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English 1st Paper

Textual Vocabularies
Unit – 1
People or Institutions Making History
Lesson – 1
The Unforgettable History (Awe¯§iYxq BwZnvm)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
cøvweZ Kiv Spill, flood, overrun, deluge,
1 Overflow (v) Subside
`ytL Sorrow, agony, anguish,
2 Grief (n) Delight, joy, bliss
affliction, distress
cÖfve, ¸iæZ¡ Important. significance,
3 Import (n) Insignificance
weight, impact
4 Cope with (v) gvwb‡q Pjv Adjust, face, encounter Retreat
fvmv, cøvweZ Flooded, bathed, drenched,
5 Awash (adj.) Dried, arid
soaked, doused
`ytL Kiv Repent, bemoan, deplore,
6 Regret (v) Rejoice, approve
grieve, lament
AZ¨vPvi Kiv Agonize, persecute, torment,
7 Torture (v) Alleviate, sooth, ease
distress, afflict
Av‡ivc Kiv Impose, wreak, apply,
8 Inflict (v) Spare
administer, afflict
wb`viæY hš¿Yv Anguish, misery, pain, Ecstasy, comfort,
9 Agony (n)
suffering, torment pleasure
mvgwiK Military, soldierly,
10 Martial (adj.) Pacific, peaceful
belligerent, militant
µxZ`vm Kiv Subjugate, dominate, bind, Emancipate, free,
11 Enslave (v)
subdue liberate
Pvjy Kiv, †cÖiY Begin, commence, initiate, Stop, terminate,
12 Launch (v)
Kiv open, start conclude
we‡RZv Conqueror, winner,
13 Victor (n) Loser, defeated
champion, vanquish
kvmbKvj Control, check, curb,
14 Rein (n) Indulge
restrain, hold, bridle
15 Crimson (adj.) Mvp jvj Red, maroon Black, green, blue
mfv, mgv‡ek Gathering, meeting, group,
16 Assemble (n) Separation, dispersion
17 Carry out (v) m¤úbœ Kiv Perform, execute, implement
gxgvsmv Arbitration, bargaining,
18 Negotiation (n) Disagreement

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Textual Vocabularies

19 Slaughterhouse (n) KmvBLvbv Abattoir, butchery, shambles

AMÖmi nIqv Advance, continue, progress, Retreat, stop, halt,
20 Proceed (v)
ahead recede
Aemvb Kiv Liquefy, melt, deliquesce,
21 Dissolve (v) Solidify, congeal, unite
¯’wMZ Kiv Adjourn, postpone,
22 Prorogue (v) Begin, forward, continue
23 Strike (v) ag©NU Kiv Walk out, down tools Caress
¯^Ztù~Z© Instinctive, impulsive, Deliberate, forced,
24 Spontaneous (adj.)
natural, willing studied
KwVb, k³ Solid, hard, inflexible, rigid,
25 Firm (adj.) Flabby, soft
`„pZv Resolve, resolution,
26 Determination (n) Weakness, oscillation
firmness, tenacity
ewnt¯’, ewng©yL Outside, outward, exterior,
27 External (adj.) Internal, inside
nZfvM¨ Miserable, distressed, pitiful, Admirable, excellent,
28 Wretched (adj.)
unfortunate happy
DrcxwoZ Oppressed, tyrannized,
29 Downtrodden (adj.) Uplifted, empowered
30 Constitute (v) MVb Kiv Form, compose, comprise Finish, stop, terminate
ÿgZv MÖnY Kiv Presume, suppose, postulate,
31 Assume (v) Know, prove, relinquish
KvUv, nZ¨v Kiv Butcher, cut down,
32 Mow down (v)
decimate, massacre
ewÂZ Poor, destitute, needy,
33 Deprived (adj.) Fortunate, wealthy
MYnZ¨v Butchery, killing, murder,
34 Massacre (n) Protection, saving
msMÖvg Kiv Attempt, contend, endeavor,
35 Strive (v) Yield
fight, labor
cÖZ¨vnvi Kiv Remove, retract, subtract,
36 Withdraw (v) submit, arrive, stand
retire, retreat
Kg©Pvix Staff, employees, members,
37 Personnel (n) Outsider, foreigner
38 Barrack (n) ‡mbv evmfeb Cantonment, garrison
Z`šÍ Kiv Explore, scrutinize, search,
39 Investigate (v) Disregard
cÖwZwbwa Agent, delegate, deputy, Atypical,
40 Representative (n)
proxy unrepresentative
KóKi cwiw¯’wZ Adversity, affliction, Comfort, ease,
41 Hardship (n)
difficulty, trial prosperity
Ae¨vnwZ †`Iqv Excuse, free, relieve,
42 Exempt (v) Liable, enforce, compel
release, liberate
‡invB Absolved, excluded,
43 Exempt (adj.) Liable
excused, free
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iƒcvšÍi Change, transform,

