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Exercise Induced Fluid Shifts are Distinct to Exercise Mode and Intensity - a
Comparison of Blood Flow Restricted and Free Flow Resistance Exercise

Article  in  Journal of Applied Physiology · April 2021

DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01012.2020


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8 authors, including:

Bryan Haddock Sofie Krarup Hansen

Rigshospitalet Bispebjerg Hospital, Copenhagen University


Jakob Lindberg Nielsen Per Aagaard

University of Southern Denmark University of Southern Denmark


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

The Copenhagen Sarcopenia Study View project

Blood-flow restricted exercise - effect and physiological mechanisms View project

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J Appl Physiol 130: 1822–1835, 2021.
First published April 29, 2021; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01012.2020



Exercise-induced fluid shifts are distinct to exercise mode and intensity: a

comparison of blood flow-restricted and free-flow resistance exercise
Bryan Haddock,1 Sofie K. Hansen,1,2 Ulrich Lindberg,1 Jakob Lindberg Nielsen,4 Ulrik Frandsen,4
Per Aagaard,4 Henrik B. W. Larsson,1,5 and Charlotte Suetta1,2,3
Department of Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine and PET, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital,
Copenhagen, Denmark; 2Geriatric Research Unit, Department of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine, Bispebjerg and
Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark; 3Geriatric Research Unit, Department of
Medicine Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark; 4Department of Sport
Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark; and 5Faculty of Health and Medical
Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

MRI can provide fundamental tools in decoding physiological stressors stimulated by training paradigms. Acute physiological
changes induced by three diverse exercise protocols known to elicit similar levels of muscle hypertrophy were evaluated using
muscle functional magnetic resonance imaging (mfMRI). The study was a cross-over study with participants (n = 10) performing
three acute unilateral knee extensor exercise protocols to failure and a work matched control exercise protocol. Participants
were scanned after each exercise protocol; 70% 1 repetition maximum (RM) (FF70); 20% 1RM (FF20); 20% 1RM with blood flow
restriction (BFR20); free-flow (FF) control work matched to BFR20 (FF20WM). Post exercise mfMRI scans were used to obtain
interleaved measures of muscle R2 (indicator of edema), R2 0 (indicator of deoxyhemoglobin), muscle cross sectional area (CSA)
blood flow, and diffusion. Both BFR20 and FF20 exercise resulted in a larger acute decrease in R2, decrease in R2 0 , and expan-
sion of the extracellular compartment with slower rates of recovery. BFR20 caused greater acute increases in muscle CSA than
FF20WM and FF70. Only BFR20 caused acute increases in intracellular volume. Postexercise muscle blood flow was higher after
FF70 and FF20 exercise than BFR20. Acute changes in mean diffusivity were similar across all exercise protocols. This study
was able to differentiate the acute physiological responses between anabolic exercise protocols. Low-load exercise protocols,
known to have relatively higher energy contributions from glycolysis at task failure, elicited a higher mfMRI response.
Noninvasive mfMRI represents a promising tool for decoding mechanisms of anabolic adaptation in muscle.
NEW & NOTEWORTHY Using muscle functional MRI (mfMRI), this study was able to differentiate the acute physiological
responses following three established hypertrophic resistance exercise strategies. Low-load exercise protocols performed to fail-
ure, with or without blood flow restriction, resulted in larger changes in R2 (i.e. greater T2-shifts) with a slow rate of return to
baseline indicative of myocellular fluid shifts. These data were cross evaluated with interleaved measures of macrovascular
blood flow, water diffusion, muscle cross sectional area (i.e. acute macroscopic muscle swelling), and intracellular water fraction
measured using MRI.

BFR; MRI; R2; mfMRI; T2

INTRODUCTION instance, has long been suspected to be a physiological stres-

sor, as resistance training with high loads is known to elicit
Despite solid evidence that resistance training induces muscle hypertrophy in both healthy individuals and a wide
muscle hypertrophy (1–3), a deeper physiological under- range of patient populations of all ages (4–10). In recent
standing of the underlying mechanisms is still required. years, low load resistance training performed to failure or
Monitoring and mapping physiological factors in vivo are performed with blood flow restriction (BFR) has also gained
fundamental tools in identifying and decoding physiological attention as similar hypertrophy is observed despite the low
stressors of specific training paradigms associated with the mechanical tension (5, 7, 8, 11–15). The diversity of these
stimulation of muscle hypertrophy. Mechanical tension, for training strategies has brought focus to a larger range of

