Specification: Name: Class/Period: Date:: Course Code:Bio1201

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Specification: Name:
1.8: know the cardiac cycle (atrial systole, ventricular systole
and cardiac diastole) and relate the structure and operation of Class/Period:
the mammalian heart, including the major blood vessels, to its
function. Date:
*Details of myogenic stimulation not needed at IAS.

Key Questions: Notes:

■ Single circulation is found in fish

What is a single closed ■ The heart pumps deoxygenated blood to the gills
circulatory system? ■ Here gaseous exchange takes place
■ There is diffusion of carbon dioxide from the blood into the water that surrounds
the gills, and diffusion of oxygen from this water into the blood
■ The blood leaving the gills then flows around the rest of the body before
returning to the heart
■ Blood flows through the heart once for each complete circuit of the body

What is it double closed

circulatory system? ■ Birds and mammals has a double circulatory system.
■ The right ventricle of the heart pumps deoxygenated blood (blood poor in
oxygen) to the lungs where it receives oxygen
■ The oxygenated blood (blood rich in oxygen) then returns to the heart to be
pumped a second time (by the left ventricle) out to the rest of the body
■ Blood flows through the heart twice for each complete circuit of the body
■ The heart gives the blood returning from the lungs an extra boost- which
reduces the time it takes for the blood to circulate around the whole body
■ This allows birds and mammals to have a high metabolic rate because oxygen
and food substances required for metabolic processes can be delivered more
rapidly to cells

Why do mammals need a 1. mammals are living organisms which need to absorb nutrients and oxygen to release
circulatory system but unicellular waste products but unicellular organisms can do this at their surface without a
organisms don't? circulatory system

2. mammals have cells which are not exposed to the environment so the
nutrients/waste need to be transported via a circulatory system

Give an example of a double ■ Mammals have a double circulatory system.

circulatory system. ■ The heart is divided down the middle by a septum.
■ The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs to pick up oxygen in the
pulmonary system.
■ From the lungs it travels to the left side of the heart where is pumped to the rest
of the body in the systemic system.


What is the advantage of the ■ Oxygenated and deoxygenated blood is separated so this maintains a high
mammalian double circulatory concentration gradient.
system? ■ Since the chambers are separated, it allows the left side to pump blood out of
the heart at a much higher pressure compared to the right side.

What is the structure of a human


Identifying Components of a Dissected Sheep Heart


How to differentiate between the ■ The left ventricle pumps blood around the entire body and so has a noticeably
left and right side of the heart? thicker myocardium than the right ventricle

What are the major components The structure of the human heart includes the following key components:
of a heart?

■ Two atria (singular = atrium) – smaller chambers near top of heart that collect
blood from body and lungs
■ Two ventricles – larger chambers near bottom of heart that pump blood to body
and lungs

Heart Valves

■ Atrioventricular valves (between atria and ventricles) – bicuspid valve on left

side ; tricuspid valve on right side
■ Semilunar valves (between ventricles and arteries) – aortic valve on left side ;
pulmonary valve on right side

Blood Vessels

■ Vena cava (inferior and superior) feeds into the right atrium and returns
deoxygenated blood from the body
■ Pulmonary artery connects to the right ventricle and sends deoxygenated blood
to the lungs
■ Pulmonary vein feeds into the left atrium and returns oxygenated blood from the
■ Aorta extends from the left ventricle and sends oxygenated blood around the

The Left atria, left ventricle and

right ventricle all have different The left ventricles has thicker walls to pump blood out at higher pressure. This is
thicknesses. because it has to pump blood throughout the body which is a longer distance.

Why is the left ventricle wall The right ventricles on the other hand pumps blood out at a lowered pressure because
thickest? it has to pump blood through the lungs which is a shorter distance

What is the cardiac cycle? The cardiac cycle is the continuous contraction and relaxation of the heart.
It consists of the:-
■ Atrial systole
■ Ventricular systole
■ Diastole

What is phase 1 of the cardiac ■ During atrial systole, ventricles relax and atria contract, this decreases the
cycle and what happens during volume and increases the pressure in atria.
this phase? ■ The difference in pressure open AV valves so blood is pushed into ventricles.


What is phase 2 of the cardiac ■ Atira relaxes and ventricles contract

cycle and what happens during ■ This decrease the volume and increase the pressure in ventricles.
this phase? ■ Higher pressure in ventricles compared to atria causes AV valves to close to
prevent backflow of blood into atria.
■ Ventricles also has higher pressure than aorta and Pulmonary Artery so Semi
lunar Valves open to push blood out.

What is phase 3 of the cardiac ■ During diastole, the heart relaxes.

cycle and what happens during ■ High pressure in the pulmonary artery causes semi lunar valves to close to
this phase? prevent back flow into the ventricles.
■ Atria is being filled with blood so this increases the pressure of atria.
■ As pressure in atria is higher than ventricles, AV valves open to allow blood to
enter ventricles.

Where does ventricular At the apex of the heart pushing blood towards the arteries, pulmonary and aorta. The
contraction start? semi-lunar valves open due to rising pressure and push blood out of the heart. The
ventricles then relax in order to allow the heart to fill again.

What is the Coronary Artery? Coronary Artery is the blood vessel on the surface of the heart that supplies the heart
with blood.

Why are healthy coronary They help maintain a regular heart rhythm. Heart muscles need a good supply of
arteries so important? oxygen and glucose to contact with a regular rhythm. Healthy coronary arteries provide
this needed supple so it continues to beat.



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