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ASSESSMENT: Quiz in Google Classroom

You are reminded that at the end of the module, you are expected to comply all the required
tasks/activities. You have one (1) short quiz to answer in our Google Classroom. The quiz is
open for responses from Thursday to Friday 6:00 PM.
I. Instructions: Develop a list of 3 potential speech topics. For each topic, think of a setting in
which a speech on that topic might be delivered. Next, determine what type(s) of delivery
(manuscript, memorized, impromptu, extemporaneous) would be most appropriate for the topic
and setting.
1. Topic: How to Speak Confidently in Public.
Settings: Speech will be delivered in a school. The audience will be high school students. The
high school students will gather and listen to the speaker.
Type of delivery: Extemporaneous speech

2. Topic: My Aim in Life

Settings: Speech will be delivered in a classroom only. The audience would be your classmates
and your teachers.
Type of delivery: Memorized Speech

3. Topic: Welcoming the Newly Weds

Settings: The speech will be delivered in a church. The audience will be the attendees of the
Type of delivery: Manuscript

II. Instructions: Read the following questions and answer it briefly. (5 pts.)
Content – 2 pts. Grammar – 2 pts. Organization of Thoughts- 1 pts.

1. What three aspects of vocal delivery do you believe are most important to a speaker’s
credibility? Explain.

For me, it is the volume, rate, and articulation. Volume is needed because in most
speeches, some of the audience get bored because the speaker’s voice is too soft. You can
adjust your voice when you know it’s too loud, so that the audience will not be annoyed.
Rate is also important because this will be one of the reasons if your audience will be able to
understand your speech. Some might not get because you’re too fast, and some will get
bored if you’re too slow. That is why it is important to balance how fast/slow you are. Lastly,
articulation is very important because through it, your audience will be able to hear your
words clearly and they won’t be confused.

2. How might a speaker’s accent affect the audience’s perception of him or her? Illustrate
your answer with an example.

Accent plays a great in speeches. It is because accents can be entertaining to listen. The
audience will find the speaker’s accent amusing that’s why it is one of the factors you can
build connection with the audience. Accent can also be confusing when you are speaking in
an audience with a different accent. They might misinterpret the words or your tones while
you speak. As a result, they will misunderstood your idea and it might result in confusion or
they will disagree to you.

3. What guidelines did you find most useful in the section about what to wear for your

Wearing formal and appropriate attire for my speech. There are some formal attire that are a
bit stylish or fashionable, but it might distract the audience. So, I will try to avoid wearing that
kind of clothes in my speech.

4. How do you perceive speakers who do not make eye contact with their audience? What
suggestions would you give these speakers to improve their eye contact?

For me, those speakers who do not make an eye contact are timid speakers. When they
don’t make eye contact, it feels like their speech isn’t serious and you can’t feel their
seriousness. Things I could suggest is that they should consider making an eye contact.
Don’t look at the roof or anything because it might distract the audience. It doesn’t that you
should always keep your eyes on the audience, but at least glance in any of the audience
for a little time.

5. What type of equipment is available in the space(s) where you plan to give your speeches?
What kinds of presentations can be used with this type of equipment?

In the space that I plan to deliver my speech, I will need a pulpit, microphone, and a script. It
is because the speech that I am about to deliver is a graduation speech. Suppose to say I
am tasked to deliver a speech in our school, these things that I mention would be much
needed so that I could deliver my speech smoothly. I will then present my speech with the
help of my manuscript to the audience.

6. List three methods you would personally use to reduce your anxiety before your speeches.

This three methods that I would use to reduce my anxiety would be rehearsing, reading my
script, and making myself feel relaxed. I need to rehearse my speech so that I won’t be
missing major points on my topic. Reading my script would be a big help so that the speech
that I memorized would remain in my mind. Lastly, I will calm and free myself from negativity
to avoid nervousness. Through this, I could reduce my anxiety before I will start my speech.

Book Resources

▪ Oral Communication in Context (REX Book Store) Ramona S. Flores

▪ Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School (MUTYA)
▪ Exploring Literature and Grammar:Oral Communication in Context: Simon Victor D.
▪ Communication in Changing Times by Kris Dave V. Austero

Online Resources

Prepared by:


Oral Communication Teacher

Checked and Reviewed by:


STEM&HUMSS Strand Coordinator

Noted by:


Senior High School Coordinator

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