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Modern Benoni
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6
The Modern Benoni. 7zpp+-+p+p'
Black starts already the fight for the center,
intending to open the e-file in order to control 6-+-zp-snp+&
the key e4-square by Re8. If White will take on
e6, then Black will create after f7xe6 a strong
central pawn mass and will use f-file to activate
4.Nc3 exd5 5.cxd5 d6
[If 5...Bd6
designed to stop an early e2-e4 (White being
behind in development) then xabcdefghy
6.g3 0-0 7.Bg2 a6 8.a4 Bc7
Does this move has a drawback? Can White moves?
use the immediate consequences of Bd6-c7? The d-pawns are blocked with the white pawn
9.d6 on d5 which confers White a space advantage
By this move, White uses the all the negative in the center. Black's d6-pawn is a long term
consequences of Black's last move. weakness that needs permanent protection
- White opens the powerful Bg2 against White's attacks (Bf4, Nb5 or Ne4). In
- d6 blocks the d7-pawn and controls the exchange, Black has a pawn majority on the
important dark e7- and c7- squares queenside which could easily advance in an
- Bc8 and Qd8 are now limited and Black will endgame.
suffer from a terrible lack of space. However, the pawn structure is dynamic: White
Ba5 10.Nh3 Re8 11.0-0 can advance the e-pawn, Black can advance his
TO DO LIST: b- and f-pawns in order to undermine White's
- Create piece superiority on the kingside center.
- Try to eliminate Nf6 (the only defender of White's main objective is to realize the e4-e5
Black's castle) breakthrough after which he will create a strong
- Use the strong squares along the 5th rank passed pawn on the d-file. Moreover, after the
(d5, f5, g5) as foreposts to attack Black's elimination of the d6-pawn, Black will lose his
weaknesses from the king side (f7,g7,h7) control over the e5-square and consequently he
- Refrain from pushing e2-e4 until it is not will be in danger to lose the control over the
obvious that e4-e5 will work (e2-e3 can be center completely.
needed to control the d4 square against Nb8- Black's counterplay in Benoni is based on some
c6-d4) pressure in the center (using the e-file and
- Play Nc3-d5 in order to let Ba5 out of play sometimes even the pawn breakthrough f7-f5).
- Use 3-rd rank for a rook lift (Ra1-a3) ] In the same time, Black will try to push b7-b5
gaining space and active play on the queenside.
6.Nf3 g6 Diagram In Benoni structure, Black has a good control
over the dark-squares (g7-bishop, d6- and c5-
(Diagram) pawns) but he can also change his strategy and
launch an attack on light-squares (pushing c5-
c4 and Nd7-c5-d3 or f7-f5).
Which are the consequences of the previous

7.g3 square for Nc3-e4 and then can launch an

We chose this line in order to create a unitary attack toward the black king)
repertoire, especially because of the - Use the vulnerability of h1-a8 diagonal in
transposition possibility: 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 case of an early b7-b5.
(aiming for Catalan) but Black can play now For example:
3∆c5!? and after White plays 4.d5, the opening b5 12.Nxd6 Qxd6 13.Bf4 Qb6 14.d6 Ne6
transposes to this fianchetto system from 15.Bxa8± ]
10.a4 Nbd7 11.Bf4 Diagram
Anyway the setup with Bg2 against Benoni is
very good; let's see why:
- White takes under control 2 important dark
squares: f4 and h4;
- Bg2 will control the important central e4- and 7+p+n+pvlp'
d5- squares - this will help White to play e2-e4
and, then, e4-e5; 6p+-zp-snp+&
- White can also delay the e2-e4 advance now
because the d5-pawn is sufficiently defended;
- In some variations, after Black's typical push
b7-b5, White will have counterplay along the
h1-a8 diagonal: using the c6-square or opening 3+-sN-+NzP-#
the long diagonal after e4-e5 followed by d5-d6.
Bg7 8.Bg2 0-0 9.0-0 a6 1tR-+Q+RmK-!
[ 9...Na6 10.Nd2 Nc7 11.Nc4 Diagram xabcdefghy
8r+lwq-trk+({ White immediately uses the consequence of
7zppsn-+pvlp' Nb8-d7 which let d6 unprotected.
6-+-zp-snp+& - Trade the strong Bg7 (by Qd2 and Bf4-h6 or,
5+-zpP+-+-% later, by Bf4-d2-c3)
- If Black attacks the f4-bishop by Nf6-h5, play
4-+N+-+-+$ either Bg5 or Bd2. Bd2 will protect the c3-knight
3+-sN-+-zP-# in idea of playing b2-b4.
- Prevent Nf6-g4-e5 maneuver by h2-h3
2PzP-+PzPLzP" - Avoid unnecessary exchanges (because Black
1tR-vLQ+RmK-! pieces are limited in a small space)
- Play a4-a5 before Black is ready to play b7-b5
xabcdefghy to make a hole on b6.
- Use the b2-b4 advance to destroy Black's
TO DO LIST structure (prepared by Ra1-b1). After
- Put pressure on the d6 weakness (Bf4, Nc4, elimination of the c5-pawn, White can use the
Ne4 or Nb5) d4-square and eventually jump on c6 (Nf3-d4-
- Block Black's counterplay with b7-b5 for as c6).
long as possible with a2-a4-(a5) - Prepare (Qc2, Rfe1) and play e2-e4-e5 to
- Prepare e4-e5 which brings White a clear release the d5-pawn and destroy Black's central
advantage (a free d5-pawn, clears the e4- structure.

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