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Oracle Intelligent Document

Recognition for Payables

Getting Started Guide
Features, Recommendations, Guidelines and Tips

July, 2020 | Version 1.00

Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Confidential: Public
This document provides an overview of features and enhancements included in Oracle Financials Cloud release Update 20C
for Intelligent Document Recognition for AP Invoices. This document also includes recommendations and instructions that
Oracle Development strongly urges you and your System Integrators to review and consider prior to using Intelligent
Document Recognition (IDR). These recommendations and instructions help ensure the highest field recognition rates.
Finally, there are tips and guidelines to further enhance the usability of this feature.

This document in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information that is the exclusive property of
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license and service agreement, which has been executed and with which you agree to comply. This document and
information contained herein may not be disclosed, copied, reproduced or distributed to anyone outside Oracle without
prior written consent of Oracle. This document is not part of your license agreement nor can it be incorporated into any
contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates.
This document is for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist you in planning for the implementation
and upgrade of the product features described. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and
should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or
functionality described in this document remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

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Purpose Statement 1
Disclaimer 1
Introduction 3
Features 4
Machine Learning and the Interactive Viewer 5
Document Normalization 9

Getting Started 9
Before You Start 10
Initial Setup 11
Step 1: Confirm the designated email accounts 11
Step 2: Set up any Scanners 11
Step 3: Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options 12
Step 4: Send the Invoices 16
General Information about IDR You Need to Know 16
Emailing the Documents 16
Advanced Setups 17
Additional, Optional Setups 17
Setting up the Supplier Exclusion Lookup 17
Review and/or Setup the SUPPLIER_TYPE Lookup 18
How to Schedule the Import Payables Invoices Process 19
Business Unit Defaulting 20
Configuration of Routing Rules 22

Advanced Topics 27
Attributes Recognized by Intelligent Document Recognition 27
Routing Attributes 1 to 4 27
Testing and Validating Intelligent Document Recognition 28
New Implementation Testing 28
Existing Implementation Testing 29

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More and more suppliers and customers are choosing to send and receive invoices to Accounts Payable electronically via
email. There are many products that are available to perform extraction of paper and emailed invoices and import them into
an ERP system. With Oracle Cloud Financials, we have designed a unique system that cutting edge technology to extract
invoice information from the emailed documents to create invoices and import them into Oracle Cloud Financials AP. This
unique system we have designed is called Intelligent Document Recognition for Payables Invoices or IDR for AP.
All of the invoice images in the emails are sent to our Intelligent Document Recognition for Payables Invoices system that
offers cutting-edge artificial intelligence that uses machine learning to automatically extract invoice data. As you begin to
use this product, adaptive intelligence continues to adapt and learn as more invoices are passed through by your suppliers.
In addition, Intelligent Document Recognition learns from corrections you make to Incomplete invoice header information
and, based on what it learns, will know where to extract the invoice data when future invoices are received from that
supplier. As a result, you continue to see improvements in recognition of invoices over time.
Intelligent Document Recognition offers a fully integrated intelligent invoice recognition solution that provides a seamless
user experience, supporting the entire invoice lifecycle from document capture, recognition, and routing to invoice entry,
approval, and payment – all based on a unified security mode, our customers are able to quickly process invoices from entry
to payment. This end-to-end solution requires minimal setup and configuration, thereby reducing the total cost of
ownership and enhancing capital management.
How do we do this? Once Intelligent Document Recognition (IDR) extracts the attributes from the invoice documents and
uses them to create the invoices within Oracle Cloud Financials Payables.
The invoices appear in the Scanned Information Tile on the Invoices Landing Page within Oracle Cloud Financials Payables.
Invoices that have missing attributes or need your confirmation for derived attributes such as due dates are imported into
Oracle Cloud Financials Payables with an Incomplete Status. Incomplete status just means that you need to review the
invoice and make updates before the invoice can be validated. Invoices that are successfully scanned and need only to be
validated show under the Scanned Information Tile with the status of Not Validated. Incomplete invoice header attributes
and lines requiring attention are highlighted on the interactive user imaging page for quick identification and resolution.
This page allows you to correct incomplete invoices by viewing the AP invoice and the image of the invoice using the
Interactive Image Viewer. The Image Viewer atomically displays the invoice image every time the invoice is opened under
the Scanned Information Tile. To leverage IDR’s Adaptive Learning feature, simply set focus on the AP Invoice data field
needing correction in the invoice header and then select the associated field value from the invoice document image on the
Interactive Image Viewer. By selecting the field value from the invoice document image on the Interactive Image Viewer, IDR
can learn how to extract the field from the supplier’s invoice format. The next time IDR processes an invoice from the same
supplier, IDR can use the learning data to extract the field value correctly. Using the Interactive Image Viewer reduces the
correction time, increases correction accuracy and shows IDR where to look for that value on future invoices for that
Note: Not all fields (can be extracted) such as the Business Unit since this attribute does not exist on the invoice and is
derived by IDR.
The figure below shows the Scanned Information Tile on the Invoices Landing Page.
 Below the Information Tile you can see the invoices that have been scanned in the past 7 days by default.
 If you click on the number in the 8-14 you would see those invoices below that were scanned and are incomplete or
have not been validated in the past 8 to 14 days that in this case would be 4 invoices.
 When you click on the number above 15+ in the information tile, you see the invoices that are incomplete or have
not been validated in over 15 days. In the example below there are 27 invoices that need to be addressed.
Invoices remain listed under the Scanned Information Tile until they are corrected, are no longer in an incomplete status,
and have been validated. To summarize, only invoices in the Not Validated and Incomplete status are shown under the
Scanned Information Tile. Validated invoices are shown under the Recent Information Tile.

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For the remainder of this document Intelligent Document Recognition for Payables Invoices is referred to as Intelligent
Document Recognition or “IDR” for simplification purposes.

