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Specification v3.1     

BIM Specifications
BIM Specification v3.1     

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 4

2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 5

2.1 3RS BIM Objectives .............................................................................................. 5
2.2 AAHK BIM Documents .......................................................................................... 6
2.3 BIM Level of Maturity............................................................................................. 8
2.4 BIM Uses ............................................................................................................... 8
2.5 BIM Process ........................................................................................................ 12
2.6 Software .............................................................................................................. 12
2.7 BIM Matrix, Level of Development Specifications and Level of Details ............... 14
2.8 BIM Files and Templates ..................................................................................... 17
2.9 BIM Federation and Model Division .................................................................... 18
2.10 Collaboration Management ................................................................................. 18
2.11 BIM Proficiency ................................................................................................... 19


3.1 Project Information .............................................................................................. 21
3.2 BIM Uses ............................................................................................................. 21
3.3 Project Software Uses ......................................................................................... 21
3.4 BIM Matrix and Level of Development Specifications ......................................... 22
3.5 BIM Software and Templates .............................................................................. 22
3.6 Modelling Methodology and Corresponding Categories ..................................... 22
3.7 Model Naming ..................................................................................................... 22
3.8 Federation Map and Model Division .................................................................... 22
3.9 Change Tracking and Upload Protocols .............................................................. 23
3.10 Interface Management ........................................................................................ 23
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Plan............................................................................... 23

4 QC/QA REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 24

4.1 Documentation Compliance Check ..................................................................... 24
4.2 Model Compliance Check ................................................................................... 24
4.3 General Housekeeping........................................................................................ 25

5 DESIGN BIM SPECIFICATION ..................................................................................... 26

5.1 Design BIM Interfacing Management .................................................................. 26
BIM Specification v3.1     

5.2 Design Change Management.............................................................................. 27

5.3 3D Virtual Reality ................................................................................................. 27
5.4 4D Model Simulation (4DMS) .............................................................................. 28
5.5 Design-Related Asset and Facility Data Requirements....................................... 28
5.6 Model Archive ...................................................................................................... 28
5.7 Design BIM Deliverables ..................................................................................... 29

6 CONSTRUCTION BIM SPECIFICATION ...................................................................... 33

6.1 Construction BIM Interfacing Management ......................................................... 33
6.2 Construction Change Management..................................................................... 34
6.3 Construction Method Simulation (CMS) .............................................................. 35
6.4 4D Model Simulation (4DMS) .............................................................................. 35
6.5 Linking to Project Management Software for Progress Monitoring ..................... 36
6.6 Construction Stage BIM Model Update ............................................................... 37
6.7 Trade-Specific Construction Software ................................................................. 37
6.8 Construction-Related Facility Data Requirements .............................................. 37
6.9 Construction BIM Deliverables ............................................................................ 37

Appendix A Acronyms

Appendix C Part 1 – BIM Matrix Template

The following appendices shall be provided upon contract award:

Appendix B BIM Uses Template

Appendix C Part 2 – Level of Development (LOD)

Appendix D BIM Standard

Appendix E BIM Process Map

Appendix F BIM Checklist

Appendix I Drawing Number Protocols (It is deleted. Please refer to AAHK CADD

Appendix J TSD Documents

BIM Specification v3.1     

1 Introduction

Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) BIM Specification outlines minimum content
and process requirements. BIM Specification is provided to Design Consultants
and Contractors during request for proposal (RFP) and tender processes for

Upon contract award, AAHK will provide Design Consultants and Contractors with
BIM Standard which contains specific BIM authoring and collaboration
requirements. Any deviation from this BIM Specification or BIM Standard shall be
addressed in project-specific BIM execution plan to be approved by AAHK.

BIM Specification v3.1    

2 General Requirements

Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) intends to integrate the Building Information
Modeling (BIM) process and deliverable into the organizational and planning
structure and take advantage of the data information created during design and
construction to enhance and feed into existing and future facilities/operations

AAHK’s 3RS project involves multiple projects and disciplines. Each project
requires model coordination with the AAHK’s project management team, after
which cross-project and cross-discipline projects will go through design
coordination. As all projects have different goals and teams, a customized BIM
Execution Plan as a live document which may evolve as the project progresses. To
maximize the use of BIM, the entire process from conception to as-built BIM shall
be influenced by that end goal. All the team members need to be aware of the
downstream BIM uses and revise their inputs into the model appropriately, all of
which is established with a BIM Execution Plan.

All projects under 3RS are to utilize the BIM process for documentation and other
uses as defined herein. The projects include:

 Land Formation;

 Airfield Works (Including Existing Runway Modification);

 Third Runway Concourse (TRC) Building;

 Automated People Mover System (APM), Baggage Handling System (BHS)

and the Associated Tunnels and Ancillary Buildings;

 T2 Expansion & Associated Infrastructure Works; and

 Other Infrastructure and Facilities at Western and Eastern Support Area.

Fundamental to these goals is the base understanding that BIMs are not an after-
product from the design effort or construction effort. Models shall be the basis of
the design and construction documentation, and shall contain all information and
content that facilitates with interfacing collaboration and generates official
deliverables and drawings for construction.

2.1 3RS BIM Objectives

AAHK adopts BIM for 3RS Project in order to:

 Enhance design quality;

 Achieve proper design coordination to ensure sufficiency of spatial provisions

and eliminate clashes between design elements;

 Verify buildability of major construction elements; and

BIM Specification v3.1    

 Facilitate construction planning, improving efficiency of construction and

avoiding delay, disruption and additional costs due to design errors, thereby
achieving project completion on time, within budget and to high quality

Without limiting the generality of the above primary BIM objectives, the following is
a list of some particular BIM objectives that are to be achieved:

 Resolving all spatial and coordination issues before completion of the detailed

 Resolving design discrepancies, mistakes, conflicts and clashes before


 Managing design changes to minimize adverse impact on the follow-on

construction activities;

 Achieving programme and construction safety by using BIM to analyze

programme requirements and constructability;

 Visualising the design elements in a true representation of the actual condition

so as to facilitate design coordination and construction planning;

 Identifying and resolving temporal interferences among the different elements;

 Checking critical dimensions to ensure no spatial conflicts and verify the

buildability of the design;

 Linking BIMs with construction programme to demonstrate the sequence of the

work and programme impacts of major construction activities;

 Linking the BIMs into a virtual reality (VR) environment to replicate real life
situation; and

 Producing BIMs for facility management after project completion.

2.2 AAHK BIM Documents

Design Consultants and Contractors are provided the following as guidelines which
shall be strictly followed, or templates which can be used for project-specific BIM
execution plans:

 BIM Specification (this document)

BIM Specification v3.1    

 BIM Standard (Appendix D) describes in detail quality of model and protocols

of using the collaboration site to share works (in progress or deliverables) in
context of all 3RS projects.

 BIM Uses Template (Appendix B) comprehensively lists BIM uses relevant to

AAHK, and can be used by Design Consultants and Contractors to
communicate and define project-specific BIM uses.

 BIM Matrix Template and LOD (Appendix C Parts 1 and 2) outlines basic
known model elements in model categories applicable to AAHK, and can be
used by Design Consultants and Contractors to prepare their project specific
BIM Execution Plan.

 BIM Checklist (Appendix F) are used by Design Consultants, Contractors and

3104 BIM Consultant for each upload to verify the model completeness and

For AAHK 2D drawing requirements, AAHK already has a CADD Standard

applicable to 2D drawing authoring in accordance with Airport Authority CADD
Standard Specification For AUTOCAD. This document references the AAHK
CADD Standard, while compliant with and compliment it, without deviating from
AAHK CADD Standard and 2D drawing naming protocols already set forth by

In addition, AAHK has other documents (for internal use only) such as BIM Strategy
Report and 3RS BIM Execution Plan which outlines strategic directions and
comprehensively describes the process of implementing and managing the BIM
process. These documents are not released to Design Consultants and
Contractors, but their directions may influence future revisions and releases of the
aforementioned documents.