44 Convert (v) Remain, persist, keep
transfigure, turn
45 Fort (n) `yM©, †Kjøv Fortress, stronghold, castle Shanty
‡gvKvwejv Kiv Challenge, face, encounter,
46 Confront (v) Evade, avoid, escape
APjve¯’v Halt, stop, stoppage, Progression, advance,
47 Standstill (n)
stalemate, pause running
`~wlZ Kiv Contaminate, spoil, blemish, Disinfect, purify, clean,
48 Taint (v)
ruin boost
wb‡`©kbv Instruction, direction,
49 Directive (n)
command, order
gy³ Kiv Free, emancipate, discharge, Enslave, confine,
50 Liberate (v)
deliver imprison
wek„•Ljv Anarchy, disorder,
51 Chaos (n) Order, peace, bliss
confusion, turmoil
`gb Kiv Restrain, check, subdue,
52 Suppress (v) Encourage, incite
gyw³ Enslavement,
53 Emancipation (n) Freeing, liberation, freedom
aŸsm Kiv Annihilate, destroy,
54 Exterminate (v) save, conserve
eradicate, abolish
Dchy³ Suitable, befitting, apt, right,
55 Appropriate (adj.) Inappropriate, irrelevant
Anarchistic, innovative,
56 Revolutionary (adj.) ‰ecøweK Outmoded, old, antique
`Lj, AwaKvi Ownership, custody, control,
57 Possession (n) Surrender
‡cÖiY Kiv Transfer, send, convey,
58 Transmit (v) Receive
carry, bear

Lesson – 2
Nelson Mandela, from Apartheid Fighter to President
(‡bjmb †g‡Ûjv, eY©‰elg¨ †hv×v †_‡K ivóªcwZ)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
wb‡lavw`, wkKj Chain, manacle, obstruct,
1 Shackle (n) Free, loose, unchain
restrict, impede
2 Racial (adj.) RvwZ we‡Øl Ethnic, endemic Individual
eY©‰elg¨ bxwZ Separation, dissociation,
3 Apartheid (n) Unity, unification
4 Resolve (n) mgvavb Kiv Settle, solve Remediate, unravel
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MYZš¿ Republic, representative,

5 Democracy (n) Autocracy, tyranny
cÖwZg~wZ©, cÖwZgv Figure, idol, image, portrait,
6 Icon (n) Disappearing
mg‡SvZv Settlement, agreement, Disagreement,
7 Reconciliation (n)
compromise antagonism
ev¯Íevqb Kiv Materialize, organize,
8 Embody (v) Dismember, exclude
represent, incarnate
9 Imprisoned (adj.) Kvive× Jailed, caged, confined Free
msL¨vjNy Smaller, lesser, subordinate,
10 Minority (n/adj.) Minor, significant
gyw³ Enfranchisement, liberation,
11 Emancipation (n) Enslavement
12 Determined (adj.) msKíe× Firm, resolved, fixed Undetermined
gh©v`v, cÖwZcwË Reputation, status, fame,
13 Prestige (n) Insignificant, obscurity
honor, renown
Abb¨ cÖwZfv Magnetism, dominance,
14 Charisma (n) Repulsion, repulsiveness
power, authority
‰elg¨ Distinction, sagacity,
15 Discrimination (n) Shortsightedness
discernment, racism
cÖPÛ, Zxeªfv‡e Extremely, strongly,
16 Intensely (adv.) Weakly, mildly
vigorously, deeply
cÖ`k©b Display, demonstration,
17 Manifestation (n) Concealed
disclosure, show
¯^xK…wZ, MÖnY Acknowledgement,
18 Acceptance (n) Refusal, rejection
approval, recognition
Av‡ivM¨ Kiv Cure, restore, reconcile,
19 Heal (v) Hurt, wound, damage
remedy, treat
dvUj, Ø›Ø Hollow, cavity, cleft, gap,
20 Chasm (n) Closure, junction
ravine, rift
gxgvsmv Kiv Discuss, arbitrate, settle,
21 Negotiate (v) Stop
arrange, mediate
wewkó Famous, outstanding, Inconspicuous,
22 Prominent (adj.)
renowned, well-known insignificant
wbcxiY Kiv Suppress, restrain, dominate,
23 Repress (v) Release, encourage
m¤§vb Kiv Honor, adore, worship,
24 Revere (v) Despise, hate, dislike
admire, venerate
‡cŠivwYK Legendary, fabled, fictitious,
25 Mythical (adj.) Historical, real, actual
gh©v`v Lowliness,
26 Stature (n) Status, value
wbh©vwZZ Subdued, downtrodden, Free, liberated,
27 Oppressed (adj.)
subjugated empowered
cÖgvY, mvÿ¨ Evidence, statement, proof,
28 Testimony (n) Disproof

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jvjb Kiv, †cvlv Love, support, treasure,

29 Cherish (v) Abandon, neglect, hate
foster, nurture
AvwacZ¨ Power, authority, rule,
30 Domination (n) Submission
supremacy, command
‡Mvôx, esk Family, race, group,
31 Clan (n) Enemy
brotherhood, tribe
cÖksmv Kiv Praise, extol, acclaim, honor, Criticize, decry,
32 Laud (v)
glorify disparage

Lesson – 3
Two Women (`yB bvix)
1. Valentina Tereshkova (f¨v‡jwšÍbv †Z‡im‡Kvfv)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
`ÿZv Skill, knowledge, mastery,
1 Expertise (n) Inexperience, inability
2 Undergo (v) AwfÁZv jvf Kiv Suffer, go though, bear, Leave, avoid, forgo
endure, experience
wewQbœZv Detachment, seclusion,
3 Isolation (n) Connection
loneliness, segregation
Pvjy Kiv, †cÖiY Begin, commence, initiate, Stop, terminate,
4 Launch (v)
Kiv open, start, propel conclude
ÎæwUnxb Perfect. flawless,
5 Faultless (adj.) Imperfect, guilty
unblemished, accurate
ewg ewg fve Vomiting, sickness,
6 Nausea (n) Relish
queasiness, biliousness
A¯^w¯Í, Amywe‡a Uneasiness, annoyance,
7 Discomfort (n) Comfort, ease, pleasure
distress, ache, trouble
Kÿc_ cÖ`wÿY Travel, circle,
8 Orbit (v) Stay
Kiv circumnavigate, encircle
wØMšÍ Skyline, vista, extent,
9 Horizon (n) Obscurity, barrier
compass, range
10 Legend (n) wKse`šÍx Celebrity, luminary, wonder History
kvmb e¨e¯’v Government, administration,
11 Regime (n) Anarchy
rule, system

