Refraction Through A Prism

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Ecyclovira Rizki Aini


Physics Education Program, Faculty Of Mathematic And Science

Universitas Negeri Semarang
Sekaran, Gunung Pati, Semarang City, Central Java, 50229

Prism is an optical instrument made of
transparent material made of glass or glass
material made by two surface areas made of
certain angles. The angle between the two
fields is called the bias angle (β) while the two
limiting fields are called refracting fields. If a
beam of light comes on one of the prism fields
which is then called the refraction plane I, the
normal line will be refracted. Until in the
pembias II field, the beam will be refracted away
figure 1.1 Angle of incidence and refraction.
from the normal line.
In the refractor I field, the light is The aims of this practicum is to
refracted closer to the normal line, because the measure the index of refraction for styrene
light comes from the optical substance less pellets and other materials. and to find out how
tightly to the optical substance more tightly, to work determine the refractive index of the
namely from air to glass. In contrast to the prism by transmitting microwaves.
refractor II field, the rays are refracted to know
the normal line, because the rays coming from METHOD
the optical substance are tightly closed to the The tools used in this experiment are
optical substance which is less than the glass transmiter, goniometer, prism mold, busur,
to the air. So that a beam of light passing ruler, styrene pellets, plastics. In this
through a prism will experience a deviation from experiment making variations materials use on
the original direction. If the ray comes first and prism mold. The first arrange the tool as shown
the final refraction ray is extended, then the two in the lab module, rotating the prism is still
will intersect at a point and form an angle called empty on the rotation table and observing its
the angle deviation (D). effect on microwaves.
An electromagnetic wave usually
travels in a straight line. As it crosses a
boundary between two different media,
however, the direction of propagation of the
wave changes. This change in direction is
called refraction and it is summarized by a
mathematical relationship known as the Law of
Figure 1.2 Equipment Setup
(otherwise known as Snell’s Law) :

n1 Sin ϴ 1 = n2 Sin ϴ 2 And then Fill the prism with styrene

grains and adjust the waves coming from the
transmitter direction perpendicular to the results are not too much different from the
upright side of the prism. Not only used styrene previous material. this proves that the influence
pellets but in this practicum used others of each ingredient used has a different
materials fill the prism with plastic. do not forget refractive index because it depends on the
to adjust the position of the reflector to density of the material when used in the prism.
determine the angle of arrival. Rotate the
goniometer arm and the receiver and determine
the bias angle by finding a position with
maximum intensity, and the last Using the
diagram shown in Figure below, determines Microwaves have wave properties,
θ1 and use your value to determine θ2. (need namely reflection, refraction, interference,
to use a protractor to measure the angle of diffraction and polarization.Refraction of
Prism). microwaves through a prism can be concluded
that microwave refraction is in accordance with
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Snellius refraction law, and from each material
used has a different index of refractive value
In the microwave experiment we
explained about refraction on the prism.
Likewise in microwave refraction experiments
through a prism it can be concluded that REFERENCE
microwave refraction is in accordance with
Snellius' refraction law.
Giancoli, Douglas C. 2005. PHYSICS:
n1 Sin ϴ 1 = n2 Sin ϴ 2 principles with applications sixth . USA:
Pearson Education, Inc.
on refraction by the prism, the refractive index
n triangular prism can be determined by Serway, Raymond A., John W. Jewett. 2014.
PHYSICS for scientist and engineers with
measuring the minimum angle deviation D Min
modern physics. USA: Physical Sciences
prism in vacuum (or air).
Tipler, Paul A. 2008. Fisika Untuk Sains dan
90 Teknik Edisi 3 Jilid 1. Jakarta: Erlangga
angle of refraction

0 20 40 60 80
incoming angle

Graph 1.1 relation between reflaction angle of

incoming angle.

On the graphic on the red graph shows the

results of the practicum using the contents of
the prism in the form of a straw, which is the
result of the refractive index which increases
with the greater the angle used. while the
orange color shows the use of pellet material
and has also increased, and the last is in gray,
which is the use of plastic materials where the

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