BIM Specification v3.1    

2.3 BIM Level of Maturity

3RS project utilizes a comprehensive BIM process. Design Consultants and
Contractors shall coordinate efforts to provide, at a minimum, detailed design and
construction up to a “Level 2 BIM” maturity level as referred to in the BIM Maturity
Diagram prepared by Mervyn Richards and Mark Bew, defining Level 2 BIM as:
“Federated file-based electronic information with some automated connectivity.”

Under the premise of Level 2 BIM, Design Consultants and Contractors shall follow
Appendix D – BIM Standard for BIM authoring and collaboration, and AAHK CADD
Standard for 2D drawing production.

2.4 BIM Uses

The following is a list of the BIM uses applicable to the 3RS project in Design,
Construction and Operations Stages, including all recognized components of a
comprehensive BIM process.

 Required Uses () are mandatory for Design Consultants and Contractors
engaged with AAHK on 3RS projects. Any exceptions and exclusions shall be
listed in project-specific BIM execution plans, subject to AAHK review and

 Optional Uses () are feasible uses of BIM technologies currently available
and utilized on comparable projects. Design Consultants and Contractors are
encouraged to include them in project-specific BIM uses when appropriate,
subject to AAHK review and approval.

 Future Uses () are uses available but not yet widely used in the design and
construction industry. AAHK and 3104 BIM Consultant will periodically evaluate
their relevance and feasibility.

 Not Required (X) are uses not relevant or applicable to the particular project

BIM Specification v3.1    


No BIM Uses

1 Modeling, Coordination and Documentation

Increase “extend of model” by generating

Existing Condition
existing condition model that interfaces with or
BIM from or Survey
or Other Data (e.g.
is affected by design or construction scope,      
where connectivity, design solution and/or
Laser Scanning)
conflict resolution are required.

Model all elements up to appropriate and

b Design Authoring specific Level of Development according to     X
Appendix C – BIM Matrix.

Keep all model elements up to date and

2D Drawing generate 2D drawings that are consistent with
Generation 3D BIM models for WIP uploads and official      
deliverables directly from BIM.

Use BIM to conduct design and construction

d BIM Coordination coordination including but not limited to     X
workshops with AAHK and other parties.

Conduct clash detection analysis and generate

clash reports from BIM. Use BIM to conduct
Clash Analysis and
virtual walkthroughs and visual inspections in     X
addition to the software’s automatic clash

Design Change Keep a chronological record of options and

Tracking design changes with BIM files.      

Log Request for Information (RFI) issues;

g RFI Process
record changes if any. X   X

Store versions of BIMs, minimally

corresponding to major design changes, each
h Model Record WIP upload or contract deliverables locally, on      
collaboration site or AAHK-designated local

For all discipline BIM models, create

schedules within the models for area and
Area Calculation and volume calculation, element counts, displaying
Scheduling relevant parameters in columns and other      
required quantity calculation according to
project SOS.

Generate manufacturing specifications for

Manufacturing /
Digital Fabrication
elements that are not readily procurable, and X   X
tally quantity directly from BIM.

Conduct site safety analysis using BIM (e.g.

Site Safety loading, evacuation and other construction
Management activity simulations). Log site safety data X   X
related to site safety in BIM.

Generate applicable documents required for

Commissioning the commissioning process from BIM files;
Documentation prepare/export compatible source files for      
further simulation and analysis.

BIM Specification v3.1    


No BIM Uses

Create and verify BIM (As-built model) that

Record of As-Built
correspond to the final built condition, which
m data for facility
may be aided by methods including but not X    
limited to laser scanning and field capturing.
2 Analysis

Visualize, assess and optimize location, clarity

a Wayfinding Analysis
and feasibility of wayfinding system via BIM.   X  

Analyze feasibility of green building criteria

Sustainability and generate required technical drawings,
b Analysis (e.g. diagrams, tables and other physical or digital      
LEED,BEAM-Plus) submittals for green building certification
through BIM.

Analyze structural integrity (strength,

c Structure Analysis connectivity, sizing and impact to other   X X
disciplines) using BIM.

Analyze solar impact on proposed building to

d Solar Analysis determine optimal orientation, configuration,   X X
roof/façade system and materiality.

Analyze light fixture location to achieve optimal

e Lighting Analysis
illumination level and distribution.   X X

Analyze HVAC systems’ space requirements,

f HVAC Analysis duct/piping alignments, inflow and discharge   X X

g Wind Analysis Conduct wind tunnel analysis using BIM.   X X

Analyze acoustic effects and sound levels with
h Acoustic Analysis consideration of spatial arrangements and   X X
materiality using BIM.

Analyze real estate financial performance such

Leasing and Real as NPV (net present value), IRR (Internal Rate
i Estate Financial of Return) and compare development options X X  
Analysis using data associated with leasable/sellable
spaces and embedded in BIM.

3 Documentation, Visualization and Simulation

Ensure BIM models are ready to generate

optimized base files for visual spatial
3D Virtual Reality
immersive representation of virtual reality      
renderings, including but not limited to FBX
and IFC formats.

Embed time data into model elements and

4D Modelling &
create animated representation to illustrate     X
project evolvement.

BIM Specification v3.1    


No BIM Uses

Simulate construction sequence based on

Construction Method particular construction method(s) used, and
Simulation compare different construction methods' pros X   X
and cons.
Generate time-based quantity and cost data
d 5D Quantity Take-off from BIM.      

Use 4D model as a visual tool to further

Safety Management assess conditions and identify unsafe areas
Simulation that might otherwise go unrealized prior to      
encountering them in the field.

Use 4D model to further reflect impact on daily

required operation access and facility use. For
example, creating envelopes and/or clear
Operation Continuity
access paths for required GSE traffic or Sterile X    
access corridors can be used to analyze
potential impacts on stakeholders as well as
construction personnel.

4 Operation Continuity

Input TS information to the TS fields of the

AAHK TS Asset BIM models at each project stage and align
Code Register with AAHK TS Asset Code Register data      
format requirements.
Room Management Generate consolidated data schedules of area,
and Tracking element quantities and quantities by rooms.      
5 Linking with Other Systems

Linking to Project
Summarize and monitor project progress using
Software for
BIM via linking to project management     X
Progress Monitoring
Monitor construction progress via linking BIM
Linking to
specifically to Construction Management
b Construction
System. X   X
Management System

Provide data authored during Design phase

and captured during Construction Quality
Linking to Airport
Control to AAMS (Airport Asset Management
c Asset Management
System), AAHK-specific Computerized      
System (AAMS)
Maintenance Management System (CMMS) in
a bi-directional flow.
Monitor and track performance of automated
Linking to Building
building functions (e.g. building services,
d Automation System
underground utilities supply, fire safety) via X X  

Integration with GIS

Exchange data between BIM and GIS.      

BIM Specification v3.1    

Design Consultants and Contractors shall implement required BIM uses listed
above, as well as any required in their respective Scope of Services (SOS). Design
Consultant and Contractors shall provide their project-specific BIM Execution Plans
and outline applicable BIM uses, and may draft project-specific BIM uses with
Appendix B – BIM Uses Template as a basis, subject to AAHK approval.

2.5 BIM Process

Design Consultants and Contractors shall follow AAHK’s overall BIM Process as
outlined in Appendix E – BIM Process Map, which illustrates the relationship
between key documents provided by AAHK, BIM uses and deliverables in design
and construction stages. While design stage processes involve AAHK, 3104 BIM
Consultant and Design Consultants, construction stage processes involve AAHK,
3104 BIM Consultant and Contractors, as well as Design Consultant for model

Using Appendix E – BIM Process Map as the basis, Design Consultants and
Contractors shall determine project-specific workflows. Design Consultants and
Contractors shall propose project-specific BIM process and outline deviations due
to project needs.

2.6 Software
2.6.1 Model Authoring and Editing Software Requirements
AAHK’s standard software to deliver or review BIM models are as followed:

BIM Uses Software File Format
(if applicable)
Architecture /
Building Services /
Design Authoring Structure / Autodesk Revit .rvt
Special Airport
Civil / Underground
Design Authoring Autodesk Civil 3D .dwg
Visualization and
All Autodesk Navisworks .nwc, .nwf and .nwd
Clash Detection All Autodesk Navisworks .nwc, .nwf and .nwd

For federated building models (e.g. Architecture, Structure, Building Services,

Special Airport Systems), Design Consultants and Contractors are required to use
Autodesk Revit.