You can use the Intelligent Document Recognition feature to automate the invoice creation process including creating
invoice headers, invoice lines, matching purchase orders and their lines, creating credit memos and routing of incomplete
invoices for completion. This improves processing time and your productivity, while reducing data entry errors, and staffing
requirements. Digital invoices (e.g., PDF format) that are received directly from Suppliers can be sent to IDR by email while
paper invoices received from suppliers must be scanned in PDF or TIFF format and sent by email. When IDR receives an
email, attachment(s) are extracted for recognition and validation, and then appear directly in the Scanned Information tile of
the invoices work area for approval, accounting and payment.
Invoices that aren’t fully recognized due to missing attribute(s) or poor image quality are created as invoices but have a
status of Incomplete. You can review, correct, and complete these Incomplete invoices manually by selecting them under the
Scanned Information Tile.
All invoices are shown under the Scanned Information Tile and can be viewed by you along with the original invoice
document side-by-side until the invoices are validated. Once the invoices are validated, you can review the invoices under
Manage Invoices and the invoice document image is retained as an attachment. The attachment is a link to the PDF image
that’s always retained with the invoice.
Below is a screen print of the interactive viewer and an example of an Incomplete invoice that requires a change be made to
the invoice amount.

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Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential: Public
Machine Learning and the Interactive Viewer
You can use the new Interactive Viewer to make corrections to the Incomplete invoices. Making corrections using the
Interactive Viewer reduces errors by allowing you to pull the values directly from the image reducing the possibility for errors
and reducing the time to correct imaging errors. By following the steps below, you’ll also be “teaching” Intelligent
Document Recognition by utilizing its Machine Learning capabilities. So now, making corrections not only corrects the
Incomplete invoice, but shows IDR where to capture the missed attribute going forward.
In the following learning example, we have an invoice below from a power supply company, Promega, who uses Reference
No as the field label or identifier for Invoice Number. IDR did not recognize the field label, Reference No, on this invoice as a
valid invoice number identifier. As a result, the invoice has come into the Scanned Information Tile as Incomplete with no
invoice number. The following steps describe how to use the Interactive Viewer to correct the invoice. Following the
correction of the invoice, we will illustrate how IDR learned from the correction of the Promega invoice and will scan any
subsequent invoices sent by Promega and recognize the invoice number from the Reference No identifier.
Note: Learning is relevant only to the instance you are working on. When you move to another instance or do a copy from
one instance to another such as your setups from your test or gold instance to production to go live, etc. The learning DOES
NOT copy with the data. You’ll need to redo learning on the new instance so you don’t need to worry about test data
messing up any production data when you move over.

Figure 1: Example of an invoice that requires the use of the Interactive Viewer and Machine Learning. The Reference No field identifier is not recognized as a valid identifier for
the invoice number by IDR so this invoice has come into the Scanned Information Tile as an Incomplete invoice.

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1. Place the cursor in the field on the invoice requiring the update

2. Double Click or Highlight on the relevant field on invoice in the interactive viewer.

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3. By double clicking and releasing the mouse button (if you highlighted), the field on the invoice is now reflecting the highlighted
field on the invoice image. You can also just double click on the amount on the invoice image and it should reflect the total
amount in the amout field on the invoice.

4. Save the invoice. This changes the status from Incomplete to Not validated. You have also just taught IDR where to pull the
invoice number off of all Promega invoices going forward.

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5. Now the invoice is Validated. Once Validated it is no longer shown in the Scanned Information Tile and moved to the Recent
Informaiton Tile.

6. The next invoice that comes in from Promega, IDR reconizes the invoice number, the invoice is shown under the Scanned
Information Tile and has the status of Not Validated indicating that all attributes for this invoice were scanned correctly.

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7. As you can see this invoice has been successfully scanned, IDR correctly identified the invoice number from the Reference No
identifier, and populated the invoice number accordingly. IDR learned from the previous invoice.

8. So now we have 2 invoices from Promega. One that we corrected and the other that needed no correction because IDR learned
how to find the invoice number based on the correction.

Document Normalization
Intelligent Document Recognition now “normalizes” all your scanned images on PDF format. What does this mean to you?
If your documents are emailed to the IDR server in PDF formats that are text based, Document Format Normalization allows
processing of the text directly from the document. This completely eliminates the OCR process improving imaging
performance and eliminating OCR errors. This also allows for faster viewing of the documents and retains the original
format. Document Normalization uses a central Document Processing Engine to process any of the supported document
formats which include .PDF, .DOCX, .PJEG, .PNG, and .TIFF. The biggest change here is that you’ll no longer work with TIFF
files and now work with PDF files.
NOTE: This is applicable only for PDF files that are text based. If the PDF file has images, i.e. scanned from a paper
document and emailed, or any of the other formats listed they go through an OCR process.

You need to review this document in its entirety before you start using Intelligent Document Recognition. This is highly
recommended along with any notes listed below. If you follow these recommendations, guidelines and tips, you maximize
field extraction success rates to further improve invoice entry automation. It has been the experience of Oracle that the most
successful customers with the highest recognition rates reviewed and followed the recommendations in this document and
the support notes referenced below.

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Before You Start

Make sure that you have  Customer needs to select the invoices to 9. Make sure you have some invoices to
Invoices to test. test in the TEST environment to ensure test prior to moving to production.
setups are done correctly and Supplier 10. At least 20 invoices from at least 10 of
information in the system matches your suppliers you do business with
These should be at least 20 Supplier information on the invoices. For regularly.
invoices from your top 10 to more information on Setups see Initial 11. This can be a difficult task but it is
20 Suppliers Setups and Advanced Setups. important and you should begin setting
 The Implementation Team needs to aside invoices as soon as you plan on
review Testing and Validating Intelligent using IDR.
Document Recognition section of this 12. Your test scenario should go from email
document to ensure IDR is properly to approval and payment.

