Data Interpretation by Total Gadha

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How to Prepare for Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Munira Lokha ndwala - Friday, 30 Janua ry 2009, 12:45 PM

  Munira Lokhandwala’s name nee ds no introduction to CA T 2009 aspirants. An IIM C alcutta alumnus,
Munira has over six y ears of e xperience in teaching math and finance. She has been a consistent st
performer in CA T with huge percentiles piled up year after year- 2004 (99.99%ile), 2005 (100%ile)
2006(99.99%ile), 2007 (99.99%ile) and a phenomenal score of 290/356 (100%ile) in CAT 2008.
Munira is the founder of CATalyst Group Tuitions, Mumbai and Tesseract India, Mumbai whe
she coaches s tudents for MBA and C FA, respectively. She is also a puzzle enthusiast and have stood
17th in the all India National Puzzle C hampionship, Sept 2007 and sixth Indian in the international
online sudokucup held on 17 th Jan 2009. Munira has consented to write a se ries of articles on DI for Here, we prese nt the first article in the series - How to prepare for DI

Students are requested to practice the tips proposed by Munira and ask any queries they have thereof. S he will answer them personally.-
Total Gadha

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Ashwin A - Friday, 30 January 2009, 01:55 PM

Wow!! This is a s urprise!!

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by mihir pande - Friday, 30 January 2009, 03:00 PM

good to see munira lokhandwala herself at TG....

TGis turning out to be the super-brain hub it seems

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Dagny Taggart - Friday, 30 Janua ry 2009, 05:09 PM

  Hi Munira,

 Welco me t o TG.Com I t has b ee n a long time that I ha v e do ne any ca lculat ions, this ar tic le ha s sur ely raised some ala rms. :P I ha v e
read it twice and have fiddled with numbers as well. I t is working. Thank you.

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by OnTheGo _Gadha - Saturday, 31 Janua ry 2009, 12:49 AM

Tats a sheer ulti matum...

CAT 09' aspirants h as a long way to go 4 4/11
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by ritika bajaj - Saturday, 31 Janua ry 2009, 11:37 AM

thank you so much ma'am

what a wonderful help.

thanks a lot


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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by raul dkwel - Saturday, 31 January 2009, 02:44 PM

Thanks a lot ! informative

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by mohd huzaifa - Saturday, 31 January 2009, 11:34 PM

hi mam, very informative. mam i would like to askyou a question that can anybody from science(bio) background prepare for CAT on its own
and can crack CAT. Is it possible. I will be very thankful to you if you plz give me the answer of my question. I am in my grad 4th sem. Is time
for 09 cat is su fficient for cat prep from now ?
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Anurag Rai - Sunday, 1 February 2009, 01:28 PM

a lo vely article. lol

really intelligent

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Adam Adam - Monda y, 2 February 2009, 11:18 AM

Dear Munira,

It's very Critical of your intelligence that you aprproximate that Wa y.

Certainlly,this article se rves it's purpose well -they are is no de nying .

We W ould hope more from you ,in questions (like Critical Rea soning )

Keep up the good work.

Best Regards


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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Nikhil Rajagopalan - Monda y, 2 February 2009, 12:17 PM

Nice article
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by ujjawal kumar - Monda y, 2 February 2009, 05:21 PM 5/11
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Hi mam,

Good to see u here.

Really a nice article, and waiting for many more for the same.


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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Gowri Nandana - Monda y, 2 February 2009, 08:53 PM

Munira Ma'm,
Thank you so much for the wonderful article . It feels really good to have you as a part of our Gadha fam ily

We have been taught the second method of aprxmtn at our coaching centre. But the first one is so simple esp so because most of the times w
need only an approximate answer.

The explanation given for the question is so lucid. I actually took near to 8 mts to find the answer of that particualr question during CAT. But
with your method it takes less than a minute. Thankyou for sharing the tips to crack CAT DI.

TG is an excellent site fo r CAT quant and verbal preparation. With your arrrival, we can tam e DI a s well. Expecting more articles from you



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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by sayekiren ravindran - Monda y, 2 February 2009, 11:38 PM

goo d article.. thanx

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by B a D r I Life Is sO bEauTifUL - Tuesday, 3 February 2009, 06:59 PM

Hi Munira...when we expe ct next a rticle..too eage r to k now.....

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Re: How to Prepare

by srikanth f or
baskaran Data I nterpretation
- Wednesday, for2009,
4 February CAT 12:37 PM

hi munira

how u approximated 557/900 as 2/3..thanks


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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Harpinder Kang - Monda y, 9 February 2009, 08:47 PM

Dear Munira
thanks I ts excellent a rt you a re sharing..kindly guide for the m aterial i can get for 3rd factor of good practice..
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Abhishek Dutta - Tuesday, 10 February 2009, 04:26 PM

The a rticle provided by u was a weso me but I would a lso like to kno w from u ho w to handle questions on Data SUfficency.

