Turbine Operation Manual

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Indonesia Kendari-3 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual

前 言

本 规 程 是 印 尼 肯 达 里 -3 2×50MW 电 站 项 目 位 于 印 尼 苏 拉 威 西 省 ( Sulawesi Tenggara ) 南
Konawe 县 Tanjung Tiram 汽轮机及主要汽机设备的启动、运行、试验、事故分析与处理的技术标准,
适用于印尼肯达里-3 2×50MW 电站机组汽机设备。所有集控汽机运行人员都应遵照本规程进行工

This regulation is for the steam turbine and its main equipment startup, operation, test, trouble
analysis and reparing technology standards of 2X50MW unit in Kendari-3 CFSPP project in
Tanjung Tiram, South Konawe, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia. It is suitable for 2X50MW unit steam
turbine in Kendari-3 CFSPP project. All the centralized control turbine operators should follow this
manual to work.


This regulation is compiled according to the following:


Referential Basises:

1 《电业安全工作规程》

1 Power industry safety working regulations

2 《汽轮机设备技术协议》等。

2 Steam turbine equipment technology rules

3 中华人民共和国电力行业标准《50MW 机组汽轮机运行导则》。

3 Power industry standards of People’s Republic of China: steam turbine operation guide for
50MW unit

4 中国东方汽轮机厂提供的汽轮机启动运行规程。

4 Turbine startup and operation regulations provided by DONGFANG(China) Turbine Factory.

5 山东阳光电力勘察设计院提供的设计资料。

5 Design materials provided by Shandong Sunlight Electric Design Institute

6 参照国内 56MW 汽轮机运行手册。

6 Refer to 56MW turbine operation manual in China.


Standards quoted from:

N56——8.83/535 型汽轮机启动运行规程
Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
N56——8.83/535 type steam turbine startup and operation regulations

国电发[1999]579 号 汽轮发电机运行规程

National Power issued No.579 paper(1999) operation regulations of steam turbine and generator

(82)水电技字第 63 号 电力工业技术管理法规

(82)No.63 hydroelectric technology: technology management regulations of power industry

电安生[1994]227 号 电业安全工作规程(热力和机械部分)

Power safety department(1994)No.227: power industry safety regulations

Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual

目 录


1 汽轮机系统综合说明...................................................................................................................1
1 General of Turbine System......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 汽轮系统概述...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Turbine System Overview....................................................................................................1
1.1.1 各分系统概述...............................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Sub-sysem Overview....................................................................................................1
1.1.2 汽轮机系统设备参数、图表及性能曲线汇总表............................................................13
1.1.2 Integral Sheet of Quipment Parameters, Drawings and Characteristic Curve of the
Turbine System.......................................................................................................... 13
1.2 汽轮机系统设备图纸汇总表...............................................................................................14
1.2 Integral Sheet of Turbine System Equipment Drawings......................................................14
1.2.1 设备总体布置图及安装图............................................................................................14
1.2.1 General Arrangement Diagram and Installation Diagram of Equipment........................14
1.2.2 设备构造图................................................................................................................. 14
1.2.2 Equipment Constructional Diagram.............................................................................14
2 汽轮机主机运行........................................................................................................................ 15
2 Operation of Turbine................................................................................................................. 15
2.1 概述.................................................................................................................................. 15
2.1 General Introduction.......................................................................................................... 15
2.1.1 汽轮机主机................................................................................................................. 15
2.1.1 Turbine......................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.2 汽轮机本体有关数据...................................................................................................17
2.1.2 Relative Data of Turbine Proper..................................................................................17
2.1.3 主要技术规范............................................................................................................. 18
2.1.3 Main Technical Specifications......................................................................................18
2.1.4 机组临界转速............................................................................................................. 21
2.1.4 Critical Speed of the Unit............................................................................................21
2.1.5 热力工况和性能.......................................................................................................... 21
2.1.5 Thermal Working Condition and Characteristics..........................................................21
2.1.6 不同工况下技术参数...................................................................................................22
2.1.6 Technical Parameters Under Various Working Conditions:...........................................22
2.2 机组启动........................................................................................................................... 24
2.2 Startup of the Uniit............................................................................................................. 24
2.2.1 机组启动规定及说明...................................................................................................24
2.2.1 The Startup Requirements and Specifications.............................................................24
2.2.2 机组启动前准备.......................................................................................................... 27
2.2.2 Preparations Before the Startup of the Unit.................................................................27
2.2.3 机组冷态启动(滑参数)..............................................................................................38
2.2.3 The Cold-state Startup of the Unit (sliding parameter)....................................................38
Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
2.2.4 机组温态以上的启动...................................................................................................69
2.2.4 Hot-state and Extreme-hot Starup of the Unit..............................................................69
2.2.5 机组温态,热态,极热态启动除遵守下列规定外,其余按冷态启动规定执行...............72
2.2.5 In addition to abide by the following regulations during the warm-state, hot-state and
extreme-hot state startup, the other operations should be carried out according to the
cold-state startup regulations......................................................................................72
2.3 机组正常运行调整及维护...................................................................................................73
2.3 Normal Operation Adjustment and Maintenance of the Unit................................................73
2.3.1 机组正常运行中监视及调整........................................................................................73
2.3.1 Mornitoring and Adjustment During the Normal Operation of the Unit...........................73
2.3.2 汽机运行参数及限额...................................................................................................80
2.3.2 Turbine Operation Parameters and Limit.....................................................................80
2.3.3 机组协调控制系统(CCS)........................................................................................81
2.3.3 Coordinated Control System of the Unit (CCS).......................................................81
2.3.4 机组主要运行参数的监视和调整.................................................................................86
2.3.4 Monitoring and Adjustment of the Main Operation Parameters of the Unit....................86
2.4 机组停运及停运后保养......................................................................................................93
2.4 Shutdown of the Unit and Maintenance After Shutdown......................................................93
2.4.1 机组停运前准备工作...................................................................................................93
2.4.1 Preparation Work Before the Shutdown of the Unit......................................................93
2.4.2 机组减负荷及解列停机...............................................................................................93
2.4.2 Load Sheeding and Disconnection and Shutdown of the Unit......................................93
2.4.3 机组打闸后的操作......................................................................................................97
2.4.3 Operations After the Latch off of the Unit.....................................................................97
2.4.4 机组停运后的保养......................................................................................................98
2.4.4 Maintenance After the Shutdown of the Unit................................................................99
2.5 事故处理......................................................................................................................... 100
2.5 Trouble Shooting............................................................................................................. 100
2.5.1 事故处理原则:........................................................................................................... 100
2.5.1 Trouble Shooting Principles:......................................................................................100
2.5.2 事故处理有关规定:.................................................................................................100
2.5.2 Regulation of the Trouble Shooting:...........................................................................100
2.5.3 紧急故障停机与故障停机:.........................................................................................101
2.5.3 Emergency Shutdown and Accidental Shutdown:......................................................101
2.5.4 发生下列情况之一时,应进行不破坏真空故障停机:.....................................................102
2.5.4 If any of the situations happens, shut down the turbine without breaking the vacuum: 103
2.5.5 紧急故障停机步骤:.................................................................................................103
2.5.5 Shutdown Procedures of Emergency Shutdown:.......................................................103
2.5.6 故障停机操作步骤.....................................................................................................105
2.5.6 Accidental Shutdown Operation Procedures:.............................................................105
2.5.7 蒸汽参数不符合额定规范:.........................................................................................105
2.5.7 The steam parameters do not meet the rated specification:.......................................105
2.5.8 周波变化................................................................................................................... 107
2.5.8 Frequency Changes.................................................................................................107
Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
2.5.9 甩负荷...................................................................................................................... 108
2.5.9 Load Shedding.........................................................................................................108
2.5.10 发电机甩负荷,危急保安器动作:............................................................................109
2.5.10 Load Shedding of the Generator and the Emergency Governor Works:.....................109
2.5.11. 汽轮机甩负荷,发电机未解列:................................................................................110
2.5.11. Turbine sheds load, but the generator is not disconnected:........................................110
2.5.12 运行中叶片损坏或断落:...........................................................................................111
2.5.12 Blade Damage or Broken During Operation:..............................................................111
2.5.13 失火:...................................................................................................................... 112
2.5.13 Fire........................................................................................................................... 112
2.5.14 厂用电中断:............................................................................................................ 114
2.5.14 Interrupt of the Auxiliary Power:.................................................................................114
2.5.15 汽轮机严重超速........................................................................................................ 115
2.5.15 Serious Overspeed of the Steam Turbine..................................................................115
2.5.16 汽机振动异常............................................................................................................ 117
2.5.16 Abnormal Vibration of the Turbine..............................................................................117
2.5.17 轴向位移异常............................................................................................................ 118
2.5.17 Abnormal Axial Displacement....................................................................................118
2.5.18 差胀异常................................................................................................................... 119
2.5.18 Abnormal Expansion Differential................................................................................119
2.5.19 汽轮机水冲击............................................................................................................ 120
2.5.19 Water Impact of the Turbine......................................................................................120
2.5.20 汽轮机轴承回油温度等..............................................................................................121
2.5.20 Return oil Temperature of Turbine Bearing................................................................121
2.5.21 凝汽器真空异常........................................................................................................122
2.5.21 Abnormal Vacuum of the Condenser.........................................................................122
2.5.22 润滑油系统............................................................................................................... 123
2.5.22 Lubricating Oil Sysrem..............................................................................................123
2.5.23 调速油系统故障........................................................................................................125
2.5.23 Faults in the Govering Oil System.............................................................................125
2.5.24 凝汽器泄漏............................................................................................................... 125
2.5.24 Leakage of the Condenser........................................................................................125
2.5.25 给水泵组故障............................................................................................................ 126
2.5.25 Feedwater Pump Fails..............................................................................................126
2.5.26 除氧器故障............................................................................................................... 127
2.5.26 The Failure of Deaerator...........................................................................................127
2.5.27 加热器故障............................................................................................................... 129
2.5.27 Failure of Heaters.....................................................................................................129
2.6 机组联锁保护试验........................................................................................................... 131
2.6 Interlock and Protection Test............................................................................................131
2.6.1 主机跳闸联锁保护试验..............................................................................................131
2.6.1 Interlock and Protection Test of Turnine Trip..............................................................131
2.6.2 跳闸通道模拟保护试验..............................................................................................144
2.6.2 Trip Passage Simulation Protection Test....................................................................144
Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
2.7 汽轮机曲线...................................................................................................................... 146
2.7 The Curve of Turbine.......................................................................................................146
2.7.1 机组冷态启动参考曲线..............................................................................................146
2.7.1 Reference Curve of Cold-state Startup of the Unit.....................................................146
2.7.2 汽轮机热态启动曲线.................................................................................................148
2.7.2 Curve of Hot-state Startup of the Unit........................................................................148
2.7.3 机组滑参数停机参考曲线…………………………………………………………………
2.7.3 Reference curve of unit sliding parameters shutdown…………………………………148
2.8 有关图纸(见系统图册).....................................................................................................149
2.8 Relevant drawings........................................................................................................... 149
3 汽轮机辅机运行手册............................................................................................................... 151
3 Turbine Auxiliary Equipment Operation Manual.......................................................................151
3.1 汽机辅机系统运行........................................................................................................... 151
3.1 Operation of Turbine Auxiliary Equipment.........................................................................151
3.1.1 汽机辅机规范............................................................................................................ 151
3.1.1 Specifications of Turbine Auxialiary Equipment..........................................................151
3.2 辅助系统设备运行维护的一般要求...................................................................................176
3.2 Requirements of Auxiliary System Operation and Maintenanice........................................176
3.2.1 辅助系统的投运通则.................................................................................................176
3.2.1 Commissioning Principles of the Auxiliary Systems....................................................176
3.2.2 辅助转机的投运通则.................................................................................................177
3.2.2 Commissioning General Rules of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment...........................177
3.2.3 辅助转机启动前的检查..............................................................................................177
3.2.3 Inspections of the Auxiliary Equipment Before Startup..............................................177
3.2.4 辅助转机启动后的检查..............................................................................................179
3.2.4 Inspections After the Startup of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment...............................179
3.2.5 辅助转机的正常运行.................................................................................................179
3.2.5 Normal Operation of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment...............................................179
3.2.6 辅助转机的停运........................................................................................................180
3.2.6 Shutdown of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment...........................................................180
3.2.7 辅助转机紧急故障停运条件.......................................................................................180
3.2.7 Emergency Shutdown Conditions of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment.......................180
3.2.8 辅助转机紧急故障停运的操作...................................................................................180
3.2.8 mergency Shutdown Operations of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment.........................180
3.2.9 辅助转机一般故障停运条件.......................................................................................181
3.2.9 Shutdown Conditions of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment due to General Failure......181
3.2.10 辅助转机一般故障停运操作.......................................................................................181
3.2.10 Operations of the General Failure Caused Shutdown of the Auxiliary Rotating
Equipment.............................................................................................................. 181
3.3 各辅机系统的投、停及维护.............................................................................................181
3.3 In Service, out of Service and Maintainance of all Auxiliary machines...............................181
Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
3.3.1 闭式水系统............................................................................................................... 181
3.3.1 Closed Type Water Syetem.......................................................................................181
3.3.2 循环水系统............................................................................................................... 184
3.3.2 Circulating Water System..........................................................................................184
3.3.3 开式升压水系统........................................................................................................188
3.3.3 Open Type Increasing Pressure Water System..........................................................188
3.3.4 凝汽器胶球清洗系统.................................................................................................190
3.3.4 Rubber Ball Cleaning System of Condenser..............................................................190
3.3.5 凝结水系统............................................................................................................... 193
3.3.5 Condensate System.................................................................................................193
3.3.6 低加系统................................................................................................................... 196
3.3.6 Lp Heater System.....................................................................................................196
3.3.7 除氧器系统............................................................................................................... 199
3.3.7 Deaerator System.....................................................................................................199
3.3.8 给水泵组................................................................................................................... 203
3.3.8 Feedwater Pump......................................................................................................203
3.3.9 高加系统................................................................................................................... 208
3.3.9 HP Heater System....................................................................................................208
3.3.10 辅助蒸汽系统............................................................................................................ 213
3.3.10 Auxiliary Steam System............................................................................................213
3.3.11 轴封系统................................................................................................................... 214
3.3.11 Gland Seal System...................................................................................................214
3.3.12 真空系统................................................................................................................... 216
3.3.12 Vacuum System........................................................................................................216
3.3.13 润滑油,顶轴油和盘车系统.......................................................................................219
3.3.13 Lube oil, Jacking Oil and Turning Gear System..........................................................219
3.3.14 润滑油净化系统........................................................................................................224
3.3.14 Lube oil Purifying System..........................................................................................224
3.3.15 调速油系统............................................................................................................... 226
3.3.15 Governing Oil System..............................................................................................226
Indonesia Kendari-3 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual

1 汽轮机系统综合说明

1 General of Turbine System

1.1 汽轮系统概述

1.1 Turbine System Overview

1.1.1 各分系统概述

1.1.1 Sub-sysem Overview

1) 主蒸汽系统

1) Main steam system

a) 主蒸汽系统均单元制系统。在过热器出口的蒸汽管道上装有水压试验的电动闸
阀,解决投产前或大修后过热器进行水压试验的问题。本工程设 30%B—MCR
器二级减温减压装置。旁路装置由蒸汽控制阀及其驱动装置、喷水调节阀组成 ,

a) Main steam system is of unit system. Motor-operated gate valves used for
hydrostatic test are installed on the steam pipes at the outlet of the superheater,
to solve the hydraulic test problems after the superheater is put into operation
or after the overhaul. The project has installed a bypass with 30 % B—MCR
capacity, the bypass device is connected from the front main steam pipe of
turbine inlet, with pressure and temperature reducing, connected to the
secondary pressure and temperature reducing device of condensor. The
bypass device is consist of steam control valve and its driving device and spray
control valve, the desuperheating water is from condensate system.

b) 来自锅炉的新蒸汽,通过电动主汽门至机前自动主汽门。主汽门内装有蒸汽滤

b) The live steam from the boiler comes to the auto main stop valve in front of the
unit through the motor-operated main stop valve. Steam strainer is installed
inside the main stop valve. There are two steam lead pipes behind the main
stop valve to lead the steam into the steam chambers in the front
steam(turbine) casing. After the steam expands and does its work in side the
turbine, it will be condensed into water in the condenser. The condensed water
will go into the gland seal heater through condensate pump, #4, #5 and #6 LP
heaters and deaerator. The condensate water heated by the deaerator will be
delivered into the boiler through HP heaters#1&#2 after boosting by feed water

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
2) 回热抽汽系统:

2) Regenerative extraction system

本机组共有六段不调节抽汽,第一段抽汽(5 级后)接至#1 高加,第二段抽汽(8

级后)接至#2 高加,第三段抽汽(10 级后)接至除氧器,第四段抽汽(13 级后)
接至#4 低加,第五段抽汽(15 级后)接至#5 低加,第六段抽汽(17 级)接至#6 低加。

The unit has 6 unadjustable steam extractions. The first steam extraction is
connected to the HP heater #1(extraction after the fifth stage), the second to the
HP heater #2(extraction after the eighth stage) and there is a bypass connected to
the third extraction (when the load is under 30MW), the third to the deaerator
(extraction after the tenth stage), the fourth to the LP heater#4 (extraction after the
thirteenth stage), the fifth to the LP heater#5 (extraction after the fiftteenth stage),
and the sixth to the LP heater#6 (extraction after the seventeenth stage). Extraction
check valves are installed from the first extraction pipe to the fifth extraction pipe
and the industrial extraction pipe. Due to the low pressure of the sixth steam
extraction pipe, there is no need to install the extraction check valve. The other
extractions are all installed with extraction check valves and manipulating pedestals
of extraction valves, which are all controlled by the extraction valve controlling air
pipes. During the shutdown and load shedding of the unit, the extraction check
valves will be closed by the extraction valve controlling air pipes to stop the
backflow of steam and water in the casing.

3) 抽汽阀控制气管路系统:

3) Extraction valve controlling the steam pipe system:

本机组抽汽阀采用气动控制系统,控制系统的工作气源压力为 0.5-0.7MPa,气源要
空气过滤器、油雾器 、进入二位三通阀,快速排气阀,再进入操纵座上活塞缸内。

The extraction valves of the unit adopt pneumatic control system, whose working air
source pressure is 0.5-0.7 MPa. The air source has to be clean and dry. The air
reservoir shall be set nearby the extraction check valve as far as possible. The pipe

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
has to be clean without foreign matters when installing the air controlling pipeline.
The compressed air from the air reservoir is devided into several ways through the
air lead valve and pass through the the air filter, lubricators, two position three-way
valve, rapid air-exhaust valve and finally into the piston cylinder on the manipulating
pedestal. The control method of the pneumatic system is as follow: when the
operation parameter of the turbine meets a certain requirement, the compressed air
in the air reservoir will come to the solenoid(magnetic) valve (always in open
condition) on the air controlling pipeline through the air lead valve then come to the
piston cylinder to make the piston overcome the spring force to make the steam
extraction valve open. When the main stop valve is closed or the load is shedded,
the air lead valve will be closed to stop the compressed air of the air reservoir from
going into the air controlling pipeline and the solenoid(magnetic) valve will be
activated to prevent the compressed air from coming into the piston cylinder of
manipulating pedestal.The air inside the piston cylinder will be discharged into the
air through the rapid air-exhuast valve. The pistion on the manipulating pedestal
makes the extraction check valve closed under the action of spring force. The
system has to be activated periodically to ensure its flexibility. This system must be
activited regularly to check the flexibility.

置,改装置采用自动控制,当后汽缸任一侧的排气温度达到 80℃时,由该处的测温
压力必须控制在 0.3~0.5MPa 范围内,冷却水流量 6~8T/h。

In order to make the unit can operate stably under the startup, no-load and low load
condition, the rear steam casing shall be set up with spray cooling device, sand
shall be adopted with automatic controlling, when the temperature of any side of the
steam casing reaches 80℃, the temperature measuring component at this position
will send signal and connect with circuit to opern the corresponding electric-control
valve, the condensate from the DM device develop to automized water to get in the
rear steam casing after automized by spray nozzle, make the exhaust air
temperature go down, when the exhaust air temperature at both sides of rear steam
casing is lower than 65℃, the circuit is break off, the corresponding electric-control
valva is close and the water spraying is stopped. In order to get the ideal automized
water, the condensate pressure must be controlled within the scope of 0.3~0.5MPa,
the cooling water flow is 6~8T/h.

4) 汽封系统

4) Steam seal system

a) 汽封系统的设计是为了不使汽轮机内的蒸汽沿轴线外泄,避免蒸汽进入轴承座

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual


a) The steam seal system is designed to stop the steam leakeage alongside the
axial direction in the turbine and to stop steam coming into the bearing
pedestal, causing water in the oil and affecting the oil quality and to avoid
steam leaking into the machine room, affecting the envoirment and the
equipment. As for the LP casing, leaking steam at two ends of the shaft has to
be blocked up to adapt to the reliable and stable vacuum, and to improve the
thermal cycle economy of the unit as much as possible.

b) 本机组汽封系统采用自密封系统,即在机组正常运行时,由高压轴端汽封的漏

b) Gland sealing system of this unit shall adopt the self-sealing system, meaning
that, during the normal operation of unit, the leaking steam of HP gland seal
(after sprayed and cooled by surge tank) can be regarded as the turbine gland
seal system of which the steam is provided by LP gland seal, and the residual
leaking steam will overflow to the condensor through the overflowing station. In
the opeation of unit startup, shut-down or with low load, the gland seal steam is
supplied by main steam. The gland seal system need to be change from unit
startup to full-load operation, full progress shall be all switched automatically as
per the requirement of unit gland seal steam.

c) 为保证汽轮机轴封段的密封,轴端汽封分为前后两组,前汽封又因压力的不同
化分为四段,后汽封划分为 2 段,按压力的高低排序,各段系统连接分别为:
前汽封一段漏汽接至汽轮机 2 段抽汽管道,正常运行时,漏汽随抽汽进入 2 号
轮机 4 段抽汽管道,正常运行时,漏汽随抽汽进入 4 号低压加热器,当低加切
腔室 0.095MPa(a)的压力。后汽封一段连接汽封供汽,供汽来自均压箱。后
汽封二段漏汽连接至汽封加热器管路,由轴封风机维持汽封腔室 0.095MPa(a)

c) In order to ensure the sealing of gland sealing section of turbine, the gland seal
shall be divided into front and rear group, the front gland sealing according to
different pressure shall be divided into four section, the rear gland sealing shall
be divided into two section, every section system connection method according
to the high&low sequence of pressure shall be: the primary section leaking
steam of front gland sealing is connected to the secondary steam extraction

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pipe of turbine, in normal operation, the leaking steam shall get in th HP
heater#2 along with extracting steam, when the HP heater is cut off, the leaking
steam will get inside the turbine through-flow. The seconday section leaking
steam of front gland sealing is connected to the fourth steam extraction pipes of
turbine, in normal operation, the leaking steam will get inside the LP heater#4
along with the extracting steam, when the LP heater is cut off, the leaking
steam will get in the turbine through-flow. The third leaking steam of front gland
seal is connected to the surge tank, in normal operation, the leaking steam
after sprayed and cooled by surge tank is provided to the rear gland seal; in the
phase of unit startup and low-load, the surge tank will provide the steam to the
axle end. The fourth leaking steam of gland seal is connected to the steam
extraction pipeline of gland seal heater, and maintain 0.095MPa(a) pressure of
gland seal chamber by gland seal fan. The primary section of rear gland seal is
connected to gland seal steam supply, and the steam supply is from the surge
tank. The secondary leaking steam of rear gland seal is connected to the gland
seal heater pipeline, and maintain 0.095MPa(a) of gland seal chamber by
gland seal fan. The fourth leaking steam (mixture of steam&air) of front gland
seal and the secondary leaking steam(mixture of steam&air) of rear gland seal
are combined to one pipeline to get in the gland seal heater, after recycling the
heat quantity and working medium through gland seal heater, then exhaust the
noncondensing gas to the air by gland seal fan.

d) 在盘车、冲转及低负荷阶段汽封供汽来自供汽汽源,供汽维持在
0.105~0.118MPa(a), 当负荷增至大约 50%时,高压端漏入供汽母管的蒸汽量超
过低压端汽封所需的供汽量。此时蒸汽母管压力升至 0.129MPa(a), 轴封汽源供
低压汽封供汽温度在 160℃~220℃之间。

d) The gland seal steam from turning gear, impulse starting and load-load phase is
from steam supply source, the steam supply shall be maintained within
0.105~0.118MPa(a), when the load increases to about 50%, the steam quantity
of steam supply header leaked by HP side shall exceed the steam supply
quantity needed in gland seal in LP side. At this time, the pressure of steam
header raises to 0.129MPa(a), the steam supply control valve of gland seal
steam source is closed automatically, the overflow control valve will open
automatically, exhaust the residual steam to the condensor by overflow control
valve, then, the gland seal is on self sealing status, the pressure of gland seal
header shall be maintained within 0.125~0.129MPa(a); during the overall
operation progress of gland seal system, ensure that the LP gland seal
suppling steam temperature shall be within 160℃~220℃ by spray
desuperheating control valve.

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5) 疏水系统

5) Draining system

a) 疏水系统用于排泄主蒸汽管道/抽汽管道/汽缸中的积水,不使水进入汽轮机通流

a) The draining system is used to discharge the water in the main steam pipes,
extraction pipes and casing to stop the steam coming into the flow path of the
turbine. Once water goes into the turbine, the following consequences can be
led to: damage of the shroud ring of blades, seal tooth, and the thrust bearing,
the bent and crack of the rotor, permanent deformation of the fixed parts and
the frication between the static parts and the rotating parts.

b) 蒸汽管道和汽缸中的积水,经疏水管路、手动截止阀,疏入疏水膨胀箱。

b) Water in the steam pipes and casing will be drained to the drain flash tank
through the drain pipes and hand stop valve.

c) 疏水膨胀箱上部蒸汽通过管道接凝汽器喉部;箱底疏水通过管路到凝汽器热井。

c) The upper steam of drain flash tank is connected to the condensor throat by
pipeline; the drain water of tank bottom is connected to the hot well of
condensor by pipeline.

d) 疏水阀启闭规定如下:

① 从汽轮机停机直至汽轮机完全冷却为止,必须打开。

② 向汽封供汽之前和汽轮机起动之前,必须打开。

③ 机组启动前,开启各疏水支管道上的疏水阀。当负荷升至 25%时,关闭疏
水阀。停机或降负荷时,当负荷减到 25%时,开启疏水阀,并在集控室用

④ 在重要疏水阀开启前,应避免破坏真空。(危急情况除外)

d) The opening and closing specifications of the drain water valve is as following:

① It must be opened from the time turbine shutdown till turbine thoroughly
cooled down.

② It must be opened before supplying steam to the steam seal and before
the startup of the turbine.

③ Before the unti is started up, the drain valves on every branch drain pipes
shall be opened. When the load is raised to 25%, the drain water valve
shall be closed. When shutting down or reducing the load to 25%, the drain
valves shall be opened, and shall display by light in DCS room.

④ Before opening the important drain valves, the vacuum should not be

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broken(excluding emergency conditions).

6) 高压给水系统

6) HP Feed-water system

a) 高压给水系统为单元制,每台机组设置两台 100%容量的电动调速给水泵,一

a) HP feedwater system is an unit system. There are two 100% capacity

motorized variable speed feedwater pump in system, during normal operation,
one motorized feedwater pump is working and one motorized feedwater pump
is standby.

b) 给水操作台主路上设一只电动孔板闸阀,不设调节阀,在其旁路上设置有调节阀,

b) One motorized throttle valve is located in major feed pipe, no control valve is
located in major pipe of feedwater control station, bypass control valve is
provided for low load operation and startup, to guarantee the flow of
desuperheating water during unit start-up or cut HP heaters. Two HP heaters
have one separate bypass.

7) 凝结水及补充水系统

7) Condensate and make-up water system

每台机设两台 100%容量凝结水泵,一个 100m3 的凝结水补充水箱,为凝结水系统提供


There are two 100% capacity vertical condensate pumps , one 100m 3 make-up
water tank in this system, start-up filling and operating make-up water is come from
the tank.

8) 辅助蒸汽系统

8) Auxiliary steam system

Auxiliary steam system provide steam to deaerator while start-up, low-load and trip,
provide steam to boiler bottom heating, provide steam to turbine gland steam
system while start-up and standby, and provide steam for heating and
miscellaneous steam.


Auxiliary steam comes from No.3 extraction pipe in normal operation , in low-load,
the steam comes from main steam pipe. When the unit start-up, it should be provide
by auxiliary steam header of another unit in normal operation. The two units has a
connecting pipes among auxiliary steam headers of each unit.

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9) 凝汽器抽真空系统

9) Vacuum system

Two vacuum pumps are in operating for establish vacuum in condenser fast to short
the start-up time before the unit starting. One operates for maintain the vacuum in
condenser and the other standby at normal operation.


10) 主厂房内循环水及辅机冷却水系统

10) Circulating water and Aux. equipment cooling water system within main building

The circulating water for condenser, vacuum pump and heat exchanger cooling is
seawater, it comes from circulating water pump house, and return to CW water
cooling tower. To prevent the cooling tube in condenser from scaling, each turbine
condenser will be equipped with a set of rubber ball cleaning equipment.

a) 循环水系统采用开式循环、单元制供、排水系统。凝汽器、真空泵及闭式循环

a) Opened circulating, unit production&supplying and drain water system is

adopted for circulating water system. The condensor, vacuum pump and closed
circulating cooling water heat exchanger shall be cooled by sea water, every
set of condensor shall be equipped with one set of rubber ball cleaning

b) 辅机冷却水系统采用大闭式,主厂房内所有辅机的冷却水均从闭式循环冷却

b) The auxiliary cooling water system shall be closed type, the cooling water of all
auxiliary equipment in MPH shall be provided by closed circulating water
system, filling water and make-up water of closed circulating water are from
make-up water system, the make-up water is connected from make-up water

11) 润滑油系统:

11) Lube. Oil system:


a) 润滑油箱:

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a) Lube oil tank:

油以满足各种需要。润滑油系统是个封闭的系统,所有的油均回到油箱。 辅助

Lube oil tank is a large container made of carbon steel, and the lube oil is
stored in it. The lube oil pump can supply the oil to meet the needs. The lube
Oil system is a closed-type system and all the oil will be back to the oil tank. Oil
pump, oil-mist discharge system , terminal box, electric heater, and liquid level
alarm driven by the auxiliary motor are all installed on the top of the oil tank.
Inside the oil tank, the outlets of the pumps are all connected to the
corresponding main oil supply pipes. When the unit reaches or almost reaches
the rated speed, the oil injector installed at the outlet pipes of the main oil pump
sucks the oil from the oil tank by the HP oil. The retainers installed at the inlet of
the oil injector, the suction inlet of the bearing oil pump and on oil return pipe
help to remove the foreign matters in the oil system. Manholes are installed at
the top of the oil tank amd one sewage draining exit is at the bottom.

b) 主油泵:

b) Main oil pump:


Main oil pump, with huge capacity and stable pressure at the outrlet, has an
independent shell and is installed on the turbine rotor inside the front bearing
pedestal. When operating under or near the rated speed, the main oil pump
will supply all the lube oil needed to the lubricating system. As the main oil
pump can’t suck oil by itself, the pressure oil must be supplied continuously.
During the startup and shutdown period, the oil will be supplied by the auxiliary
oil pump. There is pipe at the outlet of the main oil pump back to the oil tank
and is connected to the oil inlet of oil injector, and is connected to the main oil
pipes of the mechanical overspeed and manual tripping through orifice.

c) 辅助油泵:

c) Auxiliary oil pump:

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① 交流润滑油泵



1 AC lube oil pump

AC lube oil pump is a horizontal oil pump driven by AC motor and is

installed at the top of the oil tank. During the startup and shutdown of the
unit, the pump will be put into operation. Under accident working
conditions, it serves as the standby pump of the main oil pump. Under the
rated speed and normal operation, the pump is stopped and the main oil
pump supplys all the oil needed.

AC lube oil pump startup/shutdown must be done manually in the control

room. During the startup process and before putting the turning gear into
operation, the AC lube oil pump needs putting into operation and stop
until the main oil pump can satisfy all the oil demands.

2 直流润滑油泵

② DC lube oil pump


DC lube oil pump is almost the same as the AC lube oil pump in terms of
structure and operation. However, it is driven by the DC motor whose
power is supplied by storage battery of power plant and its setting value
of pressure control switch is lower than that of the AC lube oil pump..

“自动”上。如果交流润滑油压降至 0.06MPa 表压,那么直流润滑油泵

During the startup process, after the AC lube oil pump normally starts, put
the control switch of the DC lube oil pump at AUTO position. If the DC
lube oil pressure is reduced to 0.06 MPa on the gauge, then the DC lube
oil pump will be put into operation automatically. In this way, the DC lube
oil pump serves as the standby pump of the AC lube oil pump.

d) 注油器:

d) Oil injector


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The oil injector is made up of nozzles, mixing chamber, throat part and
diffusion tube. The oil inlet pipe is connected to the oil outlet pipe of the main
oil pump. After the pressure oil from the main oil pump passing through the
nozzles, the oil pressure will be reduced and flow will be increased to bring the
oil in the oil tank to the diffusion tube of oil injector. After the oil comes to the
diffusion tube, the flow will be reduced, and a partial kinetic energy will be
restored to pressure energy. Therefore, the pressure of the HP oil will be
reduced, and flow will be increased. Oil injector is installed in the oil tank, and
the oil inlet must be below the minimum oil level of the oil tank.

e) 顶轴油系统:

e) Jacking oil system

为 0.2MPa。吸油经过一台 20μm 的吸油滤油器进入顶轴油泵的吸油口,经油
泵工作后,油泵出口的压力为 14.0MPa。压力油先进入 10μm 的高压滤油器后
颈顶起油压 8~14MPa,顶起高度大于 0.02mm)。泵出口油压由顶轴油泵的调
在每台顶轴油泵的进口装有压力开关,当泵入口压力≤0.03MPa 时,油泵进

The jacking oil system of the unit is header system, two sets of constant-
pressure axial variable piston pumps are adopted. During the normal
operation, one is in operation and another one is used as the standby pump,
and when one system is trouble or can not work by other reasons, the standby
system can be started. In order to preventing the occurence of starving pump
and protecting pump, the system shall be provided with oil by LP
oil(≧0.03MPa). The extracted oil of jacking oil device is from the oil cooler, the
pressure is about 0.2MPa. The extracted oil gets in the oil extraction opening
of jacking oil pump by one set of 20μm extracted oil filter, after the oil pump is
working, the pressure in outlet of oil pump is 14.0MPa. The pressure oil firstly
get in the 10μm HP filter then get in the splitter, pass through the throttle valve,
finally get in every bearing in single-direction, through adjusting every throttle
valve to control the oil quantity and oil pressure of every bearing jacking oil,

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make the jacking height of axle be within a reasonable scope(theoretical
calculation, the jacking pressure is 8~14MPa, the jacking height is larger than
0.02mm). The pump outlet oil pressure is adjusted by the pressure regulator
and system overflow valve of jacking oil pump. In order to controlling the
operation switching of two pumps and preventing the empty damage of
jacking oil pump, the inlet of each jacking oil pump is equipped with pressure
switch, when the inlet pressure of pump is ≤0.03MPa, the pressure switch in
inlet of oil pump is ON, meaning that the suction filter screen is blocked; when
the oil pressure in outlet system of pump is ≤10MPa, the pressure switch in
outlet of pump is ON, and shall interlock automatically to start up the standby
jacking oil pump.

f) 冷油器:

f) Oil cooler

滑油的出口油温在 40~45℃范围内。

The temperature of the lube oil is adjusted by oil cooler. The unit has two oil
coolers. During normal working conditions, one is in operation and tha other
standby. Under special conditions, the two can be put into operation at the
same time.Oil cooler is connected to the bearing oil pump and the outlet of the
oil cooler, so that the oil in front of the bearing can pass the oil cooler and
ensure the lube oil tewmperature at the outlet is within 43-48℃.

g) 净油系统:

g) Oil purifying system:


The oil purifying system is used to remove water in the lube oil system, solid
particle and other foreign matters so that the purified oil can meet the
requirement of the unit to ensure a safe operation of the unit and to lengthen
the oil service life.


The oil purifying system is composed of setting tank, filter box, oil tank,
ventilator, auto water ejector, gear pump or oil delivery pump,V-type separate

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mesh, bag filter, filter cartridge and pipes. This can not only ensures that a litte
oil can be ejected for treatment and then back to the oil tank, but also a large
quantity of oil can be treated and be stored in the oil storage container. If the
later method is used, the ejected oil must be made up by the purified oil in the
oil storage container to keep the normal oil level. Before putting the turning
gear into operation, the system can be in operation. As long as the lubricating
oi systeml is in opertation, the oil purifying system should be in continuous


The equipment can be used before the oil circulation. Only when it is installed
by the power plant and through the oil circulation, and the oil in the oil system
meets the requirements, can the system be in operation.

主要技术指标:出口油油质中水分含量小于 0.05%.出口油质中,无球径大于 25
微米的机械杂质,对球杂质为 5 微米的机械杂质过滤精度为 94~98%。

Main technical standards: water content in the oil at the outlet should be less
than 0.05﹪. No mechanical foreign matters with a diameter of over 25mu in
the outlet oil are allowed. For mechanical foreign matters with a diameter of
over 5mu, its filtering precision is 94~98﹪.

h) 危急遮断功能:

h) Functions of emergency tripping system:


The system includes mechanical hydraulic safety device and electrical

protective device. The unit has three tripping device, namely, manual operated
emergency tripping device by the operator, overspeed tripping for emergency
gonernor and electrical tripping protective device. The safety system can be
activated when it receives a signal made when something threatens the safety
of the unit, then the auto main stop valve and the governing valve can be
closed for the safety of the unit. The closeness of the main stop valve can be
reached by discharging the safety oil, the closeness of the governing valve
through the building of accident oil, and the closeness of the extraction valve
can be reached either through the signal made when the main stop valve is
closed or can be controlled by the electrical protective signal. The discharge of

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the safety oil can be realized through the activation of the protective assembly.
The accident oil can be built up either by the activation of the emergency relay
due to the discharge of safety oil, or by the actiovation of the electrical
protective assembly directly.

1.1.2 汽轮机系统设备参数、图表及性能曲线汇总表

1.1.2 Integral Sheet of Quipment Parameters, Drawings and Characteristic Curve of the
Turbine System

1) 型号:N56——8.83/535

1) Model:N56——8.83/535

2) 型式:冲动式、高温、高压、单缸、凝汽式汽轮机。

2) Type: impulse type, high temperature, high pressure, single casing, condensing

3) 额定功率:56MW

3) Rated power: 56MW

4) 额定转速:3000r/min

4) Rated rotating speed: 3000r/min

5) 旋转方向:从汽轮机向发电机看为顺时针方向

5) Rotating direction: it is seen to be clockwise direction from the steam turbine to the

6) 主汽门前蒸汽压力:8.83MPa(a)

6) The steam pressure before the main steam stop valve: 8.83MPa(a)

7) 主汽门前蒸汽温度: 535 ℃

7) Temperature of the steam before the main steam stop valve: 535 ℃

8) 流量:206.6t/h(额定)

8) Flow: 206.6t/h (rated)

9) 回热抽汽:6 级(2 高加+1 除氧+3 低加)

9) Regenerative extraction: 6 grades (two HP heater + one deaerator + two LP heater)

10) 排汽压力: 8.4KPa

10) Pressure of the exhaust steam: 8.4KPa

11) 给水温度:225.2℃

11) Feed water temperature: 225.2℃

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1.2 汽轮机系统设备图纸汇总表

1.2 Integral Sheet of Turbine System Equipment Drawings

1.2.1 设备总体布置图及安装图
1.2.1 General Arrangement Diagram and Installation Diagram of Equipment
1.2.2 设备构造图
1.2.2 Equipment Constructional Diagram

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2 汽轮机主机运行

2 Operation of Turbine

2.1 概述

2.1 General Introduction

2.1.1 汽轮机主机

2.1.1 Turbine

1) 本汽轮机由东方汽轮机有限公司生产,汽轮机为单缸、冲动、凝汽式。具有六

1) The turbine is manufactured by Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd., the turbine is of single-
casing, impulse and condensing type, with six-stage of non-extraction and its
governing mode is nozzle governing. The HP overheated steam from the boiler
pass through two steam header get into two main steam valve, then get in steam
casing by control valve, after working in steam casing, exhaust from the steam
exhauster in outlet of rear steam casing. The unit adopts nozzle to provide steam,
the control valve is lifting group valves structure, and 4 group in total, pull the lifting
rod and cross beam by steam distribution lever through control valve oil-driven
motor to control the height of every butterfly bamper to get the needed opening of
valves, every control valve shall be corresponding with one group of nozzles.

2) 本汽轮机有三个轴承座,前轴承座内除装前轴承和推力轴承外还装有主油泵、危急
装置带动转子,转子盘车速度为 4.3r/min,用气控实现自动启停,也可以手控。低

2) The turbine has three bearing pedestals. Inside the front bearing pedestal, there is
front bearings and thrust bearings. Besides, there is main oil pump, emergency
tripping accelerator, reset device of emergency tripping accelerator,
magnetoresistive sender, axial displacement sender and other assembly. Inside the
middle bearing pedestal, there are the middle bearings and fake shafts needed
during installation. Inside the rear bearing pedestal, there are rear bearings, and the
front bearing of the generator. All the bearings are equipped with HP jacking oil
system. During the rotation of turning gear or startup of the turbine, the HP jacking

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oil will be put into operation to lift the rotor up. The three bearing pedestalas stand
on the ground. The rotary equipment of the turbine is installed on the upper cover of
the rear bearing pedestal. The motor drives the rotor through the reduction gear.
The rotary speed of the turning gear is 4.3r/min, whose startup and shutdown can
be done automatically through pneumatic control or manually. In the exhaust steam
end of LP outer casing, low load water spray device of atomized nozzle type is
installed to ensure the normal operation of the unit.

3) 汽轮机冷却方式采用直流循环冷却系统,循环水泵设置在取水泵房,设置在海中,
安装 4 台直流循环水泵供给凝汽器冷却水。汽轮机热力系统共有 6 级非调节回热抽
汽,即:2 高加+1 除氧器+3 低加。额定工况下的最终给水温度为 206.6℃。#1 高
加有疏水冷却段,#2 高加及#4 低加有过热蒸汽冷却段。其抽汽口分别位于高压缸
第 5、8、10、13,15,17 级后。由 DCS 控制的低压缸排汽喷水减温系统。当排汽温
度达 80℃时,自动投入雾化喷水,65℃时自动关闭,以保证机组正常运行。主机
润滑油系统安装了 2 个 100%容量的并联冷油器,在正常运行工况,一台投入运行,
疏水阀受 DCS 控制,使高压缸及阀门、管道等可能的积水充分疏水。

本机组配置 2×100%容量的电动调速给水泵。

3) The cooling mode of the turbine is DC circulating cooling system, the circulating
water pump is set up in water intaking pump house and the sea, the 4 sets of DC
circulating water pump house shall be equipped to supply cooling water to
condensor. The turbine thermal system has six non-regenative extraction stages,
namely, two HP heaters, one deaerator and three LP heaters. Under the rated
working conditions, the final feedwater temperature is 206.6℃. #1 HP heater has
drain cooling section; #2 HP heater and #4 LP heater have overheated steam
cooling section. Their extraction ports are located behide the stages of 5, 8,10, 13,
15, 17 grade of HP steam casing. The exhaust water spray desuperheating system
of LP casing controlled by DCS will be put into operation automatically when the
exhaust temperature reaches 80℃. When it reaches 65℃, it will be closed
automatically to ensure the normal operation of the unit. The lube oil system are
equipped with two parallelized oil coolers of 100﹪capacity. Under normal operation,
one is in operation and the other standby. Its connection mode allows either of the
two in operation without affecting the other. The auto drain valve of the turbine
proper is controlled by DCS to fully drain water in the HP casing, valves and pipes.

The unit is equipped with two motor-driven variable speed feed water pumps of
100﹪ capacity.

4) 机组本体部分的支托、滑销系统及热膨胀

4) Supporter of the unit proper, sliding pin system and thermal expansion


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Locate mode of turbine supporter and sliding pin system: The unit has front seat
frame, middle seat frame, rear seat frame, HP casing frame and rear casing seat
frame. All the frames are fixed on the turbine foundation by means of foundation
bolts and secondary grouting. The casing is of single-casing structure, made up of
front, middle and rear casings which are integrated through vertical midsplits
surface. The front casing is equipped with flange bolt heating device for rapid
startup. The steam chamber and nozzle chamber are welded together, between
which there are feather keys for expansion because of heating. The four steam
chambers are located at the left, upper left, upper right and right sides of the front
casing. Inside the steam chambers, there are governing valves which are
connected with the main stop valve through two steam lead pipes. There are two
regenerative extraction ports at the front casing leading to the two HP heaters. A
pair of claws sproud outside of the lower casing flange is supported by sliding keys
at the two sides of front bearing pedestal, vertical pins are between the front casing
and front bearing pedestal. The lower half of the intermediate casing is installed with
regerative extraction ports, leading to the deaerator and the three LP heaters
respectively. The upper half of the rear casing is installed with air discharge device.
When the back pressure is higher than the atmospheric pressure, it can be opened
automatically to protect the safety of the rear casing and condenser. The rear
casing is supported at the rear seat frame, madeup of middle, back and side bed
frames. On the left and right side of the bed frames, there are horizontal pins, which
form the expansion dead point of the unit togther with the intersection point of
turnine center line.

2.1.2 汽轮机本体有关数据

2.1.2 Relative Data of Turbine Proper


Weight of turbine proper main components:

1) 本体重量:~125t

1) Weight of the proper:~125t

2) 汽轮机本体外形尺寸 mm:

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2) Boundary diamention of the turbine proper mm

长 × 宽 × 高(运转层以上): 8064.5mm×6911.5mm×2914mm

Length × width × height (above the operating floor):


2.1.3 主要技术规范

2.1.3 Main Technical Specifications

1) 主机规范

1) Main unit specifications

序 项目 单位 规范

No. Item Unit Specifications

1 型号 ---- N56——8.83/535

1 Mode ---- N56——8.83/535

2 型式 ---- 冲动式、高温、高压、单缸、凝汽式汽轮机

2 Type ---- Impulse, HT, HP, single-casing, condensing

3 调节方式 ---- 喷嘴调节

3 Governing mode ---- Nozzle governing

4 额定功率 MW 56

4 Rated power MW 56

5 额定转速 Rpm 3000

5 Rated speed Rpm 3000

6 旋转方向 ---- 顺时针(从机侧看)

6 Rotary direction Clockwise(see from the turbine side)

7 主蒸汽 压力 MPa 8.83

Main steam pres Mpa 8.83


温度 ℃ 535

temp ℃ 535

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流量 T/H 227.7

flow T/H 227.7

8 排汽 压力 MPa 0.0084

Steam pres MPa 0.0084

exhaust sure

9 冷却水 温度 ℃ 30

Cooling temp ℃ 30
water eratir

流量 T/H 不小于 12500

flow T/H No less than 12500

10 给水 温度 ℃ 225.2

Feed water temp ℃ 225.2


11 临 界 Rpm 1719

Critic Rpm 1719


12 级数 ---- 19(1+18)

Number of stages ---- 19(1+18)

13 制造厂家 ---- 东方汽轮机有限公司

Manufacturer DONGFANG Turbine Co., LTD

2) 抽汽各级值

2) Extraction value at each stage

抽 汽 调节级
1 2 3 4 5 6
序 号 后
------ 5 级后 8 级后 10 级后 13 级后 15 级后 17 级后
5 grade 8 grade 10 grade 13 grade 15 grade 17 grade
ion No.

