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Republic of the Philippines

Batangas State University

Pablo Borbon Main Campus II, Alangilan, Batangas City


GEd 107 - ETHICS
(Family Name Given Name M.I.)__________ (Example: 1M GEd107 AETC2201) _________
PROF.: NENITA LUNETA - GALLEGO, ED.D., PIE Date ______ Score _________

Instruction: In a two to three (2-3) pages discussion) of the topic required for you to make a write up, have an honest account
of how you worked the moral dilemmas you had during the particular instances when they took place in your life as young
adult. It is highly required to follow the instruction provided here. Best wishes. God bless us with safety and wellness always.

The write up can be written in English, bilingual (English and Filipino) or pure Filipino language.

It will be one (1) hour examination and will be submitted in the group page immediately after taking the examination.
Work independently from one another. Copying or cheating in any form will not be allowed and will result to failing grade. Best
wishes and God bless us all.🌹

Journal Writing Activity 2.: Intimacy with GOD (30 pts)

In one’s personal narration, describe the most unforgettable instance in your growing up years when you encounter
the following instances:

“1. How you were taught when you in toddler years (3 – 6 years old);

2. Day-to-day relationship with God in relation to your daily life’s happening; and

3. Felt the strong need for God’s presence/intervention.”

Lastly, discuss the incident when you may have questioned His answers to our prayers and how you resolved the

It is hoped that you will come to a realization that this activity will bring learning lessons on how to handle one’s
personal relationship with God in your young adult life. Feel free to express oneself and thereafter, one may try to choose to
become a better relationship as a God-fearing individual now or soon.

This page will serve as the cover page of the examination and not as part of the two to three (2-3) page examination.
You are encouraged to use short paragraphing three to four (3-4) sentences per paragraph for easy reading and checking.

Word Meaning:

Intimacy (matalik na pagkakaibigan) – something of being intimate; something of a personal or private nature.
Intimate (pandaraya) – marked by a warm friendship developing through long association.

Prepared by:


Subject Professor BSU-CIT

Hernandez, Vincent Jaed C.

CVET 2201


Intimacy with God

“We were never created to settle for mere religion. Jesus did not die so that we could

have a religious belief system – but rather a life-giving relationship with our Father.” ~ Christine


When I was toddler older people always told us to pray. If we are happy, sad, confused,

and any other emotions we should pray. We always taught that way. That is why I always

believe that god is our savior he is our Father.

Because we always taught that way, I everyday I pray. Every Sunday my family bound

and go to church every week. Finally, this hobby commands me to continually allow God’s Holy

Spirit to fill me moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day. No breaks and no allowance for

the Sin Nature to reign.

When my Parents almost separate ways I ask God to make them remember us, their

children. I beg God to make my parents heart win over their hatred to each other.

There are so many ways to be brave in this world. Sometimes bravery involves laying

down your life for something bigger than yourself, or for someone else. Sometimes it involves

giving up everything you have ever known, or everyone you have ever loved, for the sake of

something greater. But sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it is nothing more than gritting your

teeth through pain, and the work of every day, the slow walk toward a better life. That is the sort

of bravery I must have now.

When I was a young adult I had the most unforgettable experience in my life. When I

saw my parents shouting at each others and saying hurtful words to each other. It was almost

hell, to my feelings. Feeling that I wanna disappear in that place, because I want to make them
stop arguing but I can’t because I’m scared. I’m just a kid and I don’t know how to handle that

situation. My Mother caught my Father cheating. I hated my Father for doing that. I hated him to

the point that every time I see him, my blood boiled and want to punch him. I hate that even

though he did something wrong I can’t stop caring for him. I can’t stop loving him.

My Mother are very angry and upset, to the point she want to leave our Father behind.

She ask me and my two younger sister to pack their clothes. When she ask us that, I realize

that I don’t want to live in a broken Family. My sisters are too young to experience that. I don’t

want them to suffer living without a Father so as a big brother I must do something.

It was late night and my home is still in chaos. It was a draining experience. Imagine I

was that young and dumb but I need to go through that situation. When my Mother tell us that

we were leaving our Father behind, I tell her that I don’t want to leave my Father behind, I told

her that I will stay even though I’m not sure what will happen exactly.

To be honest I don’t want to stay with my Father, but my head say I must do it. Because

I think if I go with my Mother and leave my Father behind, our family will surely go separately.

And I don’t want it to happen. So for the sake of our family I endured my madness to my Father.

I extended the patience more. I know my Mother is hurt. I know she’s hurting. I feel sorry for my

Mother but we need a complete family.

When I was alone with my Father I ask him, why. I ask him if he’s not contented with my

Mother and his child. He said sorry, and tell me that he doesn’t want my Mother to leave him.

He tell me that he really love my Mother but he is a man and can’t refuse sins. I don’t

understand his reason cause I was young, I only know if you love someone you need to stay

loyal and cheating is not a choice. Even though I don’t understand I badly want to help him win

my Mother and Sisters heart again.

That day I really know that me and my sisters can be connection to make my parents

back again.
When my mother smooth down I told her that I don’t want a broken Family. I cried telling

her that. Because I know my Mother is ready. My Mother is ready to leave my Father behind.

I’m not sure if she will keep hurting if we stay with my Father, all I know is we need my Father.

We need him.

And today I’m very grateful to my decision. We did it, 10 years had pass and we’re still

holding on. Look us happy and complete. I never doubted my God and he never fail me. I learn

and understand the work of God in our lives for us to be intimate with Him, yet it doesn’t require

full force of effort from us.

The beginning of our relationship with God is from the moment we accept and believe

Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. As it gets personal, it grows daily until it becomes deeper

and intimate. It is a familiar and very close affective connection with another as a result of a

bond that is formed through knowledge and experience.

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