Eagerly waiting for another wonderful article.

Thank u very much for the wonde rful article on Data Interpretation for CAT.
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Munira Lokha ndwala - Thursday, 12 Feb ruary 2009, 11:46 AM

Hi, 6/11
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From mid Feb y ou have more than enough time for y our CAT prep; just ensure that you put in 3 hours ev eryday. Yo ur
 bac kgro und (a rts/sc ienc e/ commer ce ) doe s not play a ro le in y our c at pr ep . It is y our apt itud e, a ttit ude and se lf disc ipline that is
more important.

Take Care,


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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Munira Lokha ndwala - Thursday, 12 Feb ruary 2009, 11:51 AM

That approximation is a very very approximate number that you can see without any calculation. So here you can see that
557 /900 is close to 600 / 900 so 2/3.

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Swati Tangerala - Friday, 13 February 2009, 11:57 PM

can any1 explain me....

als o the 10% growth for wom en will tilt towards 10%...

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by bhargav ch - Monda y, 16 February 2009, 10:32 PM

simply awesome...especially coz CAT gives questions which need in depth calculations...this really is gonna help...!

Thanks mam....
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Muskan Tayal - Sunday, 22 February 2009, 05:39 PM

your article was indeed helpful.. can yo throw some light on the books which can help me in di other than the all India mock papers.. am weak
in di.. and ready to practice to any kindly tell me some books for it
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by ravi puri - Sunday, 22 February 2009, 08:26 PM


Thank you very much...

Please Do keep g uiding us ma'm........
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by shilpi garg - Wednesday, 25 February 2009, 12:57 PM

Your article is really interesting and opens new gates of thinking process.
I am eag erly waiting for your next post.....

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Dignified Madness - Saturday, 28 Feb ruary 2009, 01:25 AM

Why do u waste a seat for CAT aspirants every year!!! Had u not marked ur answers, 1 aspirant could have gotten a GD PI call. I know it doesn
sound a big deal, but this cud have been an opportunity of a lifetime for that one person.

Please think about it!!!! It is a request

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT
by Ritayan Mukhe rjee - Tuesday, 3 March 2009, 02:38 PM

come no w dignified.....this is not cool.

I have seen Munira's result this time and she had no IIM calls. Perhaps the ovals for college selection in the CAF were left blank.
So please refrain from making such comments unless u are aware of the facts.
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by shank jos - Wednesday, 4 March 2009, 04:35 PM

HI TG Team
can u please tell me where shall i start preparing in this forum .
can any one guide me which thread to read first .. its to confusing to start .. (

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Amit Jain - Wednesday, 4 March 2009, 05:21 PM

When can we ex pect next pa rt of this article?

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Manohar Karanam - Sunday, 8 March 2009, 11:15 PM

Hi Munira,

Tak e a bow for the ex cellent article.

Waiting for the next one eagearly.....

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by dilpreet sethi - Monda y, 9 March 2009, 01:53 AM


wat ab out starting da prep for cat '09 from mid march? how much tym d o i have 2 give everyday?......kindly help!......

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Gkchamp Champ - Wednesday, 18 March 2009, 06:34 PM

Hi Munira,

Why have not directly calculated the percentage of Europeans from 2010 and 2003 ? I mean to say, question doesn't specifically say that we
need to go into the details of Men a nd Wom en, It has just asked about the %.

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by saurabh tibrewal - Sunday, 22 March 2009, 11:08 PM

we can simply approximate by raising 20% in denominator as well as in numerator..
20%of 857=857/5=170
20% of 557=557/5=110
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Ankita Chowdhury - Wednesday, 25 March 2009, 02:16 PM 8/11
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Hi TG Sir,

Can you please suggest a book for Quant for JMET, where there will be Higher level maths as well to solve....

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by samir ahmed atashbajiwala - Sunday, 29 March 2009, 03:14 PM

i want some tips for cat examination.
about section asked in cat.
and course asked in cat examination.
can you give me the books name which are best in D.I.

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Sanket S - Friday, 3 April 2009, 08:23 P M

Dear Munira mam,

I could no t find way to contact you, therefore, ask ing the q uery this way.
Hope you dont mind.
I found the following article on orkut stating that quiet less weighttage is given to CAT in the selection process for IIM-A. If this is the case, am
wasting m y time in trying with my tooth n na il to ma ke it into II M-A?