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2. Kalpana Chawla (Kívbv PvIjv)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
1 Take-off (v) DÇqb Kiv Depart, leave, go, remove Land
2 Malfunction (v) A‡K‡Rv nIqv Breakdown, fail Continue
3 Vertical (adj.) Lvov Upright, perpendicular, erect Horizontal
wech©q, `y‡h©vM Catastrophe, accident,
4 Disaster (n) Peace, success, blessing
calamity, misfortune
gva¨wgK Minor, subordinate,
5 Secondary (adj.) Major, primary
unimportant, subsidiary
6 Weightlessness (n) IRbnxbZv Airiness, lightness, delicacy Heaviness
eyw×gËv Intellect, brains, brightness,
7 Intelligence (n) Foolishness, dullness
Qwo‡q †`Iqv Arrange, dispose, position,
8 Deploy (v) Gather, amass
extend, use
Avewk¨K nIqv Compel, constrain, demand,
9 Necessitate (v) Obviate, eliminate
entail, force
cybiæ×vi Kiv Recover, regain, rescue,
10 Retrieve (v) Lose
restore, rectify

Unit – 3 (Dreams)
Lesson – 1
What Is a Dream? (¯^cœ wK?)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
AvKl©Y Kiv Enchant, charm, attract,
1 Fascinate (v) Annoy, bore
cÖv‡qvwMK Pragmatic, experimental,
2 Empirical (adj.) Theoretical
nZeyw× Kiv Perplex, baffle, mystify,
3 Puzzle (v) Enlighten
4 Extraordinarily (adv.) AmvaviYfv‡e Outstandingly, amazingly Ordinarily
¯úó, cÖvYešÍ Clear, shining, bright,
5 Vivid (adj.) Dim, dull, vague
brilliant, graphic
A¯úó Obscure, indistinct, unclear,
6 Vague (adj.) Clear, definite
Avb›``vqK Cheerful, happy, joyous,
7 Joyful (adj.) Sad
jolly, pleased, glad
8 Confusing (adj.) weåvwšÍKi Perplexing, puzzling Clear, orderly

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Understandable ‡evaMg¨ Comprehensive, transparent,

9 Incomprehensive
(adj.) intelligible
fqvbK Terrifying, horrifying,
10 Frightening (adj.)
alarming, fearsome
HK¨ Harmony, unanimity,
11 Consensus (n) Disagreement
accord, common
nZeyw×Ki Perplexing, puzzling,
12 Baffling (adj.) Simple
D`NvUb Kiv Disentangle, figure out,
13 Unravel (v) Complicate, tangle
interpret, solve
h_vh_, mwVK Precise, accurate, correct,
14 Exact (adj.) Inexact
strict, careful
15 Emotional (adj.) Av‡eMcÖeY Sensitive, passionate Unemotional, detached
jÿYxq, wewkó Eminent, famous, important,
16 Prominent (adj.) Unimportant, minor
AUj, m½wZc~Y© Constant, accordant,
17 Consistent (adj.) Inconsistent, erratic
coherent, compatible
cwi‡cÖwÿ‡Z Outlook, viewpoint, angle,
18 Perspective (n)
aspect, prospect
cÖwZwbwaZ¡ Rendition, depiction,
19 Representation (n)
likeness, illustration
‡cÖiYv Motive, incentive,
20 Motivation (n)
stimulation, inspiration
AvµgYvZœK Assertive, vigorous,
21 Aggressive (adj.) Passive, peaceful
forceful, dynamic
cÖe„wË, cÖeYZv Intuition, tendency, feeling,
22 Instinct (n) Reason
inclination, talent
23 Repressed (adj.) Ae`wgZ Suppressed, blocked Liberated, free
e¨vL¨v Explanation, elucidation,
24 Interpretation (n)
25 Disguised (adj.) QÙ Hidden, cloaked, masked Revealed, expressed
c~Y©Zv Completion, achievement,
26 Fulfillment (n)

Lesson – 2 (Dream Poems)

“Dreams” by D.H. Lawrence
Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
1 Dusty (adj.) aywj‡Z Av”Qvw`Z Dirty, filthy, drossy Clean
2 Dream (v) ¯^cœ ‡`Lv Fancy, dreaming, hallucinate
3 Dreamer (n) ‡h e¨w³ ¯^cœ ‡`‡L Visionary

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ev¯Íevqb, mdj Complete, fulfill, finish,

4 Come true (v) Fail, flop
Kiv implement, accomplish
5 Equally (adv.) mgvbfv‡e Alike, in the same manner Unequally
6 Eyes (n) ‡PvL Keekers
Ly‡R cvIqv Detect, seek out, discover,
7 Find (v) Miss, lose
search out
‰Zwi Kiv/iƒc Fabricate, build, construct,
8 Make (v) Destroy
†`Iqv represent, shape
9 Vanity (n) AmviZv Bounce, boast, ego, vaunt
Db¥y³/‡Lvjv Exposure, naked, uncovered,
10 Open (adj.) Close, shut