Correspondence: B. Haddock (

Submitted 24 November 2020 / Revised 23 April 2021 / Accepted 25 April 2021

1822 8750-7587/21 Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0.
Published by the American Physiological Society.
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physiological stressors which are suspected to trigger path- recreational physical active males aged between 18 and 30
ways leading to hypertrophy which include metabolic stress where all candidates having a known medical condition or
(16–18), myocellular swelling (16, 17, 19), transient hypoxia previous leg injury were excluded. Before entering the study,
(13, 20, 21), as well as mechanical tension (22–25). all participants provided their written informed consent in
Muscle functional magnetic resonance imaging (mfMRI) accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The experimen-
techniques can evaluate useful parameters with regard to tal procedures were approved by the Regional Ethics
the aforementioned physiological stressors. In a recent Committee of the Capital Region of Denmark (protocol no.
mfMRI study, acute low load BFR exercise induced accentu- H-1-2013-146).
ated R2 decreases, increases in R20 , reduced blood flow, and One week before the experimental procedures, partici-
similar tissue fluid mobility (diffusion) compared to a heav- pants had their unilateral knee extensor 5-repetition maxi-
ier load in free-flow conditions (26). R2 changes of muscle mum (RM) load determined for the knee extensors of each
tissue during exercise, often referred to as a “T2 shift” (T2 = leg separately using a commercial leg extension training de-
1/R2), correlates with acute muscle activity (27–29) and is vice (TecnoGym, Inc.). Subsequently, participants were fam-
metabolic in nature, as it is primarily driven by the changes iliarized with blood-flow restricted strength exercise by
in composition, pH, and volume of intracellular fluid follow- performing two sets to failure with the right leg at 20% of
ing the accumulation of metabolites, such as lactate, after 1RM. Blood-flow restricted exercise was performed using a
loading (30–34). R2 data can also be used to estimate changes 11-cm-wide pneumatic cuff (model: 60-7600-005, Zimmer,
in the relative extra-/intracellular volume of muscle tissue. Dover, OH). The occlusion cuff was placed proximally on the
Increases in R20 (indicator of deoxyhemoglobin) combined thigh and inflated to a pressure corresponding to 30 mmHg
with blood flow measures can monitor transient hypoxia above the participants resting diastolic blood pressure meas-
(35–37), and diffusion imaging can detect exercise-induced ured at rest.
micro damage (38). Despite recent advances, however,
mfMRI has seldom been applied to study exercise protocols Exercise Protocols
known to elicit muscle hypertrophy.
The present study employed quantitative magnetic reso- The experimental procedures consisted of four different
nance imaging (MRI) techniques to investigate the acute protocols of isolated unilateral knee extensor resistance exer-
physiological response of three differing resistance exercise cise (Table 1) performed over two separate scanning days. In
strategies which are known to induce similar levels of hyper- all exercise protocols, four exercise sets were completed, af-
trophy in longitudinal (“chronic”) settings (4–8, 10). The ter which participants were placed in the MRI scanner for ac-
three protocols encompassed high-load 70% one repetition quisition of data (Fig. 1). The two exercise protocols
maximum (1RM) and low-load 20% 1RM (8, 11) in free-flow performed on the first experimental day (day 1) were: leg A:
conditions, and a low-load (20% 1RM) performed in BFR con- four sets of knee extension with 20% 1RM to task failure with
dition. All of the protocols consisted of four sets of one-leg- blood-flow restriction (BFR20) and leg B: four sets of knee
ged knee extension completed to contraction failure. All extension with 70% of 1RM to task failure with free-flow re-
mfMRI measures were acquired repeatedly to quantify both sistance exercise (FF70).
the magnitude of exercise-induced changes but also the rate The two exercise protocols performed on the second ex-
by which they return to pre-exercise levels, the recovery rate perimental day (day 2) were: leg A: four sets of knee exten-
(k), (35, 39). Recovery rates can both be used to disentangle sion with free-flow 20% 1RM performing the same number of
the time course of physiological responses, thus reducing repetitions for each set as were performed during BFR20
the impact of the post exercise delay time of the measure- (i.e., work-matched), on the same leg that had performed
ment but also serve as a separate quantitative parameter. BFR20 (FF20WM). The FF20WM protocol was introduced to
The specific aim of this study was to evaluate the exercise- serve as a control condition to the BFR20 exercise protocol.
induced mfMRI response by low-load BFR exercise and low/ Leg B: four sets of knee extension with free-flow 20% 1RM
high load free-flow exercise to failure compared to a work performed to task failure with the same leg that performed
matched controlled free-flow exercise. A cross evaluation of FF70 on day 1 (FF20). The first and second experimental
days were separated by a minimum of 48 h. The assignment
mfMRI results is performed using measures of macrovascu-
of “leg A” or “leg B” as being the participants right or left leg
lar blood flow, water diffusion, muscle cross sectional area
was random.
(i.e., macroscopic muscle swelling), and an estimate of
On both day 1 and day 2 the planned exercise protocols
extracellular/intracellular water fraction. It was hypothe-
were performed in a random order, separated by at least one
sized that low-load BFR resistance exercise performed to fail-
hour of passive rest. For each protocol, sets were performed
ure would lead to amplified decreases in R2 and R20 , increases
in a moderate tempo ( 3 s/repetition) separated by 45-s rest
in muscle cross sectional area (CSA) and intracellular vol-
between sets. Upon cessation of each exercise protocol, par-
ume, and slower recovery rates toward baseline conditions
ticipants were scanned to repeatedly measure a number of
compared to free-flow conditions.
MRI parameters (see Fig. 1) over a postexercise period of
20 min. In the case of the BFR20 protocol, the cuff remained
MATERIAL AND METHODS inflated throughout the four exercise sets and was released
seconds before the first post-exercise MRI measurement.
Since the scanning field of view covers both legs, scans
Ten recreationally active healthy young men volunteered obtained after the second exercise session contained not
to participate in the present study. Inclusion criteria were only acute data for the leg having just performed the second

J Appl Physiol  doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01012.2020 1823

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Table 1. Exercise Protocols

Day 1 Day 2
Leg A BFR20 20% 1RM with blood flow restriction completed to FF20WM Free-flow 20% 1RM performing the same number
task failure each set. of repetitions for each set as were performed during
BFR20 (i.e. work matched).
Leg B FF70 Free-flow 70% 1RM performed to task failure each set. FF20 Free-flow 20% 1RM performed to task failure each set.
All participants performed four separate unilateral knee extensor resistance exercise protocols in total, two on each scanning day (day
1 and day 2). Each protocol consisted of four sets of exercise performed at a moderate tempo and with 45-s rest between sets where par-
ticipants were placed in the MRI scanner immediately after the fourth set. The assignment of the right/left leg to be “leg A” or “leg B”
was randomized as was the order exercise protocols performed on a given scanning day. The BFR20, FF70, and FF20 exercise protocols
have previously been documented to elicit similar degrees of hypertrophy over longer training periods as opposed to FF20WM which
served a control condition. BFR20, 20% 1RM with blood flow restriction; FF, free flow; FF20, free flow 20% 1RM; FF20WM, free-flow con-
trol work matched to BFR20; FF70, free flow 70% 1RM; RM, repetition maximum; R2 0 , indicator of deoxyhemoglobin; T1/2, half-life.

exercise protocol but also late timepoints (80 min) from the After each exercise paradigm, the placement of the coil and
leg having performed the first exercise protocol of the day as participant was controlled to avoid displacement.
well. As the order of the two exercise protocols performed Diffusion weighted (DWI) data were acquired for 13 b-val-
each day was randomized, late time points were obtained for ues (0, 100, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 550, 700, 850,
five of the 10 participants for each protocol. 1,000, 1,300 s/mm2) and six directions for three 5-mm slices
using a TR/TE of 1,100 ms/98 ms. Data were acquired in a
MRI Sequences matrix of 160  69 with an EPI factor of 69 reconstructed to a
Diffusion, R2 and R2 data were acquired over the same 256 matrix with reconstructed voxels of 1.86  1.86 mm2.
field of view (475  215 mm2) covering a transaxial slice of Maps of the mean apparent diffusion (MD) and fractional an-
the legs at mid femur and included SPAIR fat suppression on isotropy (FA) were calculated from a monoexponential fit to
a Philips 3 T Achieva dStream scanner using a 16-channel an- the diffusion images comprising of b-values from 200 to
terior coil strapped over the thighs of both legs. Axial scans 800 s/mm2 using the Diffusion Toolbox version 3.0 from FSL
were performed at 50% femur length (mid-thigh) as identi- (40). Data from the b-values above 800 were acquired for an
fied from a frontal scout scan covering the entire femur. analysis outside the scope of the present study.


