Group 4 Honda

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Table of Contents

I. Case 1 – Miscommunication in the workplace 2

1. Descriptions of the situation 2
2. Reasons for studying this situation 3
3. Reasons for this situation 3
4. Consequences of this situation (with evidence/facts/statistics/image) 4
5. Honda's resolution 4
6. Suggestion 5
II. Case 2 – Communication Transitioning 6
1. Description of the situation 6
2. Honda's resolution 7
3. Reasons for studying this situation 10
4. Reasons for this situation 11
5. Consequences 12
6. Suggestion 13
III. Case 3 – Miscommunication between company and retailers 13
1. Descriptions of the situation 13
2. Honda's resolution 14
3. Reasons for studying this situation 15
4. Reasons for this situation 15
5. Consequences 16
6. Suggestion 16
IV. Expectation 17
V. Lessons 17
Case 1: Miscommunication in the workplace 17
Case 2: Communication Transitioning 18
Case 3: Miscommunication between company and retailers 18

I. Case 1 – Miscommunication in the workplace

1. Descriptions of the situation

On July 1720, Honda introduced the SH mode 125 motorcycles to promote beyond
all the motorbike". It is the technologically upgraded version of an existing product line
SH Mode. The new product is designed to initial introduction for 3 months, and then
according to the results and customer's interest, Honda will make further decisions on the
future of this product.
When buying this new motorbike, customers will be given several accessories,
including a spare key. This is printed in the catalog and instruction. With the support of
beloved customers, after 1 month of launching, Honda recorded 26 sales transactions in
10 agencies in Hanoi, HCM City, Can Tho, Vinh, Phuc Yen, Hai Phong, and Thanh Hoa.
However, the complaints and feedback of the very first customers revealed the problem.
They do not receive the free key as an introduction. Customers reported this problem to
Honda's hotlines and the customer feedback one day after purchasing. This problem
stemmed from a miscommunication between the R&D Department and the factory.
Because the R&D is working in Hanoi's headquarters while the factory is located in
Vinh Yen, Vinh Phuc, the most common communication channels are online letters and
emails. This leads to miscommunication in the workforce in this case. In the development
strategy for this product, the R&D Department put the spare key in the bundled list and
sent it to both printing and manufacturers. The printing partners already finished their
tasks. However, the manufacturers had a few problems and could not produce this spare
key. They contacted the R&D team to present this problem via email. However, this team
later ignored the email accidentally and did not notify the relevant departments and the
CEO for handling. This led to the SH Mode 125 product line being introduced to the
market, advertised with a spare key when, in reality, not.

2. Reasons for studying this situation

According to the study "Language Barriers in the Modern Workplace," the impact of
organizational miscommunication can be seen by elevated stress levels (52% of
respondents), delay or inability to complete projects (44%), low business morale (31%),
missed performance targets (25%) and lost revenue (18%). In another survey,
communication blunders were responsible for an estimated annual loss of $62.4 million
of 400 companies with 10,000 employees each. For the same cause, businesses with 100
employees did no better, losing an average of $420,000 a year. We understand the
importance of studying communication and analyzing a practical case for better
understanding through those statistics. This situation contains obvious signs of
misunderstanding and miscommunication in the workforce. This is a case with high
practicality. Through this case, we are aware of the importance of communication in the
workplace and how communication affects its reputation and revenue. Also, we learned
that cooperation is a necessary skill for sustainable developments as departments in the
company have to work together to ensure high performance and bring the best products to
customers. Every detail, even a complimentary gift, should be noticed.

