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MAED 101




Assigned Professor

Assignment #1

List at least five aspects of the economy where you find the study of sociology

There are many economic aspects that can associate to the study of sociology. Those
economic aspects show how humans socialize and creating relations to one another.
Economic sociology is the study of the social cause and effect of various economic
phenomena. Some of these are production, distribution, allocation, exchange, and
consumption. Ownership can determined the social class in the society. Marx sees class
as a social group whose members share the same relationships to the means of
production (Haralambos, 1985; Giddens, 1971).

We are able to see the relation of humans looking at circular flow of the economy, how
products were made by those people who combined their ideas and skills in producing
products and goods. We are all being socialized, surrounding by people that affect our
action. Through distribution and proper allocation of resources and products, people act
according to the knowledge that they acquired as he participate at being connected to
the groups that they belong. The local and global trading between people and countries
show that interconnection of each other. By simply exchanging of resources and
products and how they grow and operate in the field of industries it confirms the human
relations and communications that they build. People consume their needs and wants
according to the socio economic status that they have including their incomes. The rich
have more money to spend on higher quality products. They may aim for brand names
like Carla Zampatti and Valentino. (Tanner, J Raymond, M 2012) Though the lower class
will focus more on necessities and focus on buying one nice outfit, but then spend more
on food and their home (, n.d.). The consumption that they do is about
how people constitute their lifestyles. Lifestyles can be constructed by competition
between social groups for status. It also shows how the supplier and the consumer
socialize to each other- how they interact to one another as they trade off.

List and explain five functions of Sociology of Education to students.

 Sociology exposes members of the society to how authority and power

are derived within the society and why certain values, customs, beliefs,
and practices are upheld.

Through the values, customs, beliefs and practices that he upheld it helps him to
know the meaning of power and authority. By means of upholding the truth and
rights in learning the society, it gives the information and knowledge the he need
to pursue and enjoy the values attached to it.
 Sociology also attempts to establish the links between the different sub-
systems in society.
Sociology helps a person to know the interconnection between the different sub-
system in society, the meaning of good and healthy functionality and relationship
to foster growth and development. The effect of one dysfunction may affect the
other system causing hindrance to have a meaningful society.
 Sociology intimates individuals with the changes within the society and
the effects of such changes on human existence.

The knowledge of the sociology gives to the dynamic and transitory of the society
makes each individual to become aware to be integrated to the changes
happenings from time to time. It makes people to improve their lives as part of

 Sociology examines the human background and various forms of

orientation within the society.

Understanding sociology means understanding the differences of people in the

society. Respecting the beliefs and values of others make society harmonious and
a better place to live.

 Sociology also operates within the realm of human needs.

Each of us has different needs to be satisfied for us to have a meaningful life. Those
needs lead them to aspire at set goals as they live. Sociology also sets individual to
live in a decent life as they meet those necessities, it raises some ethical concerns. It
explains the danger in daring, aggressive and unwholesome approach to satisfy
one’s needs.

Discuss the relevance of education to society.

Education is an important aspect to industrialized and computerized world. A person

needs education to get along and survive in this competitive world. With education a
person can have skills and knowledge that will help to nurture their natural capacity
for them to be a productive citizen as well as morally upright. Education is a weapon
that a person can use to improve his or her life; it’s a driving tool that will make a
person to improve knowledge and skill to become useful in his or her society. Aside
from that skills and knowledge that we get in having a good education, people will
developed their personality and attitude. The society itself is an effective agent in the
transmission of cultural heritage to its members. People learned how to think
critically on becoming a better citizen.

Explain the problems that have characterized society as a result of social stratification.

Social stratification is one of the characteristics of early civilization that causes

classification and division of the members of the society. It also defines the human
social class to its society where they belong. Social stratification is the main reason
for relational set of inequalities in economic, social, political and ideological
dimensions. It is a system whereby people rank and evaluate each other. On the basis
of such evaluation, one is rewarded with more wealth, authority, power and prestige.
Assignment #2

Define the concepts, education, and sociology. Discuss the functions of society and
the school as social institutions.

Sociology is the study of how people contact its families, neighbourhoods, schools and
the sub culture where they belong that affects their behaviour. It is about all things in
human interaction in societies, so anywhere there people interacting with other people
and the processes that preserve and change them. Social life will regulate their
behaviour by gathering information and facts that enrich and develop the process of
shaping and establishing the behaviour of humans. An individual functionality on society
will be based on the facts and evidences gathered on his or her interactions. As
Britannica explains Sociology, social life overwhelmingly regulates the behaviour of
humans, largely because humans lack the instincts that guide most animal behaviour.
Humans therefore depend on social institutions and organizations to inform their
decisions and actions. Given the important role organizations play in influencing human
action, it is sociology’s task to discover how organizations affect the behaviour of
persons, how they are established, how organizations interact with one another. Human
establish link to its society that mould their behaviour whether it is well-behaved or
bring discomfort to the society he live in.

