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A report for mini project submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirement
for the



Aakanksha Singh- 1901227008

Abhijeet Nayak- 1901227009
Abhishek Lenka- 1901227011
Animesh Sinha- 1901227012
Anurag Kumar Singh- 1901227013
Ashok Kumar Singh- 1901227014
Ayush Kumar- 1901227015
Baibhav Raj- 1901227016
Bhakta Baschal Patra- 1901227017
Debasis Kalsa- 1901227018

Under the supervision of

Mr. Sanjeet Sahoo



July 2021

We do hereby declare that the project work entitled "PLANNING AND

Department of Civil, C.V. Raman Global University (CGU), Odisha,
Bhubaneswar, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
the degree of Bachelor Of Technology In Civil Engineering is a record
of original dissertation work done by us, under the guidance of Mr.
SANJEET SAHOO, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil
Engineering, C.V. Raman Global University (CGU), Odisha,
Bhubaneswar. We further declare that this work has not been submitted
elsewhere for the award of any other degree.

Date :
Student’s Name:
Place :

Aakanksha Singh- 1901227008

Abhijeet Nayak- 1901227009
Abhishek Lenka- 1901227011
Animesh Sinha- 1901227012
Anurag Kumar Singh- 1901227013
Ashok Kumar Singh- 1901227014
Ayush Kumar- 1901227015
Baibhav Raj- 1901227016
Bhakta Baschal Patra- 1901227017
Debasis Kalsa- 1901227018
Department of Civil Engineering
C. V. Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar


Registration No. Date:




We the below signed, after checking the dissertation mentioned above and the
official record book (s) of the student, hereby state our approval of the dissertation
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Civil Engineering at C V Raman Global University. We are satisfied
with the volume, quality, correctness, and originality of the work.

Name of the Guide

Department of Civil Engineering
The Research Excellences and an effective report design always needs
the assistance from various sides. It was not possible on our part to give a
complete and perfect touch without any assistance. Therefore, we would
like to express our indebtedness to the following people for their
unfailing assistance, enthusiasm and ingenuity.

Firstly, we would like to express our heartiest gratitude to Asst. Prof. Mr.
SANJEET SAHOO of the Department of Civil Engineering for her
constant support and guidance.

Last but not the least we would like to extend our gratitude towards all
the staff of C.V. Raman Global University (CGU), Odisha,
Bhubaneswar for their timely cooperation, initiative, administration,
assistance and suggestion and much needed encouragement.

DATE Yours Sincerely,


Aakanksha Singh-1901227008
Abhijeet Nayak- 1901227009
Abhishek Lenka- 1901227011
Animesh Sinha- 1901227012
Anurag Kumar Singh- 1901227013
Ashok Kumar Singh- 1901227014
Ayush Kumar- 1901227015
Baibhav Raj- 1901227016
Bhakta Baschal Patra- 1901227017
Debasis Kalsa- 1901227018

1. Introduction to the Project

1.1 Abstract
2. Introduction To AutoCAD
3. 2 BHK Plan
4. Components
4.1 Foundation
4.2 Plinth
4.3 Walls
4.4 Columns
4.5 Floors
4.6 Doors, Windows and Ventilators
4.7 Stairs
4.8 Roof
5. Uses of Brick and Mortar
6. Uses of RCC in building construction
7. Cement Mortar
8. Cement Plaster
9. Flooring
10. Elevation
10.1 Section
10.2 Plan
11. Quantity estimation of Superstructure
12. Number of Bricks
12.1 Flooring ( base course)
12.1.1 Flooring (for layering tiles)
12.2 Plastering
12.3 RCC
13. Conclusion
14. Future Scope
15. References

The project is based on building construction and in this

project we are going to determine the estimate of different
quantity of materials used in the construction of a 2BHK
The main objective of this project is to determine the
approximate quantity of materials used before construction
of structure (Quantity of superstructure).
We use the knowledge of building construction as an
application in this project.