Lesson – 3
I Have a Dream (Avgvi GKwU ¯^cœ Av‡Q)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
c½y Kiv, weKj Disable, lame, paralyze,
1 Cripple (v) Strengthen, assist
Kiv damage, handicap
wkKj Chain, bond, fetter, shackle,
2 Manacle (n) Freedom
c„_KKiY Discrimination, division,
3 Segregation (n) Integration
separation, apartheid
‡f`v‡f`, ‰elg¨ Distinction, prejudice,
4 Discrimination (n)
racism, discernment
GKvKx, wbR©b Isolated, forsaken,
5 Lone (adj.) Popular
friendless, solitary, deserted
wekvj/cÖKvÛ Immense, enormous,
6 Vast (adj.)
colossal, limitless, huge
DbœwZ, mg„w× Success, affluence, wealth,
7 Prosperity (n) Failure
fortune, riches
Aembœ nIqv Weaken, deteriorate, droop,
8 Languish (v) Flourish, thrive
fade, wither, decline
wbe©vwmZ Kiv Expect, banish, expatriate,
9 Exile (v) Welcome
eject, oust
bvU¨iƒc †`Iqv Perform, act, exaggerate,
10 Dramatize (v)
j¾vRbK Disgraceful, dishonorable,
11 Shameful (adj.) Honorable
12 Difficulty (n) Kó Hardship, suffering Pleasure, advantage
wek¦vm Belief, faith, dogma,
13 Creed (n)
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14 Evident (adj.) ¯úó Obvious, apparent Unobvious, unclear

15 Former (adj.) mv‡eK Previous, prior, earlier Next, current
fvZ…Z¡ Fraternity, society,
16 Brotherhood (n)
association, fellowship
AwZkq Nvgv Sweat, broil, cook, bake,
17 Swelter (v)
AwePvi Unfairness, inequity, wrong,
18 Injustice (n) justice
wbcxob Tyranny, persecute,
19 Oppression (n) Liberty, freedom
subjugation, abuse, cruelty
iƒcvšÍi Kiv Change, convert, alter,
20 Transform (v)
modify, transmute
we‡Ølc~Y© Wicked, malicious, bitchy,
21 Vicious (adj.) Kind, virtuous
malevolent, baleful
n¯Í‡ÿc Interruption, digression,
22 Interposition (n) Strictness
evwZjKiY Invalidation, negation,
23 Nullification (n) Validation
gwngvwš^Z, DbœZ Revered, glorified, noble,
24 Exalted (adj.) Lowly, common
honorable, dignified
25 Crooked (adj.) evuKv Bent, angled Straight, unbent
wbivkv, nZvk Desperation, hopelessness,
26 Despair (n) Hope, optimism
anguish, dejection
27 Jangle (v) SbSb Kiv Clash, jar, clang, rattle
gZ‡f`, A‰bK¨ disharmony, dissonance,
28 Discord (n) Harmony, accord
conflict, hostility
wgj, HKZvb Harmony, movement,
29 Symphony (n) Discord
Avðh©RbK, Enormous, immense,
30 Prodigious (adj.) cÖKvÛ Tiny, small
stupendous, phenomenal
31 Heighten (v) DuPz Kiv Elevate, amplify Diminish, demote
Ava¨vwZ¨K Devotional, holy, sacred,
32 Spiritual (adj.) Physical, profane
religious, pure

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Unit – 4 (Human Relationships)
Lesson – 1
Etiquette and Manners (wkóvPvi I f`ªZv)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
1 Tradition (n) HwZn¨ Custom, ritual, usage, habit
2 Grudge (v) N„Yv Kiv Begrudge, dislike Applaud
AvPiY Conduct, attitude, action,
3 Behavior (n) Misbehavior
deportment, manner
f`ª Cultured, considerate,
4 Polite (adj.) Impolite, rude, insolent
we‡kl Distinct, exact, peculiar,
5 Particular (adj.) General, vague, careless
‡ckv`vi Careerist, competent,
6 Professional (adj.) Amateur
experienced, expert
Af¨_©bv Acceptance, admission,
7 Reception (n)
Awfe¨w³, cÖKvk Display, manifestation,
8 Expression (n) Concealment
Avb›``vqK Delightful, amusing,
9 Pleasant (adj.) Repulsive, unfriendly
charming, cheerful

Lesson – 2
Love and Friendship (fv‡jvevmv Ges eÜzZ¡)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
myweav, DcKvi, Advantage, gain, help,
1 Benefit (n) Damage, loss
jvf profit, service
Kvgov‡bv Chew, nip, crunch, champ,
2 Bite (v)
nibble, sting
wZ³, †e`bv`vqK Harsh, acid, sharp, hostile,
3 Bitter (adj.) Mild, sweet
cÖfvweZ nIqv Breathe, puff, whirl, drive,
4 Blow (v) Comfort
flow, exhale
k¦vmcÖk¦vm Respiration, inhalation,
5 Breathe (n)
Qj, fvb Kiv Act, affect, bluff, devise,
6 Feign (v) Be true
pretend, simulate
g~L©Zv Idiocy, absurdity, stupidity,
7 Folly (n) Prudence, wisdom
craziness, madness
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wngvwqZ Kiv Chill, harden, ice (over),