Education is simply defined as methods of teaching and learning in schools or in a

school like environment. It is an institution through which children are taught basic
academic knowledge, learning skills, and cultural norms. Each nation equipped with
educational system that will nurture individual natural capacity for them to be a
productive members of its society. It’s a social institution that works for the student to
acquire skills and learning by means of socialization. As Functional Theory explains the
function of education, it is education serves in fulfilling a society’s various needs.
Perhaps the most important function of education is socialization. If children are to learn
the norms, values, and skills they need to function in society, then education is a primary
vehicle for such learning.

Society and school serve purposes as a social institution, it involve several functions to
the social life where human behaviours hone and nurture. Society itself nurtured
individuals by developing responsibilities through trainings enable them to acquire skills,
knowledge, norms and values. To make it proper and formal, school serves as a social
institution through which a society’s children are taught basic academic knowledge,
learning skills, and norms. These learning allow human to establish their natural capacity
making them an empowered citizen contribution to the development of its society. The
society itself is an effective agent of education. The home and school serves as the
transmitter of the cultural heritage. It serves as a main factor for the human to improve
and refine their behaviour- behaviour that’s just and right as they go along and interact
to the society.
Assignment #3

Mention and discuss five agents of socialization.

a. Family- Socialization begins in our families; it is the primary of socialization. Each

members of the family provide us with our first system of values, norms, and
beliefs – a system that is usually a reflection of their own social status, religion,
ethnic group, and more. From family, like gender, language, positive character
traits, fundamental intellectual knowledge, skills and so on help children to
prepare in entering to the society.
b. School- The purpose of school is to transfer subject knowledge and teach life
skills- the child is exposed to the school which also influences him. This part of
their socialization is necessary for them to become productive members of their
society. Students interact every day at school with their peers that strengthen
their social interaction skills. They interact with different authority figures, their
teachers. Teacher personality and character provide a mode which children
imitate thereby consciously moulding his personality. The learning that they gain
and adapt in relating to these authority figures is another important component
of their socialization.
c. Peer Group- We don’t just pick peer groups that fit into our existing traits
instead peer groups help mould what traits we end up with. Peer groups take
shape early in the child’s life; they started to interact with their same-age children
as their playing in their neighbourhoods, day cares, or playgroups. As they in their
adolescence they started to pick and join in an organizations or groups that
influence and affect the development of their identity. Peer groups can have
either a negative or positive impact on a child’s life. A child has to exercise care
and awareness in choosing of the peer groups to belong.
d. Religious Houses- Our religious preference can affect and influence on our
beliefs, values, and behaviours. Patterns of religious belief are reviewed, as well as
the influence of religion on social and political attitudes and behaviours. The
structure of diverse religious institutions is reviewed, as well as processes of
religious socialization. People who share the same religious beliefs will hold the
same attitudes and opinions and will behave in the same way.
e. Mass Media- The mass media we consume are absolutely a part of socialization.
How we use our media is affected by social traits like class, race and age. There
are connections between excessive television viewing on early childhood and
cognitive, language, social and emotional of a child. Children need to be guided
in the usage of their leisure hours in the patronage and utilization of mass media
to discourage the cultivation and learning of negative ideas.

Critically examine the concept of socialization with specific reference to its agents.

Socialization can be described as the process of adaptation by individuals to the

conventional patterns of behaviour. When human children are born, they know
nothing of the society they are born into. Socialization is the process through which
individuals acquire culture to assimilate into society. It is continuous and it happens
all through a person’s stages of life. Through the socialization a person forms their
personality and sense of self.

An agent of socialization is an individual, group or institution that contributes to

people socialization. Agents of socialization, such as parents, peers, schools, religious
groups, media, and others, shape an individual's self-concept, values, and behaviour.
They serve to teach and model expected behaviour and to transmit values and
beliefs and traditions. It influence and affect ones’ behaviour, it helps them to
prepare as they enter the realness of society where they belong.
Assignment #4

Distinguish between enculturation and acculturation.

Enculturation is the process where person learn the culture of their own group by
living in it, observing it, and being taught things by members of the group. By
socializing, it gives a person a more knowledge like behaviour, values, language as he
meets people of his culture.

Acculturation is the process where the attitudes and behaviours of people from one
culture changes when they interact with the people of another culture, it is the
transmission of values and customs from one group to another.

Explain social framework as it relates to two sociological theories.

