Zeus Almanac

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INTRODUCTION _______________________________________________ PAGE 3

CHAPTER 1 - LAUNCH PHASE __________________________________ PAGE 4

INTEREST SELECTION __________________________________________ PAGE 7

CHAPTER 2 - SCALE PHASE ____________________________________ PAGE 12

ZEUS METHOD 1.0 ____________________________________________ PAGE 16

ZEUS METHOD 2.0 ____________________________________________ PAGE 31

ZEUS METHOD 3.0 ____________________________________________ PAGE 36

ZEUS METHOD 4.0 ____________________________________________ PAGE 39

ZEUS METHOD 5.0 ____________________________________________ PAGE 42

APPENDIX _____________________________________________________ PAGE 43

AD COPY 101 __________________________________________________ PAGE 44

AD CREATIVE 101 ______________________________________________ PAGE 48

PRODUCT SELECTION __________________________________________ PAGE 53

CAMPAIGN CREATION _________________________________________ PAGE 55


I created this PDF to explain the Facebook strategies we've used to

achieve several instances of 7-figure stores. In this you'll find the
results of one full year of rigorous testing across dozens of products.

Whether you're a complete and utter beginner or a veteran

ecommerce media buyer, my hope is that you take away at least one
thing from this document that can profit you 10x the cost you paid.
You guys know of, and trust me, because of my value-first approach,
and this document is simply an extension of that approach.

As always, thank you for the support.

To the moon and beyond,

--Dave Nash (@once)

The first part of the Almanac talks about launching campaigns from scratch. This
isn't the most innovative section, but it will be beneficial for beginners who need
to start building their foundation as a media buyer. Experienced media buyers
may also pick up a thing or two and learn from some of the in-depth
explanations of certain nuances that I discuss.

What you'll find in the pages to follow are an explanation of Zeus Launch 1.0 and
Zeus Launch 2.0. The difference between these is that one is for "low budget"
and one is for "high budget." Low budget means you have a day-1 budget per
campaign of between $50-150. High budget means you have a day-1 budget of

A question I get asked a lot is: "how much money do I need to start dropshipping
or running Facebook ads." People don't seem to understand that there is no
minimum or maximum budget to start your first campaigns. Let me explain...

Think of each ad set you launch as a "shot on goal." This ad set consists of an
audience/interests you are targeting plus your ad, which is a combination of
copy and creative. When you launch a product with 5 ad sets, you essentially
have 5 "shots on goal," with a "goal" meaning finding a profitable ad set. In
other words, you now have 5 chances to find a winning combination of audience
and ad.

The more ad sets you have the budget to launch, the more chances you can find
a profitable ad set to scale up. Who do you think has more chances of finding a
winning ad set - ad combination... someone who launches only 1 ad set on day 1
or someone who launches 30 ad sets, testing all types of variables ranging from
videos, images, copy, descriptions, headlines, as well as audiences/interests?

Now, let's talk about daily ad set budget.

Another common questions about the launch phase is: "what daily budget
should I set my ad sets to?" The succinct answer: the higher the price of the
product, the higher the budget needs to be.

Let's say you are running a $100 product that has a cost of goods sold (COGS) of
$40. Doing quick maths, that's a $60 breakeven cost per purchase (CPP).
Naturally, your target cost per purchase will fall around $40 to maintain 20%
profit margins ($100 Price - $40 COGS - $40 CPP = $20 Profit).

For this $100 product, does it make sense to use a $10 daily budget? No. It
would take 4 days to see if you can get to your target CPP. Moreover, it would
take even longer to see if you can achieve an AVERAGE CPP of $40 over the long
term. Sometimes a $40 CPP happens by getting a purchase within the first $10
spent of the ad set, and then not getting a second purchase until $80 spent.
Other times, you might not get any purchases for the first $70 spent, but end up
getting 2 purchases by $80 spent, resulting in the $40 average CPP. The
takeaway is that it would take over a week to see if you can achieve the CPP you
want in each ad set at $10/day.

This is why for higher price products, you must use a daily ad spend that can
surpass the target CPP within 2 days. For example... if you are selling that $100
product with a $40 target CPP, it would be best to start with a daily budget of at
least $25/ day. You can reasonably decide if each ad set is still worth running at
the latest by the end of day 3. That being said, if the leading metrics (Click-thru
rate, Cost per Click, Cost per Add to Cart) look obviously poor prior to $50-60 of
spend, feel free to turn off the ad set.

The act of selecting your detailed targeting (also known as interests/audiences)

is both simple and complex. It is simple because it's widely known that broad
single interests work very well. But it's also complex because at the start of a
product run, you don't know the best combinations of audience + ads. This
means you have to carefully select your interests at the start to have the highest,
most economically-efficient chance of finding a winning ad set - ad combination.