For civil engineering works, Autodesk Civil 3D is preferred.

All BIM WIP and deliverables including coordination model and master model shall
be provided with all native format files (e.g, rvt, .dwg). All Navisworks model shall
be provided in .nwc, .nwf, .nwd format.

In the event other software is used, the alternative software shall satisfy functional
requirements, including:

 Displaying and saving 2D views compliant with AAHK CADD Standard;

BIM Specification v3.1    

 Embedding required attributes in 3D model elements. See Chapter 3 for


- Category code (CAT)

- SSI field

- TS fields

 Model federation by maintaining relative links between models created with the
same software; and

 Publishing to AAHK-preferred 2D drawing formats, including but not limited to

dwg, .dgn and .pdf;

 Exporting to AAHK-preferred 3D file formats, including but not limited to IFC.

In order to keep the latest deliverables at the end of the project that is in the current
approved version at the time of delivery, modelling software may be upgraded
throughout the project. Upgrade implementation will take into consideration major
deliverable schedules.

The use of additional software (“third-party software"), proprietary or freeware, are

to be approved by AAHK prior to use. Any parties under contract with AAHK shall
inform AAHK and 3104 BIM Consultant of any libraries, object enablers, software
plug-ins, 3D viewers, etc. required for AAHK to view their BIM content. AAHK shall
approve or reject with 3104’s advice based on functionalities, interpolatability with
preferred software, cost (one time and perpetual), and other risks (e.g. software’s
future continuity, liabilities). Upon approval, the required plug-ins shall be posted to
collaboration site for use of entire project team.

Design Consultants and Contractors may propose additional 3D simulation

software (e.g. Synchro) to increase benefit of using BIM and presentation. The use
of additional simulation software shall be approved by AAHK prior to use.

2.6.2 Design Coordination and Clash Detection Software Requirements

The overall preferred BIM software programs to conduct design coordination and
clash detection is Autodesk Navisworks Manage.

In the event other software is used, the alternative software shall satisfy minimum
functional requirements, including:

 Displaying and saving 2D views and 3D views compliant with AAHK BIM

 Displaying and saving dynamic sectioning views;

 Model federation by maintaining relative links between models,

BIM Specification v3.1    

 Performing clash detection with AAHK preferable BIM software file formats, or
file formats that can be exported from AAHK preferable BIM software;

 Generating clash detection results; and

 Saving and exporting clash detection result log files.

2.7 BIM Matrix, Level of Development Specifications and Level of Details

2.7.1 BIM Matrix Content
Design Consultants and Contractors shall follow the overall BIM Matrix for 3RS
contains the following information:

 Model elements in respective model categories that are foreseeable and

applicable to 3RS;

 Suggested unit of measure (UOM) for typical quantifiable data;

 Category code (CAT), 3-alphabet and unique code for each type of model

 Model author (AUT) which shall be customized and filled in based on each
project or contract);

 AA-designated color which lists all AA-required color (in RGB, as displayed in
federated models by filter or appearance profiler per CAT Code parameter) to
improve clarity of design and construction coordination; and

 Level of Development (LOD) at each stage of the project, from Concept,

Schematic Design, Detailed Design, Construction to As-Built stages.

 Revit Category when Revit is the authoring tool, each Revit model element
shall be specified with Revit Category.

 Civil 3D Object Type when Civil 3D is the authoring tool, each model element
shall be specified with appropriate Civil 3D Object Type.

 Model Element Details Remarks field allows Design Consultants and

Contractors to make remarks about model element details, such as rationale
and exclusions.

2.7.2 Level of Development

Design Consultants and Contractors shall use Appendix C Part 1 – BIM Matrix
Template as a basis to comply with minimum required LOD for corresponding
project stages, and develop project-specific BIM Matrix, adding project-specific
model elements and removing irrelevant model categories and model elements.
AAHK requires LOD 350 for Detailed Design stage models, unless manufacturer
information is unavailable. Any exceptions shall be approved by AAHK and
documented in project-specific BIM execution plans.

BIM Specification v3.1    

LOD AAHK Description

100 The most basic level showing general alignment and approximate
estimated dimensions. The model element may be graphically
represented in the model with a symbol or other generic representation.

200 The model element is graphically represented within the model as a

generic system, object, or assembly with approximate quantities, size,
shape, location, and orientation. Non-graphic information may also be
attached to the model element. Generic system and approximate
quantities, size, shape, location, and orientation are LOD 200 attributes
that elements may start to have qualities in Schematic Design stage.

300 The model element is graphically represented within the model as a

specific system, object or assembly in terms of quantity, size, shape,
location, and orientation. Non-graphic information may also be attached
to the model element. The quantity, size, shape, location, and orientation
of the element as designed can be measured directly from the model
without referring to non-modeled information such as notes or non-
parametric dimension call-outs.

All AAHK-required non-graphic or non-quantitative parameters (e.g. TS

fields, SSI fields) shall be inputted and match with 2D deliverables if the
model element does not reach LOD 350 in detailed design stage.

The system is already specified as designed; optimum size and

maximum tolerances are demarcated in the model for reliable design
collaboration and clash detection corresponding to most elements in
Design Development stage.

Relevant non-quantitative parameters such as type, material, finishes,

ratings and performance values shall be embedded for all model

BIM Specification v3.1    

LOD AAHK Description

350 The model element is graphically represented within the model as a

specific system, object, or assembly in terms of quantity, size, shape,
location, orientation, supports, connections, and interfaces with other
building systems. True clashes shall be detected, reviewed and

All AAHK-required non-graphic or non-quantitative parameters (e.g. TS

fields, SSI fields) shall be inputted and matched with 2D documentation.

LOD 350 may require manufacturer information to determine interfaces

such as fittings and connections, and therefore may not yet be available
for all elements in Detailed Design stage. In the event LOD 350 is
specified, Design Consultants shall still model design intent that is
consistent with SOS and matches with 2D documentation.

400 The model shall reflect contractor’s as-built status. The model element is
graphically represented within the model as a specific system, object or
assembly in terms of size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation,
which are typically required during construction phase and can be
measured directly from the model without referring to non-modeled
information such as notes or dimension call-outs. Other parametric
information such as detailing, fabrication, assembly, and installation
information shall also be included.

Additional AAHK-required non-graphic or non-quantitative parameters

(e.g. TS fields, SSI fields) shall be added as the information become
available during construction stage (e.g. manufacturer and installation

500 The model shall reflect as-built status with site verified.

The model element is a field verified representation in terms of size,

shape, location, quantity, and orientation. Non-graphic information may
also be attached to the model element.

LOD requirements shall be cumulative. For instance, a LOD 350 model element
shall also fulfill all the requirements of LOD 300 and below.

LOD requirements shall be considered as minimum requirements. For instance, an

element has progressed to a given LOD only when all the requirements stated in
the definition have been met.

2.7.3 Levels of Details

AAHK’s fundamental requirement is to have model elements’ Levels of Details
align with the respective SOS. Subsequently, Design Consultants and Contractors

BIM Specification v3.1    

shall follow AAHK-specific Level of Detail requirements as stipulated in Sections

5.7 and 6.9.

 Design Stage Level of Details

For Building Services models, if precast conduits are included in SOS, all
precast conduits shall be modeled regardless of size. Preliminary hangers and
supports for Building Services models shall be modelled for clash detection.

For structure models, Building Services openings shall be incorporated for all
building services.

For architecture models, floor and wall openings for Building Services elements
shall be modelled.

 Construction Stage Level of Details

For Building Services models, all conduits (including but not limited to cast-in-
place conduit, in-screed conduit, pre-cast conduit, and exposed conduit) and
armored cable for specific place such as main switch from and transformer
room shall be modeled. All installation and fabrication details (including but not
limited to duct segment, maintenance space, confirmed hanger and support
etc.) shall be modelled.

