A Trip To The City (Handout)

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1. Vocab:
 Village: làng, xã
 City: thành phố
 Building: nhà cao tầng
 Shopping centre: trung tâm mua sắm
 Station: trạm, nhà ga
 Peaceful: yên bình
 Crowded: đông đúc
 Noisy:ồn ào
 Traffic jams: tắc nghẽn giao thông.
2. Structure:
 -I think this city is a really exciting place!
-So do I / I do, too.
 -I don’t like living in the city.
-Neither do I / I don’t either.
3. Question:
 Which place is busier/more peaceful, the village or the
 Do you want to live in the village or the city? Why?

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