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| Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health Write your name here Surname Other names Tire Bats toe to nin Centre Number Candidate Number Edexcel GCE iology Advanced Subsidiary Tuesday 11 January 2011 - Morning Time: 1 hour 30 minutes 6BI01/01 Total Marks You do not need any other materials. Instructions Use black ink or ball-point pen. Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name, centre number and candidate number. Answer all questions. Answer the questions in the spaces provided — there may be more space than you need. Information A The total mark for this paper is 80. The marks for each question are shown in brackets —use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question. Questions labelled with an asterisk (*) are ones where the quality of your written communication will be assessed —you should take particular care with your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as well as the clarity of expression, on these questions. dvice Read each question carefully before you start to answer it. Keep an eye on the time. Try to answer every question. Check your answers if you have time at the end. Scanned with CamScanner Answer ALL questions. Ifyou change your mind about an i ina boxBl. with a cross&. Some questions must be answered with a cross i new answer ark youl answer, put a line through the box 4 and then m: id. i festern Worl 1 Cardiovascular diseases are very common in the W i lerosis. (@) Many cardiovascular diseases result from atherosc! h of to complete eacl Place a cross Bin the box next to the correct word or words to the following statements. Atherosclerosis mee rom the formation of plaques inside a Hl AGieries > ti OB capillaries ee ee O © veins OD ventricles (i) The plaques begin to form after damage to = OO © Ciftows Eases, mM EL A endothelial cells lB epidermal cells Ao| OC tedblood cells DD white blood cells Ci) Thes& cells may be damaged diato : © A blood flowing slowly under low pressure © B blood flowing quickly under low pressure We blood flowing slowly under high pressure " XL D blood flowing quickly under high pressure (i) The(plaqd consists of Boa. cn ere, a) 2X B fatty deposits Co 1 C plasma deposits Al ED protein deposits Scanned with CamScanner (v) The presence of a plaquelln the vessels supplying blood to the brain could result In qa) [1 A cancer CB aheart attack Ap\ [1 ¢ kidney damage a Xt db a stroke 1a Scanned with CamScanner ag on thejvolume Of cal teal was carried out to investigate thefeffect ob 2AM —— (b) A clinic Glaguc in patients with atherosclerosis. each dd enty. Eat Eorty patients with atherosclerosis were divided into nya gt0ups ET el Patient had the volume of their plaque determined. One group Ae a group and the treatment group took the drug daily for two Monts reatment grou ug dally . jent was At the end of th each patient we 1e two months, the volume of the plaq was calculated. determined agai The mean change in volume of the pl The results of the clinical trial are shown in the graph below. tyrot bar cs Be é > 3 -qomw z B . I Weox- mem to = (-6°/ qo =f? Mean change in volume of a 3 8 “tae 49 150) ed Cia hor a x so wisely Treatment aoup Max, hs range ber tal Few fonnt Scanned with CamScanner ampol Gn: ahsooss ~~ tras bee shows Tht pague T i9 (i) Using the information in the graph, describe what the results of this trial 4° C@? show. . (2) a(F Jf v a an tneukmer grep. lume, of Page Le creased | be, q2..trn a *% | [fom Monknet Qnaup, value of — plage cee? By 62 mm? Thene is higher 2 plage. are... kmvaticent. fi rup Comparod) to. Cork nated opoegp (ii) Suagest two reasons why the results of this trial do not indicate that this drug could be useful ig treating patients with atherosclerosis. SNS Orth) : (2) Thene other... Connck at. the £. - - AON... Eugen wn GRDEADBAONIBER ooo eet ppl po ole — tm ia aned £0. Contnae anannuitle 2... Remit, rene. Comp ahh gras € no knestretS & Zo 4S A UA hand. to, Compare, & 2h todd be ware brlter. fo Ibe. Other Lrvathvuls rhete Ale efject oo sects (Total for Question 1 = 9 marks) Conkrrh Sere — po trectemont® | SD rolls 25 Yen, Bhort promod of bre e g the