Functional Theory

Functionalism posits that society is more than the sum of its parts; rather, each
aspect of it works for the stability of the whole. Durkheim envisioned society as an
organism since each component plays a necessary role but can't function alone.
When one part experiences a crisis, others must adapt to fill the void in some way.
(Crossman, 2020) The functionalist perspective sees society as a complex system
whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. This approach looks at
society through a macro-level orientation and broadly focuses on the social
structures that shape society as a whole. In this theory, education is one of the main
key to make students on becoming productive members of society. Maintaining
social order function society well, so that all can work properly, if school failed to
work in making students to transmit the learning’s that students need know society
cease to function properly.

Conflict Theory

This theory is that those in possession of wealth and resources will protect and
hoard those resources, while those without will do whatever they can to obtain them.
This dynamic means there is a constant struggle between the rich and the poor.
Conflict theory states that tensions and conflicts arise when resources, status, and
power are unevenly distributed between groups in society and that these conflicts
become the engine for social change (Crossman, 2019.) The educational system of an
equal, unjust nation can never be just. School socialize students to replicate unjust
and unequal social relationship. School train students to participate in a capitalist
labour force, labour work is produce on labour schooling, the outcome based is
depend on your social class.
Define culture in terms of material and non-material aspects.

Material culture refers to the physical things that make up a culture. Material culture
consists of things that are created by humans and attach meaning to it. Examples of
these are foods, buildings, clothing, and tools. Nonmaterial culture refers to the ideas
and ways of thinking that make up a culture. Examples of nonmaterial culture are
words, laws, beliefs and social roles. Unlike material culture, nonmaterial culture is

Assignment #5
Explain the following terms: polygamy, monogamy, polyandry.

When a man and a woman each have a single spouse we call it monogamy. When a
man is concurrently married to two or more women we call it polygamy, and when a
woman is concurrently married to two or more men we call it polyandry.

Examine the concept of family as the bedrock of sociology.

The primary of people socialization is their family. The family where we belong play
an important role on how we are going socialize, its sets culture to its members that
is responsible for the entire foundation of an individual. The Government also
believes that family is the bedrock of the sociology, families, as part of the big
society, have intrinsic importance for the sense of connectedness, support, identity
and belonging they enable. They contribute directly to well-being – a key
government goal. As they go along and connected to other members of the society
and to the society itself, an individual will use all of the things that he learned inside
the home whether it is good or bad. The failure or success of any society depends
solidly on the type of family organization present.

Critically examine four educational agents in relationship with a family setting.

Four of the most influential agents of socialization during that phase of our lives are
the family, school, peers, and mass media. The family as an institution safeguards
the child during its period of biological immaturity; it is also an institution that
provides for the child’s primary socialization and initial education. Schools are agents
of socialization that not only teach us subject knowledge and life skills but also social
skills through our interactions with teachers, staff, and other students. School and
family collaborations will be a great factor for a child to be hone according to the
knowledge, skills values and behaviours that he needs to acquire to him to be an
efficient member of the society. Peer groups give opportunities to the children to
act and form relationship with the others without the supervision of any adult, the
peer group highly influences the process of socialisation. In the peer group, the
young child learns to confirm to the accepted ways of a group and to appreciate the
fact that social life is based on rules. Mass media is playing a role is shaping the
personality of the individuals; it becomes important agent of socialization. By
watching, reading and be part of mass media, individual learns about objects of
material culture, as well as nonmaterial culture.

Enumerate the roles of family in behaviour modification and control.

As a primary and the beginning of socialization, family play a vital role on how
individual act and be aware to the realness of world. Individual behaviour is influence
by how the families made up culture that he live in. Parents are not only influenced
their children, parenting style can affect everything from how much your child weighs
to how she feels about herself. It's important to ensure the way how families
supporting healthy growth and development because the way you interact with child
and how you discipline his will influence his for the rest of her life.

Families with the ability to negotiate new roles and rules are better able to cope and
adjust to life's changing circumstances. By using a Family Contract, families can
identify interests and concerns that may need to change, including the family's style
of behaviour.

Identify the relevance of family background to learners’ educational aspirations.

The individual is the mirror of what his family is. Individual perceives the world, learns
and behaves in the society is his family background. His made up of mind is the back
ground of his family members. The family is vested with the responsibility of educating
the offspring. Parents are expected to train their children in school for moral, spiritual,
vocational, and economic empowerment. There are many factors affecting learners’
educational aspiration in line to the family background that they have.

 The family background of a child is significantly responsible for the realization of the
children’s occupational aspirations.
 The other closely related to the educational aspiration of the child is the matter of
the social level of parent educational attainment.
 The encouragement parents give the children’s educational aspiration is a very
potent factor.
 The socio-economic position of parents is also an important factor in a child’s
educational aspirations.

Assignment #6
Discuss the agents of social stratification.