Figure 1. Experimental protocol. On each experiment day, participants performed two separate exercise protocols, one with each leg, in a randomized
order. Both scanning days began with a baseline scan where all measures were acquired once. After baseline, participants performed the first leg's uni-
lateral knee extensor protocol for the day and then underwent a 20-min MRI scan with interleaved measures of R2 0 , R2, flow (PC), and diffusion (DWI).
After scanning, participants rested for 40 min, and then performed the second leg's exercise protocol of the day on the opposite leg followed by a sec-
ond post exercise MRI scan. The scanning field of view located the mid-thigh axial region and comprised both legs centered, to allow both acute meas-
ures of the exercised leg and late measures of the opposite leg to be included in the second scan session. The scanning procedure on the second
experimental day was identical to the first, except that BFR20 and FF70 protocols were substituted with FF20WM, and FF20 protocols, respectively.
BFR20, 20% 1RM with blood flow restriction; DWI, diffusion weighted imaging; FF, free flow; FF20, free flow 20% 1RM; FF20WM, free-flow control work
matched to BFR20; FF70, free flow 70% 1RM; PC, phase contrast; RM, repetition maximum; R2, indicator of edema; R2 0 , indicator of deoxyhemoglobin.

1824 J Appl Physiol  doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01012.2020

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R2 data were acquired using a turbo spin echo sequence TDpost = 0). The parameter k denotes an exponential rate
(TSE factor 20) with TR 1,500 ms and 20 echo times (TE = n  constant (units·min1) reflecting the rate at which post exer-
4.9 ms). One 5-mm slice was acquired with a 68  160 matrix cise parametric values return to their baseline level following
and reconstructed to a 256 recon matrix with a pixel size of cessation of the exercise protocol. The rate of recovery is also
1.75  1.75 mm2 having a sense factor of 1.5 and a scan time expressed by its half-life, T1/2 = ln(2)/k, which is the time in
of 70 s. minutes required for the difference between the post exer-
A monoexponential R2 map was calculated as a least cise parametric value and baseline value to be reduced by
squares minimization of: half.
Si ¼ S0  eTEi R2 þ C Statistical Analysis
where Si is the MRI signal as a function of echo time (TE), Sample size was calculated based on the primary end
So the unattenuated signal, and C is a constant that point of R2 changes in percent. A sample of eight partici-
includes signal from spins with a range of relaxation rates pants was found necessary to detect a difference of 5 per-
much slower than that of the majority of spins in the tissue centage points in R2 changes between exercise protocols
[R2(C)<< R2(tissue)] with limited attenuation in the given with >98% certainty based on a R2 measurement uncertainty
range of TE values applied in the present experiments. of 3%.
The fraction of the total signal that appears constant, C/ Values for R2, R20 , FA, and MD of the quadriceps muscle
(C þ S0), was used as an estimate of the fraction of water in were obtained from regions of interest in the vastus lateralis,
the extracellular compartment (EC) of muscle tissue (34), and vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, and rectus femoris
(1-EC) · CSA was used as an estimate of intracellular volume. muscles. A mixed-effects model was used to test for differen-
CSA/R2 data were acquired using a gradient echo ces of measured changes in quadriceps R2, muscle CSA, FA,
sequence with 10 echoes TE1/DTE 8.0 ms/7.4 ms TR 266 ms, MD, and blood flow at the time of first post exercise measure
a flip angle of 40 degrees, and a fast field echo readout with between the four exercise protocols with participants set as a
an EPI factor of 5. Four dynamics of three 5-mm slices cover- random effect. The first analysis tested for a significant effect
ing both legs at the mid femur with a field of view of 475 
of exercise protocol on the aforementioned variables (fixed
215 mm2 reconstructed to a 256  256 recon matrix with a
effect = exercise protocol performed, dependent variable =
pixel size of 1.85  1.85 mm2. SPAIR fat suppression was
change from baseline to first post exercise measure in varia-
applied. CSA was determined by drawing a single region of
bles’ ROI values, random effect = participant). A second
interest around the quadriceps muscle.
mixed model analysis was performed to compare the same
The total rate of dephasing (R2) was calculated by least
variables for differences between day 1 and day 2 measures
squares minimization of the equation:

and right versus left leg to identify long-term effects from
Si ¼ S0  eTEi R2 þ C exercise protocols (fixed effect = leg A or leg B, dependent
variable = difference in parameter's baseline measure
from which R’2 could be calculated as the difference between
between day 2 and day 1, random effect = participant). A
R2 and R2:
third mixed model analysis was performed to test for correla-
R2 ¼ R2  R2 tions between each of the acute mfMRI—R2 and R20 —changes
Muscle blood flow was calculated using phase contrast MRI after exercise with changes in CSA, blood flow, EC, and MD.
(PC-MRI) with 100 cm·s1 velocity encoding and an acquisi- Significant correlates identified from the third mixed model
tion time of 10 s as previously described (26). A single 6-mm analysis were entered into a linear regression model where
slice with a 256  132 acquisition matrix reconstructed to goodness of fit was evaluated with a Pearson’s adjusted R2
voxel dimensions of 1.6 mm  1.6 mm was acquired using a value. Linear regressions having an adjusted R2 value above
TR/TE of 10.7/6.5 ms and turbo field echo factor 50. 0.2 and a P value of less than 0.05 were considered minimal
Macrovascular arterial and venous vessels within the quadri- criteria for reporting correlations. Image coregistration, ROI
ceps muscles were identified using k means clustering (5 analysis, calculations, and statistical analysis were per-
bins and unrestricted cluster size using velocity maps and formed with software created in MATLAB 2016 b
magnitude images as input and an adaptive threshold of 10 (MathWorks, Natick, MA). Unless stated otherwise, values
percent above average absolute water velocity of the quadri- are presented as group mean ± SD. Data points in figures rep-
ceps; Refs. 26, 41, and 42). resent group mean values with error bars indicating stand-
To characterize the rate of return to baseline levels follow- ard error of the mean.
ing the acute exercise intervention, absolute changes in post
exercise values for R2, R20 , CSA, MD, FA, and blood flow were RESULTS
fitted to a function for exponential decay functions:
All recruited participants (age 24 ± 3 yr, exercise/week 7.4 ±
QðtÞ ¼ Qpost  ek ðtTDpost Þ
4.2 h) completed the four exercise protocols and MRI scans. All
with t denoting time from exercise stop in minutes, Q(t) the baseline measurements and absolute changes induced by the
absolute difference for the given parameter from baseline as exercise protocols are presented in Table 2. The average 1RM for
a function of t, Qpost the absolute difference from baseline of leg A (BFR20 and FF20WM) and leg B (FF70 and FF20) was
the first post exercise measurement and TDpost the time 34 ± 7 and 35 ± 6 kg. Participants’ right leg had a higher 1RM
delay from exercise stop until post exercise values begin to (0.8 ± 0.3 kg, P = 0.023), CSA (3.0 ± 0.4 cm2, P = 0.013), and both
decay toward baseline (TDpost limited to a minimum t  lower R2 (1.1 ± 0.2 s1, P = 0.035) and FA (0.04 ± 0.01, P = 0.014)

