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Christopher E.

Layupan BCE 327-11259

Topic: Occupational Safety and Health Standard Date: June 19,2021

Speaker: Engr. Dionisio M. Delalamon Jr.


Health and safety are one of the most important considerations you should
take before any construction project gets underway. You should always make sure
that all aspects of health and safety have been considered before you step foot on
the construction site. Health and safety in construction are particularly important
because the industry is prone to hazardous situations and can be dangerous at
times. The construction industry is one of the most dangerous sectors. The incidence
of fatalities, injuries and illnesses to construction workers are among the highest in
most of the countries. The speaker, Engr. Delalamon pointed out on his seminar the
Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) and the DOLE Department
Order No. 13, s. 1998: Guidelines Governing Safety and Health in the Construction
Industry. This training aims to equip participants with the basic knowledge and skills
in performing safety audits, assessments and analysis of hazards and risks in the
construction industry, determining appropriate control measures, and developing and
implementing OSH policies and programs.

As far as our concerns as future engineers we can bear on our minds the
reality that the construction is a high hazard industry that comprises a wide range of
activities involving construction, alteration, and/or repair. Construction workers
engage in many activities that may expose them to serious hazards, such as falling
from rooftops, unguarded machinery, being struck by heavy construction equipment,
electrocutions, silica dust, and asbestos. The Department order no.13 has been
specially designed for the managers of the labor inspectorates and for the field
inspectors. It seeks to inform them on key concepts and occupational safety and
health issues of the construction industry as well as to upgrade some specific
competences that they both will require in order to fulfil their functions: mainly
managing an occupational safety and health standards inspection program in the
construction sector in the case of the constructors and performing on-site
occupational safety and health standards inspection visits in the case of field

If you do not have the correct health and safety procedures in place, then you
will most likely be breaking the law. This means that your construction could be
fined, sued, or even banned from operating depending on the level of risk. If the
authorities find that the construction site has not met health and safety regulations,
they have the power to act against your business. If an employee feels they have not
received the proper health and safety training, they can inform the authorities who
will investigate the issues. You may also face the problem of compensation if a
worker is seriously injured on the construction site, and the project might even need
to be halted for investigation. If your workers have the right knowledge and tools, it
can boost morale on the construction site and lead to better productivity. With less
illness and injury, you can also gain more productive working hours, which can lead
to better profitability. In the long term you can also build a good reputation for your
construction, and it will help to retain staff.

Also, safety is a vital part of finishing your project on or under budget.

Downtime is costly, as is finding replacement workers when someone cannot do
their job after an accident. Worker’s compensation claims and lawsuits can drive up
your insurance costs. Focusing on safety helps keep your costs low. With the
benefits of a focus on safety being obvious, it is time to take a closer look at your
construction site to see if you are doing all you can to protect your company. To build
a culture of safety, make safety requirements a condition of employment. Host
regular training to ensure everyone understands your safety recommendations, and
reward workers who regularly make safety a priority.

Safety on the construction site is vital to protecting workers, protecting the

public, and keeping the job running on time. By creating a culture of safety in your
company, you can protect yourself and your clients from these risks.

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