Quiz Past Simple and Past Progressive

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Quiz past simple and past progressive

Name: Alejandro Grisales Otalvaro

1. Use the past simple or past progressive to complete the sentences.
fell painted
George   (fall) off the ladder while he   (paint) the ceiling.
read heard
Last night I   (read) in the bed when I suddenly   (hear) a

are w atched called
   You   (you watch) TV when I   (call) you?
w aited arrived
Ann   (wait) for me when I   (arrive).
don't drive happened
I   (not drive) very fast when the accident   (happen).
broke w ashed
I   (break) a plate last night. I   (wash) the dishes when
my   (call) me
toke played
Tom   (take) some photos when I   (play) in the garden.
w on't go raining
We   (not go) out because it   (rain).
did you do
What   (you do) last week?
saw w ore
I   (see) Carol at the party. She   (wear) a new dress.
ringing toke
The cell phone   (ring) when I   (take) a shower.
began w alked
It   (begin) to rain when I   (walk) home.
saw w aited
We   (see) an accident when we   (wait) for the bus.
The children   (sleep) all night.
The car   (make) strange noises all the way home.

2. Complete the sentences below by writing the correct past tense forms of
the words in parentheses.
Last Saturday (1) ______was________ (is) a very strange day for me. First, I (2)
_______got up_______ (get up) at about seven o’clock in the morning, and after
that I (3) _____went_________ (go) downstairs to have breakfast with my family. I
was drinking a glass of orange juice when, suddenly, the phone (4)
________rang______ (ring). “Stewart, you have to come to my place,” my friend
said. “Please be here in thirty minutes. I need your help!” Then, he (5) ______hung
up________ (hang up) the phone and he went to the place as soon as he finished
having breakfast when he was arriving, his friend received him with news, the
scared one asked him
What's up?
He told him that he had to leave the country with his whole family because he
received a threat from a gang for things he did in the past So I have to go with my
whole family and then I called you because I want you to come with me because
they know what my friends are and they can do something to them.
He answered scared that no because he left all his life and his family

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