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APHS Elementary Department

1st Quarter SY 2021-2022

First Unit Test in English 4

Section:_______________                                                                     Date:____________________

A. Directions: Read the selection “King Midas and the Golden Touch” and answer the questions that
King Midas was a greedy man. He collected gold and even counted it
in his sleep.
King Midas had a daughter and she wished she could spend
more time with her father but he was always busy with his
collections of gold. 

One day, a strange creature came to see the King. He was half man and half goat and he was called a
Satyr. The king allowed the Satyr to pick some of his fruit and because of this the Satyr was very
pleased. He told the king that he could wish for anything he wanted and his wish could come true. 

Of course, the King wished for more gold. He asked the Satyr to make everything he touched turn to
gold. The wish was granted. Sure enough, everything that the King touches did turn to gold.
The trouble was when the King got hungry; he could not touch his food because it too, became gold.
The King began to feel worried. His daughter came to see him and he was afraid to touch her in case she
changed to gold. 

The King ran to find the Satyr and begged him to take the spell away from him. He
said that he was sorry for being so greedy and that he had learned his lesson. The
Satyr told the King to bathe in the river. The King did as he was asked and the spell
was lifted.

Immediately, the King ran to his daughter and hugged her. All of a sudden, he knew
the meaning of happiness!
Vocabulary Words
A. Directions: Match Column A to Column B with the correct meaning of the boldface word. (8 pts.)
             A                                                                  B
1. He looked at the gold with greedy eyes.                         A. to give; to fulfill

2. It’s strange that nobody told about this before.             B. selfish desire for something

3. I am very pleased with your work.                                 C.  to ask humbly for something

4. The mayor finally granted our request.                          D. a charm; an enchantment

5. He won’t go to see a doctor, 

          and Mom’s worried about him                                        E. showing of pleasure and satisfaction

6. His friends and family begged him not to go.                 F.  a forest god in Greek mythology

7. The spell was broken and the pig turned into a man.     G. unusual; unfamiliar

8. I hope the quarantine will be lifted by the end of the month.    I. put to an

Comprehension Questions
Directions: Answer the following questions in a complete sentence.  (5 pts.)

1.What did King Midas likes to collect?

2.Why did the Satyr grant the king a wish?

3. What did King Midas wish for?

4. How did the King break the spell upon him?

5.What was the important lesson that the King had learned?
B. Directions: What will you do in the following situations? Answer the following situations in a complete
sentence. ( 5 pts.)

1. Your best friend tells you your new shoes look really cool.

2. You want someone to pass you the salt, which is at the far end of the table.

3. You burp or sneeze in the middle of a conversation with your teacher.

4. You have to pass in between two people having a conversation, in order to get to your things in the locker.

5. Your mom helps you with your homework.

D.Directions: Read each word and divide it by putting (/) between each syllable. On the space provided, write
how many syllables are in each word. Using the table below, group the following words based on the stressed
syllables.(2 pts. each)

1.vacation _____

2. father _______

3.environment _______

4. mountain________


6. Filipino _______

Words with Stressed on the First Words with Stressed on the Words with Stressed on the
Syllable Second Syllable Third Syllable

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