oadefiow the Wodume 44 renee Scanned with CamScanner es of ferent 2 Blood is carried around the body of many animal The structures of these blood vessels relate to their ——— aaa cree veins ent is ifthe statern! i id veins. js incorrect, (@) The table below refers to the structure of capillaies A. cement is incor ry correct, place a tick (V) in the appropriate box an (3) Place a cross (x) in the appropriate box. Ba q ‘Wall consists of Type of blood | valves present along the | 4 single layer © vessel Tength of the vessel cells Capillary x i Vein wm 4 PS pA (P)-Semilunar valves and elastic fibres are found in the ce oR ~~ jin its For each of these structures, describe its location in the aorta and explain Ly _ function. [ae Semilunar valves adsuun~ Pel | Location... on... Lege. &. Sight... Nemmetes ecb stiete. Function . #-——aeght—Sertoeter—= be. ak miur. so : Verctntta Te,...2bler.,. Blood. élren..,on...tshow. abrecer. Conknackr Ke. Prevent. back Mow 9}... Prod iw 2 Raving dianeote, (3) Elastic fibre ews? (3) Location... Rabon 2. weet Canice ime dion ox hustle Mer Maintan. high toad Function .... Scanned with CamScanner gead through the following passage on the structure of(ONA, then write on the dotted lines the most appropriate word or words to complete the passage.~ ae (8) ADNA molecule consists of two strands of mononucleotid! h of these strands is twisted around the other, forming a Posble hake “ = . : # ie Each mononucleotide consists of a pentose sugar called ... beory 7 barey , ° ~~ abase anda phoaph he. « In each strand, the mononucleotides are pede held together by pape ... bonds. Noo dt The two strands are held together by complementary base pairing. Adenine bonds with...... Tyrie. and cytosine bonds with Guanine V @ G The name of the bond that forms between these bases is a fp “ae es Mydragen! bond. A DNA molecule that is composed of 34% adenine ) ts 1 no Php Se mt will be composed of .. eri bly lj .% cytosine. oy Soy PsA iki I G (Total for Question 3 = 8 marks) Scanned with CamScanner ystem- #orC*) a) tem. cult0rY sal it 3 4 Many animals have a heart and circulatory we acl {@) Give one reason why many animals ha malian heart- = (b) The diagram below shows a section through 2 mam ee are gnto. On the diagram, draw arrows to show the flow of bloodinte side of the heart during one beat of the heart. He of tie hed jone best:of th Right side Left side SJ (3) (©) Explain why a mammalian heart is divided into a right side and a left side. | (2) Scanned with CamScanner ese banner 5 Thalassaemia is the name of a group of inherited{blood disorder} that affect the body’ ability to produce haemoglobin in red blood cells. Red blood cells are bonemarrow. (hin ak SS pe produced it Oxygen in the lungs binds to haemoglobin and is carried to the cells of tHe body to Chait be used in respiration. Beta thalassaemia is the result of afmuta tion in the gene coding for the B chain of haemoglobin. If a person on inherits gene mutations from both parents, this person {OW symptoms of anaemia and will require blood transfusions. Symptoms of wills anaemia include tiredness and breathlessness, *(a) Using the information given above and your knowledge of gene mutation, suggest why a person with beta thalassaemia has symptoms of anaemia. ) Betvcen ot OFA SS = Muzéoke on. Coking fon baaeeY tskicl Y nezulla SIND. paabaten ion there ia no hacmanlatine Being formed. : | [-s | = =, eet ee Oe jae ka nates aed & So probebditay..24. O= danys borin decreed Teiwth? in. les G % Kae Okey gwaelt2 a, snarniee) i sehen telat ete diferent An of. a4 iat “I chain, wrt C tp pn eae fold wmety te fn frre Shape Or Affatt to bol to hb Uv 02 cori to calls mk of ropd fo ally mek Lt Scanned with CamScanner (b) Nhe phenoty, th beta thal: calculated, it itd ities of having a chil ‘pes of the parents are known, the a ae canner canbe /assaemia, an unaffected child or a child who is-a cart oe lations. Complete the table below to show the results of these calcul 4) i Probability : Probability i ora of having an child whee Parent 1 Parent 2 child with beta | unaffected carrier thalassaemia hid Unaffected carrier no chance 50% 50% ho Ch Carrier carrier pa 25. has beta © 7 Unaffected thalassaemia & has beta Carrier thalassaemia 50% no chance 50% Scanned with CamScanner (0 Gene therapy could potentially be used to treat beta thalassaemia, Suggest how gene therapy could be cartied out to treat this disorder. Cy ______.