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Ligation of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Preterm Infants:

Understanding the Physiology

Afif F. El-Khuffash, MD1, Amish Jain, MD2,3,4, and Patrick J. McNamara, MD2,3,4,5

he diagnosis and management of preterm neonates hemorrhage, thrombocytopenia, or severe oliguria, although
with a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) that fails to close there is no evidence to support this approach.7 It is also pos-
after medical management poses a major challenge. sible that delays between attempted medical treatments and
The association of prolonged ductal patency with morbidities surgical ligation may contribute to complications.3 In con-
including feeding intolerance, necrotizing enterocolitis trast, earlier surgery subjects patients to the adaptive risks
(NEC), severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), metabolic of surgical ligation.
acidosis, renal failure, increased ventilator dependence,
bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and pulmonary Cardiovascular Adaption to PDA Ligation
hemorrhage are well recognized.1,2 In addition, a PDA failing
medical treatment is associated with a 4- to 7-fold increase Surgical ligation of a PDA leads to sudden changes in cardio-
in mortality.3 This association remains significant after vascular physiology, specifically a rise in left ventricular (LV)
adjustment for gestation, birth weight, disease severity, and afterload and a fall in LV preload (Figure 1), with a resulting
other comorbidities, including IVH, NEC, and sepsis. sudden drop in LV output (LVO).8-10 The relative
The decision to perform surgical PDA ligation has been contributions of altered preload and altered afterload to
challenged recently, owing to its possible association with ad- postoperative instability require further characterization.
verse neurologic outcomes.4,5 The magnitude of postoperative This may enable the identification of more physiologically
instability in some patients often dissuades neonatologists appropriate treatments.
from choosing surgery.6 Neonatologists face uncertainty Our understanding of postligation cardiovascular physiol-
regarding the optimal approach to this patient population. ogy has improved substantially over the last 2 decades. The
In this article, we outline the concerns surrounding PDA physiological factors contributing to cardiovascular instabil-
ligation, review the selection process for intervention, and ity were first characterized in premature baboons. Specifically,
discuss the perioperative physiological changes that may a temporal relationship between impaired LV performance
explain the link between ligation and adverse neurodevelop- and increased systemic vascular resistance was identified, co-
mental outcomes. In addition, we propose a postoperative inciding with changes in arterial pressure.11 Subsequent pro-
management strategy aimed at minimizing hemodynamic spective observational studies in human neonates have also
compromise after PDA ligation. demonstrated declining LV performance in the immediate
postoperative period, coinciding with decreased pulmonary
The Ligation Decision? venous return (preload) and increased systemic vascular
resistance (afterload). The clinical effects of this low cardiac
The appropriateness and optimal timing of surgical ligation output state become apparent usually at 6-12 hours after
is the subject of much debate and recent controversy. In gen- ligation.10-12
eral, surgical intervention is contemplated if medical treat- The recent prospective observational study conducted at
ment fails and the PDA remains hemodynamically our center is the largest to date, and the first to characterize
significant, based on clinical and echocardiography markers myocardial performance at the peak time of clinical stability.6
(discussed later). In some centers, surgery may be considered Impairment in indices of LV systolic performance, namely
the first-line treatment in infants with NEC, IVH, pulmonary LV shortening fraction and the velocity of circumferential fi-
ber shortening (VCFc), was identified 8 hours after surgical
intervention, which coincided with clinical deterioration.
BPD Bronchopulmonary dysplasia Given that the effect of preload change is greatest within
CBV Cerebral blood volume
IVH Intraventricular hemorrhage
the first 1-2 hours after surgery, this change is unlikely the
IVRT Isovolumic relaxation time major determinant of this deterioration. An increase in the
LV Left ventricular
LVO LV output
NEC Necrotizing enterocolitis
From the 1Department of Pediatrics, The Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Ireland;
NIRS Near-infrared spectroscopy 2
Department of Pediatrics, Mount Sinai Hospital; 3Division of Neonatology, The
PDA Patent ductus arteriosus Hospital for Sick Children; 4Department of Pediatrics, University of Toronto; and
PLCS Postligation cardiac syndrome Physiology and Experimental Medicine Program, The Hospital for Sick Children,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
SVR Systemic vascular resistance
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
TOI Tissue oxygenation index
VCFc Velocity of circumferential fiber shortening 0022-3476/$ - see front matter. Copyright ª 2013 Mosby Inc.
All rights reserved.

