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Mechanical Engineering Study Program

Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Institut Teknologi Bandung
MS2111 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery
HW#2, due on Wednesday, 8 September 2021 (before class)

1. Figure 1 is the mechanism for an automotive rear-window wiper system. The system could be
modeled as a four-bar mechanism. The kinematics diagram of the system is presented in Figure
2. Based on the kinematics diagram, determine:
a. Number of instantaneous center of velocity
b. Location of all the instantaneous center of velocity
c. The angular velocity of link 3 and 4, ω3 and ω4, and velocity of point X that is belong to
link 4, Vx4, if the angular velocity of link 2, ω2, is 5 rad/s [CCW].
Note: the dimension of the mechanism could be measured directly from the kinematics diagram
with the scale of 1:5.

Figure 1

Figure 2

HW#2 – MS2111 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery 1

Semester I – 2021/2022
2. Watch the lecture video in the edunex and find the location of all instantaneous center of velocity
for the slider-crank mechanism below.

Figure 3

HW#2 – MS2111 Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery 2

Semester I – 2021/2022

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