3. Reasons for this situation

a, Distraction (Chapter 4)
Distraction is one of the barriers to misunderstanding mentioned in chapter 4. This
distraction occurs due to the inefficient working of the Partnership Department when
receiving the email. This department has only one person who receives and classifies
those emails into different groups according to their importance. A large enterprise as
Honda has only one person in this position makes the amount of work that this person
needs to handle in a day is too great and quickly leads to overload.

b, Lack of communication skill (Chapter 1)

The second reason for this Lack of communication skills in the workplace. In
horizontal communication among workers at the same levels, which are different

departments in the organization. Before launching a product on the market, those
departments need to communicate and work closely and consistently to ensure that the
working process is on track. All product categories have been fully prepared and ready
for sale. But the fact that they work very sporadically, inconsistently, and do not check
the categories when receiving goods from the manufacturer and delivering to the
agencies, leading to a severe problem.

4. Consequences of this situation (with evidence/facts/statistics/image)

This incident has damaged Honda's image with customers, especially loyal customers
who have supported the new product line as soon as they were introduced. With this
product, Honda had distributed in 800 agencies (265 in the North, 237 in the Central and
294 in the South) and the total number of vehicles distributed in the first campaign was
2,154 models in total. However, since this product line was still in the production phase,
the production scale, customer awareness was still low. The media is also unaware of this
accident. Moreover, product differentiation was not high (most of the change was on the
technology). Due to the timely products recall, the problem impacts Honda on a small
scale. However, in general, this incident, along with the trend of saturation of the
motorcycle market and the prolonged epidemic situation in 2020, have affected Honda
Vietnam's financial statement. In 8 months of business, there are 6 months Honda
recorded negative growth in sales. According to Bao Viet, in the first eight months of
2020, Honda sells a total of 1,354 million motorbikes, down 15% over the same period in
2019 (1,592 million vehicles).

5. Honda's resolution

Recall back to 2010, when the Honda Lead station model was selling very well in the
market, some customers of this motorbike were also asked by Honda Vietnam's
authorized dealers to bring the motorbike to replace the gas tank, while the manufacturer
always insisted that the motorbike was not at fault. Until the press entered, Honda

Vietnam admitted the incident and then recalled more than 2,500 Lead to fix the gas tank
Applying the same strategy Honda has always favored, they immediately contact the
new SH Mode purchasers and inform them about the new model's on-site checkup. On
July 30th, answering an interview, Mr. N.V. Xuan, the owner of an SH Mode 125, said
that he had recently purchased the vehicle. Still, a few days ago, the motorbike sales
agent called to ask him to bring the motorbike to check for the lock, and the technician
brought him an additional key that came with the purchase. Not only, Mr. Xuan, some
people using the SH 125 model are also sharing similar information, advising other
owners to go to authorized dealers of Honda Vietnam to get the free key.
Regarding the recall of Honda SH Mode 125 motorcycles as in a report by Honda
Vietnam, during the production and installation of SH Mode125 motorcycles, Honda
Vietnam has taken test measures and discovered 78 out of 1,375 vehicles faults the
assembly process, which is the Lack of spare keys. However, while clarifying the cause
of the above phenomenon, Honda Vietnam has provided 2,154 SH Mode 125 to the
market. Honda Vietnam affirms: This error does not affect the quality of the vehicle and
users' safety. Honda Vietnam recalls the faulty cars to ensure the best product quality for

6. Suggestion

Our team does not agree with the way Honda solves the problem. Honda did not
apologize to its customers and admitted fault but only tried to hide the incident to
preserve the company's image and reputation. This can cause a bad impression in the eyes
of customers and especially the situation will become serious if the media takes part in it.
Therefore, we suggest some solutions for Honda for better deal with this crisis:
+ First and foremost, Honda always has to frankly admit the mistake and take
responsibility for it. Representatives of Honda agencies can apologize on behalf of the
Company via phone call or email.

+ Honda can send free engine oil change vouchers for 1 year, 1-year free
maintenance, or free motorcycle insurance to customers as a tribute.
+ The company factory needs to quickly troubleshoot and produce the spare key
immediately for 2,154 models that are already distributed. The vehicles which are still in
the factory should be checked again. Honda needs to control the number of vehicles with
and without the spare key for additional production. Checking is needed to ensure that
every vehicle distributed from the factory has all the items in the categories.
+ The company also needs to review and reassess the working process, the linkage
between departments and especially the appropriate allocation of personnel to avoid
+ Honda also needs to prepare for the situation in which customers report this
incident to the media and prepare an appropriate scenario to prevent the crisis.