In other words, by selecting interests, you are striving to increase the overall
relevancy of the ad to your target audiences. With increased relevancy, you will
be able to find your target customers more cheaply.

The flip side is that you might be completely wrong in determining your target
customer avatar, meaning that there is a chance you're narrowing down into an
audience that is NOT interested in your FB ad and/or product offering. This is
why we should utilize a wide range of audience sizes, from broad to narrow. This
effectively splits the targeting between your personal decisions (narrow) and
Facebook's machine learning algorithm (because FB can hone in on your target
customer, even with a very large/broad audience).

To illustrate these concepts, let's walk through a real life example. Say we want
to run 5 interests to launch our product. Let's first choose a sample product to
sell... a portable espresso making device. If you don't know what it is, just google
the keywords and view the images (it's just a device that brews coffee on the go).

The goal here is to choose a wide range of audience sizes. I like to go broad (up
to 100M people in the audience) and narrow down until around 2M. Obviously,
for a coffee making product we're going to select the coffee interest (72M). This
is just the most broad interest that captures 99% of people who would
potentially be interested in this product. As we select more narrow audiences,
we'll have to be a bit more crafty with how we think & select (you'll see shortly).

For each of the next 4 interests, we're going to select interests that relate closer
and closer to our envisioned customer avatar. The most broad interests will
never be that closely related with the customer avatar. For example, it's very
likely that someone who would purchase this product is within the coffee
interest category. To dig deeper, we must build our customer avatar out more.

With this in mind, we'll select the espresso interest (10M). Why? Because
someone who is into espresso is probably more passionate about coffee. The
more passionate someone is about the niche, the more likely they will purchase.
Someone in the FB "coffee" interest could literally be someone who just googled
the Starbucks coffee menu or liked an influencers photo on Instagram that
mentioned their new coffee mug (in other words, non-passionate about our
beloved portable coffee maker).

Next, we'll utilize a strategy I call "interest flexing." This is when you select two
interests where the audience must be in both. To do this, first choose an
interest in the ads manager, then click "Narrow" and pick the second interest.
This effectively narrows the audience size down even more.

Coffee + Gadgets
Gadgets (12M)

In the Venn diagram above, we've selected the coffee interest (72M), then
narrowed down by the gadgets interest (which has 12M). This makes our
effective audience size 7M. Let's think about why we did this.

Obviously, coffee was our more broad interest and serves as a good "base" to
narrow down from. How did we determine that gadgets would be a good
interest to narrow down "coffee" with? If we think about our customer avatar,
it's probably someone who is familiar with coffee (coffee interest) and is also
interested in gadgets of any type. The resulting audience we've selected is
someone who has interests in both coffee and gadgets, which may include an
interest in our coffee gadget!

Next, let's think about our customer avatar again. We've decided that he/she is
probably into "coffee + gadgets", but how about some auxiliary lifestyle choices
that could relate this person to purchasing our product? People who need a
portable coffee maker could be people who travel a lot, or perhaps work in an
office. People who travel could bring this coffee maker to their hotel or
camping. People who work in an office might bring this coffee maker to use at
their desk at work (technically not right now due to COVID, but you understand
the point...) We can now choose 2 interest flexes of "coffee + travel" (67M) and
"coffee + office" (3.3M).

There many other ways you can select interests as well. What is the target
audience watching? Reading? Consuming? How about any popular magazines
in your niche? Public figures? TV shows? If you think deeply about your
customer avatar for even 15 minutes, actually selecting the interests will take
only a few minutes.

1 Campaign (see appendix for campaign creation walkthrough)

Conversions Objective
Campaign Budget Optimization: OFF

4-7 Ad Sets
Purchase Conversion Event
Daily Budget: $10-$30/day
Start Time: next day, 12:01AM
Location: US/CA/UK/AUS
Age: 18-65+
Gender: All genders
Detailed Targeting
Detailed Targeting Expansion: OFF
Automatic Placements
No cost control

3-4 Ads per Ad Set (see section on ads during launch phase)
1 video (see section on how ad creatives in appendix)
1 image
1-2 ad descriptions (see section on how I write my copy in

2 Campaigns
Conversions Objective
Campaign Budget Optimization: OFF
The campaigns are identical EXCEPT location
Campaign 1: US only
Campaign 2: US/CA/UK/AUS

5-8 Ad Sets
Purchase Conversion Event
Daily Budget: $15-$30/day
Start Time: next day, 12:01AM
Location: Variable (see above)
Age: 18-65+
Gender: All genders
Detailed Targeting
Detailed Targeting Expansion: OFF
Automatic Placements
No cost control

3-4 Ads per Ad Set (see section on ads during launch phase)
1 video
1 image
1-2 ad descriptions

The Zeus Method and most scale methods we will be going

over are meant to be run when you have significant traction in
your ad account. You should not be attempting to launch a
product with any of these methods, simply because you will
not have the required data to do so. These methods work
when you know for certain that your funnel is a winning
funnel (funnel meaning: the customer journey from the FB/IG
ad to the landing page and checkout experience).

