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SENSES De Biology | Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health Tuesday 12 January 2010 - Morning Paper Reference Time: 1 hour 30 minutes 6B101/01 ‘You do not need any other materials. Instructions © Use black ink or ball-point pen. © Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. © Answer all questions. ‘© Answer the questions in the spaces provided ~ there may be more space than you need. Information © The total mark for this paper is 80. © The marks for each question are shown in brackets * ~use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. © Questions labelled with an asterisk (*) are ones where the quality of your written communication will be assessed ~you should take particular care with your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as well as the clarity of expression, on these questions. © Candidates may use a calculator. Advice © Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. @ Keep an eye on the time. © Try to answer every question. @ Check your answers if you have time at the end. Turn over » w2seoon MINIMUM» ecexcen e210 feed. mnans : Scanned with CamScanner jons- = bout an ur mind al you scan ith across a nrkyour bed ‘Answer ALL questi Some questions must be answered with a cross in answer, puta line through the box and then netic code itcarries the gene 0 1 DNAisa very important molecule in living organisms ‘olecule replicates 5 that contosall characteristics. When a cell divides the PMT inal parent cel that each resulting daughter cell Is genetically identical ‘The diagram below shows part of this process of DNA replication. Part of parent DNAmolecule Part of new DNA molecule JAVA atm we Scanned with CamScanner Puta cross in the box that correspondsto the correct statement about DNA. structure or DNA replication. For each of the statements below, (a) The structure labelled J is a) CA ribose © 'B aglucose & C Bglucose A BF D deoxyribo: (b) The structure labelled Kis a a) WA presage _B phosphorus atom @ C sulphate group GD potassium atom (Q) The bond labelled L is a a) A peptide bond 2X] B phosphodiester bond Lf 3 C hydrogen bond I D glycosidic bond (d) The structure labelled Mis a (1) --fA..A_ polynucleotide XB mononucleotide A & C polypeptide ED mononucleoside Scanned with CamScanner the base labelled ¢ (e) If the base labelled N’on the parent Dh DNA mo! on the new DNA molecule is GA uracil a f B guanine oe is adenine, e C: thymine i<¢ D cytosine * ( The bond labelled Pis a 1) A peptide bond BB phosphodiester bond 3 C hydrogen bond ce El D glycosidic bond (Total for Question 1 = 6 marks) Scanned with CamScanner 2 Read through the following passage on protein synthesis, then write on the dotted lines the most appropriate word or words to complete the passage. : trans Couptin’ / 6 | Protein synthesis involves two stages. The first stage is . 7p nd takes place in the nucleps of the cell. During this stage, a molecu! ' uring \ge, a molecule called a Asa .. is made using the antisense DNA strand as a template. The second stage, known as... Nanalakion. Ana place in the cytoplasm of the cell on structures called .. & Ribosome.. Souing this stage, ———_ SBF anno aad Yiu Molecules enable the amino acids attached to them to line $$ Epo up in the correct order. The amino acids are joined together by the formation of — : (Total for Question 2 = 6 marks) Scanned with CamScanner ow paca ; can enter the 3 Amoeba's a scott oenifa. substances in the We? cell by a variety of mechanisms. it stance A ent was carried out to. compare. the uptake into Amoeba of substance A Anexperims and substance B. yncontaining equal concentrations tration of substances A and B, in the Some of these organisms were placed ina solutior '30 minutes over a period of ofboth substances and kept at 25 °CThe concen! cytoplasm of these organisms, was measured every S hours. au The results of this experiment are shown in the gral ph