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Table 2. MRI parameters obtained pre and post BFR and free-flow muscle exercise
Absolute Change in Value Due to Exercise (First Measure post Exercise minus Baseline)
Parameter Baseline BFR20 FF70 FF20 FF20WM
R2, s 29.0 ± 0.5 4.0 ± 1.5 2.9 ± 2.1 4.2 ± 1.8 3.4 ± 1.6
(P = 0.0103) (n.s) (P = 0.0182)
R2 0 , s 13.5 ± 3.3 5.9 ± 4.2 5.4 ± 4.1 7.7 ± 3.6 5.6 ± 2.3
(n.s) (n.s) (P = 0.0273)
CSA, cm2 77.6 ± 13.4 10.2 ± 3.1 4.7 ± 4.8 6.7 ± 4.3 6.4 ± 3.6
(p = 0.0001) (n.s) (n.s)
Venous flow, mL/min 43.1 ± 34.8 79.0 ± 49.7 117.8 ± 59.2 119.3 ± 60.6 98.1 ± 55.7
(n.s) (n.s) (n.s)
Arterial flow, mL/min 25.0 ± 23.3 96.9 ± 46.2 123.4 ± 59.9 94.3 ± 43.5 130 ± 57.3
(n.s) (n.s) (n.s)
MD, mm /s 1.2 ± 0.1 0.4 ± 0.2 0.3 ± 0.1 0.3 ± 0.1 0.3 ± 0.1
(n.s) (n.s) (n.s)
FA 0.4 ± 0.09 0.1 ± 0.09 0.1 ± 0.06 0.09 ± 0.06 0.09 ± 0.07
(n.s) (n.s) (n.s)
Recovery rates
kR2, min1 0.10 ± 0.06 0.13 ± 0.07 0.10 ± 0.04 0.13 ± 0.07
(P = 0.0043) (n.s) (P = 0.0033)
kR2', min 0.07 ± 0.10 0.08 ± 0.09 0.05 ± 0.05 0.11 ± 0.12
(P = 0.0028) (P = 0.0199) (P = 0.0003)
kCSA, min1 0.08 ± 0.09 0.08 ± 0.10 0.10 ± 0.12 0.05 ± 0.03
(n.s) (n.s) (n.s)
kFlow, min 0.16 ± 0.12 0.12 ± 0.06 0.13 ± 0.08 0.11 ± 0.06
(n.s) (n.s) (n.s)
kMD, min1 0.012 ± 0.003 0.013 ± 0.004 0.012 ± 0.002 0.014 ± 0.003
(n.s) (n.s) (n.s)
Values presented are mean values from quadriceps ROIs ± SD. For the recovery rates of macrovascular blood flow, the mean of partici-
pants arterial and venous blood flow were used to yield a combined recovery rate. Baseline values are averaged from the baseline meas-
ures of both scanning days. P values represent significant differences between the exercise protocols known to induce hypertrophy and
the “control” exercise protocol FF20WM where “n.s” denotes not significant (P > 0.05). BFR20, 20% 1RM with blood flow restriction; CSA,
cross sectional area; MD, mean apparent diffusion; FA, fractional anisotropy; FF, free flow; FF20, free flow 20% 1RM; FF20WM, free-flow
control work matched to BFR20; FF70, free flow 70% 1RM; RM, repetition maximum; ROI, region of interest; R2, indicator of edema; R2 0 ,
indicator of deoxyhemoglobin.

baseline values than the left leg. Due to right-left randomization, to FF20WM with a similar difference in T1/2 of 2.3 min between
however, no significant differences between baseline measures them and the control protocol. FF70 had the same rate of re-
of the participants’ leg A and leg B at the first experimental day covery as FF20WM. The same differentiation was observed for
were observed. Average elapsed time between the first and sec- extracellular volume fraction, EC, (fraction of muscle water
ond experimental day was 7 ± 3 days. Time between cessation of having low R2 values). A higher fraction of total extracellular
exercise to the first measure time point was 3.3 ± 0.5 min for muscle water volume was observed after the BFR20 and FF20
muscle blood-flow, 3.5 ± 0.5 min for CSA, 3.8 ± 0.5 min for exercise protocols (16.4 ± 0.7% and 16.6 ± 0.8%) than FF20WM
R2, and 6.9 ± 0.5 min for diffusion. The mean exercise vol- and FF70 (15.8 ± 0.7% and 15.7 ± 0.7%; Fig. 4). A significant
ume (load  repetitions) for FF20 was 850 ± 242 (7 ± 1 kg group right-left leg discrepancy was observed where mean R2
lifted a total of 120 ± 6 repetitions during the four sets) and decreases in the exercised right leg exceeded those of the left
840 ± 154 (25 ± 4 kg  34 ± 5 repetitions) for FF70. With leg by 1.2 ± 0.3 s1 across protocols (P < 0.001). At baseline,
BFR20 the exercise volume was significantly lower (P = the extracellular water fraction was 10.6 ± 2.9% with no signifi-
0.003) with a mean exercise volume of 644 ± 158 (7 ± 1 kg  cant differences between participants’ legs.
95 ± 5 repetitions) during BFR20. The same load and repe- Mixed effects modeling indicated absolute changes in R2
titions performed under BFR20 were repeated under free- (s1) to be dependent on changes in muscle diffusion, MD
flow conditions during the FF20WM protocol. Average cuff (mm2/s), and EC (%). Linear regression analysis using these
pressure during the BFR protocol was 102 ± 5 mmHg. parameters corrected for participant and right versus left leg
yielded the following equation:
Averaged across all exercise protocols, R2 decreased by
3.6 ± 1.8 s1 after exercise which corresponds to a relative DR2 = 1.7·DMD  0.37·DEC  0.4 (P < 0.001)
decrease of 12.4% from baseline (Table 2, Fig. 2). Mean recov-
ery rate for R2 was 0.11 ± 0.07 min1 corresponding to a halflife The goodness of fit values were R2 = 0.79 and adjusted
(T1/2) of 6.1 min. Changes in R2 were protocol dependent (P = R2 = 0.70.
0.001) with almost identical post exercise reductions for
Muscle Cross Sectional Area
BFR20 and FF20 (4.0 ± 1.5 s1 and 4.2 ± 1.8 s1) exceeding
R2 reductions after FF20WM and FF70 by 30% (Table 2, Fig. Baseline quadriceps muscle CSA was 77.6 ± 13.4 cm2 which
3). Rate of recovery was slower for BFR20 and FF20 compared increased across exercise protocols by an average of 9% or