Once you find a historical Cost Per Purchase (CPP) that is

stable over $2k+ in ad spend within 1-2 weeks, you are ready
to start implementing the following scale methods. Anyone
who is currently running a mature ad account with $10k+ of
ad spend can already implement any of the methods in this
PDF successfully.

A lot of people ask what to do after getting a few sales in the initial
interest test campaign, so I'll write a bit about what I do in the
middling phase between test & massive scale.

Here are a variety of strategies to scale up a bit after the first 5-10
Duplicate the best ad sets into a $100-200 CBO
Test new creatives + copies into duplicated ad sets at the same
Start killing ad sets that are substantially above the average Cost
per Click (CPC) of the rest of the ad sets
eg: if you have 4 ad sets with an average of $0.80 CPC, and 1 ad
set with a $1.30 CPC, you can go ahead and kill it.
Launch new interests if the original interests are doing well
Start running 1% Lookalike audiences (LAAs)
Time Spent 25%
50% Video Viewers on your ads
View Contents
Add to Carts
Start running remarketing/retargeting campaigns at $20-50 / day
Custom Audience: View Contents in the past 30 days

One concept I want to share is the concept of how to consistently test ads during
a product run (product run meaning: the process of launching a product and
attempting to optimize & scale it up).

An ad consists of a several parts:

Creative (Image/Carousel/Video/Gif)
Primary Text (the main body text, will be referred to as "copy" from now on)
Description (the small text under the headline that shows on FB placements)
Call to Action
Display Link

In the first phase of testing, the bolded variables are the ones that you will be
testing and optimizing around.

The Strategy
I launch product runs with different combinations of creatives, primary texts,
and headlines. Each ad set will look something like this:
3 ads per ad set....
Video 1 - Copy 1 - Headline 1
Video 1 - Copy 2 - Headline 1
Image 1 - Copy 1 - Headline 1
Side note: you are probably wondering why I don't test Image 1 with Copy 2. It's because at lower
budget ($10-20 / day), I prefer to let FB test less variables. We're still testing Copy 2 with Video 1, so
let's just funnel our spend into less ads to get a more statistically significant test.

Assume that you are now getting sales and picking up momentum. You CANNOT
stop testing these variables. I mentioned in the last page that a way to scale up
is to test new ads in duplicated ad sets that "won" in the initial launch. When
you duplicate the ad sets, instead of running the same ads from the initial
launch, you will now try to outperform those ads. You can do this by running
new copies, a new video, or a new headline.

3 Campaigns
Conversions Objective
Campaign Budget Optimization: ON

Campaign 1: TOP OF FUNNEL (TOF)

3 Ad Sets Settings
Purchase Conversion Event
Daily Budget: $2,000-$20,000
Age: 18-65+
Gender: All genders
Automatic Placements
Cost Control: Cost Cap

Ad set 1:
Detailed Targeting: Interest Stack (30M+)
Detailed Targeting Expansion: ON
Ad set 2:
Custom Audiences: LAA Stack (30M+)
Ad set 3:
Broad, no targeting
All ad sets exclude
3s Video Views 30d / Website Visitors 30d / Purchase 30d

2 Ads per Ad Set

1 video
1 image
1 ad copy


Ad Set Settings
Purchase Conversion Event
Daily Budget: $500+
Location: Your target countries
Age: 18-65+
Gender: All genders
Automatic Placements
Cost Control: Cost Cap (lower than TOF cost cap)

Ad set 1:
Custom audiences:
3s Video View 10d
Exclude: 50% VV 30d / Website Visitors 30d / Purchase 30d

1-5 Ads per Ad Set

Different Copies


Ad Set Settings
Purchase Conversion Event
Daily Budget: 40%-50% of TOF daily spend
Location: Your target countries
Age: 18-65+
Gender: All genders
Automatic Placements
Cost Control: Lowest cost
Keep 7d frequency (4.0x-7.0x)

Ad set 1:
Custom audiences:
WV 180d / 50% VV 30d
Exclude: Purchase 30d

3-10 Ads per Ad Set

Different Copies

Here it is... the OG Zeus Method 1.0. This is the method that
popularized the Zeus movement. We launched it in the summer of
2020 and the results were outstanding. Thus, I decided to share it
with the rest of the world. Let's begin.