In Sociology, social stratification is a concept involving the "classification of people

into groups based on shared socio- economic conditions. This is a relational set of
inequalities with economic, social, political and ideological dimensions. The following
are the agents of Social Stratification,

Family- The family plays the most significant role in the development of an
individual. There are also factors that may affect a child which include the
occupational status of his parents, the parents’ attitude towards their children’s
schooling and the expectations they have for their children.

School- Social stratification within the school commonly known as streaming refers
to the division of school children into age groups according to ability and
intelligence. The brightest children are made to form one class while those that
follow in ability form another class. The children are divided into groups, purely
according to the merit of the individual.

Occupation- In modern societies, roles have become more diverse and complex.
Skills are learned through formal education systems and education has a lot to do
with employment, the occupations one follows is mostly related to the skills and
knowledge which one has acquired.

With specific reference to the Philippine context, express your views about the
categories of social class in society.

When talking about income inequality in the Philippines, the discussion would always
focus on the poor vs. rich divide. But now, in the time of COVID-19 and the
government-imposed lockdown, it has shifted to the poor vs. middle class.
(Understanding Social Class in the Philippines: Which Class Do You Belong to? Zoleta,
Venus, 2020).

During pandemic questions raises, who should the government help more, the poor
or the middle class and what are the difference on the effects of pandemic to the
middle and poor citizens of the nation. There seems to be a virtual war between
social classes on social media. Low-income families have been receiving relief goods
and cash aid. On the other hand, middle-class households hardly receive government
assistance. This pandemic shows the difference between the life of poor class and
middle class, the privilege that given to everyone.

Three primary social classes exist in the Philippines: the low-income class, the
middle-income class, and the high-income class. Social class is more than just about
how much money you’re making but in the Philippines it is the simple and basic on
how we are going to identify the social class that exist.

Do you agree that social class is responsible for students’ education attainment?

Yes, education is looked upon as a means of raising the social status of an individual
in various ways. It is accepted as a basic human need to have a desirable quality of
life. In the reality of the world that we live in, you get a quality education varies by
the social class you’re born into. Kids who grew up in affluent neighbourhoods tend
to have access to better school because the communities provide more funding. So
living in a better neighbourhood tend to means access to better educational facilities
as well as to technology like computers, good teachers and wider variety of classes
and extracurricular. Thus, the higher the class that they belongs the higher chances
to have a quality education.

Assignment #7
List and explain three agents of social stratification.

In Sociology, social stratification is a concept involving the "classification of people

into groups based on shared socio- economic conditions. This is a relational set of
inequalities with economic, social, political and ideological dimensions. The following
are the agents of Social Stratification,

Family- The family plays the most significant role in the development of an
individual. There are also factors that may affect a child which include the
occupational status of his parents, the parents’ attitude towards their children’s
schooling and the expectations they have for their children.

School- Social stratification within the school commonly known as streaming, refers
to the division of school children into age groups according to ability and
intelligence. The brightest children are made to form one class while those that
follow in ability form another class. The children are divided into groups, purely
according to the merit of the individual.

Occupation- In modern societies, roles have become more diverse and complex.
Skills are learned through formal education systems and education has a lot to do
with employment, the occupations one follows is mostly related to the skills and
knowledge which one has acquired.

Discuss the implications of social stratification.

Social stratification causes social disparity and many problems as it is an unjust

system with monopoly of power and wealth in a particular group. It affects life
chances, lifestyles and prestige. It creates emotional stress and depression for the
people belonging to lower social stratum as they have unequal access to wealth,
power and prestige.

One of the major components of social class is Education, both directly and
indirectly. Directly, individuals from higher social classes are more likely to have the
means to attend more prestigious schools, and are therefore more likely to receive
higher educations. Indirectly, individuals who benefit from such higher education are
more likely to land prestigious jobs, and in turn, higher salaries. Just as education and
social class are closely intertwined, stratification in education contributes to
stratification in social class.
With specific reference to the Philippine context, express your views about the
categories of social class in society.

There are several types of social inequality in the Philippines. There is inequality
based upon ethnicity, gender, land ownership, linguistic ability, and religious
affiliation. However, by far the most blatant, pervasive, and important type of
inequality is that described as class stratification. Class stratification enters into all
interpersonal relations, economic arrangements, and political leadership. The other
types of social inequality can, in fact, be seen either as extensions of the class system
to particular settings (e.g., the church or the classroom) or as the class system in
which one dimension (e.g., land ownership or ethnic identity) is emphasized. Class
stratification is the framework in which all of the other inequality happens.
(Inequality in Urban Philippines, Robert Fletcher Manlove)

Social stratification leads to inequality in different aspect of life. Social inequality

refers to relational processes in society that have the effect of limiting or harming a
group's social status, social class, and social circle. Areas of social inequality include
access to voting rights, freedom of speech and assembly, the extent of property
rights and access to education, health care, quality housing, traveling, transportation,
vacationing and other social goods and services. Apart from that it can also be seen
in the quality of family and neighbourhood life, occupation, job satisfaction, and
access to credit.
Assignment #8

Compare and contrast the functions of the home and the school in the transmission of
moral values to a child.