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项目 单位 规范

Item Unit Specifications
Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
1 型号 --------- QF—65—2
1 Model QF—65—2
视在功率 MVA
连 续 抽
------- Apparent power
连续抽汽 MVA
除氧器 #4 低加 #5 低加 #6 低加
参数 汽
有功功率 MW 63.73
Active power MW 63.73
定子电压 V 10500
Continuo Continuou
Stator voltage V 10500
us s deaerator #4 LP heater #5 LP heater #6 LP heater
extraction extraction A 4205
Stator current A 4205
最 大额定工况压
2力 允Rated
许 working 功率因数 ----------- COSΦ=0.85
3.072 1.608 0.957 0.347 0.138 0.04
值 condition Power factor COSΦ=0.85
励磁电压 V 199
exciting voltage V 199
3.072 1.608 0.957 0.347 0.138 0.04
value 励磁电流 A 871.3
(MPa.a) Exciting current A 871.3
频率 Hz 50
Frequency Hz 50
转数 rpm 3000
Rotary speed rpm 3000
3 制造厂家 ---------- 中国长江动力公司
China Chang Jiang energy
3 Manufacturer

3) 发电机规范 Codes of generator

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2.1.4 机组临界转速

2.1.4 Critical Speed of the Unit

轴系的临界转速:高压转子一阶 1719r/min ; 二阶>4000 r/min

Critical speed of shafting: first stage critical speed of HP rotor 1719r/min

second stage 4000 r/min

2.1.5 热力工况和性能

2.1.5 Thermal Working Condition and Characteristics(Performance)

1) 额定功率工况:

1) Rated power working condition:

汽 轮 机 在 额 定 进 汽 参 数 下 , 进 汽 量 208.5t/h , 所 规 定 的 汽 水 品 质 , 背 压 为
8.4kpa(a) , 补 水 率 为 0% , 回 热 系 统 全 部 正 常 投 入 运 行 , 发 电 机 效 率 不 低 于
98.32%。额定功率因数 0.85,发电机输出净功率为 56MW 的工况为额定工况,也

Under the rated steam inlet parameters, the steam entered the turbine is 208.5t/h.
The specified water and steam quality: backpressure is 8.4 Kpa(a), and the water
makeup rate is 0﹪. The whole regenerative system is put into operation normally,
the efficiency of generator is no less than 98.32﹪, and the rated power factor is
0.85. The 56MW output net power of the generator is the rated working condition
and also the ensured heat consumption value (9326KJ/kwh).

2) 铭牌工况(TRL):汽轮机在额定进汽参数下,额定背压,回热系统全部正常投入,
补水率为 3%,发电机效率不低于 98.32%,发电机出线端发出额定功率 56MW 的工

2) Nameplate working conditions: Under the rated steam inlet parameters of turbine,
the rated back pressure and the regenerative system is put into normal operation.
The water makeup rate is 3﹪ and the generator efficiency is no ledd than 98.32﹪.
The 56MW rated working condition at the terminal is the capacity working conditions
of the unit.

3) 阀门全开工况(VWO):汽轮机在额定主蒸汽参数下,背压为 9kPa,补给水率为
线端发出功率为 60MW(即为 60 MW)时的进汽量,此工况称为阀门全开工况。

3) Working conditions of valves fully opened: Under the rated main steam parameters
of the turbine, the back pressure is 9Kpa, the water makeup rate is 0﹪, the
regenerative system is put into normal operation fully, the governing valves are fully
opened. Under this circumstance, the steam inlet should be no less than that of the
generator power of 60MW at the terminal, and the working condition is called the

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working conditions of valves fully opened.

2.1.6 不同工况下技术参数

2.1.6 Technical Parameters Under Various Working Conditions:

1) 汽轮发电机组能在下列条件下安全连续发出功率 56MW,此工况称为 TMCR 工况,

此工况下的进汽量称为 TMCR 进汽量,此工况为保证热耗率考核工况(即 TMCR

① 额定的主蒸汽参数;

② 背压 0.0087MPa;

③ 补给水率为 0;

④ 回热系统正常投运;

⑤ 发电机效率 98.2%;

⑥ 规定的最终给水温度;

⑦ 发电机功率因数:0.85

1) The working condition under which the turbo-generator can be in continuous

operation and has a power of 65 MW is the TMCR working conditions. The steam
inlet under thisworking condition is called the TMCR steam inlet. It is used to ensure
the the heat consumption acceptance working conditions (namely the TMCR
working conditions).

1 rated main steam parameter

2 backpressure 0.087MPa

3 water makeup rate 0

4 the normal operation of the regenerative system

5 generator efficiency 98.2﹪

6 the specified final feed water tempratuer

7 generator power factor 0.85

2) 汽轮机在调节阀全开工况(VWO),所有给水加热器全部投入时安全运行,汽轮发

① 额定的主蒸汽参数;

② 背压 0.0087MPa(a)(冷却水温 33℃)

③ 补给水率为 0%;

④ 回热系统正常投入运行。

⑤ 发电机效率 98.2%

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⑥ 蒸汽流量不小于额定功率时汽机进汽量的 105%。

⑦ 发电机功率因数:0.85

⑧ 机组在调节阀门全开(VWO)时的主蒸汽流量 257 t/h 和功率为 70000KW。

2) Under the working conditions of the fully opened governing valves (VWO), when all
the feedwater heaters are put into operation, they can work normally. The power of
the turbo-generator is the power when valves are fully opened (70MW). The
working condition of this working condition is as the following:

1 rated main steam parameter

2 backpressure 0.087MPa (cooling water temperature is 33℃)

3 water makeup rate 0﹪

4 the normal operation of the regenerative system

5 generator efficiency 98.2﹪

6 the steam flow is no less than 105﹪ of the turbine steam inlet under rated

7 generator power factor 0.85

⑧ the main steam flow is 257t/h and power is 7000KW when the valves are fully
opened (VWO).

3) 汽轮发电机组最小负荷 18MW。该工况条件是:

① 额定的主蒸汽参数;

② 背压 0.015 MPa(a)(冷却水温 33℃)

③ 补给水率为 0%;

④ 回热系统正常投入运行。

⑤ 发电机效率 98.2%

⑥ 发电机功率因数:0.85

3) The mimimum load of the turbine is 18MW. The conditions of the working condition
are as the following:

① rated main steam parameter

② backpressure 0.015 MPa (cooling water temperature is 33℃)

③ water makeup rate 0﹪

④ the normal operation of the regenerative system

⑤ generator efficiency 98.2﹪

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⑥ generator power factor 0.85

4) 在汽轮机主汽及背压为额定值时,当高加停用时仍能连续发出 65MW。

4) When the main steam and backpressure of the turbine are at the rated value, when
the HP is stopped, it can still output 65MW.

2.2 机组启动

2.2 Startup of the Uniit

2.2.1 机组启动规定及说明

2.2.1 The Startup Requirements and Specifications

1) 汽轮机组设备起停,试验及系统运行方式的变更须由值班人员填写操作票,经逐级

1) The startup and shutdown of the turbine unit, testing and changes of the operation
mode must be done by the personnel on duty who fill the operaion order. After
approved stage by stage, they can be carried out.

2) 操作前值班人员按要求填写操作票,并担任操作人。操作票填写完由监护人审查无

2) Before the operation, the personnel on duty must fill operation orders and work as
the operators. After being confirmed by the monitor, the operation orders will be
checked and asked for approval from the shift leader.

3) 操作时操作人应在监护人的监护下进行操作,每项操作后监护人应在操作票上打

3) During operation, the operation work should be done under the monitoring the
monitor. After each operation work is finished, it should be marked with “√”.After all
the work is over, the final time should be recorded. The relative things also should
be recorded in the switchover log and inform the relative personnel. 下列项目应在总工程师或总工指定的人员主持下进行 The following work should be carried out under the leadership of the general engineer or
the special person appointed by the general engineer:

1) 大小修后汽轮机组的启动

2) 机组超速试验;

3) 主机甩负荷试验;

4) 进行调速系统试验,包括主汽门、调速汽阀、旋转隔板严密度试验;

5) 运行中高压加热器保护试验;

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6) 主蒸汽及给出水管路的切换倒闸操作;

7) 设备经过重大的改进后的启动或有关新技术的第一次试运。

1) The startup of the turbine after overhaul or minor repairment

2) Overspeed protection test of the unit

3) Load shedding test of the turbine

4) Governing system tests, including tests of the main stop valve, governing valve and
tightness test of the rotating diaphragm.

5) Protective test of the HP heater during operation

6) Switching operation of the main steam pipe and feedwater pipe 下列任一条件存在,禁止机组启动或并网 If any of the following happens, the unit is forbidden to be started up or synchronized.

1) 汽轮机任一安全保护装置失常时;

1) Any of the safety protection devices of the turbine is abnormal.

2) 汽轮机调试系统不能维持空负荷运行,机组甩负荷后不能控制转速在电超速动作转

2) The turbine commissioning system can not maintain no-load operation, the unit after
load shedding can not control the rotation speed be below the power over-speed
action rotation speed;

3) 主汽阀、调节阀、抽汽止回阀卡涩过关闭不严;

3) Blockage or untightness happens to any of the main stop valves, and governing
valves, steam extraction check valve;

4)汽轮机大轴晃动度偏离原始值 0.03mm 时;

4) The swing degree of the shaft deviates 0.03mm of the original value;

5) 盘车过程中汽机动静部分有明显摩擦声时;盘车电流明显增大或大幅度摆动;

5) There is obvious frication sound between the static and rotating parts during the
rotating of the turning gear process; the turning current increase obviously or swing
with large degree;

6) 润滑油和耐磨油油质不合格、轴承进油温度低于 35℃或排油温度高于 65℃油箱油


6) The oil quality of lube oil and anti-friction is not qualified, the temperature of bearing
inleting oil is lower than 35℃ or the temperature of outleting oil is over 65℃, and
the oil level in oil tank is below the min. alarming oil level.

7) 高压油泵、交流和直流润滑泵、顶轴油泵、盘车装置失常时;

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7) HP oil pump, AC and DC lube oil pumps, jacking oil pump, and the turning gear fail.

8) 主要仪表(如:转速、振动、汽温、汽压、真空、汽缸金属温度、轴向位移、油压、

8) Main instrument(such as: the value of measurement instrument about rotation

speed, vibration, steam temperature, steam pressure, vacuum, temperature of
steam casing metal, axle displacement, oil pressure, oil temperature, expansion
difference, bearing tungsten-gold temperature, big-axil shaking degree, etc.) fails.

9) 汽缸前部上、下内壁温差大于 50℃;

9) The temperature difference of inner wall in upper and lower of front steam casing is
larger than 50℃;

10) 汽轮机进水;Water get inside the turbine;

11) 机组保温不完善;Insualtion for unit is not complete;

12) 电站其他配套设备或系统工作失常;

12) Other matching equipment or systems in power plant operate abnormally;

13) 汽水品质不符合要求:详见 GB/T12145-2008《火力发电机组及蒸汽动力设备水汽


13) The quality of steam&water is not consistent with requirement: see GB/T12145-
2008, Standards of Water&Steam Quality of Thermal Gnerating Unit and Steam
Power Equipment;

14) 机组启动、运行过程中,各监测参数超过限制值;

14) During the progress of unit startup anf operation, every supervising parameters
exceed limit value; 启动状态划分 Startup state division

1) 一般汽轮机启动可分为额定参数启动和滑参数启动两种。
1) Generally speaking, the startup states of turbine can be divided into rated
parameter startup and sliding parameter startup.
Sliding parameter startup can be divided into pressure and vacuum startup. For the
header system steam supply, the rated parameter startup mode can be adopted;
the unit system steam supply can adopt the pressure startup of the sliding
parameter startup.
2) 汽轮机的启动包括冷态启动、温态启动和热态启动三种状态,其区分是根据启动时
高中压缸上部调节级内壁金属温度作为判定的标准:此处温度小于 150℃称为冷态启
动;从 150℃~300℃温度范围内称为温态启动;温度 300—400℃为热态启动。温

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度大于 400℃极热态启动。
2) The startup of turbine can be divided into cold-state startup, warm-state startup and
hot-state startup, which is divided according to the inner wall metal temperature of
the upper govering stage in the HP and IP casings during startup: if the temperature
at he position is less than 50℃, it is the cold-state startup. If between 150-300℃, it
is warm-state startup and when between 300-400℃, it is the hot-state startup.
When over 400℃, it is the extreme hot-state startup. 锅炉启动状态划分 Boiler startup states division

1) 一般汽轮机启动可分为额定参数启动和滑参数启动两种,冷态、温态、热态、极热
1) Generally speaking, the turbine startup can be classified into rated parameter
startup and sliding parameter startup, cold-state, warm-state, hot-state and
extreme-hot startup.
Sliding parameter startup can be divided into pressure and vacuum startup. For the
header system steam supply, the rated parameter startup mode can be adopted;
the unit system steam supply can adopt the pressure startup of the sliding
parameter startup, and can be started up together with the turbine.

2) 一般锅炉根据汽机状态启动。

2) Generally speaking, the startup of boiler is dependent on the tuebine startup state.

2.2.2 机组启动前准备

2.2.2 Preparations Before the Startup of the Unit 通则 General rules

A 通则
A General rules
1) 汽轮机的启动、停止和运行工况的改变必须按照值长的指令进行,在发生事故
1) The startup, shutdown of the turbine and the changes of the operation working
conditions must be carried out according to the order of the shift leader. When
accident happens, the main operation can be handled according to the
accident treatment regulations and report to the shift leader in time.

2) 汽轮机启动工况划分:汽轮机启动状态按调节级处上部汽缸壁温度划分:一般
来说,凡停机在 10 小时以内,或前汽缸调节级处上部汽缸壁温度不低于

2) Division of turbine starup working conditions: the startup states of the turbine is

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divided according to the upper casing wall temperature at the governing stage:
Generally speaking, if the shutdown of the turbine is within 10h, or the upper
casing wall temperature of the front casing is no less than 300~400℃, the
restartup of the turbine is called the hot-state startup. Startup under other
conditions is called cold-state startup.

3) 冷态启动时,主汽门前蒸汽参数应满足《冷态启动曲线》要求,汽压为 1.96
MPa、汽温为 280±10℃(应有 50℃以上的过热度)。机组升速暖机时,任何
3) During the cold-state startup, the steam parameter before the main stop valve
should satisfy the requirement of COLD STARTUP CURVE, and there should
be a superheat degree of over 55℃ and the steam pressure should be 1.96
MPa and steam temperature of 280±10℃. During the speed raising and
warming up process, the warming up time should not be occupied under no
4) 温态启动时,进入汽轮机的蒸汽至少有 50℃以上的过热度,并且汽压为 3.0
MPa、汽温为 400±10℃,新蒸汽温度高于调节级内壁温度 50℃~100℃。根
4) During warm-state startup, the steam coming into the turbine should have a
superheat degree of over 50℃ and the steam pressure should be 3.0 MPa,
temperature of 400±10℃, and the live steam temperature should be 50-100℃
higher than the inner wall temperature inside the governing stage. The impulse
parameter, speed increasing rate and warming up time under low load are
based on the WARM-STATE STARTUP CURVE and reaches the warming up
load to stop the turbine from cooling down and resulting in negative expansion
5) 热态启动时,进入汽轮机的蒸汽至少有 50℃以上的过热度,并且汽压为 6.0
MPa、汽温为 480±10℃,新蒸汽温度高于调节级内壁温度 50℃~100℃。
5) During hot-state startup, the steam coming into the turbine should have a
superheat degree of over 50℃ and the steam pressure should be 6.0 Mpa,
temperature of 480±10℃, and the live steam temperature should be 50-100℃
higher than the inner wall temperature inside the governing stage. 汽机启动前准备工作 Preparations before the start up of the turbine
(1) 班长接到汽轮机组启动的命令后应
(1) The following operations should be done after the monitor receives the startup order
of the turbine:
1) 通知汽机主值班员、副值班员及巡检员。

2) 领导进行启动前的一切准备工作和启动汽轮机的各项操作。启动的时间以及从

1) Inform the turbine main shift leader, vice shif personne, and plant inspector.

2) The leader carries out all the preparation work and all the operation work of

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starting up the turbine. The startup time and the time starting from the pipe
warming up should be recorded in the operation log by the main shift

(2) 值班人员在启动前应对全部设备进行详细检查。特别应了解并检查所有曾经进行过

(2) All the equipment should be inspected thoroughly before the startup by the shift
personnel. Especially, the ever maintained or overhauled places should be known
and checke. Confirming all the overhaul work is finished, the turbine proper and its
auxiliary equipment and the nearby ground have been cleaned up.

(3) 对汽轮发电机组的油系统进行下列检查:

(3) The following items of oil system in the turbo-generator should be checked:

1) 油管、油箱、冷油器各种油泵均处于完好状态,油系统的任何地方均不应有漏

1) Oil pipes, oil tank, oil cooler, and all the oil pumps are in complete condition,
and no oil leakage at any of the places of the oil system is allowed.

2) 油箱内油质合格,油位正常,油位计浮标上下灵活,油箱内的积水和油渣均已

2) The oil in the oil tank meets the requirement and the oil levell is normal. The
buoy of oil level indicator goes up and down flexibly. The water and oil slag
have been discharged.

3) 油箱放油门,检修放油门均严密关闭并挂牌上锁。

3) Oil discharge valve of the oil tank and maintenance oil discharge valve haven
been closed tightly and locked.

4) 油箱排污门、取样门、冷油器放油和排空气门均严密关闭。

4) Blow down valve, sampling valve and oil discharge valve and air exhaust valve
are all closed tightly.

5) 油箱补油门关闭。

5) The oil makeup valve of oil tank is closed.

6) 油净化器来油门均关闭。

6) The oil supply valves of the oil purifier are all closed.

7) 各冷油器出入口油门开。

7) All the oil inlet and outlet valves of oil coolers are opened.

8) 高压交流油泵入口门开、出口门关。

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8) The inlet valve of the HP AC oil pump is opened, and the outlet valve is closed.

9) 低压交流油泵入口门开、出口门关。

9) The inlet valve of the LP AC oil pump is opened and the outlet valve is closed.

10) 低压直流油泵入口门开、出口门关。

10) The inlet valve of the LP DC oil pump is opened and the outlet valve is closed.

11) 油过滤器出入口门开。

11) The inlet and outlet valves of the oil purifier are opened.

12) 油泵入口管放油门关,油泵出口管空气门关。

12) The oil discharge valve at the inlet pipe of the oil pump is closed and the air
valve at the outlet valve is closed.

13) 冷油器出入口油管放油门关。

13) The oil diacharge valves of the oil cooler at the inlet and outlet oil pipes are all

14) 油过滤器排污门关。

14) The blowndown valve of the oil purifier is closed.

15) 油过滤器前油管空气门关,油过滤器后油管放油门关。

15) The air valve of the oil pipe before the oil purifier is closed and the oil discharge valve
after the oil purifier is closed.

16) 轴承进出油管空气门关闭。

16) Air valves of the inlet and outlet of the bearing are closed.

17) 顶轴油去各轴承油门均开启。

17) The jacking oil to other bearing oil valves are opened.

18) 盘车装置来油门开启。

18) The oil supply valve of the turning gear is opened.

19) 去油压力开关的油门开启。

19) The oil valves to the oil pressure switch are opened.

20) 启动油箱抽油烟机。

20) Startup the smoke exhaust ventilator of the oil tank.

(4) 对热工仪表保护调节和信号装置进行检查。

(4) Protection and adjustment of thermal meters and inspection of signal device

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1) 检查测量仪表,应指示正常。各压力表、真空表管阀门应开启。

1) Check the measuring instrumentation, which should indicate correctly. All the
pressure gauges and valves of the vacuum gauge and pipes should be

2) 对 DCS 系统进行检查,各画面图示清晰,数值正确,点击正常。

2) Inspect the DCS system. The images and icons are clear, values are correct,
and can be clicked normally.

3) 对 DEH 操作盘检查:联系热控人员将 DEH 装置操作控制电源投入,检查控制


3) Check the DEH operation board: inform the instrumemntation and control
personnel to put the operation and control power supply of the DEH device and
check the main control images are clear and can be clicked normally.

4) 联系热工人员投入 TSI、ETS 装置(真空低保护暂不投入,低油压保护暂不投


4) Connect the instrumemntation and control personnel to put TST and ETS
device into operation. (The low vacuum protection and the low oil pressure
rotection are not put into operation at present.)

(5) 对辅机电气联动情况进行检查。

(5) Inspections of the electrical interlocking conditions of the auxiliary equipment.

1) 应对以下辅机电气联动情况进行检查:

1) The following electrical interlocking conditions of the auxiliary equipment should

be chewcked:


CW water pump, Closed type cooling water pump, open type cooling water
pump, Condensate pump, water-ring type vacuum pump, gland seal fan ,and
main oil exhaust fan.

2) 联系电气将以上辅机电动机开关置于试验位置然后将相应开关在 DCS 上点击至

要求状态。例如:做 A、B 真空泵间联动试验,可将 A 泵点至“运行”位置,B
泵点至“备用”位置,然后就地手按 A 泵事故按钮,则 B 泵应联动到合闸运行
位置,A 泵停止运行。然后可将 B 泵确认“运行”位置,将 A 泵点至“备用”
位置,手按 B 泵事故按钮,则 A 泵被联动运行,B 泵停止。试验完成后,将 A

2) Inform the electrical operator to put the switch of the above motors of the
auxiliary equipment at test position, then make the corresponding switches be

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the required state on the DCS. For instance, carry out the interlocking test of A
and B vacuum pumps. We can put pump A at OPERATION position and B at
STANDBY position, and then press the accident button locally and then pump
B should be interlocked to the operation position and pump A will stop
operating. Next, ensure pump B is at the OPERATION position, and put pump
A at STANDBY position. Prewss the accident button of pump B, then pump A
will be interlocked to operate, then pump B will be stopped. After the test is
finished, stop pump A. Inform the electrical personnel that the two pumps have
been tested, the switches can be restored to the working position. Other
equipment has the similar interlocking test method.

(6) 对凝结水系统进行下列检查:

(6) The following inspections should be done to the condensate water system:

1) 凝结水泵入口母管放水门关,出口母管放水门关。

1) Water diacharge valves of the main pipe at the inlet and the outlet of the
condensate water pump are closed.

2) 凝结水泵入口门开,空气平衡门开,出口门关。

2) The water inlet valve of the condensate pump is opened, the air balabce valve
is opened and the outlet valve is closed.

3) 凝结水至本体疏水膨胀箱冷却水门开。

3) The water cooling valve from the condensate water to the drain flash tank of
the proper is opened.

4) 凝结水至真空阀密封水门、 取样门、至高加自动旁路阀水门均开启。

4) The condensate water to the sealing water valves, sampling valves, and to the
auto bypass valves of the HP heater are opened.

5) 凝结水至主汽旁路、轴封减温水门关闭。

5) The condensate water to main steam bypass valve and gland seal spray water
vavle are closed.

6) 凝结水至给水泵密封水门和回水门均关闭。

6) The condensate water to the sealing water valkve and backwater valve of the
slag cooler are closed.

7) 凝结水至凝结器喉部喷水过滤器前后门开,旁路门关,电磁阀前后手动门开,

7) The condensate water to the valves before and after the spray water filter at the
throat part of the condenser are opened and the bypass valves are closed.
Manual valves before and after the solenoid valve are opened, and the
solenoid valve is closed.

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8) 凝结水调节阀前后手动门开,调节阀关,旁路阀关。

8) Manual valves before and after the condensate water governing valves are
opened, governing valve is closed and the bypass valves are closed.

9) 轴封加热器、4#、5#和 6#低压加热器进、出口水门开,旁路阀关。

9) Water inlet and outlet valves of the gland seal heater and #4,#5 and #6 LP
heaters are opened and the bypass valve is closed.

10) 凝结水再循环调节阀前后手动阀开、旁路阀关、电动调节阀关。

10) Manually operated valves before and after the condensater water recirculating
governing valve are opened and the bypass valve and the motor-operated
governing valve are closed.

11) 凝结水至除氧器水门关、空气门关。

11) Water valve from the condensate water to the deaerator is closed and the air
valve is closed.

12) 凝结水冲洗放水门关。

12) Wash-out and water discharge valve of condensate water is closed.

13) 检查凝结水补充水箱各部正常,底部放水门关闭,至凝汽器补水门关闭,顶部
节阀向凝结水补充水箱补除盐水到水位计 3/4 刻度处,然后关闭除盐水调节阀,

13) Check to ensure all parts of condensate make-up water tank are normal. The
bottom discharge water valve and to the condenser make-up valve should be
closed. The vent valve on the top should be open. The valve to boiler feeding
water valve should be closed. Open the manual valve before and after
regulating valve from demineralised water to condensate make-up water tank.
Close the bypass valve. contact the chemical operator, Open the feeding water
tank regulating valve from demeneralised water to condensate to feed water to
condensate make-up water tank till reaches to three fourths of the level gauge
and then close the demeneralised water regulating valve and put it into auto
mode in order to maintain the water level. Then open make-up water valve
located from condensate make-up water tank to condenser to feed water.

(7) 对回热系统进行下列检查:

(7) The following inspections should be carried out to the regenerative system:

1) 1#高压加热器进汽管逆止阀关、进汽门关、疏水门开、空气门关、高加汽侧放
门开,电动门关。1#高加至 2#高加空气门关。

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1) The steam inlet pipe check valve of #1 HP heater is closed and the steam inlet
valve is closed and the drain valve is opened, the air valve, water discharge
valve at the steamside of the HP heater, manual valves before and after the
steam trap, bypass valves, water discharge valve of drain pipe are closed.
Manual valve for accident drainage is opened; motor-operated valve is closed.
The air valves from #1HP heater to #2 HP heater are closed.

2) 2#高压加热器进汽管逆止门关、进汽门关、进汽管疏水门开、空气门关。高加

2) The check valve on the steam inlet pipe of #2HP heater, steam inlet valve are
closed. Open the drain valve of steam inlet pipe and close the air valve. The
water discharge valve at the steam side is closed and the manual valve before
and after the steam trap are opened, Close the bypass valves and water
discharge valves of drain pipes. Open the manual valve for emergency
drainage and close the motor-operated valve. The air valve of the emergency
drainage pipe, water valve of drain water from #2 HP heater to the deaeretor
are closed and the water valve to the # 4 LP heater is closed. Air valve from # 2
HP heater to deaerator are all closed.

3) 至除氧器加热蒸汽管逆止门关、疏水门开、电动门关。

3) The check valve to the heating pipe of the deaerator is closed. Open the drtain
water valve and close the electrically operated valve.

4) 4#低压加热器进汽管逆止门关、进汽门开、疏水门开、空气门关、疏水调节阀
前后手动门开、旁路门关、4#低加疏水至 5#低加疏水门开、至凝汽器直通疏水

4) The check valve on the steam inlet pipe of #4 LP heater is closed. Open the
steam inlet valve, drain valve and close the air valve. Manually operated valves
before and after the drain water governing valve are opened, and the bypass
valve is closed. Drain water of the #4 LP heater to drain valve of #5 LP heater
is opened and to the straightway drain valve of the release gear is closed. The
drain vavle to condenser is closed. The discharge water valve of steam side is

5) 5#低压加热器进汽逆止门关、进汽门开、疏水门开、空气门关、疏水至疏水器
门开、至凝汽器疏水门关;5#低加疏水至 6#低加疏水门开。

5) The steam inlet check valve of the #5 LP heater is closed,the steam inlet valve
and drain valve are opened.Close the air valve, drain valve of the drain water to
the release gear is opened. Drain valve to the drainage controller is open. The
drain valve to the condenser is closed. Drain valve of #5 LP heater’s drain
water to #6 LP heater is opened.

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6) 6#低压加热器进汽门开、疏水门开、空气门关、疏水至疏水器门开。#6 低加疏

6) Open the steam inlet valve of #6 LP heater and drain valve. Close the air valve
and open the drain valve of drain water to drainage controller. #6 LP heater
drainage valve to condensater is open.

(8) 对高压给水系统进行下列检查:

(8) The following inspections should be done to the HP feedwater system.

1) 关闭高加水侧放水门;

1) Close the water discharge valve at water side of HP heater.

2) 关闭高加水侧进出口电动阀;

2) Close the electrically operated inlet and outlet valves at the water side of the HP

3) 关闭高加进水管和出水管道的空气门;

3) Close the air valves of the inlet and outlet pipes of the HP heater.

4) 高加给水旁通阀开启或关闭,由当时运行方式要求来确定。

4) Whether the feedwater bypass valves of the HP heater is opened or nor is based
on the operation mode at that time.

(9) 对循环冷却水系统进行下列检查:

(9) Check the following items of circulating cooling water system

1) 循环水系统

1) Circulating water system

a 检查循环水池检修工作结束,人员全部撤离。

a After finishing inspecting the CW water tank, all the stuff should withdraw
from the tank(pool).

b 检查循环入口水位计完好清晰,滤网清洁,池内无杂物,回水母管人孔盖

b Check to ensure the CW water inlet level gauge is normal, the screen is
clean and there is no sundries, return water main pipe manholes should
be restored to normal state.

c 检查循环水泵检修工作结束,隔离措施已拆除。上、下机架推力轴承油位

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c After finishing checking the CW pump, the isolation measurements have
been removed. Feed oil separately around one third and one second
level to upper and lower machine. Make-up and discharge oil valve are
close. The rubber pad and the packing cooling water valve are open.
The outlet hydraulic control valve is close.

d 做循环水泵静态联动试验。

d Carry out the static state interlock test of circulating water pump.

2) 开式冷却水系统

2) Open cooling water system

a 检查开启开式泵进口门、出口门关闭。

a Check to ensure that the open type pump inlet valve should be open and
the outlet vavle should be close.

b 检查主机冷油器、发电机、励磁机、给水泵空冷器、真空泵、闭式水冷却

b Check oil cooler, generator, excitor, air cooler of feed water pump ,
vacuum pump, cooling water valve inlet and outlet valve and bypass
valve should be closed.

3) 闭式冷却水系统

3) Close cooling water system

a 检查闭式冷却水泵入口门开启,出口门关闭。

a Check to make sure that the close type cooling water pump inlet vavle is
open and outlet valve is close.

b 检查闭式冷却水至空压机、给水泵工作油及润滑油冷油器以及炉辅机用水

b Check the working oil from close type cooling water to air compressor
and feed water pump. Make sure that the lube oil cooler and the cooling
water valve used by boiler auxiliary equipment are close.

c 联系化学,向闭式冷却水高位水箱内补水至正常水位。

c Contact the chemical department to feed to close type cooling water

high level tank till the water level becomes normal.

(10) 对真空泵和空气系统进行下列检查:

(10) The following inspections of the vacuum pump and air system should be done:

1) 关闭真空破坏阀。

1) Close the vacuum break valve.

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2) 关闭真空泵入口蝶阀。

2) Close the butterfly valve at the entrance of the vacuum pump.

3) 检查冷却器、汽水分离器、真空泵放水门关闭,冷却器冷却水出、入口门开启 ,
20cm 处),补水阀自动关闭。

3) Check the water discharge valves of the cooler, steam and water separator are
closed, the cooling water inlet and outlet valves of the cooler are opened. The
water makeup valve from the demineralized water to the vacuum pump is
opened. Monitor the makeup water should be at the normal level (the water
level of the steam and water separator at 20cm)

(11) 对轴封加热器及轴封系统进行下列检查:

(11) The following inspections should be done to the gland seal heater and the gland
seal system:

1) 轴封加热器进汽管空气门关闭,疏水至扩容器疏水门开。

1) Close the air valve of the steam inlet pipe of the gland seal heater, and open
the drain valve of the drain water to the flash tank.

2) 轴加风机入口阀关,分别对两台轴加风机进行空载试运,确认其转向、振动、

2) Close the inlet valve of air fan of the gland heater. Carry out trial running
without load to the two air fans of the gland seal heater and confirm their
rotating direction, vibration, sound, current, motor, and bearing temperature are
normal and then stop the trail running.

3) 关闭辅助蒸汽、三抽、主蒸汽至汽封压力调整器供汽门,并开启该门前疏水门。

3) Close the steam supplying valve from the auxiliary steam, the third bleeding,
the main steam to steam seal pressure regulator and open the drain valve
before the valve.

4) 开启汽封供汽管直通疏水门,关闭至低位水箱疏水门,开启供汽管至冷凝腔室

4) Open the straightway drain valve of steam supply pipe of steam seal, close the
drain valve to the low level water tank and open the steam valve from the
steam supply pipe to the condensation cavity.

5) 开启汽封压力调整器至汽封供汽管供汽门,开启前汽封供汽门。

5) Open the steam supply valve from the steam seal pressure regulator to the
steam supply pipe of the steam seal and open the seam supply valve of the
front ateam seal.

(12) 对主蒸汽系统进行下列检查:

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(12) The following inspections of the main steam system should be done:

1) 总汽门及其旁路门关,总汽门后疏水门开。

1) Close the main steam valves and their bypass valve; open the drain valves
behind the main steam valves.

2) 电动主汽门及其旁路门关,电动主汽门前疏水门开。

2) Close the motor-operated main stop valve and its bypass valve, and open the
drain valve before the motor-operated main stop valve.

3) 自动主汽门前防腐汽门开。

3) Open the corrosion-proof valve before the auto main stop valve.

4) 导管疏水门开。

4) Open the drain valve of the lead pipe.

5) 调速汽阀疏水门开。

5) Open the drain valve of governing valve.

6) 前汽缸法兰螺栓疏水门开。

6) Open the drain valve of the front casing to the flange bolts.

7) 前汽缸疏水门开。

7) Open the front casing drain valve.

8) 检查主汽至凝汽器旁路减压阀及减温水门关闭。

8) Check to ensure that the main steam to condenser bypass vent valve and the
spray water valve are close.

2.2.3 机组冷态启动(滑参数)

2.2.3 The Cold-state Startup of the Unit (sliding parameter) 启动前的准备工作 Preparation work before startup

(1) 相关辅机设备的启动

(1) The startup of the relevant auxiliary equipment

1) 检查有关的检修工作结束,工作票已终结,现场应清洁、完整、不应有妨碍运

1) Check the relevant maintenance work has been finished and the work permit
has been ended. The site should be clean, complete without equipment,
special maintenance tools and safety facility threatening the operation of the

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2) 联系电气送上辅机电源,现场照明应充足、良好。

2) Cotact the electrical personnel to supply power supply to the auxiliary

equipment, the site lightening should be adequate and good.

3) 联系热工各仪表、保护送电,投入各仪表。
3) Contact the I & C personnel to supply power supply to the instrumentation and
put the instrumentation into operation.
4) 闭式循环膨胀水箱补水至正常水位。
4) Make up water to the closed-cycle expansion tank until it reaches the normal
5) 联系化学向凝结水补水箱补水,凝汽器进水至正常水位。
5) Contact the chemical personnel to make up water to condensate makeup water
tank, and supply water to the condenser until it reaches the normal level.
6) 联系热工检查确认 DEH、ETS、TSI 装置正常。
6) Contact the I & C personnel to confirm the DEH, ETS andTSI device are
7) 联系电气,给水泵、主冷却水泵送操作电源,其他辅机送操作、动力电源。
7) Contact the electrical personnel to supply power to the feedwater pump and
main cooling water pump, and the other equipments should be supplied with
operational power.
8) 主、辅机保护、联锁试验动作正常。
8) The protections of the main and auxiliary equipment and activations of the
interlocking test are normal.
9) 联系电气送主冷却水泵动力电源。
9) Contact the electrical personnel to suppluy power to the main cooling water

(2) 投入循环水系统

(2) Put circulating water system into service

1) 检查循环水系统设备检修工作结束,人员全部撤离。

1) After finishing inspecting the CW system equipment, all the stuff should
withdraw there.

2) 检查循环水泵水位计完好清晰,滤网清洁,回水母管人孔盖恢复正常。。

2) Check to ensure the CW water pump water level gauge is normal, the screen is
clean and there is no sundries, and return water main pipe manholes should be
restored to normal state.

3) 检查循环水泵检修工作结束,隔离措施已拆除。推力轴承油位 1/3-1/2,油质

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3) After finishing checking the CW pump, the isolation measurements have been
removed. Maintain oil level for thrust bearing to 1/3-1/2, of which the oil quality
is good. Both oil makeup and discharge valves are closed. Contact chemical to
start service water pump for making up water to lubrication water tank. When
the tank water level is normal, start one set of lubrication water pump. Check
the pressure and vibration of all parts and open lubrication pump outlet water
valve to supply water to the lubrication system. After then, make sure bearing
cooling water and seal water valves of circulating water pump are aready open
with normal return water. The outlet hydraulic control valve is close.

4) 做循环水泵静态联动试验。

4) Carry out the circulating water pump static state interlock test.

5) 循环水系统投入前的检查。

5) Inspection before putting circulating water system into service.

a) 检查开启循环水母管放空气门。

a) Check to make sure that the circulating water main pipe vent valve is

b) 循环水回水门送电试开关正常后全开。

b) Provide power to the return water valve of circulating water and

completely open it before it is proved to be normal.

c) 联系电气凝结器循环水进、回水电动门送电后试验开关正常,进水电动门
开 1/3,出水电动门关闭,凝结器汽侧放水门关闭,水室及二次滤网放水

c) Contact the electrical operator to give power to condenser circulating

water inlet valve and return water electrically operated valve to test
whether the braker is normal. Open the water inlet valve to one third of
full open. Close the water outlet electrically operated valve. Close the
condenser steam side discharge water valve, the water chamber and
the secondary screen discharge water valve.

d) 胶球清洗系统隔离(胶球泵进、出口门关闭)。

d) Isolate the rubber ball cleaning system(close the outlet and inlet vavle of
rubber ball pump)

e) 凝结器水室放空气门全开,汽、水侧人孔盖扣好,弹簧临时支撑拆除。

e) Fully open the vent valve of condenser water chamber. Close the steam
and water side manholes. Remove the temporary support of spring.

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6) 循环水系统充水

6) Fill water to circulating water system.

a) 投入循环水泵出口门联锁开关,启动一台循泵,注意定速时间,电流<
A,出口液控阀应自动开启,出口压力 0.1~0.4MPa,泵组振动不大于

a) Put the circulating water pump outlet valve interlock switch into service.
Start one CW pump and pay attention to time of fixing speed, the current
is lower than A, outlet hydraulic valve should be open automatically. The
outlet pressure is between 0.1-0.4MPa. The pump vibration should not
be bigger than 0.08mm. All components have no abnormal sound. The
packing is not overheated. Slight water rejection, and there is no
leakage in the system.

b) 投入循泵联锁开关

b) Put the CW pump interlock into service .valve.According to the situation,

put the fans of cooling tower into service.

(3) 投入冷却水系统

(3) Put the cooling water system into service

1) 投入开式冷却水系统

1) Put the open type cooling water system into service

a) 检查开式水至闭式水换热器入口出口门全开,开式水泵入口门全开,出口

a) Check to ensure that the inlet and outlet valves of heat exchanger of
opened water to closed water are fully opened, fully open the open type
water pump inlet vavles and close the outlet vavles. The bearing oil is
qualified. Contact the electrical operator to provide power and start the
opened water pump.

b) 合一台开式水泵操作开关,检查泵振动、电流、声音、压力正常,断开操

b) Close the operation switch of one open type water pump. Check to
make sure that vibration, current, sound, pressure of the pump are
normal. use the same way to check the other one pumps.

c) 正常后做开式水泵互为联动试验。正常后保留一台开式水泵运行,另一台

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c) Carry out the interlock tests after checking the open type pump and
everthing is normal. Put one pump into operation and the other pump for

2) 投入闭式冷却水系统

2) Put the close type cooling water system into service

a) 开启膨胀水箱补水阀或旁路阀向膨胀水箱上水对系统注水排气,排气结束

a) Open the expansion water tank make-up water valve or bypass valve to
feed water to the tank and remove the air inside the system. After
finishing removing the air, close the vent valve and the water level in the
expansion tank should reach to the normal value. If it is possible, put the
make-up vavle into auto mode.

b) 排气结束后投入闭式冷却器工作水侧,检查闭式水至各设备冷却水门关闭,

b) Put the close type cooler working water side into service after removing
the air. Check to ensure that all the cooling water valves from close type
water to all equipment are close. Fully open the inlet valve of close type
water pump and close the outlet valve. Make sure the oil quality for
bearing is qualified. Contact the electrical operator to supply power and
start the close type water pump.

c) 合一台闭式水泵操作开关,检查泵振动、电流、声音、压力正常,断开操

c) Close the operation switch of one opened water pump. Check to make
sure that vibration, current, sound and pressure are normal. Open the
operation switch, and use the same way to test the other one pump.

d) 正常后做闭式水泵互为联动试验。正常后保留一台闭式水泵运行,另一台

d) Carry out the interlock test of close type water pump after everything is
normal. keep one pump running and the other pump for standby.

e) 闭式冷却器充水排气正常后投入其工作水侧。

e) Put the other working water side into service after feeding water and
removing air for close type cooler.

f) 视情况投入闭式冷却器冷却水侧。

f) Put the close type cooler cooling side into service according to the

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(4) 润滑油系统的投运

(4) The operation of lube oil system


Respectively start up the AC lube oil pump 、 DC lube oil pump without load and
check whether its rotary direction, vibration, sound, bearing temperature, current
and the pressure at the outlet are normal. If normal, keep the operation of the lube
ac oil pump and open the oil outlet valve slowly, startup the oil-smoke exhaust
ventilator and check the following items:

1) 润滑油压(冷油器后油压)应为 0.012~0.16MPa;

1) Lube oil pressure (oil pressure behind the oil cooler) should be 0.12-0.16MPa;

2) 汽轮发电机组各轴承均有正常油流;

2) There should be normal oil flow at the bearing of the turbo-generatot.

3) 油系统管道上有无漏油地点;

3) Whether there is oil leakage on the oil system pipes.

4) 油箱油位是否过低,过低时从高位辅助油箱向本机油箱补油至正常油位。

4) Whether the oil level of the oil tank is too low. If too low, make up oil from the
elevated oil tank to the normal oil level.

(5) 盘车装置的投运

(5) The operation of turning gear

1) 检查盘车装置润滑油供油门开,轴向位移保护应投入;

1) Check the lube oil supply valve of the turning gear is opened, and put the axial
displacement protection into operation.

2) 启动一台顶轴油泵,检查顶轴油压应在 8~14MPa 范围内,顶轴油系统无泄漏


2) Start up one jacking oil pump and inspect the jacking oil pressure is within
8~14MPa and there is no oil leakage in the jacking oil system.

3) 检查盘车装置电气控制箱上电源指示灯亮自动空气开关已合“运行”指示灯亮。

3) Check the power indicator on the electrical control box of the turning gear is
turned on, the automatic air-break switch is closed and the OPERATION light
indicator is turned on.

4) 将控制板上的选择开关置于正确位置:

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4) Put the switch on the control panel at the correct position.


CS./TG (automatically and manually operated switch) is at AUTO position.

CS/TOG (自、手动瞬动选择开关)置“自动”位置;

CS./TOG (automatically and manually operated instantaneous switch) is at

AUTO position.)


CS./TG(continuous and interruptive switch of rotating the turning gear) is at

CONTINUOUS position.

5) 打开盘车装置钥匙开关

5) Open the key switch of turning gear.


The automatic operation process is:


The PULL PIN AT POSITION light is on.


GEAR CONTACT light is on.


GEAR CONTACT light is off.



“拔销到位灯灭 ”盘车已连续运转,观察盘车电机电流是否正常。

The PULL PIN AT POSITION light is off and the turning gear is in continuous
operation. Then, observe whether the motor current of the turning gear is normal

(6) 投入凝结水系统

(6) Put the condensate system into service

1) 检查凝结器汽侧人孔门关闭,凝结水泵入口门全开,出口门送电试开关正常后

1) Check to ensure the steam side manhole of condenser is close and the
condensate pump inlet valve is fully open. Turn off the outlet valve power
supplying swith after test it successfully. Close condenser steam side
discharge water valve and put condenser water level gauge into service.

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2) 检查凝结水补水箱水位正常,水质合格,联系凝结器补水调整门送电,试验正

2) Contact the condenser make-up water adjustment valve to provide power

after checking the water level of condensate make-up water tank is normal
and water quality is qualified. Open condenser make-up front and back stop
valves after test result is normal. Open condenser make-up gornor valve to
feed water till the water level becomes normal. Put condenser make-up
water into auto mode according to situation.

3) 检查凝泵轴承冷却水进、回水门全开,密封水门、抽空气门全开。

3) Check to ensure that the condensate pump bearing cooling water inlet valve
and return water valve are fully opened. Seal water valve and air extraction
valve are fully opened.

4) 检查轴加进、出口门全开,旁路门开启 1/4。除氧器水位调整门前、后截门全
开 1/3,旁路减温水总门关闭,#4、5、6 低加进、出口门全开,旁路门关闭。

4) Check to ensure that the inlet and outlet valve of gland seal heater are open
and the bypass valve should open about one fourth of fully open. Fully open
front and back stop valves before and after the deaerator water level control
valve. close bypass valve and close control valve after swith is tested and
has no problem. Close sealing water valve, steam sealing desuperheating
valve. Close multi-grade water seal feeding water valve. Open HP flash tank
spray water valve and the condensate sampling valve. Close the main valve
of feeding water pump sealing water. Open low load spray water
electromagnetic valve and stop valves before and after the screen. Close
bypass and discharge water valves. Fully open the stop valves before and
after HP protection water controller and the main valve. Close the bypass
valve. Open one third of condensate recirculating water valve and close
bypass desuperheating water main valve. Fully open inlet and outlet valves
of #4,#5 and #6 LP heaters and close bypass valve.

5) 检查凝结器水位 400~800mm,检查凝结水泵推力轴承油位正常,油质合格,

5) Check to ensure that the condenser water level is abiout 400~800mm and
condensate pump thrust bearing oil level is normal; oil quality can meet the
requirement, then contact electrical operator to energize condensate pump
motor and outlet motor-operated valve (MOV). Put the interlock of outlet

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MOV into service. Start one pump and ensure that current, pressure, bearing
vibration, temperature and sound are normal and the gland packing is not

6) 做凝结水泵断电联动、低水压联动试验,正常后投入联锁开关,开大凝结水再

6) Carry out the condensate pump interlock and low water pressure interlock
tests. Put interlock into service after everything is normal. Fully open
condensate recirculating valve according to the situation to open deaerator
water level regulation valve and make it in auto mode. Close all the LP
heater vent valves when in right time. Observe carefully whether all LP
heaters water level increases or not in order to judge if there is leakage.

(7) 投入给水除氧系统

(7) Put feed water deaerator system into operation

1) 检查给水泵再循环门、高加疏水至除氧器门、凝结水进除氧器门、除氧器再沸
腾门、除氧器汽平衡门、除氧器溢流门、除氧器底部放水门、 给水泵进口门、

1) Check to ensure that feed water recirculating valve, deaerator valve which
goes to HP heater, valve used for condensate entering deaerator, deaerator
re-boiling valve, deaerator steam equilibrium valve, deaerator overflow valve,
deaerator bottom drain valve, inlet valve of feed water pump, the third
bleeding electrically operated valve, communicating valve connected the
third bleeding with industry auxiliary steam, steam equilibrium and industry
auxiliary steam communicating valve, main steam to industry auxiliary
communicating valve, industry auxiliary steam to deaerator electrically
operated valve, industry auxiliary steam to deaerator adjustement valve and
discharge oxygen valve are close.