Make sure that your supplier  Customers should determine how 1. IDR uses the address as one of the main
addresses that are in set up in suppliers and sites should be setup and ways to match the supplier to invoice so
Oracle Procurement Cloud or the Implementation Team needs to if they don’t match you risk lower
Oracle Financials Cloud match ensure that the addresses assigned to recognition rates.
EXACTLY to the supplier the sites are matching what is shown on 2. Also if there are multiple sites with the
addresses on the invoices. the invoices. same address then you may have to step
 Customers and Implementation Team in and tell AP which site the invoice is
should also try and have unique referencing.
For example, if you have PO addresses for each site for the best
Box on the supplier site record, recognition rates.
but the invoice uses a street
address, this discrepancy
decreases IDR’s ability to
automatically detect the
supplier reference on the

Make sure the Purchase Order  The customer and the Implementation 1. IDR uses both the distinct Purchase
format on your Invoices match Team need to determine ALL Purchase Order Number formats observed in the
EXACTLY to the Purchase Order number formats for legacy Purchase Order Tables and the formats
Order formats you setup in systems and all departments. setup in Cloud Procurement to detect the
Procurement. Purchase Order numbers on the invoices.

Determine your PO format.  Customer and the Implementation Team 1. The recommended format for best
should consider an Alpha- numeric results is 3 letters followed by at least 6
Purchase Order Number. numbers so for example ABC123456.
 This ensures that the Purchase Order 2. IDR picks up legacy Purchase Order
Number is unique and is not confused formats that have been imported from
with any other number on the invoice. legacy systems so no need to create
 IDR uses the Purchase Order format these.
defined in Procurement.

Determine if there are any  Customers need to determine what types 1. The implementation needs to make sure
specific types of suppliers that of suppliers are created. that all excluded suppliers are setup with
should not be included in the  Implementation team must exclude the proper supplier type such as
group of vendors for suppliers such as internal suppliers used INTERNAL and populate the
recognition such as internal for intercompany purchases. AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYPE
suppliers. lookup.
2. Note: You need to create this lookup.
The steps are covered later under
Advanced Setups.

To avoid approval issues such  Customer or Implementation Team must 1. Customer or Implementation Team must
as the Invoice image missing confirm attachment size of Invoices once increase the attachment size of the email

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from the Invoice approval imported and support needs to confirm under Application Preferences in the
notifications make sure you Notification Attachment Size setup in BPM Worklist UI. NOTE: You can also
include a variety of invoices in Cloud BPM. increase the number of attachments
the test group. there too.

Initial Setup
Set up Intelligent Document Recognition using the following 4 steps:

Step 1: Confirm the designated email accounts

Verify you have email accounts, one for each pod within 20 days of signing up for Intelligent Document Recognition.
Recommendation: To protect the email addresses from spam, junk emails, etc. Oracle Product Development recommends
that you setup one or more email accounts for suppliers and/or users to send the emails with the invoice attachments and
then forward those emails from these account(s) to the designated email accounts automatically using a forwarding rule.
Note: You want to make sure that you are using Oracle Intelligent Document Recognition for Payables Invoices and NOT
Automated Invoice Processing (AIP) Service. One way to do this is by checking Setup and Maintenance and select the option
Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options under Payables. If you can open it and set the options then you have
IDR, if you get the error message shown below then you are on AIP.
The Navigation is:
Setup and Maintenance > Financials > Payables > Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options
If you are not using IDR, you’ll get the error below otherwise you should be able to go in and set any of the options. For
more information on the options, refer to Step 3 Managing Intelligent Document Recognition Options section below.

If you do get the error message above, you are not using IDR so please do not proceed further in this document and refer to the
Oracle Integrated Imaging Guide for Cloud (Doc ID 1966280.1) for further instructions.

Step 2: Set up any Scanners

Set up any scanners to the following specifications for the absolute best results:
 For best image quality; set up the scanners to produce TIFF or PDF images with International Telegraph and
Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT) Group IV compression at 300 dpi.
 If available, configure scanners to use dynamic thresholding to produce high-quality images when scanning
invoices with color or shaded backgrounds.
 Ensure page size is either Letter (8.5 inches x 11 inches) or A4 (8.3 inches x 11.7 inches). Larger size pages could
cause performance issues.

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 When possible, scan the document in the correct orientation. If images are in the wrong orientation, Intelligent
Document Recognition tries to automatically rotate the images when performing OCR.

Step 3: Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options

Navigate to Functional Setup Manager and configure any IDR options. These options include how your Business Unit Is
derived, how you would like to recognize you invoice lines, how you would like to tax and freight to calculated and displayed,
and how you would like to handle Service and utility suppliers.
This is also where you find the unique email address that Oracle has assigned to you. You need to send all invoices as
attachments to this email address preferably forwarded from other addresses.
Once you Save and Close this page the first time, this begins the supplier synchronization process and you need to wait
at least 24 hours for changes to your suppliers including adding new suppliers and to purchase order formats to be reflected
in IDR. Keep this in mind when testing.
NOTE: If you are migrating from our existing solution this step is done for you as part of your migration and all of
the setups are done based on your current setups done in the existing solution and you DO NOT NEED TO DO THIS.
1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance > Financials > Payables > Manage Intelligent Document Recognition
2. Select the relevant setups. Each is explained in detail below. NOTE: Even if you don’t want to select
anything you need to go here to see your email address to the imaging server.
3. Once completed select Save and Close. NOTE: the first time this is done, the supplier synchronization
process begins and runs the first time then every 24 hours after that so you need to keep that in mind
when changes are made.

Setup Options for Intelligent Document Recognition. This screen also contains the email address to your imaging server.

Email Address for all Invoice Images

You see above that the first thing under Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options is the email address that Oracle
has assigned to you for IDR and that’s the address that ultimately all attachments must be emailed in order to be processed.
We recommend that you create at least one email address for your company on your email server such as and then use that and have a forwarding rule to forward the emails to your IDR email address
which is actually the IDR server. If you use a forwarding rule then you don’t have to worry about others having to use a long,
complicated email address. The other advantage is that you have a way of tracking the emails before they are sent to the
IDR server.