Vol. 162, No. 6  June 2013

increases in tidal volume and minute ventilation.20 It is pru-

dent to consider these changes after ligation, given that lung
overdistention could possibly further compromise vena
cava and pulmonary venous flow, leading to impaired ven-
tricular filling and contributing to decreased cardiac output.

Immediate and Short-Term Surgical


Changes in cardiopulmonary physiology after surgery may

lead to a postligation cardiac syndrome (PLCS) in up to
50% of infants.21 In this prospective observational study,
we defined PLCS as systolic blood pressure below the 3rd
percentile expected for gestational age requiring 1 or more
cardiotropic agents and accompanied by ventilation or oxy-
genation failure. This definition may be too restrictive, how-
ever; PLCS is likely a spectrum disorder of varying severity,
Figure 1. Physiological determinants of PLCS in preterm in-
fants. Ao, aorta; LA, left atrium.
with some infants developing profound hypotension and
others suffering exclusively from ventilation and oxygena-
tion failure. Onset is typically 6-12 hours after ligation and
is related to increased afterload.6,22 A recent study reported
slope of the inverse relationship between end-systolic wall higher mortality in infants with PLCS compared with
stress and VCFc suggests that the changes in myocardial per- controls (33% vs 11%).21
formance are related to LV afterload. The timing of the clin- Several preoperative risk factors for PLCS have been iden-
ical deterioration (8-12 hours after surgery) coincides with tified. In an earlier study, we found that younger postnatal age
the period of maximal afterload exposure.6 Infants weighing at the time of ligation was associated with increased need for
<1000 g were at greatest risk of compromise, which is biolog- postoperative cardiotropic support.22 Other studies have re-
ically plausible, considering that the preterm myocardium is ported an increased risk of PLCS in infants born at <26 weeks’
not conditioned to handle substantial changes in either pre- gestation or at a birth weight of <750-1000 g.23-25 In addition,
load or afterload. Both animal and preterm human data have compared with infants weighing >1000 g, those weighing
shown that VCFc, a load-dependent measure of contractility, <1000 g are more likely to develop low postoperative LVO
is inversely proportional to end-systolic wall stress, a measure (defined as <170 mL/kg/minute in this study), lower shorten-
of LV afterload.13,14 Clinical studies of therapeutic interven- ing fraction, systolic blood pressure below the 3rd percentile,
tions provide biological validation for the role of LV afterload and an increased need for inotropic agents (30% vs 4%).6
in the pathogenesis of disease. In a retrospective cohort study, Some investigators have attempted to use echocardiography
Lemyre et al15 found that intraoperative volume support did to predict PLCS. PDA size before ligation was found to
not reduce the need for postoperative inotropic agents. In have a negative correlation with postoperative LVO,10 and
contrast, in another study, early administration of milrinone, an inverse correlation between peak velocity across the PDA
an inotropic drug with vasodilator properties, to infants with and postoperative ventilator dependence has been reported.24
low cardiac output led to a reduction in postoperative hemo- Our group recently reported that LVO <200 minute/kg/
dynamic instability.9 minute measured within 1 hour after PDA ligation predicted
100% of infants who subsequently developed PLCS.9
Pulmonary Adaption to PDA Ligation Direct surgery-related complications include intraopera-
tive bleeding, pneumothorax, vocal cord paralysis, chylo-
The presence of prolonged left-to-right shunting across the thorax, scoliosis, and phrenic nerve injury. The collective
PDA leads to altered pulmonary compliance. Preterm ba- incidence of these complications is usually low.26 In a large
boons (125 days [67%] gestation) exposed to a moderated- series of 306 ligations, Mikhial et al27 reported a 2% incidence
size PDA demonstrated impaired pulmonary function and ar- of intraoperative bleeding, a <5% incidence of air leaks, and
rested alveolar development and surface area compared with no direct surgery-related deaths.
age-matched fetuses (140 days gestation).16 Several human
studies have demonstrated decreased lung compliance in pre- Long-Term Complications
term infants with PDA compared with controls, without
changes in airway resistance. Infants treated with indometha- Intraoperative Cerebral Hemodynamic Changes
cin demonstrated improved lung compliance after successful Reports linking PDA ligation with adverse long term neuro-
medical PDA closure.17-19 The changes in lung compliance af- developmental outcomes are conflicting.4,28 Nevertheless, it
ter PDA ligation are more profound. In a group of 16 preterm is important for clinicians to understand the intraoperative
infants, dynamic lung compliance improved, coupled with and postoperative physiological alterations that may affect