For structure models, re-bars and joint details shall be modelled for critical
locations for proving the constructability. All openings shall be modelled.

2.8 BIM Files and Templates

2.8.1 2D Drawings and BIM File Naming
BIM naming shall follow Appendix D – BIM Standard for the naming of BIMs.

The naming of 2D drawings extracted from BIMs shall follow the latest version of
AAHK CADD Standard.

2.8.2 Coordinate System

Design Consultants and Contractors shall follow the Coordinate System, including
shared coordinates, survey point and project base point designated in Appendix D
– BIM Standard.

For ongoing projects exempted from using AAHK BIM Template for individual
models, an overall federated model shall be created with AAHK BIM Template
following Appendix D – BIM Standard in lieu of transcribing models onto the
templates. These federated models with aligned coordinates shall be included in
every WIP upload and official BIM deliverable, and be used for future coordination
with other Design Consultants and Contractors to avoid misalignment.

BIM Specification v3.1    

2.8.3 BIM Template

Templates in AAHK-preferred file formats are available for Design Consultants and
Contractors to use, and stored in the library folder on the collaboration site.

The Revit template contains information on AAHK grid, project base point, shared
coordinate, basic line settings and annotation families. Design Consultants and
Contractors shall use the templates (when the file format is available) as a basis
for modeling to ensure compliance and straightforward interfacing and clash
resolution with other projects.

In the event Design Consultants and Contractors utilize additional BIM software for
project-specific purposes, Design Consultants and Contractors are responsible for
authoring BIM following BIM Standard.

For ongoing projects exempted from using AAHK BIM Template for individual
models, Design Consultants and Contractors shall align with AAHK standards and
ensure all AAHK parameters or attributes in BIM template are transferred into WIP
and deliverable models.

2.9 BIM Federation and Model Division

2.9.1 BIM Federation
BIM federation shall follow the overall principal of 3RS BIM federation outlined in
Appendix D – BIM Standard.

2.9.2 BIM Model Division

Appendix D – BIM Standard also defines the maximum model size for BIMs. Model
division is mandatory when models exceed the maximum size, which is common
starting from Detailed Design stage.

Design Consultants and Contractors may consider vertical or horizontal divisions

of BIMs, and are required to propose a consistent model division strategy and
corresponding project-specific federation structure in project-specific BIM
execution plans. As federation structure may change during project’s life cycle, the
federation map shall be updated and accompany each file upload.

2.9.3 Model File List

Design Consultants and Contractors shall provide initial model file list compliant to
Appendix D – BIM Standard, and update model file list as project evolves.

2.10 Collaboration Management

2.10.1 Common Data Environment and Collaboration Site

BIM Specification v3.1    

Based on AAHK requirements, Design Consultants shall use Common Data

Environments (CDEs) as authorized by AAHK for BIM model exchange, WIP
models and related information uploads. Design Consultants shall conform to
changes and upgrades of CDE as required by AAHK.

Design Consultants with interface management scope (e.g. TRC, airfield) shall
setup and maintain their own BIM collaboration site accessible by AAHK,
interfacing Consultants and Sub-Consultants. These collaboration platforms’
functions include but are not limited to interfacing projects’ BIM models
management, issues tracking and resolution, model visualization, and model
version tracking.

Contractors shall setup and maintain their own BIM collaboration site for the
purposes of BIM model files management and exchange with related parties,
issues tracking and resolution, model visualization, and model version tracking.
The platform shall be accessible to AAHK, relevant Design Consultants, interfacing
Contractors and Sub-Contractors.

Design Consultants and Contractors shall propose their project-specific

collaboration sites which can fulfill AAHK-required functionalities, and describe the
access, structure, collaboration protocols, and workflow in detail in project-specific
BIM execution plans, which shall be reviewed and approved by AAHK.

2.10.2 Change Tracking and Upload Protocols

The AAHK-designated collaboration site serves as a common data environment for
BIM and BIM-related file exchange, and is pre-populated with folders for
collaboration use. Design Consultants shall access the collaboration site and
project-specific CDEs to upload files and create subfolders in accordance with
Appendix D – BIM Standard, which outlines upload protocols and minimum-
required frequencies.

Design Consultants and Contractors shall specify project-specific upload intervals

and file management strategies in their respective project-specific BIM execution

In addition to any automatic log or tracking functions the CDE’s may have, Design
Consultants and Contractors shall provide concise descriptions of uploaded

2.11 BIM Proficiency

2.11.1 Minimum BIM Literacy Requirements
All parties doing business with AAHK that has any work scope in BIM shall be BIM-
literate, which is a prerequisite for working on AAHK projects with BIM scope.

Design Consultants and Contractors are responsible for ensuring their own staff’s
BIM literacy prior to starting work on AAHK project, and provide continual on-the-
job training to ensure proficiency with the latest version required by AAHK.
Qualifications and experience may include:

BIM Specification v3.1    

 Number of years of experiences on full BIM projects

 Both design capability and BIM fluency (for mid-level and above)

 Professional Memberships (e.g. HKIBIM)

 Industry-level certificates (Revit / Civil 3D Certificates issued by Autodesk)

2.11.2 BIM Orientation and Kick-off Workshop

Project-specific orientations and kick-off workshops are required for all parties
doing business with AAHK with any current and future BIM scope, in order to
achieve maximum effect of incorporating BIM-based technologies and processes
into its overall lifecycle operations, management and development goals. The
orientation workshop shall focus specifically on how the attending parties would
engage to begin, develop and submit BIMs utilizing AAHK-specific processes,
workflows and software, and is intended to be technical in nature. The orientation
workshop shall be completed at the Design Consultants’ and Contractor’s kick-off
meetings or within 30 days of engagement.

BIM Specification v3.1    

3 Project-Specific BIM Execution Plan Requirements

Design Consultants and Contractors shall prepare project-specific BIM execution

plans in accordance with their corresponding contract, based on criteria listed in
the overall BIM Execution Plan and outlining applicable BIM uses. Any deviations
or exceptions from AAHK general requirements shall be outlined and described in
project-specific BIM execution plans, subject to AAHK approval.

Individual project’s BIM execution plan shall refer to AAHK’s overall BIM Project
Execution Plan as the basis, while addressing specific needs of individual project.
This project-specific BIM execution plan is subject to the review of AAHK and 3104
BIM Consultant, and in effect upon approval of AAHK.

Individual project’s BIM execution plan should be drafted prior to the start of BIM
work in both design and construction stages. The first draft of the project-specific
BIM execution plan shall be submitted within 30 days of contract award or within
15 days after Group D workshop has been conducted, whichever is earlier. Project-
specific BIM execution plan shall be an attachment to Design Consultants’ or
Contractors’ QA/QC Report as part of an official deliverable.

Revisions of project-specific BIM execution plans to AAHK shall be in PDF format,

accompany match Word (.docx) file with track changes, Design Consultants and
Contractors shall not alter goals/objectives or reduce scope of project-specific BIM
execution plans unless requested by AAHK.

Design Consultants and Contractors may reference AAHK’s BIM Specification and
its appendices (including BIM Standard), and AAHK CADD Standard. Design
Consultants shall highlight deviations from AAHK documents (if any) and provide

Key sections to be included in Project-Specific Execution Plan are as followed:

3.1 Project Information

Summarize project information, including:

 Project Name, Number, Description and Duration

 Project Team Structure, Roles & Responsibilities and Resourcing Plan
 Project Schedule, Programme, Key Milestones, Meeting Schedule, and
 BIM Scope
 Project close out procedures

3.2 BIM Uses

According to “BIM Use” within chapter 2 of this document, and Appendix B – BIM
Uses Template as a basis, develop project-specific BIM uses.

3.3 Project Software Uses

BIM Specification v3.1    

List predominant software and additional software (verify with AAHK about the
latest preferred software prior to issuing the first draft). Provide explanation for
deviation and exceptions from AAHK standards for AAHK approval.

3.4 BIM Matrix and Level of Development Specifications

With Appendix C – BIM Matrix as a basis, align with AAHK standards and develop
project-specific BIM Matrix. Provide LOD Specification explanation for
additional/special model elements.

