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TOPIC:- A comparative analysis of consumer

preference towards cab service provider companies

Respected Sir / Ma’am,
I Saloni Jaiswal, student of G.V.M Girls College, Sonepat is
conducting this survey on “A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF
questionnaire is the part of my project study. The information
provided by you will be used for my Academic purpose only and
will be kept confidential. This information and suggestions of
yours will be of immense help for me in better understanding of
my project work.

1. Do you agree with the statement – Take a cab, don’t buy a

a) Strongly Agree
b) Disagree
c) Agree
d) Strongly Agree

2. Are you a regular customer of App/Net based Taxi Booking

a) YES
b) NO

3. Have you used both Ola and Uber cab services?

a) Yes
b) No

4. How do you use these cab services usually?

a) Alone
b) With additional person
c) In a group
5. If you had not use the cab service, how would you have
a) Personal vehicle
b) Trains/Buses
c) Regular cabs
d) Auto-rickshaws
e) Other

6. How often do you use offers (Coupons/Discount) while using

these services?
a) Mostly
b) Sometimes
c) Rarely
d) Never

7. How frequently do you book Ola and Uber?

a) Daily
b) 2-3 times a day
c) 1-2 times in a month
d) Special occasions

8. For what purpose do you use your cab services?

a) Late night travel
b) Business Travel
c) Leisure
d) Intercity

9. According to you,who provides better services?

a) Both provide same service quality.
b) No, Uber is better.
c) No, Ola is better.

10. How do you rate the overall facilities/experience of Ola?

a) Excellent
b) Very Good
c) Good
d) Poor
e) Very Poor

11. How do you rate the overall facilities/experience of Uber?

a) Excellent
b) Very Good
c) Good
d) Poor
e) Very Poor

12. What would your top cab improvement priority be?

a) Safety
b) Pricing
c) Punctuality
d) Response time
e) Cleanliness
f) Car Quality
g) Convenience

13. On the following scale, how satisfied are you with your
experience using Ola app?
a) Highly dissatisfied
b) Dissatisfied
c) Neutral
d) Satisfied
e) Highly satisfied

14. On the following scale, how satisfied are you with your
experience using Uber app?
a) Highly dissatisfied
b) Dissatisfied
c) Neutral
d) Satisfied
e) Highly satisfied

15.Which of the following app features attracts you the most for
a) Don't have to call
b) Payment via the app (no cash changes hands)
c) Tracking the taxi driver
d) Taxi driver ratings on the app
e) Taxi apps record transactions with a named driver
(traceability and

16.Which of the following app features attracts you the most for
a) Don't have to call
b) Payment via the app (no cash changes hands)
c) Don't have to signal to a taxi in thestreet
d) Tracking the taxi driver
e) Taxi driver ratings on the app
f) Taxi apps record transactions with a named driver
(traceability andsafety)

17. Did you ever face any problems while traveling in a cab?
a) YES
b) NO

18.What was the common reason for filing a complaint against

your cab
service Ola?
a) Availability of vehicle
b) Drivers driving ability
c) Assistance provided by the driver
d) Appearance and attitude of driver
e) Knowledge of route or area
f) Payment issues
g) Punctuality
h) Comfort of vehicle
i) Cleanliness of vehicle
j) Others

19. What was the common reason for filing a complaint against
your cab
service Uber?
a) Availability of vehicle
b) Drivers driving ability
c) Assistance provided by the driver
d) Appearance and attitude of driver
e) Knowledge of route or area
f) Payment issues
g) Punctuality
h) Comfort of vehicle
i) Cleanliness of vehicle
j) Others

20. How long do you think ideally a cab should take in reaching
you after you hire it online?
a) 5-10 minutes
b) More than 10 minutes
c) Not more than 30 minutes

21. OLA Cabs offer a base charge of 100. It is justified

according to you?
a) Yes, it is justified
b) No, it is not justified

22. What is the easiest way to pay for ride?

a) Cash
b) Net Banking
c) Credit Card
d) Prepaid Wallets

23. Would you prefer giving extra charge to the driver if you
are happy with the service?
a) YES, I would pay extra charge.
b) NO, I would not pay any extra charge.

24. Have you ever given a low rating due to bad driving?
a) YES
b) NO
25. Which app you would recommend to a friend or a colleague?
b) OLA

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