cerebral function. Changes in cerebral hemodynamics and Long-Term Clinical Sequelae

electrical activity during PDA ligation have been studied us- Data from the Trial of Indomethacin Prophylaxis in Preterm
ing near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), Doppler assessment Infants were reexamined to determine whether surgical clo-
of cerebral blood volume (CBV), and amplitude-integrated sure of a PDA is a risk factor for BPD, severe retinopathy of
electroencephalography. Assessment of the tissue oxygena- prematurity, and neurosensory impairment at age 18
tion index (TOI) using NIRS has yielded conflicting results. months.4 In that trial, more than half (53%) of survivors
Estimation of TOI uses spatially resolved spectroscopy to re- who underwent PDA ligation had neurosensory impairment,
flect cerebral oxygenation with a high degree of sensitivity compared with 34% of survivors who received only medical
and specificity. TOI is a surrogate marker of tissue oxygena- therapy. Both BPD and severe retinopathy of prematurity
tion, with lower values indicating higher oxygen extraction were also more common after surgical PDA closure. Mortality
and hence lower supply.29 Zaramella et al30 examined the ef- was lower in infants who underwent surgical PDA ligation
fect of PDA clipping on cerebral TOI and CBV using a com- (14% vs 22%; P = .095). The authors concluded that surgical
bination of NIRS and Doppler assessments and found a drop PDA ligation may be associated with increased risks of BPD,
in TOI, indicating increased tissue oxygen extraction, but no severe retinopathy of prematurity, and neurosensory impair-
change in CBV after clipping. In contrast, more recent studies ment in extremely low birth weight infants. The biological ex-
demonstrated a sudden surge in CBV immediately after clip- planation for this association is quite complex: (1) brain injury
ping, returning to preoperative baseline within 5-10 min- secondary to prematurity might have preceded surgery in
utes.31,32 In addition, there was a concurrent but transient many patients; (2) the infants who underwent surgery were
increase in TOI persisting for up to 20 minutes after ligation. sicker, with more severe ductal illness; and (3) perioperative
None of these studies found any change in heart rate or blood or intraoperative events such as hypothermia, cardiorespira-
pressure during the monitoring period; thus, these data tory instability, or exposure to anesthetic drugs may contrib-
might not be representative of the sickest patients who de- ute directly to poor outcome. A major omission from this
velop PLCS. There have been no studies investigating CBV analysis was the failure to consider duration of exposure to
and TOI in infants with PLCS, and the relationship of abnor- a hemodynamically significant PDA as a potential contribut-
mal CBV or TOI with brain injury or long-term neurologic ing factor, particularly in those patients with end-organ blood
outcomes has not yet been investigated. flow compromise. It is plausible that surgical ligation is a sur-
Lemmers et al33 performed combined amplitude- rogate marker for illness severity and heightened risk of abnor-
integrated electroencephalography and NIRS monitoring in mal outcome. It is also possible that the PLCS may contribute
20 preterm infants before and after PDA ligation, and found to the poor neurodevelopmental outcome, but this has not
lower cerebral oxygen saturation and increased fractional ox- been studied to date. It would be premature to draw any con-
ygen extraction during the induction phase. Some of these in- clusions regarding the appropriateness of a decision to per-
fants had cerebral oxygen saturation as low as 35%, form or not perform PDA ligation based on these data.
approximating levels known to cause functional and mor- An association between PDA and subsequent development
phological brain injury in experimental animal models.34 Ce- of chronic lung disease was reported in 446 infants born at
rebral oxygen saturation increased steadily throughout the <28 weeks’ gestation. This effect was independent of gesta-
first 24 hours after ligation, with a concurrent decrease in tional age, other PDA-related variables, or other perinatal
fractional oxygen extraction to values comparable to those risk factors known to be associated with chronic lung
seen in infants without PDA. Infants with the most pro- disease.28 In contrast, some investigators have reported that
nounced drop in cerebral oxygen saturation had the most sig- PDA ligation is well tolerated, with evidence of early respira-
nificant drop in cerebral electric activity. These changes also tory benefit. In a retrospective study of 125 infants, with a me-
coincided with a fall in blood pressure after induction, sug- dian gestational age of 26 weeks at birth, the median time to
gesting that any negative impact on the brain may be an effect extubation after PDA ligation was 5 days (IQR, 3-10 days).37
of anesthesia rather than of PDA closure. The 30-day and 1-year mortality rates were 4.8% and 12.8%,
The anesthetic technique was relatively uniform in most respectively, and the rate of neurologic disability in survivors
studies. Infants usually receive opioids (fentanyl or sufenta- was 32%. All deaths occurred in the ventilated group and
nil) and a muscle relaxant (pancuronium) for induction, fol- were attributable mainly to BPD. Interestingly, lack of med-
lowed by an opioid infusion to maintain anesthesia. ical treatment of PDA before ligation was associated with
Inhalation agents are seldom used.35 The agent and/or dosage death at 1 year.37 These findings add to the growing uncer-
could possibly influence electrical brain activity intraopera- tainty regarding the benefits and risks of surgical ligation of
tively. Interestingly, Janvier et al35 demonstrated that inade- PDA during the neonatal period.
quate anesthesia during ligation is associated with an
unstable postoperative respiratory course accompanied by Refining the Ligation Decision
hypotension. Anesthetic drugs used routinely during neona-
tal surgery were found to cause apoptotic neurodegeneration Selecting patients for PDA ligation poses challenges. Accord-
in the developing rat brain.36 The impact of anesthesia in the ing to some commentators, the lack of hard evidence of a ben-
setting of other types of neonatal surgery may provide valu- efit from PDA closure negates the need to treat unless
able insights. intractable hypotension or refractory congestive heart failure
1102 El-Khuffash, Jain, and McNamara

