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Course Objective: By the end of this course participants will be able to successfully:

 Modify an existing application including data, user interfaces, automated business rules
and business processes

 Implement executable business requirements based upon use cases, business rules,
user interfaces and business processes

Target Audience: System architects / developers who want to learn how to develop PRPC
applications using build for change© technology


 Knowledge of your business processes, best practices and policies

 Familiarity with one or more project methodologies

 Optionally, some application development experience

 Business Process Management (BPM)
 Business Rule Engine (BRE)
 Pega Rules Process Commander and architecture
 Pega Rules Process Commander Features
 PEGA Installation Overview and specifications
 Designer Studio Overview
 Organization Structure/Operator ID and Creation
 Access Group
 Rule Types overview
 Participants to do PEGA Installation on their individual systems
 Participants to login designer studio
 Participants to go through various menu’s available on designer studio
 Participants to create Organization structure, create operator id
 Participants to do excises on operator and application mapping relationship
 Participants to create multiple operator id’s and access groups. Operator Id’s will be assigned to
access groups which in turn will provide access to application manually.
Project Implementation Methodology
 Rule set and Class rule
 Application Profiler
 Application Express & Application Accelerator
 Four Layered Class Structure- Enterprise Class Structure
 Create Application ID and Version
 Create Access Group
 Use cases
 Guardrails
 Participants to do excise for creating use case automatically
 Participants to do application Express for creating sample application
 Participants to do Application Profiler & Express
 Participants to create multiple operator id’s and access groups. Operator Id’s will be assigned to
access groups which in turn will provide access to application.
 Participants to create enterprise class structure and rulesets for sample application using
framework and implementations structures
 Participants to do application and Ruleset locking.
System Architecture
 Four Layered Class Structure- Enterprise Class Structure
 Create Rule Set/Rule Set Versions
 Rule set Pre-Requisites
 Adding Ruleset
 Import and Export of Ruleset
 Rule set Types
 Create Class Hierarchy
 PRPC Standard classes
 Work classes & Class Group
 Inheritance and Types
 Add Case Types
 Rule Resolution
 Rule Delegation
 Participants to create enterprise class structure and ruleset using application and framework
 Participants to create Ruleset manually
 Participants to add Ruleset manually to the application
 Participants to do import & export Ruleset.
 Participants to add Case type to application and check rules in class structure.
 Participants to create Case type to application manually
 Participants to create class types and class group rules manually
 Participants to create inheritance manually
 Participants to do excise on Rule delegation.
 Participants to do excise on Rule Resolution.
System Architecture
 DB Architecture, Class groups
 Standard Data classes
 PRPC Internal Database
 PRPC Standard data types
 Inheritance and Types
 Create Datatype
 Participants to create data types (Data tables) for storing data in PRPC Internal Database
 Participants to create rulesets for versions for data tables.
 Participants to create property rules in Data Model.

 Assessment on the current week training

System Architecture
 Create Datatype
 Create Columns
 Add columns
 Property Rules and Property types
 Create Property Rules
 Import Data to Data Types
 Export Data from Datatypes
 Database Class Mapping
 The Clipboard
 Data pages
 ReportDefination
 List view
 Summary View
 Participants to create data types (Data tables) for storing data in PRPC Internal Database
 Participants to create rulesets for versions for data types.
 Participants to create property rules in Data Model.
 Participants to create Columns and add Columns to Datatypes.
 Participants to do export and import data from Datatype.
 Participants to create Data Pages Automatically
 Participants to check Data Pages information using scopes, modes.
 Participants to create Reports Automatically

