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Module 1: Triangulation Engr. Mark John T. Macandog Week No. 1 Page 1. CENGR 2110 (HIGHER SURVEYING) ‘Triangulation: method for extending horizontal control for topographic and similar surveys which require observatiobs of triangle figures whose angles are measured and whose angles are determined by trigonometric computations. ‘Triangulation Principle: The entire area to be surveyed is converted into a framework of triangles. ‘Vertices of the individual triangles are known as triangulation station Precisely measured line is called Base Line If the length and bearing of one side and three angles ofa wieagle we measured pect, te Ings ea directions of other two sides can be computed Four Common geometric figures used in triangulation 1) Single Chain of triangles - Narrow strip is cover Fig. all engles and all sides are observed and computed 2.) Double Chain of triangles ~ Cover a larger area than single chain of triangles Fig. 1 all angles an all sides are observed and computed 3.) Center Figures - Cover area and give satisfactory result in flat area Fig. 1 ll angles and all sides are observed and computod 3.) Quadrilaterals best for hilly areas - accurate Fig. ll angles and all sides are observed and computed ‘Two methods of adjusting the angles and sides of the triangulation system. 1) Staion Adjusment 2.) Figure Adjustment Review Part: ‘Types of triangles that could encounter in triangulation system, Right Triangle: All angles and sides is equal SOH -CAH-TOA L=b+h ‘ypotenuse) Area= 3 (b)(h) Module 1: Triangulation Engr. Mark John T. Macandog Week No. 1 Page 2 CENGR 2110 (HIGHER SURVEYING) ‘Types of triangles that could encounter in triangulation system Equilateral Triangle: All angles and sides is Isosceles Triangle: ‘Two Sides is equal Area= (sy Area = j (s)sin (@) Scalene Triangle: ‘has no equal sides and equal angles s ; To solve for angles and sides use SINE LAW and COSINE LAW D SINE LAW COSINE LAW a> a =b? +6%- 2(be)o0s (A) ima? + c= 2(ac)cos (B) sn) se =a? +b - 2(ab)eos (C) ‘Heron's Formula : to solve for the area of scalene triangle First is to solve for (S)/ Half of the perimeter afatbtc g-Gtgte) Area = \S(S-a) (8-6) 8-0) Note: Sum of angles about a station = 360° ‘Sum of three angles inside each triangles = 180° For adjustment of angles and sides based on error error= TV - MV Correction = MV # error =X n MV =Measured Value MPV/X = Most Probable Value / mean / average n= number of observation made Ex = summation of individual measurement AZIMUTHS AND BEARINGS AZIMUTHS : Y Angles measured clockwise from any reference meridian Azimuths range from 0 to 360° ‘Azimuth are referenced from north ‘True azimuths are based on true north ‘Magnetic azimuths are based on magnetic north In Surveying Practice we usually use South Azimuth, The use of North Azimuth if indicated. BEARINGS VY Designate the direction of a line by an angle and quadrant letters. (e.g. N30° E) VY Bearings are never greater than 90° v Bearings are referenced from north or south and the angle to the east or west from the north - south meridian, v True bearings are based on true north. V Magnetic bearings are based on magnetic north, AZIMUTHS BEARINGS ‘Example: Line AB in Azimuth and in Bearing RANA S 210° 00' 00"(Azimuth) 'N 30°00' 00" E (Bearing)

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