occurs. Conversely, others argue that a PDA is pathological atrial volume loading.40 This ratio correlates with increased
and thus should always be treated.5,38 Reconciling these polar pulmonary flow attributable to a high-volume left-to-right
opposite viewpoints has led to confusion among physicians transductal shunt; the optimal threshold ratio, $1.5, predicts
and has complicated the decision making process. It is our a significant PDA, although the measurement is prone to op-
view that consideration of the PDA as a dichotomous entity erator- dependent error.41 In the developing fetus and pre-
represents a physiological oversimplification; rather, it is term infant, the early phase of passive filling (E wave) is
a physiological continuum in which shunt volume is influ- less than the late active phase (A wave), resulting in an E/A
enced by ductal diameter and transductal resistance. Although ratio of <1.0. This is related to developmental immaturity
it is not possible to measure PDA shunt volume, the magni- of the preterm myocardium, which leads to poor myocardial
tude may be estimated and classified as small, moderate, or compliance and impaired diastolic performance, thereby
large according to surrogate echocardiographic markers of limiting passive flow.42 In neonates with a hemodynamically
pulmonary overcirculation and systemic hypoperfusion. significant PDA, an increase in early transmitral flow occurs
In response to escalating numbers of requests for PDA liga- secondary to increased left atrial pressure, resulting in pseu-
tion at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and pro- donormalization of the E/A ratio (>1.0), resembling the pat-
longed surgical wait times, a categorization system was tern seen in older children. Isovolumic relaxation time
established based on strict clinical criteria and echocardiogra- (IVRT), the interval between closure of the aortic valve and
phy markers of pulmonary overcirculation and systemic hy- opening of the mitral valve, is prolonged in the fetus and im-
poperfusion.2 The purpose of the categorization system was mature neonate. IVRT is also decreased in neonates with
to streamline the decision making process and assist with a significant PDA, owing to early pressure-related valve clo-
case prioritization and triaging through more objective eval- sure/opening.43,44 In one study, mean IVRT was shorter in
uation of PDA severity and hemodynamic significance. In ad- neonates with PDA compared with those with a closed
dition, PDA category was linked to surgical wait times. The duct (45  7 ms vs 55.3  5 ms; P < .01).43 An additional
operationalization of this system was such that admission marker of increased pulmonary shunting is high LVO
for surgical consideration occurred within 24 hours for cate- (>350 mL/minute/kg), which reflects increased pulmonary
gory I cases, within 3 days for category II cases, and within 7 venous return, left heart preload, and stroke volume with
days for category III cases. Since the system’s introduction compensatory augmentation in LV performance. It must be
in 2005, the number of PDA ligations performed at the hospi- recognized that E/A ratio, IVRT, and high LVO may be
tal has decreased by more than 50%.39 The components of the underestimated in the presence of a high-volume left-to-right
categorization system are summarized in the Table. atrial shunt, which itself may be a marker of left heart volume
and pressure loading secondary to a significant PDA.
Markers of Pulmonary Overcirculation
The increase in effective pulmonary blood flow may be esti- Markers of Systemic Hypoperfusion
mated by the left atrial-to-aortic ratio, which uses the rela- Celiac and mesenteric artery blood flow drop in the presence
tively fixed diameter of the aorta to assess the degree of left of a PDA, despite a rising LVO.45 Neonates with low diastolic