Business Unit Derivation Options

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The Override Default Business Unit can be found here and there are 4 options for this:

1. Blank or Let it default based on standard Business Unit Defaulting that is described in a later section in the
document, Business Unit Defaulting.
2. Email Routing Attribute – this sets the Business Unit to default based on standard Business Unit Defaulting that’s
described in a later section in the document, Business Unit Defaulting. However, if there is a Routing Attribute in
the email subject in Routing Attribute 1 then per the Business Unit Defaulting hierarchy, the Routing Attribute would
override the Business Unit and be used instead. For more information on setting up the Email Routing Attribute,
refer to the Business Unit Defaulting link and the setups for adding the routing attribute in the email subject start
with step 10.
3. Senders Email Address – this allows you to create a mapping of email addresses to Business Units and when an
email is sent to IDR, IDR checks the mapping based on the senders email address and selects the Business Unit
based on this mapping. When using this feature to derive the Business Unit it is recommended that emails are
usually sent or forwarded to the individuals who then have either a forwarding rule to send the emails to the IDR
email address or manually send then to the IDR email address. Notice when this option is selected the mapping
table icon appears to the right of the option. Instructions for populating the table can be found below under
Creating the Email Mapping for Sender and Recipient Business Unit Derivation.

4. Recipient Email Address – this allows you to create a mapping of email addresses to Business Units and when an
email is sent to IDR, IDR checks the mapping based on the original recipient email address and selects the Business
Unit based on this mapping. When using this feature to derive the Business Unit it is recommended that emails are
usually sent or forwarded to the individuals who then have either a forwarding rule or manually send the emails to
the IDR email address and ensure that there are multiple recipients since the IDR server must be one of the
recipients. Notice when this option is selected the mapping table icon appears to the right of the option.
Instructions for populating the table can be found below under Creating the Email Mapping for Sender and

Recipient Business Unit Derivation.

Creating the Email Mapping for Sender and Recipient Business Unit Derivation
To create the mapping for the email options for both the Sender and Recipient Email Address, follow the steps below:
13. Click on the icon to the right of the dropdown that appears when you make the selection.

14. The Email to Business Unit Mapping Popup appears. Click on the plus sign to add a Sender or Recipient depending on the
selection you have made.

15. Enter in the email address of the Sender or Recipient depending on the selection you have made.
16. Repeat Steps 14 and 15 until you have completed entering all the email addresses and Business Unit combinations and Click OK
when done.

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17. The box disappears after you click OK.

Recognition and Processing Options

This section covers the Recognition and Processing Options you can select under Manage Intelligent Document Recognition
Options and what each one of the options does.



Recognize tax amount – This 1. When the box is unchecked this sets the value to NO. If the value is set to NO
can be set to YES when you want NO (default value), Taxes are calculated using Oracle Cloud Financials Tax
the tax amount to be directly Engine taxes are added to the tax section of the invoice and as separate tax
taken from the paper invoice. lines.
Tax engine calculates taxes but 2. When the box is checked this sets the value to YES. If the value is set to YES,
ensures that the calculated the invoice import program honors the tax control amount, the tax lines are
amount is set exactly to the calculated during the import process if the invoice is not in Incomplete
amount recognized from the status. If the invoice is in Incomplete status the tax lines are crated during
image invoice. the invoice validation process. The Oracle Financials Cloud’s tax engine
calculates the taxes but the tax amount is the same as the amount
recognized by IDR.

Recognize freight amount – 1. When the box is unchecked this sets the value to NO. If the value is set to YES
This determines how NO, if the invoice includes a separate freight/shipping invoice line, the
freight/shipping is handled when freight/shipping line is dropped during the import process.
there is a separate 2. When the box is checked this sets the value to YES. If the value is set to YES
freight/shipping line included on (the default behavior), if the invoice incudes a separate freight/shipping line,
the invoice. You may want to set the freight/shipping line is brought into AP and added to the invoice during
this to NO when you do not wish the import process

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to include freight/shipping lines
on the invoice.

Recognize lines for matched For invoices matched to Purchase Orders Only: YES
invoices – This allows you to 1. When the box is unchecked this sets the value to NO. If the value is set to
only import the invoice header for NO, the import program ignores all the invoice lines of type ITEM and only
matched invoices if you want. imports the invoice header information for invoices that are related to a
This would then allow you to Purchase Order.
create matched lines manually 2. When the box is checked this sets the value to YES. If the value is set to YES
from the UI. (the default value), the import program honors all invoice lines of type ITEM
recognized by IDR and imports them along with the invoice header.

Recognize lines for For invoices that are NOT matched to Purchase Orders Only: YES
unmatched invoices - This 1. When the box is unchecked this sets the value to NO. If the value is set to
allows you to only import the NO, the import program ignores all the invoice lines of type ITEM and only
invoice header for unmatched import the invoice header information for invoices that are NOT related to a
invoices if you want. This would Purchase Order
then allow you to manually enter 2. When the box is checked this sets the value to YES. If the value is set to YES
the invoice lines and not have to (the default value), the import program honors all invoice lines of type ITEM
worry about what is recognized recognized by IDR and imports them along with the invoice header.
by IDR.

Calculate tax during import 1. When the box is unchecked this sets the value to NO. If the value is set to YES
– This option determines whether NO, the import program imports the IDR based image invoices without
the tax has to be calculated or not calculating tax (the tax call is not made) on them.
on the image invoices during 2. When the box is checked this sets the value to YES. If the value is set to YES
import. (the default value), the import program imports the IDR based image invoice
after calculating tax on them.
NOTE: If the invoice is in an Incomplete status then tax is never computed on them by
the import program regardless of how the configuration is set for this feature.

Always create invoices in 1. If the box is unchecked this sets the value to NO. If the value is set to NO NO
Incomplete status – This sets (the default value), the import program imports the invoice in Incomplete or
all invoices to Incomplete even if Never Validated status based on the success or failure of extracting all
all attributes are successfully required attributes.
extracted and is usually set when 2. If the box is checked this sets the value to YES. If the value is set to YES, the
you want to review or verify all import program always imports the IDR based image invoices in an
invoices prior to validating and Incomplete status even if all attributes were successfully extracted and the
paying them. invoice should have been imported in a Never Validated status. The IDR
based image invoices always be set to Incomplete and require verification
before validation can be done.

