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Are EM waves with the longest wavelength but with low frequency?

Are produced by making electrons vibrate in an antenna. They are used to

transmit sound and picture information over long distances?

Characteristics of radio waves?

Disadvantages of radio frequencies?

Have smaller wavelength than radio waves?

Are applied in so many ways from texting to cooking, and to communications to

the rest of the world?

Applications of Microwaves?

Can penetrate the atmosphere of the earth. This is the reason why they are used
for satellite communications?

Are transmitted by an antenna to a satellite which amplifies and re-transmit the

signal to an antenna to other parts of the world?

Consists of an antenna, transmitter and a receiver?

Used to transmit television news coverage from mobile broadcast vehicles back to
the station?

Is a radio transmitter and receiver that uses microwaves?

Foods absorb certain microwave frequencies very strongly?

How does microwave oven cook food inside it?

Famous astronomer in the 1800 who discovered a form of radiation other than
the visible light?

Useful applications of infrared radiation?

Infrared is also used in the following devices?

It lies just beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum?

Uses of Ultraviolet rays?

Were discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895?

Lie at the other end of the electromagnetic spectrum. They are shortest in
wavelength and highest in frequency?

Are emitted by stars and some radioactive substances?

Beneficial Effects of Gamma radiation?

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