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Module 5: Towards a Sustainable World

M5 Pre-task: News Articles

Putin alarmed by 'unprecedented' natural disasters in Russia by France24

The article is about the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, addressing the call for help of
his local officials to tackle fires and floods. Before, he was skeptical of human-made climate
change. However, the current reports have made him take action. In Yakutia, the country's
largest and coldest region, the forest fires burned an area bigger than Portugal. In their southern
region, the norm of rainfall decreased, and droughts spread at a fast rate. The President then has
participated in a summit recently hosted by US President Joe Biden. They also declared that they
were interested in cooperating regarding the agenda of climate change.

Natural disasters occurring three times more often than 50 years ago: new FAO report by UN News
According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), new and unprecedented
forms of natural disasters are heavily felt by the agricultural section. Unfortunately, the said
natural disasters occur more frequently now than it is during the 1970s and 1980s. The
organization also said that poor countries are the ones at most risk in this event. They identified
drought as the main reason for the loss in agricultural production. It affects the food security of
the suffering countries. In conclusion, they argued that data gathering and analysis for evidence-
informed action are of great importance in achieving a sustainable future.

EU's Mediterranean states demand global action on climate crisis by Angeliki Koutantou
The leaders of the EU's block of nine southern European members met in Athens to raise
an immediate concern regarding the worsening climate crisis. The wildfires were the catalyst that
made them worry and take action. Their scientists claimed that they became a wildfire hotspot
because of human-made climate change. Mediterranean countries agreed on strengthening their
cooperation. They also called the attention of the EU to enhance their civil protection for the
betterment of their citizens and the environment.

M5 Lesson 3 Post-task: Global Citizenship

1. The pandemic had a profound effect on the food security of every nation. The lockdowns
caused problems in the production and distribution of foods. Furthermore, hoarding and price
inflation are also some of the major issues the public has faced regarding food supply. Due to
their vulnerability, human labor was also affected. Some even lost their jobs, making them
unable to afford the already scarce food.
Aside from the price and production, food quality also became an issue. People faced
difficulties in accessing healthy and fresh foods like vegetables. They also prioritized the comfort
and practicality of instant goods. It has led to malnutrition with the increased rate of obesity as a
piece of evidence. In conclusion, the pandemic had worsened the food insecurity of every nation.

2. As a global citizen, it is also my responsibility to maintain balance and fairness in the

society where I belong. The current state of every country's economy has been affected by the
pandemic. Needless to say, it also created a wider rift between the different social statuses. While
it is true that the rich also suffered from the effects of the pandemic, we cannot deny that the
poor suffered greatly. It has led to a more imbalanced society.
For me, I think that my best role is to be an advocate. By making sure that the
information I will spread is accurate, I can help in lessening the gap in knowledge between the
different statuses. I can also help those who do not know those types of things and make them
aware of their rights. Aside from being an advocate, I would also like to be an example of
someone who is not prejudiced. It is easy for people to discriminate and judge, especially in
times of crisis. That is why I think that many people should be unprejudiced and be more open to
helping those who are less able.

France24. (2021, August 14). Putin alarmed by “unprecedented” natural disasters in Russia.

France 24.


Future Learn. (2021, February 4). Updates, Insights, and News from FutureLearn | Online

Learning for You.


Goal 10: Reduce Inequality. (n.d.). BUSINESS FOR 2030. Retrieved September 18, 2021, from

Impact, M., & Impact, M. (2019, November 23). 17 Model UN Topics for 17 SDGs – MUN

Impact. MUN Impact.

Kennisgeving voor omleiding. (n.d.). Seventeen Goals Magazine. Retrieved September 18, 2021,





Koutantou, A. (2021, September 17). EU’s Mediterranean states demand global action on

climate crisis. Reuters.


Life Below Water. (2021, July 22). ISO.

Miller, R. (2019, November 7). Sustainable Development Goal 17 | GlobeScan Leadership

Forum. GlobeScan.

On SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions - Our World. (n.d.). United Nations

University. Retrieved September 18, 2021, from


Steffen, W. (2021, April 14). ‘Failure is not an option’: after a lost decade on climate action,

the 2020s offer one last chance. The Conversation.



United Nations. (n.d.). Sustainable Development Goals. United Nations Development

Programme. Retrieved September 18, 2021, from




United Nations. (2021, March 21). Natural disasters occurring three times more often than 50

years ago: UN News.

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