Earlier when before people had the logic of planning before

doing something, it was very difficult to construct anything
perfectly and inside the range of expenditure. It was then
that people started planning things before actually
constructing it. A plan is a the basic idea or a blue print of
what the original may look like. The estimation of the
costing of a project is the hardest part though. however, it is
very intelligent on the part of the invester to plan and
estimate everything before hand so as to be sure of what he
is constructing and how much money he is spending.
Nowadays, every construction begins with a plan. It may be
2 dimensional or 3 dimensional.The cost of the whole
project is determined after taking every thing into
consideration, from every bag of cement to everyday wages
of labourers. If after estimation, the estimated cost is found
to be more than the what the invester desires to spend, then
the project can be cut short, but if it is decided in between
then it would lead several more losses. Here we have
presented the 2D planning and estimation of a 2BHK

AutoCAD is a computer-aided drafting (CAD) software application developed

by Autodesk that enables drafters, architects, engineers, and other
professionals to create two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D)
models of mesh and solid surfaces. Prior to computer-aided drafting, manual
hand drafting tools such as drafting boards and pencils, inking pens, parallel
rules, compasses, and triangles only offered a subset of what can now be done
with programs such as AutoCAD.

The design aggregation and documentation

tools built into AutoCAD not only maximize
productivity but also help to streamline your
design and documentation workflows, speeding projects from design to
completion while automating the tedious drafting tasks that would normally be
done by hand.

Advantages of AutoCAD
• Draw to Scale. One of the main benefits of AutoCAD is that it allows you to
draw to scale.
• Easy Layout and Viewing.
• Draw Accurately.
• Make Changes Easily and Reduce Risk of Error.
• Identify Design Problems.
• Calculate Material Quantities for Production.
• Store and Transfer Data Safely.
• Save Time and Money.
4.1 Foundation

What is Foundation in Construction?

Foundation is the lowest part of the building or the civil structure that is
in direct contact with the soil which transfers loads from the structure to
the soil safely. Generally, the foundation can be classified into two,
namely shallow foundation and deep foundation. A shallow foundation
transfers the load to a stratum present in a shallow depth. The deep
foundation transfers the load to a deeper depth below the ground surface.
A tall building like a skyscraper or a building constructed on very weak
soil requires deep foundation.

The foundation for each structure is designed such that:

• The underlying soil below the foundation structure does not undergo
shear failure
• The settlement caused during the first service load or have to be within
the limit
• Allowable bearing pressure can be defined as the pressure the soil can
withstand without failure.

Foundations provide the structure's stability from the ground:
➢ To distribute the weight of the structure over a large area in order to
avoid overloading the underlying soil.
➢ To anchor the structure against natural forces including earthquakes,
floods, frost heaves, tornadoes and wind.
➢ To provide a level surface for construction.
➢ To anchor the structure deeply into the ground, increasing its stability
and preventing overloading.
➢ To prevent lateral movements of the supported structure.

Functions of Foundation in Construction

Based on the purposes of foundation in construction, the main functions
of the foundation can be enlisted as below
1. Provide overall lateral stability for the structure
2. Foundation serve the function of providing a level surface for the
construction of substructure
3. Load Distribution is carried out evenly
4. The load intensity is reduced to be within the safe bearing capacity of
the soil
5. The soil movement effect is resisted and prevented

Requirements of a good foundation

The design and the construction of a well-performing foundation must

possess some basic requirements:
 The design and the construction of the foundation is done such that it
can sustain as well as transmit the dead and the imposed loads to the soil.
This transfer has to be carried out without resulting in any form of
settlement that can result in any form of stability issues for the structure.
 Differential settlements can be avoided by having a rigid base for the
foundation. These issues are more pronounced in areas where the
superimposed loads are not uniform in nature.
 Based on the soil and area it is recommended to have a deeper
foundation so that it can guard any form of damage or distress. These are
mainly caused due to the problem of shrinkage and swelling because of
temperature changes.
 The location of the foundation chosen must be an area that is not
affected or influenced by future works or factors.

Modern foundation types

Shallow foundations
Shallow foundations, often called footings, are usually embedded about a
metre or so into soil. One common type is the spread footing which
consists of strips or pads of concrete (or other materials) which extend
below the frost line and transfer the weight from walls and columns to the
soil or bedrock.
Deep foundation
A deep foundation is used to transfer the load of a structure down through
the upper weak layer of topsoil to the stronger layer of subsoil below.
There are different types of deep footings including impact driven piles,
drilled shafts, helical piles, geo-piers and earth-stabilized columns. The
naming conventions for different types of footings vary
between different engineers.
Monopile foundation
A Monopile foundation is a type of deep foundation which uses a single,
generally large- diameter, structural element embedded into the earth to
support all the loads (weight, wind, etc.) of a large above-surface
structure. Many monopile foundations have been utilized in recent years
for economically constructing fixed-bottom offshore wind farms in
shallow-water subsea location.