Values are one of the basic identifier of personality traits and those values are not
innate but acquired by training and being exposed to it. Although values can be
taught in all stages of life, values education gains importance in childhood because
personality takes shape in it. Values education firstly begins in family and it continues
at educational institutions. These two agents play a big role on the development of
values of a child as he entered to its society but it serves a different function and
roles to the transmission of moral values to a child.

The child receives the greatest and most influential part of the heteronomy that will
shape his moral development at home. It is the family that sharpens personality,
influences emotional development and pattern of moral concepts. The home
environment provides a different set of opportunities including interaction with
grandparents, interactions with neighbours, family gatherings. Through interaction
the values are being transmitted to a child, it built and developed his personality, the
cultural values that the family has are also transmitted to him. Cultural values are
composing of norms and beliefs of the society and the same the punishment that
they might get being a violator. Young children’s beliefs about what is right and
wrong traditionally have been strongly influenced by their families (Brannon, 2008)
that one of the main or sole transmitters of values.

In comprising the immense moral influence of the home with the school, the school
may seem weak in the transmission of moral values to the child. It has far fewer
opportunities to influence the child in terms of time, population approach, and
responsibilities. The values it seeks to transmit may be contradicted by those of the
home. The school environment provides some good opportunities to show values
through team sports, clubs/societies, project work. The function of school is focused
on broadly accepted societal values. The efforts of school have important point in
gaining important and ethical values in character education. Teachers are core
component of school and they play substantial role in values education. In the school
assembly, there is a frequent assertion of moral values within the context of actual
situations arising from school life. In the classroom, there are frequent on-the-spot
injunctions to individuals. The place of such heteronomy in the school is evidenced
from our responses, cited earlier. Its value lies in the fact that it is given within
concrete situations, not in abstract and remote principles.
Religious houses are mutually exclusive in the transmission of moral values. Discuss.

Through religious houses the transmission of moral values might be possible in some
situation. There are limited roles religious houses play in the moral upbringing of
children but some teachings and values that the religion has can lead a child for his
personality development. Though there are many areas in religious houses that
being prioritize makes the transmission of moral values to their members almost
impossible. But that is by no means to say that the traditional feeling that religion
somehow promotes social and individual morality is dead. We find it in both adults
and adolescents. It has its place, however, defined as one of the indirect moral
influences upon the child.

Enumerate and explain why transmission of moral values should not be knighted to
tradition alone.

Moral values need to be inculcated in all age groups especially in young children as it
is said young minds are empty just as a plain white sheet so whatever mark we leave
the impression remains for years. Tradition contains set of values and beliefs. One’s
tradition affects the beliefs and values of human; it honed and shaped what a person
could be and how he will act on his society. Tradition has intimately linked moral
values but it doesn’t mean that the transmission of moral values should be knighted
to tradition alone. Traditions and religions have both positive and negative
reinforcement to person behaviour. Not all tradition inculcate moral base that shape
and mind to a large extent. Some of these practices are not applicable on what does
the human shows himself to humane and just society. According to Vajpayee, most, if
not all religions, have some thematic principles that make them similar to one
another, namely concepts of god and love, honesty, altruism, miracle workings and
peacekeeping. However, every religion has elements and ideologies that set them
apart from the other. These ideological differences may not be overt and easy to
discern, but they are present and account for a lot of disharmony and discord at
Assignment #9

What are the teachings of your religion, and tradition towards morality?

Right actions are right just because God approves of them and wrong actions are
wrong just because God disapproves of them. This is the essence of the Divine
Command Theory of morality: God is a legislator of morality; he decides what's right
or wrong in the same way in which the state decides what's legal and what's illegal.
God approves of right actions because they are right and disapproves of wrong
actions because they are wrong. So, morality is independent of God’s will; however,
since God is omniscient He knows the moral laws, and because He’s moral, He
follows them.

Compare and contrast the functions of the home and the school in the transmission of
moral and social values to a child.

Values are one of the basic identifier of personality traits and those values are not
innate but acquired by training and being exposed to it. Although values can be
taught in all stages of life, values education gains importance in childhood because
personality takes shape in it. Values education firstly begins in family and it continues
at educational institutions. These two agents play a big role on the development of
values of a child as he entered to its society but it serves a different function and
roles to the transmission of moral values to a child.

