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Sustainable agriculture 

is a type of agriculture that focuses on producing long-term crops and

livestock while having minimal effects on the environment. ...Sustainable agriculture also
focuses on maintaining economic stability of farms and helping farmers improve their techniques
and quality of life.

Regenerative Agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that increases

biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem
services. Regenerative Agriculture aims to capture carbon in soil and aboveground biomass,
reversing current global trends of atmospheric accumulation.

Benefit of regenerative faming:

Because regenerative agriculture is focused on improving soil health through increased soil
carbon, which feeds the soil life below, a welcome practice after years of industrial agriculture
has been spent destroying soil by systematically removing much of the organic minerals in the
soil, reducing fertility in the process. Regenerative agriculture is about growing and feeding soil
life, which in turn feeds us all.

Organic Agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of  soils,
ecosystems and  people. It  relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to
local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic Agriculture
combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote  fair
relationships  and a good quality of life  for all involved."

Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change
lasts for an extended period of time (i.e., decades to millions of years). Climate change may refer
to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather within the context
of longer-term average conditions, defined by the World Meteorological Organization as a 30
years or longer term. Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations
in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human
activities have been identified as primary causes of ongoing climate change, often referred to
as global warming.[1] There is no general agreement in scientific, media or policy documents as
to the precise term to be used to refer to anthropogenic forced change; either "global warming"
or "climate change" may be used.
Climate change is a proven fact. Global warming has caused serious changes to the planet, such
as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, deforestation, and disappearance of species... But, as
individuals we can slow down global warming by implementing small more sustainable actions
within our community. Let us tell you about daily habits that can be adopted to fight global
warming locally, through 6 simple actions that can result in big changes.

Major actions to fight climate change

1. Reduce emissions Use your car less, whenever possible, instead use sustainable
transportation, such as bicycling, or use public
transportation more often. In the case of long-distance
travel, trains are more sustainable than airplanes, which
cause a great deal of the CO2 emitted into the
atmosphere. If you're into cars, remember that every
kilometre that you increase your speed will
considerably increase CO2 emissions and expenses. According to the CE, each litre of
fuel that your car uses, equals 2.5 kilos of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere.

2. 2. Save energy take a look at the labels on your appliances, and never leave them on
standby. Always adjust the thermostat for heating and air
conditioning. By being careful how we use home
appliances, we can save energy and, of course, money at
the end of the month.

3. Put the 3 R's of sustainability into practice

- Reduce: consume less, more efficiently.

- Reuse: take advantage of second-hand markets, to
give new life to items that you don't use anymore or
find something that someone else has gotten rid of that
you need. You'll be saving money and reducing your
consumption. Bartering is also a practical solution.
- Recycle: packaging, waste from electronics, etc. Did you know that you can save over
730 kilos of CO2 each year just by recycling half of the garbage produced at home?

3. Act against forest loss

- As far as possible, avoid anything that may be a fire
- If you want to buy wood, choose wood with a
certification or seal showing its sustainable origin.
- Plant a tree! Throughout its life, it can absorb up to a
ton of CO2

6. Make demands from the government Demand that they take measures toward a more
sustainable life, any way that you can: promote
renewable energy, regulatory measures such as properly
labelling products (fishing method used, labels that
specify product origins, whether or not they are
transgenic, etc.), promote more sustainable public
transportation, promote the use of bicycles and other
non-polluting transportation methods in the city, correctly manage waste through
recycling/reuse, etc....  

The population has more power than it realizes to demand measures from governments to
raise global awareness of the global warming problem.

 Think globally, act locally. Your actions are needed in the fight against climate change.
Can you think of any other things to do? Share them with us!

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