A plinth is a base or platform that supports a column or structure.
Basically the plinth distributes weight and pressure down evenly across a
column across a wider space.

Height Of Plinth

The height of plinth is between 300-450mm from the ground level. It is

recommended that a minimum baseboard height of 150mm be adopted
from a natural level.

Purpose Of Building Plinth

The plinth beam is a reinforced concrete beam built betwwen the walls
and its foundation. The plinth beam is provided to prevent the extension
or cracking of the foundation cracks in the walls above when the
foundation suffers from laying.
Plinth beams evenly distribute the load from the wall over the foundation.

Applications Of Plinth Beam

It is mandatory to provide to provide a purpose radius in areas prone tp

The construction of the plinth board beam above the natural soil is
another application of this type of beam.

Suitable Strength Of Concrete For Making Of Plinth

The concrete strength of the plinth board beam must not be less than
20MPa. If the concrete is mixed manually, it will be necessary to add an
additional 20% of cement to the mixture.

Bars Used For Plinth Beam

It is recommended to provide two bars with a minimum diameter of

12mm at the bottom of beam. Two bars with a minimum diameter of
10mm must be provided at the top pf the plinth.

Plinth Protection

Plinth protection reduces direct water from entering into the soil close to
the plinth wall. The area surrounding the building is known as plinth
Main idea behind this is to prevent water retention along the edge of the
building, thus ensuring a long service life.

Purpose Of Plinth Protection

The protection of the plinth is necessary to prevent the infilteration of

water in the soil that reaches the plinth wall and reaches the floor level by
capillary action.
The plinth board protection reduces the direct entry of water into the
ground near the plinth beam wall.


Wall is a structure defining an exact area and providing safety & shelter.
There are various types of walls used in the construction of buildings
given below.
 Load Bearing Walls
o Precast Concrete Wall
o Retaining Wall
o Masonry Wall
o Pre Panelized Load Bearing Metal Stud Walls
o Engineering Brick Wall
o Stone Wall 
 Non-Load Bearing Wall
o Hollow Concrete Block
o Facade Bricks
o Hollow Bricks
o Brick Walls
 Cavity Walls
 Shear Walls
 Partition Walls
 Panel Walls
 Veneered Walls
 Faced Walls

Brief descriptions of different types of walls are given below.

Load Bearing Walls

Load bearing wall is a structural element. It carries the weight of a house
from the roof and upper floors, all the way to the foundation. It supports
structural members like beams (sturdy pieces of wood or metal), slab and
walls on above floors above. A wall directly above the beam is called
load bearing wall. It is designed to carry the vertical load. In another way,
if a wall doesn’t have any walls, posts or other supports directly above it,
it is more likely to be a load-bearing wall. Load bearing walls also carry
their own weight.Load bearing walls can be used as interior or exterior

Types of Load Bearing Walls:

 Precast Concrete Wall

 Retaining Wall
 Masonry Wall
 Pre Panelized Load Bearing Metal Stud Walls
 Engineering Brick Wall
 Stone Wall 

Non-Load Bearing Walls

A wall which doesn’t help the structure to stand up and holds up only
itself is known as a non-load bearing wall. This wall is also referred to as
“curtain wall”.
A wall which doesn’t help the structure to stand up and holds up only
itself is known as a non-load bearing wall. It doesn’t support floor roof
loads above. It is a framed structure. Most of thOne can remove any non-
load bearing walls without endangering the safety of the building. Non-
load bearing walls can be identified by the joists and rafters. They are not
responsible for gravitational support for the property. It is cost effective.
This wall is referred to as “curtain wall”.
Types of Non-Load Bearing Wall:

• Hollow Concrete Block

• Facade Bricks
• Hollow Bricks
• Brick Walls

Cavity Walls
The cavity wall consists of two separate wythes. The wythes are made of
masonry. Those two walls are known as internal leaf and external leaf.
This wall is also known as a hollow wall. They reduce their weights on
the foundation. They act as good as sound insulation.