The overarching concept of the Zeus Method is that we are scaling
by BID, not by BUDGET. If you want to increase your scale, then the
only thing you can do is increase the size of your cost cap. You may
not know exactly what a cost cap is at this very moment, but it will
become more apparent as we learn more about the strategies.

The Zeus Method ad account structure is made up of what I like to
call "campaign groups." Each campaign group consists of 1 product
& 1 angle (how you sell the product), utilizing a 3 campaign structure.
The following structure is one campaign group.

How many campaign groups can you make? When can you make
more campaign groups? You will make a new campaign group when
you want to test a new angle for your product. For one moment,
let's go back to our portable coffee maker example from the launch
section. If you are able to scale out your first campaign group, which
has a bunch of creatives and copy about using it while camping, then
you can simply duplicate the entire campaign group and choose a
new angle to market with. Maybe the second campaign group will
utilize creatives targeting usage of the product at the office.

Then, if you want to sell another product on that store, you would
make a new campaign group and start selling that product using any
given angle. If you want to sell your new product with more angles,
then make more campaign groups, so on and so forth.


The first campaign in your Zeus Method 1.0 campaign group is the
Top of Funnel campaign (TOF). This is the campaign that will be used
solely to drive new, prospective customers to your store (also known
as prospecting campaigns).

The TOF campaign is a CBO campaign consisting of 3 ad sets with

the theme of BROAD. Each of these ad sets will be fairly large - I'm
talking 30M+ (US audience size for reference).

The first ad set in your TOF campaign is your broad ad set. In this ad
set, you will not be narrowing down using custom audiences or
detail targeting. Leave it completely open. This should result in a
200M+ audience. By the way, when I mention audience sizes from
now on, just assume it will be US because it's our best point of

The second ad set in the TOF is an interest stack. To create this,

simply take your best performing interests of all time and stack them
into one ad set. If you find it to be really large (150M+), then you can
make some strategic narrowing decisions if you'd like to get it back
down to 30M-100M. You don't want your interest stack to be so
large that it essentially functions as broad.

The final ad set in the TOF is a 10% Lookalike (LAA) stack. You'll have
to put in some leg-work to make this audience, but trust me, it's
worth it.

Your LAA stack consists of 10% LAAs made from several custom
audiences. The audiences you will create and make 10% LAAs from
are as follows:
View Contents 90d
Add to Carts 180d
Initiate Checkouts 180d
Pixel Purchasers 180d
Shopify Customer List 180d
Shopify Customer List Value-based 180d
Time Spent 25% 180D
Video view 50% 90D
Video view 95% 180D

A concept that I use for LAAs in general is that when you are using
more weaker audiences in the sales funnel (50% VV, website
visitors), you should restrict the source audience to more recent data
(using 30d, 90d, instead of 180d). The theory is that you don't want
to use an inherently weak audience AND outdated data at the same
time. The shorter the lookback period is for your source custom
audience, the more recent and relevant the data is to your current

In each of these ad sets, you are going to exclude many audiences.
The point of TOF is to prospect for new customers only. Your goal is
to utilize this campaign to search and attract brand new customers
that have never heard of your brand or have visited your store in the
past. In order to do this, we must exclude several custom audiences.

The first exclusion is going to be your 3 second video viewers. If

someone has viewed 3s of any of your videos, it means that they
have seen your ads before. Again, we want to exclude anyone who
has previously seen the ad.

The second exclusion is going to be our Website Visitors. These are

people who have visited our website for any amount of time. This
means they've seen our products, website, etc. so we need to
exclude them as well.

The final exclusion is our Purchasers. Obviously, people who have

purchased are familiar with us, so let's go ahead and exclude them
as well. TOF is for fresh customers, not old ones.

For each of these exclusions we will use audiences that consist of the
past 30 days. The reason for this is that once people are outside of
the 30 day window, then they are ripe to be targeted again as a
"new, prospecting customer." After 30 days, most people will have
forgotten what they saw in the past, so you can treat them as fresh
sets of eyes again.

Now that we've discussed the audiences we are targeting in TOF, we
can talk about the specific settings in this CBO campaign.

BUDGET = $1k-$10k+
To determine budget, you're simply setting it to the max your supply
chain can handle. There's a good chance that you won't spend the
entire budget, so don't totally be spooked by this setting.
Remember the overarching concept from the beginning of the Zeus
1.0 discussion? SCALE BY BID, NOT BY BUDGET. The point of this
budget setting is that we don't want to cap our maximum scale by
the budget setting. Instead, we are capping the maximum scale we
can achieve by the bid strategy setting.