CAT not the way to IIM-A

IIM-A is the dream destination of every MBA aspirant in India BUT its really disheartening to say that even cracking the toughest entrance
exam-CAT cannot assure you a call for even GD/PI.

According to this,final weightage given to CAT s core is only 72.72% has already bee n decided by ur 10th and 12th scores(talking
abt general category).

In sim ple words sup pose Mr. A cracked CAT 08 with 100%ile overall and 9 9+%ile in all 3 s ections,has a work-ex o f 10 yrs. in finance, with 90%
in graduation,89% in 10th and 79 % in 12th..THEN he wud no t hav got a call this yr. EVEN AT THIS PR OFILE !!!
using the formula given by IIM-A
C.S score wud b 16 which is less than cut-off C.S. score...

So much weightage has been given to PAST academic performance that more than 2 lakh of the people who filled forms could hav never
qualified for CAT even if they topped it!
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Pranav Baj - Wednesday, 8 April 2009, 06:33 AM

hey munira

thnx for this m esm erisin walk to remem ber in DI...m p retty uncomfortable with fractions n ll surely try ur approach

kp enlightnin us


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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Mahendra Awasthy - Friday, 10 April 2009, 05:07 PM

this is really working !!!!!!

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Anuj Das - Tues day, 14 April 2009, 10:11 AM

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by arnab qwe - Wednesday, 15 April 2009, 11:43 AM

please sugge st some study material for di 9/11
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by ankit vijay - Tuesday, 21 April 2009, 01:21 PM

i m a 2nd yr engg 4th sem is nearabout to complete.. i have a very huge interest in preparing for cat exam and wanna get selecte
at any cost for one of the respected iim's.mam would u plzzzzzz guide me for if its the right time 2 start the preparation what i should do to
start working towards m y amb ition.your rply will provide a g ood help to me ...thanks

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by sidharth khare - Friday, 24 April 2009, 07:06 PM

Hi Mam,the article is a great learning and inspirational in itself.Mam i am a working exeu tive how should i plan myday for cat 09? I mean how
man y hrs a day.
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by panka j jaiswal - Friday, 24 April 2009, 07:40 P M

thanx ma'am ..

u r the champ....

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by panka j jaiswal - Saturday, 25 April 2009, 05:31 PM

hi ma'am please tell how to prepare for DI...

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Deepika Khandelwal - Monday, 25 May 2009, 05:13 PM

really gud article !!!!!

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by nakul kothari - Saturday, 1 August 2009, 12:25 AM

dear tg,
I read the article by munira doubt about her credentials......but where mam has gone......I mean looking at the post there has no
been one after 25 may'09.....and also some of the queries are left unanswered....check this out!!!!!
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Ravi Sharma - Friday, 7 August 2009, 10:31 PM

Hi Munira Ma'm

Please Tell us when will you post your next article.Cat is knocking our doors.Please fulfill your promise.

Waiting eagerly for your response

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by aashita verma - Saturday, 29 August 2009, 11:53 PM

A very helpful article.
Can u plz tell me where are the solutions for DI quiz on totalgadha ???
i really need the solutions....
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by sadhanandhan n - Saturday, 5 September 2009, 03:18 PM

it's sup erb...!!

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT 1 10/11
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by Netra Mehta - Sunday, 6 September 2009, 12:33 AM

Hi Munira Mam!

Can u plz explain me the 2nd DI set based on pie chart.. I dint get it fully..
Plz tell the answers to the questions too..i mean the approach..

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by nice Smile - Tuesday, 29 September 2009, 10:42 AM

Hi TG/Munira,

Plea se le t us kno w when u g uys are planning for the next a rticle on DI. We are ea gerly waiting for ur next pos t on DI
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Pankaj Kumar - Sunday, 11 October 2009, 06:57 PM

Thanks for the article, with crisp and useful information. Looking for the next article in follow-up of same, like short and easy solution approach
to solve different kind of sets.

Thanks again
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by Rajyavardhan Mishra - Saturday, 14 August 2010, 08:20 AM


when a re we g etting the se cond installme nt of this a rticle

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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by misty hue - Saturday, 14 August 2010, 11:49 AM


Please can someone explain me the reasoning behind the first DI question. I need to understand the logic for that approximation..How can we
approximate growth rate as 7% and then 7*7= 49%.Can we make such assumptions..please explain...
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Re: How to Prepare f or Data I nterpretation for CAT

by samar samar - Wednesday, 27 October 2010, 08:09 PM

yaar sanket plz give me the link to this article plz.....

i ve looked for minimum criteria for iim-a call and it says

cat min-99%
10th/12th >=70% that's it
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