Shear Walls
It is a framed wall. It is designed to resist lateral forces. This lateral force
comes from exterior walls, floor, and roofs to ground foundation. The
usage of the shear wall is important, especially in large and high-rise
buildings. It has an excellent structural system to resist earthquakes. It
provides stiffness in the direction.
Partition Walls
It is used in separating spaces from buildings. It can be solid, constructed
from brick or stone. It is a framed construction. The partition wall is
secured to the floor, ceiling, and walls. It is enough strong to carry its
own load. It resists impact.

Panel Walls
It is a non-bearing wall between columns or pillars that are supported.
The panel is installed with both nails and adhesive. The paneling design
choices include rustic, boards, frame.

Veneered Walls
With a veneered wall, we are holding up the material. It can be made of
brick or stone. The most famous veneered wall is made of brick. It is
light weighted. The construction takes less time to complete in veneered

Faced Walls
It is a wall that masonry facing and backing are so bonded as to exert
common action under load. It creates a streamlined look. The faced wall
is easy to install.

A column is a vertical structural member intended to transfer a
compressive load. Columns are typically constructed from materials such
as stone, brick, block, concrete, timber, steel, and so on, which have good
compressive strength.

Classical stone columns

In classical architecture, columns are often highly decorated, with
standard designs including Ionic, Doric and Corinthian, and so on.

Steel columns
Steel columns have good compressive strength, but have a tendency to
buckle or bend under extreme loading. This can be due to their:
 Length.
 Cross-sectional area.
 Method of fixing.
 Shape of the section.

Slenderness ratio
The slenderness ratio is the effective length of a column in relation to the
least radius of gyration of its cross-section. If this ratio is not sufficient
then buckling can occur.
Column slenderness can be classified as:

 Long or slender:
The length of the column is greater than the critical buckling length.
The behaviour of long columns is dominated by the modulus of
elasticity, which measures a column’s resistance to being deformed
elastically (i.e. non-permanently) when a force is applied.
 Short:
The length of the column is less than the critical buckling length.
Mechanical failure would typically occur due to shearing.
 Intermediate:
In between the long and short columns, and its behaviour is
dominated by the strength limit of the material.
Classification will depend on the column’s geometry and its material

Columns can be classified according to their cross sectional shape.
Common column shapes include:
 Rectangular.
 Square.
 Circular.
 Hexagonal
 Octagonal.

In profile, they can be tapered, non-tapered, or ‘barrel’ shaped, their

surface can be plain, fluted, twisted, panelled, and so on Columns may be
of a simple uniform design, or they may consist of a central ‘shaft’ sitting
on a column base, and topped by a ‘capital’. See Elements of classical
columns for more information.

Reinforced concrete columns

Reinforced concrete columns have an embedded steel mesh (known as
rebar) to provide reinforcement.
Tied columns have closed lateral ties spaced approximately uniformly
across the column. The spacing of the ties is limited in that they must be
close enough to prevent failure between them, and far enough apart that
they do not interfere with the setting of the concrete.


• Permanent covering of a rammed earth
• Floor covering is a term to generically describe any finish material
applied over a floor structure to provide a walking surface

Types of Flooring
1.Mud Flooring
2.Brick Flooring
3.Stone flooring
4.Concrete Flooring
5.Granolithic Flooring
6.Terrazzo Flooring
7.Mosaic Flooring
8.Marble Flooring
9.Wood or timber Flooring
10.Asphalt Flooring

• Easiest form of material available
• economical, mud is readily available and the flooring is easy to
construct and maintain
• village housing

• Bricks successfully used for foundations, walls, roof, floors etc.
• Brick flooring is advantageous in areas where bricks are available
• Easy to construct with the help of local mason and also economical.

• Stones suited for flooring
• strong
• resist abrasion and impact
• pleasing appearance.
• Granite
• Marble
• Other locally available stones


• Durable, easy to construct and maintain besides being economical
as compared to tile, marble and other such type of floorings.
• Non-monolithic or bonded floor finish concrete floor: the topping is
laid after the base has set.
• Monolithic floor finish concrete floor: base layer is laid and then
immediately a concrete topping is provided.