Every ad set in the TOF campaign will have a cost cap. When you
first launch this method, set the cost cap to $1 below your
breakeven CPP. If you have a $40 profit margin to breakeven on the
product, set it to $39. Cost cap attempts to achieve the average CPP
that you set it as over the long term. Day 1 might be $44 CPP, day 2
might be $35 CPP, and it might bounce back and forth the entire
week, but overall it should average down to whatever you set it at.

You might be wondering why we are setting our TOF campaign ad

sets to achieve such a high CPP. There are two reasons. The first
being that at the start, we should try to be more flexible from a bid
standpoint and allow as much spend to come through to test.

The second reason is that we will make up the profitability in the

MOF campaign, the BOF campaign, and your back-end set up

Before we move on to the MOF campaign, we should look at how the
entire funnel is set up to achieve a target profit margin. Say we want
to achieve around 20% profit margin. This is somewhat complex so
don't worry if you can't follow the maths, it's just a calculation of how
our entire funnel is built out with variable profitability.

TOF = 5% margin with 50% weight (50% of total traffic coming in)
MOF = 15% margin with 20% weight
BOF = 25% margin with 30% weight
SMS+Email = adds 5-10% margin through LTV (lifetime value)

5%(0.50) + 15%(0.20) + 25%(0.30) + 5-10% = 18% - 23% margin

This sums to at least 18% profit margin with everything included. It

follows that the cost caps we want to set on our campaigns allows us
to achieve these desired margins when only looking at the campaign
level. For example, before launching your TOF campaign, figure out
the cost cap you need so that for ONLY the TOF campaign, your cost
capped CPP achieves a 5% margin. Then do the same for MOF.


The goal of the MOF campaign is to push people further along the
funnel. MOF is not quite as strong as the BOF campaign, but it will
consist of people who have, at the very least, some sort of exposure
to your ads or brand. You will see what I mean when we examine
the audiences.

1 ad set
3s Video View 10d
EXCLUDE: 50% VV 30d / Website Visitors 30D / Purchase 30d

In the MOF campaign, we are targeting 3 second video viewers. You

probably have never retargeted these people before, but trust me, it
is a potent audience. If we think of the sales funnel as a cone, the
TOF is the people who have never seen your ads. The MOF is people
who have seen your ad for a bit, but aren't quite fully invested like if
they spent time on your website or watched the entirety of your ad.
This is the beauty of the 3s video view audience.

Most people think that 3s video views is not a strong enough

audience to even advertise to... but before judging, take a look at our
exclusions. If your ad is 40 seconds long, and you're excluding 50%
video viewers (who will be advertised to in the BOF retargeting
campaign), then you're excluding anyone who watched between 3s
and 20s of your video.

If you continue on this path of only retargeting 50% video viewers,

then you are leaving out so many potential purchasers who may
have only watched 19 seconds instead of the 20 second 50% VV
threshold (on a 40s video).... Or watched 10 seconds of your ads but
just decided to keep scrolling that day, but still would purchase if
retargeted again. Another concept you need to grasp is that the
whole TOF/MOF/BOF is, again, a giant funnel. Look below.

Source: Artifex Marketing

By running TOF ads, yes, you are getting day-1 purchasers. BUT, an
important thing to note is that you are still advertising to a lot of
people who are not day-1 purchasers. These people could watch
your ads, visit your website, add to cart, and thus be added into
"retargeting buckets," of warm and hot traffic. Now, you can utilize
these buckets of warm traffic to and hit them with ads to achieve
lower CPPs.

The prior concepts apply to the MOF audiences. Yes, the main goal
is to get day-1 purchasers, but MOF also functions as a way to get
semi-interest people into the hot, BOF audiences buckets.

Think of it like this. With TOF, you are advertising to a very broad
audience and saying "hey, buy our product if you like, or at least
watch the ad or visit the website." With MOF, you are taking the
people who have shown slight interest in your product and saying "I
know you only watched like, 10 seconds of our video, but why don't
you check out this different video/image and see if you wanna
purchase, or finally click on the ad to visit our website and learn


Again, we're going to be using a $500-$1,000+ budget and setting a
cost cap. This time, the cost cap is going to be a bit more restrictive
than the cost caps in the TOF campaign, we are looking to be more
profitable in this part of the funnel. If our TOF cost cap was $40, we
will use around a $32-35 cost cap for MOF. A guideline is to make
your MOF cost cap around 10-20% less than the TOF cost cap.


The BOF campaign consists of our warmest customers, the
customers who are the most interested and willing to purchase. This
campaign is a simple set up relative to the TOF/MOF campaigns.

Custom audiences
Website Visitors 180d
50% VV 90d
EXCLUDE: Purchasers 30d

Our warmest audiences are Website Visitors and 50% Video viewers.
These are the audiences that we milk for super high return on ad
spend (ROAS) relative to the rest of the funnel.