below. Substance A 7 v ¢ g. P at tar go 32 Be 28 ES Substance 8 ge v 2 he & : Vol bner i 7 0 1 2 3 : : Time/hours o aa wo > 5 a) Usk j é (a) Using the information in the graph, compare the uptake of substance A ice A with the uptake it i iptake of substance B during this period of 5 hours. wife a Prom ubstana BY Concent nati, eA INET oon © Ungtm?, The Uphie of & ong Con > (Na nna ne Scanned with CamScanner i> so oa = ubstance B enters the cells bxtuson =a) Gescribe)pndrpialy how the results of ‘this experiment support this statement. support (5) tle... Limmating fear : + Erinn oto. Dal. Lhe the ubstence 2 Porte. Pret..JeN He... Be AB Po -LON0 4 Aub ohance, sw... Cytoptasin. 48...Cona bank... Bppascon defusion hoa. Pattee PAC | ml (©) Substance A enters the cells by active transport. Give two differences between active transport and diffusion. Scanned with CamScanner za ood vesselS- anetwork of Dl the human 4 Many animals have hearts that pump blood through 7 f vessels ox and if the 10% (@) Thetable below. refers to blood flow in the four major BloeS inte heart. ithe statement is correct, place a tick (¥) in the nen ae see Incorrect, place across (x) in the approPri=! az Carries blood away | from the heart faa ers li 1 | | +pansPaneny = rol x 4 | | See i Y | 2, a hate! (b) Humans and fish are both animals that have a heart and a network of blood vessels. However, there are some differences in their circulatory systems. The diagrams below illustrate a human circulatory system and the circulatory system ina fish, Human circulatory syste Heart Fish circulatory system Heart Body Lungs The arrows show the direction of blood flow, Scanned with CamScanner (i) Using the information in the diagrars describe the circulation of blood in a fish. 5 then 2D. Ondy.. ong,..flote... 4... Gt =a ye Atoad.loes. ——— ‘ oe bo Cornet Lntatabe —— Cudakion.of.. “Moods ore pete... ULL (7/2 mw... — bo Heart ii) x (ii) Using the information in both diagrams, suggest the advantages that the human circulatory system has compared with that of a fish. Cinetatory sugtenn (Pampa -Okygenated. oe ~tSich O72. Sent _punther...anouind fhe. Bady clumaw fee hao... yl ap eal — 7 2 Hebe += . 2 _ pry PO" “Ron human esiion fo Boul Ongge bo lle G3 dua bo dovbe Circulatory Aysten~ wo ot Ale) “Le We be ay oR fyi Pay? pees nde RJ es damp Copillere in a) Scanned with CamScanner i body cavity so that (©) The heart of an insect is a long tube. It pumps blood int ered from the blood surrounds the cells. The blood then passes back in body cavity, The diagram below illustrates the circulatory system of an insect. Heart Flow of blood into . the body cavity Blood passes| back Suggest wh; the insect does not need blood vessels to transport its blood around the body. ———q_ (2) 2. De burcon.. Lone... 5% SLL ten .. fo deppige. Scanned with CamScanner — se 2 i —— : > There are many venomous (poisonous) snakes i in the world. Many of the venoms from these snakes affect the blood clotting process. “(@) Describe the{blood clotting)process. . 2 _ (Constanta Anke Fibrinogen, C@ractebte) to, hein ined) eaten EB ge te pio le, a Famine Mood clot | Fie ae ca Cratagths— PO thiomlintnnetvg PEO Ph rombie Rete Scanned with CamScanner A Sy ae {factor Xa isa clottin acto} present in human blood. ‘actor Xe resent in es ate the time taken for human blood 1 to investig u uae Grerent masses of FactaLX9. The experiment was | | amewperiment ke venom in place of Factor Xa. to clot in the press repeated using snal shows the results of these experiments. The graph below blood / seconds wo Bs Clotting time of human se mn g e 2 e g 2 Mass added / 1g <— lass mass (@) Using the information in the graph{descri the Cotting time of human blood. the.effect of the snake venom on pares Lo Sha 1 Beod Chatting. by 13, rpaned......