1826 J Appl Physiol  doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01012.2020

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Figure 2. Maps of changes in R2 and R2 0

values after exercise protocols. Examples
are given for the changes in R2 from base-
line to the first postexercise measure (A)
and similarly for R2 0 (B) for a representa-
tive participant. On the first day, this partic-
ipant performed FF70 first and then, after
scanning and a rest, performed BFR20
exercise with the other leg. Note that at
the time of the second post exercise scan,
R2 and R2 0 values in leg B quadriceps
have almost returned to baseline from the
first training. On the second day the partic-
ipant performed FF20 exercise first on the
same leg as FF70 (leg B) and then
FF20WM on the same leg that performed
BFR20 (leg A) after having rested. The
right-left assignment of legs to be leg A or
B was randomized as was whether leg A
or leg B exercised first. Thus, late time-
points in the second scans were acquired
for FF70 and FF20 (as is the case for this
participant) in the participants (n = 5) hav-
ing performed these exercises first, and
for BFR20 and FF20WM in the remaining
participants (n = 5). BFR20, 20% 1RM with
blood flow restriction; FF, free flow; FF20,
free flow 20% 1RM; FF20WM, free-flow
control work matched to BFR20; FF70,
free flow 70% 1RM; RM, repetition maxi-
mum; R2, indicator of edema; R2 0 , indicator
of deoxyhemoglobin; D, change.

7.0 ± 4.4 cm2 (Table 2). Following BFR20 Quadriceps muscle Vascular Blood Flow
CSA increased by 10.2 ± 3.1 cm2 corresponding to 13.1% gain,
which was significantly more than the other exercise proto- Post exercise macrovascular venous flow and arterial flow
cols (P = 0.01; Fig. 4). Acute changes in muscle CSA were low- did not differ significantly between exercise protocols. Large
est for FF70 with changes of 4.7 ± 4.8 cm2. Collectively, acute interindividual variations were noted for both venous and
increases in CSA remained higher throughout the first arterial flow (Table 2, Fig. 5). Intraindividual variations in
20 minutes of post exercise recovery when participants per- flow depending on the exercise protocol performed were
formed BFR20, and lower after FF70, exercise than the con- considerably smaller. The average recovery rate of venous
trol FF20WM protocol (P < 0.001 and P = 0.023, respectively). and arterial blood flow combined was 0.13 ± 0.09 min1 cor-
Average recovery rate in muscle CSA was 0.08 ± 0.09 min1 responding to a T1/2 of 5.4 min.
which corresponds to an average T1/2 of 9 min. There were no
significant differences in CSA recovery rate between exercise
protocols. Baseline MD and FA values were 1.2 ± 0.1 mm2/s and
Upon cuff release after BFR20 exercise, a rapid decrease in 0.4 ± 0.09, respectively. MD values increased on average by
CSA was noted where dilated veins were observed to decrease 0.33 ± 0.1 mm2/s after performing exercise corresponding to
in circumference. This post release effect typically was nor- an increase of 27.5% (Fig. 6). There were no significant differ-
malized within the initial 30 s of the MRI scan for R2/CSA ences between exercise protocols in the post exercise
data (the first post exercise measure) and were not observed increases and decreases in MD and FA, respectively. The av-
in the following interleaved MRI measures. Post exercise erage recovery rate of MD determined from 5 min and 25 min
changes in intracellular volume only reached statistical signif- after exercise was 0.013 ± 0.03 min1 which corresponds to a
icance following BFR20 exercise (2.3 ± 1.4%, P = 0.018; Fig. 4). T1/2 of 54 min.

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Figure 3. Recovery of post exercise R2 values toward baseline. A: mean relative post exercise changes from baseline (mean ± SE) in knee extensor R2
are presented for all four exercise protocols. In this timeframe, changes induced by BFR20 and FF20 differed from that of FF20WM and FF70 (P < 0.001)
with no significant differences within these subgroups. Initially, post exercise (3.9 min) R2 changes were 0.92 s1 greater for FF20 than FF20WM (P =
0.035). Recovery rate coefficients (kR2) for quadriceps ROIs are presented in B with BFR20 and FF20 demonstrating a slower recovery rate than
FF20WM and FF70 (P < 0.001). BFR20, 20% 1RM with blood flow restriction; FF, free flow; FF20, free flow 20% 1RM; FF20WM, free-flow control work
matched to BFR20; FF70, free flow 70% 1RM; RM, repetition maximum; R2, indicator of edema.