__{Total for Question 5 = 12 marks) Scanned with CamScanner 6 The size and solubility of molecules has an effect on their ability to be taken up by cells. size: eee (a) Describe an experiment you have carried out to investigate the permeability of cell membranes. — (5) 3 Cut: beast re! piscer.. ting. Conk parare & MekeBene ee PES, CIR SOPRA... OPE fe Blonage tine Stl ts Po re AN nerd. kde... AF Ich? 4 tdgtere wed NCm? Ber? BCm? Jes! Scnt Yop abtchot wpddekact aqme, 8. S020. 4 beak moet pieler drde,.the ort tube & Bait gach tert. tube, Laing, dpater bulk por lo tninabed con LN ake peck mork oth. Arron. the Lot Abe, &.. aa Apt On. drcheni drab. poke, BL ee Lodounepmeten!.bo....indicate.. the. difpenenCe in so CR. Cohour.F Pelade On = prankodspaginen...o4.... Bolubiion. has V Ahacight. Chains hekereene PraachelChoing tithe doable Bond 7 \ Kivkeny Shope NE 0 al “v8, Scanned with CamScanner (iii) The diagram below shows a more simplified structure of gfnega 3. sae ane . oO. \ - ea x A slycetol molecule crawn below. Us i nw how jolecule;bonds to the glycero! molecule, by means of a oneaan reaction, during the synthesis of a triglyceride. ~~ — rere (3) Monsmen + MOnoment mohsmg es Wo addel H ° ie 0 \ 4 ~C- 9c ee ' fee ieee) ( t Scanned with CamScanner ts (6) Omega 3 and omega 6 are both present in animal fa tha ‘The proportion of omega 3 and omega 6 n. animal fa on the diet of the animals. 1d omega 6 Pere In an investigation, the masses of omega 3 an‘ A determined in the fat from cows fed on a diet containing below. ‘The results ofthis Investigatlon are shown in the g'@P" & Ox s sea Masses of omega 3 and omega 6/ mg per gram of at ° 8 100% 67% 33% Percentage of grass in diet (26) Describe what effect the percentage grass content of a cow's diet has on the proportion of mega 3and omega Bin its fat. (3) te MWwhen thene J 2 ie _pencarteye...4...0970%8.4n. Die, eet t_..0 One Bah Bion AQ a pencentage..04... Gnade i Lie id loaf, 5. hen... pentendnge..%4...Gpra8t..kse.- re FADE Mega. 6.....536. har age Lopram24 hat. Mong (ANE ET ann Scanned with CamScanner (©) A high ratio of omega 6 3 has been linked to an increased tisk of cardiovascular disease (CVO) (0 Hfigh blood pressure 8 another factor that increases the risk 6f CyB! Give two other fetan}facg}s that increase the risk of CVD. —_— = | a (1) 1 High Chekerherse Leneer en 2. beritysh .high...Bat Jed cabod..1.C4ho7e-2”> S (ii) Omega 3 has been shown to lower bload pressure. Antihypertensives can also be Used to lower blood pressure. a —e—eee econgulanke, State fie risk) using antihypertensives. on els . 1 Blood dels bor_ lots 60. = Drgerestion.,.h8rd em the... dorresuler~ bene {Total for Question 7 = 11 marks) Scanned with CamScanner ae Why a i din the |A) are involve' e jessenger RNA (mRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA) 2 i ‘Nzymes, mi synthesis of proteins. eee en 2. if an enzym\ (a) The diagram below represents —— Each circle represents an amino acid. {) An enzyme is aprotein and has a primary structure, Explain the Meaning of the ‘erm primary structure, Scanned with CamScanner (ii) Using the diagram and your own knowledge of €nzymes explain the importance of the primary structure of an enzyme to its function. rr 5) shen... Chene,.dd.fubabrow. Or primanyy BH muctere nl Bt RMGME:, Bau LPOG... roupe...B..Mmine..06 BB. A7R.. cena § Ane Rr GEAR NOM ahha PronChence.f...Stabobion Chic. ee SNP RL LE Ae a Aan LOE ot oa BO CR RMI acid. CRnb ony... Ah pachene...9... protein fottet.... beth. ty Corie ,desnyphide._£Seridy ey Bonde tN ig BCE On NOE ern BE ante... hese onchenaigi..Chatn.). preinatigg._Bk.tuactarte...4. prakeine..0re. dotked. be Secondary... nksn chert... tilich. is, Gunther aldladto.faabn. (b) Describe thé role of messengeK RNA (mRNA) and transfer RA (tRNA) in protein synthesis. Scanned with CamScanner (ii) Transfer RNA in bhi dkle loop ey) a oa] Anticodon” cele et rrp —hese..

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