Pros and Cons
• Durability
• Economical
• Easy to maintain
• Versatile
• Long Lasting
• Hardness
• Cold
• Moisture
• Environment Friendly

• The floors having its topping consisting of mosaic tiles or small
regular cubes, square or hexagons, embedded into a cementing
• Mosaic is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small
pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials. It is a technique of
decorative art or interior decoration.
• Mortar is spread over the concrete base and levelled. Thickness of
the mortar will be 5 to 8 cm.

• Tiles are available in different patterns, designs and utility options.
• Ceramic tile
• These are made from fired clay and finished with a glaze. They are
hard-wearing, waterproof and fireproof.
• Vitrified tile: Vitrified tiles are made of a mixture of clay with
elements like silica, quart and feldspar.
• Tiles from different types of stones like marble, granite etc.


Doors- A Door may be defined as an openable barrier secured in a wall

opening, A door is an accessible barrier which is provided in a wall
opening to give an access to the inside of a room of a building. The
internal portions of a building are connected by doors.

Windows- It is a vented barrier secured in a wall opening, Function of

window is to admit light and air to the building and to give a view to
outside. It must provide insulation against heat loss and in some case
again sound. It also required to give a measure resistance to fire.
Ventilator  It is a small window secured in an opening wall provided
at greater height i.e. near to roof of room or at lintel level or at top of
door or window for purpose of providing ventilation in room. It generally
provided in w.c, bath & storeroom.

•No of doors in room should be kept minimum, cause it consume large

number of doors & obstruct for in more area. Doors should be in corner
of room nearly about 20 cm, not in centre of wall length. If two rooms are
there it should be opposite in wall facing each other so it provide good
ventilation and more air circulation in room. Size and number of window
should be decided on the basis of some important factors, such as
distribution of light, control of ventilation & privacy of the occupants. 
Location of window also give functional interior decoration of furniture
• Windows should be located in opposite wall, facing a door or another
window, so cross ventilation is achieved. From the point of view of fresh
air, the window should be located on the northern side of a room &
should be located in the prevalent direction of wind. The sill level of
window should be located min. About 70 to 80 cm floor level of the
• 1. Frame 2. Shutter 3. Head 4. Sill 5. Style 6. Top rail 7. Lock rail 8.
Bottom rail 9. Panel 10. Jamb


Designing of stairs requires through knowledge about design aspects and site
study. The factors that influence the design of stairs are height of the floor,
width of the stairs, risers depth, thread width, thickness of the stairs, angle of
the stairs, load applied on the stairs and many other aspects which requires a
qualified engineer to design the perfect stairs.
Construction of concrete stairs includes steps such as designing, preparing
foundation, building formwork, placement of reinforcement steel bars,
concreting, finishing and curing. Construction of concrete stairs is a difficult
task that requires an engineer to study all the aspects and design it and a
skilled labour to construct it.

4.8 ROOF

A roof is the top covering of a building, including all materials and

constructions necessary to support it on the walls of the building or on
uprights, providing protection against rain, snow, sunlight, extremes of
Temperature, and wind. A roof is part of the building envelope.

Gable roof:
The term ‘gable’ refers to the triangle spot that is formed when the two
pitched areas of the roof meet. The gable roof is a very popular type of
roof: easy to build, sheds water well, facilitates ventilation and can be
applied to most house designs.

Hip roof is slightly more difficult to build and usually has 4 sides. It’s a
popular choice but does not provide for ventilation. They do perform
better in high wind areas.

Dutch roof is basically a hip roof with a small gable at either end. The
result is easier access to the lower portion of the roof with the added
benefits of natural light and extra space.

Mansard roof
It is a French design and is more difficult to build than the hip or gable
roof. It actually features two slopes within one on each side. The bottom
part of the roof slope is steeper so that the pitch of the roof barely starts.

Flat roof
Most flat roofs are not really 100% flat, they are low-sloped roofs that
appear flat, but have a little bit of a slope to allow for the run-off water.

Shed roof
Shed roof is similar to a flat roof but has more pitch, it is frequently used
for additions or with other roof styles.

Butterfly roof
This is a very modern design that is aesthetically unique. It provides
plenty of light and ventilation but drainage is a problem.

Gambrel roof
It is also called barn roof because it has been used extensively on barns. It
provides additional headroom in the attic.
Roof waterproofing
Flat roofs are generally concrete roofs, a popular form of construction.
The problem is that concrete is not waterproof, so a waterproof
membrane is fitter over the concrete surface to seal it. The best way to
seal it is a torch-on system (applied with a gas flame) and then an
aluminium coating to protect it from the sun.