3.5 BIM Software and Templates

BIM software used should comply with those defined in Section 2.6 unless the
project nature does not fit AAHK-preferred software, or better software options are
commercially available to meet the requirements. If software other than AAHK-
preferred software is used, follow Appendix D – BIM Standard and list the
standards that can be followed within the software environment. Provide
exceptions, justifications and solutions for standards that cannot be followed within
the software environment.

3.6 Modelling Methodology and Corresponding Categories

Clearly state the creation method for every element created in the BIM, and verify
the model category is correct (e.g. in Revit).

For existing elements’ modelling methodology shall list out and describe the source
of the existing data.

Refer to “BIM File Format” section of Appendix D – BIM Standard for sample format
of modelling methodology explanation.

3.7 Model Naming

Outline deviations from Appendix D – BIM Standard’s “Model Naming”, if any, and
explain reasons of non-conformance and obtain AAHK approval.

3.8 Federation Map and Model Division

Diagram project-specific Federation Map which illustrates how the models by level,
zone or discipline relate to each other and the master model. Provide explanation
for model division strategy (vertical or horizontal cut) based on project scope and
modeling content.

Provide initial model file list compliant to the naming convention stated in Appendix
D – BIM Standard. Update model file list as project evolves.

BIM Specification v3.1    

3.9 Change Tracking and Upload Protocols

Propose change tracking strategies, upload protocols (e.g. frequency, and any
deviations from AAHK requirements), and communication protocols upon

3.10 Interface Management

Describe proposed collaboration and interface management strategies within the
project (between disciplines), and with other projects/contracts. Both internal and
external clash matrix shall be provided. Sample of clash report with summarized,
resolutions clash report shall be included.

3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Plan

Describe proposed QA processes, including but not limited to measures related to:

 Change tracking
 Model upload protocols
 BIM deliverables
 BIM Checklist (unless waived by AAHK)
 TS asset fields entries tracking
 Consistency between 3D BIMs and 2D drawings

BIM Specification v3.1    

4 QC/QA Requirements

Design consultant and Contractor are responsible for initiating and continuously
conducting Quality Control (QC) activities; 3104 BIM Consultant shall take the
responsibility of Quality Assurance (QA). Design Consultants and Contractors are
required to comply with QC/QA protocols set forth by AAHK in the 3RS BIM
Execution Plan, as well as specific requirements in each project’s SOS.

All field-captured QC/QA data including but not limited to performance criteria and
operations data shall be recorded and/or linked to BIMs as QC/QA occurs
throughout the project. Design Consultants and Contractors are responsible for
coordinating the information sources and integrating the information into the
models for transfer at the completion of their respective scope.

Design Consultants and Contractors are required to submit BIMs periodically,

accompanied by Appendix F – BIM Checklist (unless waived by AAHK) which shall
be filled out by Design Consultants and Contractors. 3104 BIM Consultant shall
check the conformance of models to their accompanying checklists prior to
submitting to AAHK, or rejection and send back to Design Consultants or
Contractor if significant nonconformance occurs.

AAHK BIM Checklist and Project-Specific BIM Execution Plans will be used for BIM
Consultants to provide AAHK with quality assurance documents, such as the BIM
Compliance Certificate.

4.1 Documentation Compliance Check

Document compliance checks verify the compliance of documents including
project-specific BIM execution plans), federation map, checklist, clash summary
report and model register list to ensure:

 The latest version is provided;

 Compliance with AAHK’s overall BIM Project Execution Plan; and
 Completeness of items that needs to be included within these documents.

4.2 Model Compliance Check

Model compliance checks verify the compliance of the models’:

 Format, such as software version and extension;

 Naming, such as naming of the files and their corresponding folders;
 General settings, such as grid, survey point, project base point, shared
coordinate and coordinate system, shared parameters, attributes; and
 Consistency of 2D information generated from BIM model.

BIM Specification v3.1    

4.3 General Housekeeping

Model housekeeping checks ensure cleanness, and flags links, unpurged
elements, and unused views.

Design Consultants and Contractors shall refer to Appendix D – BIM Standard and
Appendix F – BIM Checklist for submission requirements

BIM Specification v3.1    

5 Design BIM Specification

5.1 Design BIM Interfacing Management

5.1.1 Internal Clash Detection Procedures
Design Consultants shall run model spatial coordination analysis and clash
detection between disciplines within their respective SOS, to detect and resolve
conflicts between disciplines. Conflicts that require AAHK decision shall be
highlighted and escalated for discussion and decision.

Based on their SOS, Design Consultants shall draft an internal clash matrix
between disciplines and propose clash detection procedure and acceptable
tolerances within their own project in the project-specific BIM Execution Plan.
Internal clash detection shall be run in federated models, while external clash
detection shall be run in coordination models, using clash detection software (e.g.
Navisworks), save clash result in .nwc and .nwf formats, and include the clash
result file as part of WIP uploads or official deliverables.

3104 BIM Consultant will check federated model and clash result files, and assess
clash report completeness according to Appendix F – BIM Checklist, and assess
whether all necessary clash tests are included in federated models. Clash
detection results shall be delivered with each BIM deliverables.

5.1.2 External Design Coordination

Based on 3RS’s overall federation structure and locations of design
projects/contracts, Design Consultants are required to identify interfacing projects
and include a clash matrix in project-specific BIM execution plan. Design
consultants shall conduct clash detections, report findings and proposed
resolutions, periodically and prior to each official deliverable.

5.1.3 Clash Analysis Report

Clash analysis reports shall contain, at the minimum, the following information:

 List of projects, disciplines and revisions of models used for clash detection
 Summarize of numbers and types of clashes
 Location of each valid clash (e.g. level and grid)
 Proposed solution for major known clashes
Design Consultants shall also store views of major known clashes in Navisworks
files and upload as WIP, in preparation for design coordination meetings.

5.1.4 Use of Dynamic Envelope for Design Coordination and Clash Detection
Dynamic envelope shall be used to:

 Represent existing objects that do not require LOD beyond 100, but is
necessary for design coordination and clash detection;
 Anticipated future elements that interfaces with the project; and
 Required clearance (e.g. setback or minimum distance) from existing or future

BIM Specification v3.1    

Design Consultants may create dynamic envelopes based on survey data or

existing drawings/models, or link dynamic envelopes created by other Design
Consultants which have been reviewed by AAHK and distributed via collaboration

Clashes between dynamic envelops and other design elements shall be flagged,
reviewed and resolved.

5.1.5 BIM Coordination Meetings

Interdisciplinary and inter-project design coordination meetings shall be held
regularly by each Design Consultants, during which BIM coordination is an agenda

Design Consultants shall produce meeting minutes, list agenda items, highlight
issues to be resolved and indicate responsible parties. Relevant AAHK
representatives and 3104 BIM Consultant will join the meeting periodically to
ensure the necessary interim clash coordination are conducted and coordination
meetings are held regularly.

5.2 Design Change Management

5.2.1 Change Tracking
Design Consultants shall maintain versions of their as part of their QA process.

5.2.2 Design Model Management in Construction Stage

During construction, unless exempted by SOS, Design Consultants shall maintain
an up-to-date set of models. In the event of design changes (e.g. changes
necessary due to request for information), Design Consultants shall update and
upload revised set of models within 10 days from change approval.

5.3 3D Virtual Reality

3D virtual reality (VR) allows design review of the latest updated scheme by
AAHK’s project management and leadership. A virtual-real environment allows for
faster visualization of spatial arrangements and more efficient decision making.

While satisfying project-specific visualization requirements in their respective SOS,

Design Consultants shall develop 3D renderings using BIM starting from Detailed
Design stage, and enhance with rendering programs to clearly illustrate intent and
spatial quality of the design. 3D renderings include and are not limited to high-
resolution raster image files (.jpg, .png or .tiff) and walk-through videos (.mov, .mp4
or .mpeg), unless otherwise specified by the project’s SOS.

Design Consultants shall provide models and source files to AAHK for uses
including but not limited to management-level review and conversion to public-
accessible views upon design confirmation.