The BOF is the only campaign that is using the lowest cost bid
strategy. Thus, we need to actually set a real daily budget instead of
uncapping it with a $1k-$2k+ large budget. We want retargeting BOF
to be around 30% of the total daily spend. Thus, we need to set the
BOF budget to around 40-50% of the daily TOF ad spend. If we are
spending around $1k / day through TOF, set the BOF campaign to
$400-500/ day.

Another factor to take into account is campaign frequency.
Frequency is the average number of times someone in the audience
has been targeted by that campaign. Oftentimes BOF campaigns will
reach higher frequencies than you're used to seeing. 4-7x frequency
in the past 7 days is normal for these campaigns. These are your
hottest audiences, so it's okay to target them several times until they
purchase, especially if you have 5-7 ads in the ad set. Ideally, each
single ad will be served only 1-2 times (meaning 1.0x-2.0x frequency)
to each member of the audience, even if the entire campaign/ad set
frequency is 4.0x-7.0x. It's optimal to show someone various angles
of ads and different creatives/copies over time, because we hope
that they will "click" with at least one of them and finally make the

Overtime, you will notice a correlation between certain frequencies

and ROAS. If you are high ROAS at 4.0x frequency, and you let the
past 7 days frequency jump to 7.0x and ROAS declines, you know
that you are serving your ads to the BOF campaign too much. You
must reduce the daily budget to properly accommodate.

1 Campaign
Conversions Objective
Campaign Budget Optimization: ON
Daily Budget: $2,000-$20,000

5 Ad Sets Settings
Purchase Conversion Event
Age: 18-65+
Gender: All genders
Automatic Placements
Cost Control: Cost Cap

Ad set 1 (TOF):
Detailed Targeting: Interest Stack (30M+)
Detailed Targeting Expansion: ON
Ad set 2 (TOF):
Custom Audiences: LAA Stack (30M+)
Ad set 3 (TOF):
Broad, no targeting
First 3 ad sets exclude
3s Video Views 30d / Website Visitors 30d / Purchase 30d
Ad set 4 (MOF):
Custom Audiences: 3s VV / Page engagers
Exclude 50% VV 30d / WV 30d / Pur 30d
Ad set 5 (BOF):
Custom Audience: WV 30d / 50% VV 30d
Exclude Pur 30D

Yes, you read the cheat sheet right.

We are putting our RETARGETING audiences (MOF/BOF) in the same

CBO as our PROSPECTING audiences (TOF).

Zeus Method 2.0 simplifies our ad account structure even more, by

taking our 3 campaigns in Zeus 1.0 and combining them into 1
campaign. Here's the reason:

The function of a CBO is to optimally and variably distribute ad

spend to its constituent ad sets on a daily basis. If we were to have 3
separate campaigns, then there is no overarching control to
optimize ad spend between these campaigns. Granted, there is still
optimization happening at the individual campaign level because of
the cost caps, but I believe that by combining the forces of CBO +
cost cap, you can achieve potentially similar or better results, with
and even simpler ad account structure.

The budget for the ad sets is determined by the CBO, so the only
variables between the ad sets are the audiences, and cost caps.
The TOF ad sets retain the same settings as Zeus 1.0. Broad/Interest
stack/LAA stack are the 3 audiences, along with setting the cost cap
to achieve between 5-10% net profit margins for those ad sets alone.

The MOF ad set retains the same settings and audiences as well.

The BOF set up is the ad set that has the biggest change. We are
now utilizing a cost cap on it, setting the cost cap to achieve between
20-25% net profit margins for just this ad set.

The goal of the initial campaign group is to sell one product using
one angle. The entire CBO has 5 ad sets, tailored to selling just one

Every time you want to launch a new set of creatives that showcase
your product off in a different way, create a new campaign group.

If you want to launch a new product, launch a new campaign group.

IMPORTANT: if you are advertising more than one product make
sure your MOF/BOF custom audiences are product URL specific.
If you have one campaign group for "product A", then the
retargeting custom audiences must be retargeting people who
visited the URL for "product A." See next page to see how to set this

Let's take a look at Zeus Method 2.0 in a real life scenario. The
screenshot is too wide for the PDF but just click below or copy and
paste the link into your browser.


Now that you hopefully have it open, let's take a closer look.

For any veteran media buyers, you'll quickly realize the gravity of
Zeus Method 2.0. You'll also immediately be impressed by the
ACTUAL CPP compared to the Cost Cap that was set. It's honestly
quite scary if you think about it....

These ad sets are in a CBO. What this tells us is:

Facebook can distribute daily spend at the ad level, while
distributing that ad spend between ad sets in a CBO, while
maintaining long term CPA targets.

Mindblowing, eh?