2) 通知电气、热工对以上电动门、调整门送电,试验开关正常后恢复原状态。

2) Contact electrical and I&C operators to power on to the above mentioned

electrically operated valve and control valve and restore to original situation
after checking the switch and the result is normal.

3) 开启除氧器除盐水补水门,试验除氧器水位低一、二值、高一、二、三值报警

3) Open demineralised water make-up water valve of deaerator to test alarm

when water level in deaerator reaches to low I, low II, high I, high II and high
III and whether the interlock of valves are normal or not.

4) 除氧器降至正常水位整定除氧器安全门。 整定试验完毕后,全开给水泵再循

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4) Setting deaerator safety valve after the water level in deaerator becomes
normal. After the setting test is finished, fully open feed water pump
recirculating valve, HP heater drainage to deaerator valve, condensate to
deaerator valve, and slightly open deaerator oxygen vent valve.

5) 化验水质合格后,开启除氧器再沸腾门加热水温至 40℃左右,开启给水泵管

5) After the water quality is qualified, open deaerator re-boiling valve to heat
water till the temperature becomes about 40℃. Open the vent valve of feed
water pump piping. Close the discharge water valve. Open a little inlet valve
of feed water pump to warm the pump and close the vent valve after air is
removed. Fully open the inlet valve of the pump.

6) 检查给水泵油箱油位 30-90mm,油质合格,冷油器进、出口油门全开,联系
0.2~0.3MPa 左右。勺管调节器送电后试开关灵活,上、下关系对应,开至

6) Check to ensure that the oil level in feed water pump oil tank is about 30-
90mm, and oil quality is qualified. Fully open the inlet and outlet valves of oil
cooler. Contact the electrical operator to supply power. Fully open the cooling
water inlet and outlet valves of air cooler. Close the sealing water main vavle,
the sealing water control valve can be closed after the switch test is normal
in power energization, put the sealing water into service and change it into
auto mode when it is normal. Keep the pressure of sealing water at around
0.2~0.3MPa. After providing power to the scoop tube controller, test whether
the switch is good or not. The relationship between upper and lower should
be paralleled, opening to 10% position, provide power to the feed water
pump outlet valve to test whether the switch is normal or not. Close the
valves when everything has no problem.

7) 做给水泵油压保护试验。

7) The feed water pump oil pressure protection test should be done.

8) 做给水泵互为联动试验。

8) The feed water pump interlock test should be done.

9) 根据锅炉要求联系值长启动一台给水泵,另一台给水泵投入备用。

9) Require the shift leader to start one feed water pump and put the other pump
for standby according to the requirement of boiler operator.

(8) 检查高加检修工作结束,投入高加水侧。

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(8) Put HP heater water side into service after maintaining HP heater is finished.

(9) 锅炉过热系统水压试验

(9) Boiler overheat system hydraulic pressure test


(10)Put vacuum system into operation

1) 检查凝结器抽空气总门全开,真空破坏门全开。真空泵进口一次门全开,气液

1) Check to ensure the condenser air extraction main valve and the vacuum
breaking valve are fully open. Fully open the vacuum pump inlet primary
valve. The water level of the steam and water separator is normal. The water
level of condenser make-up water tank is normal. Put the automatic feeding
water mode into operation. Open the inlet and outlet vavles of cooler.

2) 联系电气真空泵送电后,启动真空泵,记录最高真空。

2) Contact the electrical operator to provide power to vacuum pump. Start the
vacuum pump and record the highest vacuum value.

3) 做真空泵互为联动试验,试验正常后,保持一台真空泵运行,投入联锁。

3) The vacuum pump interlock test should be carried out. Keep one pump
running and the other pump for standby after two pump are tested OK.

(11) 轴封系统暖管

(11) Gland seal system warm up pipes

1) 检查轴封调整门旁路门关闭,全开前截门,全关后截门,通知电气汽封调整门

1) Check to ensure that gland seal control valve and bypass valve are close.
Fully open the front stop valve and fully close the back stop valve. Contact
the electrical operator to provide power to steam seal control valve and close
after everything is normal. Fully open steam supplying and return steam
piping drain valve. Make use of steam source of auxiliary main pipe to warm
up the pipes and after draining water is finished, open the big main pipe to
provide steam.

2) 检查轴加风机总门全开,风机入口门开启,启动一台轴加风机运行,风机底部

2) Check to ensure that the main valve of gland seal heater fan is fully open.
Open the inlet valve of fan. Running one fan and open the blowdown valve at
the bottom of fan. Open the valve connected gland seal heater water seal
drain with condenser.

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(12)Check HP and LP heater system

1) 检查高、低压加热器进汽电动门关闭,通知电气送电后,试开、关正常后全开。

1) Check to ensure that the steam inlet electrically operated valve of HP and LP
heater is close. Contact electrical operator to provide power, fully open after
test and find there is no problem.

2) #2 高加疏水至除氧器一次门关闭、二次门开启,高加疏水至#4 低加疏水门开
启。#1、2 高加疏水调门前后截门全开,旁路门关闭, #6 低加疏水至凝汽器

2) The #2 HP heater drain to deaerator primary valve is close and the

secondary valve is open. The HP heater drainage to #4 LP heater drainage
valve is open. The stop valve situated before and after #1 and #2 HP heater
drainage control valve is open and bypass valve is close. #6 LP heater
drainage to condenser valve is open. Fully open the stop valve before and
after all the heaters drainage control valve and close the bypass valve. The
LP heater emergency drainage manual valve is fully open. Close the
electrically operated valve after providing power to switch and there is no
prolem. The HP drainage valve is close.

3) 检查高、低压加热器汽侧放水门关闭,高、低压加热器抽空气门开启,逐级排

3) Check to ensure that the discharge water valve of HP and LP heater steam
side. Open the HP and LP heater air extraction valve to extract air to
condenser step by step.


(13)Carry out all sections of bleeding check valve successfully 锅炉点火后的工作 Works after the ignition of boiler:

(1) 暖管

(1) Warm up pipe

1) 接值长通知锅炉准备点火。调整真空(20-30)Kpa 左右,开启自动主汽门前、

1) Prepare to ignite for boiler after receiving notice from shift leader. Adjust the
vacuum to about 20-30 Kpa. Before opening the automatic stop valve, main
steam bypass valve, the new steam will go through from front drainage to
condenser. Contact the boiler operator to ignite.

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2) 锅炉点火后,随时检查主蒸汽管道、旁路系统膨胀、振动、疏水畅通,汽缸金
属温度情况和电动主闸门、高压主汽门、调速汽门、的严密情况,并每 10min

2) After ignation, check the main steam pipe, bypass system expansion,
vibration, drainage, casing temperature, electrically operated valve, HP stop
valve, and speed control valve at any time. Take the outer temperature of
casing every 10 minutes and make records.

3) 暧管至自动主汽门前,根据锅炉参数,暖管。全开炉来汽门旁路一次门,稍开
二次门进行暧管。逐渐将压力升至 0.2-0.3Mpa,暧管 20min。

3) Warm up the pipe before automatic main stop valve. Warm up according to the
boiler parameter. Fully open the bypass primary valve of steam supply valve
from the boiler, open the secondary valve a little for warming up. Raise the
pressure gradually to 0.2-0.3Mpa and warm up the pipe for 20 min.

4) 主蒸汽压力 0.2MPa,开均压箱底部疏水门,辅汽至均压箱供汽门暖箱,注意

4) Open the drain valve at the surge tank bottom when the main steam
pressure is 0.2MPa. The auxiliary to surge tank steam supplying valve.
Adjust carefully the pressure of surge tank.

5) 根据锅炉要求投入旁路,调整一级减温后的温度≯165℃,二级减温后的温度

5) Put the bypass into service according to boiler operator’s requirement. Adjust
the primary spray temperature to above 165℃ and the secondary spray
temperature to above 65℃.

6) 自动主汽门前压力达到 0.2-0.3Mpa,暧管 30min。

6) Make the pressure before the auto main stop valve be 0.2-0.3 Mpa and then
warm up the pipe for 30min.

7) 根据锅炉需要调整旁路调整门,以控制温升、温差和压力。暧管至调速汽门前。
确认调速汽门在关闭位置,慢开自动主汽门,使自动主汽门后压力达到 0.2-
0.3Mpa,暧管 20min。

7) Adjust the bypass control valve according to boiler operator’s need. Warm up
the pipe until before the governing valve. Make sure the governing valve is at
closed position and open the auto main stop valve slowly, so that the pressure
behind the auto main stop valve reaches 0.2-0.3 Mpa. Then, warm up the pipe
for 20 min.

8) 冲转前 20 分钟对各疏水门测温一次,节流各管道疏水,开启各本体疏水门。

8) Take the temperature of all drain valves once 20 minutes before rolling,
throttle the drain water of all pipes and open the drain valves of all

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9) 缓 慢 开 启 轴 封 调 整 门 , 向 轴 封 送 汽 , 维 持 轴 封 供 汽 母 管 压 力 在 0.005-

9) Slowly open the gland seal governor to supply steam to gland seal. Keep the
value of gland seal supplying steam main pipe pressure be between 0.005-
0.05MPa. put the gland seal governor into auto mode and maintain the
condenser vacuum within the range from 0.04-0.05MPa.

10) 暖管注意事项:

10) Precautions during warming up:

a) 防腐门不应冒汽。

a) There should be no steam leakage happening to the corrosion-proof valve.

b) 检查主汽管道膨胀情况和支吊架情况应正常,主汽管道不应有明显的振动,


b) Check the expansion condition of the main steam pipe and the suppots
and hungers condition are normal. No obvious vibration is allowed to the
main steam pipe. Otherwise, the warming up time will be lengthened

c) 管道疏水应畅通,并注意维持疏水扩容器压力不超过规定值。

c) Water in the pipes should be drained smoothly and pay attention that the
pressure of the drain flush tank should not exceed the specified value.

d) 注意汽缸金属温度,调节汽门的严密情况,注意排汽温度,还应检查汽轮
d) Notice the metal temperature of casing, the tightness condition of the
governing valve and the steam exhaust temperature. In addition,
whether the drainage of the turbine proper is fully opened should be
checked, too.
(2) 联系热工,下列保护投入:
(2) Contact the thermal operator, operate the following protection:
1) 超速;
1) Overspeed;
2) 润滑油压低;
2) Oil pressure of lubricant is low;
3) 轴向位移;
3) Axial displacement
4) 差胀;

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4) Differential expansion;
5) 轴振大;
5) The vibration of bearing is fierce. 汽机挂闸 Turbine latched

1) 就地挂闸,缓慢开启自动主气门至全开。

1) Latch the turbine locally, slowly open the auto main stop valve until it is fully opened.

2) 检查 DEH 画面显示调速气门全关,自动主气门至全开。

2) Check the DEH display of the governing valve is fully closed and the auto main stop
valve is fully opened. 汽轮机冲转 Rolling of turbine

(1) 汽轮机冲转方式

(1) Rolling mode of turbine

1) 就地启动(手动)

1) Local startup (manually operated)

a) 机组首次启动时,应使用就地启动方式。选择就地启动方式时,应确认电

a) During the initial startup of the unit, the local startup mode should be used.
When choosing the mode, make sure the electrically operated main stop
valve and the bypass valves are closed completely.

b) 在“转速控制”画面中点击“就地启动”,再点击“进行”按钮。就地启
动投入后自动将目标转速设置为 2800r/min,调汽门同时缓慢开启。

b) Click LOCAL STARTUP on the SPEED CONTROL display, then click

OPERATION button. When the local startup mode is put into operation, the
target rotary speed will be set at 2800r/min and the governing valve will be
opened slowly at the same time.

c) 开启自动主汽门。

c) Open the auto main stop valve.

d) 全开电动主汽门旁路一次门,用二次门按照升速、暧机时间表进行冲转、


d) Open the bypass primary valve of the electrically operated main stop

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valve, roll , raise the speed and warm up with the secondary valve
according to the speed raising and warming up time table.

2) 调门手动启动(操作员自动)

2) Manual startup of the governing valve (automatic operation of the operator)

a) 电动主汽门、自动主汽门全开,调汽门关闭。

a) Fully open the motor operated main stop valve and automatic main stop
valve,. Close the governing valve.

b) 在“转速控制”画面中点击“调门手动启动”,再点击“进入转速设定”



c) 机组冲转后,当转速大于盘车转速时,盘车装置应自动脱开,否则应立即
停机。以 100r/min、min 的升速率将汽轮机转速提升至达到 500r/min,在
止回阀是否处于全开状态,但停留时间不得超过 5min.。

c) After the unit impluse, when the rotation speed is larger than the turning
gear rotation speed, the turning gear shall break away automatically, or
shall shut down immediately. Raising the rotation speed of turbine to be
500r/min by a speed raising rate being 100r/min. Under this rotation speed,
carry out comprehensive inspection for unit, mainly inspect if the dynamic
and static part has friction, the HP drain steam extraction check valve is
fully opened, but the staying time shall not be over 5 min.

d) 确信机组一切正常后,继续以 100r/min 的升速率将汽轮机转速提升至

1350r/min,(转速升至 1200/min 时停顶轴油泵,并保持备用状态),在
此转速下中速暖机 15min。

d) Ensure that the unit is completely normal, with the speed raising rate being
1350r/min, raise the rotation speed of turbine to be 1300 r/min, (when the
rotation speed raise to 1200/min, stop the jacking oil pump and keep
standby status), warm up for 15min under this rotation speed with middle
rotation speed.

e 将目标转速设定为 2300r/min,升速率 100~150r/min,继续升速。当转速

达到 2300r/min,高速暖机 10~20 分钟。

e) Set the target speed being 2300 r/min, speed raising rate being
100~150r/min and keep raising the speed. When the speed reaches 2300
r/min, warm up for 10~20min underhigh speed.

f) 在升速过程中,应保持汽轮机蒸汽和金属温度限制值及各监控仪表的限制

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程中迅速、平稳的通过临界转速,通过临界转速时以 300~400 的升速率提
升转速,此时轴承振动(盖振)位移(峰一峰)值不应大于 0.10mm,大
轴振动位移(峰一峰)值不应大于 0.15mm。

f) During the speed raising progress, it is necessary to keep the temperature

limitation value of turbine steam and metal and the limitation value of
supervising instrument be within the specified scope, at the same time,
notice that the operation status of spray device. Specially notice that in the
speed raising progress, the near-limit rotation speed shall be passed
through rapidly and smoothly, after passing through the near-limit speed,
raise the rotation speed by 300~400 speed raising rate, at this time, the
vibration displacement value of bearing shall not be over than 0.10mm, the
vibration displacement value of bid axil shall not be over than 0.15mm.

g) 高速暖机结束后,将目标转速设定为 3000r/min,升速率 100r/min,继续

升速,至定速,此时排气温度应不高于 80℃,凝汽器压力应小于 12kpa。

g) After warming up with high speed is finished, set the target speed being
3000 r/min, speed raising rate being 100r/min and keep raising the speed
until it reaches the constant speed, at this time, the steam exhausting
temperature shall not be over than 80℃, the pressure of condensor shall
not be less than 12kpa.

3) 调门曲线启动(程序启动)

3) Curve startup of the governing valve (automatic startup by programmme)

a) 电动主汽门、自动主汽门全开,调汽门关闭。

a) Open the electrically operated mainstop valbe, automatic main stop valve
fully and close the governing valve.

b) 在“转速控制”画面中点击“调门曲线启动”,再点击“进入曲线选择”


CONTROL display, then click the EBTER THE CURVE choice button.
Choose the speed raising curve according to the casing temperature.

c) 再点击“进行”按钮,机组即运行于调门曲线启动方式。

c) Click the OPERATION button, then the unit is in the Curve startup of the
governing valve mode.

d) 使用调门曲线启动方式前,升速曲线应设置正确。

d) Before using this mode, the speed raising curve should be set correctly.

(2) 检查汽轮机冲转条件

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(2) Inspections about the rolling conditions of the turbine

当参数达到:主蒸汽压力 1.96MPa,主蒸汽温度 280±10℃(应有 50℃以上的过热

度)以上,真空 0.040~0.060MPa,低真空保护解除;冷油器出口温度 40℃~
45℃,EH 油压 1MPa,调速油压 1.96 Mpa,轴承油压 0.12~0.16MPa,各轴承回
油正常,气缸调节级处金属温度小于 150℃,胀差-2.5~+4mm,盘车连续不小于 2 小时
(大修后不小于 4 小时)。

When parameters being: main steam pressure 1.96MPa, main steam temperature
280±10℃ (there should be a superheat degree of more than 50℃), vacuum 0.040-
0.060Mpa, removal of the low vacuum protection. Temperature at the outlet of the
oil cooler being 40℃~45℃, EH oil pressure being 1MPa, governing oil pressure
1.96 Mpa, and bearing oil pressure 0.12 ~ 0.16MPa. All the oil return of bearings
being normal and the temperature at the governing stage of the casing should be
less than 150℃, expansion differential -2.5~+4mm, and the continuous rotating of
the turning gear no less than 2h (no less than 4h after overhaul.) 汽机冲转升速的注意事项 Precautions during the rolling and speed rising process of steam turbine

(1) 汽轮机升速操作:

(1) Accelerating operation of steam turbine:

(a) 机组启动升速过程中的控制指标,各部温升与温差。

(a) Control standards, temperature rising and temperature differential during the
startup and speed rising process of the unit.

项目 单位 控制范围

No. Item Unit Control range

温升 ℃/min
1 Mian steam Temperature 2.8~3.2
temperature raising

温降 ℃/min 2

Emperature 2
2 主汽压力 升压 Mpa 0.05

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Pressure 0.05
Mian steam
pressure 降压 MPa 0.03

Pressure 0.03
3 主蒸汽管道 温升 ℃/min 7

3 Main steam pipe Temperature ℃/min 7

4 主汽门外壁 温升 ℃/min 4.6~5

Outer wall of main Temperature 4.6~5

4 ℃/min
stop valve raising

5 调速汽门外壁 温升 ℃/min

5 Outer wall of Temperature 4.6~5

governing valve raising

6 法兰内壁 温升 ℃/min

6 Inner wall of flange Temperature ℃/min 4

7 法兰外壁 温升 ℃/min 3

7 Outer wall of flange Temperature ℃/min 3

8 法兰内、外壁 温差 ℃

8 Inner and outer Temperature ℃ < 120(temperature raising), <

wall of flange differential 80(temperature decreasing)
9 法兰和螺栓 温差 ℃ <35~50

Temperature <35~50
9 Flange and bolts ℃

10 汽缸上下壁 温差 ℃ <35~50

Upper and lower Temperature <35~50

10 ℃
walls of the casing differential

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11 汽缸内外壁 温差 ℃ <80(升温),<40(降温)

Inner and outer emperature < 80 ( temperature raising ) , <

11 ℃
walls of the casing differential 40(temperature decreasing)

(b) 冷态启动过程中胀差、串轴、振动、轴承及回油温度控制指标:

(b) Control parameters like expansion differential, axial displacement, vibration,

bearing and return oil temperature during the cold-state startup process:

项目 单位 控制范围

Item Unit Control range

1 胀差 mm +3~-2

1 expansion differential mm +3~-2

2 轴向位移 mm +0.8~-1.0

2 axial displacement, mm +0.8~-1.0

排汽缸温度 <110℃(空负荷时),
3 ℃

Temperature of exhaust <110℃(when without load),

3 casing ℃
<65℃(when with load)

4 轴承钨金温度 ℃ <90℃ 停机 100℃

Bearing tungsten <90℃ shut down 100℃

4 ℃

5 轴承回油温度 ℃ <65℃ 75℃跳闸

Bearing metal <65℃ 75℃ trip

5 ℃

6 推力轴承钨金温度 ℃ <90℃

Metal temperature of <90℃

6 ℃
thrust bearing

7 推力轴承回油温度 ℃ <65℃停机 75℃

7 Return oil temperature ℃ <65℃ shut down 75℃

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of thrust bearing

8 轴承振动 mm <0.05 停机>0.08

8 Bearing vibration mm <0.05 shut down >0.08

(c) 机组冷态额定参数启动过程中各阶段暖机时间与参数:

(c) Warming up time and parameters during the cold-state rated parameter startup
of the unit:

转速/负荷 时间 参考参数
序号 备注
rpm/MW 分钟 主汽温度(℃) 主汽压力(MPa)

Reference parameter
Speed/load Time
No. Main steam Main steam Notes
Rpm/MW min temperature ( ℃ pressure
) (MPa)

1 500 5 280 1.96 检查

1 500 5 280 1.96 check

2 500 5 280 1.96 暖机

2 500 5 280 1.96

3 1350 8 280 1.96 升速

Raise the
3 1350 8 280 1.96

4 1350 17 280 1.96 暖机

4 1300 17. 280 1.96

5 2300 8 280 1.96 升速

Raise the
5 2300 8 280 1.96

6 2300 10 280 1.96 暖机

6 2300 10 280 1.96

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7 2850~3000 7 280 1.96 升速

Raise the
7 2850~3000 7 280 1.96

8 3000 Expression 280 1.96

is faulty **

8 3000 280 1.96
up, check

合计 120

Sum 120

1) 手动 调门启动(操作自动)升速至 500 rpm:

1) Stert up the control valve (automatic operation) and raise the speed to 500 rpm;

2) 就地挂闸,缓慢开启自动主气门。

2) Latch locally, and open the automatic main stop valve.

3) 在 DEH 操作盘上点击主画面上方的“转速控制方式”,弹出子菜单,点击“调
门手动启动(操作员自动),在进入转速设定,点击“输入”按钮, DEH 进入
“操作员自动”方式,给出速率 100r/min/min,目标转速 500rpm,按下“GO”
按钮,转速设定值会以给定的速率上升到给定的目标值 500rpm。

3) Click the SPEED CONTROL MODE above the main display on the DEH
operation panel and then a sub menu will come out, then click the MANUAL
STARTUP OF CONTROL VALVE (automatic operation by the operator). Then,
come to set the speed, click INPUT button, and the DEH will come to the
OPERATOR AUTO MODE, speed rate of 100r/min and the target speed of
500rpm will be given. Press the GO button, the set value of the speed will be
increased to the target value of 500rpm with the given rate.

4) 调速气门 GV 逐步开启,转速逐步上升,盘车会自动退出,解除盘车联锁开关 ,

4) Start the GV gradually, the rotating speed rises gradually, and the turning gear
will exit automatically; release the interlock switch of the turning gear, and close
the inlet oil valve of turning gear.

5) 当转速达到 500rpm 时,低压缸排汽达 80℃时喷水会自动投入。检查各监测仪


5) When the speed reaches 500rpm and the exhaust temperature of the LP

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casing is 80 ℃, the water spray will be put into operation automatically. Check
whether the readings of the meters are normal and all the bearing vibration
should be less than 0.03mm.

(2) 汽轮机在 500rpm 上保持,进行摩擦检查(仅限机组第一次启动及大小修后启动):

(2) Keeps the steam turbine 500rpm, and carry out the friction check (only contain the
first start and after mending and overhauling)

1) 当 DEH 显示盘“转速”窗显示出 500rpm 时,“进行”灯灭。

1) When DEH indicator “rotating speed” indicates 600rpm, the light “carry out”
goes out.

2) 打闸。

2) Put the emergency button manually.

3) 自动主气门、调速气门应关闭,倾听汽轮发电机组转动部分声音正常。

4) 检查各径向轴承温度 <65℃ ,推力轴承温度 <60℃ ,检查各轴承回油温度

润滑油温在 35~45℃。

4) Check temperature of each radial bearing <85℃, the temperature of thrusting

bearing <85℃; check the turning temperature of each bearing <65℃; check
the vibration and oil flow of each bearing are normal; especially check and
adjust the input lubricant temperature of oil cooler is 35~45℃。

5) 检查低压缸喷水电磁阀确已打开。

5) Check the spouting electromagnetic valve of LP casingis opened.

6) 检查低压缸排汽温度<70℃。

6) Check the extraction temperature of LP casing <70 ℃.DEH-CRT 和就地检查 7)


7) DEH-CRT and check out on the spot:


The eccentricity of rotor<0.03mm;


Vibration of rotor<0.03mm;


Axial displacement<±0.9mm;


The absolute expansion of steam casing indicates normally.

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The temperature difference between the up and down part of the HIP


The degree of superheat of the main steam ≥50℃;


The temperature difference deep and shallow hole thermal electric coupling in
steam chamber is normal.

汽轮机检查无异常,重新挂闸,升速维持 500 rpm,低速暖机 5min 进行全面检


The steam turbine is checked normally, and put the emergency button again;
keep accelerating 500 rpm, warming upat low speed 5min and check

(3) 暖机、升速中注意事项:

(3) Noticeable items in the process of warming upand accelerating

1) 转速升至 500rpm 时。注意机组振动、声音、胀差等。

2) 在升 速过程中, 如至 共振 区自 动提 高 速率 冲 过共振 区 ,速 率 可最高 达 到


3) 在升速过程中如需保持,则可按“保持”按钮。注意:在叶片共振区不允许停

3) If it need keeping in the process of accelerating, press the button “keep”.

Notice: it is forbidden to stay at blade resonance region。

4) 在初启动时,暖机期间不采用汽轮机自动调节(ATC)程序。

4) On the beginning of start-up, the automatic adjusting (ATC) program of steam

turbine is not adopted during heating.

5) 检查汽机本体及有关管道疏水应畅通,无水击及振动现象。

5) Check that the draining of the proper part of steam turbine and its related pipe
should be unblocked; there are no water beating and vibration.

6) 注意新蒸汽参数的变化情况应和启动曲线偏离不大。

6) Notice that the variety of the live steam parameter is not off the start curve too

7) 汽缸各点应膨胀均匀,轴向位移、相对膨胀正常。

7) Each point of steam casing should expand symmetrically. The axial

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displacement and comparative expansion are normal.

8) 汽轮机各点金属温度、温升、温差不应超限。

8) The temperature, temperature rising and temperature difference of each point

of steam turbine should not exceed the limit.

(4) 升速至 1350rpm。

(4) Accelerate to 1350rpm

1) 给出速率 100rpm/min,目标转速 1350rpm,按下“进行”按钮,转速设定值会

以给定的速率上升到给定的目标值 1350rpm。

1) Give the velocity 100rpm/min and the aim rotating speed 1350rpm, and press
button “carry out”, the set value of rotating speed will accelerate to the given
aim value 1350rpm according to the given velocity.

2) GV 逐步开启,转速逐步上升。

2) Start GV gradually, and the rotating speed rises gradually.

3) 当 转 速 达 到 1350rpm 时 。 检 查 各 监 测 仪 表 读 数 是 否 正 常 , 各 轴 承 振 动

3) When the rotating speed reaches to 1350rpm, check if the value of each
monitoring instrument is normal, the vibration of each bearing < 0.03mm, and
the heating, or the reasons should be found, delay the warming uptime and try
to eliminate.

(5) 升速至 2300rpm。

(5) Accelerate to 2300rpm.

1) 输入目标转速为 2300rpm,设定升速率 100rpm/min,按下“进行”按钮。

1) Input the aim rotating speed is 2300rpm, the set accelerating rate is
100rpm/min, and then press “carry out”.

2) GV 逐步开大,转速逐步上升。在临界区域自动以 400rpm/min 升速率升过。

2) Open the TV gradually and the rotating speed rises gradually.

3) 当 DEH-CRT 显示“转速”2300rpm 时“进行”灯 灭。进行中速暖机。

3) When the DEH-CRRT indicates the “rotating” is 2300rpm, the light “carry out”
goes out.

4) 汽轮机在整个升速过程中应加强对汽轮机各部的检查与调整,转速在越临界及
叶片共振区时,升速率会自动加快,若在升速过程中汽轮机控制参数接近上限 ,
切注意机组振动情况,各轴承振小于 0.10mm,否则打闸停机,查明原因,处

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通过临界转速时,轴承振动不应超过 0.10mm 或轴振动不超过 0.20mm,否则
楚听到异音,禁止投入连续盘车,应以手动盘车方式每 30min 盘 180 度。待

4) Pay more attention to the inspection and adjustment of all components of

turbine during the whole speeding up period. When rotating speed becomes
bigger than critical value and blade resonance region, the increasing speed
rate will be increased automatically. If turbine control parameters become
nearly the high limit during speed up period and it is necessary to warm up
turbine, press button “maintain” but it is not allowed to maintain rotating
speed in resonance region and operation stuff should pay attention to
vibration of turbine. All the bearing vibration should be less than 0.10mm. If it
is not like this, latch off turbine and find out the reason. Start turbine again
after the problem is solved. The shaft rotating speed of turbine-generator
should not be maintained during becoming bigger than critical value. It
should be fast and stable to become bigger than critical value. During this
period, the bearing vibration should not be bigger than 0.25mm or else stop
turbine-generator immediately. Put the continuous turning gear into service
immediately when the rotor becomes static. Pay attention to whether there is
current changes of turning gear and check the shaft bending value. Find out
the reason when start again. If the idling time is shortened obviously and the
noisy is clearly heard, put the continous turning gear into service is
forbidden. Manually turing gear should be used. Turning 180 degrees every
30 minutes. Put continous turning gear into service after the shaft becomes
straight. After the chief engineer agrees to start, start turbine.

5) 中速以下,机组轴承不应超过 0.10mm,超过时应设法消除,大轴振动不超过

5) Under the medium speed, the unit bearing shall not be over than 0.10mm, if
exceeds, it shall be eliminated by some ways, the vibration of big axle shall
not be over than 0.015mm, latch off the turbine immediately and put the
turning gear into service. Reduce the rotating speed to deal with the vibration
problem is forbidden.

6) 检查汽缸膨胀左右偏差<1mm,高中压胀差不超过+5mm,推力瓦块温度不超
过 90℃,检查高排逆止门应开启。

6) Check to make sure that the casing expansion should be less than 1mm.
The LP and MP differential expansion should be less than +5mm. The thrust
pad temperature should be less than 90℃. Check to ensure that the high
extraction check valve is open.

7) 汽轮机各部进行全面检查一次。检查进汽温度及蒸汽室内壁温度符合要求。

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
7) Check each part of steam turbine completely. Check the temperature of the
input steam and the inner wall of the steam chamber is up to the requirement.

8) 冷油器油温达 40℃,投入冷油器冷却水;发电机进风温度达 30℃,投入发电


8) The oil temperature of the oil cooler reaches to 40℃, operate cool water of oil
cooler; the temperature of input air of the generator reaches 30℃, operate the
generator air cooler.

(6) 升速至 3000rpm

(6) Accelerate the rotating speed to 3000rpm

1) 输入目标转速为 3000 rpm,输入升速率 50rpm/min,按下“进行”按钮。

1) After the finish of valve switching, input the aim rotating speed is 3000 rpm and
the accelerating rate is 100rpm/min, and then press “carry out”

2) GV 逐步开启,转速逐步上升到 2850rpm 时注意调速气门动作情况。

2) Open GV gradually, and the rotating speed rises gradually.

3) 当 DEH-CRT 显示“转速”3000rpm 时“进行”灯 灭。

3) When the DEH-CRT indicates “rotating speed” 3000rpm, the light “carry out”
goes out.

4) 机组 3000rpm 暖机,进行全面检查。注意润滑油压各轴承油压值。

4) Warming up when the unit is 3000rpm and check completely. Notice the lube oil
pressure and the oil pressure value of all bearings.

(7) 定速后相关操作

(7) Relevant operations after fixing the speed

1) 定速后根据需要进行自动主气门、调速气门严密性试验、危急注油试验、超速

1) Carry out the filling oil test of steam turbine emergency protector according to
the requirement after fixing the speed.

2) 确认润滑油压、安全油压、油温正常;各轴承回油温度应小于 65℃。全面检查

2) Make sure the lube oil pressure, safety oil pressure and oil temperature be
normal. The return oil temperature of all the bearings dhould be less than 65
℃. After the thorough inspection is normal, inform the shift leader and
disconnect the generator. 机组并网带初负荷 Synchronization and on initial load of the unit

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(1) 机组并网

(1) Synchronization of the unit

1) 机组具备并列条件,汇报值长;当转速达到 2950-3050r/min 时,DEH可进入

自动同步方式,接电气通知按下 DEH 盘上自动同步键,AS 灯亮。DEH接受

1) Report to the shifter when the unit has the paralleling condition; when the
rotating speed reaches to 2950-3050r/min, DEH can enter the AS way, press
the automatic step key on DEH when has notice of the electric operators, and
then AS light is lighted. DEH accept the connecting signal sent by automatic
stepper to adjust the rotating speed automatically.

2) 机组并网后,按照冷态滑参数启动曲线以 1MW/min 升负荷率升至 5.6mw,然后

在该负荷下运行 20~30 分钟进行暖机,再逐步带至 100%额定负荷。

2) After the synchronization of unit, raise the load to be 5.6mw by the load raising
rate of 1MW/min according to the startup curve of cold status sliding
parameters, then operate for 20~30 min for warming up under this load, then
operate to 100% rated load.

3) 根据负荷,在 DEH 操作盘上投入“功率反馈回路”,投入后,设定值会与实际


3) According to the load, drive “the power feedback circuit” on DEH operating
plate, then the set value will be equal to the actual power value.

4) 联系值长投入机跳炉保护,投入低真空保护,投入发电机主保护。

4) Contact the shifter operates the furnace fluctuating protection, the low vacuum
protection and the main protection of generator.

(2) 初负荷暖机期间的检查与操作:

(2) The heck and operation during the primary load warming up

1) 在初负荷稳定运行 20~30min,主汽温升率小于 1.5℃/min。

1) During the primary load operates 20~30min stably, raising rate of main steam
temperature shall be less than 1.5℃/min.

2) 检查低压缸排汽真空-0.083MPa 以上,若高压缸进汽温度超限适当增加负荷。

2) Check that the exhaust vacuum of the LP casing is above -0.08MP; if the
temperature of the input steam of the HP casing exceeds the limit, the load
should be enhanced properly.

3) 检查汽轮机振动、差胀、缸胀,轴向位移及各轴承金属温度和回油温度正常,

3) Check the vibration, differential expansion, casing expansion, axial

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displacement and the temperature of the metal of each bearing and return oil
are normal, the lubricant oil pressure is normal; the temperature difference on
the up and low wall of steam casing is normal.

4) 凝结水质合格后送至除氧器,除氧器水位控制投“自动”。

4) Fill the condensing water to the deaerator when the quality of the condensing
water is eligible. The control of the water level of the deaerator operates

5) 检查发电机定子铁芯,线圈温度正常。

5) Check the core of the stator, and the temperature of the winding is normal.

6) 初负荷暖机结束,检查汽轮机缸胀正常无卡涩现象。

6) After the finish of the heating, check the casing expansion of the steam turbine
is normal and without blocking. 机组升负荷 Load raising of the unit

1) 升负荷至 56MW10%负荷。

1) Raise the load to 56MW10% load.

2) 初负荷暖机结束,检查汽轮机缸胀正常无卡涩现象。

2) After the finish of the heating, check the casing expansion of the steam turbine is
normal and without blocking.

3) 锅 炉 以 0.082MPa/min 的 升 压 率 , 主 汽 温 以 小 于 1.5℃/min 升 温 率 , 负 荷 以
0.45MW/min,最大为 0.5MW/min 的升负荷率,按照冷态启动曲线进行。

3) The boiler carries out according the cold start-up curve with the following conditions:
the pressure rising rate is 0.082MPa/min; the temperature rising rate of the main
steam is 1.78℃/min; the load rising rate is 0.69MW/min, and the max. is

4)设目标负荷 5.6MW(10%), 设升负荷率 0.5MW/min,按“进行”键。

4) Set the aim load be 5.6MW(10%) and the load rising rate is 0.5MW/min, then press
the key “carry out”.

5) 当负荷升至 5.6MW(10%),汽压 3.0 MPa,主汽温 350℃。

5) When the load raises to 5.6MW(10%), the steam pressure is 3.0 MPa, and the
temperature of the main steam is 350℃.

6) 根据负荷变化建议曲线升负荷,当功率反馈不投入时,功率设定值与实际功率不相

在负荷达到 15%额定功率,低压缸排汽温度低于 65℃时,喷水退出工作,在负荷达

到 25%(14MW)额定功率时疏水阀也应关闭。

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当 ADS 负荷信号接近实际功率(偏差小于 3MW)时, DEH 可进入 ADS(自动调
度)方式,此时负荷根据 ADS 信号变化,最高负荷率为 10MW/min。

6) Increase load according to suggesting load change curve. When power feed back is
not put, the set value of power does not match with that of the real power, when
feedback of power is put, the two values matches.

When load increases to 15% of the rated power and the exhaust temperature in LP
casing is lower than 65℃, stop the water works. When load increases to
25%(14MW) of the rated power, valve of drain water should be closed.

When load signal of ADS reaches real power(deviation is less than 3MW), DEH can
change into ADS(auto adjust) mode, load changes according to ADS signal, the
maximum load is 10MW/min

7) 设定负荷目标值 12MW(20%),设定升负荷率 0.5MW/min,按“进行”键。

7) Set load object value to be 12MW(20%), load rising rate 0.5MW/min, press “start”.

8) 主蒸汽温度 400℃以上,确认负荷增至 30%额定负荷。

8) Temperature of main steam is above 400℃. Make sure load increases to 30% of
the rated load.

9) 当负荷达 10MW 时,检查低压缸喷水阀自动关闭,否则手动关闭。三抽压力>0.19

MPa 时,开启三抽至除氧器电动门,关闭厂用母管至除氧器电动门,打开三抽至厂

9) When load reaches 10MW(, make sure the water valve of LP casing has been
closed automatically, if not, close it manually. When pressure of extraction stage
three is above 0.19Mpa, make sure the electrically operated valves from extraction
stage three to deaerator open, electrically operated valves from industry main pipes
to deaerator close, open the pneumatic valves from extraction stage three to main

10)确认在负荷增至 25%额定负荷时,疏水门关闭。

10 ) Make sure when load increases to 25% of the rated load, stop of drain water

11)当给水流量>100t/h,省煤器入口给水旁路调节阀开度达到 90%,汽包水位控制信号

11)When feed water flow is more than 100t/h, the opening degree of feedwater bypass
control valve of economizer inlet should reantrol to rotation speed control.

12)当#2 高加汽侧压力高于除氧器压力 0.02MPa,,将高加疏水倒至除氧器。

12) When the pressure of #2 HP heater steam side pressure is 0.02MPa bigger than
deaerator pressure, make the HP heater drain water go to deaerator.

13)给水泵流量>200t/h 时,确认给水泵再循环电动门自动关闭,否则,手动关闭。

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13)When feed water flow of pump is more than 200t/h, make sure recirculation electric
valve of feed water pump closes automatically, or close it manually.

14)负荷升至 56MW 时,蒸汽参数应符合主汽压 8.83MPa,主汽温 535℃。

14 ) When load increases to 56MW, steam parameter should match with pressure of
main steam of 8.83Mpa, temperature 535℃.

15)从初负荷暖机后至 100%负荷,负荷达到额定值的时间控制在 220min。

15)From initial load machine warming to 100% load, the time period of load reaching
rated value should within 220min.

15)主蒸汽压力达额定值后,根据情况在 DEH 操作盘投入汽轮机“主蒸汽压力控制”、


15 ) When pressure of main steam reaches rated value, put “main steam pressure
control” of steam turbine, high load limit, low load limit, valve level limit in DEH
according to real condition.


16)Putting conditions of “ main steam pressure control” of steam turbine.


17)Synchronization of unit of steam turbine and generator.

18)高压汽门累计升程大于 20%;

18)Accumulated rising degree of HP steam valve is more than 20%.


19)Real value of main steam pressure should be higher than set value.


20)Unit is in “Auto” mode.

21)输入负荷目标值 55MW,升负荷率 1.0MW/min,按“进行”键。

21)Objective value of input load: 56MW Load rising rate: 1.0MW/min Press “start”

22)负荷升至 56MW 以上,达到额定参数,可将阀门控制方式由“节流调节”切换至

(注意机组振动情况,新投产机组“节流调节”运行 6 个月后,方可切换为“顺序

22)When load increases above 56MW and reaches rated parameter, the control mode
of valve can be switched from “throttling control” to “ sequence valve control" (pay
attention to the vibration of the unit. To the newly adopted unit, “sequence valve
control” mode can only be switched after “ s*** control” mode adopting six months.

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23)继续升负荷至 56MW,全面检查,将检查结果汇报值长。

23 ) Continue to increase load to 56MW, make an overallinspection and report the

results to shift leader. 机组升负荷中注意事项 Precautions during the load adding process of the unit

1) 除有特殊需要外(如发电机电气试验)汽轮机一般不应长时间空转运行,在空转时,
应注意检查排汽温度不超 80℃,当排汽温度升至 80℃时,应向汽缸喷水减温。

1) The turbine should not be in operation without load, except for the special needs
(such as the electrical test of the generator). When under no load operation, check
the exhaust temperature should not exceed 80℃.If reaching 80℃, decrease the
temperature by spraying water to the casing.

2) 机组并列后,按 DEH 装置“控制设定值”按钮,给定目标负荷和增负荷率,按下列


2) After the parallelization of the unit, press the CONTROL THE SET VALUE button of
the DEH device to give the target load and load adding rate. Warm up the unit
according to the following specifications:

3) 机组并列后应及时调整汽封压力凝结器水位除氧器水位,并在带负荷达 14MW 时,

3) After the parallelization of the unit, adjust the steam seal pressure, condensate
water lavel and deaerator water level in time. When the unit is on 14MW load, close
the drain valves of the main steam pipe, lead pipe, governing valve and casing.

4) 真空稳定后,联系热控人员投入低真空保护。

4) After the vacuum is stable, contact the I&C personnel to put the low vacuum
protection into operation.

5) 当负荷增加到 20MW 时,可关闭凝结水再循环门。

5) When the load is added to 20 MW, close the recirculating valve of the condensate

6) 点击凝结水至除氧器调节水门,将其投入自动,保持除氧器正常水位。

6) Click the water governing valve from the condensate water to the deaerator and put
it into automatic operation and keep the normal water level of the deaerator.

7) 当三段抽汽压力高于除氧器压力 0.02~0.03MPa 时,可投入三段抽汽供除氧器,开


7) When the third extraction pressure is higher than that of the deaerator, put the third
extraction into operationor the deaerator. Open the third extraction for the
electrically operated valve of deaerator.

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8) 关闭各段抽汽管道疏水门,关闭疏水膨胀箱冷却水门。

8) Close the drain valves of all the extraction pipes and close the cooling water valve
of the drain flash tank.

9) 在整个带负荷暖机过程中,应经常监视汽缸各部温度、温差、油温、油压、油位、

9) During the whole warming up and on load process, temperature, termperature

difference, oil temperature, oil level, vibration, thermal expansion, expansion
differential, axial displacement of turbine, and bearing temperature (including the
thrust bearing block temperature), vibration, temperature of generator shold be

2.2.4 机组温态的启动

2.2.4 Warm-state Starup of the Unit 启动前的准备工作: Preparation work before startup:
1) 启动前的准备工作同冷态启动。
1) Preparation work before startup and cold state startup.
2) 冲转前盘车连续运行 4 小时以上,大轴偏心小于 0.03mm。
2) Continuous running of turning gear for more than fours hours before turbine rolling,
eccentricity of main shaft should less than 0.03mm。
3) 抽真空时,应先向轴封送汽,再抽真空。(注意胀差值)
3) When vacuum extracting, feed steam to gland seal first.
4) 在冲转至初负荷期间,应要求锅炉尽量控制汽温、汽压稳定。
4) Between period of turbine rolling and initial load, a stable temperature and pressure
of team is required.
5) 差胀在-2~+3mm 范围内,上下缸温差≯50℃。
5) Differential expansion is within -2 ~ +3mm, temperature difference between upper
casing and lower casing should not more than 51℃。

6) 润滑油温应维持在 35℃以上。

6) The lube oil temperature should maintain above 35℃.

7) 锅炉点火前,抽真空至 30Kpa 以上,通知锅炉点火,并逐渐投入旁路系统。

7) Before ignition of boiler, make the vacuum become above 30Kpa. Notice the
boiler operator to start ignition and put the bypass system into service grade by

8) 在锅炉点火后,冲转前,主蒸汽压力一般不得超过 3.0MPa,凝汽器真空一般保持

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项 目 温 态 热 态 备 注
Project Warm state Hot state Remarks
Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
Temperature of 极热态同热态
inner wall metal 150℃~300℃
Super hot state and hot
of adjusting Above 400℃
stage in upper
part of HP/IP
度高 50℃~100℃ 比调节级内壁金属温
度高 50℃~100℃
新蒸汽温度 50℃~100℃ higher 有 55℃以上的过热度
Temperature of than that of the 50℃~100℃ higher Super heating degree must
live steam inner wall metal of than that of the inner be higher than 55℃
adjusting stage wall metal of
adjusting stage

在 0.053MPa 左右。

The biggest 100 r.min-1/min 450 r.min-1/min 450r.min/min
accelerating rate
Turbine rolling to 40 min 30 min 25min
full speed time

8) After the ignition and before rolling, generally the main steam pressure should
not be bigger than 3.0MPa and the condenser vacuum should be kept about
0.053MPa. 冲转参数选择及升速时间: parameter of turbine rolling and time of speed up.

1) 主蒸汽压力≥3.0MPa,进气温度高于调速级金属温度,且保证有 50℃以上的过热度。真空应大
1) Pressure of main steam should be no less than 3.0MPa,and super heating degree of over 50℃
should be ensured. Vacuum pressure should be more than -0.076MPa。
2) 热态启动时,选择允许范围内蒸汽参数,原则上是低压高温,以最大程度减少蒸汽
在高压调门处的节流损失,有足够的质量流量对高温、高压部件加热和末级 长叶片
2) When start up in hot state, select steam parameter in accepted range, in principle,
high temperature with low pressure, so as to reduce throttling loss in HP valve and
ensure sufficient mass flow to cool the components with high temperature and the
long final stage blade.

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3) 冲转后即可全关真空破坏门,提高凝汽器真空。

3) Fully close the vacuum breaking valve after rolling to increase the vacuum of

4) 半热态启动 15~20min 升至全速,热态启动 10~15min 升至全速,温态最大升速率

300r/min,热态最大长速率 500r/min。将转速升至 3000r/min,全面检查记录正常后,
4) Increase to the full speed after half-hot state startup for 15 to 20 min. Increase to the
full speed after hot state startup for 10-15 min. The warm state maximum increasing
speed rate is 300r/min. The hot state maximum increasing speed rate is 500r/min.
After increasing the rotating speed to 3000r/min and inspecting fully and there is no
problems, notice the electrical operator to synchronize. According to the warm and
hot state startup parameters curve(refer to appendix II) to increase the speed and
load. The rolling and the synchronization operation is the same with cold state
startup operation procedures.
5) 冲转并列操作同冷态启动操作步骤。
5) Operation steps of turbine rolling parallel and cold state startup. 根据冲转参数由温热态启动曲线决定升速率,进行初负荷暖机。 speed accelerating rate is decided by curve of hot state startup according to turbine
rolling parameter, make machine warming in initial load,
1) 机组带上 25%负荷后,应尽快以 1.5MW/min 的速率平稳地加负荷,直至与调节级
1) When unite carries 25% load, increase load smoothly at 1.5MW/min until
temperature matches with that of the upper inner wall of adjusting stage,
temperature of casing should not get down.
2) 增加负荷时应注意汽缸温升、差胀、轴向位移,密切注意机组振动及汽缸膨胀。
2) During load accelerating, pay attention to temperature rising of casing, differential
expansion, axial displacement, in addition, watch closely the vibration of unit and
expansion of casing.
3) 完成与冷态启动相同的其它操作。
3) Complete other operations the same as that of cold state startup.