II. Case 2 – Communication Transitioning

1. Description of the situation

On September 16th, three personnel of the Product Planning team, who work at
Honda's representative office in Ha Noi, were appointed to collect customer's data for the
1st-month launch of the new SH mode model.
For the 21st and 22nd of September, the team went to 2 agencies in Hanoi-one at
Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, and one at Xuan La, Tay Ho-to customers the newest SH mode
model. The Heads contacted these customers to stop by for maintenance, as the officer
told them to do for easier surveying. Since most of the surveyees were white-collar
workers, they did not show up at the Head due to their busy schedules. As a result, the
surveys collected was only 12, while the initial KPI was 30.
For 23rd and 24th September, three employees traveled to 2 agencies Que Khoa and
Hong Phat, to collect Hai Phong data. They sat at the two Heads for two full-day and
only managed 17 surveys since not many people showed up.

Eventually, they returned to Ha Noi, with 29 surveys-not significant enough to arrive
at any meaningful result. Additionally, the team would transfer the surveys collected to
another team at Vinh Phuc factory, which in charge of data entry. Notice that data
collecting to data entry is costly (Honda VN developed a couple just to enter the data into
their software), yet so ineffective. Honda has come up with another way to increase
engagement with customers.

2. Honda's resolution

Since manual data entry can be excessive and unnecessary, Honda Vietnam is
shifting from an on-site interview to questionnaires on the My Honda+ app. In
collaboration with FPT Software, Honda introduced its first exclusive software for
vehicle management on NoveNovember 519. After only three weeks, My Honda+ has
had more than 90,000 downloads on both operation system Android and IOS. The app
helps you check for a warranty schedule, find a maintenance agent, keep track of the
vehicle longevity, etc. It is designed to help users protect their assets correctly and grant
them direct access to the company's latest information.

The engagement of users to the Apps is massively increased because of its
multifunction, which increases the sum of data Honda can achieve.

When being notified of any vehicle update, the user is then recommended to
complete a survey that will help Honda Vietnam understand more about customers'
preferences regarding design, quality, and price.
The surveys are instantly stored in the internet cloud belongs to
In contrast to paper surveys, these are easier and a lot quicker to manage.

Yet the app did not perform as well as Honda expected. It always received lots of
negative reviews and low ratings from customers. Therefore, the engagement of
consumers is still shallow.

It seems that switching forms of communication can be complicated and hard to


3. Reasons for studying this situation

- Understand the pros and cons when changing into a new communication medium with
- Understand business practice: The process of data gathering, the criteria for a business
survey, and how to conduct a face-to-face interview with customers. Researching about
Honda helps us know how the company performs an MQI checksheet for periodic
consumer response gathering.

4. Reasons for this situation

Media richness and communication effectiveness (Chapter 1)

Surveys done through interviewing face-to-face will, of course, increase the
precision of the information collected. The interviewers can directly lead the flow of
information according to their liking. They can swiftly add questions not scripted
beforehand to gather more insights into the customer on a topic. Also, having a person to
a partner through the survey can increase the customer's overall engagement and
concentration when answering each question. When problems arise, such as vague or
mistaken questionnaires, interviewees can take the initiative and improvise with the
situation. Yet as Honda has learned, doing face-to-face interviews can be costly and
On the other hand, with the help of mobile software, the surveys can reach more
people. Application increase the samples Honda can collect and thus, increase the
significance of its findings. This is an essential point as Honda need to understand
consumers' behavior for future planning and marketing. Though, the company can't
control the quality of these surveys. The face-to-face method has been proved, according
to Media Richness Theory (MRT), to be the wealthiest medium of communication to
obtain the most information from customers. Having direct interaction can increase
engagement in the talk, which shows the most truthful behaviors of people. That's why

transitioning from the traditional face-to-face communication method to online surveying
can lead to many drawbacks.