8 Freeze (v) Melt, boil, liquefy
solidify, suspend
eÜzZ¡/eÜzfve Affection, friendliness,
9 Friendship (n) Enmity
fellowship, closeness
AK…ZÁZv Thanklessness,
10 Ingratitude (n) Gratitude, appreciation
cÖdzjø, nvwkLywk Cheerful, merry, playful,
11 Jolly (adj.) Serious, gloomy, sad
funny, hilarious
wZ³, †e`bv`vqK Intense, clever, perceptive,
12 Keen (adj.) Blunt, dull, cool, stupid
wish, sharp
‡kvK Kiv bewail, mourn, grieve,
13 Lament (v) Rejoice, celebrate
deplore, weep
iƒp, KK©k, Af`ª Impolite, disrespectful,
14 Rude (adj.) Polite, polished, clean
uncivil, crude, rough
Zxeª, aviv‡jv Cutting, pointed, bitter,
15 Sharp (adj.) Blunt, mild, slow
acute, acrimonious
wbôzi, `qvnxb Cruel, harsh, mean,
16 Unkind (adj.)
unfriendly, inhuman
17 Warp (v) weK…Z Kiv Pervert, distort, wrench Straighten
evqy, evZvm Air, breath, gale, draught,
18 Wind (n)
gust, hint

Lesson – 3
Photograph (Av‡jvKwPÎ)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
1 Wrinkle (n) Pvgovq ÿz`ª fvuR Fold, crinkle, corrugate Smoothness
Zbœ Zbœ K‡i
2 Rummage (v) Ransack, search Hide
3 Foggy (adj.) Kzqvkv”Qbœ Misty, dim, hazy, cloudy Clear
4 Heirloom (n) ‰cZ…Km¤úwË Heritage, patrimony Achievement
5 Stare (v) ZvKv‡bv Gaze, glare Ignore
kqZvbmyjf Fiendish, hellish, accursed,
6 Devilish (adj.) Angelic, candid
diabolical, wicked
7 Attic (n) wP‡j‡KvVv Loft, garret, mansard Basement
8 Bangle (n) K¼Y/evjv Bracelet, armlet Necklace
9 Creeper (n) jZv Plant, climber, rambler
10 Fade (adj.) ¤øvb, weeY© Discolor, blanch, pale Brighten
cÖnvi Kiv Thump, punch, smack,
11 Wallop (v) Caress, fondle
strike, swipe, thrash

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mw¤§wjZ/eybb Connect, join, unite, weave,

12 Knitting (n) Separate
mend, interlace

Unit – 6 (Adolescence)
Lesson – 1
The Storm and Stress at Adolescence (eqtmwÜKv‡ji So Ges Pvc)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
‰kke Babyhood, childhood,
1 Infancy (n)
origin, emergence
‰K‡kviKvj Puberty, early, teenage,
2 Adolescence (n) adulthood
teens, youth, boyhood
3 Irrespective (adj.) wbwe©‡k‡l Regardless
4 Identity (v) kbv³ Kiv Classify, recognize, find Hide, conceal
ch©vq Aspect, condition, period,
5 Phase (n)
stage, state
cÖwZwbwaZ¡ Kiv Exemplify, illustrate, stand
6 Represent (v) Differ
for, show, mean
7 Critical (adj.) msKUc~Y© Serious, dangerous, normal Uncritical
µvwšÍKvj Transformation, change,
8 Transition (n) Continuity
passage, shift, alternation
e¨wß Length, duration, stretch,
9 Span (n)
spread, cross, cover
wPwýZ Kiv Distinguish, typify, identify,
10 Characterize (v) Amalgamate
stamp, brand, mark
11 Paced / pace (n) axi MwZ Gail, speed, step, stride
iƒc ev †Pnviv Outlook, look, appearance,
12 Aspect (n)
ïiæ, cÖvi¤¢ Beginning, outbreak, assault,
13 Onset (n) Termination
attack, inception
eqtmwÜ Maturity, adolescence, teen,
14 Puberty (n) Adulthood, childhood
15 Determinant (adj.) wba©viK Factor, indicator
mve©Rbxb Unlimited, general, entire,
16 Universal (adj.) Limited, local
total, wide spread
17 Characteristic (n) ‰ewkó¨ Aspect, feature, side
wbiæcY Kiv Ascertain, specify,
18 Define (v)
g‡bvfve Outlook, pose, position,
19 Attitude (n)
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wbf©i‡hvM¨ Accountable, answerable,