Create single invoice line for For Invoices Matched to Purchase Orders Only: NO
service orders – Setting this to 1. If the box is unchecked this sets the value to NO. If the value is set to NO
YES allows you to create one line (the default value), during the import process, the matching process tries to
on the invoice equal to the pair individual invoice lines with Purchase Order lines.
invoice subtotal so that matched
invoices that may have multiple 2. If the box is checked this sets the value to YES. If the value is set to YES,
lines can match to a Serviced during the import the matching process drops all the invoice lines
based Purchase Order that has recognized by IDR and creates one single line invoice paired to the Purchase
only one line. Use this to make Order with an amount equal to the subtotal amount passed by IDR.
the matching process much more
successful when the Purchase
Order has to be a single line
service related Purchase Order
but the invoices that the supplier
sends are more detailed.

Create single invoice lines For invoices that are NOT matched to Purchase Orders Only: NO
for utility suppliers – This
allows you to setup vendors with

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Copyright © 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates | Confidential: Public
the vendor type “Utility” to create 1. If the box is unchecked this sets the value to NO. If the value is set to NO
a single line invoice equal to the (the default value), the import program imports all invoice lines.
invoice subtotal for easier 2. If the box is checked this sets the value to YES. If the value is set to YES, the
recognition of utility or other import program verifies if the recognized vendor is set to vendor type
types of invoices that are “Utility”. If the vendor type is set to “Utility” and IDR has passed the subtotal
formatted like utility bills. amount, then the application drops all lines sent by IDR and replaces it with
one single line equal to the amount of the subtotal passed by IDR. The line
description is set to “Utility supplier invoice line”. NOTE: Starting with
Release Update 20D we will be “relaxing” this condition. This will allow IDR
to create a single line and pass it in even if, for some reason, IDR does not
recognize the Subtotal from the image.

Import only paired lines for For Invoices Matched to Purchase Orders Only: YES
matched invoices – This option
1. If the box is unchecked this sets the value to NO. If the value is set to NO,
decides how to handle unpaired
the import matching process imports all invoice lines. This means that both
lines for matched invoices
invoice lines successfully paired to the valid Purchase Order in the invoice
whether you import them or not.
header and invoice lines unsuccessfully paired to the valid Purchase Order in
You may want to use this if you
the invoice header is imported.
use multiple Purchase Orders on
2. If the box is checked this sets the value to YES. If the value is set to YES (the
Invoices and not all lines are
default value), the import matching process imports only the invoice lines
matched to a Purchase Order.
successfully paired to the valid Purchase Order in the invoice header.
Unpaired lines are dropped and won’t be imported into Oracle Cloud
Financials Accounts Payable.

Step 4: Send the Invoices

Invoices in printed physical format (paper) must be scanned and then sent by email. Invoices in digital format can be sent
directly by email. Again, it is recommended that one or more email accounts be set up that forward these emails to the
designated email account.
Confirm that the printed and digital invoices were sent and received by Oracle Financials Cloud Payables.
Note: You should wait until your Suppliers have been synchronized before you begin processing invoices. Suppliers will
begin syncing after you click on the Save and Close button on the Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options
described in step 3. Suppliers and PO Formats are Synchronized every 24 hours. Best practice is to wait at least 24 hours
after saving your setups before testing any invoices.
Now, you most likely need to perform additional setups to ensure Intelligent Document Recognition meets your
requirements such as updating the routing rules for Incomplete invoices, excluding “INTERAL” suppliers, etc. We discuss
those in the next section. Again if you make any changes to the supplier information it is best practice to wait 24 hours
before testing any invoices for that supplier.

General Information about IDR You Need to Know

Emailing the Documents

Email Accounts – The email account, as mentioned earlier in this document, can be found under Manage Intelligent
Document Recognition Options in Functional Setup Manager. The email address should look something like this:
<FAPOD Name>.idr.invoices.
Supported Invoice Types – Intelligent Document Recognition supports Standard Invoices and Credit Memos. For an invoice
to be recognized as a credit memo, the image must contain the word Credit Note, Credit Memo or have a negative balance.
Supported Document Types – Intelligent Document Recognition supports the following document formats .PDF, .TIF, .TIFF,
.PNG, .JPEG, .DOC, and .DOCX.
Attaching Multiple Invoices to Emails – You can send emails in one or more of the following ways

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 Send emails with one invoice attached that has one or more pages.
 Attach multiple invoices files to a single email. Each invoice file attached to that email can have one or more pages.
 A single file to an email that has multiple invoices in the single file that are one or more pages. Each invoice must
be separated by a blank page.
NOTE: The total size limit of attachments is 10 MB per email. Attachment file name should be less than 69 characters
(excluding file extension).
Recommendation: Organize invoices within the attachments in the following way. If you have:
 Single page invoices as a separate attachment(s)
 IDR allows multiple attachments to one email (Optimal scenario)
 Multiple page invoices as separate attachment(s)
 IDR allows multiple attachments to one email (Optimal scenario)
 More than one single page invoice in a single file as an attachment
 You must insert a blank page between the invoices
 More than one multiple page invoice in a single file as an attachment
 You must insert a blank page between the invoices
 Both single and multiple page invoices in an attachment
 You must insert a blank page between invoices
Including Supporting Documents with an Invoice – You can include supporting documents within an invoice. Intelligent
Document Recognition ignores the supporting documentation and only process the needed information from the invoice.
NOTE: The supporting documentation needs to be included in the same file along with the invoice. If the supplier and/or
you include the supporting documentation as a separate file attached to the same email with the invoice and sends it to the
Intelligent Document Recognition email address, Intelligent Document Recognition treats the supporting documents file as
another invoice and tries to process it as an invoice. That can generate unexpected results.
Invoices are delivered to IDR by the email account provided by Oracle – Cloud customers are given an email address that
they send their invoices to be processed and can only reach the IDR server by email. IDR does not care how many stops that
email takes before it reaches the server so you can forward the email multiple times before sending to the email address
provided by Oracle.
The email subject content does matter – In general, it doesn’t matter what is entered as the email subject however you
must NOT include the underscore (_) on the subject because the application treats that symbol as your intent to populate
routing attributes on the invoice. For more information on routing attributes, see Advanced Topics: Routing Attributes 1 to

Advanced Setups
This section covers additional, optional setups that may need to be considered. These are setups to:
 Meet additional requirements you may have
 Automate some of Intelligent Document Recognition’s processes such as business unit defaulting
 Configuring the routing of incomplete invoices

Additional, Optional Setups

The table below describes some of the setups that may need to be done prior to testing and go-live.