2.2.5 机组温态,热态,极热态启动除遵守下列规定外,其余按冷态启动规定执行

2.2.5 In addition to abide by the following regulations during the warm-state, hot-state
and extreme-hot state startup, the other operations should be carried out
according to the cold-state startup regulations.

1) 热态启动,除按冷态起动的有关规定外,遵守下列规定及注意事项:
1) Excepting following the regulations of cold state startup, the following regulations
and notices should be followed:
2) 在盘车投入状态下,先向轴封送汽,然后起动水环真空泵抽真空,向轴封送汽时应

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2) After turning gear has been put, feed steam to gland seal first, then start up water-
ring vacuum pump to do vacuum extraction, sufficient drainage should be done
when feeding steam to gland seal. Increase the temperature of gland seal to make
steam temperature close to that of the surface of gland seal, the temperature
difference with HP gland seal cooper should not be more than ±30℃, so as to avoid
cooling of shaft neck when sending gland seal and avoid curving of main shaft.
3) 冷油器出油温度应维持较高一些,一般不低于 40℃。
3) Oil from oil cooler should be higher, no lower than 40℃。
4) 为了防止自动主汽门及调速汽门不严密,引起汽轮机自动冲转或高温部件受冷却,
4) In order to prevent cooling of auto turbine rolling and components with high
temperature , which cased by looseness of auto main stop valve and speed control
valve, the pressure of vacuum of condenser and main steam should not be
maintaining too high.
5) 冲转时,真空维持偏高一点,一般 60kPa 左右,进气温度高于调速级处金属温度
5) The vacuum should be maintained reletavly high, about 60kPa, during rolling. The
steam inlet temperature should be 50℃ bigger than the mental temperature of
speed control stage.
6) 由于自动主汽门、调速汽门、导汽管等部件停机后冷却较快,因此起动时应注意机
6) As components like auto main stop valve, speed control valve and steam delivery
pipes cool fast after shutdown, pay attention to vibration of unit when startup.
7) 在增加负荷过程中,应密切注意高中压汽缸与转子相对膨胀的变化,若胀差增大应
7) During process of load accelerating, close attention should be paid to the changes
of the relative expansion between HP/IP casings and rotors

8) 其余按冷态启动规定执行

8) The other operations should be carried out according to the cold-state startup


9) Specifications about the warming up with load

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负 荷 增 负 荷 率 时间(min) 主汽温(℃) 主汽压(MPa)

( MW (MW/min)

Load ( Load raising Time Main steam Main steam
MW) rate temperature ( ℃ pressure(MPa)
(min) )

2 20 400 3.0

2~5 0.5 6

5 20 400 3.0

5~12 0.5 14

12 20

12~50 1 40 汽温汽压均匀缓慢提高
The temperature and pressure are increased
evenly and slowly.

2.3 机组正常运行调整及维护

2.3 Normal Operation Adjustment and Maintenance of the Unit

2.3.1 机组正常运行中监视及调整

2.3.1 Mornitoring and Adjustment During the Normal Operation of the Unit

允 许
序号 项目 单位 正常值 变 化 备注

No. Item Unit Normal value chang Notes

56 +
1 负荷 MW 额定负荷

56 +
1 Load MW Rated load

2 主蒸汽 压力 MPa 8.83 +0.5~


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8.83 +0.5~
Pressure MPa

535 +5~
温度 ℃
Main steam --15

535 +5~
Temperature ℃

流量 T/H 206.6 额定负荷

Flow T/H 206.6 Rated load

----- 最
压力 MPa 大 : 绝对压力
调节级 6.941
3 Governing Max.
stage Pressure MPa Absolute pressure

温度 ℃ -----

Temperature ℃

排汽 压力 MPa 0.0084 绝对压力

4 Steam 0.0084
Pressure MPa Absolute pressure

5 凝结水温度 ℃ 40

Condensate water 40
5 ℃

6 给水温度 ℃ 217

6 Feedwater temperature ℃ 217

压力 MPa 0.58
7 Pressure MPa 0.58
温度 ℃ 158

Temperature ℃ 158

<0.6 ±1.2
8 轴向位移 Mm

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<0.6 ±1.2
8 Axial displacement Mm shutd

+3.5~-0.5 +5~-2
9 胀差 Mm

+3.5~-0.5 +5~-2
9 Expansion differential Mm shutd

1.13 ≮0.8
10 调速油压 MPa

1.13 ≮0.8
10 Governing oil pressure MPa

压力 MPa 0.12~0.16 ≮0.8

11 润滑油 Pressure MPa 0.12~0.16 ≮0.8

温度 ℃ 40 ±5

Temperature ℃ 40 ±5

0~-460 -460
12 主油箱油位 Mm

0~-460 -
12 Main oil tank oil level Mm

13 凝汽器水位 Mm 400~800

13 Water level of condenseer Mm 400`800

2000 2000~ 表计指示值

14 除氧器水位 Mm

2000 2000~ Value indicated by

14 Water level of deaerator Mm
2200 meters

15 径向轴承钨金温度 ℃ 60~80 <90

Axial bearing metal 60~80 <90

15 ℃

50~60 < 65
16 径向轴承回油温度 ℃ 75 停

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50~60 < 65
Radial bearing return oil 75
16 ℃
temperature shutd

17 推力轴承钨金温度 ℃ 60~80 <90

Metal temperature of thrust 60~80 <90

17 ℃

18 推力轴承回油温度 ℃ 50~60 <65

Return oil temperature of 50~60 <65

18 ℃
thrust bearing

发电机风温 入口 ℃ 25-35 40

19 Air temperature inlet ℃ 25-35 40

of generator 出口 ℃ 45-55 <60

outlet ℃ 45-55 <60

30 最 大
20 循环水温度 ℃

30 Max.3
20 Circulating water temperature ℃

21 凝汽器循环水出、入口温差 ℃ 8~10

Inlet and outlet temperature 8~10

21 difference circulating water of ℃

22 凝汽器端差 ℃ 6~8

22 End difference of condenser ℃ 6~8

23 凝结水过冷度 ℃ <2

Supercooling degree of ℃ <2
condensate water

#4 低加水温 入口 ℃ 随负荷变化

Water Inlet ℃ Vary with the load

24 temperature
出口 ℃ 随负荷变化
of #4 LP

outlet ℃ Vary with the load

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#5 低加水温 入口 ℃ 随负荷变化

Water Inlet ℃ Vary with the load

25 temperature
of #5 LP 出口 ℃

Outlet ℃ Vary with the load

#6 低加水温 入口 ℃ 随负荷变化

Water Inlet ℃ Vary with the load

26 temperature
of #6 LP 出口 ℃

Outlet ℃ Vary with the load

27 轴封供汽压力 MPa 0.118-0.129

Steam supply pressure of the 0.118-0.129

27 MPa
shaft seal

28 凝结水含氧量 Μg/L 40

Oxygen content in the 40

28 Μg/L
condensate water

29 凝结水硬度 Μg/L 1

Hardness of the condensate 1

29 Μg/L

30 除氧水含氧量 Μg/L 40

Oxygen content in the 40

30 μg/L
deoxygenated water

31 电动机外皮温度 ℃ <65 温升<40

Outer surface temperature of <65 Temperature raising

31 ℃
motor <40

32 泵、电机滑动轴承温度 ℃ <80 温升<45

Sliding beraring temperasture <80 Temperature raising

32 ℃
of pumps and motor <45

33 泵、电机滚动轴承温度 ℃ <100 温升<45

Rolling bearing temperature <100 emperature raising<

33 ℃
of pumps and motor 45

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34 主机轴承垂直振动值

Vertical vibration value of <

main unit bearing 0.05

35 高加水位 Mm 200~300

35 Water level of HP heater Mm 200~300

36 低加水位 Mm 200~300

36 Water level of LP heater Mm 200~300

37 轴封加热器水位 mm 50~100

Water level of gland seal 50~100

37 mm

38 辅助油箱油位 mm 1500~2000

Oil level of the auxiliary oil 1500~2000

38 mm


Maintenance during the normal opertation of the unit:

1) 每小时对机组巡检一次,在巡视时应特别注意各轴承的油温、油流和振动情况,发

1) Check the unit once an hour. During the inspection, pay special attention to the oil
temperature of bearing, oil flow and vibration condition, operation conditions of
generator and the tightness condition of steam, water, and oil system, in order to
take strict precautions against fire due to oil leakage.

2) 注意对机组进行听音检查,在工况变化时以及在交接班时必须听音。

2) Notice to carry out sound detection of the unit. During the changes of working
condition and the shift over, the sound must be detected.

3) 在运行中注意监督汽机各监视段的压力不得越限,并在同类工况下与机组设计相比,

3) Pay attention to monitor that the pressure of each monitoring section should not
exceed the limit during the operation. Under the similar working condition and
compared with clean state, find out and monitor the scaling condition of the flow

4) 机组允许的负荷变动率

4) The allowable load changing rate of the unit

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a)从 100%~50%MCR 不大于 5%/min

a)From 100%~50%MCR no more than 5%/min

b)从 50%~20%MCR 不大于 3%/min

b)From 50%~20%MCR no more than 3%/min

5) 回热系统应经常投入运行,加热器出口水温应经常符合设计数值。运行中注意监视
各加热器水位,水位指示应在水位计的 1/3~3/4 刻度范围内。

5) The generative system should be put into operation usually, water tempweature at
the outlet of the heatershould meet the design value. During the operation, pay
attention to monitor the water level of heaters and the water indication should be
within 1/3~3/4 of water gauge scale.

6) 注意检查各转动辅机的运转情况,如凝结水泵、真空泵、闭式冷泵、给水泵等。各
轴承振动值不超过 0.05mm,滚动轴承温度不超 80℃,电机温度不超过 75℃,稀油

6) Pay attention to check the operation condition of the rotating auxiliary equipment,
like condensate water pump, vacuum pump, closed cooling water pump, and feed-
water pump, etc. The vibration value of bearing should not exceed 0.05mm, rolling
bearing temperature should not be over 80℃, and the motor temperature is not
over 75℃. When lubricating with the thin oil, check the oil level should be normal
and the oil meets the requirement.

7) 按定期切换制度的规定,进行辅助设备的切换。

7) Exchange the auxiliary equipment, according to the periodical exchange rules.

8) 每日对自动主汽门进行门杆活动试验,将门杆关回再开启,如机组经常带固定负荷
法:按下“TV”(主汽门)按扭,再按下“试验“按钮,主汽门自动关到 90%开度,

8) Carry out valve stem test to the automatic main stop valve, pull the valve stem and
then pull it back. If the unit is on fixed load, change the load massively once daily to
stop the blockage of valve stem of governing valve. The method of activating the
valve stem: press the TV (main stop valve) button, then press the TEST button and
then the main stop valve will be 90﹪ opened. Then press the CONCEL button, the
main stop valve will be opened again.

9) 按定期试验规定进行低油压、真空严密度和抽汽逆止阀活动试验,进行真空严密度
试验时,应保持在大约 80%额定负荷下,当空气门严密关闭时,每分钟真空降落速
度不应超过 3~7hPa。

9) Carry out the low oil pressure, vacuum tightness test and extraction check valve test
according to the periodical test requlations. While carrying out the vacuum tightness
test, keep the load be 80﹪ of the rated load. When the air valve is closed tightly, the

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vacuum dropping speed per min should not over 3-7hpa.

10) 每周一白班对机组轴承振动进行实测一次,应使用准确的振动表,测量汽轮发电机

10) Measure the bearing vibration of the unit once on daytime duty of Monday. The
precise vibrometer should be used to measure the vibration condition in three
directions of the bearing and record in the special log. The vibration value should
meet the excellent state and the qualified at least.

优等 <0.02mm(双倍振幅,下同)

Excellent <0.02mm (double-amplitude,the same to the following)

良好 <0.03mm

Good <0.03mm

合格 <0.05mm

Qualified <0.05mm

2.3.2 汽机运行参数及限额

2.3.2 Turbine Operation Parameters and Limit

1) 机组负荷 60MW

1) Load of the unit 60MW

2) 主汽压力 9.27MPa

2) Main steam pressure 9.27Mpa

3) 主汽温度 543℃

3) Main steam temperature 543℃

4) 主汽流量 227t/h

4) Main steam flow 227t/h

5) 轴向位移﹢1.0﹣1.2mm

5) Axial displacement 1.2mm

6) 润滑油压 0.12~0.16MPa 停机 0.06MPa

6) Lube oil pressure 0.12~16Mpa, shut down:0.06MPa

7) 轴瓦回油温度 75℃

7) Bearing return oil temperature 75℃

8) 机组转速 3360r/min

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8) Rotary speed of the unit 3360 r/min

9) 真空≥0.0197MPa

9) Vacuum ≥0.0197Mpa

10) 临界振动值 0.08mm

10) Critical vibration value 0.08mm

2.3.3 机组协调控制系统(CCS)

2.3.3 Coordinated Control System of the Unit (CCS) 功能说明 Function specifivation

CCS 控制此时汽机负荷目标值受锅炉控制系统控制,在阀位限制和负荷限制动作时退出
CCS 方式,并产生保持指令。

The target value of the turbine load is controlled by the boiler control system, CCs mode
should exit when the valve position limit and the load limit act, and then the hold
command should be produced.

当满足以下条件,可由操作员投入 CCS 控制:

The CCS control can be put into service by operators if the following conditions are

接收到 CCS 请求信号;

Receive the request signal of CCS. 机组 CCS 控制方式投运

CCS 控制(锅炉自动)

CCS Control (Boiler Automatic)

当 DEH 条件满足时,如果收到 CCS 发出的“CCS PERM(CCS 控制请求)”信号,此时

操作“AUTO CONTROL(自动控制) ”画面上菜单中的“CCS CTL(CCS 控制)”按钮,
选择“投入”即可投入 CCS 控制,此时“CCS CTL(CCS 控制)”栏内显示“IN(投入)”,
在 CCS 控制方式下,DEH 根据 CCS 发出的指令来增减负荷。

当 DEH 工作在 CCS 方式时,再操作“AUTO CONTROL(自动控制) ”画面上菜单中的

“CCS CTL(CCS 控制) ” 按钮,选择 “OUT(切除)”,将切除 CCS 控制,此时“CCS
CTL(CCS 控制)”栏内显示“OUT(切除)”。

After DEH conditions are satisfied, the CCS CTL button on the menu of AUTO
CONTROL should be operated to select IN and CCS control is put into service when it
receives the signal of CCS PERM from CCS. Meanwhile, CCS CTL displays IN, and
DEH decreases or increases load according to commands sent by CCS on the CCS
control mode. When DEH is operating on CCS mode, the button of CCS CTL on the

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menu of AUTO CONTROL should be operated to select OUT, and CCS control will be
out of service, and meanwhile, CCS CTL displays OUT. DEH 负荷控制方式

1) 基本方式 (BASE)


1) General mode (BASE)

In this mode, main control of boiler and steam turbine is in the position of manual
control, both the loops of the electric power and steam pressure control are cut,
loads of boiler and steam turbine are set manually by the responding operator. The
unit can be switched to general mode if any of the following condition is satisfied:

2) 锅炉跟随方式(BF)


2) Mode of boiler following(BF)

In this modem, loop of electrical power control is cut, the pressure control loop
works automatically, the end load of steam turbine is manually controlled by
operator, steam pressure is controlled automatically by boiler.

3) 汽机跟随方式(TF)


3) Mode of steam turbine following(TF)

In this mode, loop of electric power control is cut, the pressure control loop works
automatically, end load of boiler is manually controlled by operator, steam pressure
is controlled automatically by end of steam turbine.




4) Mode of coordinative control (CCS)

In this mode, both the loops of electrical power control and the steam pressure
control work automatically, steam pressure is controlled by boiler end, electric power
is controlled automatically by steam turbine end, max/ minimum value can be by

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Boiler following, steam turbine following and coordinative control can be switched
without interference of the other two, the coordinative control is generally adopted. 机组正常运行的负荷调整

(1) 汽轮发电机组在并网运行时,为保证供电品质对电网频率的要求,一次调频功能自

(1) The primary frequency regulation function should be put into service to guarantee
the requirements of power supply quality for the grid when the turbine-generator unit
is synchronized and operating. When the unit speed is in dead range, the frequency
regulation given number is zero and the primary frequency regulation does not act.
The primary frequency acts when the speed is beyond the dead range.

(2) 一次调频功能投入条件:

(2) Condition for putting primary frequency function into service:

1) 转速信号无故障。

1) Speed signal normal

2) 通常为使机组承担合理的一次调频量,设置 DEH 的不等率及死区与液压调节系


2) In order to make the unit assuming reasonable primary frequency modulation

volume, the diversity factor of DEH and the diversity factor of the hydraulic
governing system are designged to be same as the delay rate.

3) 不等率在 3%~6%内可调,系统预设值为 4.5%;

3) The diversity factor can be adjustable between 3% and 6% and the setting
value of system is 4.5%.

4) 死区在 0 r/min~30r/min 内可调,系统预设值为 2r/min;

4) The dead area can be adjustable in the range of 0 r/min~30r/min, and system
setting value is 2r/min.

5) 死区范围为:3000±死区值。

5) The dead area range is 3000± dead range value 机组 RB 功能及控制 RB function of the unit and control

A 机组 RB 功能
A RB function of the unit

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1) 当发生部分主要辅机故障跳闸,使锅炉最大出力低于给定功率时,协调控制系
围内继续运行,该过程称为 RUNBACK(辅机故障减负荷,简称 RB)。RB 试验
的检验,是对控制系统性能和功能的检验。RB 功能的实现为机组在高度自动
1) When partial trip of the main auxiliary equipment happens, making the max.
Output less than the rated power, the coordinated control system will decrease
the load of the unit rapidly to the actual output that can be reached and keep
the unit in operation continuously under the allowable parameters. This process
is called the RUNBACK ( run back, short for RB). The purpose of the RB twst is
to check the adaptability of the unit and the control system under fault
conditions, check the operation capability of the unit under fault conditions, and
check the characteristics and functions of the control system. The realization of
RB provides safety to the unit under highly automatic operation mode.
2) 通常,RB 是指当锅炉重要辅助设备出现故障时,协调控制系统所采取的快速
的 快 速 甩 负 荷 控 制 策 略 则 称 为 Fast Cut Back ( 机 组 快 速 甩 负 荷 , 简 称
FCB)。FCB 比 RB 的控制策略更为复杂, 涉及到汽机调门的快关和高旁的控
制,协调控制系统所采取的控制方式也与 RB 不同,实现的难度更大。
2) Usually, RB refers to the rapid load reducing strategy of the coordinated control
system when the main auxiliary equipment of the boiler has faults. When faults
happened to the auxiliary equipment of the steam turbine or part of thewiring of
the generator, the rapid load shedding control measures of the unit adopted is
called Fast Cut Bck (short for FCB).FCB is more complicated than RB, which is
relevant to quick closing of the control valve of the turbine and control of the HP
by pass. The control mode of the coordinated control system is different from
that of RB, which is more difficult to achieve.
B 机组 RB 功能控制
B RB control of the unit
1) RB 控制策略主要由模拟量控制系统(MCS)和燃烧器管理系统(BMS)实现。
BMS 的任务是控制燃料量的投入,保证在低负荷运行期间的燃烧稳定。RB 发生后,
通常的做法是切除最上层燃料,跳闸 1~2 台(或层)磨煤机 (或给粉机),如果
需要投油稳燃,则 BMS 还将决定油枪投入的数量及方式。
1) RB control strategy of the unit can be reached mainly by Modulation Control
System (MCS) and burner management system (BMS). BMS is used to control
the input of the coal amount, ensuring a stable combustion under low load
operation condition. If RB occurs, the commonly adopted ways is to cut off the
upperest coal, trip one or two coal pulverizer (s) (or coal pulverizer feeder). If
needing to put oil for stability, then the BMS will decide the number and mode
of the oil gun in operation.
2) 在协调控制系统中,一般有以下几个特有的 RB 控制回路:机组最大出力计算、
制速率设定、RB 优先控制 (RB 优先迫升/迫降、禁止偏差切手动、汽机调门禁
2) In the coordinated control system, generally there are the following special RB
control loops: calculation of the maximum output of the unit, setting of the load

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order changing rate, changeover of the cocrdinated control mode, changeover
mode of the main steam pressure, setting of the decompression control rate,
RB priority control (run-up and run-down, it is forbidden to operate manually
due to deviation and open the control valve of the turbine.) and override control
of the closing of the desuperheater water control valve.
3) 汽轮机数字电液控制系统(DEH)在 RB 工况下一般担任协调控制系统的执行
级,对机前压力进行调节。辅机顺序控制系统 (SCS)则通过联锁保护逻辑,
实现 RB 时送/引风机、空预器的同侧联跳,以保证锅炉风烟系统的快速平衡,
避免由于炉膛压力保护动作引起锅炉 MFT。
3) The digital electrolhydraulic control system (DEH) of the turbine serves as the
execution stage of the coordinated control system, adjusting the pressure
before the turbine. Sequence control system of the auxiliary equipment (SCS)
is used to trip the induced draft fan, forced draft fan and air-preheater at the
same side , through interlock protection logic when RB happens, in order to
reach the rapid balance of boiler flue gas system and to avoid the MFT of boiler
due to activation of the furnace pressure protection. 调度远控控制方式 ADS control mode

1) 运行中功率控制宜采用 ADS(调度遥控)方式,即同操作人员按画面中的“控制”
方式按钮,弹出控制方式窗口,再按下“ADS”+“IN”(投入)按钮,即进入 ADS 控

1) During the operation , ADS is more favorable for the power control, namely, almost
the same as the operator presses the CONTROL button on the control panel
display, then a control mode window pops up, then press the ADS+IN (input)button,
then, the set value of the load will be controlled by the ADS.

2) 负荷控制的软手操

2) Soft manual operation of load control

OA(自动)转为 TM(手动)。按“GV”(调速汽门)的增减按钮,即可改变调速

During operation, if using manual control of the power mode, we can pressure TM
(soft manual operation) + IN (input) buttons on the control mode panel, (or press the
MANUAL button on the manual operation panel), then the control mode of OA
(automatic) will be changed into TM (manual). Press increasing and reducing button
of the GV (governing valve), the opening degree of the governing valve can be
changed, thus, the power can be changed.

3) 负荷控制切为自动

3) Changeover of load control into automatic control


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控制(CCS)、在进入调度远控控制方式 (ADS)。在带负荷阶段,运行人员可以将
DEH 进入遥控方式(ADS).此时汽机的负荷设定值由外界信号决定。
When changing the manual operation mode of the ADS into the automatic control,
open the control mode operation panel. According to the operation control mode of
turbine and boiler, the basic control mode (BASE) will be changed into control of
boiler along with turbine (BF), control of turnbine along with boiler(TF),coordinated
control system of turbine and boiler, then the ADS mode. During the operation with
load period, the operation personnel can put the DEF into ADS mode, then the set
value of the turbine is decoded by the external signal.
2.3.4 机组主要运行参数的监视和调整
2.3.4 Monitoring and Adjustment of the Main Operation Parameters of the Unit 主要监视参数 Main parameters to be monitored

1) 主蒸汽压力 8.83±0.5MPa

1) Main steam pressure 8.83±0.5MPa

2) 主蒸汽温度 535(+8 -15)℃

2) Main steam temperature 535(+8 -15)℃

3) 周波 48.5~50.5Hz

3) Frequency 48.5~50.5Hz

4) 调节油压 1.13MPa(g)

4) Governing oil pressure 1.13 MPa(g)

5) 润滑油压 0.12~0.16 MPa(g)

5) Lube oil pressure 0.12~0.16 MPa(g)

6) 轴承进油温度 35~45℃

6) Oil inlet temperature of bearing 35~45℃

轴承回油温度 <65℃

Return oil temperature of bearing <65℃

8) 滤油器压损 0.02~0.04 MPa(g)

8) Pressure loss of the oil filter 0.02~0.04 MPa(g)

9) 汽封压力调整器后压力 0.118~0.129 MPa(a)

9) Pressure behind the regulator of the steam seal pressure 0.118~0.129 MPa(a)

10) 后汽缸排汽温度 <65℃(带负荷时)

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10) Exhaust temperature of rear casing <65℃(when on load)


<110℃ (when without load)

11) 轴向位移 <0.9mm

11) Axial displacement <0.9mm

12) 胀差 >-2mm<+3mm

12) Expansuion differential >-2mm<+3mm

13) 轴承座振动 ≤0.03mm

13) Vibration of the bearing pedestal ≤0.03mm

14) 认真细致监盘精心调整,将主要参数调整在规定的范围内。

14) Adjust the screen carefully and elaborately, adjust the main parameter within the
requlated range. 机组正常运行中的维护 Maintenance of the unit during normal operration

1) DEH 控制盘及显示盘指示状态正确,机组控制方式和运行方式正常;

1) DEH control panel and display panel indication status is correct; the unit control
mode and operating mode is normal.

2) TSI 及 ETS 系统有无报警信号;

2) TSI and ETS system have no alarm signal.

3) 经常检查各轴承振动、温度、回油应正常,油窗无水珠;

3) Frequently check each bearing, temperature and returning oil is normal ands there
is no water on oil window.

4) 定期进行设备的听音,倾听机内无异常现象;

4) Periodically listen to the equipment to check whether there is any abnormal


5) 经常监视汽封系统工作正常,根据负荷变化,及时调整低压缸前后汽封,使轴封不冒

5) Usually monitor the steam sealing system work is normal; according to the load
changing condition, adjust the LP casing front and back steam sealing to prevent
the gland seal from steam emission and absorption.

6) 注意各加热器水位变化情况及各疏水自动调整是否工作正常;

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6) Pay attention to each heater water level changing condition and each drainage auto
adjustment is normal;

7) 对于自动调整装置,要尽量投自动,要以自动调节为主,手动调节为辅。并定期检查

7) The auto adjusted device should be out into service as automatically as much as
possible. Auto adjustment is the main way while the manual adjustment is only
auxiliary way. The auto reliability should be checked periodically. When auto is out
of work or the adjusted object is stopped to use, it can be switched into manual

8) 保持机组各参数在规定值范围内,按时抄表,做好运行分析工作,使机组在经济状

8) Maintain the unit each parameter within prescribed range, read the meters on time,
make the analysis work well to allow the unit under economic condition.

9) 按《设备定期切换试验工作表》的规定,进行有关设备的定期切换及试验;

9) According to the rules in “equipment periodically switchover test work form, carry
out the periodical switchover and test of relevant equipment.

10) 保持机组设备的整洁,做好文明生产。

10) Maintain the tidiness of the unit equipment and ensure the civilized production. 机组的日常检查和维护 Daily inspection and maintenance of the unit

1) 机组不允许在主汽阀一侧开启另一侧关闭的情况下长时间运行;

1) It is not allowed for the unit to operate for a long time when one side of the main
steam valve is open but another side is closed.

2)应避免机组在 30%额定负荷以下长期运行;

2) It should prevent the unit from operating for long time under 30% of the rated load.

3) 机组未解列前发电机以同步电动机方式运行时间不应超过 1 分钟,且凝汽器真空必

3) The operating time for generator operates by the way of synchronized motor before
the unit is paralleled off should be no longer than one minute. Besides, the
condenser vacuum must be normal.

4) 在盘车装置投入前不得向轴封送汽;

4) It is not allowed to supply steam to gland seal before putting the turning gear into

5) 在排汽温度高时应注意胀差、振动、轴承油温和轴承金属温度的变化,如排汽温度

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5) Pay attention to expansion difference, vibration, bearing oil temperature and bearing
metal temperature changing conditions when the steam discharging is high. If the
steam discharging temperature has already reached the alarm value, vacuum
degree should be improved or the load should be increased to reduce the steam
discharging temperature except for the activation of spraying water system.

6) 注油试验后不能马上做超速试验,以免积油引起超速试验不准;

6) After the oil spraying test, it is not allowed to carry out the over speed test
immediately so as to prevent oil deposition from causing the over speed test is not

7) 机组带 50~60%额定负荷时,允许凝汽器半边清洗,检修,但此时必须注意#3、4

7) When the unit is with 50 ~60% of the rated load, it is allowed for the condenser to
be flushed and maintained half. However, at this time, it must pay attention to the
#3 、 4 bearing vibration, bearing oil temperature and metal temperature
changing condition.

8) 机组在电网解列带厂用电状态运行时,连续运行时间不应超过 10min;

8) When the unit is under operation with service power that the power grid is paralleled
off, any continuous operating time should be no more than 10 minutes.

9) 全部高加切除时,机组可以发额定出力,但不许超发;高压加热器切除,必须从高

9) When all HP heaters are cut off, the unit can send rated output. But it is not allowed
to over the output; when HP heater is cut off, it must cut off from HP to LP in order. If
LP heater should also be cut off, the unit must reduce the load to operate.

10) 加热器投入运行,应随机组启动从低压加热器依次向高压加热器投入;

10) The heater is put into service with the unit startup from LP heater to HP heater in

11) 各段抽汽管道上防进水热电偶温差大于 40℃时,可以认为汽缸进水,应立即采取措


11) When the thermocouple temperature gap which is water resistant on each stage
steam extraction pipeline should be higher than 40℃, it can be considered as there
is water entering into the steam casing, so it needs taking measures to discharge
the deposit water.

12) 机组在 5~10%额定负荷运行时,汽轮机低压缸的最大允许排汽压力 为 13KPa,低

压缸排汽温度不大于 52℃,在此段负荷区间禁止长期运行;

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12) When the unit is under 5-10% of rated load operation, the maximum allowable
steam discharging pressure of steam turbine LP casing is 13KPa and the LP casing
steam discharging temperature should be no higher than 52℃. Within this load
area, it is forbidden for long-term operation.

14) 机组在启动前应该注意使高压调节级后或中压第一级后蒸汽温度与金属温度相匹配;

14) Before the unit startup, pay attention to the match of steam temperature and metal
temperature after HP adjusting stage or after middle pressure first stage; the
relations between steam temperature and metal temperature after HP adjusting
stage or after middle pressure first stage should meet following requirements:

15) “手动方式”控制不得作为机组长期运行的控制方式

15) The unit can not be operating long time in MANUAL MODE. 机组季节性保护措施 Seasonal protection measures of the unit


Seasonal maintenance of the unit is of great importance, and it can affect the service life
of the unit a lot. Therefore, much attention should be paid to it.

1) 雨季防涝,准备足够多的沙袋,对门口、过道、电缆沟对雨水进行堵拦,防止损坏

1) During rainy season, pay attention to prevent waterlogging. Enough sandbags

should be prepared to block the rain water at the doors, passages and cable ducts
to stop the damages of the equipment. 机组的定期工作

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序号 检查试验内容 周期

No. The test items to be inpected period

1 主汽阀活动试验 每周一次
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1 Test of main steam valve action Once every
2 交流润滑油泵、直流事故油泵、顶轴油泵启动试验 每 15 天一次

AC lube oil pump, DC emergency oil pump, jacking oil pump Once very 15
startup days

3 抽汽止回阀活动试验 每周一次

3 Steam extraxtion check valve action test Once every

4 真空严密性试验 每月一次

Once every
4 Vacuum leak test

5 检查所有疏水管道是否通畅 每三个月一次
Once every
5 Check if all drain pipes are unblocked
three month
6 润滑油油压低保护试验 每月一次

Once every
6 Low protection test for oil pressure of lube oil

7 油箱油位低保护 每天一次
7 low protection of oil level for oil tank Once every day
8 凝汽器低真空保护 每月一次

8 Low vacuum protection for condensor Once every

9 就地仪表及集控仪表、校准 每年一次以上
Calibration for local instrument anf centralized controlling Over once every
instrument year

10 主汽阀、调节阀严密性试验 每 6 月一次

10 Tightness test for main steam valve and control valve Once every 6

11 检查涨差、绝对膨胀、大轴弯曲、振动、轴向位移、轴瓦温度、金
Check if the meter of expansion difference, absolute expansion, big
axle bending, vibration, axle displacement, bearing temperature, Once every
metal temperature, steam temperature and pressure, etc., work month
normally, with correct indication

12 电动主汽阀活动试验 每 10 天一次

Once every 10
12 Electril-driven main steam valve action test

13 喷水装置喷头是否通畅 每次检修时进行

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13 Check if the nozzle of spray device is unblocked

14 耐磨油泵切换试验 每周一次
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2.4 机组停运及停运后保养

2.4 Shutdown of the Unit and Maintenance After Shutdown

2.4.1 机组停运前准备工作

2.4.1 Preparation Work Before the Shutdown of the Unit

1) 班长接到停机命令后,通知各专责准备停机。

1) After the foreman receives the order to shutdown the unit, he should inform all the
personnel responsible for the work to be ready for the shutdown work.

2) 进行交流润滑油泵、直流润滑油泵空负荷试验,检查油泵运转正常,然后重新开启

2) Carry out no load test of the AC lube oil pump,DC lube oil pump, check the oil pump
works normally, then restart up the two oil pumps and put them into standby

3) 稍许活动自动主汽门,门杆不应有卡涩现象,试验盘车装置正常。

3) Move the auto main stop valve slightly and there should not be blockage in the
valve stem, and the turning gear should be normal through test.

4) 可预先将供除氧器源倒为由其它机供汽,关闭本机供除氧器汽门。

4) Change the steam source of the deaerator into the steam from other steam supply,
and close the steam valve for the deaerator of the unit.

5) 认真将机组的每项缺陷登记在设备缺陷本上,便于停机后的处理。

5) Record the defects of the unit onto the defect log carefully, facilitating for the

6) 联系热工人员,检查 DEH、ETS 装置均运行正常

6) Contact the I&C personnel to check the DEH and ETS device works normally.

7) 检查胶球系统在停运状态并且收球完毕;仪用空气系统正常备用

7) Check the rubber ball system is in stop state and the balls have been collected. The
air system for instrumentation is normal and in standby state.

8) 备好有关停机工具,每 30 分钟记录缸温表一次,并作好人员分工。

8) Prepare the relevant tools for shutdown of the unit. Every 30 min, record the casing
temperature once and arrange the personnel properly.

2.4.2 机组减负荷及解列停机

2.4.2 Load Sheeding and Disconnection and Shutdown of the Unit

(1) 机组减负荷.

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(1) Load shedding of the unit.
1) 接值长停机命令,将“高低负荷限制”、“主汽压力限制”、“功率反馈”均
1) Receive shutdown order from shift leader, withdraw “ high and low load limit”,
“main steam pressure limit” and “power feedback”.
2) DEH 运行在 “操作员自动”方式。
2) DEH operates at “operator automatic” mode.

3) 减负荷的操作:

3) Operation of load shedding:

4) 主蒸汽降温速度每分钟小于 1℃。

4) The termperature decreasing speed of the main steam should be less than

5) 主蒸汽降压速度每分钟小于 0.05Mpa。

5) The pressure decreasing speed of the main steam is less than 0.05Mpa/min.

6) 主蒸汽过热度不低于 50℃。

6) The superheat degree of the main steam is no less than 50℃.

7) 其它按启动控制指标要求进行。

7) The other operations should be carried out according to the startup control

8) 负荷减 28MW,通知锅炉值班员开始降温、降压、汽机随之将调速汽门全开。

8) Reduce 28MW load, inform the boiler shift personnel to start to decrease the
temperature and pressure, and then the governing valve of the steam turbine
will be fully opened. The temperature and pressure decreasing rate and the
expansion differential should be within the allowable range.

9) 减负荷时的各项操作

a) Operations during load reducing

10) 当本机三段抽汽压力低于 0.5Mpa 时,开启锅炉汽包自用蒸汽调节门,停止三


10) When the third extraction pressure is lower than 0.5Mpa, open the auxiliary
steam governing valve of the boiler steam drum, stop the third extraction to
keep the pressure in the deaerator stable.

11) 负荷减至 30MW 时,停止高压加热器。

11) When load reduced to 30MW, stop the HP heater.

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12) 负荷减至 14MW 时,检查本体疏水阀组应开启,否则手动开启。

12) When the load is reduced to 14MW, check the drain valves are opened,
otherwise, they should be opened manually.

13) 负荷减至 6MW 时,检查高压疏水阀组应开启。

13) When the load is reduced to 6 MW, and check the drain valves are opened.

14) 主蒸汽温度降至 400℃时,开启主蒸汽管道至疏扩手动门。

14) When the main steam temperature is reduced to 400℃, open the manually
operated the manually operated valves from the main steam pipes until the
drain flash tank.

15) 经常注意凝汽器、高加、低加、除氧器、轴封冷却器水位变化。

15) Pay attention to the water levels of the condenser, HP heater, LP heater,
deaerator, and gland heater.

16) 注意调整冷油器出口油温及发电机风温。

16) Pay attention to adjust the oil temperature at the outlet of the oil cooler and air
temperature of generator.

17) 经常检查汽缸金属温度,上下缸温差,避免出现较大的温差。

17) Check the mental temperature of the casing and temperature difference
between the upper and lower casing, and avoid a large temperature difference.

18) 减负荷过程中,及时调整胀差。

18) During the load reducing process, adjust the expansion differential in time.

19) 根据排汽温度投入汽缸喷水,注意调整好排汽缸两侧偏差在 10℃以内,排汽温


19) Put the water spray of casing into operation according to the exhaust
temperature. Pay attention to adjust the temperature difference at the two sides
of the exhaust casing within 10℃, the exhaust temperature with load should be
less than 65℃ and less than 110℃ without load.

20) 滑参数停机过程中,为避免胀差过大,必要时可联系司炉提高蒸汽参数或增加

20) During the sliding parameter shutdown process, to avoid too large an
expansion differential, contact the boiler operator to increase the steam
parameter or add the load to stabilize the expansion differential when

21) 滑参数停机过程中,主蒸汽过热度应始终高于 50℃,如过热度消失,应立即打


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21) During the sliding parameter shutdown process, the superheat degree of the
main steam should be higher than 50 ℃ all the time. If the superheat degree
disappers, latch off and trip the turbine immediately. If the steam parameter
drops too quickly, contact the boiler operator to stop temperature and pressure
decreasing to avoid quick cooling down of the turbine or water impact.

22) 滑参数减负荷过程中出现下列情况时,应停止降温、降压

22) Temperature and pressure decreasing should be stopped if any of the

situations happens during the sliding parameter load reducing process:

①) 调节级后蒸汽温度低于汽缸下壁金属温度 35℃时。

① When the steam temperature behind the governing stage is 35℃ lower than
the lower wall metal temperature of the casing.

② 胀差接近允许值。

② Expansion differential approaches the allowable value.

③ 主蒸汽过热度小于 50℃

③ Superheat degree of the main steam is less than 50℃.

23) 当负荷至 5%,汇报值长通知锅炉、电气打闸停机。自动主汽阀、调节阀、各

23) When the load reaches 5﹪Ne , report to the shift leader that inform the boiler
and electrical operators to be ready for the shutdown of the unit. The auto main
steam valve, all steam extractionn check valves shall be completely closed.

(2) 滑停注意事项:

(2) Events that should be noticed for sliding shutdown:

1) 在整个滑停中应严格遵守以下规定;
1) In the whole process of sliding shutdown, strictly obey the following regulations:
2) 滑停中,不宜作超速试验;
2) In sliding shutdown, it’s unsuitable to do overspeed test;
3) 先降压,后降温,严禁汽压、汽温大幅度回升;注意主蒸汽压力温度的变化。
First decrease pressure, and then decrease temperature; forbid the steam
pressure anf temperature return to rise with large range; notice the variation of
pressure and temperature of main steam.
4) 严格控制差胀在+3~-2 范围内,若超出范围应通知锅炉稳定参数并做适当的调
4) Strictly control differential expansion in the range of +3 ~ -2mm; if it goes
beyond the scope, should inform boiler to stabilize the parameter and make
appropriate adjustment, especially pay attention to the negative expansion

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5) 待滑停过程稳定,蒸汽进汽温度应低于调速级金属温度 10℃~20℃,滑停后期,
主蒸汽的过热度≯100℃,严禁小于 55℃;
5) Wait for the operation of sliding shutdown to be stable, the steam admission
temperature should be 10℃~20℃ lower than the metal temperature of speed-
adjusting stage; in the later period of sliding shutdown, the superheating degree
shouldn’t exceed 100℃, and it’s forbidden to be lower than 55℃.
6) 低负荷情况下,注意检查各加热器水位及时调整油温、风温。
6) In low load condition, notice and check the water level of each heater, and
regulate oil temperature and air temperature timely.
(3) 解列停机:
(3) Disconnection shutdown
由电气解列发电机,(或通过逆功率保护解列发电机)此阶段运行时间不超过 10 分
Disconnect generator through electric(or disconnect generator through reverse-
power protection), operation time in this period can’t exceed 10 minutes. Notice
that rotation speed of unit should be stable. Report to shift leader, press “emergency
shutdown” button, check that HP main stop valve, adjusting valve and steam
extraction check valve are closed.

2.4.3 机组打闸后的操作

2.4.3 Operations After the Latch off of the Unit

1) 汇报值长,按“紧急停机”按钮或就地打闸,检查高压主汽门、调门、抽汽逆止门

1) Report to the shift leader, press the EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN button or latch off
locally, inspect the HP main stop valve, control valve and the extraction check valve
are closed.

2) 注意机组转速应稳定;

2) The rotary speed of the unit should be stable.

3) 启动辅助油泵油泵,检查运行正常;

3) Start up the auxiliary oil pump, and check that it operates normally.

4) 随时注意检查调整汽封供汽压力,凝结器、闭式水箱、凝疏水箱和除氧器水位,特

4) Check and adjust the water levels of the steam supply pressure of the syeam seal,
condenser, closed tank, condensate water drainage tank and deaerator. Especially,
avoid the negative expansion differential.

汽温降到 450℃时,开启主蒸汽管道疏水。

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When the steam temperature is reduced to 450℃, drain water in the main steam

5) 当汽温降到 250℃时,锅炉可熄火,防止熄火时汽温速降,要求锅炉熄火后闷火来

5) When the steam temperature is reduced to 250℃, the boiler can be shutdown.
Prevent the rapid steam temperature reducing during the shutdown, which requires
smouldering fire for control.

6) 当转速下降至 1200rpm,启动顶轴油泵,并检查运转正常,顶轴油压正常。
6) When rotatary speed drops to 1200rpm, start up the jacking oil pump, and make
sure its operation is normal and the jacking oil pressure is normal.
7) 当转速下降至 500rPm,后缸喷水自动关闭,否则手动关闭。
7) When rotation speed drops to 500rPm, spray water of back casing closes
automatically, or close it manually.
8) 当转速下降至 300rPm,停止真空泵打开真空破坏门,保证转速到零,真空到零。
8) When rotation speed drops to 300rPm, open the vacuum breaker to guarantee
rotation speed and vacuum drop to zero.
9) 转速到零时,投入连续盘车,记录大轴弯曲值及盘车电流,记录转子惰走时间,确
9) When rotation speed drops to zero, put continuous turning gear into operation;
record the bending value of main shaft and the current of turning gear; record the
coasting time of rotor to conform that rotor coasting is normal, and compared to
previous conditions.
10)Stop mechanical-type vacuum, then the vacuum drops to zero; close all isolated
valves of gland seal steam supply, stop the air fan of gland seal condenser.
11) 待锅炉上水结束后,根据锅炉情况停止给水泵运行。
11) Wait until the water feeding of boiler has completed, stop the operation of
feedwater pump.
12)After the pressure of feedwater is dropped and water is drained out, stop the
operation of condensate pump.

13)排汽缸温度降至 50℃ 以下时,停止循环泵。

13) When the temperature of the exhaust casing is reduced below 50℃, stop the
circulating water pump.

14)高压缸温度低于 150℃ 时,停止盘车、顶轴油泵和低压交流油泵。

14) When the temperature of the HP casing is less than 150℃, stop the operation of
turning gear, jacking oil pump and LP DC oil pump.

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15) Stop the closed and open pumps according to the actual situation of the power

2.4.4 机组停运后的保养

2.4.4 Maintenance After the Shutdown of the Unit 汽机停运不超过 10 天的保养 Maintenance of the unit within 10 days’ shutdown

1) 严闭蒸汽管道以及疏水管道。

1) Seal the steam pipes and drain pipes tightly.

2) 定期通入热空气,或定期使用真空泵,使汽轮机内部干燥。

2) Supply hot air periodically or use the vacuum pump periodically to make the inner
part of the turbine dry.

3) 汽轮机外部加工表面涂防锈油。

3) Apply antirust oil to the outer process surface of the turbine.

4) 每天将轴转过 1/3 圈,转动前,先启动辅助油泵和顶轴油泵。

4) Rotate the shaft 1/3 circule. Before the rotation, start up the auxiliary oil pump and
jacking oil pump. 汽机停运超过 10 天的保养 Maintenance of the turbine over ten days’ shutdown

1) 除按十天以内的停机要求外,增加下列项目:

1) Besides the operations of the shutdown requirement within ten days, the following
items are added:

2) 堵塞端部汽封

2) Block up the steam seals at the end places.

3) 调节保安系统各零件解体,涂防锈油。

3) Dismantle the components of the regulation and satety system, and apply antirust

4) 在汽轮机低转速(100r/min)时,用凡士林随气流喷涂到通流边缘部分。

4) When at the low speed of the turbine (100r/pm), spray the vaseline along with the
steam flow to the edge of the flow path.

5) 三个月以上的停机

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5) Shutdown over three months


The lower casing cover of the turbine has to be dismantled, and apply the protective
oil to the surface of the flow path area.

2.5 事故处理

2.5 Trouble Shooting.

2.5.1 事故处理原则:
2.5.1 Trouble Shooting Principles:

When fault occurs to the unit, generally the fault can be eliminated according to the
following methods and sequence:

1) 根据仪表的指示和机组外部的现象,肯定设备确已发生故障。

1) Make sure the equipment has the fault, according to the indication of the
instrumentation and the external phenomenon of the unit.

2) 在值长统一指挥下,迅速处理故障。各岗位应及时联系,密切配合,并将故障情况

2) Eliminate the fault immediately under the command of the shift leader. All the posts
should contact with each other in time , coroperate with each other closely and
report the fault condition and the measures adopted stage by stage, in order to
prevent the fault from spreading.

3) 迅速消除对人身和设备的危险,必要时应解列或停用故障设备。

3) Eliminate the danger to the equipment and person immediately. Disconnect or stop
the failed equipment when necessary.

4) 迅速查清故障原因,采取正确的措施,消除故障。同时应注意保持非故障设备的继

4) Ascertain the causes of the faults, take appropriate measures to remove the faults.
Meanwhile, pay attention to keep the non-failed equipment in operation.