R20 resistance exercise protocols to failure (FF20 and BFR20) dif-

fered from the low load work matched control (FF20WM)
Mean recovery rate for R20 was 0.068 min1 corresponding which wasn't performed to task failure and is known to
to a half-life (time for the difference from baseline to be induce little hypertrophy. Interestingly, the high load to fail-
reduced by one half) of 10.2 min. FF20 decreased more than ure protocol, FF70, also induced smaller R2 and R20
FF20WM (P = 0.0273) and all three protocols (FF20, BFR20, reductions, smaller acute increases in CSA and smaller
and FF70) had a lower rate of recovery than FF20WM (Table extracellular increases compared to the low load BFR20 and
2, Fig. 7). There were no significant right versus left leg differ- FF20 protocols. Moreover, mfMRI measures obtained exhib-
ences. Mixed-effects model fitting revealed absolute changes ited longer recovery periods after BFR20 and FF20 compared
in R20 (s1) to be dependent on changes in muscle macrovas- to the heavy type FF70 resistance exercise. BFR20 differed
cular blood flow (Vflow, mL/min), CSA (%), and EC (%). A lin- from all free-flow exercise protocols in that it induced larger
ear regression using these parameters gave the following acute gains in muscle CSA, which included significant
equation with a goodness of fit of R2 = 0.69 (adjusted increase in intracellular volume as well as extracellular vol-
R2 = 0.51). ume. Furthermore, the intracellular volume increase
induced by BFR was sustained over a longer post exercise pe-
DR20 = 0.26 DCSA  0.017 DVflow  0.86 DEC  5.9(P < 0.001) riod. The effect of BFR versus free-flow training was not the
Differences between Day 1 and Day 2 same for all participants. Notably, the observed changes in
R2 and R20 values in the BFR condition compared to the free-
On the second scanning day (day 2) both legs demon- flow conditions to failure (FF20, FF20WM and FF70) varied
strated lower mean baseline R2 (reduced by 0.5 s1 ± 0.22; greatly between individuals.
P = 0.034) and higher mean baseline MD (elevated by
0.05 ± 0.024 mm2·s1 (P = 0.030). By separating diffusion How Measured MRI Parameters Differentiate the
into directions along the longitudinal axis of the muscle fiber Exercise Protocols
and radial to the muscle fibers cross section, the increase in The present study confirms our hypothesis that BFR exer-
radial diffusion, 0.046 ± 0.025 mm2/s (P = 0.048) reached sta- cise induces larger acute increases in muscle CSA and esti-
tistical significance. mated intracellular volume than free-flow protocols. With
regard to the remaining MRI parameters, BFR either induced
DISCUSSION similar changes as FF20 (R2, R20 , and EC) during the studied
time period or there was no differentiation between exercise
Our main finding was that the present MR-based imaging protocols at all (MD, FA, and blood flow). Despite a differ-
protocols were able to differentiate the exercise-induced ence in exercise volume, BFR20 and FF20 induced similar
mfMRI response of these fundamental diverse resistance changes in R2, R20 and identical acute shifts in the extravascu-
exercise protocols. Low load type of resistance training per- lar fraction of muscle volume. Likewise, FF70 and FF20WM
formed to failure either with blood flow restriction (BFR20) induced a similar attenuated acute response in these param-
or without (FF20) elicited a higher mfMRI response. The eters despite FF70 involving larger exercise loads, and
acute mfMRI measures include changes in muscle R2 (indi- greater exercise volume since being performed to task failure
cator of metabolically driven fluid shifts), R20 (indicator of as opposed to FF20WM. The calculation of recovery rates
deoxyhemoglobin concentrations), thigh cross sectional area revealed a similar trend between the different exercise proto-
as well as muscle blood flow and diffusion. Both low load cols, where accentuated decreases in R2 and R20 values

1828 J Appl Physiol  doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01012.2020

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Figure 4. Post exercise changes in muscle cross sectional area and extracellular space volume fraction. Post exercise knee extensor CSA (A) was
increased more after BFR20 (after cuff release 3.5 min post exercise) than the other exercise protocols (P < 0.001). As the order of the two exercise
protocols performed on a given day was randomized, each exercise protocol was allocated as the first exercise of the day in five out of 10 participants.
Late timepoints of the first exercised leg obtained from the second scan (n = 5 each) are included to indicate progression. After 80 min, acute muscle
CSA gains induced by BFR20 remained elevated above baseline (P = 0.02), but all other quadriceps muscles having performed free-flow protocols
were below baseline (P < 0.001). After exercise ( 3.8 min post exercise), the fraction of extracellular muscle water (B) increased for all protocols and af-
ter 80 min, the estimated extracellular volume fraction was lower than baseline values regardless of the exercise protocol (P < 0.001). Post exercise
changes in intracellular volume (C) only reached statistical significance following BFR20 exercise. Since the first CSA measure precedes the first EC
measure, the first time point for the estimate of intracellular volume changes was not included for BFR20, as it would be affected by the rapid changes in
blood volume occurring immediately after cuff release. BFR20, 20% 1RM with blood flow restriction; CSA, cross-sectional area; FF, free flow; FF20, free
flow 20% 1RM; FF20WM, free-flow control work matched to BFR20; FF70, free flow 70% 1RM; RM, repetition maximum.

induced by BFR20 and FF20 returned to baseline at a slower volume changes between protocols are not driven by post
rate than FF70 and FF20WM. Notably, similar exercise vol- exercise blood flow and fluid mobility. In a recent acute
umes were reached during the high and low load free-flow fMRI study (Ref. 26), we examined exercise protocols differ-
exercise protocols (FF70 and FF20) performed to contraction ing in exercise loading (low versus high) and BFR versus
failure. The application of BFR (BFR20) reduced the exercise free-flow conditions, comparable to the conditions of the
volume to contraction failure significantly (Table 1). In con- present study. Although all exercise was performed inside
trast, diffusion data, MD and FA, did not reveal any signifi- the MR scanner, no significant differences were observed
cant post exercise differences between exercise protocols between exercise protocols in terms of diffusion and blood
suggesting that overall mobility in the targeted muscle tissue flow 3 min after exercise stop, respectively, despite obser-
water is similar during this time frame regardless of the exer- vations that macrovascular flow was elevated by BFR or
cise paradigm performed. Likewise, macrovascular arterial high-load free-flow conditions within the first minute follow-
and venous blood flow during the studied post exercise time ing exercise stop (26). Collectively, these and the present
period did not differ significantly between exercise proto- observations indicate that the observed differences between
cols. The similarity of these measured parameters indicate exercise protocols in post exercise R2, R20 , CSA, EC, and intra-
that even though the overall movement of fluid, both in cellular volume changes are not determined by differential
blood flow and diffusion within the tissue, is elevated follow- changes in post exercise flow and fluid mobility. Again in
ing exercise, the magnitude and rate of normalisation is not our preceding study (Ref. 31), even the elevated hyperemia
sensitive to the differences between the exercise protocols following the release of the cuff after BFR had little effect on
studied in this time frame. This indicates that the observed R2 contrary to the decreases it provoked in R20 . The first post
differences in post exercise R2, R20 , CSA, EC, and intracellular exercise measures of R20 changes and venous flow measures