Setup the Lookup for the Implementation Team AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYPE

Supplier Types for the lookup should be created. Please refer to the
excluded Suppliers section Setting up the Supplier Exclusion
Lookup below.

Setting up the Supplier Exclusion Lookup

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If you have suppliers that generate invoices that are used for intercompany or for internal use you need to ensure that you
indicate these suppliers by using a specific supplier type, add that supplier type to the supplier if it doesn’t exist then add
that supplier type to the AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYPE lookup. For example, for the purpose of explanation in this
document let’s assume that all excluded suppliers are to be setup with the supplier type of INTERNAL.
Note the SUPPLIER_TYPE lookup code assigned to the internal suppliers and add it to the look up type
AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYPE. Make sure the two codes match EXCTLY.

Review and/or Setup the SUPPLIER_TYPE Lookup

To review or setup the SUPPLIER_TYPE follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.
2. Select the Procurement Functional Area.
3. Enter “Manager Supplier Type Lookups” in the Search Tasks bar.
4. Press Enter.
5. Select Manage Supplier Type Lookups.

6. Verify that the INTERNAL Lookup Code exists. If not click on the ‘+’ to add it.
7. Enter the Lookup Code and the other fields as shown below.
8. Click Save and Close.

9. Navigate to the Search from the Setup and Maintenance Page and select Search.

10. Type in “Manage Standard lookup” in the search and press Enter. Select Manage Standard Lookups.

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11. Click the ‘+’ below Search Results to add AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYPE lookup as sown below. Click Save.

12. Click the ‘+’ below the AP_EXCLUDE_IMAGE_VENDOR_TYPE Lookup Types to add the relevant lookup codes. Then
click Save and Close when done.

NOTE: Make sure the Lookup Code matches EXACTLY to the Supplier Type Lookup Code. If they do not match, then the
suppliers won’t be excluded. You can add multiple Lookup Codes as long as they are setup under the Supplier Type Lookup
and any supplier setup with any of the Supplier Types listed under this Lookup Type has their invoices excluded from
Intelligent Document Recognition.

How to Schedule the Import Payables Invoices Process

1. Sign in to the application and navigate to the Invoices work area.
2. Click the tasks icon to open the panel drawer.
3. Click on import invoices.

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4. Enter the Ledger, leave Business Unit blank and select Invoice Image as the Source. NOTE: If you enter in a value
for Business Unit, the import process most likely won’t import all of the available invoices from the interface table.
Leaving the field blank allows the import process to import all available invoices from the interface table.
5. Click Advanced.

6. Select the schedule tab and enter the frequency. The recommended frequency is every 4 hours.
7. Click Submit to complete the scheduling.


Business Unit Defaulting

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For matched invoices, business units default from the purchase order. For more information you can refer to the Business
Unit Derivation Options section earlier in this document.
For unmatched invoices:
 The business unit defaults from the business unit assignment of the supplier site that’s set as the pay site.
 If the supplier site can’t be determined from the invoice image, or no pay site is defined for the supplier, or the site
has more than one business unit assignment, then the business unit defaults from the user’s Default Business Unit
profile option. This is the user that’s running or has scheduled the Invoice Import Process for the Invoice Images.
 If you specified a Business Unit Derivation setup in the Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options using
Email Routing Attribute, then the business unit in the email subject, routing attribute 1 from the invoice email is
defaulted onto the invoice, overriding all other prior defaulting logic.
 If you specified a Business Unit Derivation setup in the Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options using the
Senders email address, then the business unit defaults based on the sender email address and the BU it is mapped
to in the uploaded mapping spreadsheet, overriding all other prior defaulting logic. If there is no mapping found
then IDR uses the standard business unit derivation logic with is derive the business unit from the supplier site and
if it cannot pick it up from the supplier site then it will use the profile option as described in the second bullet point.
 If you specified a Business Unit Derivation setup in the Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options using the
Recipient email address, then the business unit defaults based recipient email address and the BU it is mapped to in
the uploaded mapping spreadsheet, overriding all other prior defaulting logic. If there is no mapping found then
IDR uses the standard business unit derivation logic with is derive the business unit from the supplier site and if it
cannot pick it up from the supplier site then it will use the profile option as described in the second bullet point.
NOTE: You can only chose ONE Business Unit Derivation Setup from the Manage Intelligent Document Recognition
Options so it will only be either the Routing Attribute OR the Senders email address OR the Recipient email address.
Follow these steps to set the Default Business Unit profile option for a user:

1. Sign in to the application and navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.
2. Search for the Manage Administrator Profile Values task and click the Search icon.

3. Click on the Name link to open the Manage Administrator Profile Values page.

4. In the Profile Option Code field, enter DEFAULT_ORG_ID (case sensitive) and click Search.
5. In the Search Results: Profile Options section, click the DEFAULT_ORG_ID row.

6. In the DEFAULT_ORG_ID: Profile Values section, click the New button to add a row.
7. Select the Profile Level of the User, enter the User Name that processes the invoices, and select the default
business unit in the Profile Value field.

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8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to set up a default business unit for all of the users that process invoices.
9. Click Save and Close when you have completed the setup for all users.

Follow these steps to assigning the Business Unit ID in the Routing Attribute in the email:
10. Set the Business Unit using the IDR Options. For more information refer to the IDR Options Business Unit
11. Compose an email and specify the business unit ID in the subject as routing attribute 1, which is the string that
follows the first underscore sign.

12. If you don’t know the business unit ID, you can find the ID using the Manage Business Unit task under Financials

Configuration of Routing Rules

An incomplete invoice is an invoice created from an invoice document that has invalid or missing data. By default,
incomplete invoices are routed to all users with the Accounts Payable Specialist and Accounts Payables Supervisor job roles
for review and completion. For Accounts Payables Supervisor and Manager, these incomplete invoices appear on the
Scanned Information Tile and are grouped by creation date.
If you need to route incomplete invoices based on other rules, you can modify the routing rule or add new routing rules
based on available invoice attributes using the Approval Management extensions (AMX) of the Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle
Human Workflow. The Oracle Business Process Management (BPM) Worklist application provides the interface to administer
the rules.