2.5.2 事故处理有关规定:

2.5.2 Regulation of the Trouble Shooting:

1) 处理故障要镇定,分析要周密,判断要正确,处理要果断,行动要迅速。对于值长
1) Keep calm while shooting the troubles, analyse thoroughly, judge correctly, treat
irresolutely, and act quickly. For the order of the shift leader, if not fully understood,
ask until fully understood. After the order is carried out, report to the order giver in

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2) 机组发生故障时,有关领导必须到现场监督处理,并给予运行人员必要的指示,除
2) When fault happens to the unit, the relevant leaders have to be at site for monitoring
and treatment and give the necessary instructions to the operation personnel.
Except the special conditions, these instructions should be decleared by the shift
3) 运行人员对所发现的异常现象疑惑不解时,必须及时汇报上一级领导,共同实地观

3) If the operation personnel has doubts about the abnormal situations, he must report
to the leader of higher class to observe and find out the causes at the site together.
When there is no the specified fault description in the specifications, the operation
personnel must analyse based on his own knowledge and understanding to
analyse, judge, take active measures and report to the leaders of higher class.

4) 从机组发生故障起,到机组恢复正常运行状态为止,运行人员应坚守工作岗位。假

4) The operation personnel should stay at their posts all the time from the fault
occurring until the normal operation of the unit being restored. If the faults happen
within the handover time, the handover should be delayed. Before the handover log
has not been finished, the operation personnel should go on working, the relieving
personnel can aid in the trouble shooting under the leadership of the handover
personnel, but he could not do it without approval until the unit has restored its
normal operation or the permission of handover from the shift leader is received.

5) 故障清除后,各岗位运行人员应分别将机组故障现象、时间、地点及处理经过情况,

5) After the faults are eliminated, record the fault conditions, time, place and the
treatment process on the handover log detailedly based on the facts by the
operation personnel.

6) 班后会应对所发生的故障进行讨论分析,必要时可由有关领导召开“故障分析”会

6) After the shift, analysis of and discussion about the faults are to be made. When
necessary, a fault analysis meeting can be held by the relevant leaders.

7) 处理故障时无关人员应远离故障现场。

7) While shooting the trouble, the irrelevant personnel should stay away from the fault

2.5.3 紧急故障停机与故障停机:

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2.5.3 Emergency Shutdown and Accidental Shutdown:


If any of the situations happens, break the vacuum and shut down the turbine

1) 汽轮机转速上升到 3360r/min 而危急保安器不动作。

1) The speed of the steam turbine rise to 3360 r/min but the emergency governor does
not work.

2) 机组突然发生强烈振动振幅超过 0.08mm。

2) Severe vibration happens to the unit and the amplitude is over 0.05mm.

3) 汽轮机内部发生明显的金属声音。

3) Obvious metal sound in the inner part of the turbine can be heard

4) 汽轮机发生水冲击或主蒸汽温度直线下降 50℃时。

4) Water impact occurs to the turbine or the main steam temperature drops by 50℃.

5) 轴封内冒火花。

5) There is spark inside the shaft seals.

6) 汽轮发电机组任何一个轴承断油或冒烟,或轴承回油温度突然上升到 75℃以上。

6) If any of the bearings of the turbine does not has oil supply or smokes, or the return
oil temperature of the bearing is increased above 75℃ suddenly.

7) 轴承润滑油压下降到 0.06MPa,保护未动作。

7) The lube oil pressure of the bearing is reduced to 0.06 Mpa but the protection does
not work.

8) 转子轴向位移超过 1.0 或-1.2mm,保护未动作。

8) The axial displacement of the bearing is over 1.3mm or -0.7mm, but the protection
does not work.

9) 发电机或励磁机冒烟、着火。

9) The generator or the excitor catches fire or smokes.

10) 油箱油位下降到-460mm,无法及时恢复。

10) The oil level of the oil tank drops to -460mm and can’t be restored.

11) 油系统着火,且不能很快扑灭,严重威胁机组安全运行。

11) The oil system catches fire and can’t be put out rapidly, threatening the safe
operation of the unit severely.

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12) 调节保安系统发生故障,无法维持。

12) The regulation and safety system has faults and can’t be maintained.

13) 汽、水、油管道或附件破裂,无法隔离或恢复,危及机组安全时。

13) When the steam, water, oil pipes or the accessories is broken and can’t be isolated
or restored, threatening the safe operation of the unit.

2.5.4 发生下列情况之一时,应进行不破坏真空故障停机:

2.5.4 If any of the situations happens, shut down the turbine without breaking the

1) 主蒸汽温度升高到 549℃运行 30min 或超过 549℃;主蒸汽温度下降到 460℃,减负

荷到零,继续下降到 450℃以下时。

1) When the main steam temperature is increased to 545℃ or over, or is reduced to

460℃, reduce the load to zero and it goes on dropping below 450℃.

2) 主蒸汽压力升至 9.27MPa,连续运行 30min 不能恢复或超过 9.8MPa 且节流无效。

2) When the main steam pressure is increased to 9.27 Mpa and could not be restored
in continuous operation for 30 min, or the pressure is over 9.8Mpa and the throttling
is ineffective.

3) 汽轮机无蒸汽运行超过 1min。

3) The turbine operates for 1 min without steam supply.

4) 汽轮机胀差超过极限值(-2 至+3.0mm)调整无效时。

4) The expansion differential of the turbine exceeds the limit (-2--+3.0mm) and the
adjustment is useless.

5) 凝汽器真空下降,减负荷至零,仍超过极限值-70KPa 。

5) The vacuum of the conderser drops, when reducing the load to zero, it still exceeds
the limit value -70Kpa.

6) 主蒸汽、水、油管道或附件破裂,无法维持运行时。

6) The main steam, water, oil pipes and the accessories is broken and could not
maintenain their operation.

7) 凝汽器冷却水中断不能立即恢复时。

7) The cooling water of the condenser is interrupted and could not be restored

8) 凝结水泵故障,备用泵不能投入,凝汽器水位过高时。

8) The condensate water pump fails and the standby pump can’t be put into operation
and the water level of the condenser is too high.

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9) 调节保安系统故障或电厂其他系统故障使机组无法维持正常运行。

9) Faults in regulating safety system or other system in plant make the unit be not
operate normally

2.5.5 紧急故障停机步骤:

2.5.5 Shutdown Procedures of Emergency Shutdown:

1) 手按紧急停机按钮或手拍“危急遮断”手柄进行打闸。

1) Latch off by pressing the emergency shutdown button or patting the EMERGENCY
TRIP handle.

2) 确证自动主汽门、调速汽门及各级抽汽逆止阀关闭严密后,通知电气专业人员解列

2) After confirming the auto main stop valve, governing valve and extraction check
valve of each stage are closed tightly, inform the electrical personnel to disconnect
the generator and pay attention that the speed of the unit should not increase, close
the motor-operated main stop valve and the motor operated steam extraction valve
(or manually operated steam extraction valve).

3) 启动交流润滑油泵或直流润滑油泵。

3) Start up the AC lube oil pump or the DC lube oil pump.

4) 停止真空泵运行,开启真空破坏门。

4) Stop the operation of vacuum pump, and open the vacuum break valve.

5) 开启凝结水再循环门,关闭凝结水至除氧器门,维持给水泵密封水压力正常。

5) Open the condensate water recirculaton valve, close the valves from the
condensate water to the deaerator, and keep the normal sealing water pressure of
the feedwater pump.

6) 调整轴封供汽,漏汽,真空到零时停止轴封供汽,停止轴封风机运行。

6) Adjust the steam supply of the shaft seal and steam leakage. When the vacuum is
reduced to zero, stop the steam supply to the shaft seal and stop the operation of
the gland steam condenser extraction fan.

7) 听音检查,汽轮机转速下降到 1200r/minm 时,启动顶轴油泵。

7) Detect the sound, Start up the jacking oil pump when the speed of the turbine is
reduced to 1200r/min.

8) 转子静止,记录惰走时间,投入盘车装置连续盘车,测量、记录大轴晃动度。

8) When the rotor is static, record the idle time and put the turning gear into continuous
operation. Measure and record the asing degree of the shaft.

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9) 完成停机其它操作。

9) Finish the other shutdown operations.



1 如遇水冲击,应及时开启导管疏水和汽缸疏水。

2 If the water impact happens, drain the water in the pipeline and casing in time.

2 为了更快降低转速,必要时要求主控增加励磁

② To decrease the speed more quickly, ask the main control personnel to
increase the excitation.

2.5.6 故障停机操作步骤

2.5.6 Accidental Shutdown Operation Procedures:


Except for breaking the vacuum immediately, the other operations can be carried out
according to the emergency shutdown operation procedures.

2.5.7 蒸汽参数不符合额定规范:

2.5.7 The steam parameters do not meet the rated specification:

正常汽压为 8.5—9.27 MPa,正常汽温为 525—543℃,若超过此范围,应联系锅炉调整


Normal steam pressure is within 8.5—9.27 MPa and steam temperature is within 525—
543℃. If exceeding the range, contact the boiler operator to adjust until the normal
value is reached.

A 汽压不符合额定规范时:

A When the steam pressure does not meet the requirement:

1) 主汽压力升高时处理:

1) Treatment when the main steam pressure increasing:

a) 汽压升高到 9.27MPa 时,应联系锅炉调整汽压至正常范围内。

a) When the pressure increase to 9.27 Mpa, contact the boiler operator to
adjust until the normal range is reached.

b) 当汽 压升 高到 10.59MPa , 连 续 运行 15 分 钟 ( 一 年累 计时 间 不 或超 过
12h)10.59MPa 时,通知锅炉调整无效,按故障停机处理。

b) When the steam pressure is increased to 10.59MPa and in continuous

operation for 15 min(the accumulated time in one year is not or exceed

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12h), or the pressure is over 10.59MPa, when contacting the boiler
operator for adjustment but still useless, handle it as the accidental

2) 主汽压力降低时处理:

当汽压降至 8.34MPa 时,联系锅炉调整至正常范围内;汽压降低时按照下列原


Treatment when tha main steam pressure decreases: When the steam
pressure is reduced to 8.34Mpa, contact the boiler operator to adjust the
pressure to the normal value; when the pressure is low, reduce the load for
operation according to the following principles:

a) 各监视段压力不超过规定值。

a) All the pressure at the monitoring section do not exceed the specified

b) 轴向位移、推力瓦块温度、回油温度等不超过正常运行时最大工况的参数

b) Axial displacement, thrust pad temperature, and return oil temperature do

not exceed the parameters under the maximum working condition during
normal operation.

c) 机组无其它异常运行情况。

c) There is no other abnormal operation situation.

B 汽温不符合额定规范时:

B When the steam temperature does not meet the requiremwnt:

1) 汽温升高时处理:

1) Treatment when the steam temperature increasing:

a) 当汽温升高至 543℃时,联系锅炉调整至正常范围内。

a) When the steam temperature is increased to 543℃, inform the boiler

operator to adjust it until the normal value is reached.

b) 当汽温升高至 549℃连续运行时间不超过 30min 或超过 555℃时应进行故


b) When the steam temperature is increased to 549℃ and the continuous

operation time lasts for 30 min or over 555℃, shut down according to the
accidental shutdown.

2) 汽温降低时处理:

2) Treatment when the steam temperature decreasing:

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a) 当汽温降低至 525℃时,联系锅炉调整至正常范围内。

a) When the steam temperature is decreased to 525℃, inform the boiler

operator to adjust it until the normal value is reached.

b) 当汽温低于 510℃时应进行减负荷处理:

b) When the steam temperature is below 510℃, reduce the load.

c) 汽温每降低 5℃,减电负荷 5000KW。

c) When the steam temperature decreases every 5℃, reduce the load

d) 汽温降至 460℃时,减负荷至零。

d) When the steam temperature is reduced to 460℃, reduce the load to zero.

e) 汽温继续下降至 450℃时,应进行故障停机处理。

e) When the steam temperature goes no dropping to 460℃, carry out the
accidental shutdown.

C 汽温、汽压同时下降时,按汽温下降进行处理。

C When the steam temperature and pressure decrease at the same time, treat is as
the decreasing of the steam temperature.


During the operation, if the steam parameter does not meet the specified range,
except the treatment based on the above specifications, monitor the vibration, axial
diaplacement, thrust pad temperature, metal temperature, expansion differential
further, and check whether there is any abnormal sound of the unit.

2.5.8 周波变化

2.5.8 Frequency Changes

A 周波下降:

A Frequency decreasing:

1) 注意检查调节油压下降情况,必要时启动交流润滑油泵运行。

1) Pay attention to check the governing oil pressure decreasing conditions. Start
up the AC lube oil pump when necessary.

2) 注意检查发电机、励磁机进出风温等运行情况。

2) Check the air temperature operation conditions of the generator and exciter.

3) 加强各辅机设备运行情况,出现出力不足或电动机过热等现象,视需要启动各

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3) Monitor the operation conditions of the auxiliary equipment further. When the
output is not enough or the motor is too hot, start up the auxiliary equipment of
the equipment when necessary.

B 周波上升:

B Frequency increasing:

1) 周波上升可能引起机组甩负荷,此时按甩负荷处理。

1) Frequency increasing: may lead to load shedding, at this time handle as the
load shedding.

2) 周波上升时,应注意汽轮机转速上升情况,密切注意机组振动情况,若振动增

2) When the frequency increases, pay attention to the speed increasing condition
and the vibration condition of the unit closely. If the vibration is too severe,
reduce the load in the operation.

2.5.9 甩负荷

2.5.9 Load Shedding

A 发电机甩负荷到零,危急保安器未动作:

A When the load shedding of the generator is zero, the emergency governor does not



1) 电负荷指示到零。

1) The electrical load is indicated to zero.

2) 转速升高后又下降,并稳定在一定转速。

2) The speed increses and then decreases and stays at one stable value.

3) 调速汽门全关后,待转速降至 3000r/min 以下,,调速汽重新开启。

3) After the governing valve is fully closed, and when the speed is reduced below
3000r/min, open the governing valve again.


Treatment methods:

1) 注意机组转速,控制 3000r/min 运行。

1) Pay attention to the speed of the unit, and keep the speed at 3000r/min in

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2) 注意轴封压力并适当调整。

2) Pay attention to the gland seal pressure and adjust it properly.

3) 开启凝结水再循环调节门,关小低加后凝结水送除氧器调节门,打循环保持热

3) Open the condensate water recirculation valve, close the governing valve
supplying the condensate water to the deaerator behind the LP heater a little.
Keep the hot well water level by the water circulation to ensure the sealing
water pressure of the feedwater pump.

4) 停止高压加热器运行。

4) Stop the operation of HP heater.

5) 注意监视机组胀差和低压缸排汽温度,必要时投入后汽缸喷水冷却装置。

5) Pay attention to monitor the expansion differential of the unit and the exhaust
temperature of the LP casing. Put the water spray device in the rear casing
when necessary.

6) 全面检查,确认机组无异常后,通知电气发电机可并列接带负荷。

6) Inspect thoroughly. After confirming there is no abnormal situations, inform the

electrical personnel to parallel the generator with load.

2.5.10 发电机甩负荷,危急保安器动作:

2.5.10 Load Shedding of the Generator and the Emergency Governor Works:



1) 电负荷指示到零。

1) The electrical load is indicated to zero.

2) 转速飞升至危急保安器动作转速后,危急保安器动作。

2) When the speed reaches the working speed of the emergency governor, the
emergency governor works.

3) 自动主汽门、调节汽门。

3) Put the main stop valve and the governing valve at automatic state.

4) 各级抽汽逆止阀关闭。

4) Close the extraction check valves of every stage.

5) 转速下降。

5) Rotary speed decreases.

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1) 启动高压启动油泵

1) Start up the HP startup oil pump.

2) 将危急遮断油门挂闸。

2) Latch on the emergency trip oil valve.

3) 开启自动主汽门,控制机组转速为 3000r/min。

3) Open the auto main stop valve and control the speed of the unit being 3000r/min.

4) 完成发电机甩负荷后的其它操作。

4) Complete the other operations after the load shedding of the generator.

5) 若调速系统不能维持空负荷运行,应打闸停机,按故障停机进行处理。

5) If the governing system could not maintain the operation without load, latch off snd
trip, according to the accidential shutdown.

2.5.11. 汽轮机甩负荷,发电机未解列:

2.5.11. Turbine sheds load, but the generator is not disconnected:



1) 电负荷指示到零。

1) The electrical load is indicated to zero.

2) 转速不变。

2) The speed remains the same.

3) 自动主汽门、调速汽门均关闭。

3) Close the auto main stop valve and the governing valve.

4) 各级抽汽逆止阀关闭。

4) Close the extraction check valve of every stage.



1) 检查汽轮机各保护,如属正确动作,通知电气发电机解列,按故障停机处理。

1) Check the protections of the turbine. If they work normally, inform the electrical
personnel to disconnect the generator and do it as the accidental shutdown.

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2) 检查危急保安器是否动作,如误动,通知电气发电机解列,按故障停机处理。

2) Check whether the emergency governor works. If working by mistake, inform the
electrical personnel to disconnect the generator and do it as the accidental

3) 确认机组保护误动作,其它正常时,断开发生误动的保护开关,消除保护信号。

3) If confirming the unit protection works by mistake, disconnect the protection switch
casing the mistake for eliminating the signal.

① 调整轴封及凝结水压力、凝汽器水位。

① Adjust the shaft seal, condensate water pressure and water level of the

3 开启自动主汽门。

② Open the auto main stop valve.

③ 迅速接带负荷至原运行工况。

③ Throw on the load rapidly until reaching the original working condition.

4) 在凝汽器真空正常情况下,允许汽轮机无蒸汽运行时间不超过 1 分钟。

4) Under the normal vacuum of the condenser, turbine operation without steam within
1min is allowed.

2.5.12 运行中叶片损坏或断落:

2.5.12 Blade Damage or Broken During Operation:



1) 机内部发出明显的金属碰击声。

1) Steel click sound in the inner part of the turbine can be heard clearly.

2) 组振动增大。

2) Vibration of the unit increases.

3) 轮机调节级或某级抽汽压力升高,而负荷反而降低。

3) The pressure of the governing stage or the extraction pressure of some stage
increase, but the load decreases.

4) 轴向位移、推力瓦块温度异常变化。

4) Abnormal changes happen to the axial displacement and the thrust pad

5) 凝结水电导率、硬度上升。

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5) The conductivity and hardness of the condensate water increase.



1) 汽轮机叶片在运行中损坏或断落,不一定同时出现上述全部现象,但出现下述现象

1) When the blade is damaged or broken during the operation, the above descriptions
may not all happen. However, if any of the following situations happens, break the
vacuum and carry out accidental shutdown.

① 汽轮机内部发出明显的金属碰击声。

① Steel click sound in the inner part of the turbine can be heard clearly.

② 机组发生强烈振动。

② Serious vibration occurs to the unit.

2) 正常运行中发现其它种种迹象,应立即汇报值长、运行部进行综合分析,并尽快申

2) During the operation, if other various signs happen, report to the shift leader and
operation department for integral analysis, and apply for load reducing and shutting
down of the unit.

3) 若凝汽器铜管破裂,凝结水恶化,热井水位上升,应立即启动备用泵,并关闭凝结

3) If the copper pipe of the condenser is broken, and the water quality of condensate
water deteriorates, and water level of the hot well increases, start up the standby
pump immediately, close the insolating valve that supply the condensate water to
the deaerator and discharge the condensate water to the trench.

4) 故障停机过程中应注意机组内部的声音,记录惰走时间。

4) During the accidental shutdown, pay attention to the inner sound of the unit and
record the idle time.

2.5.13 失火:

2.5.13 Fire


Treatment principles:

1) 灭火时应根据情况按《电业安全工作规程》要求,分别使用泡沫式灭火器、干式灭

1) If fire happens, use foam extinguisher, dry fire extinguisher, sand, water or wet cloth
for fire fighting based on the actual situations and the requirement of the WORKING

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REGULATION OF POWER SAFETY. Use every possible way to protect the unit
from damage.

2) 如火势较大,应迅速向“119”报警,并汇报值长和有关领导。

2) If the fire is serious, alarm to the 119 rapidly and report to the shift leader and the
relevant leader.

3) 如失火地点有电线时,必须切断电源。

3) If there is wire at the fire site, cut off the power supply.

4) 应注意坚守岗位,不使火势蔓延。

4) Stay at one’s post to stop the fire from spreading.


Treatment methods:

A 油系统失火时:

A When the oil system catching fire:

1) 油系统失火,且不能很快扑灭,严重威胁设备安全时,应进行破坏真空故障停

1) If the oil system catches fire and could not be put out quickly, threatening the
safety of the unit, break the vacuum and carry out accidental shutdown.

2) 立即进行灭火。

2) Put out the fire immediately.

3) 严禁启动交流润滑油泵停机。

3) It is forbidden to start up the AC lube oil pump for shutdown.

4) 如火势蔓延迅速,并威胁厂房、油箱及邻近机组安全时,开启油箱事故放油门 ,

4) If the fire spreads rapidly and threatens the building, oil tank and the safety of
the nearby units, open the emergency oil discharge valve of the oil tank to
discharge the lube oil into the emergency oil tank.

B 发电机失火时:

B When the generator catches fire:

1) 立即破坏真空故障停机。

1) Break the vacuum and carry out the accidental shutdown of the unit.

2) 待发电机解列后,立即投入水灭火装置向机内喷水,直至完全熄灭为止,严禁

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2) After the disconnection of the generator, put the water put fire extinguishing
apparatus to spray water to the unit until the fire is put out completely. Snad
and foam extinguisher are forbidden to use.

3) 待转速降至 300r/min 左右时火灾仍未扑灭,应重新恢复真空,复置危急保安器,

开启自动主汽门,控制机组转速在 200—300rpm,直至火灭。

3) After the speed is reduced to 300r/min, and the fire is still not put out, restore
the vacuum and reset the emergency governor, open the auto main stop valve
and keep the rotary speed of the unit within 200—300rpm until the fire is put

4) 转子静止后,立即投入连续盘车运行。

4) After the rotor is atatic, put the turning gear into operation immediately.

C 励磁机失火时:

C When the exciter catching fire:

1) 联系电气,拉开灭磁开关,将发电机改为无励磁运行方式。

1) Contact the electrical personnel to open the magnetic blow-out switch to

change the generator into non-excited operation mode.

2) 四氯化碳、二氧化碳、1211 或干式灭火器进行灭火。

2) Use carbon tetrachloride, carbon dioxide, 1211 or dry extinguisher to put out
the fire.

3) 电网不允许无励磁运行,按故障停机进行处理。

3) Power grid does not allow non-excited operation, carry out the treatment as
accidental shutdown.

4) 无励磁运行方式超过 30 分钟,且无备用励磁可切换时,按故障停机进行处理。

4) If in non-excited operation mode over 30 min, and no standby exciter for

exchange, carry out the accidental shutdown.

2.5.14 厂用电中断:

2.5.14 Interrupt of the Auxiliary Power:

厂用电中断指厂用 6300 伏、380 伏、220 伏交流电源全部中断。

Interrupt of the auxiliary power: refers to AC power supply of 6300V, 380V and 220V
being interrupted completely.



1) 交流照明熄灭,直流照明熄灭后立即恢复。

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1) Restore immediately after the AC and DC lightening are put out.

2) 车间内声音突变。

2) Sudden change of the sound in the workshops.

3) 所有运行的交流电动机突然停止转动,备用电机未联锁启动。

3) All the AC motors in operation stop working suddenly and the standby motors are
not started up interlockingly.

4) 辅机出口压力、流量迅速下降,电动机电流指示到零。

4) The pressure at the outlet of the auxiliary equipment and flow drop rapidly, and the
current of the motor is indicated at zero.

5) 主蒸汽压力,温度迅速下降。

5) Main steam pressure and temperature decrease.



1) 迅速减负荷到零,维持 3000r/min 运行。

1) Reduce the load to zero and maintain the speed of 3000r/min in operation.

2) 关闭抽汽出口电动(手动)门。

2) Close the motor (manual) operated valve at the extraction outlet.

3) 调整轴封供汽。

3) Adjust the steam supply of the shaft seal.

4) 停用各级回热抽汽。

4) Use the regenerative extraction of every stage.

5) 检查冷油器出口油温及发电机进出口风温,必要时投入备用水源。

5) Inspect the oil temperature at the outlet of oil cooler and air temperature at the inlet
and outlet of the generator. Put the standby water source into operation when

6) 处理过程中,任何一项控制指标达到停机要求时,启动直流油泵按故障停机进行处

6) During the treatment process, any of the control standards meets the shutdown
requirements, start up the DC oil pump and carry out the treatment according to the
accidental shutdown.

7) 报值长及有关人员力求尽快恢复厂用电源,并首先保证油泵电源、循环水泵电源,

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7) Report to the shift leader and the relevant personnel to restore the station service
supply as soon as possible and ensure the oil pump power supply, circulation pump
power supply to facilitate the early rotation of the turning gear.

8) 用电恢复后对机组进行全面检查,根据机组状况进行机组启动工作。

8) After the power supply is restored, inspect the unit thoroughly. Start up the unit
according to the unit conditions.

2.5.15 汽轮机严重超速

2.5.15 Serious Overspeed of the Steam Turbine



1) 发电机解列,电负荷到零。

1) Disconnect the generator and reduce the load to zero.

2) 汽轮机转速升高超过危急保安器动作转速仍继续上升。

2) The rotary speed of the steam turbine increases and goes on increasing even if it
exceeds the working speed of the emergency governor.

3) 机组振动加剧。

3) Vibration of the unit becomes more serious.

4) 汽轮机组发出不正常声音。

4) The turbine makes abnormal sound.



1) 立即手拍“危急遮断”手柄或汽轮机“紧急停机”按钮,进行破坏真空故障停机。

1) Tap the EMERGENCY TRIP handle immediately or press the EMERGENCY

SHUTDOWN button to break the vacuum and carry out the accidental shutdown.

2) 检查自动主汽门、调速汽门应关闭。

2) Check the auto main stop valve and governing valve are closed.

3) 检查各级轴汽逆止阀应关闭。

3) Check all the extraction check valve are closed.

4) 迅速关闭电动主汽门及抽汽出口电动(手动)隔离门。

4) Close the motor-operated main stop valve and the motor (manual)-operated
isolating valve at the outlet of the extraction.

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5) 待转速开始下降后,完成故障停机的其它各项操作。

5) After the speed begins to drop, complete the other operations of the accidental

6) 在查明原因及消除缺陷后方可重新启动。

6) Restart after the causes is found and the defacts are eliminated.


Preventive measures::

1) 按规定进行机组调节系统静态试验,危急保安器的打闸试验,充油压出试验和超速
试 验,均应合格。

1) It is required to carry out the static test of the governing system, trip test of the
emergency governor, oil pressure test and overspeed protection test. These tests
must meet the requirements.

2) 自动主汽门、各级抽汽逆止阀按规定进行试验及活动。

2) Carry out the tests and motion of the auto main stop valve, and the extraction check

3) 大修前后进行自动主汽门、调速汽门的严密性试验。

3) Carry out the tightness test of the auto main stop valve and governing valve before
and after the overhaul.

4) 蒸汽品质合格,防止结垢卡涩。

4) The steam quality meets the requirements to stop the blockage due to scaling.

5) 润滑油定期分析及脱水,消除杂质与水分。

5) Analyse and dewater the lube oil periodically to eliminate the foreign matters and
water content.

6) 各抽汽逆止门气控装置正常备用。

6) All steam extraction check valves pneumatic control devices are in normal standby

7) 按规定进行甩负荷试验,试验结果符合要求。

7) Carry out the load shedding test according to the regulation and the test result must
meet the requirements.

2.5.16 汽机振动异常

2.5.16 Abnormal Vibration of the Turbine

1) 机组突然发生强烈振动,或汽轮机内部发生明显金属声音时,应破坏真空故障停机。

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1) When severe vibration happens to the unit or there is obvious metal sound in the
inner part of the turbine, break the vacuum and carry out the accidental shutdown.

2) 机组轴承振动突然增加至 0.05mm,应立即打闸停机。

2) When the bearing vibration of the unit is increased to 0.05mm, latch off and shut
down the unit immediately.

3) 当机组的振动值增加,根据需要减低负荷直至振动减小至正常为止,同时作如下检

3) If the viubration value becomes larger, reduce the load until the vibration becomes
normal when needed. Mwanwhile, the following inspections should be done:

(1) 润滑油压是否正常。

(1) Whether the lube oil pressure is normal.

(2) 冷油器出口油温是否过高或过低。

(2) Whether the oil temperature at the outlet of the oil cooler is too high or too low.

(3) 轴承回油温度是否过高。

(3) Whether the bearing return oil temperature is too high.

(4) 蒸汽温度是否骤变。

(4) Whether there is a sudden change of the steam temperature.

(5) 汽轮机汽缸两侧膨胀是否均匀。

(5) Whether the expansion at the two sides of the turbine casing is even.

(6) 各调速汽门开度是否正常。

(6) Whether the opening degree of the governing valves is normal.

(7) 发电机、励磁机工作情况是否良好。

(7) Whether the working condition of the generator and the exciter is good.

4) 发电机除去励磁后振动恢复正常或是提升电压时发生振动,则可能为发电机、励磁

4) When the excitation is removed, the vibration becomes normal or when the
pressure is boosted, vibration begins, which may be caused by the abnormality of
the electrical circuit of the generator and exciter. It will be the electrical personnel’s
responsibility to deal with them.

5) 发电机解列后振动仍未减小,则可能是机组内部故障引起,应停机检查

5) After the disconnection of the generator, the vibration still does not become smaller,
which maybe caused by the inner faults of the unit. Then shut down and check.

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2.5.17 轴向位移异常

2.5.17 Abnormal Axial Displacement

(1) 轴向位移增大

(1) Axial displacement becoming larger

1) 发现轴向位移逐渐增大时,应当特别注意检查推力瓦块乌金温度和推力轴承出

1) When finding the axial displacement becoming larger, pay special attention to
check the metal temperature of the thrust pad and the oil temperature at the
outlet of the thrust bearing. Monitor turbine operation condition, listen whether
there is abnormal sound in the unit and whether there is vibration.

2) 轴向位移超过正常数值时应:

2) Operations should be done when the axial displacement is over the normal

a) 迅速减负荷,使轴向位移降低到额定数值(0.9mm)以下;

a) Reduce the load quickly to make the axial displacement be reduced below
the rated value (0.9mm).

b) 检查推力轴承瓦块温度和出口油温;

b) Check the thrust pad temperature and the oil temperature at the outlet.

c) 监视汽轮机有无振动,并倾听汽轮机内部及轴封处有无不正常的声音;

c) Monitor whether there is any vibration of the turbine and listen whether
there is any abnormal sound in the turbine or at the shaft seal places.

d) 报告班长、值长;

d) Report to the foreman and shift leader.

3) 如轴向位移增大,并伴随不正常的声音、噪音和振动或轴向位移在空负荷运行的情

3) If the axial displacement becomes larger with abnormal sound, noise and vibration,
or the axial displacement exceeds the limit when under no load peration, break the
vacuum and shut down the unit.

2.5.18 差胀异常

2.5.18 Abnormal Expansion Differential

A 差胀的主要象征;

A Main signs of the expansion differebtial:

a) 差胀指示急剧增大+3.0mm 或急剧减少-2.0mm;

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a) The indication of the expansion differential increase by +3.50mm or decreases
by -2.0mm rapidly.

b) 清楚地听到汽机内有清晰的金属声;

b) Clear metal sound in the turbine can be heard.

c) 机组进汽温度短时内急剧下降或上升;

c) The steam inlet temperature of the unit increases or decreases rapidly in a

short time.

d) 机组惰走时间明显减少;

d) The idle time of the unit decreases obviously.

e) 机组的差胀指示异常;

e) The expansion differential indication is abnormal.

f) 机组振动逐渐剧烈。

f) Vibration of the unit becomes severe gradually.

B 处理

B. Treatment

a) 确证机组差胀指示急剧增大+3.0mm 或急剧减少-2.0mm,清楚地听到汽机内有

a) It is confirmed that the indication of the expansion differential increase by

+3.0mm or decreases by -2.0mm rapidly. Clear metal sound in the turbine can
be heard and the unit vibrates violently. The resolute measures must be
adopted, break the vacuumquickly, latch off, shutdown the unit accidentally and
make a good record.

b) 若在启停机差胀指示异常时,可停止升速或降速暖机,待胀差正常后再进行操

b) When the indication of the expansion differential is abnormal during the startup
and shutdown of the unit, stop the speed raising and decreasing for warming
up. After the expansion differential is normal, contact the boiler operator to
control the main steam temperature well.

2.5.19 汽轮机水冲击

2.5.19 Water Impact of the Turbine

1) 水冲击的主要象征和处理原则如下:

1) Main signs and treatment principles of water impact are as the follows:

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a) 进汽温度急剧下降;

a) The steam inlet temperature drops massively;

b) 从进汽管法兰、门杆、轴封、汽缸结合面下冒出白色的湿汽或溅出水点;

b) Moist steam or water drops come(s) out of the steam inletflange, valve stem,
shaft seal and the joint surface of the casing.

c) 清楚地听到汽管内有水击声。

c) Water hammer sound can be heard clearly in the steam pipes.


In addition, axial displacement becomes larger, the babbit temperature of thrust bearing
and the oil temperature at the outlet increase, the unit vibrates severely gradually, and
the metal sound and water hammer sound occurs to the inner part of the unit.


If water comes into turbine, break the vacuum immediately, shut down the unit and open
the drain valves of the turbine proper and on the main steam pipes for drainage.

2) 因水冲击紧急停机时,除按事故停机要求果断停机操作外,还应:

2) When shutting down the unit emergently because of the water impact, except the
resolute shutdown operations based on the accidental shutdown requirements, the
following things should also be done:

a) 正确记录惰走时间及惰走时真空的变化;

a) Record the idle time and the vacuum changes during idling.

b) 在惰走时仔细对机组进行听音检查;

b) Carry out sound detection to the unit carefully duting idling.

c) 检查推力瓦乌金和出口油温;

c) Check the babbit temperature of the thrust bearing and the oil temperature at
the outlet.

d) 检查轴向位移的变化。

d) Check the axial displacement conditions.

3) 如在惰走时,并未听出异音时和察觉转动部分有磨擦情况,惰走时间正常,各轴承

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3) If there is not any abnormal sound and frication between the static and rotating
parts, the idle time is normal, the vibration of bearings,thrust pad temperature and
the oil temperature at the outlet and the axial displacement are normal, the turbine
can be started up continuously. But the water in the main steam pipes must be
drained thoroughly. While impulsing and raising the speed again, special attention
must be paid to monitor the changing conditions of the above parameters and to
carry out the sound detection. If there is any abnormal sound in the turbine or
abnormal parameter values, stop the start up quickly and shut down the unit for

2.5.20 汽轮机轴承回油温度等

2.5.20 Return oil Temperature of Turbine Bearing

1) 各轴承回油温度普遍升高,应增加冷油器冷却水流量,必要时可对冷油器冷却水室

1) If the return oil temperature of the bearings goes up generally, increase the cooling
water flow of the oil cooler. Exhaust the air in the cooling water chamber, clean the
cooling water retainer and the water side of the oil cooler when necessary.

2) 如个别轴承回油温度升高,应检查油压、油流是否正常。

2) If partial return oil temperature increases, check whether the oil pressure and flow
are normal.

3) 轴封漏汽引起异常,应严密监视并采取适当措施。

3) If there are any abnormal situations caused by steam leakage of the shaft seal,
monitor closely and take proper measures.

4) 有异物进入轴承油管或轴瓦故障,引起出口油温急剧升高,甚至使轴承断油冒烟,

4) If foreign matters come into the bearing oil pipe or the bearing bush has faults,
making the sudden increasing of oil temperature at the outlet and even making the
bearing smoking and hving no oil supply, break the vacuum and carry out the
accidental shutdown according to the regulations.

5) 运行中任一点推力轴瓦温度上升,应分析原因,同时降低负荷,并检查轴向位移、

5) When any temperature of the thrust bearings increases, ascertain the causes,
reduce the load and check whether the axial displacement, the return oil
temperature difference between the working surface and the non-working surface of
the thrust bearing are normal.

2.5.21 凝汽器真空异常

2.5.21 Abnormal Vacuum of the Condenser

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1) 运行中应经常注意凝结器水位及其自动调整工况随气温、排汽量的变化自动保持合
理背压。满负荷工况下排汽压力不得超过 43kPa,当排汽压力达到此限时,开始减
负荷,每升高 1 kPa 减负荷 5MW,排汽压力升至 53 kPa 时,负荷减到零,继续升

1) During the operaton, pay attention to the water level of the condenser and it can
adjust the working condition automatically and remain a proper backpressure
automatically along with the changes of steam temperature and exhaust amount.
Under full load working condition, the exhaust pressure should not over 43Pa.
When the pressure reaches the value, start to reduce load. Once 1Kpa is
increased, reduce 5MW load.When the exhaust pressure is increased to 53Kpa,
reduce the load to zero. If the pressure still goes up, carry out accidental shutdown.

2) 经过迅速查对,发现真空确在急剧下降时应:

2) Through rapid inspection, the vacuum is ceratin to drop severely, the following
operation should be done:

a) 迅速启动备用真空泵,并检查运行中的真空泵工况是否正常。

a) Start up the standby vacuum pump and check whether the working condition of
the operating vacuum pump works normal.

b) 汽封供汽压力是否过低或中断。

b) Whether the steam supply pressure of the steam seals is too low or too high.

c) 凝结水泵出口压力是否正常,水封供水门是否误关,凝结器满水,轴加无水位

c) Whether the pressure at the outlet of the condensate pump is mormal, whether
water supplly valve of the water seal is closed by mistake, and whether the
water in the condenser is full or the gland heater is in operation without water.

d) 循环水中断,应迅速减负荷到零,视真空下降程度,随时准备不破坏真空故障
停机。停机后关闭凝汽器循环水进出口门,一般待低压缸排汽温度下降至 50℃

d) When the circulating water is interrupted, reduce the load to zero quickly. Be
ready to shut down the unit without breaking the vacuum at any time. After the
shutdown, close the circulating water inlet and outlet valves of the condenser.
Generally, after the exhaust temperature is reduced to 50 ℃, supply cieculating
water to the condenser.

e) 是否在涉及真空的系统上进行过操作,如有应立即停止操作,恢复原始状态。

e) Whether there are any operations to the system relating to vacuum. If there
are, restore to the original state.

f) 查找真空系统有无漏泄点。真空破坏门是否误开。

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f) Check whether there is any leakage of the vacuum system and whether the
vacuum break valve is opened by mistake.

g) 若负荷降低,真空降低,负荷升高,真空恢复,说明低压缸结合面或低压抽汽

g) If the load and vacuum decrease, and the load increases, vacuum is restored,
which mesans that there is air leakage at the joint surface of LP casing or the
flange of LP extraction pipes.

h) 由于循环水进口滤网堵塞,或没有排尽管段中存贮的空气,以及循环水系统切

h) The interrupt of the circulating water or small circulating water flow can be
caused by the blockage of the circulating water filter at the inlet, or inadequate
air exhaust in the pipes and the operations of the circulating water exchange by
mistake. Pay attention to check and prevent.

i) 真空逐渐下降,循环水温升增大,应启动备用循环水泵.

i) The vacuum decreases gradually, the circulating water temperature increases,

start up the standby circulating water pump.

2.5.22 润滑油系统

2.5.22 Lubricating Oil Sysrem

1) 运行中主油泵声音失常,但油压仍正常时,应注意听音检查,密切注视油压变化,

1) During the operation, if the main oil pump makes abnormal sound but the
oilpressure is normal, carry out the sound detection, observe the oil pressure
conditions closely and report to the foreman, shift leader. If the situation
deteriorates, shut down the unit emergently when necessary.

2) 油压和油箱油位同时降低

2) The oil pressure and oil level of the oil tank drop at the same time.

如运行中无法消除泄漏油位下降迅速,已降至-360mm 时,危及机组正常运行,应

Generally, the pressure oil leaks out the oil tank, then check the leakage, namely,
whether the HP and LP oil pipes are broken and leak oil. Meanwhile, check whether
the copper pipe of the oil cooler is broken (check whether there is any oil floating on
the cooling water at the outlet from the air valve at the water side). If the above
situations happen, take measyres to eliminate them during operation or stop the
operation for discharging the oil in the oil cooler. At the same time, make up oil to

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the oil tank until the normal oil level is reached. If they could not be removed during
the operation, the oil level drops rapidly to -360mm and threaten the safe operation
of the unit, carry out the accidental shutdown immediately.

3) 油压降低,油位不变

3) Oil pressure decreases but the oil pressure remains the same.


Check whether the working condition of the main oin pump is normal, and whether
the check valve is normal. When the lube oil pressure is low, check whether the
retainer is blocked up and whether the overpressure valve is loose. If the oil
pressure is too low, start up the standby valve to restore the oil pressure and report
the abnormal situation to the foreman and shift leader.

4) 油压不变,油位降低

4) Oil pressure remains the same but the oil level decreases


Check whether the oil level indicator is blocked and make sure the oil level of the oil
tamk decreases. If it is decreased indeed, make up the oil immediately and check
whether the oil discharge valve is opened by mistake and whether there is a slight
oil leakage of the oil cooler, and whether there is a slight oil leakage flow in other oil
pipes and eliminate immediately.

5) 运行中油系统着火不能立即扑灭时,应迅速破坏真空故障停机,并通知消防人员到

5) During operation, if the oil system catches fire, which could not be put out
immediately, break the vacuum and shutdown the unit immediately, inform the fire
fighters to be at site and take effective measures to put out the fire. If the fire could
not be in control, discharge the oil into the accident oil sump and cut off the power
supply of the failed equipment to lessen the damage range and avoid affecting the
operation of other units. During the accidental shutdown, start up the LP oil pump.

2.5.23 调速油系统故障

2.5.23 Faults in the Govering Oil System

1) 润滑油泵工作失常,主油箱油位低,故障停机。

1) The lube oil pump fails and the oil level of the main oil tank is low, carry out the

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accidental shutdown.

2) 运行中主油泵声音失常,调速油系统中的油压失常,应仔细倾听主油泵及各有关部

2) During the operation, the main oil pump makes abnormal sound and the oil
pressure in the governing oil system is abnormal, listen to the main oil pump’s and
the relevant components’ sound, pay attention to the oil pressure and report the
abnormal situations to the shift leader.

3) 运行中主油泵声音失常,油压同时下降,立即启动调速油泵,若备用泵故障,故障

3) During the operation, the main oil pump makes abnormal sound and the oil
pressure drops, start up the speed control oil pump. If the standby pump fails, carry
out the accidental shutdown.

4) 调速油质不良至使 DDV 阀、错油门、油动机油窗管道堵塞、调节、保安部套卡涩,


4) If the governing oil quality does not meet the requirement, the DDV valve, pilot valve
and oil window pipes are blocked, and there is blockage in the regulation and safety
assembly, report to the shift leader and carry out the accidental shutdown.

5) 调节保安系统有缺陷或部件磨损,故障停机。

5) If there is defect in the regulation and safety system or the components are worn,
carry out the accidental shutdown.

6) 汽轮机超速保护装置失常,故障停机。

6) The overspeed protection device of turbine fails, carry out the accidental shutdown..

2.5.24 凝汽器泄漏

2.5.24 Leakage of the Condenser

1) 凝结器的松动,若是排气温度引起的,控制排气温度在正常值。

1) The expansion port of the condenser is loose. If it is caused by the exhaust

temperature, then keep the exhaust temperature at the normal value.

2) 凝结器的钛管破裂,凝结水导电度和硬度升高凝结器满水,必要时将污染凝结水外

2) If the titanium pipe of the condenser is broken, the conductivity of the condensate
water and hardness becomes larger, and the condenser is full with water, discharge
the contaminated water when necessary and report to the shift leader to carry out
the accidental shutdown.

2.5.25 给水泵组故障

2.5.25 Feedwater Pump Fails.

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If any of the situations happens, shut down the pump emergently:

a) 运行参数达到保护动作值而保护未动作时;

a) The operation pqrameter reaches the working parameter of the protection, but the
protection does not work.

b) 电动机或轴承冒烟;

b) Motor or bearing smokes.

c) 泵组内部发生碰摩,有明显的金属声;

c) There is frication in the pumps and clear metal sound can be heard.

d) 泵组强烈振动;

d) Pumps vibrate violently.

e) 给水泵体或出、入口大量跑水,运行中无法消除;

e) Water leaks out the feedwater pump or at the inlet and the outlet, which could not be
eliminated during operation.

f) 油箱油位降到低限补油无效时;

f) The oil level of the oil tank is reduced to the limit, and the oil makeup is ineffective.

g) 危及人身安全。

g) Threaten personal safety.


Procedures of emergency shutdown of pumps:

a) 按给水泵电机事故按钮

a) Press the motor accident of feedwater pump button.

b) 液力偶合器给水泵,检查其辅助油泵自启;

b) Feedwater pump of hydraulic coupling. Check its standby oil pump is started up

c) 检查备用泵已联动,运转正常;

c) Check the standby pump is started up interlockingly and is in normal operation.

d) 注意故障泵的惰走情况;

d) Pay attention to the idling condition of the failed pump.

e) 进行其它消灭故障工作。

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e) Carry out other fault elimination work.

2.5.26 除氧器故障

2.5.26 The Failure of Deaerator


Abnormal operation and treatment of the deaerator

异常象征 原 因 处理措施

Causes Treatment

a)压力自动调整失灵 改手动,修复压力自控

Change into manual operation,

a) Automatic adjustment of
restore control the pressure
除氧器 pressure fails.
High 门,保持正常压力
pressure of
Ascertain the causes; close the
the b) Condensate water amount
steam inlet valve to keep normal
deaerator decreases suddenly.
pressure a little.

c)高加疏水装置失灵,除疏水外, 改手动调整高加水位,保持高加正常
蒸汽进入除氧器 水位

c) The HP drain device fails.

Adjust water level of the HP heater
Besides the drain water, the steam
to keep the normal water level.
goes into the deaerator.

a)压力自动调整失灵 改手动,修复压力自控

Change into manual operation,

a) Automatic adjustment of
除氧器 restore control the pressure
pressure fails.
b)加热蒸汽母管压力过低 增加机组负荷提高母管压力
Too low
pressure of the b) The heating steam header has Add the load and increase the
deaerator a too low pressure. pressure of the steam header.

c)凝结水水温低且水量大 量,恢复正常压力

b) Too low water temperature and Check and eliminate the lowwater
too small water flow of the temperature, increase the steam
condensate water. inlet flow and restore the normal

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a) Adjustment of the water level Adjust manually, reduce the water

除氧器 fails and water inlet amount is too inlet amount and restore the water
水位过高 large.. level.

Too high b)给水泵故障跳闸未联动备泵 迅速启动备用泵

water level
b) Feedwater pump fails and trips,
of the Start up the standby pump
the standby pump is not
deaerator interlocked.

c)锅炉上水量骤减 放水阀未动时,应手动放水,并密切

Reduce water inlet amount of the

deaerator. If too high of the water
level but the emergency drain valve
c) Water supply of the boiler
doesnot work, discharge water
reduces suddenly.
manually and monitor the water level.
After the the level is normal, close the
water discharge valve immediately.

