What I Can Do: Recreate Me

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Activity 3. Recreate Me
Objective: Apply the evidences of chemical reactions


 Bleach (Zonrox)
 Black or Blue T-shirt
 Rubber Bands
 Gloves
 Water

1. Place the t-shirt on a flat surface
2. Use any materials like double-sided tape to form your desired design.
3. Pour on the bleach on the t-shirt.
4. Let it dry

Do you have a few boring old black t-shirts that you are sick of? Here's a way to
transform them into "something else". It's sort of like tie-dying, but using bleach to
remove the dye, instead of adding dyes. It's also a much quicker process, which I
am sure "the have-it-nows" will appreciate! Now I will tell you the materials that
we need. First we need black T-shirt, a bleach, and in this video I will going to use
Zonrox. Also we need rubber band and gloves for protection. I have kidnapped an
old black shirt from my closet! You can also use boring old dark blue shirts for this
transformation too! It is really cool! Be sure to use 100% cotton for this. Wet the
shirt ang make sure the water will cover the whole shirt. Then press it or twist it,
until the water stops from flowing from the shirt and make sure the shirt will turn
damp. It should be not too wet or not too dry. And after prepping the shirt, lets
jump to the next step. Now that you have boring old shirt you have so many
choices ahead of you. It’s up to you How are you going to transform it into
something amazing with bleach in a very creative way. For this I’m going to use
only my fingers, but also you can use other tools. After this get some rubber bands.
And now let’s start our bleach dye process. I will pour bleach on this top.
HARMFUL CHEMICALS! Do not get bleach in your eyes or on your skin,
accidental splashes rinse off immediately. Let’s wait for about 5-10 minutes and
after that is rinsing the shirt. We need to wash it properly, so that we can able to
use it safe and beautifully. And that’s the result of our bleach the dye or reverse.
Dark and light clothes should never be washed together because the dye from
the dark clothes can stain the light fabric. It's especially important to keep darks
and lights separate when you're working with bleach, since
the bleach will affect the fabrics differently. Water and bleach: historically, this
pair go together pretty well, namely in the world of cleanliness. Bleach is a
remarkably caustic base that, when diluted with water, can clean stains from whites
and linoleum. However, apart from their similarly clear appearance, water and
bleach are very dissimilar. Bleach is very alkaline, but water is a neutral pH.
Chemically, that is saying a lot.  In chemical reaction Bleach oxidizes colored
substances to become colorless. Bleach removes the double bonds from
chromophores through a redox reaction by breaking the double bonds into single
bonds that do not emit color  This process is called bleaching, or whitening, and is
a result of either oxidizing or reducing. Oxidizing bleaches work by breaking
chemical bonds between the molecules of dye. The resulting molecules, after being
oxidized, will no longer absorb visible light, resulting in faded colors. Bleach can
also fade colors through reducing. Reducing bleach converts double bonds into
single bonds. The reducing process results in a molecule that is unable to absorb
visible light. Water is able to “fade” color through dissolution. The amount of color
is dissolute throughout a larger volume when added to water. The molecules do not
actually fade. Rather, the molecules are just spread out, giving the impression that
they have lost color. Do you know that Chemical reactions are the
most important types of events in the universe. It's through chemical reactions that
plants grow, produce fruit, and become compost for new plants. It's because
of chemical reactions that human beings (and all other animals) reproduce, digest,
grow, heal, and think. Chemical Reaction is a Powerful Action!

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