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Họ tên: Hoàng Thị Nguyệt

MSV: 1915510124

Cuisines Moreau S.A 

1150 boulevard Calbert 
F-54015 Nancy Cedex 

26 August 2021

Our ref: JFM/PS

Glaston Potteries Ltd. 

Burnley BB10 1RQ 

Dear Sirs/Madam,

I was impressed by your latest designs for oven-to-table ware advertised in the May
edition of International Homes, and would be interested in retailing a selection from your
range in my shops here in Nancy.

It might be useful if I give you some points of the terms I usually trade on. I receive a
trade discount of 20% off ex-works prices from most of my suppliers, and an additional
10% quantity discount if my order costs more than $10 000. Shipment shall be made
within two months upon receipt of order.
I would be grateful if you could send me a catalogue and price list and also let me know
what method of payment you would require.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully

M.J.F. Morreau

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