除氧器 改为手动调节,增加进水量,修复水
a) When automatic adjustment of Adjust manually, increase water inlet
Too low
water level fails, the water flow is amount and restore the normal
water level
too small. automatic control of water level.
of the
b)除氧器水箱放水门误开 关闭误开放水门
b)The water discharge valve of
Close the valve opened by
deaerator water tank is opened by


c)The condensate water pump Start up the standby condensate

fails and the water amount water pump. If the water discharge
decreases. valve of the condensate pump is
opened by mistake, check and close

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d)给水量突然增(如:锅炉受热面 增加除氧器进水保持水位,等待锅炉
泄漏,给水系统误开放水等) 停运,关闭误开放水门

4)Feed water amout increases

Increase the water inlet amount of
suddenly(like leakage of the boiler
the deaerator. Close the water
heating surface and water
discharge valve opened by mistake
discharge of the feedwater
after the boiler is shutdown.

a)排氧门开度过小 适当开大排氧门

a) Opening degree of the

oxygen discharge valve is too Open the valve wider properly
除氧 器出水溶 small.
b)凝结水温低,水量大,加热蒸汽 查找原因,改变运行方式,提高凝结
Dissolved 压力低,汽量不足 水温和加热蒸汽压力
oxygen in
the water b) Condensate water temperature Find out the causes, change the
flow of the is low, water flow is large; heating operation mode to increase the
deaerator steam pressure is low and the condensate water temperature and
does not steam amount is not enough. heating steam pressure.
meet the c)除氧头内部件损坏 检修除氧头,修复损坏的部件
c) The components of the Maintain the deaerating head and
deaerating head are damaged. repair the damaged componenets.

d)凝结水含氧量过高 降低凝结水含氧量

d) The oxygen content in the

Decrease the oxygen content
condensate water is too much.

2.5.27 加热器故障

2.5.27 Failure of Heaters



1) 汽水疏水调节门动作异常。

1) Steam&water drain water governing valves works abnormally.

2) 疏水压力低,疏水管道不畅。

2) Drain water pressure is low and the drain pipes are not smooth.

3) 高加内部 U 型管泄漏。

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3) U pipes inside the HP heater leaks.



1) 首先检查水位计,判断对照是否假水位。

1) Check the water level indicator, judge and compare whether it is a fake water level.

2) 若两相流疏水调节门动作异常时,应手动开大疏水调节门旁路门,检查水位是否下

2) If the two-phase flow governing valves work abnormally, opent the bypass valve of
the drain water governing valve. Check whether the water level drops, contact the
instrumentation personnel to check the control induction system and take
measures. If ineffective, stop the HP heater.

3) 若疏水压力低,疏水管道不畅时,应适当提高压力,检查疏水系统阀门是否误关或

3) If the drain water pressure is too low and the drain pipe is not smooth, increase the
pressure properly. Check whether the valves of the draining system are closed by
mistake or the valve core fall off. Discharge the water to the trench or open the
emergency drain water valve. When the measures do not work, stop the HP heater.

4) 水位上升较快,采取措施仍无法维持水位,可判定为 U 型管严重泄漏,紧急停用高

4) Water level increases quickly, even if taking ,easures but the water level could not
be restored, this means that the U pipe has a severe leakage. Then stop the HP

5) 保护动作:

5) Protective operations:


Check the electrically operated valve of the feed water bypass is opened and the
extraction check valve is closed and whether the other valves work normally.When
necessary, do it manually. If the protection works by mistake, contact the
instrumentation personnel. If confirming there is no any mistake, put the HP heater
into operation. If the protection of high water level works indeed, ascertain the
causes and eliminate. After the elimination, put the HP heater into operation.

6) 高加外部泄漏:

6) External leakage of the HP heater:

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Leakage occurs to the flange at the ateam side and water side, and steam and
water pipes, threatening personnel and equipment safety, stop the operation of HP

2.6 机组联锁保护试验

2.6 Interlock and Protection Test

2.6.1 主机跳闸联锁保护试验

2.6.1 Interlock and Protection Test of Turnine Trip.

序号 项 目 备注

No. Item Notes

1 手动遮断试验

1 Manual trip test

2 遥控停机试验

2 Remote control shutdown test

3 跳机试验

3 Shutdown test

3.1 润滑油压 0.06Mpa

3.1 Lube oil pressure 0.06 Mpa

3.2 凝汽器真空降至-85Kpa 报警,降至-82 Kpa 发出停机讯号

Vacuum of the condenser drops to _85Kpa, alarm. When to -82Kpa,

shutdown signal will be sent.

3.3 轴向位移+0.8mm,-1.0 报警;+1.0mm,-1.2 跳机.

3.3 Axial displacement+0.8mm, -1.0 alarm; +1.0mm,-1.2 shut down.

3.4 相对膨胀值 +3.0mm 或-2.0mm 报警,+4mm 或-2.5mm 跳机

When the relevative expansion value is +3.0mm or -2.0mm, alarm; when

+4mm or -2.5mm, shutdown.

3.5 超速 3300 r/min 跳机

3.5 When the overspeed is 3300 r/min, shut down.

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3.6 轴振 0.125 mm 报警, 0.2 mm 跳机

3.6 Vibration of the shaft is 0.125mm, alarm; when 0.2, shut down.

3.7 锅炉 MFT 跳机

3.7 The MFT of boiler will be activated and shut down.

3.8 发电机主保护动作跳机

3.8 The main protection of geberator works and the generator shutsdown.

3.9 DEH 失电动作

3.9 The DEH having no power supply works.

3.10 EH 油压低 9.3Mpa

3.10 The EH oil pressutre is low and about9.3Mpa.

3.11 轴瓦、推力瓦金属温度 90℃报警,100℃跳机

When the metal temperature of the bearing bush and the thrust pad is
90℃, alarm; when 100℃, shut down.

4 #1-#4 轴承回油温度高 70℃报警, 75℃应手动打闸

Bearing return oil from #1-#4 is high,when at70℃,alarm; when75℃, latch

off manually.

(1) 汽轮机低油压保护试验

(1) Low oil pressure protection test of steam turbine

1) 启动交流润滑油泵,润滑油压应在 0.012-0.16Mpa。

1) Start up AC lube oil pump, and the lubrication pressure should be within 0.012-

2) 启动顶轴油泵,顶轴油压应在 8-12Mpa。

2) Start up jacking oil pump and the jacking oil pressure should be within 8-12

3) 将盘车投入运行。

3) Put the turning gear into operation.

4) 将低压交直油泵置于联动备用状态。

4) Put the LP AC and DC oil pumps into interlocking and standby state.

5) 由热工解除低真空保护开关。

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5) Disconnect the low vacuum protection switch by the I&C personnel.

6) 挂好危急保安器,调速汽门应全开。

6) Latch on the emergency governor and the governing valve should be fully

7) 用 DEH 将主汽门开至 1/3 位置。

7) Open the main stop valve at 1/3 position through DEH.

8) 逐渐关闭低油压保护装置进油门,注意油压变化。

8) Close the oil inlet valve of the low oil pressure protection device gradually and
pay attention to the oil pressure changes.

9) 缓慢开启低油压保护装置放油门。

9) Open the oil diacharge valve of the low oil pressure protection device gradually.

10) 当润滑油压降至 0.08 时,交流润滑油泵应联动。当油压降 0.06Mpa 时,低压

直流油泵应联动。当油压降至 0.03Mpa 时,盘车自动停止,将操作开关断开。

10) When the lubrication oil pressure is reduced to 0.08, the AC lube oil pump
should be interlocked. When reducing to 0.06 Mpa, LP DC oil pump should be
interlocked. When reducing to 0.03 Mpa, the turning gear should be stopped
automatically and disconnect the switch.

11) 全关保护装置放油门,开启进油门。

11) Close the oil discharge valve fully and open the oil inlet valve.

12) 润滑油压降至 0.06Mpa 时,汽轮机跳闸,主汽门,调速汽门关闭,是由热工人


12) When the lubrication oil pressure is reduced to 0.06Mpa, turbine trips, main
stop valve and the governing valve are closed, which is done by the I & C
personnel through adopting the short connection point mode on another LP oil
pressure relay protection device.

(2) 胀差试验

(2) Expansion differential test

1) 将高压油泵投入运行,油压应正常。

1) Put the HP oil pump into operation and the oil pressure should be normal.

2) 交流润滑油泵,直流油泵投入联动备用。

2) Put the AC lube oil pump and DC oil pump into interlocking and standby state.

3) 由热工人员解除低真空保护。

3) Disconnect the low vacuum protection by the I&C personnel.

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4) 挂好危急保安器,调速汽门应全开。

4) Latch on the emergency governor and the governing valve should be fully

用 DEH 手动方式将主汽门开至 1/3 位置。

Open the main stop valve at 1/3 position manually through DEH.

由热工人员采取短接点的方法,分别作轴向位移﹢1.0﹣1.2mm 时,胀差-2.5-
+4mm 时,轴承振动 0.10mm,轴振 0.2mm 时,汽轮机跳闸,主汽门,调速汽

When doing the axial displacement of ﹢1.0﹣1.2mm by the I & C personnel

through adopting the short connection method. When the expansion differential
is within -2.5--+4mm, the vibration of the bearing is 0.1mm. When the vibration
of the shaft is 0.2mm, turbine trips and the main stop valve and the governing
valve are closed thoroughly.

5) 分别试验完后,将机组各设备恢复至试验前状态。

5) When these tests are finished, restore the equipment of the unit to the original

(3) 低真空保护试验

(3) Low vacuum protection test

1) 启动交流润滑油泵,油压应正常。

1) Start up the AC lube oil pump and the oil pressure should be normal.

2) 启动顶轴油泵,油压应正常。

2) Start up the jacking oil pump and the oil pressure should be normal.

3) 投入盘车装置,盘车运行应正常。

3) Put the turning geat into operation and it should work normally.

4) 水环泵处于联动备用。

4) The water ring pump is in interlocking and standby state.

5) 挂好危急保安器,调速汽门应全开。

5) Latch on the emergency governor and the governing valve should be fully

6) 用 DEH 将主汽门开至 1/3 位置。

6) Open the main stop valve at 1/3 position through DEH.

7) 由热工人员采取短接点的方式,使凝汽器真空达到﹣82Kpa 时,

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7) When the vacuum of the condenser reaches﹣82Kpa by the the I&C personnel
adopting the short connection mode, turbine will trip and the mainstop valve
and the governing valve are closed.

8) 试验结束后,机组各设备恢复至试验前状态。

8) After the test is over, the equipment of the unit should be restored to the original

(4) 喷油试验阀试验:

(4) Oil spray valve test

1) 喷油试验在额定转速下进行,将汽轮机空载转速降至 2800r/min。

1) Oil spray test should be carried out under the rated speed, and reduce the
speed under no load to 2800r/min.

2) 操作危急遮断试验装置,将 1#危急遮断装置置“试验”位置,按下 1#喷油试


2) Operate the emergency trip test device and put the #1 emergency trip device at
TEST position, press the button of 1# oil injection test, then the test oil will be
supplied to the protection ring of the emergency governor.

3) 将转速升至 2920±30 r/min 时,飞环飞出危急遮断油门动作,同时危急遮断指


3) When the speed is raised at 2920±30 r/min, the protection ring will fly out and
the emergency trip oil valve will work and the emergency trip indicator shows

4) 松开 1#喷油试验按钮,危急遮断指示器指示“正常”,危急遮断油门已挂钧。

4) Lossen the button of 1# oil injection test, the emergency trip indicator shows
NORMAL and the emergency trip oil valvehas been latched on.

5) 将 2#危急遮断装置置“试验”位置,用同样的方法做 2#危急遮断装置试验。

5) Put the #2 emergency trip device at TEST position and do the test with the
same method.

6) 试验完毕将危急遮断装置恢复“正常”位置。

6) After the test is finished, recover the emergency trip device at NORMAL

(5) 超速保护试验:

(5) Overspeed protection test

1) 在下列情况下进行此项试验

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1) The test should be carried out under the following conditions:

a) 新安装或大修后的机组。
a) The newly installed unit or the unit after overhaul.

b) 调节系统解体检查后。
b) After the inspection of the dismantle of the governing system.

c) 机组运行 2000 小时后(运行时可用注油试验代替)。

c) After the unit is in operation for 2000 h (during the operation, it can be
instead by the oil filling test)

d) 停机一个月后再启动时。
d) Restart after the shutdown for one month.

2) 在下列情况下禁止做此项试验

2) The test is forbidden to be carried out under the following conditions:

a) 打闸手柄动作不良或卡涩

a) The trip handle works unsmoothly or is blocked.

b) 自动主汽门、调速汽门关闭不严或卡涩

b) The auto main stop valve and the governing valve are closed not very
tightly or blocked.

c) 调速系统大幅摆动或有卡涩现象

c) The governing system swings severely or has blockage.

3) 试验步骤

3) Test procedures:

OPC 电磁阀超速

Overspeed of OPC solenoid valve

a) 机组定速后,检查一切正常。

a) After the speed of the unit is fixed, check everything is normal.

b) 在“转速控制”画面中点击“进入超速实验”按钮,进入超速实验画面。


SPEED CONTROL display, and then enter the overspeed protection

c) 点击“103%超速”按钮,再点击“进行”按钮,即进入 OPC 超速实验,

转速目标值自动设为 3095r/min。

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c) Press the 103﹪ OVERSPEED button, then click the CARRY OUT button,
then come to the OPC overspeed protection test. The target valve of the
speed is set at 3095r/min automatically.

d) 转 速 升 到 3090r/min 时 , OPC 电 磁 阀 应 动 作 , 调 门 关 闭 。 转 速 降 到
3000r/min 时,调门自动开启。

d) When the speed is increased to 3095r/min, the OPC solenoid valve should
work and the governing valve should be closed. When the speed is
increased to 3000 r/min, the governing valve should be opened

e) 实验结束后,点击复位按钮退出实验。

e) After the test is finished, pressure the reset button to withdraw from the

(6) AST 电超速

(6) Electric overspeed of AST

1) 将 DEH-NK 机柜内的投切开关逆时针旋转 45 度,同时将 ETS 中超速保护投切开


1) Rotate the fling-cut switch in the DEH-NK equipment cabinet anticlockwise for
45 degree.. At the sane time, put the overspeed protection fling-cut switch in
the ETS at cut-off position.

2) 点击“进入超速实验”按钮,进入超速实验画面。

2) Press the ENTER THE OVERSPEED TEST button and come to the overspeed
test display.

3) 点击“110%超速”按钮,再点击“进行”按钮,即进入 AST 超速实验,转速

目标值自动设为 3305r/min。

3) Press the 110﹪ OVERSPEED button, then press the CARRY OUT button,then
come to the AST overspeed test. The target speed is set at 3305r/min.

4) 转速升到 3300r/min 时,AST 电磁阀动作,主汽门、调汽门关闭,汽机跳闸。

4) When the speed is increased to 3300r/min, the AST electric solenoid valve
works, main stop valve and governing valve are closed and turbine trips.

5) 当转速降至 3000r/min 时,操作启动阀重新开启主汽门。

5) When the speed is reduced to 3000r/min, operate the startup valve to open the
main stop valve again.

6) 实验结束后,点击复位按钮退出实验。

6) After the test is finished, press the reset button to withdraw from the test.

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(7) 机械超速实验

(7) Mechanical overspeed test

1) 将 DEH-NK 机柜内的投切开关顺时针旋转 45 度,同时将 ETS 中超速保护投切开


1) Rotate the fling-cut switch in the DEH-NK equipment cabinet clockwise for 45
degree. Meanwhile, put the overspeed protection fling-cut switch in the ETS at
cut-off position.

2) 将危急遮断试验油门扳至 NO1 位置,试验#1 飞环。

2) Put the emergency trip test oil valve at NO1 position, then test the protection

3) 点击“进入超速实验”按钮,进入超速实验画面。

3) Press the ENTER THE OVERSPEED PROTECTION TEST button, then comt
to the test display.

3) 点击“机械超速”按钮,再点击“进行”按钮,即进入机械化超速实验,转速
目标值自动设为 3365r/min。

4) Press the MECHANICAL OVERSPEED button, then press the CARRY OUT
button, then come to the mechanical overspeed protection test. The target
speed of the unit is set at 3365r/min automatically.

4) 当转速升至 3330~3360r/min 范围内某一数值时,飞环飞出,主汽门、调汽门


5) When the speed is increased to any valve within 3330-3360r/min, the

protection ring will fly out, the main stop valve and the governing valve are
closed and the emergency trip indicator shows TRIP.

5) 当转速降至 3000r/min 时,操作启动阀重新开启主汽门。将危急遮断试验油门

扳至 NO2 位置,用同样方法试验#2 飞环。

5) When the speed is decreased to 3000r/min, operate the startup valve to open
the main stop valve again. Put the oil valve of the emergency trip test at No.2
position and test the #2 protection ring with the same method.

6) 单个飞环试验结束后,将危急遮断试验油门扳至正常位置,再进行一次两个飞

6) After individual protection ring is tested, put the oil valve of the emergency trip
test at the normal position. Then carry out the interlocking test of the two
protection rings.

7) 实验结束后,点击复位按钮退出实验。

7) After the test is finished, press the reset button to withdraw from thew test.

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1) 人员要分工明确,各司其职。
1) Each of the personnel should be clear about his responsibility and do his
work responsibly.
2) 在并网前额定转速下且交流润滑油泵在运行状态时,做超速试验。
2) Carry out overspeed protection test before the synchorizatrion under rated speed
and the AC lube oil pump being in operation.

3) 要加强对机组各参数的监视,特别是主蒸汽压力、温度的监视,主蒸汽温度
要有 100℃的过热度。
3) Monitor the parameters of the unit closely, especially the main steam pressure and
temperature. The main steam temperature should have a superheat degree of

4) 试验过程中,如发现调节汽门突然开度增大或大幅度晃动,应立即打闸停机,
4) In the process of test, if the opening degree of governing valve becomes larger or
the governing valve vibrates severely, latch off and shutdown immediately. After the
causes are found out, do it once again.

5) 试验中当转速升至 3360 r/min 而飞环不动作,应立即手打危急遮断手柄。

5) In the process of test, if the speed is increased to 3360r/min but the protection ring
does not work, disconnect the emergency trip handle manually immediately.

6) 超速试验前禁止做注油试验,以保证危急保安器动作转数的准确性。

6) The oil filling test is not allowed to be carried out before the overspeed protection
test to ensure the precision of the working speed of the emergency governor.

7) 机械超速试验应连续做三次,其动作转速差第一次与第二次不超过 18r/min,第三次
与前两次动作的平均转速差不超过 30r/min。

7) The mechanical overspeed test should be done three times continuously, and the
working speed difference compared to the first and second time should not over
18r/min. The average speed difference of the third time compared to the first two
times should not over 30r/min.

(8) 真空系统严密性试验

(8) Tightness test of the vacuum system


Tightness test methods of the vacuum system

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1) 联系值长将负荷减至 80%额定负荷,稳定 15 分钟。

1) Contact the shift leader to reduce the load to the 80﹪ of the rated load, and
keep it for 15min.

2) 关闭真空泵入口门后记录真空下降数值。

2) After closing the inlet valve of the vacuum pump, record the vacuum dropping

3) 注意凝汽器真空,下降率每分钟 0.27-0.40Kpa 为良好,不超过 0.67Kpa 为合格。

3) Pay attention to the vacuum of the condenser. The dropping rate within 0.27-
0.40Kpa is good and no more than 0.67Kpa is qualified.

4) 试验过程中,真空下降数值不得超过 4Kpa,否则应立即开启真空泵入口门,停

4) In the process of test, the vacuum decreasing value should not be over 4KPa.
Otherwise, open the inlet valve of the vacuum pump immediately and stop the

5) 如果真空严密性不合格,须在停机后启动水压试验的方法找出缺陷进行消除。

5) If the vacuum tightness does not meet the requirements, it is needed to find out
the causes and eliminate them through the hydraulic test after the shutdown of
the unit.

6) 试验时间为 3 分钟,每分钟记录一次真空下降数值。

6) The test lasts for 3min, and record the vacuum dropping value once every min.

7) 试验结束后,开启真空泵入口门,联系值长恢复原带负荷。

7) After the test is finished, open the inlet valve of the vacuum pump, and report to
the shift leader to restore and throw on load.

(9) 抽汽逆止门自动掉闸及抽汽电动门自动关闭试验

(9) Automatic trip test of the extraction check valveand the automatic closing test of the
electrically-operated ectraction valve


Test method

1) 启动交流润滑油泵,油压应正常。

1) Start up the AC lube oil pump and the oil pressure should be normal.

2) 由热工人员解除低真空保护。

2) Disconnect the low vacuum protection by the I&C personnel.

3) 检查压缩空气压力应在正常范围内。

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3) Check the compressed air pressure is within the normal range.

4) 在微机上分别对每个抽汽逆止门及抽汽开关试验良好,然后将所有门开启,并

4) Test every extraction check valve and extraction switch on the computer, which
shoud be well. Then open all the valves and put them into automation state.

5) 挂好危急保安器,检查调速汽门应全开。

5) Latch on the emergency governor and check the governing valve is fully

6) 用 DEH 手动方式将主汽门开至 1/3 位置。

6) Open the main stop valve at 1/3 positon manually through DEH.

7) 手动危急保安器(主控,就地),主汽门、调速汽门关闭、各抽汽逆止门掉闸 ,

7) Manually operate the emergency in the central control room, at site), close the
main stop valve and the governing valve, and the extraction check valves trip
and the extraction valves are closed automatically.

(10) 主汽门及调速汽门的严密性试验

(10) Tightness test of the main stop valve and the governing valve


Test method

1) 空负荷时汽轮机转速保持 3000rpm。

1) The speed of turbine remains at 3000rpm when under no load.

2) 各油泵均处于联动备用状态。

2) All the oil pumps are in interlocking and standby state.

3) 主蒸汽压力保持在 0.5Mpa 以上,主蒸汽温度保持在 450℃以上。

3) The main steam pressure remains above 0.5Mpa, and the temperature over

4) 凝汽器真空应在正常范围内。

4) The vacuum of the condenser is within normal range.

5) 主汽门全开时,用 DEH 手动方式迅速关闭调速汽门。

5) When the main stop valve is fully opened, close the governing valve manually
through the DEH.

6) 汽轮机转速每下降 50rpm,记录一次时间、主蒸汽压力、主蒸汽温度及真空值 ,

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6) Once the speed of turbine decreases by 50rpm, record the time, main steam
pressure, temperature and the vacuum value until the test is over.

7) 调速汽门关闭后,汽轮机转速 7 分钟内降至 1000rpm 以下时为合格。

7) After the governing valve is closed, if the speed of the turbine drops below
1000rpm within 7min, it is qualified.

8) 试验中注意交流润滑油泵联动情况,如没联动应及时投入运行。

8) During the test, pay attention to the interlocking condition of AC lube oil pump. If
it is not interlocked, put it into operation.

9) 调速汽门试验结束后,逐渐开启至试验前位置,使汽轮机转速保持 3000rpm。

9) After the governing valve test is finished,, open the valve gradually to the
original position before the test and make the speed of turbine stay at 3000rpm.

10) 逐渐关小主汽门,开大调速汽门,始终保持额定转速,直至调速汽门全开。

10) Close the main stop valve gradually and open the governing valve, and remain
the rated speed all the time until the governing valve is fully opened.

11) 用 DEH 手动方式迅速关闭主汽门。

11) Close the main stop valve manually through the DEH.

12) 主汽门试验结束后,逐渐开启使汽轮机转速达 3000rpm 稳定运行。

12) After the main stop valve test is finished, open the valve gradally until the speed
reaches at 3000rpm and is in stable operation.

13) 试验中加强对机组的全面检查。

13) Check the unit thoroughly during the test.

(11) 汽轮发电机惰走试验

(11) Idle test of turbo-generator


Test method

1) 汽轮机转速在空负荷保持 3000rpm,稳定运行。

1) Turbine operates stably under no load and remains the speed of 3000rpm.

2) 打落危急保安器,检查主汽门,调速汽门应关闭。

2) Trip the emergency governor, check the main stop valve and the governing
valve are closed.

3) 检查交流润滑油泵是否联动,投入运行。

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3) Check whether the AC lube oil pump is interlocked and put it into operation.

4) 从额定转速开始至主轴静止维持同一真空。

4) Remain the same vacuum from the rated speed to the stillness of the shaft.

5) 每 3 分钟记录一次汽轮机转速、真空及排汽温度。

5) Every three min, record the turbine speed, vacuum and the exhaust

6) 根据试验结果,给出惰走曲线,用以比较以前和今后惰走情况。汽轮发电机甩

6) Give the idle curve based on the test result to make a comparation between the
idle condition of the past anf the later and the load shedding tyest of the turbo-

(12) 汽轮发电机甩负荷试验

(12) Turbine-generator load rejection test


Test method

1) 联系值长汽轮机负荷减至额定负荷的 50%,稳定运行 1 小时。

1) Contact the shift leader that the load has been reduced to 50﹪ of the rated
load, and keep it in stable operation for 1h.

2) 待机组一切正常后,联系电气值班员拉开电气主开关,做甩 50%负荷试验。

2) After everything of the unit is normal, contact the electrical personnel on duty to
open the electrical main switch to carry out 50﹪ load shedding test.

3) 记录汽轮机转速最高飞升数值和转速稳定数值。

3) Record the maximum speed increasing value and the speed stable value.

4) 检查主汽门,调速汽门及抽汽逆止门应迅速关闭,抽汽电动门应自动关闭。

4) Check the main stop valve, governing valve and the extraction check valve are
closed quickly and the electrically operated valve is closed qutomatically.

5) 汽轮机转速下降时,注意高压油泵联动情况。

5) When the speed of turbine decreases, pay attention to the interlocking

condition of the HP oil pumps.

6) 如汽轮机转速降至 3000rpm 以下时,机组一切正常,立即挂好危急保安器,调


6) If the speed of turbine is reduced below 3000rpm and the unit is normal, latch
on the emergency governor immediately. After the governing valve is fully

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opened, open the main stop valve to keep the rated speed.

7) 如汽轮机转速上升至 3300rpm,而危急保安器未动作,应立即打闸停机,并迅

7) If the speed of turbine is increased to 3300rpm but the emergencr governor

does not work, latch off and shut down the unit immediately and close the
electrically operated valve before the main stop valve.

8) 实验过程中,若出现异常振动和异音时,立即打闸停机。

8) During the test, if there is any abnormal vibration and sound, latch off and
shutdown immediately.

9) 试验过程中应注意监视机组各轴承回油情况和回油温度,以及串轴、胀差变化

9) During the test, pay attention to the nesaring return oil condition and
temperature , axial displacement and expansion differential conditions.

10) 调整好轴封供汽压力,注意真空变化,保持好凝汽器、各加热器、除氧器水位 。

10) Adjust the steam supply pressutre of shaft seal, pay attention to the vacuum
changes and keep the water level of the condenser, heaters and deaerator.

11) 上述试验结束后,恢复汽轮机额定转速,经详细检查,确认机组各部运行正常

11) After the above test is finished, restore the rated speed of turbine. After detailed
inspection, and confirmation od the normal operation of the unit, synchronize
once again and raise the load to the full load.

12) 机组在满负荷运行 1 小时后,检查各部正常,用同样的方法做 100%额定负甩


12) After the unit is in ih operation under full load, check each component works
normally. Carry out the load shedding test of 100﹪ rated load in the same way.

13) 试验结束后,恢复机组额定转速,检查确认机组各部运行正常后,重新并网,

13) After the test is over, restore the rated speed of the unit. After checking and
confirming each part of the unit works normally, synchronize and restore the
unit to the state before the test.

2.6.2 跳闸通道模拟保护试验

2.6.2 Trip Passage Simulation Protection Test


Test method:

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1) 锅炉侧在试验位置,启动引风机、送风机、排风机、磨煤机、给煤机、打开燃油速

1) Put the boiler side at test position, start uo the ID fan, FD fan, exhaust fan, coal
pulverizer, open the fast valve of oil, and attemperating water valve, put the oil
burner, connect to the coal feeding power supply and coal burner into operation.

2) 汽机侧:挂好危急保安器,开启调速汽门,主汽门,开启各段抽汽逆止门及抽汽电

2) Turbine side: latch on the emergency governor, open the governing valve, main
stop valve , theextraction check valve and the motor operated extraction valve of
each section.

3) 电气侧:断开隔离刀闸,合上发电机主开关,投入发电机保护。

3) Electrical side: disconnect the islolator, open then generator main switch and put the
protection of generator into operation.

4) 触发锅炉 MFT,MFT 动作后,检查汽轮机是否联锁停机。

4) Trigger the MFT of boiler. After the activation of MFT, check whether the turbine is
shutdown interlockingly.

5) 检查汽机、锅炉辅助设备是否按联锁逻辑停运。

5) Check whether the turbine and the auxiliary equipment of boiler are stopped
according to interlocklogic.

6) 检查发电机主开关是否联锁(通过汽机跳闸)断开。

6) Check whether the main switch of generator is interlocked and disconnected.

7) 重新使机、炉、电设备模拟正常工况,分别使汽轮机和发电机主开关掉闸,检查机

7) Make the turbine, bloiler and generator equipment simulate the normal working
condition and make the main switches of the turbine and generator disconnected,
and check whether the large interlock logic of the unit is reached correctly.


The large interlock logic of the unit is as the follows:

1) 锅炉跳闸,触发汽轮机跳闸。

1) Boiler trips, triggering the trip of turbine.

2) 汽轮机跳闸,触发电气发电机跳闸。

2) Turbine trips, triggering the trip of electric and generator.

3) 如果机组负荷大于 20%额定负荷,触发锅炉跳闸。

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
3) If the load of the unit is larger than the 20﹪ of the rated load,it will trigger the tip
of boiler.


The protection of electric works, triggering the trip of turbine.


After all the tests are finished, restore the turbine, boiler and generator to the
original state before the tests on the computer.

2.7 汽轮机曲线
2.7 The Curve of Turbine

2.7.1 机组冷态启动参考曲线
2.7.1 Reference Curve of Cold-state Startup of the Unit

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2.7.2 汽轮机热态启动曲线
2.7.2 Curve of Hot-state Startup of the Unit

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
2.7.3 机组滑参数停机参考曲线

2.7.3 Reference curve of unit sliding parameters shutdown

2.8 有关图纸(见系统图册)
2.8 Relevant drawings

2.8.1 汽轮机纵剖面图

2.8.1 Vertical cross section of turbine

2.8.2 汽轮机调节系统图

2.8.2 Drawings of turbine governing system

2.8.3 汽轮机润滑系统图

2.8.3 Drawings of turbine lubricating system

2.8.4 主蒸汽及旁路系统图

2.8.4 Drawings of main steam and bypass system

2.8.5 抽汽及疏水系统图

2.8.5 Drawings of extractin and drain system

2.8.6 轴封系统图

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
2.8.6 Drawings of shaft seal system

2.8.7 凝结水系统图

2.8.7 Drawings of condensate system

2.8.8 给水系统图

2.8.8 Drawings of feedwater system

2.8.9 循环水,冷却水系统图

2.8.9 Drawings of circulating water system and cooling water system

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual

3 汽轮机辅机运行手册

3 Turbine Auxiliary Equipment Operation Manual

3.1 汽机辅机系统运行

3.1 Operation of Turbine Auxiliary Equipment

3.1.1 汽机辅机规范

3.1.1 Specifications of Turbine Auxialiary Equipment

1) 凝结器规范

1) Specifications of condenser

序号 项目 单位 规范

No. Item Unit Specification

1 型号 -------- N---4600---1

1 Type N---4600---1

2 冷却面积 ㎡ 4600

2 Cooling area ㎡ 4600

3 冷却水进口温度 ℃ 30

Inlet temperature of
3 ℃ 30
cooling water

4 蒸汽压力 KP a 7.3

4 Steam pressure K Pa 7.3

5 冷却水压力 KP a 0.35

5 Pressure of cooling water KP a 0.35

6 蒸汽流量 t/h 145.554

6 Steam flow t/h 145.554

7 冷却水流量 t/h 12500

7 Cooling water flow t/h 12500

8 制造厂家 --------- 东方汽轮机有限公司

8 Manufacterer -------- DONGFANG Turbine CO., LTD.

2) 除氧器规范

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
2) Specifications of deaerator

序 序
项目 单位 规范 项目 单位 规范
号 号

No. Item Unit Specifications No. Item Unit Specifications

1 型号 ----- 8 几何尺寸

1 Type ----- 8 dimensionin

2 额定出力 T/H 9

2 Rated output T/H 9 prewssure of
safety valve

3 工作压力 MPa 10

Working pressure
3 MPa 10
pressure parts and

4 工作温度 ℃ 11 净重

4 ℃ 11 Net weight

5 设计压力 Mpa 12 工作时净重

Net weight
5 Mpa 12 while

6 设计温度 ℃ 13 型式

6 ℃ 13 Type

7 有效容积 m³ 14 制造厂家

第 154 页 共 228

Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
Effective Manufacture
7 m³ 14
volume r

3) 低压加热器规范

3) Specifications of LP heater

规 范

项目 单位
号 #4 低加 #5 低加 #6 低加

No Specifications
Item Unit
. #4 LP heater #5 LP heater #6 LP heater

1 型 号 -----

1 Type -----

2 加热面积 ㎡

2 Heating area ㎡

压力(设计) Mpa
温度(设计) ℃

Pressure (designed) Mpa

e Temperature(designed
3 ℃

压力(设计 Mpa
4 汽侧
温度(设计) ℃

Pressure (designed) Mpa

4 Temperature(designed
side ℃

5 冷却管束 流程 个

Cooling Flow path

管径 mm
Tube diameter mm

第 155 页 共 228

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数量 根


管材 -----

Tube material -----

流速 m/s

Flow speed m/s

水阻 KPa

Water resistence KPa

管程 -----
6 工作介质
壳程 -----

Working Tube side -----


Shell side -----

安 全 阀 动 管程 Mpa
壳程 Mpa

Tube side Mpa
of safety
valve Shell side Mpa

8 重 量 Kg

8 Weight Kg

9 制造厂家 -----

9 Manufacturer

4) 高压加热器

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4) HP heater

序号 项目 单位 规范

No. Item Unit Specifications

1 #1 高加型号 ----- GJ-220-1

1 Type of #1 HP heater ----- GJ-220-1

2 加热面积 ㎡ 220
2 Heating area ㎡ 220
压力(设计) MPa 16.5
3 水侧
温度(设计) ℃ 250

Pressure(designed) MPa 16.5

3 Water side
Temperature(designed) ℃ 250

压力(设计) MPa 3.4

4 汽侧
温度(设计) ℃ 420

4 Pressure(designed) MPa 3.4

Steam side
Temperature(designed) ℃ 420

管程 ----- 给水
5 工作介质
壳程 ----- 蒸汽和疏水

5 Working Tube side Feedwater

medium Shell side Steam and drain water

给水流量 T/H

给水压力 MPa 13.2

6 管程
入口温度 ℃ 198.7

出口温度 ℃ 228.7

Feedwater flow T/H

Feedwater pressure MPa 13.2
6 Tube side 198.7
Temperature at the inlet ℃

Temperature at the outlet ℃ 228.7

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蒸汽流量 T/H -----

蒸汽压力 MPa 2.972

7 壳程
入口温度 ℃ 395

出口温度 ℃ 231.7

Steam flow T/H -----

Steam pressure MPa 2.972
7 Shell side
Temperature at the inlet ℃ 395
Temperature at the outlet ℃ 231.7

流程 个 2
管径 mm Φ16×2.2
数量 根 -----

水阻 KPa

Flow path 2
Tube diameter mm Φ16×2.2
8 Tube side
Quantity -----
Water resistence KPa

Mpa 15.5
安全阀动作压 管程

壳程 Mpa 3.3

Working Tube side Mpa 15.5

9 pressure of
Shell side Mpa 3.3
safety valve
10 制造厂家 ----- 泰兴宁兴机械有限公司

Ning Xing Mechanical

10 Manufacturer ----- corporation, LTD. In Tai
1 #2 高加型号 ----- JG-250-Ⅱ

1 Type of #2 HP heater ----- JG-250-Ⅱ

2 加热面积 ㎡ 250

2 Heating area ㎡ 250

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压力(设计) MPa 16.5

水侧 Pressure(designed) MPa 16.5

Waterside 温度(设计) ℃ 250

Temperature(designed) ℃ 250

压力(设计) MPa 2.0

4 汽侧
温度(设计) ℃ 360

Pressure(designed) MPa 2.0

4 Steam side
Temperature(designed) ℃ 360

管程 ----- 给水
5 工作介质
壳程 ----- 蒸汽和疏水

Working Tube side ----- Feedwater

Shell side ----- Steam and drain water
给水流量 T/H

给水压力 MPa 13.2

6 管程
入口温度 ℃ 160.1

出口温度 ℃ 198.7

Feedwater flow T/H

6 Tube side Feedwater pressure MPa 13.2
Temperature at the inlet ℃ 160.1
Temperature at the outlet ℃ 198.7
蒸汽流量 T/H -----

蒸汽压力 MPa 1.508

7 壳程
入口温度 ℃ 316.5

出口温度 ℃ 198.7

Steam flow T/H -----

Steam pressure MPa 1.508
7 Shell side Temperature at the inlet ℃ 316.5

Temperature at the outlet ℃ 198.7

8 管程 流程 个 2

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管径 mm Φ16×2.2

数量 根 -----

水阻 KPa

Flow path 2
8 Tube side Tube diameter mm Φ16×2.2
Quantity -----
Water resistance KPa
20MnMo** Expression is
管程 -----
材料 faulty **,Q345R
9 SA556
壳程 -----

Tube side ----- 20MnMo** Expression is

9 Material
Shell side ----- faulty

10 Mpa 15.5
安全阀动作压 管程

壳程 Mpa 1.90

Working Tube side Mpa 15.5

10 pressure of
Shell side Mpa 1.90
safety valve
11 ----- 泰兴宁兴机械有限公司

Ning Xing Mechanical

11 Manufacturer ----- corporation, LTD. In Tai

5) 轴封冷却器规范

5) Specifications of gland seal heater/cooler

序号 项目 单位 规范

No. Item Unit Specifications

1 型号 ----- JQ-50-2

1 Type ----- JQ-50-2

2 冷却面积 ㎡ 50

2 Cooling area ㎡ 50

3 管程 压 力(设计) MPa 2.5

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进水温度(设计) ℃ 100

出水温度(设计) ℃ -----

Pressure (designed) MPa 2,.5

3 Tube side Water inlet temperature ℃ 100

Water outlet temperature ℃ -----

进汽压力(设计) MPa 0.6

4 壳程 进汽温度(设计) ℃ 350

进汽流量(设计) T/H -----

Shell side Steam inlet 0.6


4 Steam outlet 350


Steam inlet flow(designed) T/H -----

5 净重 Kg

5 Net weight Kg

6 制造厂家 -----

6 Manufacturer -----

序 号 项 目 单 位 规 范
No. Item Unit Specification
1 型 号 ----- 2BEX152-0
Specifications of vacuum pump
1 Type ----- 2BEX152-0
2 抽干空气量 m³/h
2 Dry air extracted amount Kg/h

3 电机型号 ----- 机
3 Motor type ----- YE33 160L-4 冷

4 功率 KW 15

4 Power KW 15 规
5 电压 V 380 范

5 Voltage V 380 7)
Oil cooler specifications of the unit
6 电流 A
7 转速 rpm

8 制造厂家 ----- 上海凯泉泵业(集团)有限

第 161 页 共 228 公司
Manufacturer 页 Shanghai Kaiquan Pump
8 ----- (Group) Co., Ltd.
Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual

序 项 目 单位 规 范 序 项 目 单位 规 范
号 号
No. Item Unit Specifications No. Item Unit Specificatio
1 型 号 ----- LY100 9 水侧压力 MP a ns

Pressure at
1 Type ----- LY100 9 MP a 0.6
water side

2 冷却面积 ㎡ 100 10 油侧压力 MP a 0.6

Pressure at
2 Cooling area ㎡ 100 10 MP a 0.6
oil side

3 冷却流量 T/H 68.4 11 冷却管尺寸 Mm

Size of Mm
3 Cooling flow T/H 68.4 11 T/H
cooling pipe
4 冷却水温度 ℃ 33 12 冷却管根数 根

Number of
4 water ℃ 33 12
cooling pipes

5 进油温度 ℃ 65 13 冷却管材料 -----

Oil inlet Cooling pipe

5 ℃ 65 13 -----
temperature material

6 出油温度 ℃ 45 14 净 重 Kg

Oil outlet
6 ℃ 45 14 Net weight Kg

7 运行压力 Mpa 0.45 15 型 式

7 Operating Mpa 0.45 15 Type

8 冷却水流程 ----- 2 16 制造厂家

8 Cooling ----- 2 16 Manufacturer

water flow
8) 主油箱、辅助油箱、事故油箱规范

8) Specifications of main oil tank, auxiliary oil tank and emergency oil tank

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序号 名称 项目 单位 规范

No. Name Item Unit Specifications

1 主油箱
容积 m³ 8.5

安装高度 m

Overall diamentions
1 Main oil tank
Volume m³ 8.5

Installed height

2 辅助油箱
容积 m³

安装高度 m

Overall diamentions
Auxiliary oil Diameter×height
tank Volume m³

Installed height m

3 事故油箱
容积 m³

安装高度 m

Overall diamentions
Emergency Diameter×height
oil tank Volume m³

Installed height m

4 制造厂家 东方汽轮机厂

4 Manufacturer DONGFANG Turbine Factory

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10) 油泵和排烟机规范

10) Specifications of oil tank and induced draft fan

序 号 名 称 项 目 单 位 规 范

Name Item Unit Specifications





Type: motor -----

流量 M³/h
Flow -----

压力 MPa
AC lube oil
Pressure MPa

电机功率 KW

Motor power KW

电机电压 V

Motor voltage V

电机电流 A

Motor current A

制造厂家 电机/泵

Manufacturer -----

3 直流低压油泵 型号:泵 ----- 100AY60B-H00

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Type: pump ----- 100AY60B-H00

型号:电机 ----- Z2-61

Type: Motor ----- Z2-61

流量 M³/h 79

Flow M³/h 79

压力 MPa 0.38

Pressure M³/h 79

KW 17
DC LP oil 电机功率
Motor power KW 17

电机电压 V 220(DC)

Motor voltage V 220(DC)

电机电流 A 88.9

Motor current A 88.9

制造厂家 电机/泵 杭州金蟒电机厂/上海水泵

Hangzhou Jinmeng Motor

Manufacturer ----- Factory/Shanghai Water

型号:泵 ----- PVDR100H26A

Type: Pump ----- PVDR100H26A

型号:电机 ----- ILG0206-4AA7-Z

顶轴油泵 Type: Motor ----- ILG0206-4AA7-Z

4 Jacking oil
pump 流量 m³/min

Flow m³/min

压力 MPa 5-14

Pressure MPa 5-14

第 165 页 共 228

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电机功率 KW 30

Motor power KW 30

电机电压 V 440

Motor voltage V 440

电机电流 A 55.3

Motor current A 55.3

制造厂家 ----- SIEMENS

Manufacturer ----- SIEMENS

型号:风机 -----

Type: Fan -----

型号:电机 -----

Type: motor -----

流量 M³/h 136

Flow M³/h 136

排烟机 全压升 mmH2O 76.2

Induced draft
fan Full Pressure mmH2O 76.2

电机功率 KW 0.75

Motor power KW 0.75

电机电压 V 380

Motor voltage V 380

电机电流 A -----

Motor current A -----

11) 盘车装置规范

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11) Specifications of turning gear

项目 单位 规范

Item Unit Specifications

1 型号 -----

1 Type

2 电动机功率 KW 7.5

2 Motor power KW 7.5

3 电动机转速 rpm 1500

3 Motor speed rpm 1500

4 盘车转速 rpm 4.29

4 Speed of turning gear rpm 4.29

5 压缩空气压力 MPa

5 Compressor air pressure MPa

6 重量 Kg

6 Weight Kg

7 制造厂家 -----

7 Manufacturer

12) 疏水扩容器、疏水箱、疏水泵规范

12) Specifications of drain flash tank, drain tank and drain pump

名称 项目 单位 规范

No. Name Item Unit Specifications

1 汽 机 本 体 疏 型号 ----- SW—120—2
Type SW—120—2

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容积 m³ 1.2

Volume m³ 1.2

压力(设计) M Pa 0.6

Pressure (designed) MPa 0.6

温度(设计) ℃ 250

Drain flash Temperature (designed) ℃ 250

tank of
进水压力 M Pa 0.6
proper Inlet water pressure M Pa 0.6

进水流量 M/3h 16

Inlet water flow M/3h 16

型号 -----


容积 m³

Volume m³

压力(设计) MPa

Pressure (designed) MPa

连 续 排 污 疏 温度(设计) ℃
Temperature (designed) ℃
2 Continuous
外型尺寸:直径×高 mm
drain flash Overall
tank diamentions:diameter×height

安装高度 m

Installed height m

Pressure (designed) MPa -----

温度(设计) ℃ -----

Temperature(designed) ℃ -----

外型尺寸:直径×高 mm -----

13) 其它转动设备规范

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13) Specifications of other rotating equipment

第 169 页 共 228

序号 名称 项目 单位 规范
No. Name Item Unit Specifications

型号:泵/电机 ----- YKS 500—2WTH

Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
Type:Pump/motor ----- YKS 500—2WTH
转速:泵/电机 rpm 2890/2982
Rotary speed: ----- 2890/2982
Type: pump/motor -----
流量 m³/h 282
转速:泵/电机 rpm
Flow m³/h 282
Speed: pump/motor rpm
压力 m 1376
流量 m³/h
Pressure m 1376
级数 级 m³/h -----
压力 number Stage

给水泵 允许吸上真空高度
Pressure M MPa -----7.5
Shaft1 Feedwater Allowable vacuum 7.5
允许吸上真空高度 M M -----
pump suction height
效率 vacuum% -----78%
5 Open-type suction height
Efficiency % -----78%
cooling water
效率 %
pump 轴功率 KW -----1288
Shaft power KW% 1288
电机功率 KWKW 1600
Shaft power
power KWKW 1600
电机电压 V 6000
电机功率 KW
Motor voltage V 6000
Motor power KW
电机电流 A 174.5
电机电压 V
Motor current A 174.5
Motor voltage V
制造厂家 ----- 山东韬浦泵业
Manufacturer A Shandong Taopu Pump Industry
Motor current
型号:泵/电机 立式 A 斜 流 900LB—37(LB)

6 轴抽风机 型号:风机/电机 -----
Type: pump/motor Vertical 900LB—37(LB)
Axle Type: pump/motor type
extraction fan diagonal
转速:风机/电机 rpm
flow pump
Speed: fan/motor rpmrpm 742
Speed: pump/motor rpmm³/h 742
流量 m³/h 7070
Flow m³/h
Flow m³/h 7070
压力 Pa
压力 MPa
Pressure MPa
第 170 页 共 228

允许吸上真空高度 M
Allowable vacuum
循环水泵 suction height
Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
Pressure Pa

允许吸上真空高度 M

Allowable vacuum
suction height

效率 %

Efficiency %

轴功率 KW

Shaft power KW

电机功率 KW

Motor power KW

电机电压 V

Motor voltage V

电机电流 A

Motor current A

14) 凝汽器胶球清洗装置规范

14) Specifications of the runner ball cleaning device of the condenser

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
序号 名称 项目 单位 规范
No. Name Item Unit Specifications
型号:泵/电机 -----
Type: pump/motor
转速:泵/电机 Rpm
Speed: pump/motor Rpm
流量 m³/h
Flow m³/h
压力 MPa
Pressure MPa
允许吸上真空高度 M
Allowable vacuum
Rubber ball suction height M
1 pump
效率 %
Efficiency %
轴功率 KW
Shaft power KW
电机功率 KW
Motor power KW
电机电压 V 380
Motor voltage V 380
电机电流 A
Motor current A

2 型号
收球室 -----

Ball Type
2 collection -----
Ball Type
4 收球网 型号 -----
4 Ball screen Type
5 制造厂家 -----
5 Manufacturer
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名称 项目 单位 规范 所属系统

No. Name Item Unit Specifications
Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual
冷却容量 KW 发电机
15) 其它设备规范
Cooling volume KW Generator
15) Specifications of other equipments
冷却水流量 m³/h
Voltage V
Cooling water
amount m³/h

1 冷却水压力 MPa
Air cooler
Cooling water
pressure MPa

水阻 MPa
Water resistance MPa

风阻 Pa

Wind resistance Pa

容积 m³ 疏水系统

Volume m³ Drain water


疏水箱 外形尺寸
2 Mm
Drain water 长×宽×高
Overall dimensions:
Length×width×heigh mm
安装标高 Mm

installation height mm

型号 ---- 压缩空气系
统 Air
Type ---- compressing
流量 m³/min

Flow m³/min

3 Air 压力 MPa
Pressure MPa

电机型号 -----
Motor type 第 173 页 共 228

功率 KW
Power KW
电压 V

Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual

电流 A

Current A

容积 m³ 凝结水系统
凝补水箱 Condensate
Volume m³
Condensate water system
water tank 外型尺寸

Overall dimensions:

Length×width×heigh mm

Type: pump/motor
----- Drainage


流量 m³/h
排污水泵 Flow m³/h
5 Blowdown 压力 MPa
Pressure MPa

电机功率 KW

Motor power KW

电机电压 V

Motor voltage V

电机电流 A

Motor current A

制造厂家 -----

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Manufacturer -----

容积 m³

Volume m³

压力 MPa 0.118~0.129
均压箱 Pressure MPa
6 Drainage
Surge tank 温度 ℃ 160~220
Temperature ℃ 160~220



Overall dimensions:


容积 m³ -----
Volume m³ -----
7 Industrial
外型尺寸 工业水系统
water pond Mm ---×---×---
长×宽×高 Industrial
water system
Overall dimensions:

Length×width×heigh Mm ---×---×---

3.2 辅助系统设备运行维护的一般要求

3.2 Requirements of Auxiliary System Operation and Maintenanice

3.2.1 辅助系统的投运通则

3.2.1 Commissioning Principles of the Auxiliary Systems

1) 汽轮机辅助系统的启动、停止和运行工况的改变必须按照值长的指令进行,在发生
1) The startup shutdown and the changes of the working conditions of the turbine
auxiliary systems must be carried out according to the order of the shift leader.
When accidents happen, the main operator can do it according to the trouble
shooting specifications and report to the shift leader.
2) 根据系统仪表的指示和辅助系统外部的现象,肯定辅助系统确已发生故障。
2) Make sure that the auxiliary system have accidents,according to the indication of

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the instrumentation and the external phenomenon of the auxiliary systems.

