LK 1.1 Profesional Modul 2-1

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LK 1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri

Judul Modul English For Personal Communication

Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Personal Letter
2. Invitation
3. Announcement
4. Advertisement
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah dan Learning Activity 1
definisi) di modul ini Personal Letter
A personal letter or a friendly letter is a type of letter
which concerns about personal matter, and it is
addressed to a person who is known well. Personal letter
may help you to maintain and build personal relationship
with a person you know well.

The structure of personal letter

 Date
 Greeting
 Body
 Closing
 Complimentary Close
 Signature

The language features of personal letter are as follows:

 Focus on exchanging personal current news, feelings,
and conditions
 Use of pronouns, simple present tense, and past tense
 Use of date and address
 Informal greetings or salutations

Learning Activity 2
An Invitation Letter is a document that presents a formal
request for the presence of an individual, a group of
people or an organization at an event. An invitation may
be formal or informal.

A. Generic Structure of Invitation

Formal invitation letter
 Sender’s Name
 Sender’s Address
 Date and letter’s sender
 Attachment/Enclosure
 Reference/Subject
 Recipient’s name
 Recipient’s address
 Salutation/Greeting
 Letter’s Body/Content
 Activity’s date and time
 Activity’s address
 Special Instruction (dress code, seats, position,
 Complimentary and signature

Informal invitation letter

 Written in a letter form, in an informal format
Such letters are very persuasive in nature.
 Written in the first person
 Salutation is “dear + name”
 Complimentary close “Yours sincerely”
 Date of writing the invitation is given.
 Sender’s address appears on the left-hand side
 Various tenses used to suit the sense

B. Social Function of Invitation

The social function of invitation is asking or requesting
someone to go to a place, do something, or participate in
certain event.

C. Language Features of Invitation

Formal invitation letter
The invitation should be written in third person and not in
first or second person. Simple present tense is used. A
polite and courteous tone should be used.

Informal invitation letter

It is written in the first person. There is no inside address.
The salutation is dear + name.

Learning Activity 3
An announcement is a statement made to the public or
to the media which gives information about something
that has happened or that will happen. The
announcement of something that has happened is the
act of telling people about it.

A. Generic Structure of Announcement

 Name of Events (happen in the future)
 Name of Events (happen in the past)
 Addressed to (target grup)
 People who might be interested to watch
 The media for delivering the announcements
(letter, card, etc)

B. Social Function of Announcement

To inform the announcement text information about an
event, job, vacancies, new enrollment, new admissions,
and so on.

C. Language Features of Announcement

1. Imperative, Passive voice, Simple present tense,
Simple future
2. Date, time, and place Event

Learning Activity 4

Advertisement is a notice or announcement in a public

medium promoting a product, service, or event or
publicizing a job vacancy.

Generic Structure
 Purpose
 Name of product
 User
 Condition
 Contact person

Social Function
 To advertise the product
 To influence or to persuade
 To give the information
 Communication tool

Social/Language features
 Use of Simple and Informal Words
 Use of Mispelling and Coinages
 Comparative and Superlative adjective
 Compound word
 Use Simple sentence
 Imperative sentence and Interrogative
 Disjunctive clause

2 Daftar materi yang sulit dipahami di Learning Activity 1

modul ini Personal Letter
1.The Language features:
The use of tenses related to feeling, conditions,
sometimes not suitable, need to memorize the change of
verb and the adjectives.
2. The Conclusion:
How to make the conclusion of the personal letter.
Learning Activity 2
2. Invitation
1. Formal invitation
2. Informal invitation
Learning Activity 3
 Spoken Announcement
 Written Announcement
Learning Activity 4
 Social/Language Features
3 Daftar materi yang sering mengalami Learning Activity 1
miskonsepsi 1. Personal Letter
The General Structure of Personal Letters which
sometimes incorrectly determines which part of the body
of the letter and which part of the closing letter.
Learning Activity 2
2. Invitation
Formal invitation is a letter, written in formal language,
in the stipulated format for official purpose, while
informal invitation written to friends, family,
acquantance, a letter writen in a friendly manner to
someone you are familiar with.
Learning Activity 3
Spoken or Oral announcement is an announcement that is
announced orally. Usually done at information centers
and often found in public places such as airports,
hospitals, supermarkets, cinemas, schools, and other
public places, where there are crowded crowds of
Written announcement usually begins with the title or for
whom the announcement is written. The announcement
should be written simply and clearly.
Learning Activity 4
The social function
Advertising is a form of communication between
producers and audiences by utilizing mass media, so that
messages can be received globally and simultaneously.
advertising also has the ability to change people's
behavior. so that often there are misconceptions in the
social function of an advertisement.

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