Global Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Pro- regimen for gonorrhoea because of the higher prevalence of
gramme found that 66% of countries that monitored susceptibility tetracycline-resistant N. gonorrhoeae strains [3]. Tetracycline resis-
to ESCs reported isolates with reduced susceptibility or resistance tance in N. gonorrhoeae has been noted for decades and resistance
[20]. In 2011, the first N. gonorrhoeae isolate with high-level ceftri- rates have continued to increase. The most recent surveillance re-
axone resistance was reported [21]. port from the CDC found that 25.6% of isolates were resistant to
Ertapenem is not included in CDC or WHO guidelines for the tetracycline [1]. Studies specifically measuring doxycycline suscep-
management of gonococcal infections. In a susceptibility study of tibility (using susceptibility breakpoints for tetracycline) have re-
112 N. gonorrhoeae isolates, ertapenem MIC50 and MIC90 values ported doxycycline resistance rates greater than 50% [29].
were 2-fold higher than corresponding values for cefixime and cef- In Staphylococcus aureus, MIC elevations were observed when a
triaxone [22]. Another susceptibility study that included 257 iso- doxycycline regimen that achieved a %T>MSW of greater than 80
lates (including 2 extensively drug-resistant strains) found that er- (AUC/MIC of 60) was simulated in vitro [30]. Mutants of Enterococ-
tapenem MIC values (MIC50 , 0.032 mg/L; MIC90 , 0.064 mg/L) and cus faecium were selected by a doxycycline regimen that achieved
ceftriaxone MIC values (MIC50 , 0.032 mg/L; MIC90 , 0.125 mg/L) an AUC/MIC of 230 and resulted in concentrations falling within
were similar and that four ceftriaxone-resistant isolates (with MICs the MSW throughout the entire 24-h dosing interval [31]. Our
of 0.5–4 mg/L) displayed ertapenem MICs of 0.016–0.064 mg/L analysis of doxycycline’s pharmacodynamics against N. gonorrhoeae
[23]. ATCC 49226 and m-49226 leads us to predict that doxycycline will
In vitro studies have shown that the parameters T>MIC (time continue to select resistant mutants of N. gonorrhoeae due to the
that the concentration exceeds the MIC) and minimum concentra- %TMSW , AUC/MPC and AUC/MIC values attained.
tion (Cmin )/MIC ratio are associated with suppression of resistance Susceptibility breakpoints for gentamicin for N. gonorrhoeae
by β -lactams in Gram-negative bacteria. Cephalosporin dosage reg- have not been established, but suggested MIC breakpoints for sus-
imens that achieved %T>MIC values of 80–100% or Cmin /MIC val- ceptibility and resistance are ≤4 mg/L and ≥32 mg/L, respec-
ues of 2–7.7 suppressed the emergence of resistance [24]. In a tively. A surveillance study that included 10 403 urethral isolates

ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;September 5, 2021;16:45]

G.P. Allen, K.M. Deao, S.A. Hill et al. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents xxx (xxxx) xxx

in 2015–2016 found that gentamicin MICs ranged from 1–16 mg/L, terpretations of our pharmacodynamic analyses were developed
with 26.9% of isolates demonstrating an MIC of ≤4 mg/L and based on documented findings from studies of bacteria other than
73.1% of isolates exhibiting intermediate susceptibility (MIC, 8–16 N. gonorrhoeae, as there are limited data to support a particular an-
mg/L); the percentage of isolates with intermediate susceptibil- timicrobial exposure (and resulting %T>MPC , %TMSW , Cmax /MPC or
ity increased from 68% in 2015 to 78% in 2016 [32]. In 202 pa- AUC/MPC) that is associated with mutant selection in N. gonor-
tients with urogenital gonococcal infections, 100% of participants rhoeae. Furthermore, the relationship between antimicrobial con-
who received a regimen consisting of gentamicin 240 mg and centrations, the MPC/MSW and the restriction of mutant growth
azithromycin 2 g achieved clinical cure [33]. In this study, suscepti- has not been evaluated for all of the tested agents. Finally, time–
bility testing of pre-treatment strains revealed a gentamicin MIC50 kill analyses or in vitro pharmacodynamic modelling experiments
of 4 mg/L and an MIC90 of 8 mg/L, with no isolates demonstrating are necessary to confirm our predictions regarding mutant selec-
MICs at or above the proposed resistance breakpoint of ≥32 mg/L tion by the tested agents.
[33]. A regimen that included gentamicin 240 mg and azithromycin Our study suggests that ertapenem and the tested fluoro-
1 g resulted in clearance of uncomplicated genital, pharyngeal or quinolones may display the lowest propensity to select resistant
rectal gonococcal infection in 91% of participants, and three indi- strains. However, the dissemination of fluoroquinolone-resistant N.
viduals infected with isolates with a gentamicin MIC > 4 mg/L ex- gonorrhoeae has previously limited the use of fluoroquinolones for
perienced clearance of their infection [34]. gonococcal infections, and evidence of the clinical efficacy of er-
The Cmax /MIC and AUC/MIC ratios have been linked to resis- tapenem for gonorrhoea is limited. Strategies to address gono-
tance suppression by aminoglycosides, and a Cmax /MIC ratio of 15– coccal resistance, including the development of new therapeutic
32 or an AUC/MIC ratio of 110 have been shown to prevent the agents or the use of revised dosage regimens and combinations of
emergence of resistance [24]. In S. aureus exposed to gentamicin existing agents, are needed.
in an in vitro pharmacodynamic model, gentamicin-resistant mu-
tants were enriched by a dose that achieved a %T>MPC of 0% but Declaration of Competing Interest
not by a dose that achieved a %T>MPC of 11% [35]. Our results sug-
gest that the use of gentamicin for gonococcal infections may lead None declared.
to the emergence of resistance, although we did not assess the
effect of combination therapy with other agents. Gentamicin has Funding
been shown to display synergy in vitro with ertapenem and ce-
fixime against N. gonorrhoeae [36]. None.
Fluoroquinolone-resistant strains of N. gonorrhoeae were iden-
tified in the USA in 1991 and the continuing emergence of flu- Ethical approval
oroquinolone resistance led the CDC to remove fluoroquinolones
from the list of recommended treatment options for gonorrhoea in Not required.
2007 [37]. Recent surveillance surveys in the USA, Europe and Aus-
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