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Figure 5. Macrovascular venous and arte-

rial flow. Post exercise macrovascular ve-
nous flow (A) and arterial flow (B) did not
differ between exercise protocols. Large
interindividual variations were noted for
both venous and arterial flow (bottom).
Intraindividual variations in flow induced by
the four exercise protocols were consider-
ably smaller. In the bottom, flow measures
for the four exercise protocols of each indi-
vidual (connected by a vertical line) is plot-
ted against each participant’s mean flow.
BFR20, 20% 1RM with blood flow restriction;
FF, free flow; FF20, free flow 20% 1RM;
FF20WM, free-flow control work matched to
BFR20; FF70, free flow 70% 1RM; RM, repe-
tition maximum.

were found to have a weak correlation across all protocols as trations and lower pH. Shifts in R2 have also been reported to
did changes in R2 and MD values post exercise. During the correlate with metabolic markers in muscle tissue such as
post exercise time period (>3 min), recovery to baseline con- glucose uptake (28), decreases in phosphocreatine concen-
ditions occurred quite independently of one another as MD trations (43), and pH (32). During resistance exercise, a
returned to baseline at a much slower rate than R2 values higher exercise load (>70% 1RM) requires more ATP hydro-
and venous flow returned to baseline at a faster rate than R20 lyzed per contraction and can produce faster changes in PCr,
values. It is important to note that in this post exercise time lactate and [H þ ] concentrations than lifting a lower load.
frame, R20 values contain differing information compared to When exercising to fatigue, however, end point metabolic
during exercise where R20 increases have been verified to cor- stress tends to be higher after resistance training with lower
relate with deoxygenated hemoglobin levels (36). This study loads (<35% 1RM) (44–49) than high loads. The use of lower
confirms a post exercise increase in R20 which could indicate relative training loads allows for more repetitions to be per-
higher venous blood oxygenation than during rest formed before reaching contraction failure, hence resulting
conditions. in more sustained metabolic stress (due to more pronounced
glycolysis) in a larger part of the active myofibers at the point
Using mfMRI to Assess Hypertrophic Potential of of contraction failure (50). In the present study BFR20 and
Exercise Protocol
FF20 exercise to failure were employed to represent proto-
It has been widely argued that muscle hypertrophy is cols with higher metabolic stress and were therefore pre-
stimulated by two primary mechanisms: mechanical tension dicted to cause larger R2 decreases than FF20WM and FF70.
and metabolic stress (6, 9, 16, 17, 24). Although no one pa- This suggests that metabolic stress is a primary factor driv-
rameter measured in the present study differentiated the ing acute R2 changes, given that anaerobic energy systems
FF70 protocol—with higher tension—from the low load pro- are reported to be more strongly involved in the BFR exercise
tocols, some metabolically driven observations were made. conditions (BFR20) compared to matched free-flow condi-
The amplified R2 decreases observed after the BFR20 and tions (FF20wm) (51, 52) and to be more heavily taxed in the
FF20 exercise protocol support our initial hypothesis that R2 low-load (FF20) compared to high-load (FF70) free-flow exer-
changes would be sensitive to the elevated levels of meta- cise performed to failure (44, 45). Fleckenstein et al. (27)
bolic stress associated with these exercise strategies as were the first to report that changes in R2 reach a plateau
opposed to load, exercise volume or total metabolic activity. with continued repetitions and that although the rate at
Metabolic stress levels are often evaluated from increased which R2 changed with increasing contractions was load de-
myocellular lactate concentrations, reduced PCr concen- pendent, the point at which R2 decreases plateaued was not

1830 J Appl Physiol  doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01012.2020

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Figure 6. Mean diffusion (MD) and frac-

tional anisotropy (FA) in the knee extensor
and flexor muscles at baseline and follow-
ing acute exercise. Exercise induced
changes in MD (A and B) and FA (C and D)
values in all muscle groups (P < 0.001) but
did not vary between the four exercise
protocols. During 20 min of rest, no differ-
ences in recovery rate was observed
across exercise protocols as MD values
decreased (P = 0.001) and FA values
increased (P = 0.001) toward baseline.
Changes in MD and FA for hamstring
muscles, antagonists to the knee exten-
sion exercises performed, were reciprocal
to those of the quadriceps although of a
lower magnitude. BFR20, 20% 1RM with
blood flow restriction; FF, free flow; FF20,
free flow 20% 1RM; FF20WM, free-flow con-
trol work matched to BFR20; FF70, free
flow 70% 1RM; RM, repetition maximum.

load dependent. Jenner et al. (29) later confirmed that the increases and R2 decreases already reached a steady state af-
plateau is not determined by a maximal limit to R2 changes, ter the first of four sets for free-flow exercise to failure, R2
but instead reflects a steady state determined by the exercise values continued to decrease and muscle CSA increased over
intensity independent of the load or total work performed. the subsequent sets of BFR exercise (26). This would appear
Even after repeated sets of exercise, measured R2 decreases to result from the effect BFR has on muscle tissues ability to
have been shown to reflect the same heterogeneous distribu- meet metabolic demands as venous occlusion alone, without
tion as relative muscle glucose uptake during exercise (28). exercise, induces only minor R2 changes that recover quickly
Recently, R2 changes have been demonstrated to quickly pla- (36, 37, 53). In the present study, not only were acute R2
teau in the first of four sets of conventional free-flow resist- decreases accentuated by BFR, but the recovery rate to pre-
ance exercise to failure establishing a new steady state that exercise levels was also slower than observed in the FF20WM
was maintained throughout the remaining exercise sets (26). protocol. Our findings match those of Fisher et al. (53) who
In the same study, it was observed that although CSA reported that R2 recovery rates were not determined by the

Figure 7. A and B: recovery of post exer-

cise R2 0 values toward baseline. Post
exercise R2 0 values decreased more after
the FF20 exercise protocol than FF20WM
(P = 0.0273) and all hypertrophic protocols
(FF20, BFR20, and FF70) had a lower rate
of recovery than FF20WM. BFR20, 20%
1RM with blood flow restriction; FF, free
flow; FF20, free flow 20% 1RM; FF20WM,
free-flow control work matched to BFR20;
FF70, free flow 70% 1RM; RM, repetition
maximum; R2 0 , indicator of deoxyhemo-
globin; T1/2, half-life.