BIM Specification v3.1    

5.4 4D Model Simulation (4DMS)

4D model simulation is a construction visualization tool that utilizes time-related
information embedded in BIMs to demonstrate sequence and constructability.

Design Consultants shall develop 4D simulation for visually demonstrating and

communicating project construction sequence based on proposed design and
requirements of their corresponding SOS. The model shall include all major
building systems and shall contain sufficient data to show sequential construction
in animation. Any assumptions (e.g. construction programme, phasing, temporary
structures if any) shall be communicated with and approved by AAHK

AAHK mandates a suitable time interval for the simulation. Time and other 4D-
related information within WIP model shall be concurrent with simulation output.
Design Consultants shall obtain AAHK approval of suitable time intervals, as 4D
simulation needs may evolve with project progression.

5.5 Design-Related Asset and Facility Data Requirements

AAHK provides Design Consultants, at the start of each project, the AAHK model
templates. These templates include built-in Revit family components and Civil 3D

Design Consultants shall follow “TS Asset Register Management Requirements” in

Appendix D – BIM Standard when managing data related to future facility
operations and asset management. Facility data management protocols include,
but are not limited to entering and checking TS Fields in the correct format during
corresponding design stages.

Design Consultants are also responsible for reviewing asset and facility data
entered by Contractors upon submission of the as-built model and its
corresponding deliverables.

5.6 Model Archive

Design Consultants and Contractors are required to maintain their own model
archives separate from collaboration site, for the duration of the project.

BIM Specification v3.1    

5.7 Design BIM Deliverables

5.7.1 Design Model Submission and Validation Protocols
Design BIM deliverables shall include, but are not limited to, all native models,
drawings and BIM documentations. Design Consultants shall perform pre-upload
self-check (based on Appendix F – BIM Checklist) to ensure the models are
compliant to all the requirement specified in BIM Standard, such as coordinates,
project base point and LOD of modeled components. 3D virtual reality and 4D
simulation may be required subject to individual project’s SOS.

Document submission shall include:

 Design stage project-specific BIM execution plan addendum (if any)

 Federation map revision (if any)
 Detailed Design BIM at LOD 350 (or partial elements at 300 if approved by
 Simulation files (native files and exported animation) (if any)
 List of submitted files
 Clash analysis report with summaries and findings
 BIM Checklist
 BIM files register with file name, description and revision
 Include TS asset data
Refer to Appendix D – BIM Standard for specific requirements.

5.7.2 Model Element Reference

In addition to the following model element references, Design Consultants shall
cross reference the project’s SOS to ensure all model elements within scope are
present, unless exempt by AAHK. Architectural Model

Architecture models shall include all systems within architecture design SOS,
including but not limited to exterior walls and curtain walls, floors, ceilings, roof
coverings and openings, exterior doors/windows/louvers, interior
doors/windows/louvers, stairs and ramps, elevators and escalators. Interior
features, if within SOS, such as caseworks, counters, fittings and furniture shall
also be modeled. Rooms, areas and relevant schedules shall be present in the

Any duplicate with other system models shall be removed (e.g. structural walls,
HVAC grills, electrical fittings).

Refer to Appendix C for details.

BIM Specification v3.1 Structural Model

Structural models shall include all systems within structural design SOS, including
but not limited to foundations and footings, slabs, floors, columns structural walls,
structural roof systems, and joints. Openings, framings and supports of stairs,
ramps, shafts and pits shall be modeled.

For steel construction, steel material properties such as strength and ductility shall
be parametrically included.

For concrete construction, concrete grade information shall be parametrically


Refer to Appendix C for details. BS Model
Building Services models shall include all systems involved in BS SOS, including
but not limited to MVAC system, power supply and distribution system, lighting
system, earthling and lighting system, cable containment and equipment for airport
system, hydraulic services system, and fire services system, etc. Model elements
shall cover the plant and equipment, manholes, pits, chambers, generator,
switchboard, security card readers, CCTV cameras, BMS I/O panel, etc. The
operation and maintenance space of an equipment shall be included in families for
checking spatial requirements.

Refer to Appendix C for details. Underground Utilities

Design Consultants shall export the underground utilities model to ACSII format
directly from the design software. Information in the ACSII file shall including but
not limited to manhole coordinate, manhole ID, draw pit ID, gully ID, type, top level,
bottom level, invert level, and outlet level.

Design Consultants shall provide alignments for underground utilities. Horizontal

alignments shall contain the center line of the underground utilities, and vertical
alignments shall contain the invert level of the manhole and the pipe.

Refer to Appendix C for details. Civil Features

Design Consultants shall export the civil features model to ACSII format directly
from the design software. Design Consultants shall provide the ACSII format for all
civil features, including but not limited to pillar box, fire hydrant, planter, road
signage, airfield facilities, anchor and road lighting, with parameters intact (e.g.
coordinate, elevation, type). The coordinate shall be set to the centroid of civil

Refer to Appendix C for details.

BIM Specification v3.1 Road Features

Design Consultants shall provide alignments and surfaces for road features,
including but not limited to runways, pavements, corridors, viaducts, and tunnels.
Native models containing design parameters.

Design Consultants shall also include cross sections/assemblies in road models.

Refer to Appendix C for details. Topography Surface

Design Consultants shall provide the digital terrain model (DTM) for the topography
surface, including but not limited to site formation, road features, natural slope,
artificial slope, seabed surface, and geotechnical features.

Design Consultants shall export the DTM to the point data in grid format. Half (0.5)
meter grid shall be used.

Refer to Appendix C for details. Ground Investigation Data

Design Consultants shall provide ground investigation data in verified AGS format
and append to the site model for reference. Geotechnical model

Design Consultants shall provide the geotechnical model for presenting the soil
and rock properties. The 3D borehole elements e.g. borehole stick and strata
needs to be generated from the geotechnical investigation file e.g. AGS.

5.7.3 Final Detailed Design BIM Deliverables

Design Consultants shall deliver the final design models as record documents at
the end of design stage. The final design model should be a design error free model
without any design conflict. The final design model shall be delivered in their native
format and purged of all unused content including but not limited to line types, line
styles, line weights, families, and views. All errors and warnings shall have been
resolved or, if agreed to, listed on the approved model exception list.

Design Consultants shall ensure the final design model is consistent with all the
submitted 2D drawings.

5.7.4 Design Consultant Involvement in Construction Stage

Design Consultants are responsible for reviewing Contractors’ WIP models that
relate to design changes, BIM deliverables and validate Contractor’s final as-built
model. Design Consultants shall also be involved in post-detailed-design and pre-
construction model coordination, during which tender queries may arise.

Design Consultants are also responsible for providing updated design BIM files to
Contractors for any design changes occurred in the construction stage, as well as
conducting clash detection and other QC checks prior to providing the information
to Contractors.

BIM Specification v3.1    

Design Consultants shall ensure final models submitted correspond to any design
changes or resolutions after the submission of the last deliverable, and any
revisions/amendments during this time period are documented and ready to be
transitioned into construction-stage model.

Design Consultants is required to submit the final design stage project-specific BIM
execution plan for Contractor’s reference, specifically BIM Uses, BIM Matrix
(elements modeled), federation map and any project-specific deviations from the
BIM Standard.

BIM Specification v3.1    

6 Construction BIM Specification

Construction BIM shall use Design BIM (specifically final reconciled design model)
as a basis to understand design intent. Construction BIM shall, in nature, contain
greater level of detail compared to Design BIM, for additional purposes such as 4D
model simulation, construction method simulation, and site safety management,
while further preparing for future use for facility management in operation stage.

6.1 Construction BIM Interfacing Management

Contractors are responsible for BIM interfacing within its team with the
subcontractors, as well as interfacing with other Contractor with separate contract
and scope on AAHK’s other projects.

6.1.1 Internal Clash Detection Procedures

Contractors shall run model spatial coordination analysis and clash detection
between disciplines or subcontractors within their respective SOS, and detect and
resolve conflicts. Conflicts that require AAHK decision shall be highlighted and
escalated for discussion and decision.

