A Soft Tale That Sells

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‘A soft tale that sells’

The dream of the marketer in the fast changing world is to ‘connect’ with the target consumers. In the
value pyramid marketers place the highest value on connecting emotionally with the target consumers.
Attributes and benefits of the product are secondary concerns. Therefore, in this era those marketers
who succeed in achieving that ‘emotional connection’ by blending into the life of the consumers and
making a natural place for itself in their daily routine should give themselves a pat on their backs.

A famous writer, Robert Brault quotes, ‘Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things’ are words of wisdom for the marketers.

Olpers is aiming to do just that. The product they are selling is milk, which is actually just a necessary
product, so the promotion campaigns don’t really need to focus on the product attributes and benefits
to promote it. After making a basic product like ‘milk’ a brand, Olpers is trying to emotionally connect
with and involve in the daily routine activities of the target consumers. Having tea at breakfast, reading
the newspaper, narrating stories, are all everyday occurrences which take place without us having to
think about them. However, as they are unconsciously a part of everybody’s lives, Olpers is reaching out
it’s consumers by showing them just that. What actually happens in everybody’s lives on a daily basis.
Olpers has been successful in making it’s milk a brand by cashing on it’s brand equity which is already
quite strong at such a tender age. It is taking in everyday morning heroines like Nadia Khan, Ayesha
Sana, Ayesha Alam and Sana Tariq because the consumers have the general impression that all these
famous people must be doing something right if they are appearing in the Olpers commercial.

This Olpers campaign comes out giving a smile on everyone viewing the ad. The general theme of the ad
depicts ‘happiness’, weaving around the reality of all the famous young women who are happily settled,
enjoying and sharing the joys of everyday existence with their family members. Olpers milk is a part of
their lives too as it contributes to their celebrations, whether it is through a cup of tea, milkshake,
dessert or a glass of milk. Light moments, jokes, celebrations, conversation with elders is what defines
the life of an average Pakistani. By showing just that Olpers has been successful in connecting with our
everyday life and introducing us to the value of these random family moments which are a special part
of our lives but we never realize their value.

Source: Slogan Magazine (March 2010).

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