5. Consequences

At Honda, the Sale Department has to collect customers' responses every 1,3,6,9 and
12 months. For each period, they appoint 3 to 4 employees to a team, and there are six
teams in total to travel to the Heads across Vietnam. According to Ms. Ngoc-a, customer
care employee, the travel fee for a person would cost around 5 million VND for
employees in 4 days:
● Food expense: 400,000 VND/day for 4 days
● Taxi expense: 400,000 VND/day for 4 days
● Hotel expense: 900,000 VND/day for 2 days

In total, the expense that Honda has to put out for their employees would add up to a
considerable amount. Besides, they would have to pay the data entry team a monthly
wage of more than 7 million VND. That's why Honda is considering new alternatives to
cut down on the cost.
According to Ms. Thu of the product planning team at Honda, the yearly survey
Honda Vietnam collected is only around 300,000. At the same time, the sale is counted in
tens or even hundreds of millions of vehicles. This show that the engagement of customer
in surveying while purchasing vehicles is still shallow.

6. Suggestion

For long-term solution, as the problem resulted from miscommunication among

different departments, our team suggest they should create a better platform so that
employees from different departments can communicate more effectively. In terms of
short-term measurement, company should have given straight-forward apology to the
customers who supported them by buying the newly launched product. At the same time,
small incentives should have been given out as a way to please the customers.

III. Case 3 – Miscommunication between company and retailers

1. Descriptions of the situation

On the morning of NoveNovember 218, Ms. Yen went to Honda Ninh Binh Auto
Dealer to buy a Honda CR-V (white, full version) with the listed price of 1,083 billion
VND in celebration of the Tet holiday. At this time, the salesman said that there was no
car in store for immediate purchase. The employee told Ms. Y to wait until April or May
next year, which was the only possible time when the model would be restocked.
However, on the same afternoon, Ms. Yen, accompanied by her brother, was invited
to meet Mr. Dinh Huu Dat - Sales Director of Ninh Binh Honda Auto. There, Mr. Dat
told Mrs. Y that they could import the car from other dealers to have it within the same

day or a couple of days later, provided that she would have to pay an additional 70
million cash.
Noticing that the additional amount was not transparent since no receipt was
provided, Ms. Yen did not agree to sign a purchase contract immediately. Still, she went
to discuss it with her husband.
In the following days, Ms. Yen continued negotiating on the additional cash that
came with the CR-V purchase. The employee agrees only to charge her 60 million VND
but without adding accessories. Notice that this employee had not contacted Honda VN
for consultancy.
Still unsatisfied with Honda Ninh Binh's behavior, on NoveNovember 5. Yen. called
the Honda Vietnam hotline to ask about its sales policy and received an answer: "The
company has a general policy, but each Head also has its policy." It was clear that the
Honda company was not informed of the problem from the Head. Yet regarding the price
difference for the purchase, the sale price is still very suspicious.
On NoveNovember 718, the Honda hotline responded and told Ms. Yen: "According
to Honda Ninh Binh dealer, influenced by the gossips on the news, you thought that the
agent charged additional money, but agents did not."
When Ms. Yen's situation caught the media's attention, many people assume that
Honda Ninh Binh was trying to hide the fact that there was still a product in stock to sell
at a higher price to draw profit, fooling customers.