How to build a roof

A roof is much more than just the decorative top of a building. A roof
provides protection from the elements and precipitation, helps drain
water away from a structure, and provides insulation that helps keep the
interior of a building warm or cool, depending on the season. There are
several types of roofs, but the best one for your needs will depend on the
structure, the climate, and the amount and type of precipitation you
receive. Regardless of the type of roof you want to build, safety should
always be a priority, as roofing work can be dangerous, and fall
equipment should always be used.

Some of the most common roof styles are:

1. Gable roof
2. Flat roof
3. Hip and pyramid roofs
4. Gambrel roof
5. Shed roof

Consider your climate. Different types of roofs are more suitable for
certain climates, so it’s important to know a few of these things before
deciding what kind of roof to build. Not only should you consider how
hot or how cold it gets, but also how much precipitation you receive.
• Gable roofs are not suitable for areas with high winds, while the hip
roof is much sturdier in high winds.
• Flat roofs are practical in hot, dry climates, but not areas that
receive high amounts of precipitation.
There are many types of pitched roofs, and these are more suitable for
climates that receive more precipitation. The amount of snow and rain
you receive will help you determine the actual pitch of the roof.

There are many types of roofs, and each roof can be made in various
ways with different materials.

• For pitched roofs, the truss (the framework) can be made of wood
or metal, and the outside can have wood or asphalt shingles, clay or
concrete tiles, or metal sheeting. The type of truss you build will be
suited for different weights, which may help you determine the
exterior materials you use.
• For flat roofs, you can use asphalt, metal, fibreglass, or poly-vinyl
as the exterior, but shingles won’t work. Algae-resistant asphalt
shingles are suitable for humid climates, while clay tiles are popular
in arid climates.


A brick is a building material used to make walls, pavements and other

elements in masonry construction. Traditionally, the term brick referred
to a unit composed of clay, but it is now used to denote any rectangular
units laid in mortar. A brick can be composed of clay-bearing soil, sand
and lime or concrete materials. Bricks are produced in numerous classes,
types, materials, and sizes which vary with region and time period, and
are produced in bulk quantities. Two basic categories of bricks are fired
and non-fired bricks.



Reinforced concrete (RC) is a composite material in which concrete's

relatively low tensile strength and ductility are counteracted by the
inclusion of reinforcement having higher tensile strength or ductility. The
reinforcement is usually, though not necessarily, steel reinforcing bars
(rebar) and is usually embedded passively in the concrete before the
concrete sets. Reinforcing schemes are generally designed to resist tensile
stresses in particular regions of the concrete that might cause
unacceptable cracking and/or structural failure. Modern reinforced
concrete can contain varied reinforcing materials made of steel, polymers
or alternate composite material in conjunction with rebar or not.
Reinforced concrete may also be permanently stressed (in compression),
so as to improve the behaviour of the final structure under working loads.
In the United States, the most common methods of doing this are known
as pre-tensioning and post-tensioning

Mortar is a workable paste used to bind building blocks such as stones,
bricks, and concrete masonry units together, fill and seal the irregular
gaps between them, and sometimes add decorative colors or patterns in
masonry walls. In its broadest sense mortar includes pitch, asphalt, and
soft mud or clay, such as used between mud bricks. Mortar comes from
Latin word mortarium meaning crushed.
Cement mortar becomes hard when it cures, resulting in a rigid aggregate
structure; however the mortar is intended to be weaker than the building
blocks and the sacrificial element in the masonry, because the mortar is
easier and less expensive to repair than the building blocks. Mortars are
typically made from a mixture of sand, a binder, and water. The most
common binder is Portland cement. Lime and gypsum in the form of
plaster of Paris are used particularly in the repair and repointing of
buildings and structures because it is important the repair materials are
similar to the original materials: The type and ratio of the repair mortar is
determined by a mortar analysis. There are several types of cement
mortars and additives.