Table. Criteria for triaging preterm infants referred for PDA ligation at The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Clinical criteria*
Category 1  Profound pulmonary hemorrhage with significant oxygenation difficulty (TOI >15 or MAP >12 and FiO2 >0.5)
 Low cardiac output syndrome or rapidly progressive cardiorespiratory failure requiring 2 or more inotropic agents
Category 2  Deteriorating respiratory status (TOI >15 or mean arterial pressure >12 and fraction of inspired oxygen >0.5)
 Preterm born at <26 weeks’ gestation with a large, hemodynamically significant PDA in whom medical treatment is contraindicated
 Low cardiac output syndrome or cardiorespiratory failure requiring 1 or more inotropic agents
 Neonate with NEC and a large PDA believed to be a significant contributor to clinical instability
Category 3  Inability to extubate or wean from respiratory support
 Cardiac failure associated with failure to thrive
Echocardiography criteria† A. PDA diameter B. Pulmonary overcirculationz C. Systemic hypoperfusion
Moderate-volume shunt 1.5-3.0 mm with unrestrictive At least 2 of the following: Absent diastolic flow in at least 2 of the following:
(A + B and/or C) pulsatile flow (Vmax <2 m/s)  LA:Ao 1.5-2.0  Abdominal aorta
 IVRT 45-55 ms  Celiac trunk
 E:A 1.0  Middle cerebral artery
 LVO 300-400 mL/kg/min
Large-volume shunt >3.0 mm with unrestrictive At least 2 of the following: Reversed diastolic flow in at least 2 of the following:
(A + B + C) pulsatile flow (Vmax <2 m/s)  LA:Ao >2.0  Abdominal aorta
 IVRT <45 ms  Celiac trunk
 E:A >1.0  Middle cerebral artery
 LVO >400 mL/kg/min

E:A, E wave:A wave; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; LA:Ao, left arterial:aortic; MAP, mean arterial pressure; Vmax, maximum flow velocity.
*Clinical criteria must be interpreted in the setting of a PDA and the absence of sepsis, NEC, and coagulopathy.
†PDA ligation triage is performed based primarily on clinical criteria, but echocardiographic signs must be consistent with at least a moderate-volume shunt.
zMight not be reliable in the presence of a large atrial septal defect (>2.0 mm), which may offload the left atrium, resulting in pseudonormalization of echocardiographic markers.