2. Honda's resolution

Mr. Dat himself had received feedback from Honda Vietnam. However, Mr. Dat said
that the customer-Ms. Yen had not signed a contract nor had any transactions with the
"To be able to purchase at the original price, one must wait after the Lunar New Year
because Honda Vietnam does not guarantee to provide goods before Tet for retailers like
us. We also talk to customers about this. At that time, we asked other dealers to support

customers to buy cars immediately. They reported a fee of VND 60-70 million. We also
haven't had any commitment to Ms.Yen," Mr. Dat said.
Explaining that CR-V vehicles were "scarce" at that time, Mr. Dat said that this is an
imported car; the car is relative of suitable value, so it might not be prepared in time.
Moreover, even in Vietnam's vehicles, it was still hard to keep up with the order. when
the demand is high
"We give priority to customers who sign contracts in advance. In case we want to
make money with Ms. Yen, we'd have to cancel the contract of another customer to make
a contract with them. But the agent does not do that and can only buy from other units,"
said Dat.

3. Reasons for studying this situation

Aware of the company's working process in which each layer affects the total outcome to
satisfy customers.
- Knowing the importance of clear direction in the company.
- Understand the proper way to deal with customers

4. Reasons for this situation

a, Apologizing in the Digital Age (Chapter 9)

Honda Vietnam's way of handling the case is way beyond unacceptable. When Ms.
Yen contacted the company via the Facebook page, expecting a proper explanation, the
company only texted back their phone number and did not even give a formal apology.
According to chapter 9, Honda has failed to follow with the "Five Rs" model. They
did not recognize the problem at all, mainly because the Head about the problem sent no
reports. Therefore, the other steps, including accepting personal responsibility, explaining
exactly how you will fix it, embracing the apology, and giving the promise, were also
omitted. As a result, Ms. Yen was only left with frustration and anger, which led her to
find help from the press.

After noticing the problem's coverage on social media, Honda contacted Ms. Yen
only to directly blame her for mistaking the situation. This is not how a company is
announcing bad news. The company took no responsibility for the customer's problem
and also proposed no solution to help her. Honda did not follow the proper way of
delivering bad news sensitively, which is by starting with a buffer, giving out reasons and
explanations after that is the bad news, and end by offering good wishes or incentives.

b, Vertical information flow (Chapter 1)

From the case of Ms. Yen, we can spot that there seems to be a low vertical
information flow at Honda. The first problem is upward communication as the agencies
are supposed to report issues to the representative office (from subordinates to
management). When notified of the problem, Honda Ninh Binh chose to solve it by
themselves, which seemed untrustworthy and unethical. Since the problem could be
considered critical (a lot of money was involved), they should have contacted Honda
Vietnam to take on the case.
The second problem is downward communication from Honda Vietnam to their
Head. Honda could have made clear the policies and procedures of dealing with such
situations to the retailers. Since Honda Ninh Binh received no directives from Honda
Vietnam, Mrs. Yen's case turned into such a damaging issue.

5. Consequences

Although Honda has managed to ease the media about the problem, it still affects
how many people perceive car retailers. The incident has damaged the company's image
and created a wrong impression for customers like Ms. Yen.
After the incident, the police investigated Honda Ninh Binh and temporarily shut
down for two weeks. The sale of Honda Ninh Binh was recorded to go down by 32% for
2018, while Honda Vietnam witnessed a low sale rate, down 18% for the preceding three

The CR-V model was also recorded to sell slowly at every other Head across
Vietnam after the incident despite that the car was making profits for Honda in the
previous months.

6. Suggestion

Firstly, problems can be more easily solved by giving out incentives to the customers
as a way to apologize and show the company’s gratitude. Secondly, the company should
apply both mediums of communication in order to maximize the process of collecting
data. There are different advantages as well as disadvantages for both kinds. Therefore,
the company needs to gain a better understanding in both of them to use them wisely and
avoid undesirable problems.

IV. Expectation

- Provided our detailed analysis of the three most critical communication problems at
Honda Company, we can avoid similar cases when entering the workplace or correctly
deal with them, supposed these situations occur.
- Examining real company problems also gives us an idea of what a business operating
system is like. By researching and consulting documents online, we can broaden our
knowledge about business practices and their communication.
As customers ourselves, we can learn to evaluate a firm solely based on its external
communication through these cases. As a member of an organization (university, class,
club, etc.), we could apply the company's communication method to professionalize the
learning environment.
- Understand the importance of effective business communication, which is essential for
every organization's success and growth.