3) 在值长统一指挥下,迅速处理故障。各岗位应及时联系,密切配合,并将故障情况

3) Eliminate the accidents under the uniform command of the shift leader. All the posts
should contact with each other, cooperate closely and report the accident conditions
and measures adopted stage by stage to stop the accident from spreading.

4) 迅速消除对人身和设备的危险,必要时应解列或停用故障设备。

4) Eliminate threatens to personnel and equipment. Disconnect or shut down the failed
equipment when necessary.

5) 迅速查清故障原因,采取正确的措施,消除故障。同时应注意保持非故障设备的继

5) Ascertain the causes, and adopt proper measures to eliminate the accidents.
Meanwhile, pay attention that the non-failed equipment should be kept running.

3.2.2 辅助转机的投运通则

3.2.2 Commissioning General Rules of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment

1) 检查辅助转机备用正常,

1) Check the auxiliary equipment is in normal standby condition.

2) 通知电气值班员将辅助转机开关置于工作位置。

2) Notify the electrical personnel on duty to put the switch of the auxiliary rotating
equipment at working position.

3) 在微机 DCS 画面上,合上和拉开操作开关,画面显示辅助转机的起停状态正确。

3) Open and close the console switch on the DCS display of the computer, showing
the startup and shutdown state is normal.

4) 合上一台转机,另一台联动备用,所有辅助转机的操作方法基本相同,将各辅助转

4) Operate one rotating equipment and put the other one at standby condition. All the
rotating equipment has almost the same operation method. It is enough to take the
startup and locking conditions of all the auxiliary equipment into consideration.

3.2.3 辅助转机启动前的检查

3.2.3 Inspections of the Auxiliary Equipment Before Startup

1) 检修工作已全部结束,工作票结束并收回,现场清理干净;

1) The inspection work has been finished, work permit has been concluded and
handed in and the site has been cleaned up.

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2) 辅助转机测绝缘合格并送电,热控人员将各种仪表、信号、控制、保护装置试验完

2) The isolation of the auxiliary rotating equipment is qualified through test. The I &C
personnel test the instrumentation, signal, control and protection devices and put
them into operation.

3) 辅助转机油位在油位计2/3处,油质合格,(含有冷油器的)将一侧投入工作位

3) The oil level of the auxiliary rotating equipment is at 2/3 position and the oil meets
the requirement. (If oil cooler is available) Put one side into operation and the other
side at standby condition.

4) 辅助转机转子灵活,靠背轮罩完好。

4) Rotor of the auxiliary rotating equipment is working flexibly and the cover of the
coupling is complete.

5) 如有液力偶合器油箱油温低于5℃,应投入电加热器将温度提升到 25℃左右。

5) If the oil temperature of the hydraulic coupler oil tank is lower than 5℃, put the
electric heater into operation to raise the temperature at about 25℃.

6) 检查辅助转机出口门、入口门均在关闭中。

6) Check the inlet valve and the outlet valves of the auxiliary rotating equipment are

7) 检查辅助转机(含有水箱的)水位在正常范围内。

7) Check the water level of the auxiliary rotating equipment is within the normal range.

8) 当辅助转机采用点车试转向时,应事先拆除联轴器轴销和调整垫,在电动机上单独

8) When trying to start the motor in jog mode for checking rotation direction to the
auxiliary rotating equipment , dismantle the shaft pin of the coupler and adjustable
pad in advance which is done on the motor independently. (It is suggested by the
manufacturer to carry out the electric connection before the connection of pumps
during the installation, and then confirm the rotating direction.)

9) 清查辅助转机进口管道、出口管道、再循环管道系统中所有的高点处是否能够排除

9) Check whether the high points in the inlet, outlet and recirculating pipes can
exhaust air.

10) 查辅助转机的密封,冷却水等辅助系统的水源是否处于供给状态。

10) Check whether the water source of the sealing water and cooling water of the
auxiliary equipment is in supply state.

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11) 通辅助转机密封水,初步调整填料压紧程度,使泄漏水成滴状漏出。要注意,水泵

11) Dredge the sealing water of the auxiliary rotating equipment; adjust the packing
tightening degree to make the leaked water into drops to leak out. Pay attention
after the pump is started up, the leak amount will increase.

12) 联轴器处扳动泵转子,检查其转动是否灵活。

12) Rotate the pump rotor from the coupling and check whether it is rotated smoothly.

13) 查辅助转机控制保护系统是否可靠。

13) Check whether the control and protection system of the auxiliary rotating equipment
is reliable.

3.2.4 辅助转机启动后的检查

3.2.4 Inspections After the Startup of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment

1) 检查辅助转机润滑油压、油温、入口压力、密封水压力正常;启动辅助转机检查空

1) Check the lubricating oil pressure, oil temperature, inlet pressure and the sealing
water pressure are normal. Start up the auxiliary rotating equipment and check the
motor current without load, outlet pressure, vibration and sound are normal.

2) 开启出口电动门,关闭旁路门。

2) Open the electrical operated valve at the outlet and close the bypass valves.

3) 检查出口压力、电机电流、振动及等正常,逐渐关闭再循环门.

3) Check the outlet pressure, motor current and vibration are normal and close the
recirculating valve gradually.

4) 投入联锁。

4) Put the interlock into operation.

5) 注意观察轴承体位的温度,最高温升不得超过 50℃,实测温度不超过 75℃。

5) Pay attention to observe the temperature at bearing body position, whose maximum
temperature raising is no more than 50℃ and the actual measured temperature is
no more than 75℃.

6) 检查系统有无漏泄。

6) Check whether there is leakage to the system.

3.2.5 辅助转机的正常运行

3.2.5 Normal Operation of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment

1) 辅助转机的正常运行时,每天完成检查并记录(辅助转机启动后检查的项目)运转

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1) During the normal operation of the equipment, inspect and record the operating
conditions everyday (the items checked after the startup of the auxiliary rotating
equipment) and the parameters are within the normal range.

2) 辅助转机连续运行一个月应轮换辅助转机运行或试转备用辅助转机一次。

2) When the auxiliary rotating equipment has been in continuous operation state for
one month, it should be changed over by another auxiliary rotating equipment or
changed over the standby auxiliary rotating equipment once.

3.2.6 辅助转机的停运

3.2.6 Shutdown of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment

用 DCS 操作画面进行操作,先解除备用辅助转机联锁,

Operate on the DCS display and dismantle the interlock of the standby auxiliary rotating
equipment first.


The auxiliary rotating equipment is in manual position. Close the outlet valve first and
then stop the auxiliary rotating equipment.


The auxiliary equipment is at automatic position. Shut down the auxiliary rotating
equipment directly, close the outlet valve and then the equipment will be stopped

3.2.7 辅助转机紧急故障停运条件

3.2.7 Emergency Shutdown Conditions of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment

1) 发生人身伤害或设备事故事故时:

1) When there occurs the personnel injury or equipment accident.

2) 辅助转机的电动机或轴承冒烟着火时。

2) The motor or the bearing of the auxiliary rotating equipment smokes or catches fire.

3) 辅助转机水泵或电动机,发生强烈振动或内部有清晰的金属异音时。

3) When severe vibration of the pump or motor or a clear abnormal metal sound
happen to the auxiliary rotating equipment.

3.2.8 辅助转机紧急故障停运的操作

3.2.8 mergency Shutdown Operations of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment

用事故按钮,若在控制室用 DCS 操作画面进行操作),然后停止辅助转机,启动备用辅

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If the above accidents happen, stop the failed auxiliary rotating equipment immediately
(If the accidents happen during inspection, if there is accident button, press the button. If
in the control room, operate on the DCS display), and the stop the auxiliary rotating
equipment and start up the standby auxiliary equipment, report to the shift leader and
record clearly.

3.2.9 辅助转机一般故障停运条件

3.2.9 Shutdown Conditions of the Auxiliary Rotating Equipment due to General Failure

1) 轴承发热高于滑动轴承 80℃,滚动轴承 100℃,经换油无效或轴承冒烟时。

1) Bearing is heated and the temperature is 80℃ higher than that of sliding bearing
and 100℃ higher than that of the rolling bearing. When replacing the oil, it is
useless or the bearing smokes.

2) 水泵或电动机,发生异常振动或内部有异音时。

2) Pump or motor vibrates abnormally or makes abnormal sound.

3) 轴承内发生异音或轴瓦大量浸水时。

3) Abnormal sound happens to the inner part of the bearing or a large amount of water
goes into the bearing bush.

4) 水泵轴和对轮卷入异物或电动机及轴承内掉入杂物时。

4) Foreign matters are involved to the pump shaft or the coupling or foreign maters
drop to the motor and bearing.

5) 运转的电动机断电源时。

5) The power of the operating motor is cut off.

3.2.10 辅助转机一般故障停运操作

3.2.10 Operations of the General Failure Caused Shutdown of the Auxiliary Rotating

发生上列故障应立即报告班长或值长,在控制室用 DCS 操作画面进 01 行操作,然后启


If the above failure happens, report to the foreman or the shit leader immediately.
Operate on the DSC display in the control room and then start up the standby auxiliary
rotating equipment, stop the failed equipment, report to the shift leader and record

3.3 各辅机系统的投、停及维护

3.3 In Service, out of Service and Maintainance of all Auxiliary machines

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3.3.1 闭式水系统

3.3.1 Closed Type Water Syetem 运前的检查和准备 nspections and preparations before the system is put into operation
1) 对高位上水箱进行下列检查

1) The following inspections should be done to the industrial water tower:

a) 高位上水箱内的杂物应处理干净。

a) The foreign matters in the water collecting pond of the lower tower body must
be cleaned up.

b) 进水管内杂物已冲洗干净。

b) Foreign matters in the water inlet pipe have been cleaned up. The blades are
installed with the same angle, and then rotate the blade to make sure if can
rotates flexibly.

c) 高位上水箱各部完好,水位计显示正常。

c) Oil level of the gearbox of fan should be at 2/3~3/4 position. Water prevention
and sealing of motor wiring is good.

2) 对闭式水泵系统进行下列检查

2) The following inspections of the industrial water pump system should be done:

a) 高位上水箱水位应正常,水位低时应开启补水门将水位补到正常水位。

a) Water level of the collecting water pound is normal. When the water level is low,
open the water makeup valve to make the water level reach the normal level.

b) 闭式水泵出、入口均应关闭,轴承油质、油位正常。

b) The inlet and outlet of the industrial water pump are closed and supply cooling
water to the bearing.

3) 联系电气人员将水泵电动机测绝缘,合格后送上电光源。联系热控人员投入热工仪

3) Contact the electrical personnel to measure the isolation of the pump, and motor of
fan. After they are qualified through test, connect them to power supply. Contact the
IǎC personnel to put thermal instrumentation and protection power supply into
operation. 水泵静态试验 Operation mode changeover of induatrial water pumps

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Carry out the industrial water pump interlock test. Namely, put the switches of two
industrial water pumps at test position, open one switch and put the other at standby
condition. Pressure the emergency button manually to check the standby switch is
opened and the already opened switch should trip. Exchange the positions of the two
switches, and then carry out the test once reversely. After the interlock condition is
normal, put the switches at the working position. Open one switch for operation and put
the other at standby condition. 闭式水系统的投入 Putting the industrial water system into operation
1) 接到闭式水系统的启动命令后,检查闭式水箱水位正常,开启闭式水泵放空气门,再

1) After receiving the industrial water startup order, open the air valve at the top of the
industrial water pump and then open the water inlet valve a little to supply water to
the pump. When the air is exhausted thoroughly and water comes out of the air
valve, close the air valve and open the water inlet valve of the pump.

2) 启动该闭式水泵,检查泵组的转动方向、振动、泵体和轴承内有无异音,电动机空
大后,检查电机电流不超过额定值,泵出口压力在规定范围内( 0.4MPa)。注意当

2) Start up the industrial water pump, check the rotary direction of the pumps,
vibration, and whether there is any abnormal sound in the pump and bearing, and
whether the current of the motor without load and the water pressure at the pump
outlet are normal.. If everything is normal, open the pump outlet valve to throw load
on. After the outlet valve is opened largely, check the current of the motor does not
exceed the rated value and the pump outlet pressure is within the normal range
(0.4Mpa). Pay attention when the air in the industrial pump is exhausted thoroughly;
open the outlet valve of the pump a little to supply water to the system. When the
system is full of water, open the outlet valve largely.

3) 开启冷却塔进水门,检查冷却塔水流状况是否正常、均匀。无异常时,启动冷却塔

3) Open the water inlet valve of the cooling tower, check whether the water flow of the
tower is normal and even. If there is not any abnormal situations, start up fans of the
cooling tower and then check whether the rotary direction, sound and vibration of
the fan are normal.

4) 投入该泵事故联锁。

4) Put the emergency interlock of the pump into operation. 运行中的正常维护

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual Normal maintenance during operation
1) 闭式水系统在正常运行中应注意检查:

1) Attention should be paid to the inspections of the closed type water system during
normal operation:

a) 闭式水泵出口压力。

a) Pressure at the outlet of the closed type water pump.

b) 闭式水泵电动机电流不超过额定。(164A)

b) Motor current of the closed type water pump should not over the rated value.

c) 闭式水箱水位应正常。

c) Water level of the closed type water tank is normal.

d) 闭式水供水温度应<33℃。

d) The water supply temperature of the closed type water should less than 33℃.

2) 巡回检查,注意水泵的振动、声音、轴承和电动机温度是否正常

2) Carry out patrol inspection. Pay attention that whether the vibration, sound , bearing
of water pump and motor temperature are normal or not. 闭式水系统的停运 Shut down of the closed type water system
1) 接到停止某闭式水泵的命令。

1) When receiving the order to stop some closed type water pump.

2) 关闭该闭式水泵出口门,再停止该泵运行,断开电动机开关,检查该泵出口门严密

2) Close the outlet valve of the closed type water pump and then stop the pump from
operating, disconnect the motor switch, check the outlet valve is closed tightly and
the pump does not rotate reversely.

3) 该泵须检修时,应按安全措施要求,关闭入口水门,开启放空气门排掉泵内水。

3) When the pump needs maintaining, it should be done according to the safe
measure requirements. Close the water valve at the inlet and then open the air vent
valve to discharge the water inside the pump.

3.3.2 循环水系统

3.3.2 Circulating Water System 系统投运前的检查和准备 Inspections and preparationsbefore the system is put into operation

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1) 确认电动机转向是否正确。当采用点车试转向时,应事先拆除联轴器销轴和调整垫

1) Confirm whether the rotary direction of motor is correct. When trying to start the
motor in jog mode for checking rotation direction, dismantle the shaft pin of coupler
and adjustable pad in advance, which is carried out on the motor independently.

2) 清查水泵进口管道、出口管道、系统中所有的高点处是否能够排除空气。

2) Check whether the highpoints in the inlet pipe, outlet pipe of pump and the system
can exhaust air.

3) 检查水泵的密封,冷却等辅助水系统的水源是否处于供给状态。

3) Check whether the water source of the auxiliary water system for sealing and
cooling is at supply state.

4) 开通密封水,初步调整填料压紧程度,使泄漏水成滴状漏出。要注意,水泵启动后

4) Dredge sealing water; adjust packing tightening degree initially to make the leaked
water become water drops when leaking out. Attention1 when the pump is started
up, the water leakage amount will increase.

5) 从联轴器处扳动泵转子,检查其转动是否灵活。

5) Rotate the rotor at the coupler position and check whether it is rotated flexibly.

6) 检查泵入口水位是否满足泵的灌注高度要求。检查电机控制保护系统是否可靠。

6) Check whether the water level at the inlet can satisfy the water filling height
requirement. Check whether the motor control and protection system is reliable.

7) 循环水泵启动条件和联锁

7) Startup conditions and interlock of the circulating water pump.

(1) 循环水泵开关状态正常至于远方控制位置,允许启动。

(1) The switch state of the circulating water pump is normal and put at remote
control mode and the pump is allowed to be started up.

(2) 循环水泵启动后,连锁开打出口液动门。

(2) After the circulating water pump is started up, open the interlock to open the
hydraulic valve.

(3) 循环水泵停止指令发出后,关闭出口液动门,15s 后停止循环水泵

(3) After the order to shut down the circulating water pump is sent out, close the
hydraulic valve at the outlet and shutdown the pump after 15s. 循环水泵运行方式

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual Operation mode of circulating water pump


One unit with two pumps running and there is no standby pump. 循环水泵投运 Putting the circulating water pump into operation.

1) 检查循环水泵及电动机本体清洁完整,无杂物。

1) Check the circulating water pump and the motor body are clean and complete
without foreign matters.

2) 水泵及电动机轴承应注好质量合格的油,油位计在 2/3 位置。

2) Oil of good quality should be supplied to the water pump and motor bearing, and the
oil level indicator indicates at 2/3 position.

3) 搬动对轮,检查转子的轻快度。

3) Remove the coupling to check the flexibility of the rotor.

4) 水泵出入口压力及轴承温度表应良好,表门应开启(包括变送器一次门)。

4) Pressure at the inlet and outlet of the pump and the bearing thermometer are good
and the meter valve should be opened (including the primary valve of the

5) 循环水泵前池水位指示不低于 1500mm。

5) The front water pond of circulating water pump is indicated no less than 1500mm.

6) 检查系统中泵出口电动门,凝汽器进回水电动门及冷却塔回水门开启,联系电气电动

6) Check to ensure that the pump outlet electrically operated valve of system,
condenser return water inlet electrically operated valve and cooling tower return
water valve are open. Contact the electrical operator to supply power to the motor.

7) 确认一切准备妥当,用 DCS 操作画面启动循环水泵。

7) Confirm that everything is prepared well. Start up the circulating water pump on the
DCS display.

8) 检查水泵及电动机运行情况,电流,出口压力,声音,振动,串轴等情况。

8) Check the working condition of the water pump and motor, and current, pressure at
the outlet, sound, vibration, and axial displacement conditions.

9) 根据情况投入冷却专塔风机,注意风机声音、振动各部正常。

9) Put the cooling tower fans into service according to situation. Pay attention to the
sound and vibration of all components of fans should be normal.

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual 运行中的正常维护 Normal maintenance during the operation.

1) 根据循环水出入口温度及凝汽器的蒸汽负荷,及时调整循环水泵运行台数。

1) Adjust the number of circulating water pumps in operation, based on the

temperature at the inlet and outlet of circulating water pump and steam load of the

2) 各轴承油位应经常保持在 1/2-2/3 位置。油质良好不得有水,轴承温度不超过


2) The oil level of the bearings should be kept at 1/2-2/3 position. The oil quality should
be good without water content, the bearing temperature should not over 65℃ and
make up the oil when the oil level is low.

3) 水泵及电动机不得有异音,振动,串轴现象,绊根不得漏水过大。

3) No abnormal sound, vibration and axial displacement are allowed in the pump and
motor and no large amount of water is allowed in the packing.

4) 电动机温升不得超过 60℃,电动机外壳不得超过 65℃。

4) The rising temperature of motor should not over 60℃, and the outer shell of the
motor should not over 65℃.

5) 当起,停循环水泵或水量少的情况下,须开启凝汽器室放空气门,放净空气以免影

5) When startup and shutdown of circulating water pump or the water amount is small,
open the air vent valve on the condenser to exhaust air thoroughly to stop affecting

6) 滤网前后落差不得大于 100mm,如超过 100mm 应及时清扫滤网。

6) The fall between the front and back of the retainer should not be over100mm. If it
does, clean the retainer in time. 循环水系统的联锁及保护 Interlock and protections of the circulating water system


Test methods:

1) 通知电气值班员将试验泵开关置于试验位置。

1) Inform the electrical personnel on duty to put the switch of the pump to be tested at
test position.

2) 在微机 DCS 画面上,合上和拉开操作开关,画面显示泵的起停状态正确。

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2) Open and close the console switch on the DCS display and on the display, it
indicates that the startup and shutdown state is correct.

3) 合上一台泵,另一台联动备用,就地手按事故按纽,运行泵跳闸,备用泵联动。

3) Put one pump into operation and the other in standby state. Press the emergency
button locally, the operating pump will trip and the standby pump is interlocked.

4) 所有泵的试验方法基本相同,参照给水泵试验方法,试验中将各泵不同的启动闭琐

4) All the pumps have almost the same test methods and they can be operated
according to the feedwater pump test methods. During the test, it is enough to take
the startup and lock conditions into consideration. 循环水泵停运 Shutdown of the circulating water pump

1) 用 DCS 操作画面进行操作,先解除备用水泵联动

1) Operate on the DCS display and remove the interlock of the standby pump first.

2) 手动状态时先关出口门,然后停泵。

2) When it is at manual state, close the outlet valve first and then stop the pump.

3) 自动状态,直接停泵,出口门先关闭,然后水泵自动停止。

3) When automatic state, stop the pump directly, close the outlet valve first and then
the pump will stop automatically.

4) 水泵停止后,不得倒转,如倒转将出、入口门关闭,联系检修处理。

4) After the pump is stopped, it could not rotate reversely. If it does, close the inlet and
outlet valves and contact the maintenance personnel for treatment.

3.3.3 开式升压水系统

3.3.3 Open Type Increasing Pressure Water System 投运前的检查和准备 Inspection and preparation before put into operation

1) 检查循环水泵运行正常,吸入水池水位位正常。

1) Check to ensure that the circulating water pump is running normally and the water
level in water tank is normal.

2) 开式水泵出、入口均应关闭,轴承油质、油位正常。

2) The open type water pump outlet and inlet valves should be close. The bearing oil
quality and oil level are normal.

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3) 开启开式水泵入口门及管路中放空气门,向开式升压水系统充水,注意循环水压变

3) Open the open type water pump inlet valve and vent valve of the pipe. Charge water
to the open type increasing pressure water system to pay attention to the changes
of circulating water pressure.

4) 联系电气人员将水泵电动机测绝缘,合格后送上电光源。联系热控人员投入热工仪

4) Contact the electrical operator to measure the insulation of water pump motor,
supply power to the pump after qualification. Contact the I&C operator to put I&C
instrument signal and protection power supply into service. 水泵静态试验 Operation mode changeover of induatrial water pumps


Carry out the open industrial water pump interlock test. Namely, put the switches of two
open industrial water pumps at test position, open one switch and put the other at
standby condition. Pressure the emergency button manually to check the standby switch
is opened and the already opened switch should trip. Exchange the positions of the two
switches, and then carry out the test once reversely. After the interlock condition is
normal, put the switches at the working position. Open one switch for operation and put
the other at standby condition. 开式升压水系统的投入 Putting the open industrial water system into operation

1) 接到闭式水系统的启动命令后,检查开启开式水泵放空气门,再稍开水泵入口门,

1) After receiving the industrial water startup order, open the air valve at the top of the
open industrial water pump and then open the water inlet valve a little to supply
water to the pump. When the air is exhausted thoroughly and water comes out of
the air valve, close the air valve and open the water inlet valve of the pump.

2) 启动该开式水泵,检查泵组的转动方向、振动、泵体和轴承内有无异音,电动机空
大后,检查电机电流不超过额定值,泵出口压力在规定范围内( 0.17MPa)。注意

2) Start up the open industrial water pump, check the rotary direction of the pumps,

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vibration, and whether there is any abnormal sound in the pump and bearing, and
whether the current of the motor without load and the water pressure at the pump
outlet are normal.. If everything is normal, open the pump outlet valve to throw load
on. After the open outlet valve is opened largely, check the current of the motor
does not exceed the rated value and the pump outlet pressure is within the normal
range (0.4Mpa). Pay attention when the air in the industrial pump is exhausted
thoroughly; open the outlet valve of the pump a little to supply water to the system.
When the system is full of water, open the outlet valve largely.

3) 根据情况投入各设备用户的冷却水

3) Provide cooling water for specific equipment according to the actual situations..

4) 投入该泵事故联锁。

4) Put the emergency interlock of the pump into operation. 运行中的正常维护 Normal maintenance during operation

1) 开式升压水系统在正常运行中应注意检查:

1) Attention should be paid to the inspections of the open pressure-increasing water

system during normal operation:

a) 开式升压水泵出口压力。

a) Pressure at the outlet of the open type booster water pump.

b) 开式升压水泵电动机电流不超过额定。

b) Motor current of the open type booster pump should not over the rated value.

c) 吸入水池水位应正常,循环水泵及系统运行正常。

c) Water level of the water tank(pool) is normal, and water circulating pump as
well as the system is in normal condition.

d) 开式升压水供水温度应<33℃。

d) The water supply temperature of the open pressure-increasing water should

less than 33℃.

2) 巡回检查,注意水泵的振动、声音、轴承和电动机温度是否正常.

2) Carry out patrol inspection. Pay attention that whether the vibration, sound , bearing
and motor temperature of the water pump are normal. 开式升压水系统的停运 Shut-down of the open pressure-increasing water system

1) 接到停止某开式升压水泵的命令,检查各开式升压水系统设备无需用水。

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1) When receiving the order to stop certain open pressure-increasing water pump,
check specific equipment of the open pressure-increasing water system and make
sure no water is required.

2) 关闭该开式升压水系统水泵出口门,再停止该泵运行,断开电动机开关,检查该泵

2) Close the outlet valve of the open type booster pump in the open pressure-
increasing water system and then stop the pump from operating, disconnect the
motor switch, check the outlet valve is closed tightly and the pump does not rotate

3) 该泵须检修时,应按安全措施要求,关闭入口水门,开启放空气门排掉泵内水。

3) When the pump needs maintaining, it should be done according to the safe
measure requirements. Close the water valve at the inlet and then open the air vent
valve to discharge the water inside the pump.

3.3.4 凝汽器胶球清洗系统

3.3.4 Rubber Ball Cleaning System of Condenser 系统投入前的检查和准备 Inspections and preparations before the system putting into operation
1) 检修工作结束,现场清洁,备好投运用具。

1) The maintenance work is finished, the site is clean and the operating tools is ready.

2) 检查各表计齐全完好,联系仪表投入仪表电源。

2) Check the instrumentation is complete and in good state, and contact the the
instrumentation personnel to supply power to the instrumentation.

3) 胶球出、入口门关闭。

3) The outlet and inlet valves of rubber ball are closed.

4) 收球室放空气门、放水门开启,收球阀在关闭位置。

4) Air vent valve and water discharge valve of the ball collection room are opened and
the ball collection valve is closed.

5) 打开收球室上盖,收球室内清扫干净,将胶球数量数清(单侧运行时为 160 个,两

侧同时运行时为 320 个)并做好记录。关闭上盖,螺丝拧好,关闭放水门。

5) Open the upper cover of the ball collection room and clean up the room. Count the
number of the balls(if single side in operation, the number is 160; if two sides, 320)
and make a good record. Close the upper cover, tighten the bolts and close the
water discharge valve.

6) 胶 球 清 洗 装 置 胶 球 投 入 数 量 应 为 凝 汽 器 冷 却 管 根 数 的 7-13% , 胶 球 直 径 为
ф24mm。投入前要将胶球浸泡 24 小时

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6) The number of the rubber ball of the rubber ball cleaning device in operation should
be 7-13﹪ of the cooling pipe number inside the condenser. The diameter of the
rubber ball is 24mm. Before putting them into operation, put the ball into water for
24h. 胶球系统的投入运行 Putting the rubber ball system into operation

Putting the rubber ball system into operation

1) 将合格的胶球装入装球室,并将盖板锁紧。

1) Put the qualified rubber ball into the ball collector and lock the cover board tightly.

2) 开启装球室空气门和装球室出口门(清洗侧)。

2) Open the air valve and the outlet valve the ball collector of the ball collector. (at
cleaning side)

3) 待装球室充满水后关闭空气门。

3) When the ball collector is full of water, close the air valve.

4) 开启胶球泵的入口门(清洗侧)。

4) Open the inlet valve of the rubber ball recirculating pump

5) 将分配器打至清洗侧。

5) Put the distributor at the cleaning side.

6) 启动胶球泵,全开胶球泵出口门。

6) Start up the rubber ball recirculating pump and fully open its outlet valve.

7) 将装球室切换阀打至清洗位置,开始清洗。

7) Put the changeover valve of the ball collector at cleaning position and start cleaning.

8) 一侧清洗完毕后,用同样方法清洗另一侧。

8) After one side is cleaned , then clean the other side in the same way. 运行中的正常维护 Normal maintenance during operation
1) 每天投运一次。

1) Put it into operation once everyday.

2) 每次每侧连续清洗时间为 40-60 分钟。

2) The continuous cleaning time at one side for each time lasts 40-60 min.

3) 每次胶球清洗装置投入前和收球后,都要统计胶球数量,并计算收球率(收球数与

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3) The rubber ball has to be counted each time before the rubber ball cleaning device
is put into operation and after the balls are collected, then calculate the ball
collection rate(the ratio of the balls collected and the balls in operation) and the
make a good record.

4) 若一次收球率小于 90%,应再重复收球一次,收球率小于 90%时,应查找原因并联


4) If the ball collection rate is less than 90﹪, then recollect the balls once again. When
the rate is less than 90﹪, ascertain the causes and contact the maintenance
personnel for treatment.

5) 直径小于 ф23mm 的胶球应挑出,并补足胶球数量。使用时间较长的胶球要换新胶


5) Pick out the balls with a diameter of less than 23mm and make up for the ball
number. For balls used for too long, replace with new ones.

6) 收球网每月至少反冲洗一次。

6) The ball screens have to be back washed once at least monthly. 胶球系统的停运 Shut down of the rubber ball system

Shut down of the rubber ball system

1) 切换装球室切换阀,使之处于收球位置,收球 20-30 分钟。

1) Change the changeover valve of the ball collector at ball collection position and
collect the balls for 20-30min.

2) 关闭胶球泵出、入口门,停胶球泵。

2) Close the outlet and inlet valve of the rubber ball recirculating pump and stop the
pump from operating.

3) 关闭装球室出口门。

3) Close the outlet valve of the ball collector.

4) 开启装球室放水门和空气门,放尽装球室内水。打开装球室上盖,清点回球数目,

4) Open the water discharge valve and air valve of the ball collector to fully discharge
the water in the ball collector. Open the upper cover of the ball collector, count the
ball collected and calculate the ball collection rate.

5) 做好清洗记录。

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5) Make a good cleaning record.

3.3.5 凝结水系统

3.3.5 Condensate System 投运前的检查和准备 Inspections and preparations before putting the system into operation.
1) 确认电动机转向是否正确(正确转向为俯视逆时针方向)。当采用点车试转向时,

1) Confirm whether the rotary direction of the motor is correct (the correct direction is
anticlockwise when looked down). When trying to start the motor in jog mode for
checking rotation direction, dismantle the shaft pins of coupling and adjustable pad,
which is carried out on the motor independently (it is suggested by the manufacturer
that carry out the electrical collection of the motor before the collection of pumps
during installation, and then confirm the rotation direction.)

2) 清查水泵进口管道、出口管道、再循环管道系统中所有的高点处是否能够排除空气。

2) Check whether the high points in the inlet pipe , outlet pipes and recirculating pipes
of the water pump can exhaust air.

3) 检查水泵的密封,冷却等辅助水系统的水源是否处于供给状态。

3) Check whether the water source of the auxiliary water system for sealing and
cooling is in supply state.

4) 开通密封水,初步调整填料压紧程度,使泄漏水成滴状漏出。要注意,水泵启动后

4) Dredge the sealing water, adjust the packing tightening force degree initially to
make the leaked water become water drops when leaking out. Attention! When the
water pump is started up, the water leakage amount will increase.

5) 从联轴器处扳动泵转子,检查其转动是否灵活。

5) Rotate the rotor at the coupler position and check whether it is rotated flexibly

6) 检查凝汽器热井中水位是否满足泵的灌注高度要求。检查电机控制保护系统是否可

6) Check whether the water level at the inlet can satisfy the water filling height
requirement. Check whether the motor control and protection system is reliable. 凝结水系统的投运 Putting the condensate system into operation


Set the outlet valve is closed.

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1) 先开通泵的密封水管路、冷却水管路。

1) Dredge the sealing water pipes and cooling water pipes of the pump.

2) 开通泵的抽气管路。

2) Dredge the extraction pipe of the pump.

3) 开启进口阀,确认水泵处于充满水状态。

3) Open the inlet valve to ensure that the pump is at the full water state.

4) 启动水泵,然后迅速开启出口阀。

4) Start up the water pump and then open the outlet valve quickly. 凝结水泵切换 Changeover of condensate water pump.


Carry out condensate water pump interlock test. Namely, put the switches of the two
condensate water pumps at test position. Open one switch and put the other switch at
standby state. Press the emergency button of the opened switch manually and check
the standby switch should be opened and the already opened switch trips. Change the
switches position and then do the interlock test once again reversely. After the interlock
condition is normal, put the switches at the working position. Put one pump into
operation and the other one at standby state. 运行中正常维护 Normal maintenance during operation

If any of the situation happens, stop the pump for inspection:

1) 电流波动大,或电流超过额定值。

1) Current fluctuation is too severe or the current exceeds the rated value.

2) 水泵有明显的振动。

2) Pump vibrates obviously.

3) 电机绕组或轴承处温升超过随机文件规定时(对 560kw 以上电机而言)。

3) The motor winding temp. or the rising temp. at the bearing exceeds the
specifications specified in the unit document.(This is for motor over 560Kw)

4) 正式调整填料压盖压紧程度,使泄漏水成滴状漏出。

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4) Adjust the packing tightening force of the gland officially to make the leaked water
leaks out with water drops.

5) 投入正常运行后,值班人员应注意下列事项:

5) After the system is put into operation and works normally, the following items should
be paid attention to by the personnel on duty:

6 每天检查并记录水泵的运转情况如电流、电压、泵进、出口压力等。

6) Check and record the operation condition of the pump daily, like current, voltage,
and pressure at the inlet and outlet of the pump.

7) 每班至少有三次查看密封水泄漏情况,发现漏水多或不漏水等不正常现象时应调整

7) Each shift should check the sealing water leakage condition for three time at least. If
finding the abnormal situations like large amount of water leakage or no water
leakage, adjust the tightening degree in time. 凝结水泵停止 Shutdown of the condensate water pump
1) 切断电机电源。

1) Cut off the power supply of the motor

2) 关闭出口阀,滞后关闭入口阀。

2) Close the outlet valve and then close the inlet valve.

3) 关闭冷却水管路。

3) Close the cooling water pipeline.

4) 确认泵转子停转后,关闭密封水管路。

4) After confirming the rotor is static, close the sealing water pipeline.

5) 停运期间,如果进口处于负压状态,应保持密封水的注入。

5) During the shutdown period, if the inlet is at the negative pressure state, keep the
sealing water supply.

6) 停机后如处于或面临着结冰温度,应采取放水或其它防冻措施。

6) After the shutdown, if in or confronted with frozen temperature, adopte water

discharge or other anti-frozen measures.

3.3.6 低加系统

3.3.6 Lp Heater System 投运前的检查和准备 Inspections and preparations before the system is put into operation.

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1) 低压加热器可以随机启动,也可以在汽轮机带到一定负荷后投入运行,此时低压加

1) The LP heater can be started up along with the turbine, or it can be put into
operation after the turbine is on a certain amount of load. Then the LP heater will be
operated according to its extraction pressure from high to low.

2) 低加凝结水进出口门关,凝结水旁路门开。

2) Close the inlet and outlet of the LP condensate water, and open the condensate
water bypass valve.

3) 低加空气门关。

3) Close the air valve of LP heater.

4) 疏水调节门关。

4) Close the drainage control valve.

5) 疏水调节门前后截门及旁路门关。

5) Close the inlet and outlet stop valves of the drainage control valve as well as the
bypass valves.

6) 疏水排地沟门关。

6) Close the trench valve for discharging the drain water.

7) 低加蒸汽入口门关。

7) Close the steam inlet valve of the LP heater.

8) 水位计清洁,上、下考克无渗漏。

8) Clean the water level indicator, and there is no leakage at the upper and lower cock.

9) 表计齐全好用。

9) Instrumentation is complete and good to be used. 低加水侧投运 Putting the waterside of the LP heater into operation
1) 开启水室上部的放气旋塞。

1) Open the air cocks on the top of the water chamber.

2) 稍开低加凝结水进口门,待放气旋塞向外溢水时,关闭放气旋塞,并全开凝结水进

2) Open the condensate water inlet valve a little. When the water leaks out of the air
cock, close the air cock and open the condensate water inlet and outlet valves, and
close the bypass valve.

3) 开启低加空气门。

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3) Open the air valve of LP heater.

4) 全开低加蒸汽入口门。

4) Fully open the steam inlet valve of the LP heater.

5) 开启疏水调门前后截门,开启低加疏水至凝汽器门。

5) Open the inlet and outlet stop valves of the drainage control valve, and open the
drainage of LP heater to condenser valve.

6) 根据低加压力情况,及时将低加疏水导入下一级低加。

6) Switch the LP heater drainage to next level in response to the pressure.

7) 机组冲转后,注意检查低加运行情况,若加热器水位超高,可开启疏水调门及旁路

7) After the impulse starting of the unit, check the LP heater operation condition. If the
water level is too high, open the drainage control valve as well as bypass valve 低加汽侧随机启动投运 Startup and operation of the LP heater at the steam side along with the turbine 低加汽侧在机组运行中的投运 Startup and operation of the LP heater at the steam side during the operation of the
steam turbine
Refer to the startup operations 运行中正常维护 Normal maintenance during operation
1) 应经常注意检查低加水位的变化,防止高水位或无水位运行。

1) Pay attention to the changes of the LP water level, stop high water level or no water
level during operation.

2) 定期记录和监视下列参数:

2) Record regularly and monitor the following parameters:

3) 水位计水位。

3) Water level on the water level indicator.

4) 凝结水进出口温度。

4) Condensate water temperature at the inlet and outlet.

5) 抽汽压力、温度及低加汽侧压力。

5) Extraction pressure, temperature and LP pressure at the steam side.

6) 根据低加出口与下级低加进口水温之间的差异来检查判断低加凝结水旁路门是否关

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6) Check whether the condensate water bypass valve is closed tightly or leaks,
according to the water temperature difference of the LP heater at the outlet and the
inlet of the next stage LP heater. 低加随机滑停 The startup and shutdown of LP heater along with the turbine.

LP heater can be in operation and be stopped along with the turbine, or it can be
stopped stage by stage according to the extraction pressure when the load of the unit is
reduced to a certain value.

1) 随机组负荷逐步减小,注意检查低加水位,必要时可开启低加调节门旁路门。

1) When the load of the unit decreases gradually, pay attention to check the water
level of the LP heater. Open the bypass valve and control valve of LP heater when

2) 停机后关闭低加进汽门。

2) After the turbine is shut down, close the steam inlet valve of the LP heater.

3) 关闭低加空气门。

3) Close the air valve of LP heater.

4) 关闭疏水调门。

4) Close the drainage control valve

5) 关闭疏水调节门前后截门及旁路门。

5) Close the water inlet and outlet of the drainage control valve and bypass valves.

6) 打开底部放水门,放尽疏水。

6) Open the water discharge valve at the bottom to discharge water thoroughly.

7) 开启凝结水旁路门。

7) Open the condensate water bypass valve.

8) 关闭凝结水进出口门。

8) Close the condensate water inlet and outlet valves.

9) 打开水室上部放气旋塞。

9) Open the air cock at the upper part of the water chamber.

10) 若机组运行正常,当低加水位计等发生故障需短期停用时,可以单停汽侧而不停水

10) If the unit operates normally, when the water level indicator has some faults and is
needed to be stopped shortly, the steam side can be stopped from operation without

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stopping the water side. 低加故障停运 Shutdown of LP heater due to faults

Faults of the LP heater: When the tube bundle is broken, stop the extraction and the air
system, open the emergency water drainage to stop water impact. Others can be done
according to the normal shutdown operations.

3.3.7 除氧器系统

3.3.7 Deaerator System. 除氧器投运前的检查和准备 Inspections and preparations before the deaerator is put into operation
1) 检修工作结束,现场清洁,备好投运用具。

1) The maintenance work is finished, the site is clean and the operation tools are

2) 检查各表计齐全完好,联系仪表投入仪表电源。

2) Check the instrumentation is complete and contact the instrumentation personnel to

supply power to the instrumentation.

3) 高压除氧器:关闭位置的阀门有:补水调节门及出入口门、旁路门,进汽调节门及
门杆漏汽门、溢水门、再沸腾门、进汽至除氧塔上部进汽门。 开启位置的阀门有:

3) HP deaerator: the valves at closed position: makeup water governing valve and its
inlet and outlet valves, bypass valves, steam inlet governing valve and its inlet and
outlet valves, bypass valves, condensate water valves, water inlet valves of drain
pump, down water valves, water discharge valve, water discharge valve of the
water level indicator, steam leakage valve of the valve stem, overflow valve, water
reboiling valve, steam inlet valve, to the upper part of the deaeration tower. Valves
at opened position: valves of all the instrumentation. 除氧器的投运 Putting the deaerator into operation
1) 启动凝泵,开补水调节门出、入口手动门,开启补水调节门向水箱内补水至水位的
1/2 处,校对水位计。

1) Start up the condensate water pump, open the manually operated valves at the inlet
and outlet of the water makeup governing valve, open the makeup water governing
valve to makeup water to the water tank until it is at the 1/2 position of the water
level, then check the water level indicator.

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2) 开再沸腾进行加热,开启进汽调节门出、入口手动门,开启进汽至除氧塔上部进汽
门,逐渐开启进汽调节门,调整除氧器内压力至 0.588MPa(升温过程中以每分钟 2
—3 ℃的速度提升水温至 158 ℃)。

2) Open the reboiling valve for heating, open the manually operated valve at the inlet
and outlet of the steam admission governing valve, open the steam admission valve
from the steam inlet to the deaeration tower, and open the steam admission
governing valve and adjust the pressure in the deaerator to 0.588Mpa(In the
process of temperature rising, increase the water temperature to 158℃ at the
speed of 2-3℃/min.)

3) 投运过程中调整放水门,保持水箱水位在运行正常值范围内。

3) During the operation process, adjust the water discharge valve, and keep the water
level of the water tank is in the normal range during the operation.

4) 适当开大进水、进汽调节门,保持压力在 0.588MPa、水温 158 ℃,联系化验含氧


4) Open the water inlet and steam admission governing valves, keep the pressure at
0.588Mpa and water temperature at 158℃. Contact the relevant personnel to
measure oxygen content and adjust the oxygen exhaust valve to the air properly.

5) 关闭再沸腾门。

5) Close the water reboiling valve.

6) 若初次投运除氧器,应反复冲洗至合格为止。

6) If this is the first time to put the deaerator into operation, wash it repeatedly until it
meets the requirements.

7) 水质合格后,关闭放水门,开启下水门。

7) After the water meets the requirements, close the water discharge valve and open
the down water valve.

8) 投入除氧器压力、水位自调装置,当抽汽投入后将备用汽源切换为抽汽,并保持切

8) Put the self governing device of the deaerator pressure and water level. When the
extraction is put into operation, change the standby steam source into extraction
and be stable during the changeover process. Open the condensate water valve,
HP drain valve, water inlet valve of the drain pump, steam balance valve and steam
leakage valve of the valve stem. 正常运行维护 Maintenance during normal operation
1) 观察除氧器的压力,若发现不正常情况,应查找原因, 使其恢复正常.若超压报警,应及

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1) Observe the pressure of the deaerator. If there is any abnormal situations, find out
the causes and restore it to the normal condition. If it makes alarm due to
overpressure, cut off the steam source in time and eliminate to ensure safety.

2) 观察水箱的水温,比较其是否达到饱和温度。

2) Observe the water temperature of the water tank and compare whether it reaches
the saturated temperature.

3) 除氧器出水和主凝结水进水,定期与化学联系从取样器取样,可用比色法(或其它
方法)化验其含氧量,出水含氧量应在合格范围≤5μg/L 以内,若发现不合格数据,

3) Contact with the electrical personnel periodically to take sample from sampler tor
the water outlet of the deaerator and the water inlet of the main condensate water.
By colorimetry, we can test the oxygen content. The outlet oxygen content should
be no more than 5μg/L. If it does not meet the requirement, ascertain the causes
and eliminate in time. If there is o0xygen content instrument, it can be observed and
monitored at any time and compare with the test data of colorimetry (or with other

4) 在集控室和就地监视除氧水箱水位,观察水位变化,确保水位在正常范围内。

4) Monitor water level of the deaerator tank in the central control room or at site,
observe the water level changes to make sure water level is within the normal

5) 在发出“低水位”报警信号以后,应严密监视,并及时处理,应采取增大补充水量,

5) After the LOW WATER LEVEL alarm signal is sent out, monitor closely and take
measures in time like increase the water makeup flow and water inlet amount of
main condensate water to make water level restored to the normal level,. The water
level should not drop further to make it reach the DANGEROUS LOW WATER
LEVEL, causing accidents like closing the feed water pump.