Ligation of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Preterm Infants: Understanding the Physiology 1103

Figure 2. Clinical algorithm for infants undergoing PDA ligation. ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; echo, echocardiogram.

flow velocity in the superior mesenteric artery and celiac ar- We have developed a standardized approach, starting
tery are at increased risk of developing NEC.46 Preterm in- with a rapid adrenocorticotropic hormone response stress
fants with a PDA have lower end-diastolic and mean test performed preoperatively to assess adrenal gland perfor-
middle cerebral artery flow velocities compared with con- mance, which may be compromised secondary to systemic
trols.47 A rise in middle cerebral artery flow velocity after hypoperfusion. An inadequate stress response secondary to
PDA ligation was demonstrated when compared with preop- chronic adrenal gland hypoperfusion from a significant
erative measurements.48 Although the clinical relevance of al- PDA may be a contributing factor to PLCS.52 Infants with
tered middle cerebral artery flow is unclear, it may explain the an inadequate response, defined as rise in cortisol of <500
link between the development of a PDA and IVH. Absent or nmol/L,53 should be considered for early use of hydrocorti-
reversed diastolic flow in the renal vessels is also indicative of sone; specifically, in the setting of low diastolic pressure and
a significant left-to-right shunt.49,50 refractory postoperative hemodynamic instability. Routine
Recently Jhaveri et al51 reported a reduced incidence of echocardiographic assessment of LV performance is per-
NEC after introduction of a preoperative stratification sys- formed in all patients at 1 hour after surgical ligation. In-
tem similar to the one described by McNamara et al.6 These fants with LVO <200 mL/kg/minute are considered at
data reaffirm the need for, and potential benefits of, a more high risk of developing PLCS and are given intravenous mil-
comprehensive clinical and echocardiographic assessment rinone (0.33 mg/kg/minute) in an attempt to reduce after-
of infants undergoing PDA ligation. load and improve diastolic dysfunction, as well as a bolus
of normal saline to counteract any effect of reduced preload,
Postoperative Management characterized by reduced LV end-diastolic volume and re-
The approach to postoperative care of patients undergoing duced left atrial diameter. Further volume replacement is
PDA ligation surgery should consider the physiological given if there is evidence of low diastolic blood pressure
consequences of afterload and impaired LV performance, or increased fluid losses, especially in the event of fluid
as well as the pathological consequences of the procedure loss from intrathoracic drains. Serial blood pressure moni-
itself (eg, pneumothorax, lung hyperinflation) and possible toring is performed to ensure maintenance of systolic and
adrenal gland suppression. Targeted neonatal echocardiog- diastolic arterial pressures above the 3rd percentile for any
raphy should be used to assess postoperative myocardial given gestational age. Second-line inotropic agents are usu-
function and guide prophylactic or early treatments. Vaso- ally considered in cases of isolated low systolic arterial pres-
pressors, such as dopamine and epinephrine, should be sure (6-12 hours) suggestive of low cardiac output, most
avoided in the face of increased afterload, with preferential likely secondary to impaired LV systolic performance. This
consideration to agents that reduce afterload (eg, milri- situation is usually managed with dobutamine (for addi-
none, dobutamine) and improve contractility. Volume re- tional chonotropic support and afterload reduction) and
placement should be considered in view of the reduced further volume replacement in addition to the milrinone.
preload. Care should be taken to avoid a drop in diastolic pressure
1104 El-Khuffash, Jain, and McNamara

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