V. Lessons

Case 1: Miscommunication in the workplace

Many reasons are leading to miscommunication among departments of an enterprise,

one of which is a distraction. The Lack of workers in each department can cause
distraction as it prevents companies from working efficiently and maximizing the
working process. Different departments should also work closely with each other to stay
informed about changes in the operating procedure. This helps employees understand
more deeply about the company's plan and the aim of the company's strategy.

Case 2: Communication Transitioning

The company should have a deep understanding of different types of communication

medium that it uses to avoid undesirable issues and maximize the process's productivity.
Using a technological method such as using an application to collect data is more
convenient and efficient than traditional.

Case 3: Miscommunication between company and retailers

Keeping ethical behavior in daily business is very important. When management is

properly leading an organization, employees follow in those footsteps. Employees make
better decisions less time with business ethics as a guiding principle; this increases
productivity and overall employee morale; when employees complete work in a way that
is based on honesty and integrity, the whole organization benefits.
Effective downward communication gives employees a clear understanding of the
message they have received. Whether informative or persuasive, significant low
communication results in the recipients taking action or otherwise behaving following the
communicators' expectations.

Case 1:
Case 2:
Case 3:

Honda staff interview (link soundtrack):

Honda staff interview (transcript):

1. Anh/ chị có thể giới thiệu 1 chút về bản thân được không? (Tên, tuổi, vị trí việc
Chị Hà Bích Ngọc, 35 tuổi, hiện là nhân viên chăm sóc khách hàng thuộc công ty Honda
Việt Nam.
2. Công việc chính của anh/chị tại công ty là gì? Anh/Chị Phụ trách mảng nào?
Công việc của chị là tiếp nhận và xử lý yêu cầu, thắc mắc của khách hàng liên quan đến
sản phẩm, dịch vụ mà doanh nghiệp cung cấp.
3. Ở công ty anh/chị, đơn vị nào phụ trách phúc đáp khách hàng, nhà cung ứng và
các đơn vị ngoài công ty? Phòng/ ban này có bao nhiêu người?
- Phòng chăm sóc khách hàng sẽ đi phụ trách mọi vấn đề về khách hàng cũng như các
nhà phân phối, đại lý bên ngoài.
- Phòng hiện đang có 15 nhân viên.
4. Quy trình tiếp nhận thông tin của khách hàng và phản hồi được diễn ra như thế
Khi nhận được thư, email hoặc điện thoại được gửi đến công ty, phòng sẽ trực tiếp tiếp
nhận và xử lý. Nếu các khách hàng có những vướng mắc về khâu kỹ thuật hay các phòng
ban chuyên môn thì phòng chăm sóc khách hàng sẽ gửi lời yêu cầu khách hàng cho các
bên liên quan cũng như tiếp nhận phản hồi từ các bên ấy để gửi lại cho khách.
5. Đã từng có vấn đề gì xảy ra trong quá trình trao đổi thông tin và giao tiếp trong
công ty anh/chị chưa? Đó là vấn đề gì? Anh/Chị có thể đưa ra ví dụ cụ thể được
không? Vấn đề đó đã gây ra hậu quả gì?
Có 1 số vấn đề xảy ra trong quá trình trao đổi thông tin của công ty với nhà cung ứng,
khách hàng, và trong nội bộ công ty. Các vấn đề này đã được giải quyết tốt và được giữ
kín để đảm bảo danh tiếng và hình ảnh của công ty. Vì vậy, có thể các em sẽ không tìm

