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Current Situation &

Crisis of Electricity in

This is dedicated to all my

classmates & to my honorable
The Beginning

From the beginning the world is always

needed something special

But every thing was in form of energy.

So it is beyond question that without

energy world can’t roll on.
Energy is used from the beginning in
many form.
As like as fire & now-a-days electricity is
so much important in our civilization.
And this is our today's topic.
History of electricity
No one Invented electricity.
It’s a natural thing
Electricity was discovered &
It was 1752
Benjamin Franklin discovered it.
In 1901 electricity introduced in Bangladesh.
Exact time was 5pm of 7th December
And the exact place was this
I mean Ahsan Manjil.
Promise of BD Govt.

In 2015 the production of electricity

will reach to 10,850 MW per day.

In 2020 the production of electricity

will reach to 17,765 MW per day.
Where we are now

Demand per day: 5,550 MW

Generation per day: 4,748 MW
(62 % of generation is come from
public sector
38% come from privet sector)

Shortage per day: 802 MW



New 20 production center of electricity is


Production increase almost 1700 MW per day

Up coming situation
Suppliers of electricity
• BPDB - Bangladesh Power Development Board
• REB - Rural Electrification Board
• PGCB - Power Grid Company of Bangladesh
• DESCO - Dhaka Electric Supply Company
• DPDC - Dhaka Power Distribution Company
We still have some crisis/problem as

1. Load shedding
2. Huge system loss
3. Bad maintenance
4. Shortage of fuel
Special News
First nuclear plant ( Russia )
It cost $1.5 billion

Energy producer fan (Asraful)

• Annual report of BPDB.
• Annual report of REB.
• Website of Ministry of Power, Energy &
Mineral Resources.
• Google.
• News paper.
I am thankful
to this man
Who give me
A chance to
do such a thing.
And I am Faysal Islam
Student of B.S.T.E. of city university.
Thank you to be with me all the long time.
Have a good day.

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