20 Responsible (adj.) Unreliable
guilty, reliable
KviY, Dcv`vb Cause, reason, element,
21 Factors (n) Effect, outcome
component, ingredient
mve©Rbxb, Universal, international,
22 Global (adj.) Limited, local
wek¦e¨vcx exhaustive, worldwide
c~Y©Zv, cwic° Adulteration, development,
23 Maturation (n)
perfection, grown
AšÍf©y³ Kiv Comprise, embrace,
24 Include (v) Exclude, omit
embody, contain, involve
AR©b Attainment, procurement,
25 Acquisition (n) Loss
property, acquirement
weg~Z© Philosophical, summery,
26 Abstract (adj.) Concrete, expand
isolate, abridgment
hyw³wePvi Analysis, thinking, thought,
27 Reasoning (n)
logic, deduction
cÖPÛ Enormous, immense,
28 Tremendous (adj.) Ordinary, small
extraordinary, exceptional
29 Potentially (adv.) m¤¢eiƒ‡c Probably, likely Exceptionally
cÖ‡qvM Kiv, Exercise, utilize, use, apply,
30 Exert (v) Idle
cÖ`k©b Kiv wield, exhibit
m~ÎcvZ Kiv Begin, open, commence,
31 Initiate (v) Close
B”QvK…Z Deliberate, intended, willful,
32 Intentional (adj.) Unintentional
ÿwZ, AcKvi Damage, harm, hurt, wrong,
33 Injury (n) Reparation
Lvc LvIqv‡bv Adaptation, coordination,
34 Adjustment (n)
bgybv Decoration, design, figure,
35 Patterns (n)
model, style
36 Avoidance (n) cwinvi Escaping, evading Acceptance
weiZ _vKv Desist, avoid, refuse,
37 Abstain (v) Join, include
forbear, refrain
aviYv Conception, idea, notion,
38 Concept (n)
theory, abstraction
cwiYwZ, djvdj Outcome, result, effect,
39 Consequence (n) cause
AiwÿZ Unprotected, defenseless,
40 Vulnerable (adj.) Protected, tough
susceptible, sensitive
‡kvlY Abuse, manipulation,
41 Exploitation (n) Evaluation
utilization, advantageous
cÖfvweZ Kiv Influence, touch, move,
42 Affect (v) Keep, leave, remain
change, alter, interest
mxwgZ Kiv Confine, limit, bound,
43 Restrict (v) Open, release
hamper, restrain

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`vwe, Rvwni Kiv Claim, demand, pretend,

44 Pose (v)
assert, exert, show off
¸iæZ¡c~Y© Important, vital, meaningful,
45 Significant (adj.) Insignificance
suggestive, crucial
46 Barrier (n) cÖwZeÜK, evuav Obstacle, bar, hindrance Openness, entrance
‡c‡i DVv Manage, adjust, handle,
47 Cope (v) Fail
48 Promote (v) cÖewZ©Z Kiv Induce, incline, persuade Dissuade, degrade
n¯Í‡ÿc Mediate, interfere, intercede,
49 Intervene (v) Allow
intrude, happen

Lesson – 2
Adolescence and Some (Related) Problems in Bangladesh
(eqtmwÜKvi Ges evsjv‡`‡k G msµvšÍ wKQz mgm¨v)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
MVb Kiv Establish, create, compose,
1 Constitute (v) Break, diverse
g~j Center, heart, nucleus,
2 Core (n) Periphery
kernel, gist
3 Resource (n) m¤ú`, m¤^j Source, reserve, device
‰elg¨, Amvg¨ Prejudice, difference,
4 Inequality (n) Equality
diversity, disparity
AaxbZv Inferior, junior, lower,
5 Subordination (n) Superior
secondary, dependent
6 Marginalization (n) cÖvwšÍKxKiY Pushing, removal Centralization
ewn®‹vi, eR©b Omission, rejection,
7 Exclusion (n) Inclusion, admission
expulsion, ejection
8 Vulnerability (n) SzuwKc~Y©Zv Weakness, defenselessness Strength, power
DrcxiY, wns¯ªZv Brutality, force, intensify,
9 Violence (n) Peacefulness
roughness, savagery
Ace¨envi Misconduct, harm, insult,
10 Abuse (n) Utilize, use, praise
exploit, misuse
AvBbm½Z, ˆea Allowable, permissible,
11 Legal (adj.) Illegal
proper, lawful
mswÿß Kiv Shorten, abridge, abbreviate,
12 Curtail (n) Amplify, extend
cut, lessen
mnvqK Encouraging, helpful,
13 Supportive (adj.) Discouraging
giYkxjZv Death, fatality,
14 Mortality (n) Immortality
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15 Mobility (n) mPjZv, MwZgqZv Dynamism, motion, Immobility, stability

16 Affluent (adj.) abx, weËevb Wealthy, moneyed, rich Poor, destitute
Undernourished Acywó Malnourished, starving,
17 Healthy, vigorous
(adj.) famished
18 Fertility (n) Rb¥`v‡b mÿgZv Fruitfulness, fecundity,
wPšÍv, D‡ØM Affair, disquiet, anxiety,
19 Concern (n) Indifference
business, interest
we‡ePbv‡hvM¨ Great, important, abundant,
20 Considerable (adj.) Insignificant, small

Lesson – 3
Why Does a Child Hate School? (‡Kb GKwU wkï ¯‹zj N„Yv K‡i?)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
Infirmity, inability,
1 Disability (n) AÿgZv incapacity, disqualification, Ability, fitness
g‡bvig Delightful, delicious,
2 Enjoyable (adj.) Disagreeable, unpleasant
pleasant, agreeable
cwi‡ek Surrounding, setting,
3 Environment (n)
conditions, atmosphere
AbyK‚j Favorable, auspicious, dear,
4 Favorite (adj.) Trivial
¯^vaxbZv Liberty, emancipation,
5 Freedom (n) Captivity, restriction
release, independence
eÜzZ¡c~Y© Affection, amiable,
6 Friendly (adj.) Hostile, unfriendly
Neighborly, sympathetic
iƒp, K‡Vvi Rough, jarring, severe,
7 Harsh (adj.) Gentle, soft, lenient
draconian, grating, cruel
Avfvm †`Iqv Hints, signify, indicate,
8 Imply (v) Declare
mean, suggest
Avb›`nxb Grim, dismal, gloomy,
9 Joyless (adj.)
Discredited, exhausted,
10 Outworn (adj.) RivRxY©, APj rejected, antiquated, Fresh
Ave× Repressed, suppressed,
11 Pent up (adj.)
Avb›``vqK Agreeable, pleasing,
12 Pleasant (adj.) Unpleasant, disagreeable
enjoyable, pleasurable
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13 Relaxed (v) kvwšÍ‡eva Kiv Rest, be calm, tranquilize

gy³ Kiv Deliver, recover, save,
14 Rescue (v) Imprison, endanger
release, free
we‡kl Distinctive, exceptional,
15 Special (adj.)
particular, unique