Cement plaster is a mixture of suitable plaster, sand, portland cement and

water which is normally applied to masonry interiors and exteriors to
achieve a smooth surface. Interior surfaces sometimes receive a final
layer of gypsum plaster. Walls constructed with stock bricks are normally
plastered while face brick walls are not plastered. Various cement-based
plasters are also used as proprietary spray fireproofing products. These
usually use vermiculite as lightweight aggregate. Heavy versions of such
plasters are also in use for exterior fireproofing, to protect LPG vessels,
pipe bridges and vessel skirts.


Floors are horizontal elements of a building which divide the building

into different levels. They provide support for occupants, furniture and
other equipment of the building.
Permanent covering of a rammed earth
Floor covering is a term to generically describe any finish material
applied over a floor structure to provide a walking surface.
The type of flooring we use here is Concrete flooring and it is bascilly
used in residential, commercial and industrial buildings

• Elevation drawings are a specific type of drawing architects use to
illustrate a building or portion of a building.
• This is as if you directly in front of a building and looked straight at
• Elevations are a common design drawing and technical architectural
or engineering convention for graphic representation of

• Section drawings are a specific type of drawing architects use to
illustrate a building or portion of a building.
• A section is drawn from a vertical plane slicing through a building.
This is as if you cut through a space vertically and stood directly in
front looking straight at it.
• Sections are a common design drawing and technical architectural
or engineering convention for graphic representation of

10.2 PLAN
• Building plans are a graphical representation of what a building will
look like after construction.
• They are used by builders and contractors to construct buildings of
all kinds. Building plans are also useful when it comes to estimatin
• How much a project will cost, and preparing project budgets .


• It may be defined as way to figure out the required approximate
cost before execution of the work.
• It helps us to analyse quantity of various items of work and their
expenses before execution of work.
• An estimate is necessary to give the owner a reasonably accurate
idea of the cost to help him decide whether the works can be
undertaken as proposed or needs to be curtailed or abandoned,
depending upon the availability of funds and prospective direct and
indirect benefits. For government works proper sanction has to be
obtained for allocating the required amount


• External wall = 32+40+40+(32-12) = 132 ft
• Quantity = 132 x 4 = 523 ft^3.
• Room wall = 24+24(right side)+12(bottom)+27(left)+6(left side
staircase)+11(bottom staircase) = 104 ft (room outer surface wall).
• Inside wall = 11+10+11+11+4+7+4+12 = 70 ft.
• Total = 104+70 = 174 ft.
• Quantity = 174 x 1 x 12 = 2088 ft^3.

• Doors: 5 numbers = 5 x 6.8 x 3 x 1 = 102 ft^3.
• Windows: 5 numbers = 5 x 3 x 3 x 1 = 45 ft^3.
• Ventilator: 2 numbers = 2 x 1 x 1 x 1 = 2 ft^3.
• Total = 102+45+2 = 149 ft^3.


• windows = 5 x 4 x 1 x 0.5 = 10 ft^3.

• door = 5 x 4 x 1 x 0.5 = 10 ft^3.
• ventilator = 2 x 2 x 1 x 0.5 = 2 ft^3.
• total = 10+10+2 = 22 ft^3.

TOTAL VOLUME OF WALL = 2088-149-22 = 1917 ft^3.

Brick size with mortar = 0.656 x 0.328 x 0.328 = 0.070575 ft^3.

Therefore, number of bricks = (total volume)/(volume of each

brick) = 27163 numbers.

12.1 Flooring( base course)

Living area and open kitchen: 22 x 7 x 0.16 = 24.64 ft^3.
4 x 10 x 0.16 = 6.4 ft^3.
3 x 1 x 0.16 = 0.480 ft^3.
Bedroom 2: 10 x 10 x 0.16 = 16 ft^3.
3 x 1 x 0.16 = 0.480 ft^3.
Bathroom 1 : 6 x 4 x 0.16 = 3.84 ft^3.
3 x 1 x 0.16 = 0.480 ft^3.
Bedroom 1 : 11 x 10 x 0.16 = 17.6 ft^3.
3 x 1 x 0.16 = 0.480 ft^3.
Portion left between bathroom 1 & 2 : 5 x 4 x 0.16 = 3.2 ft^3.
Garage : 15 x 12 x 0.16 = 28.8 ft^3.

Bathroom 2 : 7 x 4 x 0.16 = 4.48 ft^3.

3 x 1 x 0.16 = 0.480 ft^3.
3 x 4 x 0.16 = 1.92 ft^3.
TOTAL = 109.28 ft^3.