Please take a look at the far most left column "Bid Strategy." Notice
how it lines up with actual the Cost per Purchase. Every single ad set
except the Broad interest is perfectly in line with what the long term
cost cap target was set to.

Zeus Method 3.0 is a scaling method invented by @ecomsauce that

was used to generate these results:

The above screenshot shows the first 10 days of a store he scaled.

Zeus Method 2.0 was used for the first 6 days, and Zeus Method 3.0
took over from there on. The next page will reveal all.

Zeus Method 3.0 is a method utilizing duplicated campaign groups

that can potentially double or triple your spend overnight while
retaining similar profit margins.

Imagine you are running a Campaign Group from Zeus 2.0. The bid
strategy is set to cost cap. You can begin Zeus 3.0 by duplicating the
original campaign group and setting it to bid cap. You now have 2
campaigns, one where all the ad sets are cost cap, and one where all
the ad sets are bid cap. Increase the cost control by 20% and launch.
For example, if your cost cap is set to $40, then duplicate to bid cap
and launch a $48 bid cap campaign. Bid cap is more restrictive, but
has different properties than cost cap at the actual FB auction.

The next step you can take to increase ad spend is duplicate the
original campaign group again and set your conversion window to 1
day click. You don't have to touch cost control in this duplication.
Simply change over your optimization window from 7 day click 1 day

Lastly, take the campaign group and duplicate it one more time.
This time, change the bid strategy to Minimum ROAS. The minimum
ROAS for the TOF ad sets should be set to the ROAS number that
achieves similar results to the TOF cost caps from the original
campaign group. That means your TOF Min ROAS should be
calculated to achieve around a 5%-10% profit margin.

***Important notice: as of December 2020, some ad accounts do NOT have

the option to select Min ROAS. Skip this page if it applies to you.

Zeus Method 4.0 will explore some of the various retargeting

strategies we've tested this year that produced the best results.


To refresh your memory, Zeus 1.0 MOF campaign has the 3s VV 10d
ad set that excludes 50%VV/WV/Pur.
The new variation of MOF is as follows:
1 campaign with 2 ad sets
1 ad set with 2 audiences
3s VV 7 days
Post engagers 7 days
Exclude 50%VV/WV/Pur
1 ad set with 2 audiences
3s VV 30 days
Post engagers 30 days
Exclude 7 days
Also exclude 50%VV/WV/Pur

The purpose of this set up is to give MOF a CBO to optimize with.

We're expanding our MOF from 10 days to 30 days, but splitting up
the ad sets into audiences of 0-7 days and 7-30 days. These 2 ad
sets now contain audiences of different strengths. Naturally, the 0-7
days audience will get a lower CPP because it's a stronger audience.
This means that when you set the cost cap at the ad set level for
each of these audiences, you should make the 7-30d cost cap about
10% higher than the 0-7d cost cap.


Retargeting your past purchasers can potentially be a lucrative way
to add $20 / day of spend at a high ROAS (5x+) if you have a deep
purchaser list that spans months back.

Set up an ad set that targets purchasers within the past 180 days,
but excludes purchasers within the past 14 days, effectively making
the audience "purchasers between the past 14 and 180 days."

If you have several SKUs, then you can use a carousel of every
product you offer so they can see their options and potentially be a
repeat purchaser. If you only have 1-2 products, then you can
advertise those SKUs again, but use different copy along the lines of
"remember XYZ product? Grab another one as a gift for your


This one is going to be a bit complex, but bear with me...

This is a lowest cost retargeting campaign strategy that use a

staggered audience set up with variable ad copies.

The Setup
3 ad sets
WV 3d
exclude PUR 30d
WV 10d
exclude WV 3d + PUR 30d
WV 30d
exclude WV 10d + PUR 30d

Each of the ad sets will have different copies.

WV 3d --> no discount, warmest audience
WV 10d --> 15% off discount code in copy
WV 30d --> 25% off discount code in copy

The longer it's been since a customer has visited your website, the
more of an incentive they need to come back.

Zeus Method 5.0 is the absolute simplest way of running ads. It also
benefits from massive data aggregation into less ad sets. This also
has the added benefit of escaping the learning phase faster.

Zeus 5.0 uses campaign groups much like Zeus 2.0... but condenses
5 ad sets per campaign group in 2.0 down to only 2 ad sets per
campaign group.

Budget: $10k+
2 ad sets
TOF - No targeting, BROAD
Exclude 50%VV 30d / WV 180d / Pur 30d
BOF - 50%VV 30d / WV180d
Exclude Pur 30d


Set TOF cost cap to 5%-10% profit margin.
Set BOF cost cap to 15%-25% profit margin.

Writing your primary text ad copy is fairly straight-foward if you

follow this exact formula.

Let's analyze this ad copy from Nectar Sleep.