“The School Boy” by William Black

DwØMœ, wPwšÍZ Concerned, worried, fearful,

16 Anxious (adj.) Calm, carefree
comprehensive, uneasy
we‡ùviY Burst, Explosion, gale, gust,
17 Blast (n) Crawl, creep
storm, squall
Avkxe©v` Kiv Consecrate, Glorify, extol,
18 Bless (v) Curse, damn
magnify, praise, sanctify
dzj Flower, daffodil, dandelion,
19 Blossom (n)
Avevm, †kÖwY Summerhouse, recess,
20 Bower (n)
m„RbkxjZv Sprout, shoot, burgeon,
21 Bud (n)
blossom, creativity
mvnPh© Association, corporation,
22 Company (n)
partnership, firm
wbôzi Brutal, barbaric, inhuman,
23 Cruel (adj.) Human, kind
merciless, ruthless
Avb›`, Djøvm Joy, pleasure, gladness,
24 Delight (n) Pain, sadness
rejoicing, cheer, liberty
aŸsm Kiv Demolish, raze, ruin,
25 Destroy (v) Create, build
extinguish, annihilate
AvZw¼Z Kiv Frighten, alarm, discourage,
26 Dismay (v) Encourage, hearten
dishearten, terror
`~ieZ©x Far, remote, reserved, aloof,
27 Distant (adj.) Near, friendly
K‡Vvi, †Rw` Stubborn, obtrusive, freaky,
28 Dour (adj.) Kindly
welYœ Dull, dismal, monotonous,
29 Dreary (adj.) Exciting, bright
tedious, depressing
30 Drive (v) Zvwo‡q †bIqv Urge, run, press Attract
X‡j cov Drop, bend, sag, sink, wilt,
31 Droop (v)
32 Drudgery (n) GK‡N‡q LvuUzwb Toil, work, fag fun
fq Kiv, fq Dread, worry, be afraid,
33 Fear (v) Reassure
cvIqv frighten, funk
mvdj¨ Success, attainment,
34 Fruit (n) Failure
prosperity, triumph
cywÄf‚Z Kiv Assemble, accumulate,
35 Gather (v) Disperse, decrease
collect, reap, conclude
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`y`©kv, `ytL Agony, anguish, distress,

36 Grief (n) Joy, delight
misery, sadness, sorrow
37 Wind (v) G‡uK †eu‡K Pjv Rotate, twist
Ávb, wkÿv Education, erudition,
38 Learning (n) Ignorance
knowledge, scholarship
mywgó nIqv Softening, mollifying,
39 Mellowing (v)
webó nIqv Bite, grip, pinch, drop,
40 Nip (v)
41 Plead (v) KvKzwZ-wgbwZ Kiv Appeal, implore, beseech,
`xN©kv¦ m †djv Lament, grieve, mourn,
42 Sigh (v)
‡Q‡o †`Iqv Disband, crush, dismiss,
43 Strip (v)
‡Kvgj Affectionate, soft, fragile,
44 Tender (adj.) Harsh
delicate, gentle
45 Youthful (adj.) Zviæb¨c~Y© Young, youngling Aged, elderly

Lesson – 4
The Story of Shilpi (wkwíi Mí)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
gvcKvwV, gvb`Û Model, pattern, banner, flag,
1 Standard (n) Abnormal
ÿgZvqb Enforcement,
2 Empowerment (n) Negligence
3 Pertain (v) AwaKvifz³ Kiv Belong, obtain, be prevalent
4 Access (n) AwfMg¨ Approach, obtainment Exit
m¤¢eiƒ‡c Exceptionally,
5 Potentially (adv.) Probably, likely
ÿwZKi Injurious, detrimental,
6 Harmful (adj.) Beneficial, useful
pernicious, damaging
RwUjZv Difficulty, impediment,
7 Complication (n) Beneficial, useful
complexity, damaging
Af¨šÍixY Inner, inside, inward,
8 Internal (adj.) External
interior, domestic
9 obstruct (v) evuav †`Iqv Hinder, block, impede Release, free
10 Morbidity (n) Amy¯’Zv, iæMœZv Illness, sickness Wellness
civgk©`vZv Adviser, defender, mentor,
11 Counsellor (n) Destroyer
guide, confident
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mnRjf¨ Handy, attainable,

12 Available (adj.) Unavailable
accessible, obtainable
13 Pressurize (v) Pvc cÖ‡qvM Kiv Force, compel, coerce, press
cÖmvwiZ Kiv Increase, spread, stretch,
14 Extended (v) Decrease, contract
expand, lighten, grant
Acgvb Kiv Offended, abused, affronted,
15 Insult (v) Compliment, respect
mgv‡jvPbv Kiv Censure, analyze, condemn,
16 Criticize (v) Praise, commend
17 Convince (v) KvD‡K †evSv‡bv Perceive, persuade
Ae‡k‡l Finally, ultimately, in the
18 Eventually (adv.)