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load applied during resistance exercise and did not observe a estimated intracellular volume increases that only reached
significant correlation between acute exercise-induced statistical significance following BFR20 exercise. The
increases in CSA and changes in R2. increases noted were comparable to the 2% increases of mus-
cle water reported after acute low-load (60 W) knee extensor
Interpretation of R2, EC, and Intracellular Volume Changes exercise to exhaustion (62). Even larger increases of intracel-
lular water have been reported during isolated knee extensor
The observed relationship between CSA and R2 in the exercise (>10%) but were observed to decrease within
present study challenges simplistic models regarding how minutes of exercise stop towards values from the earliest
exercise related factors, such as cell swelling, drive R2 time points measured in the present study obtained 4 min
changes. The intracellular buildup of several metabolites in post exercise (60). Using muscle biopsy sampling, Sjøgaard
response to intensive regimes of exercise loading is in itself et al. (61) estimated the extracellular water fraction to be 12%
believed to be a primary factor creating an elevated osmotic for the human quadriceps and also observed that absolute
gradient thought to drive the intracellular water retention extracellular water volume increased by 82% following
observed by Armstrong (54). The metabolically driven intra- intense exercise which was concluded to be driven by hydro-
cellular water retention contributes to both acute R2 static forces from increased blood flow. These values corre-
decreases and CSA increases interlinking the two measures. spond well with the estimates of the extracellular
Baseline CSA values were similar to previous reports of compartment in the present study of 10.6% at rest and 16.5%
77.5 ± 3.0 cm2 for young men (55) and the observed post exer- 4 min after exercise cessation. Previous estimates using the
cise increases in CSA corresponded closely to the acute post slow R2 compartment to estimate the extracellular fraction
exercise increases of 8%–10% reported previously (56). The for resting muscle match the present study (10.6%) with val-
more pronounced increases observed in post exercise CSA ues ranging from 8% to 12% have been reported using vari-
with BFR compared to free-flow resistance exercise also ous models (63–65). The baseline R2 values in this study of
aligns with previous observations (11) with acute increases 29 s1 are not only similar to reported values from previous
after BFR exercise exceeding that of free-flow exercise by studies which applied monoexponential fits (29 s1 and
50%. However, despite that the CSA increases observed 33 s1) (53, 63), but are also similar to the primary “intracellu-
post BFR20 exercise exceeded that of FF20 by 50% and the lar” component reported from studies using multiexponen-
intracellular volume increases were higher, post exercise R2 tial fits (31.2 s–1, Ref. 63, or 31 s–1, Ref. 58). Likewise, the
changes were similar for BFR20 and FF20. Likewise, after present changes in R2 after the four different acute exercise
FF20 exercise, muscle CSA increases and estimated intracel- protocols were in the same range as reported earlier for free-
lular volume changes were similar to those observed after flow muscle exercise (27, 28, 34, 53).
FF20WM, yet changes in R2 values were significantly higher.
This could indicate that not all of the BFR induced fluid
shifts contribute to the acute increase in muscle CSA have a Methodological Considerations
substantial effect on R2. Interestingly, Farup et al. (11) dem- A number of potential methodological limitations should
onstrated that when exercise bouts were repeated over sev- be taken into consideration for the present study. First of all,
eral weeks, the elevated acute changes in muscle CSA (i.e., this study only included young males in an attempt to mini-
swelling) observed with BFR compared to free-flow exercise mize variation between participants at the cost of the study
conditions were diminished. The primary mechanism lead- being less representative of the broader population. Even
ing to changes in R2 during exercise involves the modulation then, ensuring the same conditions surrounding each of the
of pathways regarding protein-water interactions (57). exercise protocols to avoid variations in the physiological
Although the osmotic water shifts during exercise are a pri- stimulation to participants was challenging. To ensure a uni-
mary factor (30, 33, 57), pH, metabolite concentrations, or form BFR stimulus we regulated cuff occlusion pressure to
other physical factors within the intracellular space that participants based on their individual diastolic blood pres-
influence this interaction may contribute as well (32, 57). sure. Still inter-individual variations were evident, as the
Acute increases in CSA also include the increased volume of number of repetitions performed until failure with 20% 1RM
the extracellular space which has been demonstrated to have in free-flow (FF20) and BFR (BFR20) varied greatly. By using
little impact on muscle R2 values as determined by either a cuff pressure of participants' diastolic blood pressure plus
both the mono exponential fit used in this study or from 30 mmHg, the resulting mean cuff pressure of 102 mmHg
multi exponential fitting (30, 34, 58, 59). Sjøgaard et al. (60, was slightly below levels of 110 mmHg which have been
61) found that intracellular water volume remained rela- recommended since the completion of this study (66).
tively stable during submaximal exercise, while increasing As previously discussed, the identification of physiological
only during maximal intensity exercise which was accred- compartments using R2 values lacks a methodologically pro-
ited to a fluid shift driven by an increasing osmotic gradient ven model for the present exercise conditions. In the present
between the extra- and intracellular space. In the same study, spin echo times of less than 100 ms were employed to
study, the authors reported acute gains in intracellular water reduce scan time and increase the number of interleaved
increases to be both smaller than the concurrent increases in data recordings. This limits the ability to characterize the R2
the extracellular compartment and more varied between values of the slower relaxing components which instead
participants, with actual decreases being noted in two of are collected as a constant in a monoexponential fit.
their six participants. A similar pattern was observed in the Multiexponential models to include fast R2 components
present study, with significant increases in the estimated have been found to provide better fits to T2-weighted signal
extracellular volume across all protocols with smaller on a voxel basis by identifying a fraction of muscle water

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(8%–15%) having fast relaxation (R2 > 200 s1), believed to DISCLOSURES
represent water bound to macromolecules (67). Diffusion
No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by
data which include a wider range of b values have also the authors.
shown promise separating vascular, extracellular and in-
tracellular compartments (68). A last consideration regard-
ing R2 estimation is the choice of repetition time due to
the R1 relaxation. Sharafi et al. (67) evaluated this effect B.H., S.K.H., U.L., J.L.N., U.F., P.A., H.B.W.L., and C.S. conceived
using Bloch simulation finding a R2 estimation error and designed research; B.H., S.K.H., U.F., P.A., and C.S. performed
between using a TR of 1,500 ms (as was used in this study) experiments; B.H., S.K.H., and C.S. analyzed data; B.H., S.K.H.,
compared to a TR of 5,000 ms to be 5%. This error was pre- U.L., J.L.N., P.A., H.B.W.L., and C.S. interpreted results of experi-
ments; B.H. prepared figures; B.H., S.K.H., J.L.N., P.A., and C.S.
fered to the considerably longer acquisition time of using
drafted manuscript; B.H., S.K.H., U.L., J.L.N., U.F., P.A., H.B.W.L.,
a TR of 5,000 ms.
and C.S. edited and revised manuscript; B.H., S.K.H., U.L., J.L.N.,
Future Perspectives U.F., P.A., H.B.W.L., and C.S. approved final version of manuscript.

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