thấy các thông tin liên quan trên các phương tiện truyền thông đại chúng. Tuy nhiên, chị
vẫn muốn đề cập vì chị cho rằng những case này có thể giúp các em hiểu được về giao
tiếp thực tế trong doanh nghiệp.
- Case đầu tiên mà chị nghĩ đến là khi công ty nâng cấp dòng sản phẩm SH Mode 125,
khách hàng đã không nhận được chìa khoá dự phòng kèm theo mà phải trả tiền để có
được chiếc khoá dự phòng này. Trong khi thông thường chìa khóa dự phòng là miễn phí.
- Case thứ 2 liên quan đến thu thập dữ liệu và phản hồi của khách hàng. Về thu thập dữ
liệu khách hàng thì có phòng chăm sóc khách hàng và các đại lý phối hợp cùng thực hiện.
Khi mà bên văn phòng xuống đại lý để phỏng vấn thì họ lại mời những vị khách vừa mới
mua xe được vài ngày để đến phỏng vấn nên không thực sự đạt được yêu cầu. Thời gian
những người khách này dùng sản phẩm tương đối ngắn nên những đánh giá họ đưa ra là
không đầy đủ.
- Bộ câu hỏi phỏng vấn do phòng kinh doanh thiết kế. Mới đây có một trường hợp là do
quá nhiều công việc mà bên kinh doanh đã gửi một bộ câu hỏi cũ cho dòng xe cũ để lấy
dữ liệu cho xe mới được đưa vào thị trường. Do dòng xe mới có nhiều cải tiến và chức
năng mới được thêm vào nên bộ câu hỏi bị thiếu mất những mục đánh giá các chức năng
ấy. Dẫn đến bộ dữ liệu thu thập được bị giảm giá trị và ngân sách cho các món quà để
mời khách hàng bị lãng phí.
- Case thứ 3 cơ bản là về rào cản ngôn ngữ trong giao tiếp trong cuộc họp nội bộ. Mặc dù
Honda đã có yêu cầu cho nhân viên và quản lý dùng Tiếng Anh xuyên suốt quá trình họp
và làm việc nhưng quản lý người Nhật thường thấy thoải mái hơn khi dùng ngôn ngữ mẹ
đẻ để trao đổi. Họ thường trao đổi với nhau sau đó đưa ra quyết định và gửi lại biên bản
cuộc họp. Bên phía đại diện Việt Nam vẫn có mặt theo quy định nhưng thực chất không
được trực tiếp phát biểu ý kiến, hỏi ý kiến và phản hồi trong cuộc họp. Nếu đọc biên bản
thấy có vấn đề thì mới phản hồi lại. Điều này khiến việc giao tiếp bị chậm, làm ảnh
hưởng đến tiến độ công việc.
6. Theo chị thì những vấn đề này do đâu? Nếu không biết nguyên nhân cụ thể, chị có
thể dựa trên những hiểu biết của mình để phỏng đoán được không?