 Property Rules and Property types

 Create Property Rules
 Property Referencing and Reference Data
 Linked Properties
 Property validations
 Edit input Rule
 Edit Validate Rule
 Length Validations
 Data pages
 ReportDefination
 List view
 Summary View
 Participants to create property rules using property type and UI controls
 Participants to create property using table list
 Participants to do practice for property validations
 Participants to do excise for referencing properties and data from one class to another class
 Participants to create Data pages using scopes, modes manually.
 Participants to create Data Pages Automatically
 Participants to run and check Data Pages information using scopes, modes.
 Participants to create Reports Automatically
 Participants to run Data Pages and Check data in Clipboard using scopes and modes
 Participants to map and run Reports in Different portals like Developer, Manager, user portals.
 Participates to schedule Reports and send it to mails.
Data Structure
 Data Transforms Rules
 Create Data Transform Rules with Different Actions
 Embedded properties
 Data pages
 Create Data Pages
 Table lists
 Reports
 Create Reports
 ReportDefination
 List view
Summary View
 Participants to create data transform rules using all actions
 Participants to create property using table list
 Participants to create Data pages using scopes, modes manually.
 Participants to create Reports manually.
 Participants to run Data Pages and Check data in Clipboard using scopes and modes
 Participants to map and run Reports in Different portals like Developer, Manager, user portals.
 Participates to schedule Reports and send it to mails.
User Interfaces
 Front end graphical UI
 Harness/Sections
 Layouts Types
 UI Controls
 Skin Rules
 Portal Rules
 Dynamic lists
 Navigation Rules
 Validation types & Rules

User Interfaces
 Participants to create Harness Rules using different layouts& Section
 Participants to create Section rules using different layouts and map properties to different
 Participants to create Skin Rules using different CSS.
 Participants to create Portals and link to access group
Process – Flows
 Process flow and types
 Flow rules/shapes
 Starting flows
 Screen flows
 Sub flows
 Flow shapes
 Draft flows
 Correspondence
 Flow Actions and types
Case Management
 Stages and steps
 Processes and User actions, Utilities
 Parent case and Sub cases
Process – PRPC Workflow Concept in Vision
 Participants to create standard, Sub, Screen process flow using different types of shapes
 Participants to create parent Case type and child case type in Case Management.

 Assessment on the current week training

Decision – Computations and Comparisons

 Decision Rules and types
 When Rule
 Decision Table
 Decision Tree
 Decision Map
 Participants to create When Rule using all actions.
 Participants to create Decision Tree Rule using all actions.
 Participants to create Decision Table using all actions.
 Participants to create Decision Map rule.
Declarative Rules
 Declarative rule types
 Declare Expressions
 Constraints Rule
 Declare Trigger Rule
 Declare On Change Rule
 Expression calculation
 Participants to create Declare Expressions using all actions.
 Participants to create Constraints Rule.
 Participants to create Declare Trigger Rule
 Participants to create Declare On Change Rule.
 Participants to create Expression calculation.
Technical – PRPC Automate processing
 Activities
 Pega Standard Methods
 Obj methods
 Connect methods
 Pages Methods
 Property Methods
 Rdb Methods
Technical – PRPC Automate processing
 Participants to create activity rules using different pega functions.
 Participants to create activity rules using page methods
 Participants to create activity rules using Property methods
 Participants to create activity rules using Obj methods
 Participants to create activity rules using Connect methods
 Participants to create activity rules using Rdb methods.
 Connectors
 Services
 File Listeners
 Participants to create Soap connector, receive, process a XML Request and send a XML
response back.
 Participants to create REST integration
 Participants to create External DB connector rules
 Participants to create JAVA connector rules
 Participants to create JAVA connector rules
 Email listeners
 JMS listeners
 Agent processing
 System Management Application
 Roles And Privileges
 Access Manager
Debugging Tools –
Rules Inspector
Pega upgrade
 Participants to create Agent processing
 Participants to create Listeners also.
 Participants to create Node in SMA.
 Participants to do deployment
 Participants to do all Debugging tools
 Assessment on the current week training

Financial Services Frameworks

 Pega Customer Service Foundation
 Product Overview
 Business scenario
 CSR Manager Tasks
 Guiding a customer service representative using dialogs
 Guiding a customer service representative using coaching tips
 Monitoring an application with reports
 Service Cases
 Service cases overview
 Configuring a service case
 Channels
 Configuring Pega Chat
 Configuring Pega Co-Browse
 Additional channels
 Configuring Self-Service Advisor
 Pega Knowledge
 Creating help content
 Building sites
 Financial Services Industry Foundation
 Scope
 Business Value
 Use Cases
 Top Features
 Architecture
 Classes
 Extension
 Integration
 Settings
 Next Steps
 Customer Service for Financial Services
 Application Overview
 Business Value
 Use Cases
 Top Features
 Implementation Details
 Architecture
 Classes
 Extension
 Integration
 Settings
 Next Steps
 Pega Customer Service for Financial Services introduction
 Introduction to Customer Service for Financial Services application architecture
 Operator roles for Pega Customer Service for Financial Services
 Customer Service for Financial Services
 Pega Customer Service for Financial Services architecture