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A user who belongs to the Financial Application Administrator job role is a BPM Worklist Administrator and can access the
rules in the BPM Worklist application. The navigation to access the BPM Worklist applications is as follows: Navigator -
Setup and Maintenance. Then the user can directly search for Manage Task Configurations for Financials task through
the search pane on the Setup and Maintenance landing page.

The predefined FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold task includes the task and rule settings for routing incomplete invoices. Task
settings include assignment, routing, expiration, and escalation policies. Rules settings include routing, modification, and
substitution rules.

Predefined Incomplete Invoice Routing Rule

The FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold task includes a rule set called IncompleteInvoiceRuleSetThis rule set includes a rule called
JobRoleAssignmentRule. This rule is preconfigured to route incomplete invoices to users with the Accounts Payable
Specialist and Accounts Payable Supervisor job roles. The following table lists the predefined settings for the rule


Condition  1 is 1 To use other invoice attributes, select from the

condition browser. Body bullet

List Builder Resource Determines the resource to which the invoice is


Response Type Required Indicates that the routing notification requires a


Table Row Title Table Body Table Body

Participants Groups: "AP_ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE_SPECIALIST Identifies the participant to whom the invoice is



Rule Name "JobRoleAssignmentRule" Identifies the approval reason to display in the

approval history diagram.

Modify Existing Routing Rule

Rule sets are a collection of related rules. To modify the existing routing rule sets:
1. On the Assignees tab, select the rule set to modify.
2. Click the Edit task icon in the Tasks to be configured pane.
3. Add, modify, or delete the rules for the rule set.

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4. Click the Save icon in the Tasks to be configured pane to save the changes.

5. Click the Commit task icon in the Tasks to be configured pane to activate the changes.

To undo changes, click the Reset icon.

Here is an example of how to modify a rule set to route Incomplete invoices to a specific user group,
starting from the Task Configuration page on the BPM Worklist:
1. Select the FinApIncompleteInvoiceHold task.
2. Click the Edit Task icon to edit the rule.
3. Select the Assignees tab.
4. Click IncompleteInvoicePayablesUser.
5. Click on the business rule IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet.

6. Click on the Expand icon to expand the existing JobRoleAssignmentRule.

7. Click on the Search icon next to the Groups field.

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8. Search for the group that you want to use.
9. Click on the radio button to select the group.
10. Click OK in the Identity Browser window.

11. Validate the rule to ensure there are no errors in the rule definition.
12. Save and Commit the task to ensure that the new rule is functional.

Add New Condition to Existion Routing Rule to Define a Comdition

1. Select a value from the list of values in the left-most condition field in the IF section. The Condition Browser window
2. In the Condition Browser window, open a view object (folder).
3. Select the attribute to use as criteria.
You can also add multiple conditions to existing routing rules. Here is an example of how to route invoices classified as Urgent using
Routing Attribute 1, starting from the Overview page in the BPM Worklist:

1. Select the FinApIncompleteInvoiceHoldtask.

2. Click the Edit Task icon to edit the rule.
3. Select the Assignees tab.
4. Click IncompleteInvoicePayablesUser.
5. Click on the business rule IncompleteInvoiceRuleSet.

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6. Click on the Expand icon to expand the existing JobRoleAssignmentRule.
7. Click the Left Value search icon to open the Condition Browser window.

8. In the Condition Browser window, search for RoutingAttribute1.

9. Drill down from the Task folder to find RoutingAttribute1, select it and click OK.

10. Click on the Right Value search icon to open the Condition Browser window.
11. Check the Constant check box in the bottom of the Condition Browser window.
12. Enter the value Urgent, and then click OK.
13. Validate the rule to ensure that there are no errors in the rule definition.
14. Save and commit the task to ensure that the new rule is functional

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Attributes Recognized by Intelligent Document Recognition

The Intelligent Document Recognition solution is configured to recognize the following invoice attributes:

Level Attributes

Invoice header Invoice type

Business Unit
Purchase order number
Invoice number
Invoice date
Supplier site
Invoice currency
Invoice amount
Freight amount
Routing attributes 1 to 4

Invoice line Purchase order number

Purchase order line
Purchase order schedule
Item description
Invoiced quantity
Unit of measure
Unit price
Line amount

In addition, the default configuration:

 Determines the purchase order lines that individual invoice lines should be matched.
 Prorates freight to all item lines.
 Calculates tax based on Oracle Cloud Tax setups, not on the tax codes and amount specified on the invoice image.

Routing Attributes 1 to 4
Intelligent Document Recognition can support up to four attributes in an email subject that can be recorded on the invoice or
used to route the incomplete invoices to accounts payable personnel for review and completion. Use the underscore (_) as a
separator to indicate the start of routing attribute information. Each attribute can contain up to 40 characters by default.
For example, if you have a specific business requirement to record categories on the invoice such as invoice priority, supplier
category, manufacturing plant number and storage bin number you can specify these categories in the email subject.

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The table below lists the categories in our example, their possible values and how they are mapped to Routing Attributes 1 to


Routing Attribute 1 Invoice priority Regular, Urgent

Routing Attribute 2 Supplier category Regular, Supply chain related

Routing Attribute 3 Manufacturing plant number Plant-1, Plant-2, Plant-3

Routing Attribute 4 Storage bin number Bin#1, Bin#2, Bin#3

Example of Routing Attribute Setups.

A supplier sends an invoice with the email subject: invoice-1234 attached. The email recipient and the customer review the
email and provides additional routing information in the email subject. The revised email subject is: invoice-1234
attached_Urgent_Supply chain related_Plant-1_Bin#1.
You can also use Routing Attribute 1 to manually record the business unit if your supplier sites have multiple business unit
assignments. For details on defaulting business unit based on routing attribute 1, see Business Unit Defaulting.