Nguyên nhân có thể là do có văn phòng không trực tiếp tham gia bán sản phẩm nên
không thể giám sát được các đại lý. Đôi lúc bên văn phòng cũng bị thiếu nhân sự đi tham
gia khảo sát thị trường trong khi phòng nhập liệu lại quá nhiều người. Do có chút thiếu
nhân sự nên những đợt ra mắt sản phẩm mới công việc vẫn chưa thực sự chạy mượt mà.
7. Vấn đề này sau đó đã được giải quyết chưa? Nếu đã được giải quyết thì vấn đề đó
được giải quyết như thế nào?
Các vấn đề thì vẫn luôn được cải thiện vì sẽ có nhiều phòng ban tham gia vào thị trường
để chạy chiến dịch thì có được nhận xét và feedback lại những thiếu sót hay hạn chế đang
xảy ra.
Nhưng với 3 vấn đề chị đã nói ở trên, công ty đã có hướng giải quyết như sau:
Với case thứ nhất:
Thời điểm năm 2010, khi mẫu xe ga Honda Lead đang bán rất chạy trên thị trường, một
số khách hàng của dòng xe này còn bị các đại lý ủy nhiệm của Honda Việt Nam yêu cầu
mang xe đến thay bình xăng, trong khi nhà sản xuất luôn khẳng định rằng xe không có
lỗi. Cho đến khi báo chí vào cuộc, Honda Việt Nam mới thừa nhận sự việc và sau đó phải
triệu hồi hơn 2.500 chiếc Lead để khắc phục sự cố rò rỉ bình xăng.
Áp dụng chiến lược tương tự Honda luôn ưu ái; họ ngay lập tức liên hệ với những người
mua SH Mode mới và thông báo cho họ về việc kiểm tra tại chỗ của mẫu xe mới. Ngày
30/7, khi trả lời phỏng vấn, anh N.V. Xuân, chủ một chiếc SH Mode 125 cho biết, anh
mới mua xe. Tuy nhiên, cách đây vài ngày, nhân viên bán xe đã gọi điện yêu cầu anh
mang xe đến kiểm tra ổ khóa và nhân viên kỹ thuật sẽ lấy cho anh thêm một chiếc chìa
khóa đi kèm khi mua xe. Anh Xuân, một số người đang sử dụng mẫu xe SH 125 cũng
đang chia sẻ thông tin tương tự, khuyên các chủ xe khác nên đến các đại lý ủy quyền của
Honda Việt Nam để "xử lý lỗi" ở lỗ khóa.
Liên quan đến việc triệu hồi xe máy Honda SH Mode 125 theo báo cáo của Honda Việt
Nam, trong quá trình sản xuất và lắp đặt xe máy SH Mode125, Honda Việt Nam đã tiến
hành các biện pháp kiểm tra và phát hiện 78 trong tổng số 1.375 xe có lỗi trong quá trình
lắp ráp, thiếu Chìa khóa dự phòng. Tuy nhiên, trong khi làm rõ nguyên nhân của hiện
tượng trên, Honda Việt Nam đã cung cấp ra thị trường 2.154 chiếc SH Mode 125. Honda

Việt Nam khẳng định: Lỗi này không ảnh hưởng đến chất lượng xe và sự an toàn của
người sử dụng. Honda Việt Nam tiến hành triệu hồi các xe bị lỗi nhằm đảm bảo chất
lượng sản phẩm tốt nhất cho khách hàng.
Với case 2:
Honda Việt Nam đang chuyển từ hình thức phỏng vấn tại chỗ sang hình thức câu hỏi trên
ứng dụng My Honda +. Phối hợp với FPT Software, Honda giới thiệu phần mềm quản lý
phương tiện độc quyền đầu tiên vào ngày 5 tháng 11 năm 2019. Chỉ sau ba tuần, My
Honda + đã có hơn 90.000 lượt tải trên cả hai hệ điều hành Android và IOS. Ứng dụng
giúp khách hàng kiểm tra lịch bảo hành, tìm đại lý bảo dưỡng, theo dõi tuổi thọ của xe, ...
Nó được thiết kế để giúp người dùng bảo vệ tài sản của mình một cách tốt nhất và cấp
cho họ quyền truy cập trực tiếp vào những thông tin mới nhất từ ​hãng.
Là một ứng dụng đa chức năng, mức độ tương tác của người dùng với ứng dụng được
tăng lên một cách ồ ạt, do đó làm tăng tổng dữ liệu mà Honda có thể đạt được.
Khi được thông báo về bất kỳ cập nhật nào của xe, người dùng nên hoàn thành một cuộc
khảo sát để Honda Việt Nam hiểu thêm về sở thích của khách hàng về mẫu mã, chất
lượng và giá cả. Các cuộc khảo sát được lưu trữ ngay lập tức trên đám mây internet thuộc Ngược lại với các cuộc khảo sát trên giấy, chúng dễ dàng hơn và
quản lý nhanh hơn rất nhiều.
Còn ở case thứ 3: Honda đã liên hệ để giải quyết với bên đại lý bán hàng Ninh Bình.
Honda cũng không muốn đề cập tới vấn đề này nữa.


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