 Introduction to Customer Service for Financial Services application architecture

 Front Office and Back Office Portals
 Web self-service and mobile self-service applications
 Pega Customer Service for Financial Services architecture
 Describe the components of the application

 Introduction to service cases

 Service cases
 Next best action and Pega Marketing for Financial Services
 Collections with Pega Marketing for Financial Services
 Financial Services Industry Framework (FSIF) overview

 Introduction to Financial Services Industry Framework (FSIF)

 Benefits of the Financial Services Industry Framework (FSIF)
 Financial Services Industry Foundation data types and relationships
 FSIF application data management
 Pega Service Case Manager for Financial Services overview

 Introduction to SCMFS
 Service Case Manager for Financial Services
 Leveraging Service Case Manager for Financial Services
 Creating a new Service case type
 Best practice for extending Service Case Manager service cases
 Customer Service for Financial Services
 Review customer requirements

 Introduction to requirement identification

 Performing the Pega Customer Service for Financial Services gap analysis
 System of Record Integration
 Configuring the Composite

 Configuring the composite

 Configuring a Composite Tab
 Configuring the Interaction Driver

 Configuring the Interaction Driver

 Configuring the Interaction Driver
 Expose services with Intent Tasks

 Understanding Categories and Intent Tasks

 Creating Categories and Intent Tasks
 Service Case Manager for Financial Services
 Integrating Multiple Pega 7 Application Assets
 Creating an application
 Approach 1: Using ruleset referencing
 Approach 2: Using built-on applications
 Including case and data assets
 Case configuration
 Case creation
 Creating a case from the Create menu
 Creating a case using an event
 Data propagation
 Combining Lists from Separate Work Tables (Reporting)
 Assignments
 Work objects
 Approach 1: Creating a database view
 Approach 2: Creating combined data pages

 Launching a Service Case from an Integrated Application

 Pega Marketing for Financial Services

 Introduction

 Business Value
 Use Cases
 Top Features
 Architecture
 Strategies and Classes
 Extension
 Integration
 Settings
 Next Steps
 Demo: NBAA
 Demo: That New Car Smell
 Demo: Microsites
 Application overview
 Implementation delivery methodology
 Initiation stage
 Delivery stage
 Prerequisites
 PMFS implementation stack

 Pega Marketing for Financial Services

 Initiation stage
 Configuring the implementation layer rulesets
 Configuring the Artifacts ruleset
 Configuring the Rules ruleset
 Configuring the Integration ruleset
 Creating a custom implementation layer application
 Updating access groups to reference your application
 Updating the marketing agents access group
 Creating operators to reference your application
 Defining requirements
 Mapping the application data
 Defining integration
 Defining email accounts
 Defining the security model and organization structure
 Defining reporting requirements

 Building features
 Configuring the Decisioning hierarchy
 Optional: Configuring the top-level Strategy Result class
 Configuring the directed inheritance class pattern
 Defining the business issues and groups
 Adding business issues and groups
 Configuring the customer class
 Configuring the prospect class

 Testing a new application

 Testing your application in the Build environment
 Testing in the Test or Production environments
 Testing in the UAT environment

 Packaging a new application

 Merging application changes
 Packaging an application for migration
 Importing the packaged application

 PEGA Collections Frameworks

 Introduction to Collections

 Introduction

 Application Overview

 Business Value
 Use Cases
 Top Features

 Implementation Details

 Architecture
 Classes
 Extension
 Integration
 Settings
 Next Steps
 Demo: Payment Plan
 Assessment on the PEGA training

Hands on Experience- Case studies and CSA & CSSA Certification discussion.

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