Testing and Validating Intelligent Document Recognition

Now that all of the setups are complete you want to begin testing and validating the Intelligent Document Recognition
process. This needs to be planned and should be done following best practices to ensure that when Intelligent Document
Recognition is placed into production you are confident that you receive the highest recognition rates possible. Following a
proven test plan helps you achieve this goal. In this section we discuss the best way to test and validate your invoices and
You should test a wide variety of invoices that’s processed by Intelligent Document Recognition. These are invoices that are
come in every week or every month. You don’t want to waste time testing invoices that come in once a year or rarely as that
doesn’t give you any real idea of how well you configured your suppliers, purchase orders, etc. Testing your daily business
processes using your high volume, regular supplier invoices are the proper way to test your IDR setups and know if you need
to make any adjustments BEFORE moving to production.
Let’s discuss a couple of scenarios. If you are a new customer and implementing Intelligent Document Recognition as part of
your initial Cloud Financial implementation. Then, you might consider doing something like the New Implementation
Testing. If you are implementing Intelligent Document Recognition as an add-on after you are already live on Oracle
Financials Cloud then you might want to consider doing something like the Existing Implementation Testing. Whatever you
choose, you should make sure to test more than one or two invoices. Not testing prior to go live or only testing on one or
two invoices seems to be a common mistake many customers make.

New Implementation Testing

Before you begin implementing Intelligent Document Recognition, make sure you set aside invoices for testing. Make sure
that these invoices are a true sample of the invoices that are processed regularly each day/week/month. Also make sure
that these are invoices that reflect typical invoices that are active purchases made by your company regularly from your top
25/30/40 suppliers. If you use Procurement Cloud, make sure you have set up all of your purchase order formats. Make
sure all of your suppliers have been setup as well as their sites and site assignments. The addresses should match to what is
on the invoices for those suppliers that are processing their invoices through IDR. You need to wait 24 hours after setting all
of this up to begin testing. This ensures that all the supplier information has transferred over to IDR. Finally make sure that
you are familiar with the Payables Image Invoice Tracking report that can be run on demand by navigating to Tools >
Scheduled Processes then click on the Schedule New Process button. Then search for Payables Image Invoice Tracking.
This report tracks the progress and show the status of an invoice from the time the IDR server begins processing the email
attachment until it is imported into AP.
You can then make sure that you create the needed purchase orders if you use procurement. If you plan on reusing some of
the invoices and you are using procurement, make sure the purchase orders have line number amounts large enough so
you can match to them more than once without having to update the lines or amounts. Once an AP invoice has been tested,
change the invoice number in Cloud AP before testing again; otherwise, you get a duplicate invoice number error and the

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invoice are marked incomplete. Please remember to wait for the Transfer Supplier Information and that’s at least 24 hours
after you have saved your Manage Intelligent Document Recognition Options. Saving these options the first time begins the
transfer of Supplier information.
Choose at least 25 to 30 suppliers at minimum and that these aren’t atypical invoices that are hand written or cash register
receipts. Process 5 to 10 invoices for each of these suppliers until you are satisfied you are getting the desired recognition
rates. If you aren’t getting the desired recognition rates, first make sure that you have waited at least 24 hours in order to
ensure that the Supplier information has been transferred to IDR.
Make sure that the Transfer Supplier Information is run if you make any changes so you need to make sure you wait 24
hours. If, for example a Supplier is not being recognized, make sure they have been setup with a valid Pay site and the site
has the proper business unit assignment and that the Supplier Type is NOT one of the excluded Supplier Types, finally make
sure you have waited 24 hours after any changes have been made. If you are still not getting the PO or Supplier to be
recognized after you have done these steps, then you may want to log an SR.
Once you are satisfied with your testing results, you can move to production

Existing Implementation Testing

Before you begin implementing Intelligent Document Recognition, request a P2T so that you have the most recent copy of
your suppliers and purchase orders on your test system. It takes about 3 weeks for the P2T to occur. After the P2T is
complete, submit the import program for the imaged invoices. If you need more information, refer to Scheduling the Invoice
Import Process section earlier in this document. Start collecting invoices that come in and if they are emailed, have them
forwarded to someone for testing prior to being entered into production and keep the other invoices as they come in for a
couple of weeks while you are setting up IDR. Make sure that these invoices are a true sample of the invoices that are
processed regularly each day/week/month. Also, make sure that these are invoices that reflect typical active purchases
made by your company regularly from your top 25/30/40 suppliers. Finally make sure that you are familiar with the
Payables Image Invoice Tracking report that can be run on demand by navigating to Tools > Scheduled Processes then click
on the Schedule New Process button. Then search for Payables Image Invoice Tracking. This report tracks the progress
and show the status of an invoice from the time the IDR server begins processing the email attachment until it is imported
into AP.
You can then make sure that all of the purchase orders exist and if they don’t create the needed purchase orders if you use
procurement. If you plan on reusing some of the invoices and you are using procurement, make sure the purchase orders
have line number amounts large enough so you can match to them more than once without having to update the lines or
amounts. Also once the AP invoice is tested, before testing again, change the invoice number in Cloud AP before testing
again otherwise you get a duplicate invoice number error and the invoice are marked incomplete. You need to wait 24 hours
after setting all of this up to begin testing. This ensures that all the supplier information has transferred over to IDR.
Choose at least 25 to 30 suppliers at minimum and that these aren’t atypical invoices that are hand written or cash register
receipts. Process 5 to 10 invoices for each of these suppliers until you are satisfied you are getting the desired recognition
rates. If you aren’t getting the desired recognition rates, first make sure that you have waited at least 24 hours in order to
ensure that the Supplier information has been transferred to IDR. If, for example, a PO Number is not being recognized,
verify the PO formats in Procurement have been setup properly and your invoice PO format matches the formats setup in
Procurement. Make sure that you wait the 24 hours after any changes have been made. If, for example a Supplier is not
being recognized, make sure they have been setup with a valid Pay site and the site has the proper business unit assignment
and that the Supplier Type is NOT one of the excluded Supplier Types, finally make sure you have waited 24 hours after any
changes have been made. If you are still not getting the PO or Supplier to be recognized after you have done these steps,
then you may want to log an SR.
Once you are satisfied with your test results you can move to production.

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Oracle Intelligent Document Recognition for Payables Invoices Getting Started Guide
July, 2020
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