The child receives the greatest and most influential part of the heteronomy that will
shape his moral development at home. It is the family that sharpens personality,
influences emotional development and pattern of moral concepts. The home
environment provides a different set of opportunities including interaction with
grandparents, interactions with neighbours, family gatherings. Through interaction
the values are being transmitted to a child, it built and developed his personality, the
cultural values that the family has are also transmitted to him. Cultural values are
composing of norms and beliefs of the society and the same the punishment that
they might get being a violator. Young children’s beliefs about what is right and
wrong traditionally have been strongly influenced by their families (Brannon, 2008)
that one of the main or sole transmitters of values.

In comprising the immense moral influence of the home with the school, the school
may seem weak in the transmission of moral values to the child. It has far fewer
opportunities to influence the child in terms of time, population approach, and
responsibilities. The values it seeks to transmit may be contradicted by those of the
home. The school environment provides some good opportunities to show values
through team sports, clubs/societies, project work. The function of school is focused
on broadly accepted societal values. The efforts of school have important point in
gaining important and ethical values in character education. Teachers are core
component of school and they play substantial role in values education. In the school
assembly, there is a frequent assertion of moral values within the context of actual
situations arising from school life. In the classroom, there are frequent on-the-spot
injunctions to individuals. The place of such heteronomy in the school is evidenced
from our responses, cited earlier. Its value lies in the fact that it is given within
concrete situations, not in abstract and remote principles.

Religious houses are mutually exclusive in the transmission of moral and social values.

Through religious houses the transmission of moral values might be possible in some
situation. There are limited roles religious houses play in the moral upbringing of
children but some teachings and values that the religion has can lead a child for his
personality development. Though there are many areas in religious houses that
being prioritize makes the transmission of moral values to their members almost
impossible. But that is by no means to say that the traditional feeling that religion
somehow promotes social and individual morality is dead. We find it in both adults
and adolescents. It has its place, however, defined as one of the indirect moral
influences upon the child.

Enumerate and explain why transmission of social values should not be knighted to
tradition alone.

Moral values need to be inculcated in all age groups especially in young children as it
is said young minds are empty just as a plain white sheet so whatever mark we leave
the impression remains for years. Tradition contains set of values and beliefs. One’s
tradition affects the beliefs and values of human; it honed and shaped what a person
could be and how he will act on his society. Tradition has intimately linked moral
values but it doesn’t mean that the transmission of moral values should be knighted
to tradition alone. Traditions and religions have both positive and negative
reinforcement to person behaviour. Not all tradition inculcate moral base that shape
and mind to a large extent. Some of these practices are not applicable on what does
the human shows himself to humane and just society. According to Vajpayee, most, if
not all religions, have some thematic principles that make them similar to one
another, namely concepts of god and love, honesty, altruism, miracle workings and
peacekeeping. However, every religion has elements and ideologies that set them
apart from the other. These ideological differences may not be overt and easy to
discern, but they are present and account for a lot of disharmony and discord at
Assignment #10

Examine the roles that education plays in the economic development of any nation.

Education in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of development. When we

say economic development, the country meets its goal, providing the needs of
people. To attain this goal, the country needs resources that enable it to meet
growth and progress including land, capital and entrepreneur. No country can
achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment in human
capital. In a planned economy, it is planned years in advance to produce a definite
number of doctors, engineers, teachers, technicians, scientists, etc. to meet the social
and economic needs of the society. Those preparations will be done if the nation
provides quality education, enable a citizen to gain knowledge and acquire skills to
be a part of a developing country. Education raises people’s productivity and
creativity and promotes entrepreneurship and technological advances.

Education and politics are mutually inclusive. Discuss.

Whatever is the type of government that exists in the country, its leaders must come
from within it if it is to remain independent. The schools can play a major role in both
the selection and the training of leaders. Educational system has thus economic as
well as political significance. Through education, citizens will be able have politically
mind that knows the importance of having a good leadership to have a developed
country. Literacy allows full participation of the people in democratic processes and
effective voting. Literacy is a product of education.

Critically examine the functions of education in enhancing peace and stability in


Education plays a vital role in regulating individual behaviour through transmitting a

way of life and communicating ideas and values. Through education people learn
how to deal to its society applying the norms and values that they acquired on the
teachings to the institution. One way that education contributes to the regulations of
social conduct, says Bottomore, “is in the early socialistion of the child”. In order to
transmit its social heritage and survive as a social order all societies develop
educational systems to train its younger generations. The young must be consciously
trained for their adult roles to maintain the stability and peace of society. Through
the process of education society regulates the behaviour of its members and
enforces conformity to its norms.
As the Human Rights conventions declare: “Education must prepare a child for
responsible life and effective participation in a free society in a spirit of
understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of sexes and friendships among all peoples,
ethnic, national and religious groups and persons of indigenous origin”.

Do you agree that education is better than ignorance? Discuss.