Based on their SOS, Contractors shall propose clash detection procedure within
their own project in the project-specific BIM Execution Plan. Clashes detection shall
be ran in federated model using clash detection software (e.g. Navisworks), save
clash result in .nwc and .nwf formats, and include the clash result files as part of
WIP uploads or official deliverables.

3104 BIM Consultant will check federated model and clash result files, and assess
clash report completeness according to the Appendix F – BIM checklist, and
assess whether all necessary clash tests are included in federated models. Clash
detection results shall be delivered with each BIM deliverables.

6.1.2 External Interfacing Coordination

Based on 3RS’s overall federation structure and locations of design
projects/contracts, Contractors are required to conduct clash detections and report
findings and proposed solutions.

Typical interval between clash analysis reports shall be in accordance with the SOS
and bi-weekly. Contractors shall propose, in their overall programme / schedule,
clash report frequency and timing, and obtain AAHK’s approval to ensure the
minimum agreed clash analysis are run.

BIM Specification v3.1    

6.2 Construction Change Management

Contractors shall indicate response protocol, timing, and incorporation of
responses into BIM files in their project-specific BIM execution plans.

Contractors are required to update and upload any changes originating from RFIs,
Submittals and Bulletins that have changed their perspective work. Changes shall
be uploaded onto the collaboration site and send out a corresponding notice
indicating the changes and reasoning behind the change within no later than 10
business days from receipt of changes.

6.2.1 BIM Utilization for RFI Process

The RFI template provides input boxes to confirm whether the response to the RFI
has the potential to require modification to BIM files. Modification may require
geometric model revision or information input. Revisions shall be conducted in
parallel with Design Consultants’ model updates; neither party are exempt from
model revisions regardless of whether the party has in its contract scope to update
the model.

The BIM issues item shall be a searchable item of the projects RFI log system.

Contractors are responsible for implementation of modifications to BIM files due to

RFI responses, and shall provide an update of the RFI Log to AAHK on a bi-weekly
basis. So long as change is approved by AAHK, both construction and model
revision shall be continued and executed in parallel.

Refer to Appendix E – BIM Process Map for a diagram illustrating the RFI workflow.

6.2.2 BIM Utilization for the Change Order or Bulletin Process

The process for quantifying and correcting clashes caused by a design change to
a signed off and in-progress area is as follows:

 Contractors draft the revised 3D layout, minimizing the clashes with other
trades as much as possible. Revised layouts shall be drawn in an
identifiable layer, labeled to match the respective bulletin.

 Once the work is drafted, a clash report shall be prepared by the Contractor
with all latest posts.

 Contractors shall label and audit and report the clashes that are local to the
area affected by the change documents, similar to the analysis of detected
vs. reported clashes in design stage clash reports.

 Contractors shall maintain a change order request template, which provides

input boxes to confirm whether the change order has potential to require
modification to BIM files, which may include geometric model revision or
information input.

 BIM issues items shall be a searchable item of the projects Change Order
Request log system.

BIM Specification v3.1    

 Incorporating approved change orders into BIM files (when applicable) shall
be completed in no later than 10 business days after execution of the
change order.

6.3 Construction Method Simulation (CMS)

Contractors are required to perform construction method simulation to demonstrate
their construction method for critical construction activities and the congested
construction location (for example, critical R.C. details, building services layout and
etc.). The purpose of construction method simulation is to verify constructability
before construction and reduce risks.

6.3.1 Level of Detail for Construction Method Simulation

Proposed construction sequences, equipment and material being used,
construction site planning and arrangement are required in the construction
method simulation.

6.3.2 Production of Construction Method Simulation

Contractors shall produce construction method simulation in the form of digital
video or other formats approved by AAHK. The video should be shown to project
manager and relative engineers for approving construction methods at least half
month before construction.

The deliverable shall include animation (.mov, .mp4 or .mpeg, unless otherwise
specified by the project’s SOS), as well as all source files used to generate the
construction method simulation.

6.4 4D Model Simulation (4DMS)

4D model simulation is a construction visualization tool that utilizes time-related
information embedded in BIMs to demonstrate sequence and constructability. The
deliverable shall include animation (.mov, .mp4 or .mpeg, unless otherwise
specified by the project’s SOS), as well as all source files used to generate the
construction method simulation.

Contractors shall develop 4D simulation for visually demonstrating and

communicating proposed project construction programme and phasing. The model
shall include all major building systems and shall, based on and driven by the
approved construction programme, contain sufficient data to show sequential
construction in animation.

The federated model with 4D data shall be submitted with the preliminary and
baseline programme submittals. AAHK mandates a suitable time interval for the
simulation. Continuously update programme information in the model so that
information provided is reflective of the project’s progress. Contractors shall obtain
AAHK approval of suitable time intervals ranging from bi-weekly to monthly, as 4D
simulation needs may evolve with project progression.

BIM Specification v3.1    

Contractor can propose optional use of BIM in 4D simulation (such as public safety
management, operational impact analysis and constructability logistics and
planning) in the Construction BIM Execution Plan, subject to AAHK’s review and

6.4.1 Frequency of 4D Simulation Submission

Contractors shall submit up-to-date 4D simulation model upon AAHK’s request.
The deliverable shall include animation as well as all source files used to generate
the 4D simulation.

6.4.2 Project Programme Data for 4D Simulation

Contractors’ project programme shall be linked into BIMs for 4D simulation. The
project programme should include the following information:

 Provide construction activity sequences, including rough-in, finish, and phasing

schedules for major elements of all models;
 Indication of time condition of each model element (e.g. existing, to-be-
constructed, to-be-demolished, completed);
 Installation/ demolition and arrangement of construction plant and equipment;
 Linkage between model elements and time (e.g. start time, finish time); and
 Simulation of the construction sequencing and zones/construction joints that
corresponds to the construction program’s breakdown structure.
Contractors shall refer to their SOS as agreed with AAHK for project-specific cost
and schedule requirements.

6.4.3 Commissioning Requirements

BIM may be used for commissioning. Commissioning is the process of assuring
that all systems and components of a building or industrial plant are designed,
installed, tested, operated, and maintained according to the operational
requirements of the owner or final client

The commissioning data including but not limited to design intent, performance
criteria and operations data shall be recorded and/or linked to relevant BIMs as
commissioning occurs throughout the project. It shall be the Contractor’s
responsibility to coordinate the information sources and integrate this information
into relevant models for transfer at the completion of the project.

6.5 Linking to Project Management Software for Progress Monitoring

AAHK may employ construction-stage project management or construction
management software/platforms (such as Aconex or Primavera). Contractors shall
ensure the models’ data format are compliant to AAHK-specified software/platform,
and key information can be synchronized and exchanged between the model and
the software/platform.

Contractors shall submit a plan to AAHK for review prior to the start of construction.
The plan shall outline the process for concurrent as-built documentation.

BIM Specification v3.1    

Concurrency is mandated; methods for recording as-built information are left to the
discretion of Contractors subject to AAHK’s approval.

6.6 Construction Stage BIM Model Update

Contractors shall continually maintain an updated model and submit status monthly
to ensure the model reflects the latest design and construction status within one
month. An updated model with coherent primary systems (include, but may not be
limited to: structural framing, primary HVAC, primary fire protection, primary
electrical, ceiling grids layouts) is a payment requirement as stated in the contract.

Potential options for concurrency may include traditional methods of surveying and
model modification, or laser scanning of completed or partially completed primary
systems coordinated with the sequence of construction. Model changes maybe
integrated in RFI and change orders (CO) approval processes. Responsibility of
the modeling updates is determined by AAHK-approved Project-Specific BIM
Execution Plan.

During construction stage, Contractors’ BIM Execution Plan shall describe the
process of developing the record as-built model from continuous updates of the
construction model. All as-built information shall be reconciled and included in the
record model.

6.7 Trade-Specific Construction Software

Based on scope and tender documents, Contractors may propose to use trade-
specific construction software (e.g. Tekla) to increase benefit of using BIM.

In the event Contractors utilize trade-specific software, matching and updated 3D

CAD exports shall be available at all times for spatial coordination and clash
detection with other BIMs.

