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Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Weight(kg) 38 40 45 53 47 43 55 48 52 49

a) Mean:
= ∑

= (1/10)(470)
= 47kg

b) Median : 38 40 43 45 47 48 49 52 53 55
position : (n + 1)

= 5.5
Median is between 5th and 6th term:
= ( 47+48)

= 47.5 kg
c) Standard deviation (s) for the sample:
s2 = ∑ ̅

= ∑

= 31.111

Standard deviation

= 5.578

d) Variance of the sample s2 :

s2 = ∑ ̅

= ∑

= 31.111

A2 a.

In a research seminar, Mr Sibanda said “……It is human nature to be constantly researching and
hence this has led to high levels of development of human kind….”.Using examples comment on
what was said by Mr Sibanda.

Curiosity is having the desire to learn or know something. Most people wonder all the time.
They are curious as to why certain things happen hence they are constantly looking for answers
to the unknown. There has been great improvement in the health sector due to the increase in
number of drug discoveries. Penicillin is the most used antibiotic in hospitals; it is used to treat
pneumonia, meningitis, etc. Penicillin was first discovered by Alexander Fleming but its
production was on a small scale. The discovery of how penicillin could be produced on a large
scale was mainly due to curiosity by scientists. Its discovery has saved many lives.

When a computer was first made, its size was very big to be carried around. As a result of
constant research to make things better, printed circuit boards were discovered which led to the
manufacture of portable computers. Due to the reduction in size of the computers and their
increased availability, many people now have their personal computers. People can now learn a
variety of courses from home.

Research has also led to advancement in the transport sector. Back in the days, people used to
walk very long distances when travelling to other places. The discovery of a car has changed the
world. Many cars are being manufactured today and it is now easy to travel to faraway places.
The discovery of an aeroplane by the Wright Brothers has also changed the world today. It is
now possible to travel quickly to different countries with the help of aeroplanes.
Many curious inventors worked to develop electric lights throughout the nineteenth century. The
first long-lasting light bulbs were created in 1879 and 1880 by Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan.
The light bulb’s wiring networks also helped fuel the creation of domestic electrical wiring,
which is included in many of our home appliances.

The internet has connected people in different parts of the world. People now have access to tons
of information written by other people. The discovery of radio waves has made this possible.

Other discoveries are made to save lives during a pandemic. The discovery of corona virus
vaccine which came after the world had experienced an influx in the number of deaths due to the

However, some of the discoveries were done by people who wanted to get a PhD for example,
the discovery of radioactive elements by Marie Curie. Some of the radioactive elements e.g.
plutonium and uranium are now used in the generation of electricity in nuclear power plants.

b. Two methods that are used for data collection:


It is the method of securing information about a phenomenon under study from all or a few selected
number of respondents of the concerned universe using interviews, questionnaires etc.


Implies a scientific procedure wherein the factor under study is isolated to test hypothesis.

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