Yes, As Nelson Mandela say, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can
use to change the world.” Education is the first step for people to gain the
knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and skills they need to make this world a
better place. Sri Chimnoy said, Ignorance is an enemy, even to its owner. Knowledge
is a friend, even to its hater. Ignorance hates knowledge because it is too pure.
Knowledge fears ignorance because it is too sure. Being knowledgeable enable
person to know the importance of hard work and at the same time it helps the
person to grow and develop personality and life. Thus, we are able to shape a better
society to live in by knowing and respecting rights, laws, and regulations.
Assignment #11

Do you think that education can liberate human beings? Give your own opinions.

"Education is a constant process for the liberation of human beings." —Pablo Freire .
This quote of Pablo Freire captures the very essence of education. Education is
liberating human beings in that it enables people to overcome injustice, poverty, and
fear. It can be a tool for liberating both an individual and the society; a tool which
should liberate an individual in many aspects, including social, economic, cultural,
intellectual and spiritual. That aspect can improve by means of education; it can be a
tool on how he will enable himself to be creative and competent in making use of his
own natural resources for the development of himself and the society in general.

Examine the roles that education plays in the economic development of any nation.

Education in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of development. When we

say economic development, the country meets its goal, providing the needs of
people. To attain this goal, the country needs resources that enable it to meet
growth and progress including land, capital and entrepreneur. No country can
achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment in human
capital. In a planned economy, it is planned years in advance to produce a definite
number of doctors, engineers, teachers, technicians, scientists, etc. to meet the social
and economic needs of the society. Those preparations will be done if the nation
provides quality education, enable a citizen to gain knowledge and acquire skills to
be a part of a developing country. Education raises people’s productivity and
creativity and promotes entrepreneurship and technological advances.

Education and Politics are mutually inclusive. Discuss.

Whatever is the type of government that exists in the country, its leaders must
come from within it if it is to remain independent. The schools can play a major role
in both the selection and the training of leaders. Educational system has thus
economic as well as political significance. Through education, citizens will be able
have politically mind that knows the importance of having a good leadership to have
a developed country. Literacy allows full participation of the people in democratic
processes and effective voting. Literacy is a product of education.

Critically examine the functions of education in enhancing peace and stability in

Education plays a vital role in regulating individual behaviour through transmitting a
way of life and communicating ideas and values. Through education people learn
how to deal to its society applying the norms and values that they acquired on the
teachings to the institution. One way that education contributes to the regulations of
social conduct, says Bottomore, “is in the early socialistion of the child”. In order to
transmit its social heritage and survive as a social order all societies develop
educational systems to train its younger generations. The young must be consciously
trained for their adult roles to maintain the stability and peace of society. Through
the process of education society regulates the behaviour of its members and
enforces conformity to its norms.

As the Human Rights conventions declare: “Education must prepare a child for
responsible life and effective participation in a free society in a spirit of
understanding, peace, tolerance, equality of sexes and friendships among all peoples,
ethnic, national and religious groups and persons of indigenous origin”.

Do you agree that education is better than ignorance? Discuss.

Yes, As Nelson Mandela say, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can
use to change the world.” Education is the first step for people to gain the
knowledge, critical thinking, empowerment and skills they need to make this world a
better place. Sri Chimnoy said, ignorance is an enemy, even to its owner. Knowledge
is a friend, even to its hater. Ignorance hates knowledge because it is too pure.
Knowledge fears ignorance because it is too sure. Being knowledgeable enable
person to know the importance of hard work and at the same time it helps the
person to grow and develop personality and life. Thus, we are able to shape a better
society to live in by knowing and respecting rights, laws, and regulations.

Assignment #12
Critically examine the attributes of a reluctant learner and proffer solutions to his

The attitude and behaviour of children towards the class teacher and towards authority
in general and classroom learning situations depends on the learner’s perception of
himself and his relationship with others. There are several reasons as to why the student
may feel the way he/she does. As a teacher, one must be very careful to make sure to
take into consideration all of the reasons as to why a student may feel reluctant to put
forth the necessary energy in the classroom.

 The child who has been repeatedly told that she is “just stupid” will grasp the stigma
and make it her own and often in some strangely perverted way. Using derogatory
words are not appropriate for the students to motivate actively participating on the
school activities and classroom discussion. This creates a lack of interest in the child
as he manifests some reluctance towards learning bringing about an incapable of
normal behaviour.

 Teachers know from experience that the home background of the child greatly
influences his behaviour in the classroom. Students who have supportive parents that
nurture learning are less likely to show reluctance to learn in the classroom, while
students whose home life is full of fighting and little academic support may show
less interest in the classroom (Let's Talk Motivation, 2005). Another reason why a
student may not be motivated to learn could be because of a low-socioeconomic
status. According to Woolfolk, low-SES students suffer from "poor health care, low
expectations, low self-esteem, and learned helplessness" (2004, p.158-159). These
students have much more on their mind than learning.

