Study Guide 1: Earth Science: General Instructions

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Please make sure that you read and understand everything written in this module. Also,
try to answer and accomplish all the activities contained in this module. Be guided with the
meaning of the following symbols:
 It contains the general instructions before proceeding with the module. It is
important that you READ this!
 These are the activities that you need to do in the module.
 These are the questions that helps you monitor your learning progress of the
A year has passed since we all accepted the challenge of the new normal, and also, we
proved that things can work with cooperation and continuous communication and understanding
towards each other. As another school year comes, may we continue the values we learn from the
previous one and hone it further in shaping our common goal; to make this school year
meaningful and full of opportunities to learn. As we welcome this school year, may we all be
prepared and show our willingness to learn from one another.


Let us begin where everything has started, how did everything just appeared? It is
believed that the age of the observable universe is about 13.8 billion years. Imagine counting up
to 13.8 billion using one second for each year, it will take you about 437.6 years to finish!


Before we proceed studying and learning this module, I want you to remember the
following objectives that you need to achieve:
o Describe the historical development of the theories that explain the origin of the universe
o Compare the different hypotheses explaining the origin of the solar system
o Describe the unique characteristics of Earth necessary to support life, and
o Explain that earth consists of four (4) subsystems across whose boundaries matter and
energy flow.

 This is the PERFORMANCE TASK that you need to finish and submit at the
end of the quarter. The teacher will discuss more about this at the beginning
and during relevant topics all throughout the quarter:

Prepare a plan that the community may implement to minimize waste when
people utilize materials and resources.
In effort to make sense of the universe, humans used different sets of beliefs to describe
its origin and structure. For more ideas and concepts, refer to your book on page 5-8.
 On the presented theories, which do you think has more concrete evidence and
reliable arguments on the origin of the universe? Justify your answer.

In effort to study how the universe started, scientists were also baffled on how our Solar
System was formed. Some hypotheses were introduced on how did the Solar System is formed.
Use page 9-11 of your book as reference.
 On the presented theories, which do you think has more concrete evidence and
reliable arguments on how the solar system was formed? Justify your answer.

As the solar system emerged, planets emerged, too. One these planets is our Earth. It is the third
planet from the sun in terraform. To this day, it is the only known planet in the solar system to
support life. Refer to page 12-18 of your book for more ideas and concepts.
 Among the presented life supports of our planet, which do you think is the
most important? Give your rationale.

 How did everything as we know it today, come into being?

 How old is the universe and how did it form?

 What made it possible for the planets to become as big as they are?

 Among the three characteristics mentioned, which do you this is the most

 How do Earth’s subsystems affect each other?

 Refer to your Book Exploring Life Through Science and open on page 21-22.
Answer Test Yourself B and C.

1. These are both representations of the Universe. The Earth, the Sun, and other planets
are the three primary objects in both models. The geocentric concept states that the stars
revolve around the earth, whereas the heliocentric hypothesis states that the planet rotates
about its own axis, giving the appearance that the stars are moving.
2. According to the nebular hypothesis, the solar system originated as a massive cloud of
gas that contracted owing to self-gravity. A rotating disk with a substantial concentration
at the center, which is the proto-Sun, must form to conserve angular momentum.
According to this viewpoint, planets formed within the disk. Meanwhile, the Protoplanet
Hypothesis is the current working model for the formation of the solar system. It
incorporates many of the nebular theory's parts as well as some innovative aspects based
on current fluid and state-of-matter data.
3. The Hydrosphere is the total mass of water present on the Earth's surface. The
Atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds the Earth. The Hydrosphere produces water
and moisture, whereas the Atmosphere stores water molecules. Also, the Atmosphere
protects us from the damaging rays of the sun. On the other hand, the Hydrosphere is the
layer of the earth that contains all of the planet's water.
4. The electromagnetic and strong nuclear forces are similar in that they both act on
charged particles. The electromagnetic force has an unlimited range, whereas the strong
force has a short range. The electromagnetic force is acting on charged particles over a
long distance.  Like c harges that are alike repel each other, while charges that are
dissimilar attract each other. The strong nuclear force is caused by quarks in a proton or
neutron being bonded to quarks in nearby protons and neutrons as a result of the colour
5. The universe contains everything that exists, including space and dark matter. From the
lowest particle of sand to the largest star, the Universe comprises everything. A Solar
System is a planetary and other space-based system that revolves around a star. In short,
the solar system is just a part of universe.

1. The most widely accepted cosmological explanation for the formation of the universe is
the Big Bang theory. If we start at the present and go back in time, the universe is
contracting, getting smaller and smaller. The Big Bang theory accurately describes the
expansion of the cosmos. Obviously, the expansion of the universe indicates that it was
previously much smaller. The cosmic microwave background radiation is well described by
the Big Bang theory. This low-temperature radiation is pervasive and uniform, indicating
that the universe was much hotter in the past. These data are difficult to explain using the
competing "steady state" concept of the cosmos.
2. Gravity drew swirling gas and dust in to form Earth, the third planet from the Sun,
around 4.5 billion years ago, as the solar system was settling into its current structure.
Earth has a solid crust, a rocky mantle, and a central core, just like its fellow terrestrial
3. In the same way as a top revolves around its spindle, the Earth rotates around its axis.
This spinning action is referred to as the Earth's rotation. At the same time as it spins on its
axis, the Earth orbits or revolves around the Sun. This movement is referred regarded as a
revolution. Because mass causes gravity, heavier objects, such as planets and stars, have a
lot of it. The earth and everything on it is constantly falling towards the sun due to its
enormous gravity.
4. The Earth's systems are linked by the flow and exchange of energy and matter. Between
the spheres, energy and matter are constantly moving, connecting them in a variety of
ways. Tons of small particles from the geosphere are thrown into the atmosphere when a
volcano erupts, and this circulation can happen extremely quickly. Without the other it will
not work properly according to purpose.
5. The origin of the universe precedes the origin of life since human life is dependent on the
universe, and if the universe isn't there, humans, animals, and trees are not alive . No life
form will be existed.

Olivar II, Jose Tolentino, Rodolfo, Raymond and Cabria, Hillel. Exploring Life Through Science
Series: Earth Science pg. 3-23. Quezon City, Philippines. Phoenix Publishing House. 2016
 Akala mo hindi masakit ung pinagsasabi mo sakin?na patay gutom akohh?Bakit hindi ba
yun sa masakit? E ikaw nga hinuhuli mo ung kalapati e sabi nya,tara Joela ku, hulihin
natin ung kalapati,kuhain natin,masama yonn,oh sya un,sya ung pagsabihan mo,sya pa
naninisi,hati nga kami sa pagkain,hindi naman sya ang bumili,hindi nya nalang hingiin
hin.para hindi ma..oh wag mo na syang anohin,wag mo na syang anohin,Huli tayo ng
kalapatii,Bakit???nakikisali ka dito d ka naman kasali,O bakit?bat mo inaano pinsan
ko,iiyak na nga diba,tapos yun na nga,wag mo ng anohin,iiyak na nga eeyeyeye,O bakit?
O bakit din?!,Umalis kana!Aalis ako,hindi naman ako dito eh,**** ka pala eh,Bat ka
nagsasabi ng ****?bat ka namamangga?


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