12.1.1 Flooring ( for laying tiles)

Living area and open kitchen : 22 x 7 = 154 ft^2.

4 x 10 = 40 ft^2.
3 x 1 = 3 ft^2.
Bedroom 2 : 10 x 10 = 100 ft^2.
3 x 1 = 3 ft^2.
Bathroom 1 : 6 x 4 = 24 ft^2.
3 x 1 = 3 ft^2.
Bedroom 1 : 11 x 10 = 110 ft^2.
3 x 1 = 3 ft^2.
Portion left between bathroom 1 & 2 : 5 x 4 = 24 ft^2.
Garage : 15 x 12 = 180 ft^2.
Bathroom 2 : 7 x 4 = 28 ft^2.
3 x 1 = 3 ft^2.
3 x 4 = 12 ft^2.
TOTAL : 683 ft^2.

12.2 Plastering
External compound wall inner surface : 30+40+40+20 = 130 ft.
Therefore, area 1 = 130 x 4 = 520 ft^2.
External compound wall outer surface : 32+42+42+20 = 136 ft.
Therefore, area 2 = 136 x 4 = 544 ft^2.
External compound wall top surface : 32+40+40+20 = 132 ft.
Therefore, area 3 = 132 x 1 = 132 ft^2.
Room outer wall( 12 mm) : 24+29+12+24+13+6+12 = 120 ft.
Therefore, area 4 = 120 x 12 = 1440 ft^2.

Inner surface:
= 207ft
Therefore, area 5 = 207 x 12 = 2484 ft^2.
Deduction door 5 numbers : 5 x 3 x 6.8 = 102 ft^2.
Therefore, area 6 = 2484-103 = 2384 ft^2.
Deduction of window : area 5 – (5 x 3 x 3) = 1440 – 45 = 1395 ft^2.
Staircase inner surface wall : 5+11 = 16 ft.
Therefore, area 7 = 16 x 12 = 192 ft^2.
TOTAL PLASTERING AREA = 520+544+132+1395+2382+192 =
5165 FT^2.

12.3 RCC

LINTAL: ( 0.5 ft thickness)

Window ( 5 numbers ) = 5 x 4 x 0.5 = 10 ft^3.
Door ( 5 numbers ) = 5 x 4 x 0.5 = 10 ft^3.
Ventilator ( 2 numbers ) = 2 x 2 x 0.5 = 2 ft^3.
TOTAL : 22 FT^3.
CHHAJJA : ( 1.47 ft width, 0.16 ft depth )
Window ( 5 numbers ) = 5 x 4 x 1.47 x 0.16 = 4.704 ft^3.
ROOF : ( roof is extended 0.32 ft from room outer surface wall &
thickness is 0.5 ft)
Volume 1 : [ 24 +(0.32 x 2) ] x [ 29+(0.32 x 2) ] x 0.5 = 365.16 ft^3.
Volume 2 : volume where there is shortage of roof
= [ 29-25.64] x [24-12.64] x 0.5 = 2.28 ft^3.
Total volume of rcc used in roof = 365.15 – 2.28 = 362.88 ft^3.

TOTAL RCC USED = 22+4.704+362.88 = 389.584 ft^3=11.05 m^3

For 1m^3 concrete work we required 0.785 quintal of reinforecement.
Accordingly 11.05 m^3 concrete will require 11.05x0.785= 8.67 quintal

Planning of 2 storey building is done.

Proper planning helps in optimum use of materials and man power.
Planning minimises the uncertainties.
2-D modelling of plan is done in auto cad software.
We have estimated the approximate materials used in making of a 2BHK
housing building.
From the above estimation it was concluded that the quantity of bricks
used in structure is 1971 ft^3, quantity of material is used in making base
course of the floor is 109.28 ft^3, quantity of materials used to prepare
tile flooring is 6683ft^2, quantity of pastering done is 5165 ft^2 and the
quantity of RCC used in the sturcture is 389.584 ft^3


In this project we have determined the estimation of the materials used,

with the help of our estimation of materials used we can determine the
average costing of the Materials.
From the current structure we can extend up to more two or three floors.
We have presented the 2-D plan of the structure, further it can be
extended by 3-D modelling using AutoCAD.



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