6.8 Construction-Related Facility Data Requirements

With Design BIM as a basis, which has partial and in-progress TS asset data,
Contractors shall continue to develop and populate TS asset data in BIMs.

Contractors shall follow “TS Asset Register Management Requirements” in

Appendix D – BIM Standard when managing data related to future facility
operations and asset management. Facility data management protocols include
but not limited to entering and checking TS asset data in the correct format during
corresponding construction stages. Contractors shall ensure that the facility data
in BIM is exchangeable between construction BIM and AAHK’s future AAMS.

6.9 Construction BIM Deliverables

BIM Specification v3.1    

6.9.1 Construction Model

The construction model, as it is updated throughout the project duration, shall
represent in electronic format of the physical design and construction of the project,
and usable for the preparation of shop drawings, fabrication drawings, and

Contractors may utilize technologies available on market to verify as-built 3D

conditions. For instance, Contractors may laser scan all the concealed elements,
(e.g. conduits, junction box) before pouring the concrete. The point cloud data shall
then be inserted into BIM models for easier review of actual conduit location.

Contractors shall provide as-built models after republish record documents. A final
record federation model should be saved as the final BIM deliverable. Contractors
should combine all the as-built models in federation model and handover to submit
to Design Consultant for verification prior to handover to AAHK.

Refer to Appendix D – BIM Standard’s TS Asset Registration Requirements

Chapter to ensure as-built models have mandatory information embedded to be
used for future facility management purpose.

6.9.2 Model Element Reference

In addition to the following model element references, Contractors shall cross
reference the project’s SOS and design models to ensure all model elements within
scope are present, unless exempt by AAHK. Architectural Model

Architecture models shall include all systems within architecture construction SOS,
including but not limited to exterior walls and curtain walls, floors, ceilings, roof
coverings and openings, exterior doors/windows/louvers, interior
doors/windows/louvers, stairs and ramps, elevators and escalators. Interior
features, if within SOS, such as caseworks, counters, fittings and furniture shall
also be modeled. Rooms, areas and relevant schedules shall be present in the
model with the final facility management-required numbering, coding or names as
confirmed by AAHK.

Any duplicate with other system models shall be removed (e.g. structural walls,
HVAC grills, electrical fittings). All installation details shall be modeled.

Refer to Appendix C for details.

BIM Specification v3.1 Structural Model

Structural models shall include all systems within structural design SOS, including
but not limited to foundations and footings, slabs, floors, columns structural walls,
structural roof systems, and joints. Openings, framings and supports of stairs,
ramps, shafts and pits shall be modeled.

For steel construction, as-built elements’ steel material properties of such as

strength and ductility shall be parametrically included.

For concrete construction, as-built elements’ concrete grade information shall be

parametrically included.

Refer to Appendix C for details. BS Model
Building Services models shall include all systems involved in BS design SOS,
include but not limited to MVAC system, power supply and distribution system,
lighting system, earthling and lighting system, cable containment and equipment
for airport system, hydraulic services system, and fire services system, etc. Model
elements shall cover the plant and equipment, manholes, pits, chambers,
generator, switchboard, security card readers, CCTV cameras, BMS I/O panel, etc.
The operation and maintenance space of an equipment shall be included families
for checking spatial requirements. All installation and fabrication details (including
but not limited to duct segment, maintenance space, confirmed hanger and support
etc.) shall be modelled.

Refer to Appendix C for details. Underground Utilities

Underground Utilities models shall include all systems, including but not limited to
seawater supply systems, sewerage/foul water systems, grey water collection and
treatment systems, potable water and fire hydrant systems, irrigation systems,
airfield ground lighting systems, gas supply systems, power supply and distribution
systems, storm water drainage and oil separation systems, telecommunication
services systems, underground cable duct/tunnel/pit systems, associated
automated control and monitoring systems, street lighting systems, and etc.

In the Underground Utilities model files, reference alignment and ground surface
are required for each system. Contractors shall provide AAHK required views,
including but not limited to 2D plan views, profile views, schedules and section
views for all systems. These 2D views shall contain required annotations and notes
for all elements and can be used for generating 2D drawing sheets which shall
align with the latest AAHK’s CADD standard.

In the Underground Utilities model files, Contractors shall provide different object
styles and label styles for presenting Underground Utilities model elements as
required by AAHK.

Contractors shall export the underground utilities model to ACSII format.

Information in the ACSII file shall including but not limited to manhole coordinate,

BIM Specification v3.1    

manhole ID, draw pit ID, gully ID, type, top level, bottom level, invert level, and
outlet level.

Refer to Appendix C for details. Civil Features

Contractors shall provide all civil feature models, including but not limited to pillar
box, fire hydrant, planter, road signage, airfield facilities, anchor and road lighting,
with parameters intact (e.g. coordinate, elevation, type). The coordinate shall be
set to the centroid of civil features.

In the Civil feature model files, Contractors shall provide AAHK required views,
including but not limited to 2D plan views, profile views, schedules and section
views. These 2D views shall contain required annotations and notes for all
elements and can be used for generating 2D drawing sheets which shall align with
the latest AAHK’s CADD standard.

Contractors shall export the civil features model to ACSII format.

Refer to Appendix C for details. Road Features

Contractors shall provide alignments and surfaces for road features, including but
not limited to runways, pavements, corridors, viaducts, and tunnels. Native models
containing design parameters.

In the road model files, Contractors shall provide AAHK required views, including
but not limited to 2D plan views, profile views, schedules, and section views. These
2D views shall contain required annotations and notes for all elements and can be
used for generating 2D drawing sheets which shall align with the latest AAHK’s
CADD standard.

Contractors shall also include cross sections/assemblies in road models.

Refer to Appendix C for details. Topography Surface

Contractors shall provide the digital terrain model (DTM) for the topography
surface, including but not limited to site formation, road features, natural slope,
artificial slope, seabed surface, and geotechnical features.

In the topography surface model files, Contractors shall provide AAHK required
views, including but not limited to 2D plan views, section views, schedules and etc.
These 2D views shall contain required annotations and notes for all elements and
can be used for generating 2D drawing sheets which shall align with the latest
AAHK’s CADD standard.

In the topography surface model files, Contractors shall provide AAHK required
surface styles and label styles for presenting surface model. The surface object
shall contain AAHK required description of the surface, including but not limited to

BIM Specification v3.1    

full name of the surface object, source date file name, design option no, design
stage and etc.

Contractors shall export the DTM to the point data in grid format. Half (0.5) meter
grid shall be used.

Refer to Appendix C for details. Ground Investigation Data

Contractors shall provide ground investigation data in verified AGS format and
append to the site model for reference. Geotechnical model

Contractors shall provide the geotechnical model of soil layers, including but not
limited to seabed, fill, marine deposits, alluvium, colluvium, completely and highly
decomposed granite, bed rock and etc. The 3D borehole stick models are also
included. These geotechnical models shall be generated from the verified
geotechnical investigation file e.g. AGS.

In the geotechnical model files, Contractors shall provide AAHK required views,
including but not limited to 2D plan views, profile views, schedules and section
views. These 2D views shall contain required annotations and notes for all
elements and can be used for generating 2D drawing sheets which shall align with
the latest AAHK’s CADD standard.

Refer to Appendix C for details.

6.9.3 Final Construction BIM Deliverables

 Final version of Project-Specific Construction BIM Execution Plan
 Construction stage project-specific BIM execution plan addendum (if any)
 Federation map revision (if any)
 As-built BIM at LOD 400 including built-in TS asset data
 O&M manual
 Simulation files (native files and exported animation) (if any)
 List of submitted files
 Clash analysis report with summaries and findings
 Final error-free clash report
 BIM deliverables checklist

BIM Specification v3.1    

6.9.4 Verified As-built BIM

Verified as-built models are the models that have been verified by the Design
Consultant (if SOS is required) or AAHK’s appointed parties, and served as the
final record matching the physical condition of the project at the moment of project

The as-built models must be proofed that it is aligned with the survey as-built

Verified as-built BIM shall be LOD 500. Contractors shall submit verified as-built
models and accompanying O&M manual per project closeout requirements.



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