6) 在发出“高水位”报警信号以后,应严密监视,采取减少补充水量和减少主凝结水

6) After HIGH WATER LEVEL alarm signal is set out, monitor it closely, and take
measures like reducing the water makeup amount and main condensate water inlet
amount. If the water level goes on increasing and reaches HIGH HIGH WATER
LEVEL, electrical signal will connect the electrically operated overflow valve to
discharge water. Then adopt the measures like reducing makeup water amount and

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main condensate water amount, and discharge water in the water tank. We should
avoid the water level increasing further to stop it from reaching DANGEROUS HIGH
WATER LEVEL, causing accidents requiring closing the steam admission valve and
the stop of the deaerator.

7) 不论是三段抽汽以及备用汽源,进汽关断阀(闸阀或截止阀)应开至最大,避免因

7) No matter the third extraction or the standby steam source, open the steam
admission shut-off valve fully (gate valve or the stop valve) to avoid the decrease of
the steam amount to the deaerator because of the throttling. Keep the shut-off valve
of the secondary steam heating at proper opening. Then commissioning can be
done. First, close it, then it can be kept at the best opening gradually according to
the steam condition reflected by the oxygen content in the water coming out.

8) 不允许除氧器断水运行,一旦发生断水运行情况,应立即切除门杆漏汽,不让它进

8) It is not allowed to operate the deaerator without water inside. Once the situation
happens, cut off the steam leakage at the valve stem and stop it from coming into
the deaerator.

9) 当除氧器补水量大时,应及时开大蒸汽自调门,若仍达不到要求时应投入再沸腾。

9) When the makeup water amount is too large, open the steam self governing valve
largely in time. When it still could not meet the requirements, put the reboiling into

10) 投用或停止高压加热器时,应注意除氧器的压力和水位。

10) When putting the HP heater into operation or shutting down the HP heater, pay
attention to the pressure and water level of the deaerator.

11) 了解掌握机组凝结水的供水量和给水泵的运行情况。

11) Know and master the condensate water supply of the unit and the operation
condition of the feed water pump.

12) 经常监视调整:除氧器的压力 0.588MPa,出水温度 158 ℃,水箱水位:正常水位

800±200mm,低水位 600 mm,危险低水位-850 mm,高水位 1000 高高水位于
1050,危险高水位 1200 mm。(水箱中心线为 0 水位)

12) Monitor and adjust the following parameters usually: Pressure of deaerator
0.588Mpa, water outlet temperature 158℃, water level of water tank: normal level
800±200mm, low water level 600mm, dangerous low level -850mm, high level
1000mm, high high level 1050, dangerous high level 1200mm (the centerline of the
water tank is 0 level.) 除氧器停运

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1) 根据锅炉减量和机组减负荷情况及时调整除氧器进水,进汽量,保持除氧器温度,

1) Adjust the water inlet amount and steam admission amount of the deaerator in time
based on the reducing amount of the boiler and the load reducing condition of the
unit, to ensure the temperature and water level of the deaerator are normal.

2) 根据系统停用情况,依次关闭高加疏水二次门,疏水泵来水门,汽平衡门,门杆漏

2) According to the shutdown condition of the system, close the HP heater drain water
secondary valve, water inlet valve of the drain pump, steam balance valve, steam
leakage valve of valve stem and the condensate water valve in order.

3) 随着锅炉上水量减少,逐渐关闭除氧器进汽,进水调节门及出入口门。

3) Close the steam inlet valve, water inlet governing valve and the inlet and outlet
valves gradually, as the water supply amount of the boiler decreases.

4) 关闭下水门、给水再循环进水门。

4) Close the down-water valve and the feedwater recirculation inlet valve.

5) 若除氧器停运检修,应关闭所有进水门和进汽门,开启放水门,水放尽后关闭。

5) If the deaerator is stopped for maintenance, all the steam and water inlet valves
should be closed and open the water discharge valve. When the water is
discharged thoroughly, close the water discharge valve.

3.3.8 给水泵组

3.3.8 Feedwater Pump 投运前的检查和准备 Inspections and preparations before the operation
1) 检修工作必须完毕,设备完整良好现场清洁并准备好开泵用具。

1) The maintenance work must be finished, equipment be complete and the site be
clean and tools for operating the pump be ready.

2) 各仪表齐全完好,压力表一次门开启,联系仪表送仪表电源;联系电气人员测电机

2) All the instrument must be complete, open the primary valve of the pressure gauge
and contact the instrument personnel to supply power. Contact the electrical
personnel to measure the isolation and when the isolation meets the requirements,
supply power and put into operation, and test the acoustic and optical alarm signals
are good.

3) 检查稀油站油箱油位正常、油质良好、放油门关闭。

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3) Check the oil level of lubrication station is normal, the oil meets the requirements
and the oil discharge valve is closed.

4) 给水泵及油泵开关在“断开”位置,各联锁在“切除”位置。

4) The switches of the feed water pump and oil pump are at CLOSED position, and all
the interlocks are at DISCONNCTED position.

5) 盘动转子转动灵活,调整密封水量正常,压力正常。

5) Rotate the rotor and it rotates flexibly. Adjust the sealing water amount and pressure
to the normal value.

6) 除氧器水位正常。

6) Water level of the deaerator is normal.

7) 检查下列阀门在关闭位置:给水泵入口门、给水泵出口电动门、出口电动门前放水门、
暖泵门、出口电动门旁路门、排污门。检查下列阀门在开启位置的有: 再循环门、

7) Check the following valves at closed position: inlet valve of the feedwater pump, the
motor operated valve at the outlet of the feedwater pump, water discharge valve
before the outlet motor operated valve, pump warming valve, bypass valves of the
outlet motor operated valve, blow down valve. Check the following valves at opened
position: recirculation valve and sealing water valve. 给水泵运行方式 Operation mode of feedwater pump
The same to the operation mode of the condensate pump. 给水泵的投运 Putting the feedwater pump into operation.
Pump warming:

1) 暖泵方式:启动时正暖,热备用时倒暖。

1) Pump warming mode: when startup, positive warming, when standby, reverse

2) 暖泵结束后,测量上下壳体温度差应为小于 15℃,壳体与给水温度差小于 8--


2) When the pump warming up is finished, measure the temperature difference of the
upper and lower shells and the difference should be less than 15℃, the
temperature difference between the shell and the feedwater temperature is less
than 8-10℃. After the pump warming is finished, fully open the inlet valve of the
feedwater pump.

3) 只要泵内有热水,就应通入密封水。

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3) As long as there is hot water in the pump, sealing water should be supplied.


Startup of the lubricating station

1) 开启油泵出口门,启动油泵后检查油压、轴承回油油流、油位、电流、泵组振动及

1) Open the inlet valve of the oil pump. After the oil pump is started up, check the oil
pressure, bearing return oil flow, oil level, current, vibration of the pump and the
normal sound.

2) 根据油温状况,投用冷却装置保持油温在 35-45℃之间。

2) Put the cooling device into operation to keep the oil temperature within 35-45℃,
according to the oil temperature condition.


Start up the feedwater pump:

1) 启动给水泵,并对泵组进行全面检查,包括电机电流、泵出口压力、泵组振动、轴

1) Start up feedwater pump and inspect the pump thoroughly, including motor current,
pressure at the outlet of the pump, vibration of the pump, and water leakage
condition of the shaft seal.

2) 一切无异后,停止辅助润滑油泵,开启水泵出口门带负荷.

2) After making sure everything is in normal condition, stop the auxiliary lube oil pump
and open the outlet valve of the pump to throw on load.

3) 当给水泵负荷大于 T/H 时,可关闭再循环水门。当给水泵出量小于 T/H 时,

且时间超过 20 秒后,再循环水门应自动打开。

3) When the load of the feed water pump is larger than T/H, The recirculation valve
can be closed. When the output is less than T/H, and when the time is over 20s,
the recirculation valve can be opened automatically.

4) 根据锅炉需要调整勺管开度,来改变泵的出力。

4) In order to change the output of the pump, the opening of the scoop can be
adjusted in response to boiler actual requirement.

5) 投入联锁。

5) Put the interlock into operation. 正常运行维护 Normal operation and maintenance
1) 经常检查水泵运行情况,水泵轴承油位保持在 1/2-2/3 位置,电动机回油接近满管,

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1) Check the pump operation condition usually, keep the bearing oil level of the
feedwater pump at 1/2-2/3 position, and the motor return oil is almost full of the
pipe, the return oil of bearings is normal and the oil temperature and pressure are

2) 检查轴承回油温度不得超过 65℃,电动机壳温不超过 65℃,各轴承温度不超过


2) Check the bearing return oil temperature is no more than 65℃, the cover
temperature of the motor is no more than 65℃, and the bearing temperature is no
more than 90℃.

3) 水泵、液偶及电动机不得有异常声音,振动,串轴等现象,串轴不得大于 1.5mm。

3) No abnormal sound, vibration and axial displacement(which should be no more

than 1.5mm ) are allowed in the water pump, the hydraulic coupler and the motor.

4) 水泵冷却水、密封水要流畅无阻,水量调整适当。

4) The cooling as well as sealing water of the pump should be smooth without
blockage, and water amount should be properly adjusted.

5) 油箱油位应保持油面红线处,低了要及时补油.

5) The oil level of the oil tank should be kept at the red line place. If it is low, make up
the oil in time.

6) 在正常运行中,应密切监视给水母管压力,保证锅炉的正常给水。给水母管压力应
保持在 14MPa 左右。当给水母管压力低至 12MPa 时,将联动备用给水泵。

6) During the normal operation, monitor the pressure of the boiler feed main to ensure
the normal feedwater of boiler. The pressure of the boiler feed main should be kept
at about 14Mpa. When the pressure is low at 12Mpa, the standby feedwater pump
will be interlocked. 给水泵切换操作 Changeover operations of the feedwater pump

After the two feedwater pumps are tested to be in normal operation respectively, keep
one of them in operation and the other standby.

1) 保持 1#给水泵运行,调整再循环门打循环,投入联锁开关。

1) Keep #1 feedwater pump in operation, adjust the recirculation valve for recirculation
and put the interlock switch into operation.

2) 按 1#给水泵事故掉闸按钮,1#给水泵掉闸,2#给水泵联动投入运行,并发出事故

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2) Press the emergency button of the #1 feedwater pump, the pump will be latched off,
then put the interlock of #2 feedwater pump into operation and send emergency
alarming signal.

3) 用同样方法试验 2#给水泵掉闸联动 1#给水泵投入运行。

3) Test the latch off of #2 feedwater pump, interlocking the #1 feedwater pump and
putting the #1 feedwater pump into operation. 给水泵组的停运 Shutdown of the feedwater pump
1) 接到停给水泵的命令后,通知锅炉并注意除氧器水位。

1) After receiving the order to shut down the feedwater pump, inform the boiler
operator and notice the deaerator water level.

2) 减小给水泵负荷(可用勺管调节)注意给水母管压力,注意电流变化情况;

2) Reduce the load of feedwater pump(which can be adjusted by scoop tube ), pay
attention to the feedwater manifold pressure, and the current changing conditions.

3) 开启给水泵再循环水门;

3) Open the recirculation valve of feedwater pump.

4) 关闭出口水门;

4) Close the outlet valve.

5) 启动辅助润滑油泵;

5) Start up the auxiliary lube oil pump.

6) 停止给水泵,点击给水泵“停止”按钮,经确认后停止给水泵,注意给水泵出口门
一级出口系统阀门来阻止 泵反转)然后关闭再循环水门。

6) Stop the feedwater pump, press the feedwater STOP button. After being confirmed,
the feedwater pump can be stopped. Notice that the outlet valve of the feedwater
pump should be tight and the pump do not rotate reversely.(Attention: when the
pump rotates reversely, it is not allowed to close the pump inlet valve or start up the
motor. The valves of the previous stage outlet system must be closed to stop the
pump from rotating reversely.), then close the recirculation valve.

7) 泵停转后,可停止辅助油泵;

7) After the pump stops rotating, the auxiliary oil pump can be stopped.

8) 根据要求,进行其它停泵操作;

8) According to the requirement, other pump shutdown operations can be done:

9) 停泵检修时,当关闭入口门时,应密切注意泵入口压力,防止出口不严返水,造成

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9) When the pump is stopped for maintenance, when closing the inlet valve, pay
special attention to the pressure at the inlet of the pump to stop backwater due to
the untightness of the outlet, causing damage due to the overpressure at the inlet of
the pump. When finding the pressure at the inlet increasing, open the inlet valve
quickly. After the backwater defect at the outlet valve is eliminated, the inlet valve
can be closed.

10) 停泵后,辅助油泵应连续运行不少于 30 分钟。

10) After the pump is stopped, the auxiliary oil pump should be in continuous operation
no less than 30min.

11) 停泵后做备用时,入口门全开,出口门关闭,暖泵门开启,再循环门开启,泵体温

11) When the pump is topped and used as the standby pump, the inlet valve should be
fully opened and the outlet valve is closed, open the pump warming valve, the
recirculation valve and the temperature of the pump body meets the requirements.
Tao he auxiliary oil pump is in operation state, oil pressure and temperature are
normal and the feedwater interlock is at OPERATION position.

12) 检修时,解除油泵联锁,停止辅助油泵运行;关闭给水泵出入口门,再循环门,根

12) During maintenance, remove the oil pump interlock, stop the auxiliary oil pump from
operating. Close the inlet and outlet valves and recirculation valve of the feedwater
pump and do the isolation work well according to the working needs.

3.3.9 高加系统

3.3.9 HP Heater System 投运前的检查和准备 Inspections and preparations before the commissioning
1) Check the condition of the check-valve, shut-off valve (steam-in valve), and make
the combine test.

1) 检查抽汽管道上的逆止阀、关断阀(进汽阀)的动作情况,作联动试验。

2) Check and test the drainage adjustment device and the HPH protection device.
Ensure to keep them in the correct condition.

2) 检查并试验疏水调节装置、高加保护装置等,动作应正确。

3) Ensure all the measuring instruments, such as pressure meter, temperature meter,
water-level sensor, and lighting equipment to be in the well condition.

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3) 高加的各种测量仪表,如压力表、温度表、水位计及照明等均应处于良好的状态。

4) Ensure the switches in well condition, which includes: steam–in valve, vent valve,
safety valve, and discharging valve, and so on.

4) 高加进汽阀、放气阀、安全阀、放水阀等开关应正常。

5) When it is the first time for the HPH to pre-running or pre-running after the
maintenance, makes the leakage test to the tube bundle, the water temperature
depends on the equipment temperature and not to bring the sudden temperature

5) 高加首次投入运行或检修后再投入前,应对管束注水检漏,注水温度可根据设备的
温度情况决定,以不产生突然的温度冲击为原则。 高加水侧投入 Putting the water side of HP heater into operation.
1) 关闭#1#2 高加水侧放水门,开启高加联成阀出口及入口强制手轮,开启 #1#2 高加

1) Close the water side discharging valves of the #1 and #2 HP heater, open the
forced hand wheel at the inlet and outlet of the HP heater composite valve, open
water injection valves of #1 and #2 HP heaters and then increase the temperature

2) #1#2 高加水侧放空气门见水后关闭。

2) After water comes out of the air valves at the water side of #1 and #2 HP heater,
close the air valve.

3) 高加注水期间,检查汽侧放水情况,确证无漏泄后关闭汽侧放水门。

3) During the water injection period of HP heater, check the water discharge condition
at the steam side. After confirming there is no leakage, close the water discharge
valve at the steam side.

4) 高加内部水压力接近给水压力时,入口连成阀应自动开启,给水走高压加热器。

4) When the inner water pressure of the HP heater approaches the feedwater
pressure, the inlet composite valve should be opened automatically.

5) 稍开#2#1 高加抽汽门,控制给水温度每分钟上升 2-3℃。

5) Open the extraction valves of #1 and #2 HP heaters a little, and control the
feedwater rising temperature at 2-3℃/min.

6) 开启#1 高加至#2 高加疏水调整门,#2 高加疏水至#4 低加调整门,保持#1#2 高加

及#4 低加水位在正常范围内。

6) Open the drain water regulation valves from #1 HP heater to #2 HP heater, the
drain water regulation valves from #2 HP heater to #4 LP heater and keep the water
levels of #1, #2 HP heater , and #4 LP heater within the normal range.

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7) 高加升温结束后,全开高加进汽门。

7) After temperature rising of the HP heater is finished, fully open the steam inlet valve
of HP heater.

8) 开启#2 高加疏水至除氧器调节门,关闭至#4 低加疏水调节门。

8) Open the governing valve from the #2 HP heater drain water to the deaerator, close
the governing valve to the #4 LP heater drain water.

9) 适当开启#1#2 高加空气至除氧器门。

9) Open the air valves of #1 and #2 to the valves of the deaerator properly.

10) 高加疏水调整正常后(200-300mm)投入自动

10) After the drain water of HP heater is adjusted normally (200-300mm), put it at
automatic state. 高加汽侧投运 Putting the steam side of the HP heater into operation
1) 高加升温结束后,全开高加进汽门。

1) After the temperature rising of the HP heater is finished, fully open the steam inlet
valve of HP heater.

2) 开启#2 高加疏水至除氧器调节门,关闭至#4 低加疏水调节门。

2) Open the governing valve from #2 HP heater drain water to the deaerator and close
the drain water governing valve to #4 LP heater.

3) 适当开启#1#2 高加空气至除氧器门。

3) Open the air valves of the #1 and #2 HP heaters to the deaerator properly.

4) 高加疏水调整正常后(200-300mm)投入自动

4) After the drain water of HP heater is adjusted normally (200-300mm), put it at

automatic state. 运行中的正常维护 Normal maintenance during operation
1) Pay attention to the change of the water level, avoid running with high level or
without water level. For the HPH, whose down parts of the cylinder are connected
by flange, especially avoid the high range fluctuating of the water level near the
flange connect.

1) 应经常注意高加水位的变化,防止无水位或高水位运行。对筒体为下部法兰连接的

2) The regular record/monitor specification

2) 定期记录或监视高加的下述仪表指示:

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1) The level of water-level gauge

1) 水位计水位;

2) The temperature of water inlet/outlet

2) 给水进、出口温度;

3) The pressure and temperature of exhaust-steam, the inner steam pressure of


3) 抽汽压力、温度、高加内部汽压;

4) The drainage temperature

4) 疏水温度;

5) The opening degree of the drainage valve

5) 疏水调节阀开度。

3) Notice the leakage of the feed-water offset valve, which is in the close condition. To
the different feed water system, it can be checked according to the temperature
inspection point behind the offset valve, or the different temperature between water
outlet of the HPH and water inlet of the next HPH. If the outlet water temperature of
the HPH decreased because the feed water offset valve isn’t closed completely,
then eliminate the leakage in time.

3) 应注意监视处于关闭状态的给水旁路阀是否泄露。对不同的给水系统,可根据旁路

4) Monitor and verify the amount (the saturation temperature in proper pressure minus
the water outlet temperature) of the HPH, if it increases, analyze the reason and
solve the problem in time.

4) 应注意监视和核对高加的端差(进汽压力下相应的饱和温度与出口水温之差)当端

5) Notice the relation between the load and the opening degree of drainage valve, if
the load unchanged and the drainage valve open more; maybe the tube bring little

5 注意负荷与疏水调节阀开度的关系,当负荷未变,而调节阀开度加大时,管束就可

6) Regularly checks and test the drainage valve, the offset device of auto-feed water
device, emergency shut-off drainage valve, the check valve of exhaust-steam, the
linkage device of steam-in valve.

6) 定期检查并试验疏水调节阀、给水自动旁路装置、危急疏水阀和抽汽逆止阀、进汽

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7) Regularly rinse the water gauge, check the direction of the upper and lower valve
right or not, and avoid occurring to the fake water level.

7) 定期冲洗水位计。检查上下小阀门的通向是否正确,防止出现假水位。 高加随机滑停 Shutdown of HP heater along with the turbine
1) 高加随机停运时,由于随着负荷的下降,各台高加之间的压差减小,疏水流通可能

1) It is forbidden keeping long time to stop the water side and run the steam side. For
the existing steam-in valve which is not contain the linkage protection system of the
high water level, ensure to close the relevant steam-in valve by manual after
stopping the water side. If ensure that is the fake action of protection, the water side
can also be run immediately, it is not necessary to close the steam-in valve.

2) 高加长时间停水侧而不停汽侧的工况是不允许的。对现有进汽阀未纳入高水位保护

2) It is not allowed that the steam side of the HP heater is shutdown without shutting
down the steam side. For the present systems, whose steam inlet valves do not
have the high water level protections, manually close the corresponding steam inlet
valve after the waterside is stopped. If it is caused by mistake and the water side
can be put into operation immediately, the steam inlet valves can be kept open.

3) 其他按高加随机滑停止参考机组正常运行中高加的停运。

3) For other startup and shutdown operations, refer to the startup and shutdown
operations during the normal operation of the unit. 机组正常运行中高加的停运 Shutdown of the HP heater during the normal operation of the unit.
1) 逐渐关小#1#2 高加抽汽门,保持温降速度 2-3℃。当给水温度降至高于除氧器下水
温度 20±2℃时关闭#1#2 高加抽汽门及逆止门。并注意机组负荷变化(在满负荷时

1) Close the extraction valves of #1 and #2 HP heaters gradually and keep the
temperature decreasing speed of 2-3℃. When the feedwater temperature drops to
the temperature 20±2℃ higher than the deaerator down water temperature, close
the extraction valve and check valve, and pay attention to the load changing
conditions of the unit. (When on full load, while shutting down the HP heater, the
load should be properly restricted according to the extraction pressure.)

2) 开启#2 高加至#4 低加疏水调节门,关闭高加疏水至除氧器门及空气门。

2) Open the drain water governing valve from #2 HP heater to #4 LP heater, and close
the drain water valve to the deaerator valve and the air valve.

3) 开启抽汽管道疏水门。

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3) Open the drain valve on the extraction pipes.

4) 开启#1#2 高加水侧旁路电动门。

4) Open the bypass motor driven valves at the water side of #1 and #2 HP heaters.

5) 关闭#1#2 高加水侧出、入口电动门。

5) Close the inlet and outlet motor-driven valves at the water side of the #1 and #2 HP

6) 开启#1#2 高加水侧放水门和放空气门。

6) Open the water discharge valve and air vent valve at the water side of #1 and #2
HP heaters.

7) 开启#1#2 高加汽侧放水门,关闭#2 高加疏水至#4 低加调节门。

7) Open the water discharge valve at steam side of #1 and #2 HP heaters, and close
drain water of #2 HP heater to the governing valve of #4 LP heater.

8) 高加汽、水侧压力到零并无水汽,做好安全措施后,方可允许检修工作。

8) When the pressure at the steam side and water side of HP heater, there is no water
and steam. After safety measures are taken well, the maintenance work can be

3.3.10 辅助蒸汽系统

3.3.10 Auxiliary Steam System 投运前的检查和准备 Inspections and preparations before the operation

1) 检修工作必须完毕,设备完整良好现场清洁并准备好用具。

1) The maintenance work must be finished, equipment be complete, the site be clean
and the tools be ready.

2) 各仪表齐全完好,压力表一次门开启,联系仪表送仪表电源

2) The instrument is complete and in good condition, open the primary valve of the
pressure gauge and contact the instrument personnel to supply power.

3) 辅助蒸汽系统隔离门及疏水门全部关闭。

3) The insolating valve and the drain valve of the auxiliary steam system are all closed. 系统投运 Operation of the system

1) 根据锅炉情况辅助蒸汽压力 0.2MP 温度 200℃时,开启辅助蒸汽隔离门前疏水暖管,

当辅助蒸汽压力 0.3MP 温度 350℃时,逐步开启辅助蒸汽至联箱门。

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1) The auxiliary steam pressure 0.2Mpa and temperature 200℃ based on the boiler
condition. Warm up the pipe by the drain water before opening the auxiliary steam
isolating valve. When the pressure of the auxiliary steam is 0.3Mpa and
temperature 350℃, open the valves from the auxiliary steam to the header.

2) 在机组启动和低负荷时辅助蒸汽系统主要供给除氧器加热、锅炉炉底加热系统以及

2) During the startup of the unit and on low load, the auxiliary steam is mainly supplied
to all the systems needing the steam, like the deaerator for heating and the boiler
bottom heating system and the shaft seal system.

3) 正常运行时辅助蒸汽则由本机三段抽汽或主蒸汽供给。本工程两台机辅助蒸汽母管

3) During normal operation, the auxiliary steam is mainly provided by the third
extraction of the unit or the main steam. There is one closed tube between the
auxiliary steam headers of the two units in this project. When starting up the first
unit, the auxiliary steam is coming from the nearby units. There is one collected
auxiliary steam header between the unit. After the two units are put into operation,
the steam source can be provided to each other. 系统停运 Shutdown of the unit

根据锅炉情况辅助蒸汽压力降至 0.2MP 以下时,温度 200℃时,开启辅助蒸汽隔离门前


Based on the boiler condition, when the auxiliary steam pressure drops below 0.2Mpa
and temperature 200℃, drain water before opening the auxiliary steam isolating valve,
close the valve from the auxiliary steam to the auxiliary steam header gradually until it is
fully closed.

3.3.11 轴封系统

3.3.11 Gland Seal System 投运前的检查和准备 Inspections and preparations before putting into operation

1) 检查各压力表、温度计等齐全完好。

1) Check the pressure gauge and the thermometer are ready and complete.

2) 检查轴封加热器、管道等保温完好,支吊架完好。

2) Check the thermal insulation of the gland seal heater and pipes is good and the
supports and hangers are complete.

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3) 轴封加热器疏水装置水封充水完毕。

3) Water filling to the drain device of the gland seal heater is finished.

4) 通知电气测量轴加抽风机电机绝缘,合格后送上电源。

4) Inform the electrical personnel to measure the isolation of the motor of the gland
seal heater exhaust fan. After it meets the requirements, supply the power supply.

5) 轴封加热器进出口凝结水门开启,旁路门关闭。

5) Open the inlet and outlet condensate water valves of the gland seal heater and
close the bypass valve.

6) 轴封加热器汽封进汽门关闭。

6) Close the steam admission valve of steam seal of the gland seal heater.

7) 轴加抽风机进口门关闭。

7) Close the inlet valve of the exhaust fan of the gland seal heater. 轴封系统投运 Putting the gland seal system into operation.

1) 凝结水泵投入运行后,检查轴加水位正常,管子无泄漏。

1) After the condensate water pump is put into operation , check the water level of the
c gland seal heater is normal and t the pipes have no leakage.

2) 启动轴加抽风机,开启抽风机进口门。

2) Start up the exhaust fan of the gland seal heater and open the inlet valve of the
exhaust fan.

3) 开启轴加汽封进汽门。

3) Open the steam seal steam admission valve of the gland seal heater.

4) 检查并调节轴加水位及疏水在正常范围内。

4) Check and adjust the gland seal heater water level and the drain water is within the
normal range. 运行中正常维护 Normal maintenance during operation


Water level of the drain water device of the gland seal heater is normal.


Current, temperature, vibration, and sound of the exhaust fan are normal.

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The gland seal heater pressure is kept within the normal range. 轴封系统停运 Shutdown of the gland seal system

1) 开启汽封漏汽排大气门。

1) Open the steam leakage vent valve of the steam seal.

2) 关闭轴加汽封进汽门。

2) Close the steam admission valve of the gland seal heater.

3) 关闭轴加抽风机进口门。

3) Close the exhaust fan inlet valve of the gland seal heater.

4) 停止轴加抽风机运行。

4) Stop exhaust fan of the gland seal heater from operating.

5) 开启轴加凝结水旁路门。

5) Open the condensate water bypass valve of the gland seal heater.

6) 关闭轴加凝结水进出口门。

6) Close the condensate water inlet and outlet valves of the gland seal heater.

7) 注意凝汽器真空变化。

7) Pay attention to the vacuum changes of the condenser.

3.3.12 真空系统

3.3.12 Vacuum System 投运前的检查和准备 Inspections and preparations before operation

1) 凝结器空气管道甲乙隔离门在全开位置,凝结器气测放水门、高加、低加空气门在

1) Preparatory work

In order to guarantee that the pipeline and the installment work meets the
requirement completely, before start the pump, the overall check according to the
flow chart and the installation diagram must be carried out, after confirming the
installment is no problem, rotates the pump spindle with the hand or the suitable
tool for several times and watch whether there is abnormal phenomenon such as

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collide or friction and so on.

2) 在试运行前最好在泵的入口处加装空气过滤装置。松开填料压盖,打开分离器上的
排气管(N2.2),此时进气管上环形断流阀 16a 应全关或微开,热交换器上冷却水

2) Air filter device should be installed in the pump entrance in order to prevent the
foreign matter from entering the pump during operation. Open the lid of stuffing and
open the air exhaustion pipes (N2.2) of the separator, now the ring shape shutoff
valve 16a should be total open or open a little. Open the cooling water pipe of the
heat exchanger and check the valve meters and electrics, check if there enough
lubricant oil in the bearing of the pump, check whether the cooling water pipe of the
decelerator is well connected. Take apart the pin of coupling and start the motor,
watch whether the motor’s rotary direction is in line with the regulated pump’s rotary
direction. If it is, then mount the pin again. The accuracy of installment sees the set
installment part.

3) 机组注水

真空泵的水位不断增加,为加快注水速度,可同时打开旁通阀 24b 当水位上升到水
泵侧盖上自动排水阀自动排水时,关闭旁通阀,稳定 5min,检查液面有无变化,检

3) Unit water injection

Open the pump water discharge pipe and flush the antirust liquid is cleaned and
then recovers the original status before unit water injection begins. Then open the
valve before the water supply magnet valve and air/water separator and begins
injecting water. The water level in the vacuum pump increases, if you want to
increase the speed, open the by-pass valve 24b. When water level reaches the
automatic water discharging valve and it begins to work, then close the by-pass
valve and keep it for 5min. Check if there is any change in the liquid surface and
check if the pipe is unblocked and whether any leakage, if everything is good, it
shows that water injection meets the requirement for starting. 真空系统投运 Putting the vacuum system into operation


按动电器控制箱上的启动按钮,机组即投入运行,机组启动后打开环形断流阀 16a(或自

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注意观察轴承体位的温度,最高温升不得超过 50℃,实测温度不超过 75℃。



Press the start button in the control box and the unit starts to work. After the start, open
the ring shape shutoff valve 16a(or automatically) and the system begins to work. During
running the status of the vacuum pump stuffing lid should be checked. It allows a little
amount liquid leakage in the stuffing room but should not be water line.

Pay attention to the temperature of the bearing, max incensement <50℃ and the
temperature must <75℃

Pay attention to the motor’s power current, the meters’ data, the water level of the
separator and the vibration of the unit. 真空泵切换 Changeover of the vacuum pump.


The changeover of vacuum pump is the same to that of feedwater pump. 运行中正常维护 Normal maintenance during operation


For the normal maintenance during operation, refer to that of the feedwater pump. 真空系统停运 Shutdown of the vacuum system 停机 Shutdown

在 DCS 画面中可操作或按动电器控制箱上停机按钮,水环泵停止转动,关闭吸入管上的

阀 16a(或自动),关掉补水电磁阀前的补充水阀门,热交换器冷却水阀门,停机后系统内

Engine off

Press the stop button in the electric appliance control box and the water cycle pump
stops the rotation. Close the ring shape shutoff valve 16a (or automatically) of the input
pipe and the cooling water valve of the heat exchanger. The surplus water of the system

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will be discharged by auto discharging valve after the system stops. If the pump need to
stop for a long time (3 months or longer) then open the water discharging bolt in the
bottom of the pump, air/water separator and heat exchanger to discharge the surplus
water. Conduct antirust treatment if necessary

3.3.13 润滑油,顶轴油和盘车系统

3.3.13 Lube oil, Jacking Oil and Turning Gear System 投运前的检查和准备 Inspections and preparations before operation

1) 检修工作已全部结束,现场清理干净;

1) The inspection work has been finished, and the site has been cleaned up;

2) 电动机测绝缘合格并送电,热控人员将各种仪表、信号、控制、保护装置试验完好

2) The isolation of the motor meets the requirements through test and power is
supplied to the motor. The I&C personnel test all the instrumentation, signal, control
and measurement, and protective device and put them into operation.

3) 润滑油箱油位在油位在正常处,油质合格,冷油器将一侧投入工作位置,另一侧备

3) The oil level of the lube oil tank is at the normal position, and the oil meets the
requirement. Put one side of the oil cooler into operation and the other at standby

4) 顶轴油泵入口压力大于 0.1Mpa。

4) The pressure at the inlet of the jacking oil pump is larger than 0.1Mpa. 油系统的投运 Putting the operation of the lubricating oil system

启动一台辅助油泵运行,油压应在 0.12~0.16MPa 检查转向正确,振动、声音、温度无


Start up one auxiliary oil pump in operation and the oil pressure should within 0.12--
0.16Mpa. Check the rotary direction is correct and the vibration, sound and temperature
are normal. The other pump is at standby state. 顶轴油,盘车系统投运 Putting the Jacking oil and the turning gear system into operation

启动一台顶轴油泵运行,油压应在 8.0MPa—14MPa,检查转向正确,振动、声音、温度

Start up one jacking oil pump into operation and the oil pressure should bu within

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8.0Mpa-14Mpa. Check the rotary direction is correct and the vibration, sound and
temperature are normal and put the other pump at standby state.


Startup conditions of the turning gear:

1) 汽轮机转速到零。

1) Turbine speed is reduced to zero.

2) 润滑油压在 0.12-0.16Mpa 范围内。

2) Lube oil pressure should be within 0.12—0.16Mpa.

3) 顶轴油压在 8.0-14Mpa 范围内。

3) Jacking oil pressure is within 8.0—14Mpa.

4) 压缩空气压力在 0.39-0.6Mpa 范围内。

4)The compressed air pressure is within .0.39—0.6Mpa.

5) 盘车进油门开启。

5) The oil inlet valve of the turning gear is open.

6) 盘车电机转动方向正确

6)The rotary direction of the turning gear motor is correct. 系统投运 Commissioning of the system


Automatic mode

1) 将选择开关置于“自动”位置(自动,手动,切除三种位置)。

1) Put the select switch at AUTO position (auto, manual and cut off positions)

2) 将瞬动开关置于“自动瞬动”位置。

2) Put the instant-on switch at AUTO INSTANT-ON position.

3) 将连续盘车,间歇盘车开关置于“连续盘车”位置。

3) Put the switch of the continuously rotating the turning gear and the interruptedly
rotating the turning gear at CONTINUOUS ROTATING THE TURNING GEAR

4) 用钥匙合上盘车电源开关。

4) Close the power switch of the turning gear with keys.

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5) “拔销到位”指示灯亮。

5) The indicator light of PULL PINAT POSITION is on.

6) “齿轮接触”指示灯亮。齿轮啮合着,“齿轮接触”指示灯灭。

6) The indicator light of GEAR CONTACT is on. When the gears are meshed, the light
will be off.

7) “拔销到位”指示灯灭。“盘车进行”指示灯亮,盘车正式运行。

7) The indicator light of PULL PINAT POSITION is off. TURNING GEAR IN

OPERATION indicator light is on and put the turning gear into operation officially.


Manual mode

1) 将盘车齿轮开合手柄固定销拔起。

1) Pull up the opening and closing handle and fixed pin of the turning gear

2) 逆时针方向旋转盘车电动机上手轮。

2) Rotate the upper handle of the motor of the turning gear anticlockwise.

3) 盘车齿轮开合手柄逐渐置于垂直齿合位置。

3) Put the gear opening and closing handle of the turning gear at the vertically meshed

4) 松开盘车齿轮开合手柄固定销,将手柄固定,进行下列操作

4) Loosen the fixed pin on the gear opening and closing handle of the turning gear, fix
the handle and carry out the following operations.

5) 用钥匙合上盘车电源开关。

5) Close the power switch of the turning gear with keys.

6) 将选择开关置于“手动”位置。

6) Put the select switch at MANUAL position.

7) 将瞬动开关置于“手动瞬间”位置。

7) Put the instant-on switch at MANUAL INSTANT-ON position.

8) 将连续盘车,间歇盘车开关置于“间歇盘车”位置。

8) Put the switch of the continuously rotating the turning gear and the interruptedly

9) 按下“间歇盘车”按钮。

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10) 盘车电动机应转动,汽轮机转子应转过一定角度,松开“间


10) The motor of the turning gear should rotate and the turbine rotor should rotates a
button, and the turning gear will be stopped

11) 将连续盘车,间歇盘车开关置于“连续盘车”位置,盘车正式连续运行。

11) Put the switch of the continuously rotating the turning gear and the interruptedly
position and the turning gear is in continuous operation.



1) 盘车投入后,检查盘车电流和声音。倾听主机车室内声音和轴承外是否有摩擦声等。

1) After the turning gear is put into operation, check the current and sound of the
turning gear and check whether there is any frication sound in the gear chamber
and outside the bearing.

2) 盘车运行中,出现异音,振动,电流摆动或超过额定值时应立即停止盘车运行,并
查找原因,改为定期盘车(每 30 分钟盘车 180 度),手动盘车不动时,禁止强行

2) During the operation of the turning gear, the turning gear should be stopped from
operating and ascertain the causes when there is any abnormal sound, vibration,
current fluctuation or exceeding the rated value. Change it into periodical gear
rotating (rotate 180° every 20min). If the turning gear could not be rotated, it is
forbidden to rotate if forcefully.

3) 因故不能投入盘车到重新投入盘车时,应先盘车 180 度,等候时间为停盘车时间的


3) If the turning gear could not be rotated once again due to some problems, rotate
180 degree first, and the waiting time is half of the rotating time. After the turning
gear can be rotated easily by hand, put it into continuous operation mode.

4) 盘车运行中,应经常检查顶轴油泵及油系统工作情况,不得有异音、振动、漏油等

4) During the operation of the turning gear, check the working condition of the jacking
oil pump and oil system usually. No abnormal sound, vibration and oil leakage is
allowed and keep the jacking oil pressure within the specified range.

5) 盘车运行时,低压油泵联动保护应投入。

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5) When the turning gear in operation, put the interlock protections of the LP oil pump
into operation.

6) 盘车投入时,如果大轴晃动值较大,超过允许值并有增大趋势和金属摩擦声,应采
取手动盘车 180 度的方法调整。

6) When putting the turning gear into operation, is the swing value of the main shaft is
large, exceeding the allowable value and tending to become larger and making
metal sound, adjust by manually rotating the turning gear for 180°. 系统停运 Shutdown of the system

1) 汽轮机冲转后,转速超过正常盘车转速 5-10 转,盘车自动脱落,将各操作开关均置


1) After the impulse starting of the turbine, the rotary speed is 5-10 turns higher than
the normal rotating of the turning gear, the turning gear will be disconnected
automatically and put all the operation switches at disconnected position.

2) 盘车停止后,还需继续启动,将选择开关,瞬动开关,连续,间歇开关,置于切除

2) After the turning gear is stopped, it needs to be started up continuously. Put the
select switch, instant-on switch, continuous and interrupted switch at the
disconnected position.

3) 盘车停止后,不需启动 ,手按“停机退手柄”按钮,盘车电机反转,配合压缩空气

3) After the turning gear is stopped, if it need not to be started up, press the
SHUTDOWN AND WITHDRAW THE HANDLE button, the motor of the turning gear
will rotate reversely, withdraw the handle from the meshed position in cooperation
with the compressed air. Disconnect the power switch of the turning gear with keys. 主机冷油器切换 Switchover of the oil cooler


Changeover of oil cooler: (A oil cooler exchange for B oil cooler)

1) 通知司机注意严密监视润滑油压,各轴承油流,油箱油位及油温变化。

1) Notify the operator to monitor lube oil pressure, oil flow of bearings and oil
temperature changes.

2) 慢慢开启乙冷油器出口油门,直至全开(备用冷油器进油门原来在开启位置)

2) Open the oil valve at the outlet of B oil cooler slowly until the valve is fully opened.
(the original oil inlet valve of the standby oil cooler is at the opened state.)

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3) 开启乙冷油器进出口水门,调整水量保持出口油温在 35—45℃之间。

3) Open the water valves at the inlet and outlet of the B oil cooler, adjust water flow
and keep the oil temperature at the outlet within 35-45℃.

4) 乙冷油器投用正常后,关闭甲冷油器出入口油门及冷却水出入口水门,如果甲备用,
油温在 35℃—45℃之间。

4) After B oil cooler is in normal operation, close the oil valves at the inlet and outlet of
A oil cooler and condensate water inlet and outlet valves. If A is standby, the oil inlet
valve is fully opened. During the shutdown of the A oil cooler, adjust the cooling
water flow of B oil cooler, and keep the oil temperature at the outlet within 35-45℃.

3.3.14 润滑油净化系统

3.3.14 Lube oil Purifying System 投运前的准备 Preparations before putting into operation

1) 打开电器柜,检查内部各出保险是否齐全,电器接头有无松动,电器元件是否受潮

1) Open the electrical cabinet, check whether the fuse in side is complete and whether
the electrical joint is loosened, whether the electrical components are affected with
damp or damaged and remove the foreign matters of the equipment.

2) 检查设备各处连接的部位,螺栓、螺母有无松动,表计完整齐全。

2) Check the joint places of the equipment, to see if bolts and nuts are loosened and
whether the meters are complete.

3) 送上总电源和接地保护。

3) Supply the main power supply and the ground protection.

4) 检查粗滤器和精滤器是否按要求装好滤芯,

4) Check whether the cartridges in the coarse strainer and the fine filter are installed
according to the requirements.

5) 将本机与待净化的储油容器用软管连接好,连接的管内清洁,储油容器的液面不低
于入口管 500mm 以下。

5) Connect the unit with the oil storage container to be purified by hosepipe. The pipe
should be clean and the oil surface of the oil storage container should not 500mm
below the inlet pipe.

6) 关闭所有的阀门。

6) Close all the valves.

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Indonesia Kendari 2*50MW CFSPP Turbine Operation Manual 系统投运 Putting the system into operation.

1) 油净化装置备用正常,储油容器的液面不低于入口管 500mm 以下。

1) The oil purifying system is in normal standby state, and the oil surface of oil storage
container should not 500mm below the inlet pipe.

2) 先启动真空泵真空达 0.092MPa 时,启动电磁阀进油。

2) Start up the vacuum pump and when the vacuum reaches 0.092Mpa, open the
solenoid valve for oil supply.

3) 当真空罐内油位达到 4/3 时,可启排油泵运行。

3) When the oil level of the vacuum container is 4/3, start up the oil drain pump.

4) 当进、排油均正常后,可启动加热器,此时整机进入正常工作状态。

4) When the oil inlet and the oil drainage are all normal, start up the heater, and the
whole unit is in normal operation state.

5) 当真空罐内气体泡沫太多时,可略开启真空充气阀降低真空度,消减泡沫,泡沫下

5) When there is too much bas bubble inside the vacuum container, open the vacuum
air filling valve to decrease the vacuum degree and the bubbles. After the bubble is
decreased, close the valve. 运行中的维护 Maintenance during operation

1) 注意真空泵、排油泵及各电机的噪音和温度是否正常,真空泵温升为 45 度其他电机
温升不大于 60 度。

1) Pay attention to see whether noise and temperature of the vacuum pump, oil drain
pump and motor are normal. The rising temperature of the vacuum is 45°and rising
temperature of other motor is no more than60°.

2) 化验油样必须从取样阀取出,否则影响化验精度。

2) The oil sample to be tested must be taken from the sampling valve. Otherwise, the
test precision will be affected. 系统停运 Shutdown of the system

1) 先停加热器,关闭电磁阀。

1) Stop the heater first and then close the solenoid valve.

2) 关闭球阀,待真空表的数字达工作真空度以上时,再关闭真空泵而后停排油泵。

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2) Close the ball valve. After the readings of the vacuum meter reaches above the
working vacuum degree, stop the vacuum pump and then the oil drain pump.

3) 关闭球阀排放存在水罐的存液,关闭其余个阀。

3) Close the fluid inventory drained by the ball valve in the water tank, and then close
other valves.

4) 切断总电源,放掉箱内的存水。

4) Cut off the main power and discharge the water in the tank.

5) 将进出口门管道用朔料布扎好。

5) Wrap the pipes connected to the inlet and outlet valves with plastic sheets well.

3.3.15 调速油系统

3.3.15 Governing Oil System 投运前检查和准备 Inspections and preparations before the operation.


Check before the EH oil system is put into operation:

1) 系统按阀门检查卡检查各阀门位置正确,各设备送上电源。

1) Supply power to all the system equipment after making sure that the valve positions
are correct by checking them with valve check cards.

2) 确认各仪表及各压力开关信号门开启,热工仪表电源送电指示正确。

2) Ensure that all of the instruments and pressure switch signal valves are opened as
well as that the I/C instruments correctly indicates power supply.

3) 检查调速油泵轴承及盘根冷却水投入正常。

3) Check the bearing of the speed regulating oil pump as well as cooling water of the
packing are in normal operation.

4) 检查交流润滑油泵已启动正常。

4) Check the AC lube pump has been in normal operation after startup. 系统投运 Putting the system into operation

1) 调出 DCS 系统中 EH 油系统画面,观察监视 EH 油压变化情况。

1) Observe and monitor the EH oil pressure change by looking at the EH oil system

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2) 检查启动泵入口门开,冷却水及密封油门开,确认联锁开关在“断开” 位,按泵
“启动”按钮,红灯亮,电流指示正常,系统油压应在 1.96MPa。

2) Make sure the start-up pump inlet valve is open, and the cooling water as well as
sealing oil valves are opened, and the interlock switch is at “Open” position;
Pressure the “Start-up” button, the red light is on, the current is indicated correctly,
the system oil pressure should be 14±0.5Mpa.

3) 调速油泵启动正常后,停交流润滑油泵。

3) Stop the AC lube pump after a normal start-up of the oil-regulating pump.

4) 逐渐开启至 EH 系统阀门,检查系统各部正常无漏油,各压力表指示正常。

4) Open valves to the EH system gradually, check there is no leakage from any
component and pressure meters instructions are normal.

5) 在 EH 系统上试开关主汽门及调节汽门正常。

5) Test the opening and closing of the main stop valves and the control valves on the
EH system are normal. 运行中正常维护 Normal maintenance during operation

1) 对系统每小时检查一次,检查系统无漏油现象,调速油泵电流、振动正常。

1) Check the system once an hour to ensure the system doesn’t leak any oil and the
current as well as vibration of the speed-regulating pump are normal.

2) 检查系统油压在 1.96Mpa,左右。

2) Make sure the system oil pressure is around 1.96Mpa

3) EH 油系统滤网差压达 0.035MPa 时,发出报警信号。此时,应切换滤网运行。

3) Alarm acts when the differential pressure on filter screen of the EH oil system
reaches 0.035 MPa. Under this situation, switchover the filter screen.

4)发现 EH 油压或润滑油压下降,应迅速核对表计及油系统各部件进行全面检查,并密
4) Find that pressure of EH oil or lubrication oil drops and instrument and each
component of oil system should be checked rapidly and completely; and keep close
watch on the working condition of speed control system. Find causes and adopt
measure to eliminate fault as soon as possible. 系统停运 Shutdown of the system


Outage of speed-regulating oil pump:

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1) 关闭调速油泵出口门

1) Close the outlet valve of the speed-regulating oil pump.

2) 解除调速油泵联锁,按调速油泵 “停止” 按钮,调速油泵停转.

2) Remove the interlock of the speed-regulating pump, and press the “STOP” button
to stop the speed-regulating oil pump from rotating.

3) 若需备用,开启调速油泵出口门.

3) Open the outlet valve of the speed-regulating oil pump when a standby is required.

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