It starts with a very strong headline, then goes into emojis + benefits
and incentives. After that, there's a short testimonial, and it finishes
off with a call to action.

Some variations of headlines you can use that work well:

The best ____ in the world.
The last ____ you'll ever need.
The top rated ____ of 2020.
"This is the best ____ ever" - [Insert Name], Verified Customer
"I never knew I needed this" - [Insert Name], Verified Customer

The benefits section is very important. The mistake that most

people make here is that they simply list features of the product. In
this specific ad, it would've been weak to say "soft and comfortable

Instead, they are preemptively responding to objections that could

be made during the buying process.
"What if I don't end up liking the mattress?"
Nectar: "Free Shipping & Returns"
Nectar: "365 Night Trial"
"I can't afford this..."
0% APR Financing

Up next is the testimonial "Best sleep I've ever had." Testimonial

quote in the copy is very strong. I don't think I've run campaigns
without at least one ad having a quote from a customer.

And lastly, you need to end with a call to action. It helps that Nectar
can tie in a nice catch phrase that has a ring to it.
"Sleep better. Shop now."

These two ad copies look different than what we studied previously.

They don't have crazy emojis or many lines of benefits. It's simply 1-
2 sentences explaining why someone should pay attention, and it
lets the rest of the creative do the explanation. This is something
you should split test in your ad account. In my brands, I use both
types of ad copies - short & long. Different customers on Facebook
and Instagram react to different copies/creatives, so it's always best
to test and see for yourself which will do better.

What makes an image ad good? This ad from Mavi is a winning ad.

The image aspect ratio makes it more vertical than horizontal,
meaning it takes up more real estate when you scroll past it. It has a
clear image of the product with a few words describing why
someone should pay attention. In this case: "Holiday 2020" The
subject and product is also very contrasted from the background, so
it pops out to the eye when you are scrolling past it.
Other words you can use as the image text are:
"Sale - 50% OFF"

This ad from Averr Aglow is another great image ad. Again, the
image is skewed vertical. It has a clear image of the product with a
few words describing why someone should pay attention. The
image is very easy on the eyes. You see exactly what the product is,
plus the main reason why you should purchase right now, which is
free shipping in 2 days on certain orders.

This ad from Igloo Coolers was created for story placement. You can
tell by the call to action at the bottom: "Swipe up to shop." The
aspect ratio is also very skewed vertical, instead of the more classic
4:5 for normal feed placements. I've tested creatives specifically
designed to run on a story, and they work extremely well. One thing
I do is something I call the "story method." It's when you split out
another campaign for IG story placement only, put a cost cap on it
separate from the main ad sets, and run it by itself with story-
focused creatives. It won't get massive spend, relative to feed
placements, but it will usually perform very well.

Video ads are hard to show in text form, so I'll share 5 companies who
consistently run high-converting ads. Click the link to look them up.
Averr Aglow Skincare
Nectar Sleep
iRestore Hair Growth System
My Name Necklace

The main components of a good ad:

The entire ad should have super fast cuts. Don't linger on any clip for longer
than a few seconds. It actually takes a lot of clips to make an extremely high-
performing ad - more clips than you would think. So instead of elongated
clips, just make your video shorter and keep the fast, jittery pace up. I'd rather
have a well paced 20 second video than a slower paced 30 second vid.
Scroll stopper / Pattern interrupt
Identify the problem to agitate the customer
Leave them wondering about a solution to the problem
Introduce the product (which happens to be the solution)
Include various shots of UGC/lifestyle/people using product
Main product demonstration / How-To
Preemptively answer objections
Testimonials / Social Proof
Value propositions (free shipping / 5 stars / money-back)
End with clear call to action (Shop Now)

Here's a little tactic you can do for your display links, which in this
Try changing the display link to
The theory behind this subtle change is that people will react more
positively to these trigger words, so you will achieve higher CTRs.

For dropshipping, my product selection criteria is quite simple.

Does it have a good profit margin?
Good profit margin is derived from a large difference
between perceived value and cost of goods sold.
Products that are made out of cheaper materials that actually
look expensive are the absolute best products.
Is there content to use online for it?
Technically grey hat, so do this sparingly. (Not condoning, it's
just an option to make your creative)
Without content, you can't actually test the product.
Once a product starts working for you, immediately order
the product on Amazon / ebay and create your own
Don't think too hard about what products you are testing. You must
be able to test products without emotion or second guessing
yourself. Good profit margin? Good content? Boom. Run the
$150-$200 test. This is the most efficient way to find your winners.
This is why it's important to have a budget when starting. Most
successful 6-7 figure dropshippers still only find a 6fig+ winning
product in around 1-in-8 products to 1-in-15. You must have the
bankroll to last through the variance of this industry.

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