>. Sake CAO mtn Scanned with CamScanner (ii) Suggest why the clotting time of the hu man blood with snake ven m added was compared with the clotting time in the presence of Factor Xa, a Te... Bee hoes. Cdde chive. factor Xa 43 Brood... kok ConA, ws pen ve wormel hothag hae (c) The component of the snake venom that affects blood clotting is an enzyme. ——rverne snare = eee (i) Describe the structure of an enzyme. Yv En Ryne. aon formet—ty, benkrany Dt Nu hene. ~ pratele fotded..&.... there, hed 33 actives te: we Suggest how the enzymeinthe snake venom could be involved in th process. a Prevents En tyme ar the Broad Cloke Rperwvent ony Bebakrobe new em Nervone. = Se. —to~thant He protese.sé. (Total for Question 5 = 13 marks) Scanned with CamScanner 6 Anumber of different drinks contain the drug caffe consumed to increase mental alertness. Caffeine a! eine. These drinks may be Iso increases the heart rate and cen interrupt sleep in some people. Astudent found that certain drinks affected her sleep, so she carried out some research into the caffeine content of these drinks. The greph below shows the caffeine content of the drinks that the student researched. Coffee Black Oolong White Green Tea Tea Tea Tes Cocoa Type of drink Scanned with CamScanner (a) Using the information in the grap! tdesciboe fhe conclusions that the student Could make about the caffeine content oT these drinks. 2 Cottee hos Ntheat Cafeoira. Conterd) by. Io agp [Wal White fea has loerest# Caffeine Content bug | a TEED, a ~tn-Bhack. fea Caypeine, Conta dem do crecac 4g £2. Green tea — . Z2.IN9 Caron & cofony tea has ame of attain Combest pew.. oh Ptling . fe Scanned with CamScanner tutte conten seomata REGGE ccceeeoes Scanned with CamScanner needa OT m2 a Scanned with CamScanner culate the probability of having () u: ?) Using your knowledge of monohybrid crosses, cal ‘d tobe cartiers. Draw a genetic a child withlcystic fibrosigif both partners are fount dia n gram to explain how you calculated this probability. (Sr Scanned with CamScanner 8 Obesity is a significant problem in western countries and an increasing problem in other parts-of the world. An obese person has a greater risk of developing heart disease, ~ Body Mass Index (BMI) is one measure used to help decide if a person's weight is reasonable for their height. The BMI can be calculated by dividing mass in kilograms by height in metres squared. A table is then used to judge ifthe BMI is reasoneble or not. A copy of this table is shown below. L 1 [BMI range {Less than 18.5] 18.5 to.249 | 25.010299 | 30.010399 | 40.0 or above | j 7 | sant | Healthy | | Morbidly [Description | Underweight | cue | overweight | Obese ae {=) A man was concemed that he was overweight and could be at risk from coronary heart disease. He was 1.8 m tall and had amass of 83.0 kg, ( Calculate this man’s body mass index (BMI) using the formula below. mi = _!ss in kilogrammes (height in metres)? Y = a3 (rape = aa Scanned with CamScanner pared with BMI, for ive mortality com (©) The graph below shows one analysis of relative ™ men and women. Relative mortality (Gompaine effect of BMI on relative mortal Jor atbonworpen> a 2 Men haw higher... wetative mantelitg. tharn....Boimtt. Both hen 2 Womon..ane.....ab. healthy... a oxackly...26m9.BUE:.(19.8- 8) Scanned with CamScanner (0 @ Arelative mortality SI.Dbr less indicates a low risk of dying. Using the ‘\ information given, discuss whether ornot a woman with a BMI of 32.5 should ' be concerned about her risk of dying, | | a) | D. Pance...Cahen Relative Mortality cade | ESA Bhi ds Sh Rk Oba man. athe BEE %8-8 29 there. ca oink —ywlar 7 dere _ : *(ii)_ Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is responsible for many deaths. Describe two changes that this woman may be able to make to her lifestyle, to reduce her tisk of dying from CVD. Explain how each change would reduce | uce her tisk of dying fron the risk. = ta) | an Ene Lx BaF _oEnvaye jn trane... physi cah achuities &o. focrer~ BOE (Total for Question 8 = 13 marks) TOTAL FOR PAPER = 80 MARKS. Scanned with CamScanner

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