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Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time, that you may give
yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again – I Cor.7:5

Over the years that I have been talking to women of all classes
ranging from the wives of government functionaries to Christian
leaders, I have come to realise that infidelity is no more limited to
men but also as common with married women. On several
occasions I have met women who share their ordeal with me in
terms of sex starvation by their husbands and those who have not
been able have sex without pain though their husbands have been
cooperative. I have been asked for advice in a forum on an
illegitimate child that a married woman had and the husband was
under the impression that the child was his. I have heard men of
God that are not satisfied with their marital sex life. There are
people who have jointly sought medical help but without success
but with deliverance ministration, the situation changed.

I have observed with pain that many speakers and writers on the
subject of sex, including myself until recently, have limited
themselves to the physical and psychological aspects of it. Many
of us enjoy sex and could not understand the problem because we
have never experienced it. One night after myself and my wife
have had enjoyed a particular sex position, my wife said to me,
“how can I teach somebody this?” There are also occasions when
she will tell me that people who are limited to missionary style have
never experience sex in marriage. We have continually been
discovering our own styles. Every new position we enjoy becomes
our style till we find ourselves in another exciting position. On one
of these occasions I responded to my wife saying that people need
to be playful in marriage to enjoy sex and discover various
dimensions to it. But she asked me “what about the newly married
that are having problem?” This was when I realised that people
like us teaching on the subject of sex never had the problem,

But then I remember that earlier on in our marriage I accused my

wife of choking me with her love. I thought I didn’t love her as a
person but as my wife and even told her so. She thought I was still
in love with my ex-girlfriend but I knew that was not the case. We
got separated for about three months during which I was exposed
to the temptation of dating another lady but the hand of God
prevented me from having sex with her. There was the truth I did

not tell my wife then; I was not fond of her as now. I loved her
quite right but nothing exciting. I started to acquire books on
relationship and sex. I didn’t tell her until very recently because I
didn’t want to hurt her. The books could not really help me
particularly as many young ladies then were telling me that I was
more suitable for them than my wife. Secretly, I prayed. I prayed
fervently that I should fancy my wife sexually. Thereafter, I found
her irresistible.

With this on my mind, when I minister on relationship, I have given

consideration to spiritual dimension to the problem. One of the
underlying spiritual problem people have with sex in their
marriages is the practice of Satanism by either or both spouses. In
this article I will identify few indications of demonic obstruction to
sex in marriage.

Spiritual exercise often involves abstinence from sexual
intercourse but Christians are admonished to exercise moderation
in this regard so that we don’t expose our spouses to sexual
temptation. People who practise spiritism instead of godly
spirituality are often mandated to abstain from sex unreasonably.
People that are hungry for power, fame and fortune from Satan
can deny their spouses sex for a long period of time ranging from
nine days to months or even years. Many a time they don’t tell the
reason for their abstinence rather they give excuses which can be
frustrating to their spouses. On the conclusion of such exercises,
many are unable to return to their normal selves. They may even
consent to medical examinations which will give them clean result
and thus heighten the frustration of their spouses.

There are also those who have sacrificed their manhood to Satan
for power, fame and/or fortune. Some donate their sexual
secretion such as the semen to attain a level in Satanism and
subsequently become sexually disabled.


It is well known in medical circles that traumatic sexual assaults in
childhood is one of the most common causes of frigidity in women
in later life – especially incest. The percentage of these women

ever successfully helped is dreadfully low1. This account of
Rebecca Brown points to the fact that some people have been
violated by their fathers in Satanism and the children have grown
up to become frigid. Sometimes the psychologists may be able to
establish the cause of the frigidity but they can not help. Only
Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Deliverer can help people in such

It is not happening only in America but also in our society. I have

met a lady whose father was sleeping with her sister each time he
had to go on business trip. While he was doing that he was
making money until the lady got pregnant for her father and it had
to be aborted. Thereafter the fortune of the man went down. The
lady had been married for years without a child. Frigidity can also
be caused by spirit husband as I discuss in my book titled Spirit


I was in a deliverance service one day and the minister made an
altar call of people who had slept with the dead before. I was
astonished at the number of people that went out. I found out that
people do anything for money including going to sleep with a dead
person in the graveyard. There are also those who conjure
demons to sleep with them as a sign of promotion in the kingdom
of darkness. Sleeping with demons occur among both women and
men. Women who rise in the hierachy of kingdom of darkness are
sometimes required to sleep with a demon to become priestess.
After the experience, no man can enjoy sex with them and they in
turn may not be able to enjoy sex with humans but would not tell
the truth.


While I was a young child at home, I have overheard wives coming
to report their rivals to my father accusing them of attacking the
manhood of their husbands. In the African setting it is not
uncommon for rival wives to apply diabolical means to fight their
rivals in polygamous marriages. In this instance the man can not
have erection with other women but the one that has placed the
embargo on him. In the Christian home the man should be the
husband of one wife but if he falls in to the temptation of adultery,
another lady out there may place embargo on his manhood and
the medical doctors may never be able to help him. In fact no
He Came To Set The Captives Free by Rebecca Brown, MD

amount of counselling can help such a person but Jesus Christ,
our Lord and Saviour. It is spiritual and requires spiritual solution.

There are also the situations of parents placing satanic embargo

on the sexuality of their children or wards in attempt to prevent pre-
marital sex and/or pregnancy. It is not tale that the vaginas of
some ladies are satanically blocked and made difficult for penis to
go through. Normally the situation is normalised once the
embargo is removed but sometimes the one who knows the secret
may be dead before the embargo is removed and the situation is

One day in our house, my wife and I were expressing concern

about the maid of our visitor. We felt the girl was becoming self
conscious and too friendly with men. Shockingly the woman told
us that the father of the girl had told her that the girl cannot
become pregnant. At the age of about twenty the lady was not
menstruating, compliment of her father who had satanically
hanged her menstruation. I was shocked that people could still be
that wicked to their daughters because he wanted her to stay full
term with the master for money. I asked what if the man suddenly
dies, what become of the lady? It is not known to the girl but the
secret was disclosed to the master to put her mind at rest when
she reported the girl to her father with the threat of returning her. I
can only imagine it. Can sex with such a lady be normal and
satisfying, where a demon or more are on duty to prevent

I have also heard about satanic family planning where a ring is

given to the woman to prevent pregnancy. It is easily laughed at
but it is real. Let us take it from the physical dimension, the ring or
coil (ICUD) inserted in the womb of a woman to prevent pregnancy
may not allow full enjoyment of sex between the partners as the
penis touches the ring. In the same way satanic family planning
can spiritually disturb the sex life of couples. This is an aspect of
spiritual dimension to sexual problems in marriage. Till I come
your way again in the next edition remain rapturable in Jesus

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