 Society may be organized in a way that some individuals follow pathways that could
lead to deviance, and from the interpersonal perspective. A group is a collection of
interdependent, interacting individuals with reciprocal influence over one another.
(Group Processes in the Classroom, 2021) A positive climate that the group have
where the student belongs had a great impact on how he will perform academically.
The students' interactions, their attitudinal reactions to the class, as well as to
students' self-concept and their motivational satisfactions and frustration will be
based on what climate that the groups had.

To solve these factors, teacher must know the background of the students; make an
environment that will be a safe haven to them. A learning environment that
encourages regular participation but allows for exceptions has a better chance of
gaining the trust and investment of all students. They can feel the acceptance that
they need regardless of home background that they have. Le the students stay in the
same “cliques” or to themselves as they are prone to do, can erode community.
Because most students don’t spontaneously or independently form bonds or reach
out to one another, teachers must lay a relational foundation.

List and explain the functions of a teacher in the classroom.

At the infant or primary schools, teachers are expected to be concerned mostly with
the children they teach and not the curriculum. As a primary school teacher, you'll
facilitate learning by establishing a relationship with pupils, keeping your learning
resources organised and creating a positive learning environment in the classroom.
Teacher role is to develop and foster the appropriate skills and social abilities to
enable the optimum development of children, according to age, ability and aptitude.

At the secondary school level, special attention must be accorded to the child’s
future career because at this level a wider scope of the body of knowledge is taught
with a deeper sense of responsibility because of the manifestation of character traits
at this stage. As a secondary school teacher you will specialise in teaching a specific
subject, which is likely to be the subject you studied at university or related to it. This
makes secondary school teaching a particularly good career choice if you are
enthusiastic about your degree subject and want to share your knowledge of it.

At the tertiary level, a teacher is saddled with the enormous responsibility of

teaching, researching, and community development participation which deserve
more commitment, dedication, and display of academic prowess, ability, and
capability. Teachers in higher education commonly aim to develop their students'
ways of thinking, acting and approaching a field of study and practice. Hence, this
should also be the focus of our teaching practice

Examine the social dynamics in the classroom regarding peer groups.

In the social area, the classrooms serve two main functions. First, train youth to be
able to perform adult roles when they become grown-ups. Secondly, the classroom
helps to determine which students will perform what roles as adults. They help to
select and sort out students for different roles and occupations and because different
roles carry different statuses, they help to determine the social status of students as
adults. It became possible by acquiring behaviour through social interaction inside
the classroom. By showing support and conflict, teachers may function as a model
for students regarding how to interact and how to evaluate each other, thereby
shaping the classroom peer ecology. Associations of general and student-specific
levels and differential provision of teacher support and conflict with the classroom
peer ecology were investigated. Through peer groups inside the classroom, students
will be able to interact at learn by building relationship to the group of people inside
the institution.

Enumerate the roles of a teacher in the eradication of examination malpractice from

our educational system.

 Strengthen the ethical education and teach the essence of hard work and
 Provide adequate regulations and punishments regarding cheating. Open
them to the possible consequences of examination malpractices.
 Attend training as a preparation about proper examination guidelines when
administering examination to avoid malpractices.

Assignment #13

In your own opinion, what are the causes of examination malpractices?

The rampant occurrence of examination malpractice has become an issue of
educational systems. Most examinations are usually marked by complaints of various
forms of malpractice. According to Adams and Esther(2013) that in most countries
of the world the examination system is infected with misconducts, or
wrongdoings. There is a rising wave of examination malpractices among the students
of our nation. There are many causes on examination malpractice from educational
system, the student behaviour towards his studies, his laziness, lack of self-
confidence and lack of preparation on examination. The school environment also
affect why student possibly commit cheating, the school poor facilities even the
sitting arrangement made by the teacher. The socio-economic factor and weak
parental may lead the students to do some malpractice in taking their exam.

Define curriculum and explain its usefulness in the transformation of a social being
without blemish to become an acceptable member of a larger society.

Musgrave (1975) defined curriculum as those learning experiences or succession of

such learning experiences that are purposefully organized by such formal
educational agents as schools. The curriculum has purposes, aims or objectives which
reflect general societal aspirations. Society plays a significant role in determining
what is considered worthwhile knowledge, desirable attitudes and relevant skills

Enumerate the roles of a teacher in the eradication of examination malpractice from

our educational system.

 Strengthen the ethical education and teach the essence of hard work and
 Provide adequate regulations and punishments regarding cheating. Open
them to the possible consequences of examination malpractices.
 Attend training as a preparation about proper examination guidelines when
administering examination to avoid malpractices.

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