Lesson – 5
Amazing Children and Teens Who Have Changed the World
(wek¦ cwieZ©b K‡i‡Q †hme AmvaviY wkï I wK‡kvi)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
1 Nonprofit (adj.) AjvfRbK Charitable, funded
wbhy³ nIqv, hy³ Involve, occupy, employ,
2 Engage (v)
Kiv retain, commission
mPj Kiv Assembled, organized,
3 Mobilize (v) Demobilized
marshal, muster
‡ivM wbY©q Determine, analyze, identify,
4 Diagnose (v)
Ae‡k‡l Basically, eventually,
5 Ultimately (adv.)
finally, fundamental
D‡ËvwjZ Kiv Construct, elevate, erect,
6 Raise (v) Lower, decrease
heave, cultivate
7 Sponsor (v) mg_©b Kiv Patronize, support, advocate Neglect, dissuade
eªZ, †cÖiYv Motivation, inspiration,
8 Mission (n)
dictation, instinct
c„w_ex Earth, ball, sphere, planet,
9 Globe (n)
orb, world
10 Fetch (v) wM‡q wb‡q Avmv Bring, pick up Take away
msKí Persistence, tenacity,
11 Determination (n) Irregulation
purpose, drive
12 Sanitation (n) ¯^v¯’¨e¨e¯’v Cleanliness, hygiene Contamination
`vb Kiv Present, give, bestow,
13 Donate (v) Receive
contribute, subscribe

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AmsL¨ Many, plentiful, abundant,

14 Numerous (adj.) Few, scare
15 Holocaust (n) e¨vcK nZ¨vKvÛ Massacre, genocide Peace
NUbvcwÄ iPbv
16 Chronicle (v) Kiv Record, register, enroll

`LjKvix, evwm›`v Resident, occupier, holder,

17 Occupant (n) Transient
18 Internment (n) ew›`Z¡ Custody, restraint, captivity Freedom, liberty
gvbeZv Humankind, mankind,
19 Humanity (n) Inhumanity
kindness, compassion

Unit – 8
Human Rights (gvbevwaKvi)

Lesson – 4
Amerigo, a Street Child (A¨v‡gwi‡Mv, GKwU c_wkï)

Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
Avjv`v Kiv Disconnect, divide, divorce,
1 Separate (v) Join
AveR©bv Rubbish, refuse, garbage,
2 Trash (n) Sense
waste, litter, non-sense
3 Vendor (n) we‡µZv Seller, salesperson, trader Buyer, consumer
msµgY Contamination, virus, germ,
4 Infection (n) Asepsis
RxweZ Living, active, existent,
5 Alive (adj.) Dead, sluggish
breathing, alert
evQvB Kiv Type, kind, class, category,
6 Sort (v) Muddle
AveR©bv Trash, refuse, garbage,
7 Rubbish (n) Sense
waste, litter, non-sense
‡e`bv`vqK Sore, aching, disagreement,
8 Painful (adj.) Pleasant, easy
¯‘c ev mgvnvi Heap, bulk, mound, mass,
9 Pile (n) Scatter, disperse
10 Refuse (v) cÖZ¨vL¨vb Kiv Deny, reject, decline, spurn Accept
11 Sort (v) ‡e‡Q Avjv`v Kiv Separate, extract, select Mix-up

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Lesson – 5
“Out, Out” by Robert Frost
Sl. Words Synonym Antonym
‡NvlYv Kiv Declare, proclaim, publish,
1 Announce (v) Conceal
broadcast, reveal, disclose
mwbeÜb Aby‡iva Request, implore, solicit,
2 Appeal (v) Repel
Kiv importune
¸Äb Humming, whispering,
3 Buzz (n)
D‡ØM Anxiety, care, responsibility,
4 Concern (n) Indifference
firm, interest
eY©bv Kiv Portray, describe, represent,
5 Depict (v)
sketch, illustrate, draw
Sov, cwZZ nIqv Fall, decline, descend,
6 Drop (v) Rise
plunge, abandon
fq, AvZ¼ Fear, alarm, dread, scare,
7 Fright (n) Calmness
Aek¨¤¢vex Unavoidable, inescapable,
8 Inevitable (adj.) Avoidable
sure, certain, assure
9 Lay (v) kvqxZ Kiv, ivLv Lie down Pick-up
jvd †`Iqv Jump, bound, lope, caper,
10 Leap (v) Drop
‡PvL Zz‡j
11 Lift (v) See, stare, behold
12 Outcry (n) fqvZ© wPrKvi Scream, shout, exhale Inhale
Delight, satisfy, cheer,
13 Please (v) mš‘ó Kiv gratify, humor, like, want, Offend
cÖgvY Kiv Demonstrate, corroborate,
14 Prove (v) Refute
verify, substitute, test
‡Rv‡i wbtk¦vm
15 Puff (v) Breath, exhale Inhale
16 Range (n) mvwi Row, line, queue
NN©i kã Kiv Clatter, knock, disturb,
17 Rattle (v) Reassure
perturb, disconcert
18 Refuse (v) cÖZ¨vL¨vb Kiv Decline, reject, deny, spurn Accept
AbyZvcc~Y© Regretful, remorseful,
19 Rueful (adj.)
sorrowful, woeful
MÖvg¨ Country, rustic, bucolic,
20 Rural (adj.) Urban
21 Spill (v) Pj‡K cov Upset, drop, fall
bó Kiv Damage, harm, ruin,
22 Spoil (v) Improve
disfigure, destroy, blemish
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23 Swing (v) Ny‡i hvIqv Rotate, revolve, turn about

Avw½bv Quadrangle, courtyard,
24 Yard (n)

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